March Minutes
March 25, 1999
The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on March 25,1999 at
the HCCS Administrative Center, Board Room, 22 Waugh Drive, Houston, Texas.
Christopher W. Oliver, Chairman
Abel Davila, Vice Chairman (arrived at 4:30 p.m.; left the meeting during Executive Session)
James R. Murphy, Secretary
Bruce A. Austin
John Fonteno, Jr. (left the meeting during Executive Session)
Herlinda Garcia
James Henderson (left the meeting at 5:17 p.m.)
Carol Smith
Ruth Burgos-Sasscer, Chancellor
Sue Cox, President, HCC-Southwest
Jack E. Daniels, III, President, HCC-Central
Patricia Fairchild, Vice-Chancellor,
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Workforce Development
Joe Fenninger, Chief Financial Officer
Margaret Forde, President, HCC-Northeast
Zachary Hodges, President, HCC-Northwest
Sylvia Ramos, President, HCC-Southeast
R. Mark Tiller, Interim Vice Chancellor,
Educational Department
Patricia Williamson, Vice-Chancellor,
Institutional Development
Arturo Michel, Bracewell and Patterson
Kelly Frels, Bracewell and Patterson
Other administrators, staff, representatives of the news media and interested citizens
Mr. Oliver called the Meeting to order at 4:20 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters
pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly-posted meeting notice.
Mr. Oliver called upon Mr. Murphy to offer the prayer and lead the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
No announcements were made.
Motion No. 898 - Mr. Fonteno moved to approve the minutes, as corrected, from the Regular Board Meeting of
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February 25, 1999. Mr. Henderson seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. (Ms. Garcia was out of the room;
Messrs. Davila and Russell had not yet arrived).
During the discussion, Mr. Murphy addressed the chairman and stated if it would be in order to talk about the
minute taking and preparation at this time or at some point in the meeting tonight. Mr. Oliver replied, that this
matter would be discussed in new business.
Motion No. 899 Mr. Murphy moved approval of Item No. D-12, a resolution honoring Representative Diana
Davila. Mr. Henderson seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. (Ms. Garcia was out of the room: Messrs.
Davila and Russell had not yet arrived).
a. Presentation of Resolution - Dr. Burgos presented the resolution honoring former Representative Diana
Davila for her contribution to HCCS to her community and to Houston in general.
Mrs. Garcia added her thanks to former Representative Davila as well as L.U.L.A.C representative
Bennie Martinez, for their representation of the community.
b. Faculty Recognition Award Mr. Cliff Campbell, Biology Professor at Southeast College received the
Chancellors Medallion for excellence in teaching . Dr. Burgos pointed especially to Mr. Campbells
extensive experience in industry and to the numerous professional awards he has received.
c. Commendation of HCCS Police Personnel-Deputy Sheriff, Michael Tillman, Officer, Sean Arnold,
Officer, Dennis Johnson and Officer Alfred Pastel, Jr. received the Chancellors medallion for excellence
for their valiant behavior on February 2, 1999 at approximately 8:30 p.m. when these officers risked their
lives in an attempt to save a man engulfed in flames as a result of an automobile accident.
HCCS Foundation Milestone Dr. Burgos introduced the Chair of HCCS Foundation, Mr. James Box who
discussed the HCCS Foundation report. Mr. Box provides a general update on the Board and on the
HCCS Foundation. Announced that the HCCS Foundation reached the 1 million dollar mark for
Mr. Austin commends Mr. Jim Box for his hard work and shows appreciation to the HCCS Foundation.
Mr. Murphy added his thanks and appreciation to Mr. Box and the HCCS Foundation for raising the money for
student scholarships.
Mr. Oliver thanked Mr. Box for attending the meeting and for the comments.
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Dr. Burgos thanked Debra Kristy for her enthusiasm and her creativity.
Mr. Oliver gave preface to the Hearing of Citizens and asked if anyone were present to speak.
a. James Partsch-Galvan- no show
Motion No. 900 - Mr. Davila moved approval of the consent agenda, with the exception of items A-3, A-5 and C11.5 (pulled for further discussion). Mrs. Garcia seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0; Mrs. Garcia was out of
the room when the vote was taken. The following items were approved:
I. Instructional Programs
II. Purchasing of Materials and Services
Approved Periphonics Year-2000 Remediation Contract;
Approved purchase of IBM Mainfram Connectivity Software;
Approved professional services Contract for Peoplesoft Project Management;
Approved purchase of Millennium (web-based) Modules for library automation system;
Approve Contractor for "An Interactive Guide to Real Estate" software application;
Approve Peoplesoft implementation support contract;
Approve Payment for Bracewell and Patterson Professional Services;
Approve purchase of hand-held radios to upgrade communication Network;
III. Lease or Construction
Approved lease-renewal of Wesgate center;
Approve lease with TMG-Southwest, LLP for Town and Country Square;
IV. Fiscal Matters
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Approve February 1999 HCCS Investment Report;
Approve funds for facilities repairs throughout the system;
V. Other
Approve resolution honoring Representative Diana Davila;
Approve posthumous AAS degree for Robert "Steve" Hall
Motion No. 858 Mr. Murphy moved approval of the payment to Bracewell and Patterson for professional
services. Mr. Davila seconded the motion. Motion carried 8-0. Mr. Russell had not yet arrived.
Mrs. Garcia stated she had respect for the diligence of the firm of Bracewell and Patterson and their
responsibility to the institution. However, she would like to receive information explaining items under the
general category of the firm's billing statement. She also requested that any executive information, such as real
estate or items confidential in nature, be sent to Board members under separate cover.
Motion No. 859 - Mr. Murphy moved approval of the purchase of broadcasting studio package equipment. Mr.
Davila seconded the motion. Motion passed 9-0.
Mrs. Garcia requested an update of HCCS-TV programs and partnerships for the Board's assessment and
additional recommendations.
Mr. Davila asked when Board meetings would be televised by HCC-TV. Mr. Henderson asked the
Administration to look into Mr. Davila's suggestion. Mr. Austin mentioned that Access Houston has also
requested permission to broadcast HCC Board meetings.
Motion No. 860 - Mrs. Garcia indicated she had no further discussion of this item. Mr. Murphy moved approval
of the purchase of LabWorks Chemistry System; Mr. Davila seconded the motion. Motion carried 9-0.
Mrs. Garcia stressed that successful HCCS programs should be highlighted in the magazine. She emphasized that
the visit of Secretary Bill Richardson, Secretary of U.S. Department of Energy, to the Southeast College and
Dean Irene Pocarello's Department of Energy grant-funded project should be highlighted in particular.
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Mr. Murphy stated he would prefer voting on this item following the presentation of HCCS marketing plan in
order to better understand how this advertising purchase in the energy magazine will fit into our overall
marketing plan. Mr. Henderson confirmed that the item would be voted on after closed session.
Motion No 861 - Mr. Austin requested that the two items be voted on together. He moved approval of the lease/
purchase of driver education vehicles and police vehicles. Mr. Fonteno seconded the motion. The motion carried
8-0. Mr. Russell abstained with an affidavit on file.
Mr. Austin referred to the previous Finance Committee meeting where group bidding in conjunction with other
governmental agencies was discussed. He requested that efficiency measures be used in our purchasing processes
for cost effectiveness.
Mr. Russell also suggested that we strive to do business in Houston because Houston is paying the taxes HCCS
Motion No. 862 - Mr. Murphy moved approval of the Stafford library expansion and renovation project. Mrs.
Garcia seconded the motion. Motion carried 9-0.
Mrs. Garcia expressed concern about the library SACS compliance issue relating to all the colleges. She
requested that the Administration submit a plan and budget for bringing all colleges into compliance.
Mr. Austin questioned the list of items that did not have a source of funding which were discussed at the Finance
Committee meeting. He requested clarification concerning items that were without funding, items that already
had a source of funding, and the rationale for two different lists. Mr. Austin conveyed his concern that he does
not have a good sense of the colleges fiscal managements integrity, explaining that when he sees revenue figures,
he wants to be able to distinguish where they come from and what they have been applied to.
Mrs. Garcia reflected on the purpose of the previous Finance Committee meeting, which she understood was for
the purpose of review and prioritization. She felt there has been a tendency within the last two years or so, to find
monies for certain areas of the college, but find it extremely difficult to locate funds for other necessary projects,
such as needed improvements in the library in the Felix Morales Building. Mrs. Garcia noted it is recognized that
funds are needed at one library but plans and funding for all other libraries have not been presented to the Board.
Mrs. Garcia stated that in her opinion, the college is not sending a message of equity.
Ms. Garcia asked Dr. Burgos as to when she would make recommendations to the Finance Committee on these
matters and when would the appropriations for the Morales Library be included on the agenda in the future. Mrs.
Garcia pointed out that if our vision and mission is to do what is right for all the taxpayers we represent, the
Administration should present a plan and timeline for all library projects.
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Mr. Henderson felt there was some confusion stemming from definitional terminology which needed to be
rectified. The Board also needed schedules and other clarification for the projects on both lists.
Mr. Henderson concluded that judging from the discussions, Mrs. Garcia is wanting answers to these questions:
what are the priority and ordering of these projects; what is the mechanism by which these decisions are made;
and is there an equity issue in these regards anywhere across the entire community college system.
Dr. Burgos assured the Board that every college will have its library needs met. She reported that the Stafford
College Library was ahead in the process and money was encumbered from the fund balance for that project. She
also reported that we are working through the library needs systematically, and since Northeast is constructing its
facilities now, the library needs there will be addressed soon.
Motion No. 863 - Mr. Austin moved approval of the structural engineering inspection and analysis of the J. B.
Whiteley Building. Mr. Davila seconded the motion. Motion carried 9-0.
Mr. Austin requested additional information, once the work is completed, concerning the severity of problems in
the J.B. Whiteley Building, located at Central College.
Mrs. Garcia reaffirmed that as a college we must always be diligent concerning the integrity of the process by
which we appoint vendors, contractors, architects, etc., so that everyone qualified is afforded an opportunity to
participate. Dr. Mulcahy reported that because this was an emergency, we did not go out for an RFP (Request for
Proposal). We needed someone on the job the same day the problem was reported to us.
Mr. Davila stressed he had problems with the practice of selecting people and spending money prior to the
Boards approval.
Mr. Austin requested that counsel construct a policy for choosing from three vendors, especially when it is not a
sole source procurement.
After further discussions, Mr. Henderson indicated, that this item based upon legal counsel's advice, would be
voted on after closed session. Mrs. Garcia requested an explanation so she could be better informed on the item
should it go into executive session. Mr. Michel explained there are some legal issues involving the passing of a
motion when an item is submitted as an emergency item. The delay of the vote until after closed session would
not prevent the Board from a full discussion of the item in open session.
Motion No. 864 - Mr. Oliver moved to combine and approve change orders to contract for construction of the
Roland W. Smith Truck Driving School and the Codwell Hall Library Expansion. Mrs. Smith seconded the
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Motion carried 9-0.
Mr. Oliver noted that we should exercise due diligence with the expenditure of public funds, especially monies
from the fund balance that involve unresolved code compliance issues. Mrs. Garcia reiterated that when changes
are made to specifications, we should be conscientious that those changes are justifiable.
Mr. Davila reminded the Administration that we should invest in places where people are paying
taxes, just as we are encouraged to make purchases in places where taxes are paid to the college. He stressed that
we should locate and purchase properties that are within our boundaries, and build buildings that are in our
districts. He is concerned with the fact that we are subsidizing out-of-district students in the amount of over 20
million dollars annually.
Mrs. Garcia expressed her strong support for Mr. Davila's remarks. She, too, is concerned that the site is not
located in the geographic area of our tax base.
Mr. Russell indicated that in the makeup of the student body at Westchester, there are a number of students who
are taxpayers. There are a lot of in-district students going to Westchester. He hopes the same group of students
plan to go to Town & Country and that the community will become taxpayers.
Mrs. Garcia and Mr. Austin had questions concerning the lack of clarity on the part of all the Trustees regarding
those items presented to the Finance Committee that were to be prioritized.
Mrs. Garcia indicated that these matters concerned real estate and she had legal questions concerning the
contract. Therefore, upon the advice of legal counsel, the questions would be addressed in executive session. Mr.
Henderson agreed to defer this item until closed session.
Mr. Austin moved to approve the capital expenditure budget. Mrs. Smith seconded the motion.
Mr. Austin felt that items such as these should go before the Finance Committee prior to appearing on the
agenda. Dr. Burgos indicated that these items were intended for discussion during the Finance Committee
meeting but the session ended before they were addressed. Dr. Burgos stressed that decisions must be made
before the holidays because some of the proposed expenditures need to be spent on construction items at the
West Loop site prior to January classes.
Mrs. Smith requested a quick synopsis of the process of getting items on the capital expenditure budget. She also
asked if there is a standard policy throughout the college relating to computers.
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Dr. Williamson responded that there is a system-wide standards committee that adopts standards for computers
and laptops. This year a comprehensive purchase of computers is underway, which leads to a substantial price
discounting of the computers. In addition, we are standardizing the types of computers we're purchasing systemwide.
After further discussion, Mrs. Garcia recommended that the capital expenditure budget be referred to the Finance
Committee for further review and deliberations. Dr. Burgos interjected that if this occurred, a special emergency
board meeting would have to follow the Finance Committee meeting because the computers must be purchased
and installed by January in order for West Loop campus to be opened.
Amended Motion: Motion No. 865 Mrs. Garcia made a motion that the main motion not be voted on tonight but
be tabled. Motion was seconded by Mr. Davila. Motion carried 5-4. The original motion was tabled.
The discussion resulted in referring the capital expenditure budget back to the Finance Committee for further
review and directed the committee to report back to the Board with a recommendation for further action. A
subsequent emergency meeting of the Board would be called to consider the recommendation of the Finance
Motion No. 866 Mr. Austin moved to approve the Auditor's Management Letter. Motion was seconded by Mr.
Davila. Motion carried 9-0.
Mr. Austin and Mr. Murphy requested this item be reconsidered after executive session.
Motion No. 867 Mr. Davila moved to approve funds for the banquet and rental of space for the employee
recognition ceremony. Mr. Russell seconded the motion. Motion carried 9-0.
Motion No. 868 - Mr. Austin moved to approve an increase in out-of-district fees. Ms. Smith seconded the
motion. Motion carried 9-0.
Mr. Austin commended Ms. Smith, Chair of the Enrollment Enhancement Committee, for doing a very good job.
Her analysis provided information concerning the subsidizing of out-of-district clientele.
Mr. Davila also congratulated her on a job well done but wanted verification of the total annual cost for
subsidizing out-of-district students. Dr. Burgos agreed that the cost was approximately $20 million dollars. Ms.
Smith commented that this figure indicates HCCs popularity with students outside the area, and that the Board
should seek a balance in servicing these students as well as assessing the right amount of fees; we do not want to
lose them to another higher education institution.
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Mr. Davila expressed concern over annexation, recollecting a mandate by the Board two years ago that the
Chancellor move on this issue. Mr. Davila indicated that his concern was for representing the taxpayers.
Mr. Austin recalled that the Board agreed to take a year off from discussing annexation and instead spend a year
addressing the direction and progress of education as it relates to our entire system.
a. None to report
Financial Activity Dr. Burgos expressed appreciation for the Boards attendance at the Finance
Committee meeting of December 7, 1998. The Boards recommendations were beneficial to the staff, who
acted upon them as quickly as possible Dr. Burgos referred to 1.B of the financial activity report, which
contained the prioritization of the unfunded obligatory projects which totaled $8 million dollars in cost.
The amount of the plant fund totaled $7,832,132 available for financing the obligatory projects. Dr.
Burgos also referred to 1.C, indicating that priorities were listed totaling $1,810,000 that needed funding.
She reported that these priorities could be funded from several sources: $1 million in uncollected property
taxes we expect to collect; an increase in enrollment which will yield approximately $1 million in
additional tuition; and the postponement of at least two technology capital projects - - the imaging system
and student e-mail. In addition, there is the possibility of cutting back or consolidating some summer
session classes in 1999. These savings should allow us to raise $2.5 million dollars to pay for extra
expenses not funded from the plant funds.
Y2K - Dr. Williamson gave an update of the Y2K initiatives and informed the Board members that
monthly reports will be distributed to them until the year 2000 arrives. Dr. Williamson reported that many
of our older computers, application software and devices that have embedded micro chips are simply not
prepared to deal with the January 2000 date. The potential problems range from mildly inconvenient to
disastrous. HCC is not in a life-or-death situation; nevertheless, if our students are unable to register, if
payroll is unable to run, if bills cannot be paid or the equipment in our instructional programs won't
operate properly, we will have serious problems and consequences. Therefore, the Y2K Task Force has
been working diligently to avoid having these problems. The task force is working with guidelines
provided by the state and federal governments. A system-wide committee has been appointed to address
all issues. The Y2K Executive Status Report was distributed, and Dr. Williamson reviewed the details of
the report. Mr. Art West was introduced as the consultant approved by the Board to handle the
remediation of our mainframe systems. Dr. Williamson commended Mr. West for his ability both
technically and strategically in dealing with computer operations. Dr. Williamson completed her report
and welcomed questions from the Board.
Mr. Murphy inquired about funds budgeted for Y2K. Dr. Williamson reported that the major funds have already
been approved. The smaller items we hope to handle as maintenance items within the current budget structure.
Any large items not anticipated will be absorbed in this year's budget.
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Marketing Plan Dr. Burgos emphasized we did not have to go outside the college to outsource this
project because within the college itself we had a specialist in marketing, Ms. Linda Koffel, chair of the
Business Administration Department hubbed at Northeast College. She has had over 24 years of
experience in marketing, including several years as a director of communications for a major services
corporation. Ms. Koffels committee put together a marketing plan, which was distributed to the Board.
She thanked the Research Office for information about the college, our constituents, and our target
markets. Her committee also worked with Texas Education Agency, HCC's Public Information Office
and has had tremendous support within the system.
The committee has representatives from each of the five colleges, and committee members were selected for their
creativity, their innovation, their knowledge of marketing and their energy.
The Marketing Plan has five objectives: To improve the overall image of HCCS; to promote HCCS as a service
institution; to increase enrollment; to create internal marketing program; and to increase awareness of HCCS in
the community. Ms. Koffel elaborated on all five objectives. In conclusion, a strategic plan across the system is
being developed addressing the means by which to reach the markets that we need to reach and with what
message. This plan is comprehensive. This is affordable and proportional to what we need to be spending to bring
us in line with other institutions of higher learning.
Ms. Smith and Mr. Austin complimented Ms Koffel on a job well done. Mr. Austin was pleased to see that our
own talent within the college was being used and he hopes that we will continue to seek the talents of this
Mr. Russell asked for the break-out between the various types of media. Ms. Koffel responded that the majority
of the money will be spent on intrusive media because if we want to get more people to know about us, and if we
want to change people's view of us or build a view, we have to get into television and radio, while not cutting out
print altogether.
Ms. Smith requested that periodic reports be submitted to the Board. Mrs. Garcia said we should start looking at
devising partnerships with persons who have a lot of respect for this institution. The alumni association will play
a key role, along with a dedicated faculty, in marketing the college. Dr. Burgos also reported that HCC-TV has a
partnership with H.I.S.D. and has covered 13 football games. The coverage also includes the display of the HCC
banner, as well as HCC signs located at football, baseball and basketball arenas within H.I.S.D. schools.
Mr. Murphy's comments were directed to advertising dollars and where they would be spent. He wanted to know
which of these publications appeal to which of those audiences, and what are the frequency circulations. Ms.
Koffel responded that within two months we will have the image advertising plan completed.
Dr. Burgos added that we have tried to target different audiences in different communities, and have even utilized
different languages in the media with our advertising effort.
Dr. Burgos further explained that the advertising in the Energy Houston Magazine
appeals to one sector, and it will highlight various HCC programs as well as our energy scholarship programs.
We will advertise in six issues, and only two educational institutions will be featured: Houston Community
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College and Rice University.
Mrs. Garcia commented we are the only institution that she is aware of that has received millions of dollars from
the Department of Energy for the last 10 years. She doesn't understand why this partnership is the best-kept secret
at HCCS, but she wants the message to be published nationwide commending what the Department of Energy,
Ms. Irene Pocarello and Dr. Ramos have done during the last 10 years.
Legislative Agenda - Dr. Burgos reminded the Board that last month we approved the hiring of a
Governmental Relations director, Ms. Isabel Nart. Ms. Nart has put together a draft legislative agenda
that she will promote this next legislative year.
Ms. Nart circulated a draft, pending Boards approval, and gave a summary of what is going on in Austin. The
76th Session of the Legislature is going to convene on January 12, 1999. Legislators started pre-filing bills the
day after the November election, and currently there are 475 bills that have been pre-filed. At that pace it is
projected that they will consider more than 5,500 bills this session. Of the 475 bills that have been pre-filed,
seven could potentially involve higher education, workforce issues, and other issues that might have impact on
the college system. She has copies of them, and hopefully when a review panel is composed, these bills will be
reviewed to determine if they will indeed have impact on the college so that HCCS may develop a response that
helps fulfill our mission. The review panel will represent a broad sector within the college system. Ms. Nart
spoke to the head of the Texas Association of Community Colleges, and he agreed to set up very aggressive
legislation-tracking mechanisms, eliminating the need for us to subscribe to an individual service for copies of
the bills. She is also in the process of speaking to other organizations in the community regarding legislative
issues. The Greater Houston Partnership will be meeting with us next week to explore the possibly of endorsing
any of the workforce development initiatives that we have. We're also talking to other community colleges in the
area and to Harris County about possible collaborations. Finally, we will approach some of the businesses that we
do training for and others in the community to identify a long-range grassroots program for future legislative
One of our collaborative projects involves a legislative reception we will be co-hosting in Austin with North
Harris County-Montgomery Community College and San Jacinto Community College. It is scheduled for
February 2, in conjunction with the convention for the Texas Association of Community Colleges.
Ms. Nart reviewed the draft of legislative priorities for the 76th Legislature, indicating that we want to endorse
the legislative agenda that has been developed by TACC, and also by the Texas Commission on a Representative
Student Body. HCCS supports:
Full formula funding for community colleges;
Enhancement of community college efforts on workforce development;
Creation of a High Priority Program Development Fund for use by community and technical colleges to
provide technical support and equipment for the development of new, and the upgrading of existing,
vocational-technical programs;
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Legislation that will result in providing welfare clients with intensive
job-readiness training and occupational- skills training by community colleges;
The establishment of incentives for students to earn an associate's degree prior to transfer to a university;
The passage of the legislative recommendations proposed by the Commission on a Representative
Student Body (TCRSB)
In addition, HCCS will monitor and take appropriate action on:
Legislation regarding out-of-district issues;
Legislation on higher education issues.
Mr. Austin asked the Chancellor if she agreed that the policy-making body of a community college is its
governing board. If so, what efforts will she institute to ensure that the Board is involved in the formulation of
governmental policy were proposing to support. Dr. Burgos responded that the Board will be part of the group
being organized. Ms. Nart assured the Board that while her office is monitoring proposed legislation and taking
appropriate action, formal HCCS action on any piece of legislation will have to come from the guidance of the
Board. Ms. Nart welcomes a Board committee to help with this process, and feels it will be beneficial to have the
Board meet with legislators, testify in Austin, and share experiences and input with her office. Mr. Henderson
observed we are not voting on anything in this area tonight. This information was presented as a draft, but we do
have a timing issue since the Legislature opening is on the 12th of January; therefore, we should address the
process of working on this draft and Ms. Nart receiving the proper authority and approval to discuss items with
people. Ms. Nart responded that she hoped to get this item approved since the legislators and their staffs are here
and are drafting bills. A senator has already drafted legislation, and we have asked them not to file the bill until
they allow us to talk to them since the bill proposes something that would be counter to our interest. So the
timing of this issue is very important.
Mr. Austin wanted assurance that the Board would have adequate information throughout the process. Ms. Nart
agreed and indicated were working to formulate an interim process to achieve effective results for HCCS in this
legislature session, but for future sessions she plans to survey all interested partners system-wide, gather
suggestions concerning the kind of issues immediately affecting the institution, and those that might affect it 5
and 10 years into the future, and set up a real issues- management process so that the Legislature will have our
complete package to know how we feel about those issues. Mr. Henderson asked Ms. Nart to begin a process of
making direct contact with each of the trustees to get their individual input both on the policy matters and the
Ms. Nart asked if we could set up an ad hoc committee. Mr. Henderson agreed but suggested she also make
individual contact with each Board member. Mrs. Garcia stated that since a lot of our funds are generated from
the state, this session of the Legislature is an extremely important one. She felt that Ms. Nart comprises the
legislative staff who will help us move our agenda along but that the direction should emanate from the Chairman
of the Board. Mrs. Garcia also recalled that the Chancellor met with legislators, and as a Board, need to know
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who met with the Chancellor and the Administration, and what were the issues discussed this past year for 98-99.
We need to get the background of whom we have talked to, what was discussed, who did respond from our
constituency, because we all have elected officials that represent us in Austin and not all of them were part of this
process. Then, a governmental relations process has to be established and approved by this Board, whether it be
at a regular meeting or through a conference call, so that we have the global issues, the Gulf coast issues which
arise from all the colleges, and then we have the TASP, which everyone is concerned about. As a Board, we do
not want to find out at a much later date what was lobbied for or what was discussed if we didn't have first-hand
knowledge. Therefore, it is imperative that the Administration and the legislative designee now clearly
understand that the process is established for Board sanctioning of our positions.
Ms. Nart suggested that if the need arises, she will communicate information to the Board by e-mail. Mr.
Henderson again encouraged the Board to utilize their e-mail systems in a timely manner so that Ms. Nart can do
her job. Ms. Nart felt confident that we can devise a process that all Board members will be comfortable with,
and which will also allow us to address those surprise situations when they come up. She also informed the Board
that she had the opportunity to talk to a lot of different members of the Harris County delegation, and each one of
them was very, very positive about the system and what it is doing. They saw a lot of promise for Houston
Community College System in the future.
Dr. Burgos interjected that the purposes of the visit of the legislators to our Chancellors Council was mainly to
help them get acquainted with HCCS, rather than just discussing issues. Mr. Henderson advised the Board to
digest this draft document and make notes/comments on what their concerns might be. He will appoint an ad hoc
committee and encouraged those interested in serving on it to make their interest known.
There is a need to reschedule the January meeting to one week earlier due to the conflicting meeting of the
Coordinating Board Austin. Mrs. Garcia recommended that we hold the January Board meeting at the Southeast
A. Enrollment Enhancement Mrs. Garcia announced that she will present the committee's finalized report in
B. Facilities - Mr. Murphy reported that information is being mailed out and lots of information is coming
back, representing good input. The subcommittee is hoping to send a draft of another part of the plan to
the Board between now and January, and to have a total draft plan with comments and revisions in
January, allowing for Board action on it in February. A workshop is planned to occur in January or
Mr. Austin asked if it is Mr. Murphys intent for his facilities analysis to form the basis of a capital
improvement plan (C.I.P.) Mr. Murphy responded that the facilities plan would identify all the resources
needed and would give some costs. However, the priorities and list-making would be a task of the Board,
following the plan. Once the Board prioritizes and determines funding for the projects, we will be in a
position to have a C.I.P. very soon.
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C. Finance - Mr. Austin reported that the Finance Committee met on Monday, December 7th with the
Facilities Committee and reviewed several items that were thought to be emergencies. They prioritized
these items, which were to go before the full Board for recommendations. The committees agreed that
nearly every item on the list was necessary but asked the Administration to review its encumbrances and
other categories to find $5 million dollars to fund these items. There were a large number of Board
members present at the combined Finance/Facilities Committees meeting of December 7th, and it was a
very productive meeting.
Mr. Austin also reported that some discussions involved Dr. Forde's need for facilities because HISD is
forcing us out of Waltrip and Scarbrough campuses. In addition, the Board asked for the number of
students and revenue that are affected, and asked the Administration to look at savings. He said that an
analysis had been prepared previously and wanted to know if that information had been shared with the
Board. In addition, Mrs. Garcia asked a question concerning St. Andrews Church, and the Administration
was to respond to it as well. Mr. Austin encouraged the Administration to address all these issues as soon
as possible because students will be ready to go to school, and the question is, will we be ready to receive
D. Revenue Enhancement - Mrs. Smith reported her committee has not met in the last several months due to
scheduling problems, but some work has been done in areas of the Work Developments enterprise funds.
Mr. Henderson adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 7:45 p.m., notice having been previously given,
and reiterated by him in accordance with the Open Meetings Law. He stated any final action, vote, or decision on
any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting.
Mr. Henderson reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 9:25 p.m., and entertained motions on matters
Motion No. 869 Mrs. Garcia moved approval of the purchase of advertising in the Energy Houston. Mr. Davila
seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-1; Mr. Murphy opposed. Mr. Oliver and Mr. Russell had departed the
Amended Motion No. 870 - Mr. Austin moved to amend the motion for consent agenda item #17 to include,
based upon the Administration's representations, that the delay posed by the competitive bidding process would
substantially impair the conduct of classes or other essential educational activities, and to further include the
directive to the Administration to propose a policy to select contractors for emergency measures. Mr. Davila
accepted the amended motion and seconded it. Motion carried 7-0; Mr. Oliver and Mr. Russell had departed the
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Motion No. 871 - Mr. Davila moved to approve the lease with TPMC Realty Corporation for relocation of
Westchester and Paul Revere Centers to Town & Country Mall. Motion carried 4-2. Mrs. Garcia and Mr. Davila
opposed; Mr. Austin abstained. Mr. Oliver and Mr. Russell had departed the meeting.
Amended Motion No. 872 Mr. Austin moved for the acceptance of the Auditors Management Letter as is, with
the amendments recommended by the Board to the external auditor. Mr. Davila accepted the amended motion
and seconded it. Motion carried 7-0. Mr. Oliver and Mr. Russell had departed the meeting.
Motion No. 873 Mr. Austin moved to approve the personnel agenda except for the position of the chief financial
officer. Mr. Davila seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.
Motion No. 874 Mr. Austin moved to approve Mr. Joseph A. Fenninger in the position of chief financial officer.
Mr. Fonteno seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-3; Mrs. Garcia, Mr. Austin and Mr. Davila opposed. Mr.
Oliver and Mr. Russell had departed the meeting.
The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 21, 1999, at 4:00 p.m. It will be held at the
Carlos Garcia Fine Arts Annex, Southeast College.
With no further business to come before the Board, the Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Mr. Henderson asked the Board to remain to discuss additional information that was just made known to him
which involved the capital expenditure budget item that was tabled and referred back to the Finance Committee.
Within the capital expenditure budget was a purchase order of computers, representing some 1,100 computers for
the entire college system, which has to be placed by Monday, December 14, 1998. The purchase order is at a
reduced group rate and will have to be renegotiated if it is delayed.
Mr. Henderson asked if it was the pleasure of the Board to reconsider this item. Dr. Burgos added that the
computers are needed for the beginning of the next semester, especially for the West Loop Center. Dr.
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Williamson confirmed that this purchase order is also needed for the entire system, including all other projects
such as our networking for the Eastside.
Mrs. Garcia asked for the amount that would be taken out of the $6 million dollars. An exact amount was
unavailable. Mr. Austin indicated that the Board needed assurance that only the purchase order for the computers
would go forward, and the other items would be held over until the Finance Committee reviewed them.
Mrs. Garcia said she was uncomfortable with these deliberations, for it appeared to her that the Board was
answering to an audience. Mrs. Garcia did not believe that we should reconvene the meeting and departed.
Mr. Henderson asked if there was a motion to reconvene the Meeting.
Motion No. 875 - Mr. Murphy made a motion to reconvene the meeting. Mr. Fonteno seconded the motion.
Motion carried 5-1; Mr. Davila opposed. Mr. Oliver, Mr. Russell and Mrs. Garcia had departed the meeting.
Motion No. 876 Mr. Murphy made a motion to approve the portion of the capital budget related to the purchase
of computers, solely that item, and that we refer the rest of the budget to the Finance Committee. Ms. Smith
seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
Mr. Henderson asked that the Administration be very diligent in extracting only the computer purchase order,
which was being done for the economic benefit of this college system. Everything else is to be referred back in
its entirety to the Finance Committee for further review and prioritization.
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Minutes Prepared By:
Grace Moolchan, Administrative Assistant
Board Services Office
Reviewed, Finalized and Submitted By:
John Fonteno, Jr., Secretary
Minutes Approved as Submitted:
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