minutes_june.html HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES June 25, 1998 Minutes The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on June 25,1998, at the Central Administrative Center, 22 Waugh Drive, Houston, Texas. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Christopher W. Oliver, Vice-Chairman John Fonteno, Jr., Secretary Carol H. Smith, Deputy Secretary Bruce A. Austin Abel Davila James R. Murphy BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT M. James Henderson, Chairman Herlinda Garcia W. F. Russell ADMINISTRATION Ruth Burgos-Sasscer, Chancellor Elaine Adams, Vice-Chancellor, Educational Development Jack Daniels, President, HCC-Central Patricia Fairchild, Vice-Chancellor, Workforce Development Margaret Forde, President, HCC-Northeast Zachary Hodges, President, HCC-Northwest Sylvia Ramos, President, HCC-Southeast Diana M. Taylor, Chief Operations Officer Patricia Williamson, Vice-Chancellor, Institutional Development OTHERS PRESENT Arturo Michel, Bracewell and Patterson Other administrators, staff, representatives of the news media and interested citizens CALL TO ORDER Mr. Oliver called the Meeting to order at 4:15 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly-posted meeting notice. file:///D|/system/boardserv/meetings/1998minutes/June_Minutes.html (1 of 7) [3/27/2008 11:48:28 AM] minutes_june.html APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS. Motion No. 796 - Mr. Austin moved to approve the minutes as submitted from the Regular Meeting of May 28, 1998. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. HEARING OF CITIZENS a. Darrius Banks, student, addressed the Board regarding various problems encountered during the registration process. Mr. Banks requested that students be given a form at the beginning of the registration process stating whether they required counseling to facilitate the process. Mr. Austin advised Mr. Banks to make an appointment to discuss the matter with the Chancellor. He added that the college deans must ensure that students are not needlessly inconvenienced. Mr. Fonteno added that appropriate staff should contact Mr. Banks in regard to this matter. b. Jorge Medina expressed appreciation for the opportunity to serve an internship under the Chancellor in 1992. He explained that this internship has made a big difference in his life and has opened the door to many opportunities. He thanked Dr. Elaine Adams for making him aware of the intern opening and serving as a mentor. Mr. Medina now teaches elementary school, tutors children, and serves on the curriculum development committee. This fall he will begin teaching government part-time for HCCS. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Motion No. 797 - Mr. Austin moved approval of the consent agenda, with the exception of certain items set aside for discussion or consideration following executive session. Mr. Fonteno seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. The following items were approved: I. Instructional Programs ● Approved 1998-99 National Literacy Act (NLA) contracts with the following agencies to provide services to the Adult Literacy Program under NLA funding and authorized the Chancellor to execute same on behalf of the System; ● Approved new affiliation agreements with various institutions for the clinical education of students in Health Careers Programs, Southeast College, including Manor Care Sharpview, Concentra Medical Centers, Cornell Corrections, St. JohnÕs Hospital, Cardiovascular Medicine Associates, and Terry D. Dickinson, DDS; II. Purchasing of Materials and Services ● Approved and ratified the lease of GED testing booklets and the purchase of GED testing materials from GED Testing Service; file:///D|/system/boardserv/meetings/1998minutes/June_Minutes.html (2 of 7) [3/27/2008 11:48:28 AM] minutes_june.html ● Approved and ratified a non-refundable testing fee of $25.00 for students who are not exempt from the Texas Academic Skills Program (TASP) test and who initially test at HCCS utilizing the ASSET test as a TASP alternative and ratified the purchase of ASSET test booklets and other related materials and services from ACT, Inc.; ● Approved and ratified the engagement of AVW Audio Visual, Inc., for audio visual services for the HCCS 1998 graduation ceremonies; ● Approved payment to Bracewell and Patterson for professional services rendered for the period April 16 - May 15, 1998; and III. Fiscal Matters ● Accepted the Investment Report for the month of May 1998. SIGNING OF ARTICULATION WITH TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY Motion No. 798 - Mr. Fonteno moved that the Board ratify the articulation agreement between Texas Southern University and HCCS. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Dr. James Douglas, President of Texas Southern University and Dr. Burgos-Sasscer, joined the Board in confirming the articulation agreement between the two institutions in a signing ceremony. Dr. Elaine Adams explained that this agreement will allow students to move smoothly between HCCS and Texas Southern University. Forty-five programs will articulate between the two institutions in addition to student services that will be offered. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS a. Recognition of Leroy Hermes - Dr. Burgos-Sasscer recognized Mr. Hermes for outstanding leadership as a member of the HCCS Foundation and for serving as chair for the past two years. Mr. Hermes expressed his appreciation to the Chancellor, Board and Deborah Christie, Director of the HCCS Foundation. Mr. Austin added that Mr. Hermes has strengthened the Foundation board by increasing diversity and reaching out to the community for support. b. Faculty Recognition Award - The Chancellor presented the faculty recognition award to James Corbin, Department Chair of the Automotive Mechanics Program at Northeast College. Mr. Corbin holds degrees in education and industrial arts and has an industry background which has helped him do a superior job of educating students. He spent fourteen years as an instructor at METRO, training new mechanics and upgrading the skills of senior mechanics and has been instrumental in updating curriculum and creating new programs. The award was especially timely, since Mr. Corbin has announced plans to retire in August. file:///D|/system/boardserv/meetings/1998minutes/June_Minutes.html (3 of 7) [3/27/2008 11:48:28 AM] minutes_june.html c. Resolution Honoring the Late Dr. John Brady Coleman - Mr. Fonteno presented a Resolution to the family of the late Dr. John Brady Coleman, acknowledging the naming of the new HCC health science center in the Texas Medical Center in his honor. He introduced special guests including Dr. BradyÕs children, State Representative Garnet Coleman, John B. Coleman, Jr., Kathleen Coleman, and numerous other family members. City attorney Anthony Hall characterized Dr. Brady as a friend, professional, and a true humanitarian. Dr. Richard Wainerdi, President of the Texas Medical Center, was also present for the presentation. Representatives from the HOK architectural firm presented plans for the new facility which is scheduled to open in the Fall of 1999. Dr. Sylvia Ramos, President, HCC-Southeast, announced that plans for a groundbreaking ceremony would be announced soon. d. "Saluting Southeast Stars" Awards Dr. Sylvia Ramos explained that Johnny Martinez, Student Specialist at HCC-Southeast, suggested that an annual award should be presented to a student, a Board member, and a Southeast faculty member for consistently providing exemplary support to students. Mr. Martinez further recommended that the student award be named in honor of the late Roland W. Smith, former HCCS Trustee from District I. As a result, HCC-Southeast recently held the first annual Saluting Southeast Stars awards dinner. Dr. Ramos recognized Ms. Jamie Luna, recipient of the Roland W. Smith Memorial Award for Outstanding Student Support; Trustee Herlinda Garcia, recipient of the PresidentÕs Award; and Trustee Abel Davila, recipient of the Outstanding Alumni award. Mrs. Smith expressed appreciation to the staff, administration and faculty at Southeast College for instituting this award. She and her family are very proud of this award because of Mr. SmithÕs devotion to students. Mrs. Smith congratulated Ms. Luna and expressed appreciation for her good work. CHANCELLOR'S REPORT a. Financial Activity Report - Reports were provided to the Board Members. There were no questions and the meeting continued. b. Report on ABE/GED Programs - Dr. Burgos-Sasscer has reviewed audits of the ABE/GED and other programs and found them in order. She briefly reviewed a report from the internal auditor outlining internal auditing procedures. A system by which all programs will be systematically audited is under development. Mr. Austin recalled that the Board had requested assurance that a monitoring process is in place. Mr. Murphy asked for clarification of the timeframe of the report. Mr. Woodard, internal auditor, explained that the audits were performed for 1997 and the followup took place this year. Agencies are given from 90 days to six months to remedy deficiencies. c. Brick-Purchasing Program for Southeast College - Dr. Burgos-Sasscer announced that Southeast file:///D|/system/boardserv/meetings/1998minutes/June_Minutes.html (4 of 7) [3/27/2008 11:48:28 AM] minutes_june.html College has adopted a brick-purchasing project to construct a walkway between the Felix Morales and Angela Morales buildings. The bricks will be sold for $100 and $500 with a personalized inscription. This program will link the contributor to the College as a supporter of education and students through campus improvements and scholarship funds. d. Workforce Symposium Steering Committee The Chancellor announced that Trustees Austin, Garcia, Murphy and Oliver have volunteered to serve on the steering committee. Mr. Oliver and Mr. Murphy will travel with staff to New York City to view model workforce programs and best practices and discuss welfare reform projects with officials. The Institute for Excellence project is on schedule, and administration has met with Mayor Brown's assistant, Al Calloway and Al Haines, who have committed to working with HCCS on this initiative. The Symposium will take place on November 5 and 6 at the Westin Galleria Hotel. Mr. Murphy asked that a list of the Steering Committee members be provided to the Board at the earliest opportunity. Dr. Patricia Fairchild assured him the list would be provided at the next Board Meeting. e. HCCS Board District Maps - Bart Sheinberg, Acting Governmental Relations Director, provided the Board Members with maps of the individual Board districts overlaid with college service areas, voting precincts, congressional districts, state senate districts, and state representative districts. The maps were developed in cooperation with the Harris County Tax Assessor/ Collector's office. Mr. Sheinberg added that certain disprepancies with district boundaries need to be resolved before the next election. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT a. Dates for Upcoming Board Meetings - The Board discussed the rescheduling of the September board meeting due to a conflict with the ACCT Conference. It was decided to move the meeting to September 17. There was general agreement it was too early to set dates for November and December. AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Facilities - Mr. Murphy reported that the committee is studying existing facility needs and renovation and expansion needs. They plan to present short-term recommendations in July and long-range objectives by September. He invited all interested Board Members to attend the meetings. Mr. Davila recommended that the committee also take on the charge of reviewing architectural contracts. b. Finance - Mr. Austin recommended that since the Port of Houston and HISD are contemplating bond issues, the committee needs to meet to strategize with the Board sometime in July. He also stated that it is critical that the Public Information Department establish a public relations plan for file:///D|/system/boardserv/meetings/1998minutes/June_Minutes.html (5 of 7) [3/27/2008 11:48:28 AM] minutes_june.html presentation to the Finance Committee. The Chancellor indicated the Board would receive a plan in July. c. Revenue Enhancement - Mrs. Smith announced the committee would meet on July 8. d. Naming of Buildings-Northeast - Mr. Davila reported that the committee has narrowed the nominations for naming the Truck Driver Training facility to three names: Roland W. Smith, Ophelia Quintero, and Armandina Farias. The committee will make their final selection at the next meeting to be presented to the Board in July. e. Naming of Buildings/Southwest - Mr. Murphy announced that a recommendation for naming the Stafford Science and Technology Building would be brought to the Board in July. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED OR EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Oliver adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 5:41 p.m., notice having been previously given, and reiterated by him in accordance with the Open Meetings Law. He stated any final action, vote, or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. Mr. Oliver reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 7:34 p.m., and entertained motions on matters pending. ASSIGNMENT OF ARCHITECTURAL CONTRACT APPROVED Motion No. 799 - Mr. Davila moved approval of the assignment of architectural contract from Farrell Sundin & Partners Architects Inc., to FKP Architects. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. GILBANE BUILDING COMPANY SELECTED AS CONSTRUCTION MANAGER/ CONTRACTOR FOR THE MEDICAL CENTER FACILITY Motion No. 800 - Mr. Murphy moved approval of Gilbane Building Company as construction manager/ contractor for the new Medical Center facility, Southeast College, and authorized the Chancellor to execute the proposed contract subject to final review and revision by legal counsel. Mrs. Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-1, with Mr. Davila opposed. Mr. Davila stated that any time he received information on the day of the Board Meeting, he would vote against that item. PERSONNEL AGENDA APPROVED WITH EXCEPTION OF ITEMS TO BE VOTED ON SEPARATELY Motion No. 801 - Mr. Davila moved to approve the Personnel Agenda with the exception of the employment of an Assistant Dean of Enrollment Services and non-faculty sabbatical leave which were to be voted on separately. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Mr. Davila indicated he would oppose the Assistant Dean position due to policies and procedures which continue to change. He stated he was frustrated with administration on this issue and intended to vote against this recommendation. Motion carried 5-1 with Mr. Davila voting in opposition. file:///D|/system/boardserv/meetings/1998minutes/June_Minutes.html (6 of 7) [3/27/2008 11:48:28 AM] minutes_june.html MOTION TO APPROVE EMPLOYMENT OF ASSISTANT DEAN DEFEATED Motion No. 802 - Mr. Fonteno moved approval of the employment of an Assistant Dean of Enrollment Services. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Motion failed with Trustees Murphy, Oliver and Smith voting affirmatively; Trustees Austin and Fonteno abstaining; and Trustee Davila opposed. SCHEDULING OF NEXT MEETING The next regular meeting will be held at 4:00 p.m., on Thursday, July 23, 1998, at 22 Waugh Drive. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:39 p.m. Minutes Prepared By: Linda Gray, Administrative Assistant Board Services Office Reviewed, Finalized and Submitted By: John Fonteno, Jr. Secetary, Board of Trustees Minutes Approved as Submitted on July 23, 1998 file:///D|/system/boardserv/meetings/1998minutes/June_Minutes.html (7 of 7) [3/27/2008 11:48:28 AM]