April Board Meeting HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES* APRIL 29, 1998 Minutes The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on April 29,1998, at the Heinen Theatre, 3517 Austin, Houston, Texas. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT M. James Henderson, Chairman Christopher W. Oliver, Vice-Chairman John Fonteno, Jr., Secretary Carol H. Smith, Deputy Secretary Bruce A. Austin Abel Davila Herlinda Garcia James R. Murphy W. F. Russell ADMINISTRATION Ruth Burgos-Sasscer, Chancellor Elaine Adams, Vice-Chancellor, Educational Development Sue Cox, President, HCC-Southwest Jack Daniels, President, HCC-Central file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/aprilboard.html (1 of 12) [3/25/2008 4:30:38 PM] April Board Meeting Patricia Fairchild, Vice-Chancellor, Workforce Development Margaret Forde, President-HCC Northeast Zachary Hodges, President, HCC-Northwest Sylvia Ramos, President, HCC-Southeast Diana Morales Taylor, Chief Operations Officer Pat Williamson, Vice-Chancellor, Institutional Development Tom Kennedy, Executive Director, Public Information OTHERS PRESENT Arturo Michel, Bracewell and Patterson Other administrators, staff, representatives of the news media and interested citizens CALL TO ORDER Mr. Henderson called the Meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly-posted meeting notice. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS. Motion No. 777 - Mr. Austin moved to approve the minutes as submitted from the Regular Meeting of March 26, 1998. Mr. Russell seconded the motion. Motion carried 9-0. HEARING OF CITIZENS Mr. Henderson gave preface to the Hearing of Citizens and asked if anyone were present to speak. No one came forward and the meeting continued. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/aprilboard.html (2 of 12) [3/25/2008 4:30:38 PM] April Board Meeting Motion No. 778 - Mr. Oliver moved approval of the consent agenda, with the exception of the certain items set aside for discussion or consideration following executive session. Mr. Russell seconded the motion. Motion carried 9-0. The following items were approved: I. Instructional Programs ● Approved 1997-98 State Literacy Funds subcontract with increases for various agencies to provide services to the HCCS Adult Literacy Program under state literacy funding and authorized the Chancellor to execute same on behalf of the System; ● Authorized a contract through October 1998 with Michael Patterson (dba The Workforce Solutions Group) and Davenport International, Inc., in a total amount not to exceed $105,000 for the purpose of helping HCCS establish the "HCCS Institutes for Excellence" and coordinating the production of a national symposium on "The Effects of Human Behavior on Worker Productivity;" II. Purchasing of Materials and Services ● Authorized the Chancellor to negotiate and execute a contract with Operating Systems, Inc. to provide day-to-day technical management and programming support of the IBM mainframe legacy systems and related Year 2000 programming, at a cost of $37,000 per month. Monthly rate to be renegotiated annually and may not increase by more than 6%; ● Approved the purchase of five Sun Engine Analyzer Systems for the Transportation Training Center, Northeast College; ● Awarded a contract for graduation on-stage photography and video services to Interstate Candid Photography; ● Approved the purchase of a cargo van from Jack Roach Ford for the Library; ● Approved the purchase of eight hand-held radios for the HCCS Police Department from Motorola/Radio Network Solutions Group; ● Approved and ratified the purchase of two refurbished IBM 6262-014 impact printers for the Informational Technology Department from Dalton International Inc.; III. Fiscal Matters ● Approved a resolution providing for an additional penalty on delinquent taxes; file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/aprilboard.html (3 of 12) [3/25/2008 4:30:38 PM] April Board Meeting ● Approved and renewed the Resolution and Ordinance relating to the continuation of Residential Homestead Exemptions for individuals residing in the HCC District. The recommendation included a one percent (1%) up to a minimum of $5,000 exemption and $75,000 for homeowners sixty-five (65) years and older or disabled; and IV. Other ● Approved and ratified acceptance of gifts and donations received to-date. NATIONAL LITERACY ACT CONTRACTS APPROVED WITH INCREASES Motion No. 779 - Mr. Austin moved approval of 1997-98 National Literacy Act (NLA) contracts with increases for various agencies to provide services to the Adult Education and Literacy Program under federal NLA funding and to authorize the Chancellor to execute same on behalf of the System. Mrs. Garcia seconded the motion. Mrs. Garcia felt that an internal audit procedure was needed for the monitoring of grant programs and asked that a report be made to the Board as soon as possible. The Chancellor reported that the state had recently conducted a site visit to monitor this program and she will provide the final report to the Board when received. Mr. Henderson directed that the Board be kept informed of the process by which agencies contract with HCCS; that a routine process of oversight of activities be developed and that the Board be given copies of all performance reviews of these programs. Motion carried 9-0. FUNDING APPROVED FOR PROPOSED HCCS INSTITUTE FOR EXCELLENCE INITIATIVE Motion No. 780 - Mr. Oliver made a motion that the Board accept and approve $283,000 in funding for the proposed HCCS Institute for Excellence: A model Workforce Development Program for All Five Colleges, effective May 1, 1998, including the staging of a national symposium on the Effects of Human Behavior on Worker Productivity. Mr. Russell seconded the motion. Dr. Burgos-Sasscer and Dr. Patricia Fairchild responded to questions from the Board regarding this initiative. Dr. Fairchild explained that $50,000 was needed for seed money; however, the program is expected to become self-supporting. Additional funding will be sought in grant money. It is anticipated that the institutes will become operational in two months. The symposium will serve to incorporate "best practices" from around the country into the model. Mr. Austin asked administration to brief the Board prior to the symposium by means of a multi-media presentation. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/aprilboard.html (4 of 12) [3/25/2008 4:30:38 PM] April Board Meeting Dr. Fairchild explained that the Houston Housing Authority is very interested in this model and in having HCCS become involved in their curriculum and training. Once the Institute is in place, this partnership is expected to grow and expand. Mrs. Garcia emphasized the importance of inclusion of the presidents, Board Members, and colleges in this initiative. The motion carried 9-0. MOTION TO APPROVE CONTRACT WITH ORACLE CORPORATION CONSIDERED AND WITHDRAWN Mr. Russell moved that the Board of Trustees authorize the Chancellor to negotiate and execute a contract with Oracle Corporation to provide Oracle database administration and support services for administrative information systems and academic computer science programs at a cost not to exceed $3,471,000 for the period through August 31, 2001. Mr. Oliver seconded the motion. The Chancellor, Dr. Patricia Williamson and Jim Vasquez, Information Technology, responded to questions from the Board. The Board Members expressed a variety of concerns over the funding method for these services, as well as the strategic Information Technology plan and financial oversight. Concern was also expressed over why we are unable to hire Oracle database administrators and why this was not known when the Oracle database was purchased. The original motion was withdrawn by Mr. Russell. PURCHASE OF AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TESTER APPROVED Motion No. 781 - Mr. Russell moved approval of the purchase of an automatic transmission tester for Northeast College. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Mr. Russell asked if the vendor, Axi-Line Precision Products, was the actual manufacturer of the tester. Winston Dahse, Executive Director of Materials Management, replied it was. There were no further questions from the Board and the motion carried 9-0. CONTRACT AWARDED FOR THE PRINTING OF COLLEGE CATALOGS FOR 1998-99 Motion No. 782 - Mr. Austin made a motion to award the contract for the printing of the 1998-99 HCCS catalogs to Custom Printing Company. Mr. Davila seconded the motion. Mr. Murphy asked if it were necessary to print so great a quantity of catalogs (120,000) . Dr. BurgosSasscer replied it takes a lot of catalogs for students , outreach, counseling, etc. Mr. Dahse added this is the same number printed for last year. The administration is considering a plan to print catalogs every two years. Motion carried 9-0. PAYMENT APPROVED TO BRACEWELL AND PATTERSON FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Motion No. 783 - Mr. Austin moved approval of payment to Bracewell and Patterson for professional file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/aprilboard.html (5 of 12) [3/25/2008 4:30:38 PM] April Board Meeting services rendered for the periods January 16 - February 15, 1998 and for February 16 through March 15, 1998. Mr. Russell seconded the motion. Mr. Austin asked for a review of process for providing legal services to the System, with an eye to costeffectiveness. Mr. Henderson referred the issue to the Finance Committee for study. Motion carried 9-0. EXTENSION OF DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTION CONTRACT WITH CALAME LINEBARGER APPROVED Motion No. 784 - Mrs. Garcia moved approval of an extension of the delinquent tax collection contract under the same terms to Calame Linebarger, et al, for an additional period of one year, beginning July 1, 1998; and authorizing the Chancellor to execute same on behalf of the System. Mr. Davila seconded the motion. Mr. Davila noted that the Chancellor had already answered his questions concerning this item and there was no need for further discussion. Motion carried 9-0. INVESTMENT REPORT FOR MARCH 1998 ACCEPTED BY THE BOARD Motion No. 785 - Mr. Oliver moved that the Board accept the investment report for the month of March 1998. Mrs. Garcia seconded the motion. Diana Morales Taylor responded to various questions regarding the investment report. Mr. Austin asked for a monthly status report on construction projects. Ms. Taylor acknowledged the request and will send the Board progress reports from the architects. Motion carried 9-0. ADOPTION OF NEW PREVAILING WAGE RATES Motion No. 786 - Mr. Oliver moved approval of prevailing wage rates for general construction. Mr. Russell seconded the motion. Mr. Oliver asked if the System had a site inspector for construction projects, and Mrs. Taylor answered that Mr. Ken Leach, consultant, had that responsibility. Mr. Leach noted that all contractors and subcontractors are required to file wage rates. Motion carried 9-0. PROCESS TO ENHANCE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE COLLEGES AND THE COMMUNITY TO BE DEVELOPED Motion No. 787 - Mr. Austin moved that the Board of Trustees develop a communication process to interact with the college and the community. The Board will request the assistance of the Public file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/aprilboard.html (6 of 12) [3/25/2008 4:30:38 PM] April Board Meeting Information Office on draft refinement of materials submitted by Mr. Austin. Mr. Davila seconded the motion. Mr. Austin introduced a sample brochure and web page designed to enhance communication between the college and the community for discussion by the Board. The Chancellor was directed to work with the Public Information Office to refine the process. Mr. Murphy encouraged more uniformity in the HCCS website and asked that Board photos and bios be included. Motion carried 9-0. FACULTY AWARD Dr. Burgos-Sasscer presented the Chancellor's Medallion for teaching excellence to Dr. Jyoti R. Wagle, Department Chair for Biology and Nutrition at Central College. Dr. Wagle has won numerous awards and honors including a 1994 NISOD award. She has also received numerous grants that have allowed her to develop innovative programs to enrich the teaching process. Dr. Wagle believes that the role of the educator is to motivate students to feel capable of learning, thinking and succeeding. RECOGNITION OF OMEGA SIGMA CHAPTER, PHI THETA KAPPA The Chancellor recognized members and advisors of the HCC Omega Sigma Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. The Chapter was chosen as Most Distinguished Chapter in the entire country at their recent convention. In addition, the Chapter brought home several Hallmark Awards in the categories of scholarship, leadership, and service. Kathy Lockwood, one of the advisors, received a Paragon Award. The Board congratulated the members and advisors on this outstanding achievement, and Dr. Burgos-Sasscer presented them with a framed Certificate of Recognition. RECOGNITION OF SILVER SCHOLAR AWARD RECIPIENTS The Chancellor reported that the Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education (TABPHE) recently held its 25th Anniversary Conference in Fort Worth, with the theme of "Entering the New Millennium in the Spirit of Unity." A highlight of the conference was the awarding of Silver Scholar Awards to honorees who have demonstrated exemplary leadership in the field on higher education. Dr. Marie Cromwell, president-elect of TABHE, presented the awards to Dr. Elaine Adams, Dr. Jack Daniels and Dr. Margaret Forde. WHEEL OF FORTUNE WINNER The Chancellor announced that Alvaro Rios, a communication student at HCC-Central, won $27,000 in cash and prizes during College Week on the Wheel of Fortune television program which will air in May. He originally auditioned at Northeast College and appeared on the shows which were taped at the George R. Brown Convention Center. Mr. Rios will graduate on May 16 with a 3.6 grade point average. He plans to transfer to the creative writing program at the University of Houston and eventually wants to file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/aprilboard.html (7 of 12) [3/25/2008 4:30:38 PM] April Board Meeting attend the University of Texas. Some 200 HCCS students and staff members attended the tapings. Students in the audience wearing HCC tee-shirts will appear on the nationally televised program. NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Payment of Board Expenses Motion No. 788 - Mr. Russell moved approval of a request from Mrs. Garcia to attend the Eighth Annual Conference of Southern Women in Public Service in Asheville, North Carolina on May 17-19, 1998, and to request payment for allowable expenses. Mr. Oliver seconded the motion. Motion carried 9-0. b. New Business - Mr. Austin requested that an item be placed on the May agenda for discussion in executive session regarding a report which the Chancellor released through the President of Southeast College regarding reorganization and to have counsel present. The Chairman acknowledged the request. c. Implementation of House Bill 1548 Mr. Henderson discussed a letter sent to the Board from Mr. Randy Bates, Chairman of the North Harris Montgomery Community College District, regarding the implementation of HB 1548. This legislation was sponsored by Rep. Sylvester Turner in the last session and permits community college governing boards to waive out-of-district fees to residents of adjoining community college districts. It is HCCS' intent to implement the legislation to provide the residents of the Acres Home community with accessible, affordable education; however, full implementation with all contiguous districts would impose a financial hardship on the System. Mr. Henderson plans to respond to Mr. Bates concerns and develop a mutual resolution to implementation. He added that Rep. Turner is working closely with the System on this issue. CHANCELLOR'S REPORT a. Financial Activity Report - Diana Morales Taylor reported approximately $55 million in the unrestricted fund balance. In state appropriations, we have collected $27 million; $2.2 million in ad valorem taxes over last year; and remain at about the same level as last year with tuition and fees. Expenses to-date stand at $72 million against a budget of $127 million. Preliminary assessed valuations for Harris County are up about $1.5 billion and Ms. Taylor recommended holding funds collected for a year as a protective measure. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/aprilboard.html (8 of 12) [3/25/2008 4:30:38 PM] April Board Meeting b. Commencement Activities - Dr. Burgos-Sasscer announced that Zinetta Burney, prominent Houston attorney, would be the keynote speaker at the GED ceremony, and Dr. David Pierce, president of the American Association of Community Colleges, will address the degree ceremony. Dr. Pierce has done much to enhance the image of community colleges nation-wide. Mr. Austin suggested setting up enrollment tables at graduation to recruit GED students, and the Chancellor noted this was an excellent suggestion. c. Introduction of HCC-TV General Manager The Chancellor introduced Mr. Vince Hamilton, new general manager of the HCC-TV cable channel. Mr. Hamilton stated that he is a native of Houston and holds a master's degree in urban studies from Trinity University in San Antonio. He previously managed the Access Houston Community Television Channel and most recently served as general manager of the Cleveland Television Network where he designed and built a local broadcast-modeled television station. Mr. Hamiltons plans for HCC-TV include upgrading our presence in the community, multi-media programming, digital technology, and enhancing staff development and student enrollment. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT a. Financial Planning Work Groups Mr. Henderson reported on the appointment of Board Members to various committees to study areas needing additional resources. He emphasized that all Board Members are encouraged to participate in any and all committees. He assigned the issues of legal services and Information Technology to the Finance Committee. Committee meetings will be posted and will be listed on the agenda for reports. AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Legal - Mr. Henderson dissolved the ad hoc Legal Committee and assigned the charge to the Finance Committee. b. Naming of Buildings - Southeast Mrs. Garcia asked that an appropriate recognition be planned for the family of the late Dr. John Coleman, whom the new Medical Center facility will be named for. She also asked file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/aprilboard.html (9 of 12) [3/25/2008 4:30:38 PM] April Board Meeting that a resolution be prepared for presentation. Mr. Henderson referred the matter to the Chancellor to contact the family and plan a recognition ceremony. Key members of the Medical Center community will also be invited. Mr. Austin noted that media exposure would be a plus. Mr. Fonteno added that Southeast College is also planning an event for the Coleman family. c. Naming of Buildings - Northeast Subcommittee Mr. Davila thanked the board for approving funding for a flyer to be mailed to community members and HCCS employees to submit names for the new Truck Driver Training facility at the Northeast Educational Complex. The subcommittee has approved the design of the flyer and it will be ready for mailing in the near future. d. Naming of Buildings - Southwest Mr. Murphy sought the Boards direction on naming buildings after persons still living. It was pointed out that naming facilities after persons no longer living eliminates the potential for any future negative publicity. Mr. Davila noted that his subcommittee voted to consider only names of persons no longer living. Mr. Henderson stated that the policy was left open on this issue and can be considered on a case-by-case basis. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED OR EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Henderson adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 6:05 p.m., notice having been previously given, and reiterated by him in accordance with the Open Meetings Law. He stated any final action, vote, or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. Mr. Oliver reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 6:57 p.m., and entertained motions on matters pending. ORACLE CONTRACT EXTENDED FOR ONE MONTH Motion No. 789 - Mr. Austin moved approval of a one-month extension of the current Oracle database administration service contract on the terms identified in executive session and authorization for the Chancellor or her designee to negotiate and execute the agreement and accompanying documents. Mr. Russell seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. (Trustees Henderson, Fonteno and Davila had already left the meeting) PERSONNEL AGENDA APPROVED AS SUBMITTED file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/aprilboard.html (10 of 12) [3/25/2008 4:30:38 PM] April Board Meeting Motion No. 790 - Mr. Murphy moved approval of the Personnel Agenda as submitted. Mr. Russell seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. SCHEDULING OF NEXT MEETING The next regular meeting will be held at 4:00 p.m., on Thursday, May 28, 1998, at 22 Waugh Drive. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 6:58 p.m. Minutes Prepared by: Linda Gray, Administrative Assistant Board Services Office Reviewed, Finalized and Submitted by: ____________________________________ John Fonteno, Jr., Secretary Minutes Approved as Submitted: ____________________________________ file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/aprilboard.html (11 of 12) [3/25/2008 4:30:38 PM] April Board Meeting * These minutes are in abbreviated form due to the poor quality of the audio tapes file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/hccs/My%20Do...0of%20Trustees%20%20Minutes%201998/aprilboard.html (12 of 12) [3/25/2008 4:30:38 PM]