Document 14912556

The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a R...HCCS Administrative Center, Board Room, 22 Waugh Drive, Houston, Texas
March 22, 2001
The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on March 22, 2001, at
the HCCS Administration Building, Second Floor Auditorium, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas.
Bruce A. Austin, Chairman
James R. Murphy, Vice-Chairman
Herman Litt, Secretary
Abel Davila
Herlinda Garcia
Christopher W. Oliver
W. F. Russell
Michael P. Williams, Deputy Secretary
Carol H. Smith
Bruce H. Leslie, Chancellor
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a R...HCCS Administrative Center, Board Room, 22 Waugh Drive, Houston, Texas
Sue Cox, President, HCC-Southwest
Jack E. Daniels, President, HCC-Central
Margaret Forde, President, HCC-Northeast
Zachary Hodges, President, HCC-Northwest
Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor, Educational Development
Jose Villarreal, Vice Chancellor, Economic Development
Pat Williamson, Vice Chancellor, Institutional Development
Gloria Walker, Executive Director, Accounting Operations
Nat Campos, Executive Director, Human Resources
Steve Gonzalez, Executive Director, Marketing & Public Information
Brenda Cox, Interim Assistant to the Chancellor
Arturo Michel, Bracewell & Patterson
Other administrators, staff, representatives of the news media and interested citizens
Mr. Austin called the Meeting to order at 4:25 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining
to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly posted meeting notice.
Trustee Murphy led the prayer and pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Motion Mr. Litt moved approval of the minutes from the Special Meeting of September 18; Chancellor Search
Committee Meeting of September 25; Special Meeting of September 27 and the Regular Meeting of September 28,
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a R...HCCS Administrative Center, Board Room, 22 Waugh Drive, Houston, Texas
2000. Mrs. Garcia seconded the motion. Mr. Murphy had procedural questions on properly recording motions to
reconsider and counsel was asked to look into the matter. Motion carried 7-0.
Staff Award The Chancellor recognized Sherry Howell, Foundation Scholarship Specialist, System.
Mr. Austin gave preface to the Hearing of Citizens and invited duly registered speakers to present their comments.
Christie Campbell, Counselor Associate, Northeast College, addressed the Board regarding her application
for another position within the System.
Finance Committee Mrs. Garcia stated that various items on the agenda were reviewed and discussed in
Facilities Committee Mrs. Garcia reported that the committee had discussed the Midtown TIRZ agreement
and asked Dr. Leslie to elaborate. He explained that the project would provide affordable housing and
additional parking that would be available to Central College students. The parking garage would also
house additional classroom space. Lighting and other improvements would also be made. Two-thirds of
funds set aside would go into reserves to be used for projects that would require approval of the college.
The Chancellor and Counsel responded to questions and comments from Board Members.
Motion Mr. Oliver moved approval of the Consent Agenda with the exception of Item F.16, authorizing the
Chancellor to execute contract renewal options, which was withdrawn from consideration by the Chancellor, and
other items set aside for further discussion. Mrs. Garcia seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.
The following items were approved by consensus:
Board Matters
Approved and ratified Board expenditures for the Second Quarter of 2000-01;
Instructional Matters
Approved affiliation agreements with Turner Health Care Center for the clinical education of students in
Health Career Programs, Southeast College;
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a R...HCCS Administrative Center, Board Room, 22 Waugh Drive, Houston, Texas
Purchasing of Materials and Services
Approved payment to Bracewell & Patterson for professional services rendered for the period January 1
through February 15, 2001;
Approved Baylor College of Medicine as data collector and analyst to assess the nature and cause of motor
vehicle related fatalities and injuries in the Safe Communities Empowerment Zones in the greater Houston
Approved the purchase of miscellaneous medical equipment for the Sonography Program, Southeast
Approved the purchase of instructional materials and supplies for the Plumbers Apprenticeship Program
contracted by Central College;
Approved Greater Houston Publishers, Inc. as the provider for printing the 2001-02 Continuing Education
combined schedules and college direct mail Continuing Education and Credit schedules;
Approved Global Docugraphix as provider for printing 2001-02 business communications products;
Real Estate and Property Matters
Approved Interlocal Agreements for the Midtown Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone;
Fiscal Matters
Approved the Investment Report for the month of February 2001;
Approved a resolution authorizing Bruce Leslie and Wilbur Johnson to act as investment representatives for
Authorized the Chancellor to execute an agreement with TeleCheck for check guarantee services;
Adopted a revision to the policy for purchase of non-professional services and tangible property valued at
$10,000 - $24,999. This revision will change the threshold for competitive bidding from $10,000 to $24,999;
Approved a change in the title of the Chief Financial Officer position to Vice Chancellor for Finance and
Administrative Services;
Approved the firm of Litchfield & Willis, Inc. to conduct the search to fill the Vice Chancellor for Finance and
Administrative Services position;
Approved proposed revisions to Policy DGBA (Local): Employee Complaints; and
Ratified acceptance of gifts and donations received to date.
Motion Mr. Russell moved approval of procedures for appointing a Trustee to fill the vacancy in District VII, created
by his resignation. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. The proposed procedures would provide an opportunity for
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a R...HCCS Administrative Center, Board Room, 22 Waugh Drive, Houston, Texas
qualified persons to make application for consideration for appointment to the Trustee position. Members of the
Board expressed their views on the proposed procedures. Mrs. Garcia requested demographic and voting
information for District VII to assist Trustees in their deliberations. The motion carried 6-1, with Mr. Oliver opposed.
Motion Mrs. Garcia moved approval of the 2000-01 Federal agreements (Workforce Investment Act Adult
Education and Family Literacy Act) with various agencies to provide services to the Adult Education and Literacy
Program under federal funding and authorize the Chancellor to execute same on behalf of the System. Mr. Russell
seconded the motion, which carried 7-0.
Motion Mrs. Garcia moved, seconded my Mr. Murphy, to approve the adoption of a policy, effective immediately, to
guide the institution in response to requests for the award of honorary degrees. The Board of Trustees, upon
recommendation of the Chancellor, may bestow HCCS honorary degrees according to the following criteria:
Excellence in the fields of public affairs, the sciences, humanities and the arts, scholarship and education,
business, philanthropy, or social services which exemplify the mission and scope in the institution.
Meritorious and outstanding public service to the institution, the community, the state of Texas, the United
States or to humanity at large.
Individuals from business and industry who have achieved local, state, national or international distinction
by significant contributions to the economy and society at large.
Dr. Leslie pointed out that honorary degrees could be bestowed throughout the course of the year and not just at
graduation. The Board of Trustees will retain final authority to issue honorary degrees. The Chancellor entertained
questions and comments from the Board. The motion carried 7-0.
Financial Report Ms. Walker presented the investment report for the month ending February 2001 and
answered questions from the Board. She reported that 70% of total revenues are accounted for and
expenditures to date are 45% of the budgeted amount. Current projections predict a surplus at the end of
the year.
Redistricting Contract Mr. Villarreal reported that negotiations are in progress with the two firms selected to
conduct the redistricting effort in order to clarify their respective responsibilities. Recently, the Public Law
Section of Mayor Day Caldwell & Keeton moved to the firm of Andrews & Kurth. This development will not
alter the terms of the contract; however, Counsel advised the Board to approve a modification reflecting this
Legislative Agenda Mr. Villarreal reported that the full-formula funding proposal is proceeding through the
House and Senate. A $200 million increase is anticipated under the new funding formula. The $88 million
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a R...HCCS Administrative Center, Board Room, 22 Waugh Drive, Houston, Texas
increase received so far reflects an increase in contact hours. He added that City Council and the Galleria
Area Chamber of Commerce are supporting full-formula funding. He also reported that the language of the
immigration bill was amended to apply only to residents of the district who have attended class in the
Coordinating Board Site Visit Report Dr. Cook announced that the Coordinating Board has identified twelve
exemplary programs as a result of their recent site visit. He introduced Program Chairs and key staff
members from the programs receiving recognition. Mrs. Garcia asked the Chancellor to communicate news
of the exemplary rating to the community at large.
Strategic Conversation Report Because of a conflict with another event,
Dr. Williamson announced that the Strategic Conversation forum has been rescheduled for April 10. The
Board was encouraged to submit names of persons to receive invitations to this event.
Grievance Procedure Mr. Campos reviewed the newly revised grievance policy. The revisions were the
result of feedback received from focus groups held throughout the System and were incorporated into policy
to provide all employees with due process and the opportunity to air concerns.
TAAC Commendation HCCS received recognition for its developmental education plans from the Texas
Association of Community Colleges which plans to use them as models for other community colleges
International Student Report - Gigi Do-Nguyen, Assistant Director of International Student Programs,
introduced Jin Jang Wang, HCCS student and winner of a regional table tennis tournament. Mr. Wang won
three gold medals and three silver medals, which he presented, to Dr. Leslie and the Board. He is currently
preparing to compete in the 2004 Olympics. Dr. Leslie remarked that Mr. Wangs doubles partner is also an
HCCS student from Columbia. HCCS is the only community college in the world represented in this
Enrollment Report Dr. Williamson gave the Spring 2001 enrollment report (see attached).
Board Retreat The Board recently participated in a retreat aimed at functioning more effectively as a body
and improving communication. Dr. Charles Willie of Harvard University and Dr. Alfredo de los Santos with
Arizona State facilitated the meeting. Dr. Leslie reported that the workshop had positive outcomes and he
will follow up on charges given to him.
Moment of Silence - Dr. Leslie held a moment of silence in memory of Mr. Engilberto Ramos, husband of
HCC-Southeast President Dr. Sylvia Ramos.
Mr. Oliver announced plans to recommend that the Highway 288 campus be named in honor of Mrs. Willie Lee
Gay, noted historian and resident of the Sunnyside area. He asked that a resolution be prepared for the next Board
Meeting and that arrangements be made to have Mrs. Gay and her family present.
Motion Mr. Russell moved approval of the Personnel Agenda as submitted. Mr. Oliver seconded and the motion
carried 7-0.
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a R...HCCS Administrative Center, Board Room, 22 Waugh Drive, Houston, Texas
The next Regular Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 30, 2001, at 4:00 p.m., at the Administration Building,
Second Floor - Auditorium, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas.
With no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Austin adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m.
Minutes Prepared By:
Linda Gray, Administrative Assistant
Board Services
Reviewed and Submitted by:
Herman Litt, Secretary
Board of Trustees
Minutes Approved as Submitted:
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