University of Maryland Extension, Cecil County County Administrative Building

University of Maryland Extension, Cecil County
County Administrative Building
200 Chesapeake Blvd., Suite 1500
Elkton, MD 21921
Ph: 410-996-5280 Fax: 410-996-5285
4-H Talk Newsletter
January 2013 Edition
Access 4-H Talk Online at:
“This issue of 4-H Talk Contains Important Information about the 2013 4-H Project Year”
Electronic 4-H Talk Newsletter
We have transitioned from a paper copy of the newsletter to an e-mail version of our 4-H Talk Newsletter where you will
be notified when a new version is online. If your e-mail address has changed from what is on your reenrollment
form, please notify Deborah Arnold at If you know someone who is not receiving the newsletter,
it might be because we have an incorrect e-mail address for them, please tell them to get in contact with us.
Inclement Weather Policy-Yes, the snowy season has arrived!!!
Just a reminder …… if Cecil County Public Schools are cancelled for the day, there is early dismissal, or after-school
activities are cancelled for the evening DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER ALL 4-H events are to be cancelled or during
the weekend if the Cecil County snow emergency plan is in effect in the county both the day or evening events are
Fantastic Cecil Attendance at the Maryland 4-H Teen and Adult Volunteer Forum
Kudos to our University of Maryland Volunteers and Teens who attended the Maryland 4-H Teen and Adult Volunteers in
Ocean City on November 16-18, 2012. All who attended seemed to have an enjoyable time.
Breakfast with Santa & Holiday Craft Workshop Thank You
A thank you goes to the Junior Council 4-H members and volunteers who helped to conduct the Holiday Craft Workshop
on Saturday, December 1, 2012. Over fifty youth and adults participated in the morning’s workshop. Everyone who
attended seemed to have a great time. Junior Council also held a fun activity in the morning, hosting a Breakfast with
Santa for families to come and meet St. Nick even complete with picture opportunities. Thanks again for your hard work
and dedication to our program!
4-H Benefit Auction and Dinner Thank You
The Ninth Annual Cecil County 4-H Benefit Auction and Roast Beef Dinner proved to be very successful! The live and
silent auction garnered over $13,000 after expenses for the County and Club 4-H programs in Cecil County. There were
160 registered buyers for the auction. Around 200 people were served roast beef dinners by the members and volunteers
of the 4-H Junior Council. Thanks to the members and volunteers that helped with the dinner and auction. A big thanks
goes to the “head chef” Peggy Sprout. Again a BIG THANKS goes to all the clubs, volunteers and youth that gathered
donations for the auction and purchased items at the auction. We thank the 4-Hers who modeled the auction items during
the sale and our volunteers and teens who helped with wrapping, moving, and organizing auction items, facility set up and
clean up, and the volunteers that helped during the auction to make it run smoothly. At the event, a fun time was had by
all. Without the support of our wonderful community, the auction would not have been as successful as it was. The turn
out and profits confirm that the community is behind the 4-H youth development program in Cecil County.
Reenrollment Deadline
This is your last issue of 4-H Talk if we have not received your 2013 Reenrollment. In order to get project information
and keep up with all the 4-H news and events, turn in your 2013 4-H enrollment form now! Remember, you must be
enrolled in the 4-H project area that specifically relates to the project you are entering at the county and state fairs.
University of Maryland Extension’s 4-H Youth Development Program 2013 4-H Participation Fee
Again in 2013, each 4-H club member will be required to pay the annual $10 participation fee which equals $.83 cents per
month. These funds will be used to sustain 4-H programming across the state of Maryland. University of Maryland’s 4-H
Youth Development Program is committed to continuing the long standing tradition of providing excellent 4-H programs
for Maryland’s youth. Members can pay their fee to their primary club starting 1/1/13. If you belong to more than one
club members only need to pay the fee to their primary club. The fee is only for 4-H youth members ages 8-18 as of
1/1/13. There is no fee for Clover members or UME 4-H volunteers.
Maryland 4-H Ages for 2013
As we start the 2013 4-H project year we wanted to remind you of the Maryland 4-H ages.
Clovers ages 5-7 as of 1/1/13 (members can compete in non-competitive events and receive participation ribbon
at 4-H events)
Juniors ages 8-10 as of 1/1/13
Intermediates ages 11-13 as of 1/1/13
Seniors ages 14-18 as of 1/1/13
4-H Record Books
Completing a record book can be one of the most important things you do in 4-H. Learning to keep good
records of the work you do is something that will help you in school and may lead to a successful career,
plus more. Record Books will be due to the Extension Office by January 25, 2013 by 7:00 p.m. Your 4-H
record book must be signed by your leader prior to submission of your record book to the county level so
please make those arrangements well ahead of the due date. Any book submitted without a leader’s
signature will not be accepted. Record books can be either typed or hand written. Forms are available online at our
website, under the 4-H Youth Development Link or in paper form from the Extension Office. If you
have any questions about record books please e-mail April at or call 410-996-5280.
4-H Officer’s Training
If you are a newly elected club officer then Officers’ Training is for you. Members of Junior Council are willing to come
out to your club and meet with your club officers to teach an officer’s training program. Call or e-mail Susan at or call 410-996-9780 by January 15th to schedule a club training.
Cecil County 4-H Hands-On STEM Classes
Ms. Vicki will be offering fun, hands-on STEM classes for 4-Hers on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 6:308:30 PM in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton. The first class will take place on January 16th and the February
classes will take place on the 6th and 20th. You do not have to attend all the classes as different topics will be covered at
each class. Some of the topics covered include: Air, Chemistry, Electricity, Engineering, Magnetism, and Wind. The
classes will be very fun and energetic and you are guaranteed to be able to build and experiment as all the activities will
be hands-on. Please RSVP your attendance to or call 410-996-5280 the day prior to each scheduled
class. If less than 5 youth register, the class will be canceled.
Breeders Fair Planning Meeting
There will be a Breeders' Fair Planning Meeting on Thursday, January 17, 2013, at the Cecil County Extension Office at
7:00 PM. Any 4-H volunteer and responsible older 4-H youth are invited to attend to have their input on the Breeders' Fair
event. If you are interested but can't attend contact the Extension Office by January 18th.
Cecil County 4-H Horse Fun Day
4-H Horse Fun Day will be on Monday, January 21, 2013 with check in beginning at 9:00 AM and the program running
from 9:30 AM-2:30 PM at the Calvert Grange on Rt. 273 in Calvert. A flyer containing registration information is
included in this newsletter. Registration is due by January 16th. This year’s horse educational topics include a
reproduction lecture, watching a foaling video, and participating in horse science learning stations on a variety of topics.
Participants will also have the opportunity to partake in ice breaker games, the horse hoopla t-shirt design contest, horse
games, horse crafts and socialize with other 4-H Horse project members.
Beginner and Advanced Animal Science Classes
Ms. April will be offering fun, hands-on Animal Science classes for 4-Hers on the 1st and 4th Tuesday of each month from
6:30-8:30 PM in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton. Beginner classes will be held on the 1st Tuesday and
advanced classes will be held on the 4th Tuesday of the month. The beginner classes will be geared towards Juniors,
Intermediates, and new animal members and the advanced classes will be geared towards Intermediates that have
skillathon and quiz bowl experience and Senior members. The same topics will be covered at the beginner and advanced
sessions, however, more basic knowledge will be shared at the beginner classes and more advance knowledge will be
shared at the advanced classes. Below are the monthly topics:
1/22 (Advanced) & 2/5 (Beginner)-Animal Nutrition (Learn about animal feeds and nutrition and make an edible
feed ration for yourself and treats for your animal)
2/26 (Advanced) & 3/5 (Beginner)-Animal Anatomy & Physiology (Learn about the animal organ systems and
how they work and dissect a fetal pig)
3/26 (Advanced) & 4/2 (Beginner)-Animal Handling & Management (Learn about proper handling and
management techniques and make a rope halter or lead rope)
4/23 (Advanced) & 5/7 (Beginner)-Animal Health (Learn about animal diseases and disease prevention, how to
properly injection medications and drug residues and practice giving injections)
The classes will cover all animal projects from dogs to horses to livestock, will be very fun and energetic, and you are
guaranteed to be able to make something or experiment as all the sessions will be hands-on. You do not have to attend all
the class topics. Please RSVP your attendance to or call 410-996-5280 the day prior to each scheduled
class. If less than 5 youth register, the class will be canceled.
Countywide Sewing Workshops
Mrs. Joan Gaffney started offering sewing workshops every month starting in September, 2012 for 4-Hers, clovers,
parents and volunteers. The sessions are on last Sunday of the month at 2 PM at Trinity Church in Elkton. Upcoming
sessions include-Let's Sew Part Two on January 27th-Continue with first sewing project. Learn about laundry detergent &
sorting as well as fibers in your homes. Bring your sewing machine, sewing box, sewing projects; Show-N-Tell and
Records on February 24th-Bring in two outfits and we will examine the care labels, learn about irons, machine technology,
record keeping and create a display board; and Getting Ready on March 24th-Learn about modeling, accessorizing,
evaluating first sewing project. Bring finished sewing project. Select another project to sew. On your own, visit a fabric
store and look at 2 different types of fabric bolts and identify fabric content and care of each bolt--give a report at the
April workshop. See the flyer for specific class information and a listing of classes that will be offered until June, 2013.
Please RSVP for each workshop at least one week in advance by calling Joan at 443-553-7492.
State 4-H Animal Science Project Leaders/ Volunteer Webinar Series
The State 4-H Animal Science Project Leaders/Volunteers Webinar Series will be held each month, January through May,
2013. All sessions will be held 7:00-8:00 pm via the UME Connect system. We will be offering the webinar series at the
Cecil County Extension Office in Elkton for those interested in attending.
The dates and topics are as follows:
January 29 – Topic: Animal Science Program Updates - This session will provide an overview of Animal
Science Program Updates for 2013.
February 26 – Topic: Preparing for Competitive Events – This session will provide a brief overview of the
various Statewide 4-H Animal Science competitive events and helpful tips for preparing 4-H members and
club/county teams for these events.
March 25 – Topic: Animal Science Project Records – This session will provide an overview for the new
Maryland 4-H Animal Science Projects Records.
April 30 – Topic: Risk Management for Animal Projects/Activities – This session will provide an overview of
various risk management considerations and strategies for animal related 4-H events and activities.
May 28 – Topic: Sportsmanship in 4-H Animal Projects – This session will provide an opportunity to discuss
methods to teach and promote good sportsmanship in 4-H animal science project work and related events.
If you would like to participate on your own, volunteers can register for each session at: Please contact Chris Anderson at or 301-314-7187 for
Diamond Clover Form Deadline
If you would like to be recognized for completing a level of the Diamond Clover Award at this year’s 4-H Achievement
Night completed forms are due January 31, 2013 in the Cecil County Extension Office. Forms can be accessed online at under the 4-H Youth and Families Heading, under the Awards and Recognition Heading.
President’s Community Service Form Deadline
If you would like to be recognized for completing community service in 2012, forms are due January 31, 2013 in the Cecil
County Extension Office. Collect all your community service hours for 2012 as you can get recognition for your actions
with the President’s Service medals. Youth 14 and under can earn a Bronze medal for 50-74 hours, Silver medal for 75-99
hours and Gold medal for over 100 hours of service. Youth 15 to 25 can earn a Bronze medal for 100-174 hours, Silver
medal for 175-249 hours and Gold medal for over 250 hours. To receive a Maryland 4-H Service-Learning and
Citizenship Record to record your activities stop by or contact the Cecil County Extension Office. Forms to track your
service are available in the Cecil County Extension Office or available online at the Cecil County 4-H website.
4-H International Hosting Opportunity
As part of a State Department Leadership grant with Delaware and New Jersey 4-H, Cecil County 4-H has the opportunity
to host students (ages 14-16) from an international country in 2013. Unfortunately, we do not know the timeframe of
when the students will arrive, except that host 4-H families will be asked to host 1-2 students for approximately 1 ½
weeks and no longer than 2 weeks. Again sorry that I don’t have many details but normally there is a host family get
together (mixer) at the beginning and at the end for all the students and host families.
This is a great opportunity to meet teens from another country, learn about a different culture from fellow teens, and make
new friends. By expressing an interest it “does not lock your family” into hosting a student it only puts your family on the
list as a potential host. If you are potentially interested in this opportunity, please e-mail April at by
January 31, 2012. As part of the process there is an application process and review that would be forthcoming and you
will be contacted by the “host family” coordinator, Tracy McCracken from Delaware 4-H who will answer any questions
that you might have.
Camp Counselor and Adult Staff Trainings for 2013
Like 4-H Camp? Will you be 4-H age 14 or older in 2013? Want to help more? The first training was held on January 5th.
We are looking for more adult volunteers, even if it is just to teach a class, or come down for one activity, so please
contact us if interested. Please be aware that becoming a camp counselor or adult staff member is a very big responsibility
and does require commitment. These are the set dates and are not expected to change. Please mark your calendars now.
You will need to bring $5 for lunch, or bring your lunch with you - there is a kitchen available. If you have any questions
about 4-H Camp or becoming a camp counselor, please feel free to contact Camp Director, Susan Knight at or at 410-996-9780. Additional camp trainings are:
Saturday, February 2 from 9 am-3 pm at the Calvert Grange Hall, Calvert
Saturday, March 3 from 9 am-3 pm at the Walls Activity Hall, Fair Hill
April 5-7-On site Weekend Training at the Rocks in Harford County
Saturday, May 18 from 9 am-3 pm at the Calvert Grange Hall, Calvert
Other trainings include the State 4-H Camp Training on Saturday, January 26 at the Patuxent River 4-H Center and the
American Camping Association Conference Tri-State Camp Conference for adult staff in Atlantic City, NJ on March 1215th.
4-H Fun Night!!! and Quarter Auction
You are invited to attend a club event where several clubs and some specialty groups are planning a fun night of games
and socialization. Come meet other 4-H families while playing games and also raising money.
Where: Calvert Grange Hall, Rt. 273 at the corner of Wood Valley Road
When: February 2, 2013, Doors open at 6 pm and games begin at 7 pm
What: Quarter Auction, Cake Walk and Raffle Baskets
Cost: Paddles are $2 each or 3 for $5, there will also be a basket raffle and DOOR PRIZES. Bring lots of
Many fun auction items including: show supplies, candles, gift certificates, 4-H gifts, games, etc. Don't forget our famous
cake walk!!! The event is being hosted by members of the Calvert Boys and Girls 4-H Club. Several other clubs and
special interest groups participating, including some to raise money for awards at the county fair.
AGsploration Teacher and Youth Provider Trainings
The University of Maryland Extension AGsploration team will be hosting a series of teacher in-services during the 2013
school year. Teachers and other youth educators are invited to attend these one-day seminars to receive training,
curriculum, and teaching materials in order to implement the AGsploration program in their own classrooms. A three-time
national award-winning program, AGsploration is a science-based curriculum designed for middle school students.
AGsploration lessons allow students to explore the relationships between agriculture, the environment, and their health
through engaging hands-on activities. All 22 lessons are aligned with the Maryland state standards for science and health.
While designed for classroom use, the lessons can easily be adapted for use by after school programs or community
organizations. Teacher in-service trainings will be held at five locations throughout Maryland listed below with the
registration deadline in ( ):
February 18, 2013 Chesapeake College, Wye Mills, MD (February 4, 2013)
March 22, 2013 Montgomery County Extension Office, Derwood, MD (March 8, 2013)
April 12, 2013 Carroll County Extension Office, Westminster, MD (March 29, 2013)
May 6, 2013 Southern MD - Location TBD (April 22, 2013)
June 17, 2013 Washington County Extension Office, Boonsboro, MD (June 3, 2013)
In-service participants will receive six hours of instruction, hard and electronic copies of the AGsploration curriculum,
complete materials to teach selected lessons, and a hot lunch. Registration is free! For registration forms and more details
please visit the AGsploration website at or contact Sara BhaduriHauck at or (410) 638-3255.
Hands-On STEM Train the Trainer In-Service
4-H Faculty, Staff, Volunteers and Teens are invited to attend the Hands-on STEM Train the Trainer In-Service to be held
on Thursday, February 21 and Saturday, February 23, 2013 at the 4-H Activity Hall at the Howard County Fairgrounds in
West Friendship. Participants can choose to attend either date. The registration fee is $20, which includes: lunch &
refreshments. Registration and refreshments will begin at 9:00 a.m. The program will begin promptly at 9:30 a.m. and
will conclude at 3:30 p.m.
Participants will become trained Hands-on STEM program facilitators by learning about curriculum that incorporates
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics components; will engage in a variety of fun, hands-on activities; and
receive a program kit (one per 4-H unit) so that facilitators feel confident and equipped with the teaching the program
locally. The materials work great with both traditional and outreach programming. Curriculum covered include: The
Junk Drawer Robotics Activities, Steve Spangler Science Activities, NASA STEM Activities, and Others. Each 4-H unit
attending will receive a kit valued at over $400, thanks to a UME Impact Team Grant. We encourage every 4-H unit to
have representation to be able to share the information with your programs members and leaders.
The registration deadline is Friday, February, 1, 2013 and the cost is $20. Contact April at to receive a
registration form or download it online at
Achievement Night
Cecil County 4-H Achievement Night will take place on Saturday, March 2, 2013 at the Walls Activity Hall in Fair Hill
with the social time starting at 6 PM and the program beginning at 7 PM.
Cecil County 4-H Winterfest is scheduled for Sunday, March 3, 2013 at the Walls Activity Hall in Fair Hill from 1:004:00 PM. Look in the next issue of 4-H Talk for Registration Information.
Communications and Demonstration Day
Cecil County 4-H Communications and Demonstration Day will be on Saturday, March 16, 2013. Look in the next issue
of 4-H talk for Registration Information.
Great Potato Contest 2013
Calvert Boys and Girls 4-H Club is again sponsoring the Great Potato Contest in 2013. Clover and Junior aged members
are invited to participate in a potato growing contest. Each contestant will be given a potato, pot and, some starting soil.
Contestants raise the potato and then in September there will be a weigh in to see who grew the biggest potato. The cost
of the contest is $3. Intermediate and Senior aged members are invited to join our great potato contest by raising potatoes
and then bringing back your 4 best potatoes for the contest in September. Cost is $4.00 per contestant and you will
receive a bag of seed potatoes to plant. This contest will end in September at the covered dish potato dinner at the end of
the contest, where awards will be presented. Contestants need to sign up on the attached form and return it to Ellen
Larrimore by March 1, 2013. Contestants may pick up your potatoes at during 4-H Public Speaking and Communications
Day in March from 9:30 to 11am. You will sign a contract with all of the rules and pay when you pick up your potatoes.
UME Tractor Safety Training for Youth
The University of Maryland Extension 4-H staff is planning a weekend training, Friday-Sunday, March 15-17, 2013, to
provide certification for youth wanting to work on a farm. Youth must be between the ages of 14 to 16 to take this
training. Participants will stay at the Queen Anne's County 4-H Park in Centreville, Maryland and will have off site visits
to local Tractor Dealers. Federal law states that all 14-15 year old youth, who are seeking employment in the agricultural
industry that required tractor driving must receive the training as required the U. S. Department of Labor. Youth working
on their own parent's farm do not need to become certified unless they will be driving on the road with
machinery. Agricultural producers are liable if they employ youth that do not have this certification. When youth become
16 years of age, this law no longer applies to their employment. Go to for
details. This class provides 24 hours of intensive training. A driving and written exam is included. A requirement of the
class is to become familiar with the lessons covering various agricultural related safety needs before the training.
Resources will be made available prior to the training. The weekend training will cost $30. The registration fee and
application will be due to the Queen Anne's County Extension office by February 15. Contact Chris Johnston or 410 758-0166 for a registration form. Registration forms can be downloaded at
Animal Science Update
Horse Bowl, Horse Judging & HippologyPractices
Horse Bowl Practices are being held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at Windmill Farm in Elkton at 6 PM. Close to
the state event practices will be held weekly. Hippology and Horse Judging components are being incorporated into the
bowl practices. Any 4- H youth interested in learning about horse and ponies should come out, learn, and have fun! The
State Horse Judging and Hippology event is scheduled for Saturday, April 20, 2013 and State Horse Bowl contest is
scheduled for Sunday, April 21, 2013 at the University of Maryland, College Park. Practices will run monthly until it gets
closer to the State Contest, where they'll go to once a week. Please note that Bowl participants will be expected to do a
reasonable amount of studying on their own time, and not just rely on practices to convey the information. If you are
interested in participating in Horse Bowl, you can contact Tina Clark via cell phone or text at 443-309-2782.
Livestock Skillathon
The State Livestock Skillathon contest is scheduled for Saturday, March 2, 2013 in Hagerstown. If you are interested in
participating in Livestock Skillathon contact April at the Extension Office ASAP to let her know that you are interested. If
there is not enough youth interest for practices, she will not schedule practices. Please note that participants will be
expected to do a reasonable amount of studying on their own time, and not just rely on practices to convey the
Dairy Quiz Bowl
The first Dairy Bowl Meeting for 2013 was held on Monday, January 7th at 7:00 PM in the Cecil County Extension
Office but it is not too late to come out and learn. 4-H Dairy Bowl includes questions pertaining to both dairy cattle and
dairy goats and is similar to "Jeopardy", except all questions are dairy related. All interested youth are encouraged to
attend. Additional practices are scheduled on 1/14, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/25, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25, 4/1 and 4/8. If you can't
make the practices but are interested in participating, contact April at 410-996-5280 or
Sheep & Goat Webinars
The University of Maryland Small Ruminant Extension Program will hold a Winter Webinar Series on consecutive
Tuesday nights in January and February 2013. The title of this year's winter webinar series is "Breeding Better Sheep &
Goats." The series will focus on how to make genetic improvement in sheep flocks and goat herds, regardless of
production emphasis.
January 22 - Genetics 101
January 29 - Breeding systems
February 5 - Selection
February 12 - Performance Evaluation
February 19 - Advanced Genetic Improvement
All webinars will start at 7 p.m. EST and last for approximately 1 hour. Pre-registration is not necessary. The webinars are
open to the first 100 people who enter (as a guest) at After providing a log on
name, please indicate where you are from, e.g. John Doe (Harford County). Anyone with a connection to the internet can
participate in one or more of the webinars. High speed access is recommended. Interaction is via a chat box. All of the
webinars will be recorded and available for future viewing. The PowerPoint presentations that accompany each webinar
may also be downloaded. Anyone who participates in the webinars is asked to subscribe to the webinar listserv. The
listserv will be used to communicate with webinar participants, as well as provide information about upcoming webinars
(related to sheep and goat production). To subscribe to the webinar listserv, send an e-mail to
In the body of the message, write subscribe sheepgoatwebinars. For more information, contact Susan Schoenian at (301)
432-2767 x343 or
Mid-Atlantic Small Flock Poultry Expo
The University of Maryland Extension will host the Mid-Atlantic Small Flock Poultry Expo on Saturday, February 2,
2013 from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM (Snow Date: February 16th) at the University of Maryland Extension-Carroll County
Office & Carroll County Agriculture Center, 700Agriculture Center Drive, Westminster, Maryland, 21157. The expo will
feature educational seminars on poultry nutrition, disease prevention and control, chicken breeds, egg and meat
production basics, housing, pasturing, feeding and watering systems, regulations on selling meat and eggs, breeding and
egg incubation, turkey production, poultry in diversified livestock operations, exotics, egg grading and handling,
marketing and economics, urban poultry production, predator control, showing poultry, coop construction, and injured
bird first aid. Vendors will be available with live poultry and poultry related items. A poultry processing equipment
demonstration will be conducted. Producers and Extension specialists will be available for technical questions about
production practices. 4-H will conduct activities and competitions. Door prizes will be awarded. Lunch and snacks will be
available for purchase.
Registration: Adults: $10 pre-registration fee, $20 at the door, Youth 10-18: $5 pre-registration, $10 at the door
Children under 10: Free, 4-H Members or Volunteers admitted Free (must pre-register and show 4-H membership card at
the door)
For additional information about the Mid-Atlantic Small Flock Poultry Expo, call (410) 386-2760 or visit the web site at
Maryland Dairy Association Convention and Maryland Dairy Shrine Joint Event
The Maryland Dairy Convention theme is “Using Technology to Improve Dairy Profits” The event is set for Saturday,
February 23rd, at the Frederick County Fairgrounds Frederick. Registration and trade show open at 8:30 a.m. with the day
program kicking off at 9:30 a.m. A daylong junior dairyman contest will run concurrent with the program starting at 9:30
a.m. for youth ages 8 to 21. The contest includes a written exam and several hands-on components pertinent to on-farm
practices and knowledge. feedstuff identification, milking equipment identification, reproductive tract
identification/dissection, sire selection and DHIA sheet evaluation. Following the contest, there will be time for review
and education. Juniors are invited to the evening banquet for the awards. All youth who participate receive an award.
The evening program features a milk punch reception beginning at 6:30 p.m., followed by the Maryland Dairy Shrine
Dinner. The banquet features shrine inductees, scholarships and award presentations. For more information on the
program, visit, e-mail or call 301-349-0750. For
more information on scholarships, visit
Sheep Shearing School for Beginner Shearers
The Maryland-Delaware Sheep Shearing School for Beginner Shearers ages 16 and older will be held on March 22 and
23, 2013 at the Ridgely Thompson Farm, Westminster. The cost is $80 per person. At the training you will learn the New
Zealand method of shearing sheep, how to set and adjust blades and care for hand-held shearing machines, and how to
properly handle wool after shearing. Blade shearing is not taught at this training. Registration is due by March 18th and is
limited to the first 25 people who register. Contact April in the Cecil County Extension Office to receive a registration
form. If anyone has questions, please address them to David Greene at
(From the Animal Science In-Service on December 8th)
State 4-H Livestock Information
An animal can be tagged either commercial or market but not both
4-H project animals MUST be registered in the individual name of the 4-Her only
Again this year Rabbit/Cavy and Poultry/Waterfowl project members will need to complete animal ownership forms
Quality Assurance will again be online in 2013. All youth that exhibit animal project (alpaca, beef, dairy, goats, horse
& pony, poultry, rabbit, sheep and swine) must complete the online training if you are new to the project area or if
you move up to a new 4-H age category. Youth will need to take the training online once as a Junior, Intermediate
and Senior member. The training will be accessible from 3/1-7/1 for Cecil County 4-Hers.
MDA Animal Health Updates-Information will be posted in early January. Health certificates will be three carbon
copy pages and will no longer be available online and will no longer need to be stamped and approved by MDA as it
will be your veterinarian’s responsibility to send the approved copy to MDA to be filed. Exhibitors will still be
expected to do the Animal Health Self-certification. Papers will still be due within 60 days of your first show and if
you animal required vaccinations they should be vaccinated at least 21 days prior to the first show so that the
vaccinations are effective. All geese will need to be tested for AI 5-6 weeks prior to exhibition.
2013 Animal Ownership Deadlines for Cecil County & Maryland 4-H
Enrolled in 4-H and applicable projects by May 1, 2013 to participate in 2013 Maryland State Fair and Cecil County
Fair 4-H Events
Registration papers MUST be in the full name of the 4-H EXHIBITOR ONLY in order to be eligible as a 4-H project.
Poultry/Waterfowl and Rabbit/Cavy Ownership Forms due June 1, 2013
Dog and Horse Identification Cards due June 1, 2013
Breeding and Performance Animal Leases due June 1, 2013 (3 components-Guidelines, Agreement, and Statement of
Understanding and Release)
o Breeding Animal Leases (Beef, Dairy, Sheep, Swine and Goats)-A member may not own and lease
animals in the same general project area
o Performance Animal Leases (Horse, Dog, Alpacas and Llamas)-An animal may be lease by up to two
different 4-H members and can be exhibited in a single class by only one 4-H member.
Commercial (tagged) and Purebred Beef Heifers owned by June 1, 2013
Market Beef Steers owned by January 1, 2013 (Tagged & Weighed on 1/4 or 1/5)
Beef Feeder Calves owned and tagged by May 17, 2013 (Tagged & Weighed on 5/16 or 5/17)
Dairy Cattle owned by June 1, 2013
All Dairy Cows must have been owned/leased by the youth before first freshening or before 2 years of age,
whichever comes first.
Market Dairy Steers owned by January 1, 2013 (Tagged & Weighed on 1/4 or 1/5)
Dairy Feeder Calves owned and tagged by May 17, 2013 (Tagged & Weighed on 5/16 or 5/17)
Dairy Goats owned by June 1, 2013
o All Dairy Goats must have been owned/leased by the youth before first freshening or before 2 years of
age, whichever comes first
Commercial (tagged) and Registered Breeding Meat Goats owned by June 1, 2013
Market Goats owned and tagged by May 17, 2013 (Tagged & Weighed on 5/16 or 5/17)
Dog owned/leased by June 1, 2013
Horse and Pony owned/leased by June 1, 2013
Market Broilers and Ducks form on file by May 17, 2013
Poultry and Waterfowl owned by June 1, 2013
Market Rabbit Form on file by May 17, 2013
Rabbits and Cavies owned by June 1, 2013
Breeding Sheep owned by June 1, 2013
Market Sheep owned and tagged by May 17, 2013 (Tagged & Weighed on 5/16 or 5/17)
Breeding Swine owned by June 1, 2013
Market Swine owned and tagged by May 17, 2013 (Tagged & Weighed on 5/16 or 5/17)
2013 Cecil County Fair Animal Ages and Weights
Market Broilers-2 broilers, no weight limit, under 7
Dairy Steer-minimum 1000 pounds (Born after
weeks old
Market Ducks-1 duck, weigh between 8-12 pounds,
Market Lambs-90-145 pounds
hatched after March 15th
Market Hogs-220-280 pounds
Market Rabbits-3 rabbits, 3-5 pounds each, under 70
Again, No Weight Tolerances in 2013!
days old
Youth are allowed to sell a maximum of 3 animals
Market Goat-55-120 pounds (Born after 9/1/12 and
in the livestock sale and 2 per species
must have milk teeth)
Market Beef-minimum 1000 pounds (Born after
University of Maryland Extension 4-H Volunteer Trainings
Are you interested in becoming a University of Maryland Extension Volunteer or do you know anyone that might be
interested? Don’t wait because now is the time. If you are interested in becoming a 4-H volunteer please contact April at
the Extension Office. April will be conducting six UME Volunteer trainings prior to the 2013 Cecil County Fair. Please
contact April at the Extension Office at 410-996-5280 or send an e-mail to to confirm your attendance.
If no one RSVP’s, that month’s training will be canceled.
Scheduled trainings are:
Tuesday, January 15, 2013 in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton from 6:30-8:30 PM
Wednesday, February 27, 2013 in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton from 6:30-8:30 PM
Thursday, March 21, 2013 in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton from 6:30-8:30 PM
Monday, April 15, 2013 in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton from 6:30-8:30 PM
Tuesday, May 14, 2013 in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton from 6:30-8:30 PM
Thursday, June 6, 2013 in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton from 6:30-8:30 PM
If you are interested in doing the online volunteer training, rather than attend one of the in-person trainings listed above.
Volunteers may no longer register themselves to attend training. A volunteer must have completed all UME Volunteer
paperwork, been interviewed, completed a position description, and have complete reference checks before attending.
Your county 4-H educator will register you for the online training.
4-H Leaders and Volunteers Meeting
The next Cecil County 4-H Leaders and Volunteers meeting will be on Tuesday, February 19, 2013 at 7 PM in the Cecil
County Extension Office. Some of the main topics we will be discussing are 4-H Fund Raiser, 4-H Record Books,
Achievement Night, and upcoming Events for 2013.
Attention Club Leader-All Financial Resources Available Online
All 4-H Financial Management Resources shared during the leaders meeting can be found on the Maryland 4-H Webpage
under the Resources for Volunteers link at
Interested in Starting New 4-H Club?
Anyone interested in starting a new 4-H Club should contact April in the Extension Office. 4-H enrollment continues to
rise and so do request for club information, so we’re looking to our UME volunteers to step up and start some new clubs.
Educational Videos, Learning Kits, and Materials Available For Loan
The Cecil County 4-H Office has some educational videos, learning kits, curriculum, and equipment which club leaders
can borrow from our office on a variety of topics. If you are interested in borrowing videos, learning kits, curriculum or
equipment stop by the Extension office.
Maryland 4-H Congress Delegation in Atlanta, Georgia with Cecil County 4-Her representatives Holly Brown and
Katy Kerns
4-H Calendar of Events
January 2013
University of Maryland Extension Volunteer Training, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton, 6:30 PM
Hands-On STEM Class, 6:30-8:30 PM, Ceil County Extension Office, Elkton
Breeders Fair Planning Meeting, 7 PM, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
18-20 Horse World Expo – 4-H Horse Art Contest, Maryland State Fairgrounds, Timonium
State 4-H Awards Gala, Carriage Room, Laurel Racecourse, Laurel, 3-6 PM
Horse Fun Learning Day, 9 AM-3 PM, Calvert Grange, Calvert
Advanced Animal Science Class, 6:30-8:30 PM, Ceil County Extension Office, Elkton
DEADLINE: All Cecil County 4-H Record Books, 7 PM
State Camp Director’s In-Service, Patuxent River 4-H Center, Upper Marlboro
State 4-H Animal Science Updates & Guidebook Overview Webinar, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton, 7 PM
DEADLINE: 2012 Diamond Clover and Service Learning Forms
DEADLINE: New 4-H Charter Application/Charter Renewal, Signed Maryland 4-H Foundation Affiliation Agreement,
Financial Reports, Secretary’s Book for Club Recognition and Affirmative Action Forms to Cecil County Extension Office
Mondays (Except Holidays)
Cecil County 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Practices Beginning 1/7, 7 PM, Cecil County Extension
Office, Elkton
Tuesday (Starting 1/22) Sheep and Goat Webinars, 7 PM
2nd Wednesday Horse Bowl Practices, 6 PM, Windmill Farm, Elkton
2nd & 4th Thursdays
Robotics Practices, Fair Hill/Rising Sun Area, Location TBA, 6 PM
3rd Thursday
Cecil County 4-H Archery Practice, 6:30 PM, Sanford-Cranes, Elkton
Last Sunday
Sewing Workshop, 2 PM, Trinity Church, Elkton
February 2013
Camp Staff Training, Calvert, 8:30 AM-3 PM
4-H Trip Interviews, Centreville (Inc. Weather Date 2/16)
Mid-Atlantic Small Flock Poultry Expo, Carroll County Extension Office, Westminster, 8:30 AM-3:30 PM
4-H Fun Night!!! And Quarter Auction, Sponsored by Calvert Boys and Girls 4-H Club, 7 PM, Calvert Grange, Calvert
4-H Trip Interviews, College Park (Inc. Weather Date 2/19)
Beginner Animal Science Class, 6:30-8:30 PM, Ceil County Extension Office, Elkton
Hands-On STEM Class, 6:30-8:30 PM, Ceil County Extension Office, Elkton
DEADLINE: Cecil Achievement Night Nominations and Club Photos due for Achievement Night Presentation
4-H Trip Interviews, Westminster (Inc. Weather Date 2/24)
AGsploration Teacher Training, Chesapeake College, Wye Mills
Cecil County 4-H Volunteers and Leaders Meeting, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton 7 PM
Hands-On STEM Class, 6:30-8:30 PM, Ceil County Extension Office, Elkton
State Hands-On STEM Train the Trainer, Howard County Fairgrounds, West Friendship
State Hands-On STEM Train the Trainer, Howard County Fairgrounds, West Friendship
Maryland Dairy Convention Junior Dairyman Contest, Frederick
Advanced Animal Science Class, 6:30-8:30 PM, Ceil County Extension Office, Elkton
State 4-H Animal Science Competitive Events Webinar, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton, 7 PM
University of Maryland Extension Volunteer Training, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton, 6:30 PM
Achievement Night Speakers Practice & Set Up, 6:30 PM, Fair Hill
Mondays (Except Holidays) Cecil County 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Practices Begin, 7 PM, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
2nd Wednesday Horse Bowl Practices, 6 PM, Windmill Farm, Elkton
2nd & 4th Thursdays
Robotics Practices, Fair Hill/Rising Sun Area, Location TBA, 6 PM
3rd Thursday
Cecil County 4-H Archery Practice, 6:30 PM, Sanford-Cranes, Elkton
Last Sunday
Sewing Workshop, 2 PM, Trinity Church, Elkton
March 2013
Camp Staff Training, Fair Hill
Achievement Night, Fair Hill
State 4-H Livestock Skill-A-Thon Contest, Hagerstown
Winterfest, Fair Hill
Beginner Animal Science Class, 6:30-8:30 PM, Ceil County Extension Office, Elkton
Hands-On STEM Class, 6:30-8:30 PM, Ceil County Extension Office, Elkton
Junior Council and Camp Spaghetti Dinner, Calvert Grange
Cecil County Junior Fairboard Meeting, 7 PM, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
15-17 State Tractor/Agriculture Equipment Certification Training, Centreville
4-H Demonstration and Communications Day
Hands-On STEM Class, 6:30-8:30 PM, Ceil County Extension Office, Elkton
University of Maryland Extension Volunteer Training, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton, 6:30 PM
Regional Communications Event, Easton
22-23 Beginner Sheep Shearing School, Westminster
State 4-H Animal Science Project Records Webinar, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton, 7 PM
Advanced Animal Science Class, 6:30-8:30 PM, Ceil County Extension Office, Elkton
Maryland 4-H Foundation Shooting Clays Fundraiser, Schrader’s Bridgetown Manor, Bridgetown
Mondays (Except Holidays) Cecil County 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Practices Begin, 7 PM, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
2nd Wednesday Horse Bowl Practices, 6 PM, Windmill Farm, Elkton
2nd & 4th Thursdays
Robotics Practices, Fair Hill/Rising Sun Area, Location TBA, 6 PM
3rd Thursday
Cecil County 4-H Archery Practice, 6:30 PM, Sanford-Cranes, Elkton
Last Sunday
Sewing Workshop, 2 PM, Trinity Church, Elkton
***For more information about any event, call, email or stop by the University of Maryland Extension Cecil County 4-H Office.
4-H Club Meeting Dates
Horse Tails-2nd Sunday
Kids of the Future-2nd Tuesday
Robotics-2nd & 4th Thursday
Rabbit Wranglers-2 Sunday
Junior Council -3 Tuesday
Calvert Boys and Girls-3rd Thursday
Reaching for the Stars-2 Sunday
Kibbles-N-Kids-2 Wednesday
Krazy Kritters-3rd Thursday
Tailwinds Trotters -2 Sunday
Rising Sun Milk Squirters-2
Archery Practice-3rd Thursday
Puddle Jumpers -2 Monday
Tri-State Trotters-2nd Friday
Stars & Stripes -2 & 4 Monday
Cecil Sliders-2 Wednesday
Camp Staff Training-1st Saturday
Calvert Boys & Girls Clovers-2
Kuntry Kids/Livestock-1 Thursday
Young Guns Shotgun Practice-Varies
April Hall Barczewski
Extension Educator
4-H Youth Development
Cecil County
Victoria “Vicki” Stone
Program Assistant
4-H Youth Development
Cecil County
University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation,
physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.