University of Maryland Extension, Cecil County County Administrative Building

University of Maryland Extension, Cecil County
County Administrative Building
200 Chesapeake Blvd., Suite 1500
Elkton, MD 21921
Ph: 410-996-5280 Fax: 410-996-5285
4-H Talk Newsletter
April 2013
Access 4-H Talk Online and upcoming 4-H events at: and open up the 4-H & Youth Tab
“This issue of 4-H Talk Contains Important Information about the 2013 4-H Project Year”
Website Changeover-Please Bear with Us
All the University of Maryland Extension websites changed over to a new system and look on April 2, 2013. We now
have a new URL which is: and open up the 4-H & Youth Tab for all the Cecil
County 4-H Information. Please bear with us during this process as the website is a work in progress and 4-H
registrations and documents may not be available for the next month as we continue to switchover, since everything has to
be transferred over to the new site.
4-H Achievement Night Thank You
Thanks to everyone who helped set up and clean up at 4-H Achievement Night. Also, thanks goes to all the teen speakers.
The achievement night results are available under the 4-H & Youth Tab by clicking in the results sidebar. Congratulations
to all of your 4-H achievements!
Winterfest Thank You
Thank you to everyone who helped teach at 4-H Winterfest. Sixty youth participated in the fun afternoon of educational
learning and activities. Thanks to the teens and volunteers that helped teach. It was a very successful day.
Project Enrollment Deadline
New members have until May 1st to register for 4-H. Current members have until May 1st to register for any projects that
they plan to enter in the Cecil County and Maryland State Fair. Members and volunteers who were enrolled in 2012 and
have not turned in the required paperwork for 2013 should get their reenrollment forms into the Extension Office ASAP
so as not to miss out on any 4-H opportunities. All member registration paperwork is available under the 4-H & Youth
Tab by clicking on the Join 4-H! sidebar and clicking on the members tab.
4-H Paper Clover Fundraising Program at Tractor Supply
Tractor Supply has partnered with the 4-H program to raise money for both national and local programs by implementing
the 4-H Paper Clover fundraising promotion in all stores to run from May 8-19, 2013: 60% of the proceeds will go to our
local 4-H program, 10% will go to the State 4-H program and 30% will go to the National 4-H Council. We are lucky to
have a Tractor Supply located in Elkton and will be able to participate in this fundraising effort. We will only receive
monies collected at the Elkton Tractor Supply to support our local program. If any 4-H group is interested in promoting 4H during this fundraising event at Tractor Supply, please contact April in the Extension Office.
Livestock Skillathon Results
On March 1, 2013 five Cecil County 4-Hers participated in the Maryland 4-H Livestock Skillathon Contest. In the
intermediate division Brody Miskimon placed 29th and Madison McMillan placed 46th overall. In the senior division Sarah
Megee placed 12th, Justis McMillan placed 60th, and Erin Guy placed 61th overall. Over 150 youth participated in the
State event. Way to go!
Cecil Communications Contest Results
On Saturday, March 16th thirty-five Cecil County 4-Hers and clovers participated in Cecil County 4-H Communications
Day. Congratulations to all the participants and a big thank you goes to the judges. Below are the results:
Show and Tell:
Clovers: Addison Price-Participation, Tarra Todd-Participation, Evan Wilson-Participation
Juniors: Gavra Goldie-Blue Award, William Keys-Red Award, Allie Kubek-Red Award, Cate Ness-Blue Award, Taylor
Todd-Blue Award, Justin Ward-Blue Award, Rachel Ward-Blue Award
Intermediates: Arianna Cordrey-Blue Award, Lexy Droz-Blue Award, Sophie Kubek-Blue Award, Olivia Ness-Red
Award, Parker Ness-Red Award, Kylie Price-Blue Award, Courtney Schrader-Blue Award, Melinda Ward-Blue Award,
Bethany Wilson-Blue Award
Senior: Lucas LaMonica-Blue Award, River Shannon-Blue Award
4-H Clover Pledge:
Clovers: Elaine Ness-Participation, Addison Price-Participation, Gabby Severson-Participation, Isabel SeversonParticipation
Radio Spots:
Intermediate: Hunter Madron-Blue Award*
Senior: Erricka Maule-Blue Award*
Prepared Speeches:
Juniors: Gavra Goldie-Blue Award*, Brynn LaSala-Red Award, Claudia Severson-Red Award
Intermediate: Sydney Keys-Blue Award*, Catherine Severson-Blue Award
Senior: Alison Fever-Blue Award*
Senior: Larissa Moody-Blue Award*
Intermediate: Gavin LaSala-Red Award*
Junior: Ethan Lacher-Red Award*
Intermediate: Arianna Cordrey-Blue Award*
Senior: River Shannon-Blue Award, Anthony Yetzer-Blue Award*
All Junior, Intermediate and Senior Participants Qualified for the Regional Contest on March 22nd
*Selected to participate in the State Communications Event at Maryland Day on April 27th
Regional Communications Results
Congratulations to our five Cecil County 4-Hers who participated in the Regional Communications event on Friday,
March 22, 2013 at Easton High School in Easton. Kudos to all the participants! Below are the results:
Radio Spot:
Intermediate: Hunter Madron-Participation
Senior: Anthony Yetzer-1st place
Prepared Speeches:
Junior: Gavra Goldie-1st place
Intermediate: Sydney Keys-Participation
Senior: Alison Fever-1st place
Eggstravanza Results
Eggstravanza took place on Monday, April 1, 2013 at the Calvert Grange in Calvert. Congratulations to all the
participants! Below are the results:
Dessert: Jasmine Rooney-Participation, Kailey Rooney-Participation
Lunch/Dinner: Elaine Ness-Participation, Abby Barnhart-Participation, Tarra Todd-Participation
Egg Craft: Elaine Ness-Participation, Katelyn Lacey-Participation, Addison Price-Participation, Abby BarnhartParticipation, Evan Wilson-Participation, Tarra Todd-Participation
Breakfast/Brunch: Ethan Lacher-1st, Ben Stipe-2nd, Gavra Goldie-3rd, Taylor Todd-4th
Cake: William Donnelley-1st
Dessert: Cate Ness-1st
Lunch/Dinner: Justin Ward-1st, Samuel Reyburn-2nd, Ethan Lacher-3rd, William Donnelley-4th
Egg Craft: Gavra Goldie-1st, William Donnelley-2nd, Taylor Todd-3rd, Samuel Reyburn-4th, Cate Ness-5th, Savannah
Lacey-Participation, Ben Stipe-Participation, Justin Ward-Participation
Breakfast/Brunch: Rebekah Maggitti-1st, Seth Donnelley-2nd, Michael Younger-3rd, Parker Ness-4th
Cake: Rachel Rhoades-1st, Seth Donnelley-2nd
Dessert: Arianna Cordrey-1st, Anna Reyburn-2nd, Seth Donnelley-3rd
Lunch/Dinner: Olivia Ness-1st
Egg Craft: Kylie Price-1st, Aidyn Rogers-2nd, Anna Reyburn-3rd, Arianna Cordrey-4th, Parker Ness-5th, Rebekah MaggittiParticipation, Olivia Ness-Participation, Rachel Rhoades-Participation
Breakfast/Brunch: Alexandra Haverin-1st, Tyler McMullen-2nd, Matthew Larrimore-3rd
Cake: Mikayla Maggitti-1st
Dessert: River Shannon-1st
Lunch/Dinner: Rachel Bowe-1st, Tyler McMullen-2nd
Egg Craft: Mikayla Maggitti-1st, Rachel Bowe-2nd
Grab your family, friends and neighbors and head out to the University of Maryland College Park on April 27th for
Maryland Day 2013. The University of Maryland’s popular open house is family-friendly and is filled with learning,
exploration and fun. There are more than 400 hands-on exhibits, workshops and live performances. Come enjoy our
global village. In our college, the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, our annual Ag Day will be buzzing in
and around the animal science courtyard and barns. In the plant science building and on the mall near Symons Hall, the
State 4-H Communications event will begin at 10 AM. Also 4-H will be highlighted in the Science, Engineering and
Technology Zone in the Animal Science Courtyard. Parking and transportation on campus are free. The event runs from
10 AM until 4 PM. For more information visit the website at:
State Communications Event
We will highlight the speaking abilities of our 4-H youth at the State Communications Contest held during Maryland Day,
Saturday, April 27th from 10 AM until 1 PM. The speaking awards will be announced in a central location in the afternoon
at 3 PM. This year there will be locations for prepared, extemporaneous, and interpretative speeches as well as radio spots.
ALL county champions are encouraged to participate. If any youth would like to serve as room monitors or announcers,
and any if adults would like to serve as judges, contact Sandy Corridon at
Maryland 4-H Night at Camden Yards
Maryland 4-H is taking a trip to Baltimore to see the Orioles play the Cleveland Indians at Camden Yards. Five dollars of
every ticket purchased will support Maryland 4-H. The event takes place on Thursday, June 27th at 7:05 p.m. Tickets cost
$13 for upper reserve seating, sections 316-356, rows 13-25. Five dollars of every ticket purchased will support Maryland
4-H. Tickets can be bought online. Directions for doing so online at Tickets posted
for re-sale are subject to cancellation.
Teens from Colombia and Ecuador Coming To Delaware and Cecil County
We have just been informed by the State Department that Delaware 4-H, along with our partners in Cecil County,
Maryland will be hosting 27 teens/adults from Colombia and Ecuador. The teens arrive in D.C. for a 3-day orientation
along with sightseeing and training at the National 4-H Center on October 6, 2013. They will arrive in Delaware on
October 9. This is another project that 4-H is conducting with the State Department to promote youth leadership and
citizenship and teach youth from around the world about democracy and religious tolerance. The teens will be attending
workshops most days while they are here along with trips to Philadelphia and New York. Our host family coordinator,
Tracey McCracken ( is recruiting host families. We are looking for families with teens to host kids.
There will also be several adult chaperones with the group. What an amazing cultural experience for 4-H families! If
someone in your family speaks Spanish we could really use you, as there is no requirement for the kids from Ecuador and
Colombia that they speak English. Next year we will be getting another group not from Colombia or Ecuador. They could
be from anywhere in the world. Those 4-H families that participated in the program with Bosnia know what a wonderful
experience it is. Many families are still in contact with the youth (now young adults) who they hosted in 2006-2008. You
can help prepare our youth as well as youth from around the world to live and work in a global society. Let us hear from
you soon before host family slots fill.
States’ 4-H International Exchange Program
This summer, Maryland 4-H families are being offered the exciting opportunity to take part in the States’ 4-H
International Exchange Program by hosting youth from Japan. This Program’s mission is to enhance world understanding
and global citizenship through high-quality 4-H international cultural immersion.
Toward the end of July, ten 4-H aged Japanese students and one adult chaperone will be arriving in Maryland and
will be staying with host families for a little less than one month.
During this time, the Japanese delegates are to be included as if they were family, sharing in family outings,
responsibilities, and everyday life.
If you have 4-H age youth at home and are potentially interested in hosting a delegate or know anyone who might
be, share your interest with your county’s Extension Educator and go to to learn more
about the program.
Cecil County Fair Updates
The Cecil County Fair will be July 19-July 27, 2013 in Fair Hill (Clean Up Day July 28)
The Club Theme will be “4-H Share the Fun”
The Fair Book will be out by late May.
Animal Science Updates
2013 Animal Ownership Deadlines for Cecil County & Maryland 4-H
Youth MUST be enrolled in 4-H and applicable projects by May 1, 2013 to participate in 2013 Maryland State Fair
and Cecil County Fair 4-H Events
Registration papers MUST be in the full name of the 4-H EXHIBITOR ONLY in order to be eligible as a 4-H project.
Poultry/Waterfowl and Rabbit/Cavy Ownership Forms due June 1, 2013
Dog and Horse Identification Cards due June 1, 2013
Breeding and Performance Animal Leases due June 1, 2013 (3 components-Guidelines, Agreement, and Statement of
Understanding and Release)
o Breeding Animal Leases (Beef, Dairy, Sheep, Swine and Goats)-A member may not own and lease
animals in the same general project area
o Performance Animal Leases (Horse, Dog, Alpacas and Llamas)-An animal may be lease by up to two
different 4-H members and can be exhibited in a single class by only one 4-H member.
Commercial (tagged) and Purebred Beef Heifers owned by June 1, 2013
Market Beef Steers owned by January 1, 2013 (Tagged & Weighed on 1/4 or 1/5)
Beef Feeder Calves owned and tagged by May 17, 2013 (Tagged & Weighed on 5/16 or 5/17)
Dairy Cattle owned by June 1, 2013
All Dairy Cows must have been owned/leased by the youth before first freshening or before 2 years of age,
whichever comes first.
Market Dairy Steers owned by January 1, 2013 (Tagged & Weighed on 1/4 or 1/5)
Dairy Feeder Calves owned and tagged by May 17, 2013 (Tagged & Weighed on 5/16 or 5/17)
Dairy Goats owned by June 1, 2013
o All Dairy Goats must have been owned/leased by the youth before first freshening or before 2 years of
age, whichever comes first
Commercial (tagged) and Registered Breeding Meat Goats owned by June 1, 2013
Market Goats owned and tagged by May 17, 2013 (Tagged & Weighed on 5/16 or 5/17)
Dog owned/leased by June 1, 2013
Horse and Pony owned/leased by June 1, 2013
Market Broilers and Ducks form on file by May 17, 2013
Poultry and Waterfowl owned by June 1, 2013 (ID card is required)
Market Rabbit Form on file by May 17, 2013
Rabbits and Cavies owned by June 1, 2013 (ID card is required)
Breeding Sheep owned by June 1, 2013
Market Sheep owned and tagged by May 17, 2013 (Tagged & Weighed on 5/16 or 5/17)
Breeding Swine owned by June 1, 2013
Market Swine owned and tagged by May 17, 2013 (Tagged & Weighed on 5/16 or 5/17)
2013 Cecil County Fair Animal Ages and Weights
Market Broilers-2 broilers, no weight limit, under 7 weeks old (hatched on or after 5/31/13)
Market Ducks-2 ducks, weigh between 8-12 pounds, hatched on or after 3/15/13
Market Rabbits-3 rabbits, 3-5 pounds each, under 70 days old (born on or after 5/12/13
Market Goat-55-120 pounds (Born after 9/1/12 and must have milk teeth)
Market Beef-minimum 1000 pounds (Born after 8/1/11)
Dairy Steer-minimum 1000 pounds (Born after 8/1/11)
Market Lambs-90-145 pounds
Market Hogs-220-280 pounds
Again, No Weight Tolerances in 2013!
Youth are allowed to sell a maximum of 3 animals in the livestock sale and 2 per species
Horse, Dog, Cavy, Rabbit, and Poultry Identification Cards
Again this year members must register all horse, dog, cavy, rabbit, and poultry projects on an animal ownership
identification card for participation in the Cecil County Breeders Fair, Cecil County Fair, and Maryland State Fairs as a 4H project. The forms are due by June 1st in the Cecil County Extension Office. The card is available for download at or picked up from the Cecil County Extension Office. As a
reminder-Market and Breeding animals can only be registered in one 4-H member’s name.
Online Animal Husbandry and Quality Assurance Program
The 2013 Maryland 4-H On-Line Animal Husbandry and Quality Assurance program is now open and will remain open
through July 1, 2013. The attached AH&QA Information Sheet contains the link for the program site, specific
requirements and other relevant information for the program. All 4-H members enrolled in alpacas, beef, dairy, goats,
horse and pony, llamas, poultry, sheep, swine and rabbits are required to have completed the on-line training prior to July
1 to be eligible to exhibit their project animals in 2013 Maryland County 4-H and State 4-H Shows. Units may set earlier
deadlines to accommodate their local program and are requested to contact me to discuss this option if this would apply to
your program. The 2013 program contains a new Junior Level and new pre/post-tests throughout. Also, ALL members
completing the program in 2013 (or any portion of the program) must register and a NEW PASSCODE will be assigned.
Passcodes from prior years are no longer valid. 4-Hers are required to complete the on-line training program when they
reach each 4-H age division (juniors (8-10), intermediates (11-13), seniors (14-18) – all as of January 1 of the current
year) OR when an Intermediate or Senior 4-H member chooses to show a new species since last completing the program
within their age division they must return to program and complete the program for the new species area. The link to the
AH&QA program: or under the 4-H & Youth Tab by clicking on the Upcoming
Programs sidebar and clicking on the Animal Husbandry and Quality Assurance tab.
Other Animal Science Tidbits
Cecil County 4-H Tagging and Weigh In for All Market Goats, Market Lambs, Market Swine, and Feeder Beef and
Dairy Steers Calves will be Thursday, May 16 and Friday, May 17 from 6-8 PM at the Cecil County Fairgrounds in
Fair Hill
Cecil Horse Hoopla is scheduled for June 18-20, 2013 at Fair Hill (All Horse Hoopla registration paperwork is
available under the 4-H & Youth Tab by clicking on the Upcoming Programs sidebar and clicking on the Horse
Hoopla tab.
4-H Dairy Show Like a Pro Workshop is schedule for June 8-9, 2013 in Frederick
The State Livestock Roundup is scheduled for July 1-3, 2013 at the Frederick 4-H Camp in Frederick
The State Horse Jamboree is scheduled for July 12-14, 2013 at Camp Hashawha in Westminster
Mandatory Cecil County Fair 4-H Livestock Sale Meeting Dates Have Been Set
The Cecil County 4-H Livestock Sale Meeting will be mandatory every other year. All new sellers and all youth who did
not attend a meeting in 2012 along with a parent, are required to attend a meeting in 2013, if they would like to sell an
animal in the Cecil County Fair 4-H Livestock Sale. The meetings are scheduled for the following evenings:
Monday, May 20-St. Stephens Church, Earleville, 7 PM
Thursday, May 23-Rising Sun Library, Rising Sun, 6:45 PM
Wednesday, June 5-Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton, 7 PM
Maryland Animal Health Requirements 2013
The complete Maryland health regulations are available online at Health certificates will be three carbon copy pages
and will no longer be available online and will no longer need to be stamped and approved by MDA as it will be your
veterinarian’s responsibility to send the approved copy to MDA to be filed. Exhibitors will still be expected to do the
Animal Health Self-certification. Papers will still be due within 60 days of your first show, and if your animal required
vaccinations, they should be vaccinated at least 21 days prior to the first show so that the vaccinations are effective.
Papers are available from your veterinarian or at the Cecil County Extension Office.
The poultry and waterfowl testing date will be Sunday, July 7, 2013. The cost will be $1 per bird.
Hands-On Animal Science Class
Ms. April will be offering fun, hands-on Animal Science classes for 4-Hers on the Tuesday, April 23rd from 6:30-8:30 PM
in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton.
4/23-Animal Anatomy & Physiology (Learn about the organ systems and dissect a fetal pig)
The classes will be very fun and energetic. Please RSVP your attendance to or call 410-996-5280 the
day prior to each scheduled class. If less than 5 youth register to participate, the class will be canceled.
Maryland Horsemanship Standards – Examiner Testing Levels 4-6
We would like to know if you are an examiner and interested in advancing to upper levels. To become an approved
Maryland 4-H Horsemanship Standards Examiner for Levels 4-6, Examiners are evaluated by a panel of three individuals
using set evaluation criteria for that specific level. Please contact Chris Anderson at by April 10 if
you are interested in advancing and testing for Examiners Levels 4-6.
State Swine Skillathon
The 2013 Swine Skillathon will be held Saturday, April 13 at the Farmer's Coop Elite East Show and Sale at the Frederick
County Fairgrounds in Frederick. Registration starts at 10:00am. Contest starts at 10:30am. Pre-registration is not required
but would be appreciated by sending names, address, county and age of participants to Chris Anderson at or via FAX at 301-314-7146 by April 8. The Swine Skillathon is open to any youth between the ages
of 8 and 18. Individuals from any county, state, or province may compete. Youth compete according to their age as of
January 1st of the current year. Youth ages 8 to 10 compete as juniors; youth ages 11 to 13 compete as intermediates; and
youth 14 to 18 compete as seniors. The Elite East Show and Sale provides awards.
Junior Sheep & Wool Skillathon
The 2013 Junior Sheep & Wool Skillathon will be held Sunday, May 5 at the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival. The
festival is always held the first full weekend in May at the Howard County Fairgrounds in West Friendship, Maryland.
Registration starts at 8 a.m. The contest begins at 9 a.m. Awards will be presented at approximately 2 p.m.
A skillathon provides youth with the opportunity to blend knowledge and skills acquired in livestock judging,
demonstrations, and care and exhibition of animals into a single activity. It consists of a series of stations where youth are
tested on their knowledge and abilities related to livestock.
The Junior Sheep & Wool Skillathon is open to any youth between the ages of 8 and 18. Individuals and teams (of 3 or 4)
from any county, state, or province may compete. Youth compete according to their age as of January 1st of the current
year. Youth ages 8 to 10 compete as juniors; youth ages 11 to 13 compete as intermediates; and youth 14 to 18 compete
as seniors.
The Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival provides ribbons and premiums to the top ten individuals in each age division and
Festival t-shirts to the members of the top three teams in each age division. The Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival is a
committee of the Maryland Sheep Breeders Association. Additional awards are provided by the University of
Maryland Extension Small Ruminant Program.
For this year's skillathon, pre-registration of individuals and teams is requested by April 29. Teams must be pre-registered.
Pre-register by sending names, ages, and team affiliations via e-mail to Susan Schoenian at (or via fax
at (301) 432-4089. For more information (including study resources), go to
Eastern Shore Spring Show
Eastern Shore Spring Show will be held on Saturday May 11th 2013 at the Queen Anne's County 4-H Park in Centerville,
MD. Entries are due post marked by April 19th. The Eastern Shore Spring Show booklet has been e-mailed to all who
participated in 2012 and is available online under the 4-H & Youth Tab by clicking on the Upcoming Programs sidebar
and clicking on the Eastern Shore Spring Show tab, or from the Cecil County Extension Office.
Cecil County Breeders’ Fair
Cecil County Breeders’ Fair Livestock, Rabbit, Cavy & Dog Shows will be held on Saturday, June 1, 2013, and the Horse
Shows will be held on Sunday, June 2, 2013, at Fair Hill. Entries are due post marked by Monday, May 1st. The Breeders
Fair Show booklet will be e-mailed to all who participated in 2012 and is available online under the 4-H & Youth Tab by
clicking on the Upcoming Programs sidebar and clicking on the Breeders Fair tab or from the Cecil County Extension
Office. Cecil County 4-Hers are encouraged to take advantage of a great opportunity to participate.
First State Livestock Jackpot Preview Show
The event will take place on Saturday, May 18, 2013 for Market Beef Steers, Lambs, Swine and Meat goats in Harrington,
DE. Registration materials can be downloaded online at and paper copies can be obtained from the Cecil County Extension Office. The entry fee is
$25 per animal. All proceeds benefit the Kent County, Delaware 4-H Livestock Program. For more information contact
Susan Garey in the Kent County Delaware Extension Office at 302-730-4000.
New Castle County 4-H & FFA Summer Livestock Classic
The event will take place on Saturday, June 8, 2013 in Harrington, DE. Rules can be found online at and registration materials can be downloaded at The registration deadline is May 1, 2013. If you have
any questions, please feel free to contact Mallory Vogl, NCC 4-H Extension Educator at (302) 831-8965 or
Science, Engineering & the Environment Opportunities
Cecil County 4-H Hands-On STEM Classes
Ms. Vicki will be offering fun, hands-on STEM classes for 4-Hers on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 6:308:30 PM in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton. You do not have to attend all the classes as different topics will be
covered at each class. Some of the topics covered include: Air, Chemistry, Electricity, Engineering, Magnetism, and
Wind. The classes will be very fun and energetic and you are guaranteed to be able to build and experiment as all the
activities will be hands-on. Please RSVP your attendance to or call 410-996-5280 the day prior to each
scheduled class. If less than 5 youth register to participate, the class will be canceled.
Maryland 4-H Engineering Camp
The Maryland 4-H Engineering Camp will be held from April 19-21, 2013 at the Rocks 4-H Camp Center in Harford
County for Intermediate and Senior Aged youth and adult volunteers interested in expanding the engineering program.
The purpose of this camp is to introduce you to the many mechanical engineering projects available through 4-H and to
give you hands-on practice to prepare for county, regional, and state contests. Each participant will have the opportunity
to explore engineering projects in-depth. NEW for 2013: Each camper will choose an engineering track to focus on
throughout the weekend. These tracks will allow campers to explore a specific field of science and engineering in depth.
The five tracks being offered in 2013 are:
Aerospace - campers will build and launch rockets (weather permitting) while learning about the engineering for
human flight.
Agricultural and Mechanical engineering - campers will explore the role of engineering in today's farming
communities, from equipment repair and maintenance to developing irrigation and runoff controls.
Energy / Electricity - campers will start with learning about electrical circuits and will explore how engineers are
working to develop new sources of energy and devices to conserve energy.
Environmental engineering - campers will look at how engineers work to protect our precious natural resources
while meeting the needs of a modern society.
Robotics - campers will learn how to build and program a robot while exploring ways that engineers are using
robots in modern society.
*** Each track has a limited number of spaces, please indicate on your registration your top choices ***
The cost: $125.00 for 4-H members if received before April 5, 2013, $160.00 for all registrations received after April 5,
2013 and $ 65.00 for adult volunteers (covers food and lodging costs). Please not all adults must be UME approved
volunteers. Information and registration materials can be download online at For questions please contact Dwayne Murphy at 410-771-1761 or
Cecil County 4-H Beginner and Advanced Welding Classes
There are plans to offer two welding classes this year: a beginner class starting in April for one night a week for 4
consecutive weeks, and then an advanced class starting after the completion of the beginner class for 4 additional weeks.
Beginner classes will start on Tuesday, April 23th and will be held on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 PM at Jerry’s Automotive,
Rising Sun. The welding classes are open to intermediate and senior aged 4-Hers.There will be a cost of $5 to participate
in the beginner classes. The advances classes will tentatively begin on Tuesday, May 21st. In order to participate in the
advanced class, you must have participated in the beginner class either this year or in the past. If you are interested in
participating in the welding classes, please register in the Extension Office by April 16th and let us know if you are
interested in the beginner and/or advanced classes. Contact the Extension office to register at 410-996-5280. Space is
limited and offered on a first come, first serve basis, so sign up now to reserve your place.
Cecil County 4-H Horticulture Judging Practices
At the end of April weekly horticulture judging practices will be getting underway at 7 PM at Rosebank Church, Rising
Sun. Below is the practice schedule:
Monday, April 29
Monday, May 6
Wednesday, May 15
Monday, May 20
Wednesday, May 29
Additional practices and locations will be scheduled soon. For more information contact Ruth Brown at 410-658-6446 or
Youth Needed for State 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor Training
Youth ages 8 or older are needed to come to the Thendara 4-H Center in Dorchester County on Sunday, May 5 to serve as
students for the newly trained adult volunteer Maryland 4-H Shooting Sports instructors. The youth DO NOT need to be
involved in 4-H Shooting Sports to participate. They only need to be 8 years of age or older as of January 1, 2013.
Having our youth involved puts the final touch on the adult training when the instructors are given the opportunity to put
what they have learned into practice immediately. We would like youth to arrive at noon and join us for lunch. If they are
unable to arrive then, please have them there prior to 1:00 p.m. when the teaching activity will begin. Youth could
experience one or more disciplines which may include Rifle, Archery, Shotgun, Pistol, Hunting & Wildlife or
Muzzleloading. Please send a list of youth participants (include name, age, phone, county & t-shirt size) to Conrad Arnold
( OR fax: 410-228-3868) by April 26. The first 50 youth to commit and attend will receive a 4-H
Shooting Sports T-Shirt.
Maryland 4-H Wildlife Habitat Judging Contest
Maryland 4-H Wildlife Habitat Judging Contest will be held on Saturday, May 11th, 2013 at the Patuxent River 4-H
Center, Upper Marlboro, MD from 9:30 AM-2:30 PM. Come Join the FUN in the great outdoors! Test your skills in
species identification, wildlife management concepts and practices, and general natural science knowledge.
See the Maryland 4-H Wildlife Habitat Judging Contest Information form for more details about the competition and
study material. For more details contact, Jim Serfass at or 410-386-2760.
Camp News
Camp Application
The camp staff is planning another fun and memorable 2013 Cecil County 4-H Camp. Camp will take place on August 49, 2013 at the Harford County 4-H Camp at the Rocks outside Forest Hill. Camp is open to youth ages 8-14. Discounted
applications are due by June 15, 2013. You can download a camp application and required materials online under the 4-H
& Youth Tab by clicking on the 4-H Camp sidebar.
Volunteer Opportunities
Leaders/Volunteer Meeting
The next 4-H leaders meeting will be held on Monday, April 29, 2013 at 7:00 pm in the Extension Office. The main topics
we will be discussing include upcoming 4-H Activities and Events happening this summer.
University of Maryland Extension 4-H Volunteer Trainings
Are you interested in becoming a University of Maryland Extension Volunteer or do you know anyone who might be
interested? Don’t wait because now is the time. If you are interested in becoming a 4-H volunteer register online at, send an e-mail to or call Vicki at the Extension Office at 410-996-5280. April or Vicki will be conducting monthly UME
Volunteer trainings prior to the 2013 Cecil County Fair. If no one RSVP’s, that month’s training will be canceled.
Scheduled trainings are:
Monday, April 15, 2013 in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton from 6:30-8:30 PM
Tuesday, May 14, 2013 in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton from 6:30-8:30 PM
Thursday, June 6, 2013 in the Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton from 6:30-8:30 PM
If you are interested in doing the online volunteer training, rather than attend one of the in-person trainings listed above.
Volunteers may no longer register themselves to attend training. A volunteer must have completed all UME Volunteer
paperwork, been interviewed, completed a position description, and have complete reference checks before attending.
Your county 4-H educator will register you for the online training.
State 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor Training
The State 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor certification training will take place on May 3-5, 2013. The program begins at 7
PM on Friday evening and all participants are expected to be on time at the Thendara 4-H Camp Center, 6275 Lords
Crossing Road, Hurlock, MD (Dorchester Co.). Adult 4-H volunteers ages 21 years of age or older can receive Instructor
Certification and Young adult 4-H volunteers 18 to 20 years of age (as of January 1, 2013) can be certified to be an
assistant instructor which means they may conduct a program under direct and immediate supervision of adult certified
instructor. You do not need to be experienced with firearms or archery, but must be interested in working with
youngsters. The cost is $130.00 early bird registration if received prior to April 15, 2013 (not postmarked) if not the late
registration fee will costs $200. You can download the application and required materials online under the 4-H &
Youth Tab by clicking on the Upcoming Programs sidebar.
Animal Science Project Leaders/Volunteers Webinar Series
4-H Animal Science Volunteers are invited to register for the new Animal Science Project Leaders/Volunteers Webinar
Series which is being held each month, January through May, 2013. All sessions will be held 7:00-8:00 pm via the UME
Connect system. The remaining dates and topics are as follows:
April 30 - Topic: Risk Management for Animal Projects/Activities - This session will provide an overview of
various risk management considerations and strategies for animal related 4-H events and activities. Instructors:
Chris Anderson, Karol Dyson, Denise Frebertshauser.
May 28 - Topic: Sportsmanship in 4-H Animal Projects - This session will provide an opportunity to discuss
methods to teach and promote good sportsmanship in 4-H animal science project work and related events.
Instructors: Chris Anderson, Donielle Axline.
Volunteers are requested to visit the AGNR Calendar to register for each session at:
Educational Videos, Learning Kits, and Materials Available For Loan
The Cecil County 4-H Office has some educational videos, learning kits, educational books, and materials which club
leaders can borrow from our office on a variety of topics. If you are interested in borrowing videos, learning kits, or
materials, stop by the Extension office.
Club Updates
Golf Outing to Benefit Cecil County 4-H Camp and Junior Council
On Saturday, May 4 there will be a golf tournament at Principio Furnace Golf Course in Perryville to benefit the Cecil
County 4-H Camp Program and 4-H Junior Council Exchange trip. For more information contact Susan Sprout Knight at
Scholarship Opportunities
Cecil County 4-H All-Star Book Scholarships
The Cecil County 4-H All-Stars will be awarding a select number of book scholarships to 4-Hers who are 4-H members
and plan to enroll in or are enrolled in a 2- or 4-year college or technical school for the 2013-2014 academic year. You
can download application online under the 4-H & Youth Tab by clicking on the Upcoming Programs sidebar and clicking
on the Scholarship tab or from the Cecil County Extension Office or you can request an application from Mark
Barczewski at 302-743-9950 or The completed application is due May 1, 2013.
Maryland 4-H Foundation Scholarships
The Maryland 4-H Foundation was able to present twenty-six academic scholarships to well deserving students attending
an accredited university, college, or post high school vocational program in the year 2012. The 4-H Foundation plans to
match this once again this year, planning to present several different scholarships ranging from $500-$2500. Scholarship
Applications must be postmarked by June 1, 2013. Completed applications can be sent to the Maryland 4-H Foundation,
Inc. Applicants must meet all requirements listed in the application to be considered for awards. Incomplete applications
will not be reviewed. Recipients will be selected by a committee composed of the Maryland 4-H Foundation Board of
Directors, who will review all applications and select the most qualified applicants. All committee decisions are final.
Winners will be notified by October 1, 2013. Academic Scholarship Award winners will receive their scholarship
payment in full at the 2013 Maryland 4-H Gala, Sunday January 19, 2014, Laurel Park, Laurel, MD. The individual or
family representative must attend to receive the award. The Scholarship Application can be found at:
Cecil County Farm Bureau Scholarships
The Cecil County Farm Bureau is offering four $1,500 scholarships – two Ray Mueller Scholarships and two Steve
Carson Young Farmers Scholarships. General requirements are listed below followed by the specific requirements for
each scholarship. Please indicate which scholarship(s) you are applying for on the application.
Scholarships are open to any graduate or graduating high school senior that has been accepted to an accredited
institution as an undergraduate or who is currently enrolled in post-graduate courses.
Applicant MUST be a resident of Cecil County and MUST be a son or daughter of a Farm Bureau Member.
Completed applications, along with an Official Transcript, Letter of Recommendation and Essay must be returned
April 15, 2013 to: Ms. Connie Wilkinson, Cecil County Farm Bureau, 38 Cynthia Court, Elkton MD 21921
Stop by the extension office to receive an application. If you have any questions, please call 410-392-4226.
Ray Mueller Scholarship
Scholarships will be awarded on a combination of need, high school grades, extracurricular activities and
community involvement.
Applicant MUST be a son or daughter of a Farm Bureau member.
Applicant MUST be in an agriculturally-related course of study.
Steve Carson Young Farmers Scholarship
Scholarships will be awarded primarily on the basis of farm or 4-H experience.
Need, high school grades, and extracurricular activities may serve as secondary selection criteria to separate
similarly qualified applicants.
Applicant MUST be a son or daughter of a Farm Bureau member.
Applicant may pursue any discipline.
4-H Calendar of Events
April 2013
Young Guns Shotgun Practice, Oxford Gun Club, 6 PM
Purple Up! for Military Kids (Wear purple to show support & thank military children for their strength & sacrifices)
State 4-H Dairy Bowl Contest, University of Maryland, College Park
Cecil County Young Farmers Sporting Clays Fundraiser, Hopkins Game Farm, Kennedyville, 10 AM
University of Maryland Extension Volunteer Training, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton, 6:30 PM
4-H Hands-On STEM Class, 6:30 PM, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
DEADLINE: Eastern Shore Spring Show Entries
19-21 State 4-H Engineering Camp Weekend, Rocks 4-H Camp Center, Street
State 4-H Horse Judging and Hippology Contest, College Park
State 4-H Horse Bowl Contest, College Park
4-H Hands-On Animal Science Class, 6:30 PM, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
Library Program-AGsploration-Do You Get My Non-Point, Cecil County Public Library, Rising Sun, 3:30 PM (Please call
library to register)
Young Guns Shotgun Practice, Oxford Gun Club, 6 PM
Maryland Day at the University of Maryland College Park
State Communication Contest, University of Maryland, College Park
Cecil County 4-H Leaders and Volunteer Meeting, 7 PM, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
Horticulture Judging Practices Begin, 7 PM, Rosebank Church, Rising Sun
3rd Thursday
Archery Practice, 6:30 PM, Sanford-Cranes, Elkton
2nd & 4th Thursdays
Robotics Practices, Fair Hill/Rising Sun Area, Location TBA, 6 PM
Mondays until 4/8 Cecil County 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Practices Begin, 7 PM, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
Every Tuesday beginning 4/23
Beginning Welding Workshop, 6:30 PM, Jerry’s Automotive, Rising Sun (4/23-5/14)
Wednesday until 4/17 Horse Bowl Practices, 6-8 PM, Windmill Farm, Elkton
May 2013
DEADLINE: New Member Enrollments in the Extension Office
DEADLINE: Projects Enrollment for New and Current Cecil County Members in the Extension Office
DEADLINE: Cecil County Breeders Fair Entries
DEADLINE: Cecil County 4-H All-Star Book Scholarship
4-H Hands-On STEM Class, 6:30 PM, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
State 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor Training, Camp Thendara, Hurlock
Golf Tournament to Benefit Cecil County 4-H Camp and Junior Council, Principio Furnace Golf Course, Perryville
Sheep and Wool Festival, West Friendship (Skillathon 5/5)
Horticulture Judging Practice, 7 PM, Rosebank Church, Rising Sun
Tractor Supply 4-H Paper Clover Fundraiser and Promotion
Cecil County Junior Fairboard Meeting, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
Young Guns Shotgun Practice, Oxford Gun Club, 6 PM
Eastern Shore Spring Show, Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park, Centreville
University of Maryland Extension Volunteer Training, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton, 6:30 PM
Horticulture Judging Practice, 7 PM, Rosebank Church, Rising Sun
4-H Hands-On STEM Class, 6:30 PM, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
16 & 17 Tagging, Weigh In & Ownership Deadlines for Market Goats, Sheep, Swine, and Feeder Steers, Fair Hill
State 4-H Project WILD/Aquatic Wild Training
Camp Staff Training, Calvert Grange, Calvert, 8:30 AM-3 PM
First State Livestock Jackpot Preview Show, Delaware State Fairgrounds, Harrington
Horticulture Judging Practice, 7 PM, Rosebank Church, Rising Sun
Mandatory Livestock Sale Meeting, 7 PM, St. Stephen’s Church, Earleville
Mandatory Livestock Sale Meeting, 6:45 PM, Rising Sun Library, Rising Sun
Horticulture Judging Practice, 7 PM, Rosebank Church, Rising Sun
Every Tuesday until 5/14 Beginning Welding Workshops, 6:30 PM, Jerry’s Automotive, Rising Sun (4/23-5/14)
Every Tuesday beginning 5/21
Advanced Welding Workshops, 6:30 PM, Jerry’s Automotive, Rising Sun (5/21-6/11)
1st & 3rd Thursday
Archery Practice, 6:30 PM, Sanford-Cranes, Elkton
June 2013
DEADLINE: Dog/Horse/Rabbit/Cavy/Poultry Identification Cards Due in Extension Office
DEADLINE: Performance/Breeding Animal Arrangements Due in Extension Office
DEADLINE: Ownership Deadline for Commercial Breeding Animal Projects
DEADLINE: Cecil County 4-H Ownership Deadline for Registered Breeding Animal Projects
Cecil County Breeders’ Fair (Livestock, Rabbit, Cavy & Dog Shows), Fair Hill
Cecil County Breeders’ Fair Horse Shows, Fair Hill
30th Annual Maryland 4-H Foundation Golf Tournament
Mandatory Livestock Sale Meeting, 7 PM, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton
University of Maryland Extension (UME) Volunteer Training, Cecil County Extension Office, Elkton, 6:30 PM
New Castle County 4-H & FFA Livestock Classic, Harrington, DE
Young Guns Shotgun Practice, Oxford Gun Club, 6 PM
DEADLINE: Cecil County 4-H Camp Registration to Receive the Discounted Rate
17-21 Lower Eastern Shore 4-H Camp, Camp Thendara, Hurlock
18-20 Cecil County 4-H Horse Hoopla, Fair Hill
Maryland Dairy Goat Association Youth Show, Howard County Fairgrounds, West Friendship
25-27 State 4-H Teen Focus, University of Maryland, College Park
Maryland 4-H Night at Oriole Park at Camden Yards, Baltimore, 7:05 PM
Young Guns Shotgun Practice, Oxford Gun Club, 6 PM
State 4-H Avian Bowl Contest, College Park
1st & 3rd Thursday
Archery Practice, 6:30 PM, Sanford-Cranes, Elkton
Every Tuesday until 6/11 Advanced Welding Workshops, 6:30 PM, Jerry’s Automotive, Rising Sun (5/21-6/11)
July 2013
DEADLINE: Registered Breeding Animal Project Ownership Deadline for the Maryland State Fair
DEADLINE: All Cecil County Fair Animal, Club and Engineering Entries
DEADLINE: Maryland 4-H Quality Assurance Online Website Closes for Cecil County 4-H for participation in the Cecil
County and Maryland State Fairs
State Livestock Roundup, Frederick Camp Center, Frederick
Cecil County 4-H Bicycle Event
Cecil County Fair Poultry Testing, April & Mark Barczewski’s, Fair Hill
Cecil County 4-H Camp Orientation, County Administration Building, Elkton, 6:30-8 PM
12-14 State Horse Jamboree & Communications Contest, Camp Hashawaha, Westminster
Eastern Shore District Holstein Show, Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park, Centerville, 9:30 AM
19-27 Cecil County Fair, Fair Hill (Clean Up 7/28)
DEADLINE: Online ALL Maryland State Fair 4-H Entries (Online Entry System closes at 11:59 PM)
August 2013
Cecil County 4-H Camp, Rocks
22-9/2 Maryland State Fair, Timonium
September 2013
Countywide 4-H Livestock Meeting, Elkton
Countywide 4-H Horse Meeting, Elkton
October 2013
National 4-H Conference Portfolios Due
Maryland 4-H Horsemen’s Party, Clarksville
6-12 National 4-H Week
State 4-H Archery Match, Camp Thendara, Hurlock
State 4-H Dog Bowl Contest (Tentative)
State 4-H Shotgun Match, PG Trap & Skeet, Upper Marlboro
November 2013
22-24 State 4-H Adult & Teen Forum
December 2013
Holiday Craft Workshop, Fair Hill
Countywide 4-H Benefit Auction, Fair Hill
***For more information about any event, call, email or stop by the University of Maryland Extension Cecil County 4-H Office.
Horse Tails-2nd Sunday
Rabbit Wranglers-2nd Sunday
Reaching for the Stars-2nd Sunday
Tailwinds Trotters -2nd Sunday
Making Strides-3rd Sunday
Puddle Jumpers -2nd Monday
Stars & Stripes -2nd & 4th Monday
April Hall Barczewski
Extension Educator
4-H Youth Development
Cecil County
4-H Club Meeting Dates
Calvert Boys & Girls Clovers-2nd
Kids of the Future-2nd Tuesday
Junior Council -3rd Tuesday
Kibbles-N-Kids-2nd Wednesday
Rising Sun Milk Squirters-2nd
Cecil Sliders-2nd Wednesday
Kuntry Kids/Livestock-1st Thursday
Robotics-2nd & 4th Thursday
Calvert Boys and Girls-3rd Thursday
Krazy Kritters-3rd Thursday
Archery Practice-3rd Thursday
Tri-State Trotters-2nd Friday
Camp Staff Training-1st Saturday
Young Guns Shotgun Practice-Varies
Victoria “Vicki” Stone
Program Assistant
4-H Youth Development
Cecil County
“The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation,
physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status, genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression.”
Find the following documents on the Cecil County Extension website at under the 4-H Youth Development Tab
Achievement Night Results
Cecil 4-H Camp Registration
Cecil 4-H Horse Hoopla Registration
State 4-H Engineering Camp Registration
Cecil County Breeders Fair Booklet & Registration
Eastern Shore Spring Show (ESSS) Booklet & Registration