4-H TRIBUNE May 2012 Volume 5 Issue 4 LIGHTS….CAMERA….FASHION! Calling all 4-Her’s! Come showcase your latest fashions on the runway at the “2012 4-H Fashion Revue” With seventeen possible entry categories there is an opportunity for everyone from Clovers to Seniors to show off their runway style. An exciting new venue has been selected to highlight you and your creations! So find the perfect accessories to compliment your Ready to Wear creation, put the final touches on your Constructed Wear design, and we will see you in the spotlight! FASHION REVUE th JUNE 9 at the CC Extension Office! Entry Forms and Narrations EXTENSION!!! Due Friday, May 18th Market Swine, Lamb or Goat Weigh-In and Tagging Therapeutic Riding Barn Market Swine: Friday, May 4th, 5-9pm Market Sheep and Market Goat: Saturday, May 12th, time 5-9pm ****Please note the date change for the Market Sheep and Market Goat Weigh-In**** If you plan to exhibit one of the above at the county or state fair, it must have a CC ear tag and be weighed in here at Carroll County. Registration forms were in the March newsletter and are online at our website. The Animal Science Code of Ethics is on the reverse side, please sign and date. Tags cost $1 each and checks can be made payable to CCEAC. You must turn in a completed form with the number of tags you will need by April 30th for Swine and Lambs and Goats. Anyone who does not turn in the registration form by the above deadlines will not be eligible for the fairs. In addition, several youth show 4-H in one county and FFA in another: you must register, tag, and weigh-in the appropriate animal for that county!! You may not weigh in your animals at another county and be eligible for the Carroll County 4-H/FFA Fair. Questions?? Call 410-386-2760. Castration Policy of the Maryland 4-H AnSc Program: All male steers, lambs, pigs, and goats must be neutered and healed prior to 4-H weigh-in and tagging. The only exception would be animals that have obvious signs they have been banded, however, their scrotal sac is still intact. UME Volunteer Leader Training Would you like to be a University of Maryland Extension Volunteer? Are you helping out at club meetings with projects or activities? Do you have parents in your club who have expressed an interest in being a 4-H volunteer? The next training will be Thursday, June 7th, 2012. Please call the Extension Office at 410-386-2760 to register. Goat Workshops! A goat workshop will be held on Friday, July 6th at 7PM at the Novotny Farm. If you have any questions, please contact Hanne Novotny @ 410-848-4371. Another goat workshop will be held at the Junior Stock Show on June 23rd at High Ridge Farm in Manchester. Questions, please call Candy Cole at 410-374-2004. Avian Bowl Avian Bowl practices have started! No previous experience is necessary. Anyone interested in participating, wanting more information or just wanting to see what a bowl competition is like, please call Karl Johnsson, 410-833-5508, Joe Hiltz, 410549-1438 or Darlene Welsh, 410-8615634. State competition is June 23, 2012. MANDATORY HORSE SAFETY CLASS FOR 1ST YEAR HORSE MEMBERS!! All 1st year 4-H horse members will need to attend a mandatory horse safety class to be eligible to show at the Carroll County 4H/FFA Fair. The date for this class is: Tuesday, June 19th at 7pm here at the Carroll County Extension Office. This would also be a good refresher course for any and all!! For more information, contact Kathy Drzewianowski at 410-848-0731. MD State 4-H Horse Jamboree!! This year, Carroll County will be hosting the MD State 4-H Horse Jamboree, July 13-15 at Hashawha Environmental Center. Let’s have Carroll County outshine all the other counties!! Scholarships will be available, contact Kathy at 410-386-2760 for more information. See the flyer attached to this Tribune. QUALITY ASSURANCE If you are a new member or have moved to a new age group (Junior to Intermediate, Intermediate to Senior) you will be required to take the Online Quality Assurance Program this year. Or, if you are adding a new species to your project list! (EX. Never shown goats, adding goats this year.) The program is online and required for ALL 4-H Members showing beef, dairy, hog, sheep, goats, horses/ponies, poultry, rabbits, and alpacas/llamas. The website to complete this program is http://www.maryland4h.org/AHQA/ . You must register and complete this program if you are going to show. The website is open and is available 24 hours a day. If you receive an error message while trying to complete it please let Kathy know. The CC 4-H Extension Office has a “Computer Lab” which is available to all. Contact Kathy if you should need to use the computer lab. It can be used for both the QA training and for CC 4-H/FFA Fair Entries starting in May. Because our fair begins before the state deadline, you will need to complete this requirement by July 25th!! WILLS FAIR Wills Fair will be hosted at the Howard County Fairgrounds on May 19, 2012. If you have any questions, please view the online catalog: http://howard.umd.edu/4-HYouth/WillsFair/ index.cfm Rocketry Program!! Dairy Lease/Own The rocketry program at our fair has been growing. A source for discounted rockets has been found and a bulk order is going to be placed at the end of April. This will provide ample time before the fair to get some more projects completed. A 30% discount off of retail + free shipping on Estes brand rockets has been offered to us. You can view the 2012 Estes rocketry catalog at this link: http://www.estesrockets.com/customerservice/full-catalog/ , or copies of the current catalog are available for pick-up at the Extension Office. If you have any questions, or are interested in joining in on this generous offer, please contact Bill and Carol Viney, (Superintendents of Rocketry for our 4-H fair) by e-mail MrsViney@yahoo.com or by phone 443-414-7834. The 4-H AnSc committee is doing a 2-year trial where Dairy Steer owners may lease a Dairy Heifer. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact Kathy at 410-386-2760. All leases are due to the 4-H Office by May 1, 2012. Junior Stock Show!! Goat, Sheep and Swine Fitting & Showing: If you are a Clover that might want to try showing a pig, goat, or sheep, or if you need more practice before this year's County Fair, mark June 23rd on your calendar. The annual Jr. Stock Show will be held at High Ridge Farm in Manchester. Animals will be provided that day for those of you that need them for practicing. Details and the registration paperwork are on the 4-H website and also in the March Tribune. Questions, please call Candy Cole at 410374-2004. ***The Junior Stock Show can count as a workshop for juniors and novices per the Fair requirement of attending a mandatory workshop.*** DAIRY EXHIBITORS!! Please put May 12th on your calendars!! This will be the CC 4-H Dairy Workshop. It will be held at Coldsprings Farm. Questions? Call Debbie Hoff or Cindy Speak. Hope to see you there! Dairy Judging Practice schedule Yes, it’s time!! Tuesday, May 22 Myers's Tuesday, May 29 Schwartzbeck's Tuesday, June 5 Lease's Tuesday, June 12 Dell's More practice dates to come! If you have any questions please contact Kelly Zepp at 410-635-3922. Looking for…. The Carroll County Dairy Princess Program is looking for young women who want to have fun representing the local dairy industry as Carroll County Dairy Princess or Dairy Maids. Girls who wish to run for princess must be residents of Carroll County between 16 and 21 years of age. The contestant must own at least one dairy animal or be enrolled in a dairy project (dairy showmanship, dairy leasing, dairy judging and dairy foods) through 4-H or FFA for at least two prior years or be an employee in a dairy-related industry or the daughter of someone employed in a dairy-related industry (herdsman, farm manager, farm store, cooperative, DHIA, veterinarian etc.). Dairy Maids are Carroll County residents age 13 to 16 who meet the same dairy-related requirements listed above. Dairy Maids must turn 13 in the year that they join the program. Participants age 16 can choose to be maids or run for princess. The Dairy Princess and her maids learn public speaking skills and earn schoolrequired community service hours as they attend a variety of fun events talking to the public about the dairy industry and passing out free promotional items. Princesses must participate in the Maryland State Dairy Princess Contest scheduled this year on July 17-18 in Frederick. Dairy Maids attend a fun seminar and are introduced at the contest on July 18. For more information about the many opportunities the Dairy Princess Program offers, please contact Joanne Morvay Weant at 410-756-4445 or joanne.morvay@gmail.com by May 22. Poultry, Rabbit and Cavey Exhibitors At the end of this Tribune, you will find a Poultry, Rabbit and Cavey Registration Form. This is a new form required this year for those exhibitors wanting to exhibit at all county and the MD State Fair. Please fill out and return to the Carroll County Extension Office by June 1st. If you have any questions, contact Kathy at 410/386-2760. FASHION REVUE Meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday of the month @ 7pm, at the CC Extension Office. The next meeting is May 16th @ 7pm. All youth wishing to help in planning this year’s event are welcome to attend!! See you there! FASHION REVUE will be June 9, 2012. The entry form is available online at the 4-H Website. Sewing Machines We are doing some spring cleaning at the Extension Office. We have two older sewing machines that are looking for new homes, and they work! Perfect if you are interested in sewing, but don’t have a sewing machine. Contact the Extension Office at 410-386-2760, if interested. First Come – First Served! Livestock Judging!! Yes, it’s time to begin Livestock Judging once more!! Yeah!! The first 2 practices will be at the Carroll County Extension Office. Hope to see you there! May 14 CC Ext Office, 7pm May 29 CC Ext Office, 7pm For Questions, call Kathy, 410/386-2760. Animal Health Certificates Update: There are no changes to the health certificates required for show animals for the 2012 show season. Remember 60 days prior to attending a show or field day, a CVI must be obtained by your veterinarian. In addition, the selfcertification form must be completed while loading your animals for the show. Attention High School Senior 4-H Members!! In the CC Extension Office is a book of Scholarship applications. They are also on our website. There are various due dates for these applications, from mid-April to July. Please come in and look them over, there may be something that you can apply for…don’t lose the chance to get money for your education!! TSC Paper Clover Outdoor Recreation Club!! Support 4-H programs by shopping at Tractor Supply Company, May 2nd – May 13th. Just add a $1 paper clover to your purchase. One hundred percent of the proceeds will benefit county and state 4-H programs. We have “bookmarks” here at the office to help you remember to stop by TSC and support Carroll County. Do you have an interest in exploring the outdoors? Would you like to learn basic outdoor survival skills? Do you like to hike and camp? If you answered “yes,” “maybe,” or “I don’t know” to any of these questions, then there may be a new opportunity for you at 4-H! If you are interested in being a part of this club as a member or a volunteer please contact Jim Serfass at 410-386-2760 or jserfass@umd.edu. 4-H!! CLUB LEADERS!! The Public Relations Efforts (AA-4-H4) form should have been submitted to the 4-H Office by February 1. We are still waiting for this form from the following clubs: CC Rabbit CC Teen Council Fine Feathered Friends Gunpowder Hoofbeat SPARKS Wakefield Valley Westminster If you need another copy of this form, we have extras in the office. We are still waiting for The Annual Financial Summary Report from the following clubs: CC Teen Council Flaming Arrows Horse of Course SC Tree of Life Please send all of the above to Debbie’s attention ASAP. 2012 Horticulture Judging Do you think you know your plants, vegetables, flowers, and bugs? If you think you do, then participate in the Carroll County Fair Horticulture Judging Contest! If you have any questions or are interested, please email Tommy Diffendal at farmertommy@hotmail.com for more information! Practices will be on the following dates: May 23rd, June 20th, and July 18th. All of them start at 7pm at the Extension Office. Come Join 4-H as we celebrate National Trails Day at Catoctin Mountain Park What: A fantastic 4.5 mile guided hike that will take you to Cunningham Falls, Hog Rock, and awesome overlooks! The hike will take approximately 2.5 to 3 hours. Friends and family of 4-Hers are welcome! When: Saturday, June 2nd, 2012; 9:30AM arrival and check-in, hike begins at 10:00AM Where: Catoctin Mountain Park Visitor Center, 14707 Park Central Road, Thurmont, MD RSVP by calling or emailing Jim Serfass: 410-386-2760, jserfass@umd.edu *Please bring a picnic lunch to enjoy after the hike. Some snacks and drinks will be provided. This event is FREE! Food Preservation Workshops Are you thinking about entering something preserved at the fair? Or are you just interested in learning how to make jam? How about learning about canning vegetables? We will be offering two workshops to learn all about food preservation! Workshops are offered Wednesday, June 20th from 12 – 4pm and Saturday, June 23rd from 8am – 4pm. There is a $15 registration fee to cover materials. If interested contact Becky Ridgeway at 410-386-2760 or st bridgewa@umd.edu by June 1 . Check out the attached flyer too! Clover Camp Returns to Carroll County!! We would like to congratulate the following: State Dairy Bowl Contest Juniors – Team placed 3rd Jordyn Griffin - 5th place individual Marissa Roberts – 9th place individual Intermediates – Team placed 5th Wyatt Kahler – 3rd in written exam Look for State Horse Bowl, Judging, and Hippology results next month! 2012 Camp Program Mark the dates on your calendar now for the 2012 Carroll County 4-H Camps. Applications were included in February’s Tribune. They are also available in the office or on our website. Younger Week – June 25-28, 2012 (Mon-Thurs) Hashawha Environmental Ctr. Ages 8-11 (age based on Jan. 1, 2012) Older Week – July 16-20, 2012 (Mon-Fri) Hashawha Environmental Ctr. Ages 10-14 (age based on Jan. 1, 2012) Please be aware that in order to go to camp this year you must have a zero balance from 2011 camp. If you are unsure if you still owe money, please call the office. All camper applications and scholarship forms will be due by April 13th. If you do not fill out the scholarship form, you will not be considered for a scholarship. All forms and money will be due into the office by May 18th. If ALL forms and money are not in by this time, you may forfeit your spot at camp. Camp fills on a first come, first served basis, so get your application in soon! Theme: Little Critters, Big Deal! Dates: Mon., July 9- Thurs., July 12 Location: UME Carroll County Office Time: 8:30 AM- 4:00 PM every day Come join the fun as Clover Camp returns to the UME Carroll County Office! Campers will learn about the tiny creatures, mainly insects and other “bugs,” that make a huge impact on our world. Activities will include bug-related games, arts and crafts, composting, plenty of experiments and exploration, stories, songs, and snacks (no, we probably won’t eat any bugs). If you are interested in registering your Clover and some of their friends please call or email Jim Serfass at 410386-2760 or jserfass@umd.edu or download the application form at: http://carroll.umd.edu/4h/camps.cfm Registration will be limited. If some of our older youth would like to VOLUNTEER to help, please use the contact information above. 1st Annual Teens & Tweens Consignment This event will be held on Saturday, May 26 from 7am – 12pm. Hosted by the Rolling Clovers 4-H Club at the Emmanuel Baust UCC. For more information to consign, please e-mail slawr@hotmail.com Relay For Life Westminster 4-H is once again fielding a Relay for Life team to support the American Cancer Society's 2012 fundraising campaign. This will be the 10th annual Relay that Westminster 4-H members have participated in. The first Relay team from the club walked the track at Westminster High School, Relay's former location. The club has a photo history of that event from a Carroll County Times article dated April 2002. This year, Relay will be held in the Shipley Arena at the Ag Center. Opening ceremonies are scheduled for 7:30 PM on Friday, May 18th. Everyone is invited to attend the Relay, where plenty of fun, food, and family friendly activities are being held in conjunction with the actual Relay event. Westminster 4-H members will be selling Chick-fil-A® sandwiches and sodas, so come on out and support our fundraising efforts. Feel free to join our team, or to donate contact a member from the Westminster 4-H Club. Mark your calendars!! 2012 Carroll County 4-H FFA Fair will be held July 28th – August 3rd 2012 Carroll County Fair Theme!! “Our Kids, Our Fair, Our Future!” The Fair online Registration should be up and running by the middle of May and the system will be shut down on June 10th, at 11:59pm!! Remember the fair website is: http://www.carrollcountyfair.com/ This is different than the UME – Carroll County website which can be found at the end of the Tribune. Fair Day at the Mall!! Calling all 4-H Clubs!! We would like your help and participation at the 2012 Fair Day at the Mall. This is a chance to recruit new youth to your clubs, showcase things that your club participates in, and help publicize the CC 4-H/FFA Fair!! July 14th, at the Mall! Please contact Katie Weishaar, 814/644-5054 or katieweko@yahoo.com to volunteer your club or an activity! Take a time slot or spend the day at the Mall!! I conclude my series of articles highlighting new classes or class changes for Indoor Depts. at the 2012 County Fair. This month I will cover the Foods Dept. which includes Canning, Cookies and Fudge, Cakes and Pies, Baking for Special Needs and Decorated Creations. A new class in Canning that was added last year was Special Need Fruit—canning for dietary needs. Jams and jellies should be in ½ pt. jars. Exceptions will be made for 2012 for things canned after Aug. 2011. They will continue with the classes that were added 2 years ago which include—other fruit—with no spices of any kind, vegetable relish, tomato sauce, fruit salsa and vegetable salsa. This year there will be two classes for sugar cookies - one class will be dropped and the other will be rolled sugar cookies. Their will be two classes for Oatmeal Cookies - one class will be plain and the other class will be with raisins, nuts, chocolate chips, etc. The Cookie of the Year is Chocolate Pinwheel cookies and the Cake of the Year is Create a Coffee Cake. We continue with the new classes added two years ago in the Decorated Creation area. They are decorated cake-fondant cake covered with homemade fondant and decorated, and Tier cake-covered with homemade fondant and decorated. The other new classes were nondecorated items—Giant Chocolate Cookies and Cupcakes. The Cake Auction is not a department that you pre-register for. Instead you register the food item that will possibly be sold in the Cake Auction. Cake discs will be available beginning June 1 at the 4-H Office. Any questions please contact the superintendents for the respective food area. Sandra Stonesifer, Red Building Superintendent Horse Exhibitors!! For the County Fair the following is required: Exhibitors - English and Western, must have passed Horsemanship Standards Levels 1 & 2 for Knowledge and Levels 1, 2, & 3 for Riding to show at a canter or lope at the 2012 County Fair. A copy of the tests must be presented to the 4-H Office by the tester to be placed on file. Riders only passing Standards Levels 1 & 2 for Riding will be restricted to entering the Short Stirrup Walk, Walk/Trot classes, Long Stirrup Walk, Walk/Trot classes, and Western walk/jog classes. If you previously rode at a canter or lope at the fair, you cannot step down to the walk/trot or walk/jog classes with the mount you rode at a canter or lope. Starting at the 2013 Fair, riders will have to pass Jumping Levels 1 & 2 to show in the Short Stirrup and Long Stirrup jumping classes and for the Pleasure and Hunter classes, riders will also have to pass Jumping Level 3. This will finally bring us in line with State Fair 4-H Horse Show requirements. You now have more than a year to pass the jumping levels, so please don't wait until the last minute. For State Fair the following is required per the Horse and Pony Rule Book: A 4-Her must have successfully passed Maryland 4-H Horsemanship Knowledge and Riding Levels 1 & 2 and English or Western Riding Level 3. 4-Hers entering a jumping class must specifically pass English Riding Jumping Level 3. 4-Hers showing in halter or showmanship classes ONLY are required to have Knowledge Levels 1 & 2 and must have prior approval by their club leader and/or County Extension Educator. All rankings must be on file at the county 4-H office prior to the State Fair. If you have any questions about the above, call Kathy D. RABBIT FAIR ORIENTATION Tuesday, JUNE 5TH, @ 7 PM IN THE ROCHE RABBIT BARN Thursday, JUNE 7TH @ 7 PM IN THE ROCHE RABBIT BARN If you plan on entering a rabbit at fair please attend one of the rabbit orientation meetings. Please note that there is a new rabbit fair entry date. ONLY on Friday July 27 between 10 am and 3 pm are rabbits entered. No late entries will be accepted. At orientation we will have tattooing available. No rabbit will be accepted at fair without a tattoo prior to check in. Also: Carroll County 4H’ers, would you like to know more about the duties of a Rabbit Youth Superintendent? If so contact Kathy Harden @ hardencc@gmail.com deadline is July 1st. Kathy Gordon Extension Educator 4-H Youth Development kgordon1@umd.edu Jim Serfass Extension Educator 4-H Youth Development jserfass@umd.edu Becky Ridgeway Extension Educator 4-H Youth Development bridgewa@umd.edu www.carroll.umd.edu/4h The Carroll County 4-H Website. Find The Tribune online, plus other forms and information for youth and leaders. www.maryland4h.org The Maryland State 4-H Youth Development Website. News & information from all over the state, plus forms and information for youth and leaders. Carroll County 4-H Youth Development University of Maryland Extension 700 Agriculture Center Westminster, MD 21157-5700 Phone: Toll-Free: Fax: 410-386-2760 888-326-9645 410-876-0132 It is the policy of the University of Maryland Extension that no person shall be subjected to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital or parental status, or disability. If you have a disability that requires special assistance for your participation in a program, please contact the Carroll County Extension Office at 410-386-2760, fax: 410-876-0132, two (2) weeks prior to the program. The information given herein is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by University of Maryland Extension is implied. At the Carroll County 4-H Achievement Program, we missed announcing and getting into the program book the following information. Please forgive our mistake and here are the corrections! National Trip Winners: 2012 Avian Bowl (first team ever sent to Nationals from Maryland) Karl Johnsson Joe Hiltz This year instead of selecting one Outstanding 4-H Club, our intent was to recognize ALL!! And instead we recognized none! Again, our apologies! The clubs who presented all of their program books on time to the CC 4-H Extension Office: Carrollton CC HotShots Lineboro Manchester Maniacs Rolling Clovers Taneytown Congratulations to these clubs!! They will be getting a Wal-Mart Gift Card to use for anything they wish!! 2012 Exhibitor Requirements for Animal Health Livestock Exhibitors: (Dairy, Beef, Sheep, Swine, Goats, Alpacas) CVI and Self Certification form Equine Exhibitors: Valid Coggins test within the last 12 months Equine Self Certification Form Poultry Exhibitors: Proof of MD Poultry Premise ID number Avian Influenza Test Pullorum-Typhoid Test Poultry Self Certification Form Rabbit & Cavies Exhibitors: Self Certification Form *** A person may not show livestock at any petting zoo, unless all exhibited animals in the petting zoo, 105 days of age or older, are vaccinated against rabies as provided in COMAR 10.06.02, unless there is no rabies vaccine licensed and approved by the USDA for that animal species. Approved species are Cattle, Sheep, Horses, Dogs, Cats, and Ferrets. _________________________________________________________________________ 10 Consumer Education YES! Consumer Education in Carroll County is back! O.K. --- What is Consumer Education? Consumer Education is the practice of learning how to spend money wisely. 4Her’s will be able to participate in training sessions on selected topics and practice learned skills in simulated situations. Four education training sessions have been planned. A county contest will be held where classes of all topics discussed will be set-up. All events will be held at the County Extension Office. All practices are from 7-9 pm. Session Dates: May 24th June 5th June 14th July 9th Topics: Pizza & Pasta I.D. Energy Drinks & Jeans Cupcakes & Tablets (Oral Reasons) Light Bulbs & Grain I.D. County Consumer Education Judging Contest: Monday, July 23rd from 7-9 pm covering all topics listed above. Contest results, ribbons and champion awards will be given at a special awards evening following the County Fair. Points will be awarded to those attending practice sessions. These points will be added to the county contest score. Come give it a try. We all want to $TRETCH that dollar as far as we can. For questions or more information please call Jenn Warner at 443-277-8058. Upcoming Dates to Remember… May 1 May 4 May 6 May 12 Horse & Pony ID Cards & Animal Leases Due/ Deadline to join 4-H Swine Weigh-in/Tagging, CC Ag Center, 5-9pm Sheep & Wool Skillathon, Howard County Fairgrounds Dairy Workshop at Coldsprings Farm Market Sheep and Market Goat Weigh-in, TRP, 5-9pm May 14 Livestock Judging Begins May 18 Fashion Revue entry forms and narrations due May 19 Wills Fair, Howard County Fairgrounds May 22 Dairy Judging Begins May 24 Consumer Judging Begins June 2 National Trails Day Hike at Catoctin Mountain Park 9:30 AM June 7 UME Volunteer Training, CC Ext Office June 9 Fashion Revue, CC Extension Office June 10 Deadline for on-line CC 4-H/FFA Fair registration 11:59pm June 15 Deadline to register for Food Preservation Workshops June 19 Mandatory horse safety class for 1st year horse members, CC Ext Office – 7 pm June 20 Food Preservation Workshop, CC Extension Office, 12PM-4PM June 23 Junior Stock Show, High Ridge Farm Food Preservation Workshop, CC Extension Office, 8AM-4PM June 25-28 CC 4-H Camp, Hashawha July 6 Goat Workshop at Novotny Farm, 7 pm July 9-12 CC 4-H Clover Camp, CC Ext Office, 8:30 am – 4 pm July 14 Fair Day at the Mall July 13-15 State 4-H Horse Jamboree, Hashawha July 16-20 CC 4-H Camp, Hashawha July 28-Aug 3 Carroll County 4-H/FFA Fair 11 Congratulations to all 4-Her’s who participated at County Demonstration Day on Saturday, February 25, 2012. The turnout was down a little this year, but those who did a demonstration did a wonderful job! It’s good to see familiar faces from previous years and new faces too! I especially want to thank our judges for taking time out of their busy schedules to help at this event. We couldn’t do it without you! Thanks also to the Manchester Maniacs 4-H Club for providing the delicious food at the concession stand. Great job to everyone in the club! Prior to the awards, we got to enjoy a presentation by the Deep Run 4-H Club, telling us about their community service project for this year. It’s always a pleasure to see the club’s project and the effort that the members and parents put into making the project possible. Personally, I would like to thank my assistants, Sandy Stonesifer and Angie Bachtel, and Kathy Gordon, Becky Ridgeway, and Debbie Weiner from the 4-H office for helping to make this day possible. I could not possibly pull this off without all of you and your wonderful support. Again, congratulations to everyone and I encourage you all to return next year! The following participants gave a champion demonstration: Champion Team Demonstrations Marissa Roberts & Allison Stoner, Abigail Stevens & Rachel Thiem, Emily & Garrett Kemp, Amber & Autumn Lippy Champion Senior Demonstrations Noah Miller, Ethan Alster, Kyle Lawrence, Austin Stoner Champion Junior Demonstrations Jacob Newton, Matthew Nevin, Catherine Seppi, Nicholas Jones, Emily Kemp Champion 1st year Junior Demonstrations Serena Newton Champion Egg Demonstration Amy Donna Bittler Clover Demonstrations Noah Geiman, Colleen Haines, Madelyn Kemp, Benjamin Schildwachter 12 Public Speaking Contest Prepared Speaking: Junior – Ryan Leister – Champion Intermediate – Autumn Lippy – Champion Jonathan Nusbaum – 1st Reserve Champion Abigail Stevens – 2nd Reserve Champion Senior – Hannah Nusbaum – Champion Bethany Nusbaum – 1st Reserve Champion Melanie Ogg – 2nd Reserve Champion Extemporaneous Speaking: Junior – Jarrett Wagner – Champion Intermediate – Amy Donna Bittler – Champion Kate Brewster – 1st Reserve Champion Jordan Wagner – 2nd Reserve Champion Senior – Victoria Fromm – Champion Sarah Giordano – 1st Reserve Champion Danielle Franc – 2nd Reserve Champion Radio Address Junior – Dylan Youmans – Champion Allison Stoner – 1st Reserve Champion Marissa Roberts – 2nd Reserve Champion Intermediates – Tessie Weant – Champion Jordan Wagner – 1st Reserve Champion Caleb Enoff – 2nd Reserve Champion Senior – Brittany Lippy – Champion Rebecca Hart – 1st Reserve Champion Hannah Nusbaum – 2nd Reserve Champion Interpretations Junior – Josiah Giordano – Champion Caleb Giordano – 1st Reserve Champion Intermediates – Amy Donna Bittler – Champion Caroline Maclean-Blevins – 1st Reserve Champion Jonathan Nusbaum – 2nd Reserve Champion Senior – Sarah Giordano – Champion Noah Miller – 1st Reserve Champion Hannah Nusbaum – 2nd Reserve Champion 13 Carroll County 4-H & FFA Fair 2012 RABBIT ENTRY FORM TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CHECK IN AND BROUGHT WITH YOU AND SUBMITTED WHEN YOU CHECK IN YOUR RABBITS ON: CHECK IN IS ON FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2012 BETWEEN 10 AM AND 3 PM ONLY You may only enter the number of rabbits you have entered through the fair office; coop # will be filled in at time of check in. Name________________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________________State______________Zip________ Phone(____)__________ __________________________EMAIL_____________________ EAR # BREED COLOR/GROUP SR 6/8 JR BUCK DOE COOP # To use this check in form, start with one breed, enter all those first starting with the sr. buck and one color/group, then sr. doe and follow with the same with your 6/8-same color and then to jr’s. Then enter the next breed the same way. Group your breed/color/groups together. 14 Carroll County 4-H Program is offering two Food Preservation Workshops A wonderful opportunity to participate in the workshop and make items to enter at the fair! The following workshop will be held on Wednesday, June 20th from 12pm-4pm: Strawberry Jam (hot water bath canning) The following workshop will be held on Saturday, June 23rd from 8am-4pm: Blueberry Jam (hot water bath canning) followed by Carrots (pressure canning) Lunch will be provided for Saturday, June 23rd workshop. Don’t wait--sign up now; both workshops are limited to the first 15 4-H members. There is a $15 fee to cover the cost of materials. Registration deadline is Friday, June 15th Register by calling 410-386-2760 For more information on the class contact Becky Ridgeway at 410-386-2760 or at bridgewa@umd.edu If you need special assistance to participate in this program, please contact the office at 410-386-2760 at least two weeks prior to the class. University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin. 15 2012 Miss Carroll County Farm Bureau Contest Are you a young lady between the ages of 16 – 19 who has an interest in and appreciation for agriculture? If so, the Miss Carroll County Farm Bureau Contest may be the perfect opportunity for you. Formerly known as the Carroll County Farm Queen contest, the Miss Carroll County Farm Bureau contest provides young women with the opportunity to share their knowledge of agriculture and Farm Bureau with people around the county and state. This is a very educational and rewarding experience for young women! This also allows the girls to meet and interact with other young ladies from around the state, where everyone can share their various experiences and knowledge with one another. There are also various scholarship opportunities at both the county and state level! This year’s contest will be held on Sunday July 29th at the Carroll County 4-H & FFA Fair! During the county contest, one girl will be selected to represent Carroll County at the Miss Maryland Agriculture Contest, which is held during the Maryland State Fair! Contest Qualifications: The young lady must be between the ages of 16 and 19. Parents or guardians must be members or become members of the Carroll County Farm Bureau. Should have an interest in and appreciation for agriculture MUST be able to attend the state contest orientation– August 6th & 7th at the Maryland State Fairgrounds MUST be able to participate in the state contest– August 23rd & 24th FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO RECEIVE AN APPLICATION: Please contact Angie Bachtel angelarasche@gmail.com Cell: 443-277-6518 Application Deadline: July 15, 2012 Equal Opportunity Programs It’s Jamboree Time! July 13-15, 2012 Hashawha Environmental Center Westminster, MD Workshops, Demos, Farm Visits Standardbred Racing Equine Activities Create a First Aide Kit Great Crafts! Art Show Buyer Beware! Tons of prizes Horse Rescue Work and awards! Dirty Pony Contest! State For more details and to register, please visit the Maryland 4-H Horse Website at www.4hhorse.umd. University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin. Communications Contest! Be there! MARYLAND 4-H POULTRY, RABBIT and CAVY REGISTRATION Please print neatly with a pen! Year ________________ Date Due_________________________ Name _________________________________________________________________ ONE Registration Form PER CATEGORY Address _______________________________________________________________ Check Category: _______________________________________________________________________ ____ Breeding Poultry ____ Rabbit Phone _________________________________________________________________ ____ Capon ____ Meat Rabbit ____ Broiler ____ Cavy Club Name ______________________ County/City ___________________________ Individual Number/Tattoo Individual Name (if applicable) Breed Color/Variety Sex Date of Birth/Hatch Comments My signature indicates that the above animal(s) are under my care, I own them, and I have correctly and honestly filled this form out to the best of my knowledge. ________________________________________________________ 4-H Member ________________________________________________________ Parent or Legal Guardian The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all persons regardless of race, color, sex, age, religion, disability or national origin. Information provided to UME may be used and shared within UME, the University of Maryland and the University System of Maryland and with outside entities as necessary or appropriate in accordance with applicable law and the mission, purpose and functions of UME and the University. Because the University is a State educational institution, such information may also be subject to disclosure under the Maryland Access to Public Records Act. A person may inspect and/or correct his or her personal information as provided by the Maryland Access to Public Records Act and/or applicable University policy. The purpose of these materials is to enroll all poultry, rabbit and cavy animals with the 4-H Program and to ensure members will receive all materials. By not providing all requested information, one may not receive all associated materials associated with the project, as well, as not being able to participate in Maryland 4-H shows. 1 of 2 University of Maryland Extension (UME) 4-H Code of Animal Science Ethics 4-H members enrolled in animal science projects (e.g., beef, camelids, dairy, dog, goat, horse, poultry, rabbit, sheep, small pet, and swine) shall, at all times, conduct themselves with honesty and good sportsmanship, including while with their projects and at all 4-H animal science activities and events. Their conduct should always reflect the highest standards of honor and dignity to promote the advancement of 4-H and its animal science program. 4-H members, as well as parents, UME volunteers and others working with them, are under an affirmative responsibility to do more than avoid improper conduct or questionable acts; and their conduct and values must serve as a positive influence on others. This Code of Ethics applies to all 4-H members who are enrolled in animal science projects, and to others (4-Hers, parents, volunteers, owners, etc.) who participate in the animal science program; and it covers daily animal care, as well as participation in competition and other 4-H animal activities and events. 4-H members and others who violate this Code of Ethics demean the integrity of 4-H and its animal science program. 4-H members who violate the code of animal science ethics are subject to sanctions including, but not limited to, forfeiture of premiums, awards, and/or auction proceeds and may be prohibited from participation in 4-H or 4-H/UME events or activities; other violators may also be subject to sanction, as appropriate. Infractions may be reviewed by 4-H and/or UME (on the local or state level, as appropriate to the infraction and to the event and/or activity in question), and/or may be subject to a fair oversight committee or other entity that oversees an activity or event. In addition, some acts may also be subject to review based upon the 4-H Behavioral Expectations (4-H 418) and/or other UME policies. The following is a list of standards and requirements for all 4-H animal science projects, at all times, whether at home, at animal exhibitions or events, or any other 4-H event or activity. 1. The care of all 4-H project animals is the responsibility of the 4-H member. 4-H members must properly care for and groom their animals for the duration of their project. 2. All project animals are expected to be housed at the 4-H member’s residence unless a different location is submitted to and approved in writing by the local 4-H staff. Any change in location must be approved in writing by the local 4-H staff; however, it is not necessary to report direct transport to and from shows or other events. 3. Upon request of 4-H, UME, or other program, fair, event or animal officials, 4-H members must present proof of ownership, length of ownership, identity and/or age of all 4-H project animals owned or leased. Misrepresentation of ownership, age, or identity of animal, or any facts relating thereto is prohibited. If a 4-H project animal is sold in a livestock sale, it is no longer eligible to be shown in a 4-H event in Maryland in that year. 4. 4-H members must provide appropriate animal health certificates upon request of 4-H, UME, or other program, fair, event or animal officials. 5. 4-H project animals must be presented to competition, activities and/or events, where they will enter the food chain, free of volatile drug residues. Animals which are presented to competition, events and/or activities that do not culminate with the animal entering the food chain, shall not be administered drugs other than in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations and rules. 4-H project animals shall not be exhibited if drugs administered in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations and rules may affect the animal’s performance or appearance at the event. At any time after an animal arrives on a fair or other 4-H activity or event premises, a licensed veterinarian must administer or, in consultation with fair, event, UME, or 4-H officials, direct the administration of any treatments involving the use of drugs and/or medications. 6. The act of enrolling in a 4-H animal science project, and/or entering a project animal in a 4-H competition, show, activity, or other event, gives consent for 4-H or UME or event authorities to obtain any specimens of urine, saliva, blood, hair, tissue, or other substance from the animal to be used for testing purposes including, but not limited to, drugs or identification. It is presumed that the sample of urine, saliva, blood or other substance tested by the approved laboratory to which it is sent is the one taken from the animal in question, its integrity is preserved, and all procedures of said collection and preservation, transfer to the laboratory and analysis of the sample are correct and accurate and the report received from the laboratory pertains to the sample taken from the animal in question and correctly reflects the condition of the animal at the time the sample was taken, with the burden on the 4-H owner to prove otherwise at any review in regard to the matter conducted by a fair or other event or the 4-H program. If the laboratory report on the chemical analysis of saliva, urine, blood, hair, tissue or other sample, taken from a 4-H animal science project, indicates the presence of forbidden drugs or medication, this shall be prima facie evidence such substance has been administered to the animal either internally or externally. 7. Any surgical procedure or injection of any foreign substance or drug or the external application of any substance (irritant, counter irritant, or similar substance) which could affect the animal's performance or alter its natural contour, conformation, or appearance, except external applications of substances to the hoofs or horns of animals which affect appearance only and except for surgical procedures performed by a duly licensed veterinarian for the sole purpose of protecting the health of the animal, is prohibited. 8. Using ice, ice packs, cold packs, or cold compresses, internally or externally, other than those prescribed to relieve heat stress or a medical condition as diagnosed by a duly licensed veterinarian for the sole purpose of protecting the health of the animal, is prohibited. 9. The use of showing and/or handling practices or devices, such as striking animals to cause swelling, using electrical devices, or other similar practices, are not acceptable and are prohibited. 10. All judges, fair and event officials and/or UME/4-H staff and volunteers shall be treated with courtesy, cooperation, and respect, and no person shall direct abusive or threatening conduct toward them or toward exhibitors or others participating in the activity. In addition, direct criticism or interference with a judge, fair, show or event official, exhibitor, breed representative, or UME/4-H staff or volunteer before, during, or after an event or other activity is prohibited. 11. No one shall violate this Code of Animal Science Ethics or conspire with another person or persons to intentionally violate this Code of Ethics or knowingly contribute or cooperate with another person or persons either by affirmative action or inaction to violate this Code of Ethics. 12. The application of this Code of Ethics provides for absolute responsibility for an animal's condition to the 4-H member whether or not he or she was actually instrumental in or had actual knowledge of the treatment of the animal in contravention of this Code of Ethics. 13. By enrolling in an animal science project and/or entering an animal in a fair or other 4-H event or activity, the 4-H member, and his/her parent or guardian, consent to have disciplinary action taken by appropriate authorities (including UME, 4-H, fair, event and/or other activity officials) for violation of this Code of Animal Science Ethics and/or any other applicable rules of UME, 4-H, a fair, activity or other event, without recourse against UME, 4-H and/or other authorities. In addition, the 4-H member, and his/her parent or guardian, further understand and agree that any action which contravenes these rules, and is also in violation of federal, state, or local laws, statutes, regulations, or rules, may be released to appropriate law enforcement authorities with jurisdiction over such infractions. Note: By signing this form the 4-H member, and his/her parent or guardian, each verify that he or she has read and understands the UME 4-H Code of Animal Science Ethics and the consequences of and penalties provided for violations of the Code. 4-H ANIMAL SCIENCE PROJECT ENROLLMENT STATEMENT I have read and understand the UME 4-H Code of Animal Science Ethics, and, in consideration of being permitted to enroll in a 4-H animal science project and/or participate in Maryland 4-H animal events or activities, I consent to and agree to abide by the UME 4-H Code of Animal Science Ethics. I understand this Statement must be signed by the 4-H member and his/her parent or guardian and will be on file in the local 4H office and will apply to all 4-H animal science activities and events. By not signing, I may not receive all associated materials and will not be eligible to enroll in an animal science project or to exhibit or participate in covered activities. ___ 4-H Member Signature Date Printed Name of 4-H Member Parent or Guardian of the 4-H Member Signature Date Printed Name of Parent or Guardian This Code of Ethics has been adapted from the IAFE Code of Show Ring Ethics; LMH; JWS; JWL 2001; JWL 2002; JWL 2007; CWA, Reviewed by DA 3/2009. Updated for Extension name and logo change –CWA 11/2009. 2 of 2 University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin.