4-H TRIBUNE June 2012 Volume 5 Issue 5 Entry Deadline for the Carroll County 4-H/FFA Fair: June 10th 2012 @ 11:59PM Please don’t wait until the last minute! If youth need help when being judged, or help explaining/identifying their project, please let Becky Ridgeway know so she can supply help at that time. Cow Pie Bingo Fundraiser This year the fundraiser committee has decided to host “Cow Pie Bingo” at the Carroll County 4-H & FFA Fair. This bingo will take place on Saturday, July 28th in Shipley Arena, time to be determined. We are looking for everyone to spread the word about the county fundraiser. Tickets are $10 and are available at the extension office and the winner will receive $250. If you have any questions contact Becky at 410-386-2760 or bridgewa@umd.edu. A flyer and the bingo rules are attached to this Tribune also. Maryland State Fair Youth Workers If anyone is interested in working at the State Fair and learning the ins and outs of how the Fair works, check out the Maryland 4-H website for an application: http://www.agnr.umd.edu/Extension/4H/Program%20Areas/Animal%20Sciences/Maryland%2 0State%20Fair.cfm There are many opportunities to work in the indoor building and in Animal World for those with an interest in animals. UME Volunteer Leader Training Would you like to be a University of Maryland Extension Volunteer? Are you helping out at club meetings with projects or activities? Do you have parents in your club who have expressed an interest in being a 4-H volunteer? The next training will be Thursday, June 7, 2012. Please call the Extension Office at 410-386-2760 to register. Goat Workshops! A goat workshop will be held on Friday, July 6th at 7PM at the Novotny Farm. If you have any questions, please contact Hanne Novotny @ 410-848-4371. Another goat workshop will be held at the Junior Stock Show on June 23rd at High Ridge Farm in Manchester. Questions, please call Candy Cole at 410-374-2004. Poultry Judging If you are interested in Poultry, take advantage of poultry judging. All practices are held at the CC Extension Office in Room C. Any 4-Her, Clover or FFA member is welcome, along with parents too. Call Kelly Hale (410-596-1332) or Glenn Haines (410-756-2113). The dates of practices are: Tues 5/29 Wed 6/6 Tues 6/19 Tues 6/26 Tues 7/3 Tues 7/10 Tues 7/17 Avian Bowl Avian Bowl practices have started! No previous experience is necessary. Anyone interested in participating, wanting more information or just wanting to see what a bowl competition is like, please call Karl Johnsson, 410-833-5508, Joe Hiltz, 410549-1438 or Darlene Welsh, 410-8615634. State competition is June 23, 2012. MANDATORY HORSE SAFETY CLASS FOR 1ST YEAR HORSE MEMBERS!! All 1st year 4-H horse members will need to attend a mandatory horse safety class to be eligible to show at the Carroll County 4H/FFA Fair. The date for this class is: Tuesday, June 19th at 7pm here at the Carroll County Extension Office. This would also be a good refresher course for any and all!! For more information, contact Kathy Drzewianowski at 410-848-0731. MD State 4-H Horse Jamboree!! This year, Carroll County will be hosting the MD State 4-H Horse Jamboree, July 13-15 at Hashawha Environmental Center. Let’s have Carroll County outshine all the other counties!! Scholarships will be available, contact Kathy at 410-386-2760 for more information. A flyer with more details was included in May’s Tribune. QUALITY ASSURANCE If you are a new member or have moved to a new age group (Junior to Intermediate, Intermediate to Senior) you will be required to take the Online Quality Assurance Program this year. Or, if you are adding a new species to your project list! (Ex. Never shown goats, adding goats this year.) The program is online and required for ALL 4-H Members showing beef, dairy, hog, sheep, goats, horses/ponies, poultry, rabbits, and alpacas/llamas. The website to complete this program is http://www.maryland4h. org/AHQA/ . You must register and complete this program if you are going to show. The website is open and is available 24 hours a day. If you receive an error message while trying to complete it please let Kathy know. The CC 4-H Extension Office has a “Computer Lab” which is available to all. Contact Kathy if you should need to use the computer lab. It can be used for both the QA training and for CC 4-H/FFA Fair Entries starting in May. Because our fair begins before the state deadline, you will need to complete this requirement by July 25th!! Junior Stock Show!! Goat, Sheep and Swine Fitting & Showing If you are a Clover that might want to try showing a pig, goat, or sheep, or if you need more practice before this year's County Fair, mark June 23rd on your calendar. The annual Jr. Stock Show will be held at High Ridge Farm in Manchester. Animals will be provided that day for those of you that need them for practicing. Details and the registration paperwork are on the 4-H website and also in the March Tribune. Questions, please call Candy Cole at 410374-2004. ***The Junior Stock Show can count as a workshop for juniors and novices per the Fair requirement of attending a mandatory workshop.*** Dairy Judging Practice schedule Tuesday, June 5 - Lease's Tuesday, June 12 - Dell's More practice dates to come! If you have any questions please contact Kelly Zepp at 410-635-3922. Poultry, Rabbit and Cavey Exhibitors In last month’s Tribune, you will find a Poultry, Rabbit and Cavey Registration Form. This is a new form required this year for those exhibitors wanting to exhibit at all county fairs and the MD State Fair. Please fill out and return to the Carroll County Extension Office by June 1st. If you have any questions, contact Kathy at 410/3862760. Livestock Judging!! Yes, it’s time to begin Livestock Judging once more!! Yeah!! Hope to see you there! June 10 - Hereford Field Day, 9am, Howard Co Fairgrounds June 14 - Stoner’s Pigs, 6:30pm June 16 - Shorthorn Field Day, 8:30am, Howard Co Fairgrounds June 22 - Cattail Classic Practice June 23 - Cattail Classic July 10 - Rill’s Sheep, 6:30pm These are practices scheduled so far. We will let you know when more are scheduled. For Questions, call Kathy, 410/386-2760. Attention High School Senior 4-H Members!! In the CC Extension Office is a book of Scholarship applications. They are also on our website. There are various due dates for these applications, from mid-April to July. Please come in and look them over, there may be something that you can apply for…don’t lose the chance to get money for your education!! 4-H CLUB LEADERS!! The Public Relations Efforts (AA-4-H4) form should have been submitted to the 4-H Office by February 1. We are still waiting for this form from the following clubs: CC Teen Council Fine Feathered Friends Gunpowder Sparks Wakefield Valley Westminster If you need another copy of this form, we have extras in the office. We are still waiting for The Annual Financial Summary Report from the following clubs: CC Teen Council Flaming Arrows Horse of Course SC Tree of Life Send all of the above to Debbie’s attention ASAP. Adventures In AGsploration The UME AGsploration action team is excited to announce that they will be offering six “Adventures in AGsploration” programs this summer throughout Maryland. Each will be a oneday educational program for youth who have completed 5th through 8th grade by the end of the school year. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about agriculture by engaging in fun, hands-on science-related activities, network with people involved in the Agricultural Industry, tour and visit local agriculture operations, and learn about potential education and career opportunities based in agro-science and science, technology, engineering and mathematic skills (STEM) fields, all while having fun and making new friends! The focus of the program is to enhance youth’s STEM abilities through interactive lessons that focus on one of Maryland’s top industries, Agriculture. Registration cost is only $15 for each participant and is limited to the first 50 youth at each site. The deadline for registration is June 1, 2012. The AGsploraiton program includes lunch, snacks, transportation to field trips, t-shirt and educational programming. Registration materials are available online at: www.maryland4h.org We would like to congratulate Jordan Wagner, reserve champion, extemporaneous speech @ the state communications contest. 2 Maryland 4-Hers at the G8 Summit Certainly we realize that 4-H is a Youth Development program that provides innumerable opportunities and builds competent, caring citizens who will be our future leaders. Being here in Maryland right next door to our Nation's Capital gives us even more opportunities for our 4-H young adults. At the May 18th Public Session of the G8 Summit two Maryland 4-Hers - Caitlin Moore, graduating from the University of Maryland in just a few days who was an active 4-Her and is a Collegiate 4-Her, and Josh Freeman, an outstanding 4-H member and 4-H Ambassador from Harford County, were part of the National 4-H Council Delegation. Caitlin and Josh traveled to the Ronald Reagan Building to witness the discussion of international dignitaries on the topics of Healthy Agriculture, Farm Futures and Food Security on the global front. Josh describes the conversation coming from all the different Presidents, `His Majesty's', `Your Honor's' and even Bono, as something that he will never forget. 2012 Horticulture Judging Do you think you know your plants, vegetables, flowers, and bugs? If you think you do, then participate in the Carroll County Fair Horticulture Judging Contest! If you have any questions or are interested, please email Tommy Diffendal at farmertommy@hotmail.com for more information! Practices will be on June 20th and July 18th. They start at 7pm at the Extension Office. Outdoor Recreation Club!! Do you have an interest in exploring the outdoors? Would you like to learn basic outdoor survival skills? Do you like to hike and camp? If you answered “yes,” “maybe,” or “I don’t know” to any of these questions, then there may be a new opportunity for you in 4-H! If you are interested in being a part of this club as a member or a volunteer please contact Jim Serfass at 410-386-2760 or jserfass@umd.edu. Food Preservation Workshops Are you thinking about entering something preserved at the fair? Or are you just interested in learning how to make jam? How about learning about canning vegetables? We will be offering two workshops to learn all about food preservation! Workshops are offered Wednesday, June 20th from 12 – 4pm and Saturday, June 23rd from 8am – 4pm. There is a $15 registration fee to cover materials. If interested contact Becky Ridgeway at 410-386-2760 or th bridgewa@umd.edu by June 15 . 4-H Livestock Round-Up Held July 5-7 at the Frederick County 4-H Camp and Activity Center. For more information go to: http://www.maryland4h.org/ Great News for 4-H Aerospace Enthusiasts! The Montgomery County 4-H Office will be sponsoring a State 4-H Aerospace Challenge this summer. This event will add the category of Aerospace—that has been missing since 2008—back to the roster of other state engineering events. For more information about this event and how to register, see flyer at the end of this Tribune. Clover Camp Returns to Carroll County!! Theme: Little Critters, Big Deal! Dates: Mon., July 9 - Thurs., July 12 Location: UME Carroll County Office Time: 8:30 AM- 4:00 PM every day Come join the fun as Clover Camp returns to the UME Carroll County Office! Campers will learn about the tiny creatures, mainly insects and other “bugs,” that make a huge impact on our world. Activities will include bug-related games, arts and crafts, composting, plenty of experiments and exploration, stories, songs, and snacks (no, we probably won’t eat any bugs). If you are interested in registering your Clover and some of their friends, please call or email Jim Serfass at 410386-2760 or jserfass@umd.edu or download the application form at: http://carroll.umd.edu/4h/camps.cfm Registration will be limited. If some of our older youth would like to VOLUNTEER to help, please use the contact information above. MyPlate Poster Contest at the MD State Fair Each year there is a healthy lifestyle poster contest at the Maryland State Fair. And all you have to do is create a poster of this year’s theme “MyPlate is a Healthy Plate.” Standard board poster board must be used, but it’s up to your imagination to create the poster! The best part is that you don’t have to enter the poster, contact Becky Ridgeway at 410-386-2760 or bridgewa@umd.edu if you’re interested and we will get you registered and take your poster to the state fair! Complete list of guidelines can be found at www.marylandstatefair.com. Looking for…. The Carroll County Dairy Princess Program is looking for young women who want to have fun representing the local dairy industry as Carroll County Dairy Princess or Dairy Maids. Girls who wish to run for princess must be residents of Carroll County between 16 and 21 years of age. The contestant must own at least one dairy animal or be enrolled in a dairy project (dairy showmanship, dairy leasing, dairy judging and dairy foods) through 4-H or FFA for at least two prior years or be an employee in a dairy-related industry or the daughter of someone employed in a dairy-related industry (herdsman, farm manager, farm store, cooperative, DHIA, veterinarian etc.). Dairy Maids are Carroll County residents age 13 to 16 who meet the same dairyrelated requirements listed above. Dairy Maids must turn 13 in the year that they join the program. Participants age 16 can choose to be maids or run for princess. Princesses must participate in the Maryland State Dairy Princess Contest scheduled this year on July 17-18 in Frederick. Dairy Maids attend a fun seminar and are introduced at the contest on July 18. For more information about the many opportunities the Dairy Princess Program offers, please contact Joanne Morvay Weant or at 410-756-4445 joanne.morvay@gmail.com by May 22. Miss Carroll County Farm Bureau Are you a young lady between the ages of 16 – 19 who has an interest in and appreciation for agriculture? If so, the Miss Carroll County Farm Bureau Contest may be the perfect opportunity for you. Formerly known as the Carroll County Farm Queen contest, the Miss Carroll County Farm Bureau contest provides young women with the opportunity to share their knowledge of agriculture and Farm Bureau with people around the county and state. For more information, please contact Angie Bachtel at angelarasche@gmail.com or 443-277-6518. Application deadline is July 15, 2012. Mark your calendars!! 2012 Carroll County 4-H FFA Fair will be held July 28th – August 3rd 2012 Carroll County Fair Theme!! “Our Kids, Our Fair, Our Future!” The Fair online Registration system is OPEN! And will shut down on June 10th, at 11:59pm!! Remember the fair website is: http://www.carrollcountyfair.com/ This is different than the UME – Carroll County website which can be found at the end of the Tribune. Fair Day at the Mall!! Calling all 4-H Clubs!! We would like your help and participation at the 2012 Fair Day at the Mall. This is a chance to recruit new youth to your clubs, showcase things that your club participates in, and help publicize the CC 4-H/FFA Fair!! July 14th at the Mall! Please contact Katie Weishaar, 814/644-5054 or katieweko@yahoo.com to volunteer your club or an activity! Take a time slot or spend the day at the Mall!! The Fair would like to thank the MacLean-Blevins Family for manning the Information Booth at the fair!! However, any help would be appreciated if folks could take an hour or two to relieve them at times! Thanks! Horse Exhibitors!! For the County Fair the following is required: Exhibitors - English and Western, must have passed Horsemanship Standards Levels 1 & 2 for Knowledge and Levels 1, 2, & 3 for Riding to show at a canter or lope at the 2012 County Fair. A copy of the tests must be presented to the 4-H Office by the tester to be placed on file. Riders only passing Standards Levels 1 & 2 for Riding will be restricted to entering the Short Stirrup Walk, Walk/Trot classes, Long Stirrup Walk, Walk/Trot classes, and Western walk/jog classes. If you previously rode at a canter or lope at the fair, you cannot step down to the walk/trot or walk/jog classes with the mount you rode at a canter or lope. Starting at the 2013 Fair, riders will have to pass Jumping Levels 1 & 2 to show in the Short Stirrup and Long Stirrup jumping classes and for the Pleasure and Hunter classes, riders will also have to pass Jumping Level 3. This will finally bring us in line with State Fair 4-H Horse Show requirements. You now have more than a year to pass the jumping levels, so please don't wait until the last minute. For State Fair the following is required per the Horse and Pony Rule Book: A 4-Her must have successfully passed Maryland 4-H Horsemanship Knowledge and Riding Levels 1 & 2 and English or Western Riding Level 3. 4-Hers entering a jumping class must specifically pass English Riding Jumping Level 3. 4-Hers showing in halter or showmanship classes ONLY are required to have Knowledge Levels 1 & 2 and must have prior approval by their club leader and/or County Extension Educator. All rankings must be on file at the county 4-H office prior to the State Fair. If you have any questions about the above, call Kathy D. RABBIT FAIR ORIENTATION Tuesday, JUNE 5TH, @ 7 PM IN THE ROCHE RABBIT BARN Thursday, JUNE 7TH @ 7 PM IN THE ROCHE RABBIT BARN If you plan on entering a rabbit at fair please attend one of the rabbit orientation meetings. Please note that there is a new rabbit fair entry date. ONLY on Friday July 27 between 10 am and 3 pm are rabbits entered. No late entries will be accepted. At orientation we will have tattooing available. No rabbit will be accepted at fair without a tattoo prior to check in. Also: Carroll County 4H’ers, would you like to know more about the duties of a Rabbit Youth Superintendent? If so contact Kathy Harden @ hardencc@gmail.com deadline is July 1st. Kathy Gordon Extension Educator 4-H Youth Development kgordon1@umd.edu Jim Serfass Extension Educator 4-H Youth Development jserfass@umd.edu Becky Ridgeway Extension Educator 4-H Youth Development bridgewa@umd.edu www.carroll.umd.edu/4h The Carroll County 4-H Website. Find The Tribune online, plus other forms and information for youth and leaders. www.maryland4h.org The Maryland State 4-H Youth Development Website. News & information from all over the state, plus forms and information for youth and leaders. Carroll County 4-H Youth Development University of Maryland Extension 700 Agriculture Center Westminster, MD 21157-5700 Phone: Toll-Free: Fax: 410-386-2760 888-326-9645 410-876-0132 It is the policy of the University of Maryland Extension that no person shall be subjected to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital or parental status, or disability. If you have a disability that requires special assistance for your participation in a program, please contact the Carroll County Extension Office at 410-386-2760, fax: 410-876-0132, two (2) weeks prior to the program. The information given herein is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by University of Maryland Extension is implied. 2012 Exhibitor Requirements for Animal Health Livestock Exhibitors: (Dairy, Beef, Sheep, Swine, Goats, Alpacas) CVI and Self Certification form Equine Exhibitors: Valid Coggins test within the last 12 months Equine Self Certification Form Poultry Exhibitors: Proof of MD Poultry Premise ID number Avian Influenza Test Pullorum-Typhoid Test Poultry Self Certification Form Rabbit & Cavies Exhibitors: Self Certification Form *** A person may not show livestock at any petting zoo, unless all exhibited animals in the petting zoo, 105 days of age or older, are vaccinated against rabies as provided in COMAR 10.06.02, unless there is no rabies vaccine licensed and approved by the USDA for that animal species. Approved species are Cattle, Sheep, Horses, Dogs, Cats, and Ferrets. _________________________________________________________________________ Consumer Education YES! Consumer Education in Carroll County is back! O.K. --- What is Consumer Education? Consumer Education is the practice of learning how to spend money wisely. 4Her’s will be able to participate in training sessions on selected topics and practice learned skills in simulated situations. Four education training sessions have been planned. A county contest will be held where classes of all topics discussed will be set-up. All events will be held at the County Extension Office. All practices are from 7-9 pm. Session Dates: June 5th June 14th July 9th Topics: Energy Drinks & Jeans Cupcakes & Tablets (Oral Reasons) Light Bulbs & Grain I.D. County Consumer Education Judging Contest: Monday, July 23rd from 7-9 pm covering all topics listed above. Contest results, ribbons and champion awards will be given at a special awards evening following the County Fair. Points will be awarded to those attending practice sessions. These points will be added to the county contest score. Come give it a try. We all want to $TRETCH that dollar as far as we can. For questions or more information please call Jenn Warner at 443-277-8058. Upcoming Dates to Remember… June 2 June 7 June 9 June 10 National Trails Day Hike at Catoctin Mountain Park 9:30 AM UME Volunteer Training, CC Ext Office Fashion Revue, CC Extension Office Deadline for on-line CC 4-H/FFA Fair registration 11:59pm closes! June 15 June 19 June 20 June 23 Deadline to register for Food Preservation Workshops Mandatory horse safety class for 1st year horse members, CC Ext Office – 7 pm Food Preservation Workshop, CC Extension Office, 12PM-4PM Junior Stock Show, High Ridge Farm Food Preservation Workshop, CC Extension Office, 8AM-4PM June 25-28 CC 4-H Camp, Hashawha July 6 Goat Workshop at Novotny Farm, 7 pm July 9-12 CC 4-H Clover Camp, CC Ext Office, 8:30 am – 4 pm July 14 Fair Day at the Mall July 13-15 State 4-H Horse Jamboree, Hashawha July 16-20 CC 4-H Camp, Hashawha July 28-Aug 3 Carroll County 4-H/FFA Fair 9 2012 MD 4-H Horse Bowl Contest Results Junior Results – 1-Cecil, 2-Montgomery, 3-Garrett, 4-Carroll, 5-Anne Arundel, 6-Howard, 7-Charles, 8-Wicomico, 9-Frederick Intermediate Results – 1-Montgomery, 2-Queen Anne’s, 3-Garrett, 4-Howard, 5-Carroll, 6-Charles, 7-Cecil, 8-Baltimore, 9-Anne Arundel, 10-Harford, 11-Wicomico, 12-Frederick Individual – Kerri Virtz -3rd Senior Results – 1 Baltimore, 2-Cecil, 3-Washington, 4-Montgomery, 5-Howard, 6-Queen Anne's, 7- Frederick, 8-Garrett, 9-Carroll, 10-Anne Arundel, 11-Harford, 12-Charles Individual – Kasey Enright-8th 2012 MD 4-H Horse Judging Contest Results Senior Teams – 1-Carroll, 2-Anne Arundel, 3-Charles, 4-Frederick, 5-Howard, 6-Baltimore Senior Individuals: Jamie Goretsas-1st Conformation, 2nd Performance, 1st Reasons, 1st Overall Shannon Scott-7th Conformation, 3rd Performance, 2nd Reasons, 4th Overall Colton Macleod-5th Conformation, 6th Performance, 10th Reasons, 8th Overall Amber Lippy-11th Conformation, 10th, Performance, 9th Reasons, 10th Overall Mary Ellen Martin-13th Conformation, 15th Performance, 13th Reasons, 15th Overall Desarae Long-16th Conformation, 16th Performance, 16th Reasons, 16th Overall Intermediate Teams – 1-Carroll, 2-Anne Arundel, 3-Montgomery, 4-Howard, 5-Frederick, 6Charles, 7-Carroll Alternate, 8-Garrett Intermediate Individuals: Kerri Vritz-3rd Conformation, 2nd Performance, 1st Reasons, 1st Overall Hallie Bubczyk-9th Conformation, 1st Performance, 2nd Reasons, 3rd Overall Alexis Dickson-1st Conformation, 16th Performance, 7th Reasons, 4th Overall Carina Yeager – 15th Conformation, 6th Performance, 17th Reasons, 10th Overall Maggie Ryan – 16th Conformation, 7th Performance, 18th Reasons, 11th Overall Thomas Wolf – 8th Performance, 16th Reasons, 16th Overall Hannah Cimbaljevich – 19th Performance Morgan Jones – 20th Reasons Junior Teams – 1-Carroll, 2-Howard, 3-Anne Arundel, 4-Frederick, 5-Montgomery Junior Individuals: Allison Stoner – 1st Conformation, 8th Performance, 4th Reasons, 1st Overall Josh Bubczyk – 9th Conformation, 2nd Performance, 9th Reasons, 5th Overall Sophie Wolf – 13th Conformation, 1st Performance, 11th Reasons, 11th Overall Emily Schildwachter – 12th Conformation, 11th Performance, 5th Reasons, 12th Overall 2012 MD 4-H Horse Hippology Contest Results Seniors – Tori Fromm-5th; Emma Austin-7th; Shannon Scott-10th; Jamie Goretsas-15th; Mary Ellen Martin-19th; Amber Lippy-21st; Colton Macleod-28th; Desarae Long-29th Intermediates – Maggie Ryan-4th; Kerri Virtz-7th; Hallie Bubczyk-8th; Thomas Wolf-21st; Hanna Cimbaljevich-24th; Alexis Dickson-35th; Carina Yeager-37th; Morgan Jones-38th Juniors – Allison Stoner-5th; Emily Schildwachter-6th; Josh Bubczyk-7th; Sophie Wolf-13th 10 Cecil County Office 200 Chesapeake Blvd, Suite 1500 Elkton, MD 21921 410-996-5280 TO: Adventures in AGsploration Summer Program FROM: April Hall Barczewski Extension Educator 4-H Youth Development Cecil County Are you interested in learning about Maryland agriculture, healthy eating, and environmental issues ? The University of Maryland Extension AGsploration action team is excited to announce that they will be offering six “Adventures in AGsploration” programs this Summer throughout Maryland. Each will be a one-day educational program for youth who have completed 5th through 8th grade by the end of the school year. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about agriculture by engaging in fun, hands-on science-related activities, network with people involved in the Agricultural Industry, tour and visit local agriculture operations, and learn about potential education and career opportunities based in agro-science and science, technology, engineering and mathematic skills (STEM) fields, all while having fun and making new friends! The focus of the program is to enhance youth’s STEM through interactive lessons that focus on one of Maryland’s top industries, Agriculture. 2012 Dates and Locations include: Tuesday, June 19th- Baltimore County Extension Office, Cockeysville, MD Thursday, June 21st- Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park, Centreville, MD Tuesday, June 26th- Washington County Extension Office, Boonsboro, MD Tuesday, July 24th- Thendara 4-H Camp Center, Hurlock, MD (Dorchester County) Thursday, July 26th- Montgomery County Extension Office, Derwood, MD Thursday, August 2nd- Maryland 4-H Center, College Park (Prince George’s County) You can select which one of the six locations you would like to attend. Please note that registrations are available on a firstcome, first-serve basis and when maximum capacity is reached at each location registration will be closed. The deadline for registration is June 1, 2012. The cost for participation is $15 which covers facility use, meals, field trip transportation and event materials. For more information contact April Hall Barczewski at 410-996-8134 or adhall@umd.edu. The Tentative Agenda is as Follows: Day 1: 8 AM Registration 8:30 AM Team Building Activity 9:00 AM AGsploration Hands-on Activity/Lesson 1 10:00 AM Break 10:15 AM AGsploration Hands-on Activity/Lesson 2 11:15 AM Lunch 12:00 PM Load Bus/Car/Van for Field Trip 12:30 PM Agriculture Related Field Trips 5:30 PM Load Bus/Car/Van for Facility 6:00 PM Arrive Back to Facility Meals covered will includes lunch, snacks and drinks. If you have any special dietary needs please, notify us by June 1, 2012 when you send in your forms. In order to provide a positive environment for all, participants are expected to behave in an acceptable manner in accordance with the “Maryland 4-H Behavioral Expectations and Code of Conduct” and are expected to obey the state and national 4-H rules at all times. Participants are expected to participate in all activities, unless authorized by the AGsploration committee. Please note that the AGsploration committee has authority to dismiss team members who violate the rules and/or behave in an unacceptable manner from participation in this and future events. Participants who have been dismissed for the remainder of the event must return home immediately at parental expense. If an incident occurs requiring disciplinary action, parents of participants involved will be notified by phone. Event Insurance for the participants will be obtained; however, this is not the same as Health/Travel Insurance; it is secondary accident insurance. Participants should make arrangements to have a copy of their Health Insurance Card with them during the event. The University of Maryland and University of Maryland Extension do not assume any liability for incidents/accidents or damage to personal property arising out of participation in this event. Please refer to the appropriate “Release and Informed Consent Form” for additional information. All youth participants are required to complete a current confidential “4-H Health Form” before they will be permitted to participate. Since the AGsploration program is not a residential camping program, participants are not required to have the health exam and the form does not require a physicians signature or nurse/physician’s assistant signature which is located on page 3). The AGsploration team will carry a copy of the health form at all times. Except for minor first aid (i.e. a Band-Aid), the AGsploration team and/or Chaperones will not administer medical attention/advice. If a participant is involved in an accident or a medical emergency occurs, the 4-H Health Form will be used to provide emergency medical treatment and the team member’s parents will be contacted by phone for further instructions. The nurse will keep a log of all medications brought by participants and the times when they are dispensed. Over the counter medications, if not for daily use, can stay at home (example: Tylenol and Advil). All vitamins, unless absolutely needed, should stay at home. Any, as needed and daily prescription medication MUST be in a current prescription bottle with current dosage information on it. Only send enough pills for the 1 day program. If special arrangements need to be made regarding medications (i.e. refrigeration), notify the AGsploration team in writing by June 1, 2012. The following dress code will be in effect: Casual, comfortable clothes for all events activities. Closed toed shoes will be required for field trip and event activities. If you have questions regarding the dress code, contact the AGsploration team. The forms that you need to complete include to participate include: Adventures in AGsploration Application, UME Adult and Youth Health Form (MEP323)-You do not need a doctor’s signature on page 3; Maryland 4-H Behavioral Expectation, Parental 4-H Release, Waiver, and Discharge Form. All completed forms along with the $15 fee must be received by June 1, 2012 to the University of Maryland Extension-AGsploration Summer Program, Attn. April Hall Barczewski, 200 Chesapeake Blvd, Suite 1500, Elkton, MD 21921. Questions about the event or responsibilities may be directed to: April Hall Barczewski at (410)-996-8134, (410)-996-5280, adhall@umd.edu. Written Correspondence may be sent to: April Hall Barczewski, 200 Chesapeake Blvd, Suite 1500, Elkton, MD 21921 or e-mailed to adhall@umd.edu. "It is the policy of the University of Maryland, Agricultural Experiment Station and University of Maryland Extension, that no person shall be subjected to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital or parental status, or disability." “University of Maryland Extension, University of Maryland, Cecil County Office, educates citizens to apply practical, research-based knowledge to critical issues facing individuals, families, communities, the State, and our global partners." If you need special assistance to participate in this program, please contact the University of Maryland Extension, Cecil County Office, at 410-996-5280. Application for Adventures in AGsploration Summer Program 1 day, including meals and educational materials Registration fee: $15 (Please make all checks payable to CCEAC-“Cecil County Extension Advisory Council”) Application Deadline: Received by June 1, 2012 Name ________________________________________________________________________ Age:_________________ Mailing Address _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ County ____________________________ Home Phone Number ___________________________ Parent’s Cell Phone Number __________________________ Parent’s email: __________________________________ Youth’s email __________________________________ Do You Have Any Special Dietary Needs: Yes No (If yes, you will be contacted for further details) I give permission to the University of Maryland Extension to take photographs or record video/audio tapes of my child and to use these for educational and/or promotional purposes without compensation Yes No Location Selection: (Please select location attending) o o o o o o Tuesday, June 19th- Baltimore County Extension Office, Cockeysville, MD Thursday, June 21st- Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park, Centreville, MD Tuesday, June 26th- Washington County Extension Office, Boonsboro, MD Tuesday, July 24th- Thendara 4-H Camp Center, Hurlock, MD (Dorchester County) Thursday, July 26th- Montgomery County Extension Office, Derwood, MD Thursday, August 2nd- Maryland 4-H Center, College Park, MD (Prince George’s County) T-Shirt Size: Youth M Youth L Adult S Adult L Adult XL Adult XX Adult M For Office Use Only Date Received _________________ Check Amount _________________ Check Number _________________ Forms Received: Application 4-H Release, Waiver & Discharge Health Form Signed 4-H Behavioral Expectations The University of Maryland Extension (UME) is collecting information in order to enroll your child in the UME sponsored event, AGsploration Summer Science Career Institute and the Maryland 4-H program. If you do not provide the requested information your child may not be able to attend nor participate. The information you provide may be shared with UME Employees and UME and short-term appointed volunteers or instructors. Information provided to UME may also be shared among offices within the University of Maryland and the University System of Maryland and outside entities as necessary or appropriate in the conduct of legitimate University business and consistent with applicable law. Because the University is a State educational institution, such information may also be subject to disclosure under the Maryland Access to Public Records Act (the “Public Records Act”). Individuals may inspect and/or correct their personal information as provided by the Public Records Act and/or other applicable law or University Policy Youth’s Signature____________________________________________________ Date_______________________ Parents Signature____________________________________________________ Date_______________________ “University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin." University of Maryland Extension, University of Maryland, Cecil County Office, educates citizens to apply practical, research-based knowledge to critical issues facing individuals, families, communities, the State, and our global partners. "If you need special assistance to participate in the Adventures in AGsploration Summer Program, please contact the Extension Office at 410-996-5280 by June 1, 2012. ___ ___ ___ ___ CHECK LIST Make sure you enclose all of the following paperwork in your envelope before mailing: ___ AGsploration Application ___ Parental 4-H Release, Waiver & Discharge Form ___ Health Form (Please include Personal Identification WITH photo attached on page 4, Participants are NOT required to have the health exam and the form does not require a physicians signature or nurse/physician’s assistant signature which is located at the bottom of page 3) ___ Signed Behavioral Expectation Mail packet to: University of Maryland Extension, Adventures in AGsploration Summer Program Attn. April Hall Barczewski County Administrative Building 200 Chesapeake Blvd, Suite 1500 Elkton MD 21921 All forms are due to be received by June 1, 2012 RULES AND REGULATIONS – ADVENTURES IN AGSPLORATION Please read the following carefully. Anyone found violating these rules, will be asked to leave. There will be NO REFUNDS if you are dismissed. AGsploration committee members have the final say on any decision made. AGsploration Summer Science Career Institute Rules and Regulations 1. All forms should be received in the University of Maryland Extension-Cecil County Office by Monday, June 1, 2012 in order to participate. 2. All 4-H rules & behavioral expectations apply upon arrival. 3. No bare feet or sandals are allowed to be worn 4. Only registered participants and approved chaperones are allowed to participate. 5. The general public is not invited. Parents are requested not to interfere with the planned program. 6. All youth will participate in all scheduled events unless prior arrangements are made with the AGsploration committee. 7. All AGsploration committee decisions are final. 8. The final and most important rule: YOU MUST HAVE FUN!!!! PARENT/GUARDIAN INFORMATION During this spring, we will be including an agricultural science learning module in your child’s science instruction. This module was developed at the University of Maryland. The purpose of this learning module is to teach children about production agriculture, how the environment affects Maryland agriculture, and how agriculture affects their everyday life in relation to their nutrition and health. Your child will be taught nine lessons in these three topic areas. The program is called AGsploration and is an approved University of Maryland Extension 4-H curriculum. Each lesson will last 45-60 minutes. This material is being taught to your child for a research study to see if children gain new, helpful knowledge from this curriculum. The research study has been approved by the University of Maryland Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the approval number is 10-0638. The researchers want to find out if this is a good curriculum to teach children about agriculture, the environment, and nutrition and health. No identifying information will be kept about your child. This curriculum is aligned with the Maryland Science Standards and Voluntary State Curriculum to highlight science, technology, engineering, and math initiatives. Before the first lesson, the children will be asked questions on a paper-based assessment to measure their current knowledge about the topics covered in the curriculum. After the last lesson, the children will again be asked the same questions so that the Extension Educator can find out how much the children learned. The entire process for answering the questions will take approximately 5-10 minutes. There are no known risks or discomforts associated with this research. No information obtained in this study will identify an individual child. The data will be stored in a secure location at the offices of the investigating teams and will only be seen by the investigators during the study and for three years after the study is complete. The information gained in this study will help us to decide whether or not we will use this curriculum in other schools throughout Maryland. If you do not want your child to participate in this study or have any questions about this survey, please contact your child’s teacher or the local investigator of this study, Ms. Kristen Wilson, University of Maryland Extension, 11975 Homewood Road, Ellicott City, MD, 21042, telephone 301 596-9478, kswilson@umd.edu. Example Questions that your child will be asked: Example: I know how to tie my shoes in a double knot. A little of the time Some of the time a good bit of the time most of the time UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION PARENTAL 4-H RELEASE, WAIVER, AND DISCHARGE FORM PROGRAM: Adventures in AGsploration Program DATE: June 19, 2012-Balimore County Extension Office; June 21, 2012-Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park; June 26, 2012-Washington County Extension Office; July 24, 2012-Thendara 4-H Camp Center; July 26, 2012-Montgomery County Extension Office and August 2, 2012-Maryland 4-H Center My minor child, as listed below, has my permission to fully participate as a representative of the University of Maryland Extension (UME) Maryland 4-H Youth Development Program in all activities associated with the above named program. In connection with and consideration of my child's participation in the program, I, on behalf of my child and myself, my heirs, personal representative(s) and assigns, hereby represent and agree as follows: 1. I am aware that any program related activity can be dangerous, and I fully recognize and understand that there are risks and hazards, both minor and serious, associated with participation in program and related activities, including, but not limited to: cuts, scrapes, bruises, broken bones, muscle strains, pulls or tears, head, neck, back, eye and other bodily injuries, heat prostration, brain damage, blindness, deafness, drowning, heart attacks, paralysis and, even death. The following is a description and examples of specific, significant, non-obvious dangers and risks associated with this activity. There is potential for accidents and/or injuries arising from: a. Injuries from interactions with agriculture related items and on-farm visits b. Transportation by vehicle driven by an UME volunteer, if not being transported by a parent/guardian or transportation by vehicle on field trip. c. Injuries from nature, such as bee stings, mosquito bites, snake bites. d. Fire and/or weather-related events. 2. I understand that my child is not in any way required to participate in the program, but I want them to participate, despite the possible dangers and despite this Release. 3. I represent and warrant that my child has no physical, health related or other problems which would preclude or restrict their participation at program or otherwise render their participation dangerous or harmful to them or others. I further represent and warrant that my child has adequate medical, health and/or other insurance for participation. 4. Knowing the dangers, hazards, and risks associated with program, and with sufficient knowledge of my child's physical condition(s) and limitations, if any, I voluntarily assume all responsibility and risk of loss, damage, illness and/or injury to person or property which my child may, in any way, sustain in connection with participation in the program and related activities. 5. I agree that my child must abide by all rules and regulations applicable to participation in the program. Should my child require emergency medical treatment or first aid as a result illness or injury associated with the program or related activities, I consent to such first aid and/or treatment. 6. To the fullest extent permitted by law, I hereby release and forever discharge, and agree not to sue and to indemnify and hold harmless, the State of Maryland, the University of Maryland, University of Maryland Extension and their governing boards, officers, agents, employees and volunteers from and against any and all liabilities, claims, demands, and causes of action of any kind on account of any loss, damage, illness or injury to person or property in any way arising out of or relating to my child's participation in the program and/or related activities, whether due to the negligence, mistake or other action or inaction of University of Maryland Extension or any other person or entity. I CERTIFY THAT I AM 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER AND THAT I HAVE READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THIS RELEASE AND INFORMED CONSENT FORM, AND I SIGN IT VOLUNARILY WITH FULL KNOWLEDGE OF ITS SIGNIFICANCE. ________________________________________________________ ______________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Having Care and Custody of Participating Child Date Name of Parent/Guardian:___________________________________ Emergency Telephone Number___________________________ Participating Child's Name:__________________________________ Signature:_____________________________________________ University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION ADULT AND YOUTH HEALTH FORM Youth MEP 323 Adult Participant’s Name ________________________________________________________________ Sex________ Last First Middle Initial Nickname Age as of Jan. 1of current year _____________ Birth date ____________________ Complete Home Address________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: day ( _____ )_____________________ Telephone: evening ( _____ )______________________ Name of Custodial Parent/Guardian_______________________________________________________________ Home Telephone ( _____ ) __________________________ Work Telephone ( _____ ) _____________________ Name of Non-Custodial Parent/Guardian___________________________________________________________ Home Telephone ( _____ ) __________________________ Work Telephone ( _____ ) _____________________ If Parent/Guardian is not available in an emergency, contact:___________________________________________ Telephone ( _____ ) __________________________ Relationship to Individual___________________________ Family Primary Care Physician_________________________________ Telephone ( _____ ) _______________ Family Dentist _________________________________________________ Telephone ( _____ ) ____________ Family Health Insurance Carrier_________________________________________________________________ Policy Number ________________________________________________ Name of Insured ______________ No Insurance Coverage Insurer requires authorization from primary care physician prior to treatment. Health History Check all that apply; give approximate date of onset ____Frequent Ear Infections ____Seizure Disorder/Convulsions ____Mononucleosis ____As t h m a ____German Measles (Rubella) ____Menstrual Cycle Started ____Bed Wetting ____Heart Defect/Disorder ____ High Blood Pressure ____Diabetes ____Bleeding Clotting Disorders ____Sleep Walking ____ADD/AD HD ____C h i ck e n P o x ____M e a sl e s ____Mumps ____Hepatitis ____Urinary Tract Infection ____Head Injury ____Recent Surgery: Please explain___________________________ Please list any additional important health information or dietary restrictions. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Allergies Check all that apply. _____Hay Fever _____Insect Stings* _____Iodine _____Poison Ivy, Oak, etc. _____Penicillin _____Other allergies: Please List Below _____Insect Bites _____Sulfa _____Foods allergies: Please List Below _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _____This individual requires immediate medical attention for treatment of allergies — please specify . _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ *Please note if epinephrine is with adult/child Immunization History Please record month and year of basic immunizations and most recent booster doses. Vaccines Year of Basic Immunization Year of Last Booster Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus Chickenpox Oral Polio Injectable Polio Measles Mumps Rubella TB Test - Haemophiles influenza B Most Recent: Hepatitis B Other Medications Please list ALL medications the individual routinely takes. Bring at least enough medication to last for the program’s duration. Keep medication in the original container, which identifies the name of the medication, its dosage, and frequency of administration; the prescription number; and the physician’s name and phone number. Prescription Medication Dosage Specific Times Taken Reason For Taking Dosage Specific Times Taken Reason For Taking Non-Prescription Medication Individual requires no regular medication. I give permission to the selected UME staff or volunteer to administer the medications listed above, along with any of the following additional medications that I have checkmarked, if the staff or volunteer deems it necessary. _____Acetaminophen ______Aspirin _______Ibuprofen _______Pepto Bismol _____Calamine lotion ______Immodium AD _______Cough drops _______Sunscreen Dosages will be administered according to directions on the container unless a physician directs otherwise. Additional information, for medical staff only, may be attached in sealed envelope. ___________________________________________ __________________________________ _______________ Signature of Participant or Parent/Guardian if participant is under 18 years old Print Name of Parent/Guardian Date Participation (Program name) This participant is allowed to participate fully in this _____________________________________________, which may include swimming, canoeing, hiking, sports, and other strenuous events/activities. Yes No Specify restriction__________________________________________________________ Additional information for health care staff: __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________________________ _______________ Signature of Participant or Parent/Guardian if participant is under 18 years old Print Name of Parent/Guardian Date AUTHORIZATION FOR PARTICIPTION AND RELEASE: I hereby give permission for medical personnel selected by University of Maryland Extension (UME) to provide routine health care; to order x-rays, and routine tests; to administer medications, injections, anesthesia, surgery, and other treatment; to release records necessary for insurance purposes; and to provide or arrange necessary related transportation for me/my child. In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission for medical personnel selected by UME to secure and administer treatment including hospitalization for the participant named above. I further understand that I will be responsible for medical/hospital bills. By signing this form, I give permission for the participant named above to participate in all program activities except as specified herein. This completed form may be copied for trips out of camp and/or away from the program site. By signing this form, I release and forever discharge, agree not to sue, and to indemnify and hold harmless the State of Maryland, University of Maryland, and University of Maryland Extension and/or their officers, agents, employees, faculty, staff, and volunteers from and against any and all liabilities, costs, expenses, causes of action, claims, and/or demands in any way relating to the foregoing program activities and/or the health, illness, injury, and/or treatment of the participant named above. I AM 18 YEARS OLD OR OLDER AND I HAVE READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THIS AUTHORIZATION FOR PARTICIPTION AND TREATMENT AND RELEASE. _________________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________ Signature of Participant or Parent/Guardian if participant is under 18 years old Print Name of Participant or Parent/Guardian if participant is under 18 years old Date _________________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________ Signature of Parent/Guardian of 18 year old (optional) Print Name of Parent/Guardian of 18 year old (optional) Date (Or) THIS SECTION FOR OVERNIGHT RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS ONLY. HEALTH EXAM To be completed by doctor Please Note: This section does not need to be completed for Adventures in AGsploration. Participation This individual is allowed to participate fully in this program, which may include swimming, canoeing, hiking, sports, and other strenuous events: Yes No Specify restriction ______________________________________________________ Additional information for health care staff: _______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ I have examined this individual within the past 2 years. Date Examined Height _______________ Weight _______________ / / Blood Pressure _______________ Currently under care of physician for _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ _____________________________________ Signature of Physician Print Name of Physician ____________________________________________ Nurse/Physician’s Assistant completing form _________________________________________ Print Name of Nurse/Physician’s Assistant ______________ Date ________________ Date Personal Identification Form In an effort to provide a safe and enjoyable educational experience, we ask that you complete this information. This information will be used in case of an emergency to help mobilize assistance and to distribute to those providing assistance. Participant’s Name_____________________________________________ Telephone: ( ____________ ) ____________________________________ Address________________________________________________________ Recent Photograph _______________________________________________________________ (Within Past Year) _______________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name _________________________________________ Emergency Contact: ___________________________________________ Telephone: ( ____________ ) ____________________________________ Individual’s Physical Description______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Age _________ Sex _________ Race _________ Height _________ Weight _________ Hair Color _______________ Eye Color _______________ Glasses Yes No Contacts Yes No Facial Features/Shape ________________________________________________________________________________ Teeth (Normal, gaps, chipped, braces, etc. ) Distinguishing Marks/Scars ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Physical Condition __________________________________________________________________________________ Mental Condition ___________________________________________________________________________________ Emotional Condition ________________________________________________________________________________ Hobbies & Interests of Individual _____________________________________________________________________ Personal/Family situation that could cause concerns: ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ i, Other habits/personality information that could be helpful ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEP 323 Issued in furtherance of Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, University of Maryland, P College Park, and local governments. Cheng-i Wei, Dean and Director of University of Maryland Extension. The University of Maryland is equal opportunity. The University’s policies, programs, and activities are in conformance with pertinent Federal and State laws and regulations on nondiscrimination regarding race, color, religion, age, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or disability. Inquiries regarding compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990; or related legal requirements should be directed to the Director of Human Resources Management, Office 2001 Maryland 4-H Behavioral Expectations A goal of the Maryland 4-H program is to provide opportunities for children and youth to build character. Maryland 4-H supports the CHARACTER COUNTS!SM six pillars of character: TRUSTWORTHINESS, RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, FAIRNESS, CARING AND CITIZENSHIP. In order to ensure that Maryland 4-H programs provide positive environments for all individuals to learn and grow, 4-H participants agree to abide by these expectations of behavior: (CHARACTER COUNTS! Is a service mark of the CHARACTER COUNTS! Coalition, a project of the Josephson Institute of Ethics.) I will be trustworthy. I will be worthy of trust, honor and confidence. I will be a model of integrity by doing the right thing even when the cost is high. I will be honest in all my activities. I will keep my commitments by attending all sessions of the planned event. If I am not feeling well or have a schedule conflict, I will inform my chaperon or a person in charge. I will be in the assigned area (e.g., club meeting room, building, dorm) at all times. Maryland 4-H does not permit dishonesty by lying, cheating, deception or omission. I will be respectful. I will show respect, courtesy, and consideration to everyone, including myself, other program participants and those in authority. I will act and speak respectfully. I will treat program areas, lodging areas, and transportation vehicles with respect. I will not use vulgar or abusive language or cause physical harm. I will appreciate diversity in skill, gender, ethnicity and ability. Maryland 4-H does not tolerate statements or acts of discrimination or prejudice. I will be responsible. I will be responsible, accountable and self-disciplined in the pursuit of excellence. I will live up to high expectations so I can be proud of my work and conduct. I will be on time to all program events. I will be accountable by accepting responsibility for my choices and actions. I will abide by the established program curfew. I will be responsible for any damage, theft or misconduct in which I participate. I will be fair. I will be just, fair and open. I will participate in events fairly by following the rules, not taking advantage of others and not asking for special exceptions. I will be caring. I will be caring in my relationships with others. I will be kind and show compassion for others. I will treat others the way I want to be treated. I will show appreciation for the efforts of others. I will help members in my group to have a good experience by striving to include all participants. I will be a good citizen. I will be a contributing and law-abiding citizen. I will be respectful to the environment and contribute to the greater good. I will not use any illegal substances such as tobacco, alcohol and drugs. Maryland 4-H Behavioral Expectations I. Maryland 4-H expects youth participating in programs to behave in an acceptable manner and in accordance with the Maryland 4-H Behavioral Expectations outlined on the reverse side of this document. 4-H participants who engage in unacceptable conduct, including the following behaviors, are subject to discipline. o o o o o o o o o II. III. Possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and/or illegal drugs. Possession or use of weapons or dangerous materials. Possession or use of tobacco products. Misuse of prescription or nonprescription drugs. Sexual activity. Lying, cheating, misrepresenting project work or other unethical practices. Unauthorized absence from program site. Physical, verbal, emotional, or mental abuse of, or threats toward another person. Theft, destruction, or abuse of property. A participant in a 4-H program who engages in conduct (including the above behaviors) that, in the discretion of the extension faculty, staff or UME volunteer in charge, may jeopardize the health or safety of the participant or others, or the integrity of 4-H, will be dismissed immediately from the program (meeting, activity, event, trip, camp, etc.). The participant’s parent or guardian will be responsible for providing transportation home for a child if dismissed. Following a program, a participant and his/her parent or guardian will be notified in writing of the nature of any unacceptable conduct for which sanctions (up to and including suspension from one or more 4-H programs or dismissal from (4-H) are being considered. In such cases: o o o o The extension faculty or staff member with overall responsibility for the program will set up a meeting to hear the 4-H member. The 4-H member’s parent or guardian will be permitted to be present at such time. At the discretion of UME or at the request of the 4-H participant, a committee may be appointed by UME to review the matter. Following the meeting, the 4-H participant and his or her parent/guardian will be notified in writing of the outcome of the meeting and any sanction(s) to be imposed. Sanctions may be appealed in writing within seven (7) days after receiving notice of the decision, to the County/City Extension Director (CED). In the event that the extension faculty in charge also serves as the CED, the appeal will be made to the Regional Extension Director (RED). The 4-H participant and his/her parent or guardian will be notified in writing of the decision of the CED (or RED). The decision of the CED (or RED) may be appealed in writing to the State 4-H Leader within seven (7) days after receiving notice of the decision. The decision of the State 4-H Leader will be final. “I HAVE READ THE MARYLAND 4-H BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS AND THE MARYLAND 4-H DISCIPLINARY POLICY AND PROCEDURES. I AM AWARE THAT MY ACTIONS AND DECISIONS AFFECT ME AND OTHERS AND MAY RESULT IN LOSS OF PRIVILEGES DURING 4-H PROGRAMS, AND FOR FUTURE PROGRAMS. I WILL ACCEPT THE APPROPRIATE AND LOGICAL CONSEQUENCES OF MY ACTIONS, AS DETERMINED BY MARYLAND 4-H.” Member Signature _____________________________________________________________________________ Date __________________________ “AS THE PARENT/GUARDIAN OF ________________________________________________, I HAVE READ THE MARYLAND 4-H BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS AND THE MARYLAND 4-H DISCIPLINARY POLICY AND PROCEDURES AND WILL SUPPORT THE INDIVIDUAL IN CHARGE IN MAINTAINING APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR. I AGREE TO ACCEPT THE APPROPRIATE AND LOGICAL CONSEQUESNCES OF MY CHILD’S ACTIONS AS DETERMINED BY MARYLAND 4-H.” Parent/Guardian Signature ___________________________________________________________________ Date _____________________________ Updated for Extension name and logo change- AMT 2/2010 University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin. Ready for Lift-Off? Join us for the Maryland 4-H Aerospace Challenge Saturday, July 14, 9 am-3 pm Montgomery County 4-H Office 18410 Muncaster Road, Derwood, MD 20855 followed by model rocket launch at Montgomery County Fairgrounds (North end in carnival area) 16 Chestnut Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Bring a lunch. Beverages provided. Competition open to individual juniors, intermediates, and seniors who carry aerospace as a 4-H project. Seniors will compete on a two-person team, but are not required to register with a teammate. Individual seniors will be paired with another senior 4-Her upon arrival. For the two top-scoring individual seniors, this state competition may lead to a trip to the National 4-H Engineering Challenge in Indiana on September 23-25, 2012. For each age group, contest will include: • Parts Identification • General exam on aerodynamics, model rocketry and safety • A build-a-rocket session using pre-selected parts • A safe rocket launch to a minimum of 200’ with evaluation both pre- and post-flight • An impromptu demo on your rocket design, build, and flight How can I prepare? Attend the 4-H Aerospace Workshop sponsored by the Flying Tigers 4-H Aerospace Club and Lucky Clovers 4-H Club of Montgomery County Saturday, June 30, 9 am-2 pm Montgomery County Fairgrounds, Building #2 16 Chestnut Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Bring a lunch. Beverages provided. All of the categories of the State Challenge will be covered at the workshop, which will be led by seasoned aerospace professionals and hobbyists. No preparation is need to attend the workshop, however study materials will be available to bring home for added preparation before the state-level event. I’m interested—how do I register? E-mail Rachel Harris at rkharris59@gmail.com or Cathy Dobos at cdobos@washingtonian.com with the following information: • Name of 4-Her • 4-H age (as of January 1, 2012) • County • Whether you will attend the State Challenge on July 14, the 4-H Aerospace Workshop on June 30, or both. • For seniors only, your preferred teammate, if you have one, for the two-person team requirement It is the policy of the University of Maryland Extension that no person shall be subjected to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, gender, disability, religion, age or national origin. Registration for the State Challenge is open until July 6. Registration for the Aerospace Workshop is open until June 22. For more information, call the Montgomery 4-H Office at 301-590-9638 Carroll County 4-H Fundraiser Carroll County 4-H Cow Pie Bingo Carroll County 4-H & FFA Fair – Shipley Arena Saturday, July 28th, time to be determined Grand Prize Winner will receive $250.00 Tickets are $10 and are available at the Carroll County Extension Office 700 Agriculture Center Dr. Westminster, Md 21157 All proceeds benefit the Carroll County 4-H Program. For more information contact Becky Ridgeway at 410-386-2760 or bridgewa@umd.edu University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin Cow Pie Bingo Rules 1. Person must be 18 or older to purchase a ticket and/or win the prize. 2. Player/Ticket holder need not be present to win. 3. A grid map will be on display at the Carroll County Extension Office. The grid map will be clearly labeled according to the grid that appears in the show ring. Within each “sold” square the grid will include the purchaser’s name. 4. For each square sold the purchaser will receive a ticket indicating the square they purchased. 5. No squares will be sold after the event begins on Saturday, July 28th at (time to be determined). 6. The actual grid area will be clearly marked with all grids being of equal shape and size and the area protected with a barrier or fence. 7. A cow will be led into the grid area by an appropriate handler and let free to roam within the area until a cow pie is deposited on the grid or the time allotment has expired. 8. A one hour time allotment will be given for a cow pie winner, if no cow pie has appeared at the end of one hour, then the winner will be determined by a random drawing. 9. The grid containing the biggest volume of “cow pie” will determine the winner. 10. If the cow pie lands on a square which is determined to be unsold and/or an unsponsored square, the prize money will be donated to the Carroll County 4-H Program. 11. The organization will post the “Rules” at the event so all participants understand how the event will be conducted. 12. The decision of the judges is final. Individual tickets are only $10 and are available during regular business hours at the: Carroll County Extension Office 700 Agriculture Center Dr. Westminster, MD 21157-5700 University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin.