Future Networks Workshop 9 April 2013 10:30 SESSION 1: INTRODUCTION AND KEYNOTES Session Chair: Gaby Lenhart, ETSI 10:30 Welcome address Luis Jorge Romero, ETSI Director-General 10:40 Horizon 2020 Bernard Barani, EC DG CONNECT 11:20 Workshop overview: scope and objectives Gaby Lenhart, ETSI 11:30 SESSION 2: FUTURE NETWORKS GENERAL ASPECTS Session Chair: Luca Pesando, Telecom Italia 11:30 Towards Future Networks – the importance of early standardization Alojz Hudobivnik, Iskratel 11:50 To be or not to be programmable Dimitri Papadimitriou, Alcatel-Lucent 12:10 Future Networks: a Service Provider View Andrea Pinnola, Telecom Italia 12:30 LUNCH 13:30 SESSION 3: (SELF-) MANAGEMENT & CONTROL FOR SDN (I) Session Chair: Ranganai Chaparadza, Fraunhofer Fokus 13:30 ETSI-AFI work on SDN-oriented Enablers for Customizable Autonomic Management & Control, defined in the AFI GANA Reference Model Ranganai Chaparadza, Fraunhofer Fokus 13:50 On the relationships between SDN and Autonomic Management & Control Benoît Radier, Orange 14:10 Towards the launch on an ETSI AFI activity on Autonomic Management & Control in IPv6-Enabled SDN-based networks Ranganai Chaparadza, co-author with Latif Ladid, IPv6 Forum 14:30 A new Model for highly Available Routing and Load Balancing In SDNs. Pascal Thubert, Cisco 14:50 COFFEE 15:30 SESSION 4: (SELF-) MANAGEMENT & CONTROL FOR SDN (II) Session chair: Bruno Chatras, Orange 15:30 Towards Management of Software-Driven Networks Alex Galis, UCL 15:50 Filling the gap of a SDN management layer with the Unified Management Framework (UMF) Laurent Ciavaglia, Alcatel-lucent 16:10 Semantic alarms Stefan Wallin, Tail-f Last updated 05/04/2013 Future Networks Workshop 9 April 2013 16:30 PANEL 1: Standardization aspects of Management of SDN - Functions & Design Goals & characteristics Panel chair: Bruno Chatras, Orange Ranganai Chaparadza, Fraunhofer Fokus Alex Galis, UCL Latif Ladid, IPv6 Forum Laurent Ciavaglia, Alcatel-lucent Benoît Radier, ORANGE Pascal Thubert, Cisco Stefan Wallin, Tail-f 17:30 DAY CLOSES / NETWORKING COCKTAIL Last updated 05/04/2013 Future Networks Workshop 10 April 2013 9:00 SESSION 5: SDN (I) Session chair: Alex Galis, UCL 09:00 SDN and NFV (network Function Virtualization) for Carriers (Telecom service provider) Marie-Paule Odini, Hewlett-Packard 09:20 Software Defined Telecommunication Networks Valentin Vlad, Technische Universität Berlin 09:40 OpenQFlow: Scalable OpenFlow with Flow-based QoS Nam-Seok Ko, ETRI 10:00 Service Orientation in Software Defined Networking Anurag Jain, HCL Technologies Ltd 10:20 COFFEE 10:50 SESSION 6: SDN (II) Session chair: Julien Maisonneuve, Alcatel-Lucent 10:50 NFV ForCES-based abstraction layer Evangelos Haleplidis, University of Patras 11:10 NfV and SDN in Future Carrier Networks Ricardo Guerzoni, Huawei 11:30 Peregrine: An Ethernet Switch-based Software-Defined Network Architecture for IaaS Tzi-cker Chiueh, ITRI 11:50 From Opportunistic Networks and Cognitive Management Systems to SDNbased Edge Networks Panagiotis Demestichas, University of Piraeus 12:10 PANEL 2: Standardization aspects of SDN - Functions & Design Goals & characteristics Panel chair: Alex Galis, UCL Tzi-cker Chiueh, ITRI Panagiotis Demestichas, University of Piraeus Ricardo Guerzoni, Huawei Evangelos Haleplidis, University of Patras Anurag Jain , HCL Technologies Ltd Marie-Paule Odini, Hewlett-Packard 13:00 LUNCH Last updated 05/04/2013 Julien Maisonneuve, Alcatel-Lucent Andy Reid, BT Nam-Seok Ko, ETRI Valentin Vlad, Technische Universität Berlin Future Networks Workshop 10 April 2013 14:00 SESSION 7: NFV Session chair: Andy Reid, BT 14:00 The Scope and Objectives of the ETSI ISG – Network Functions Virtualisation (NfV) Andy Reid, BT 14:20 Towards the Standardization of Transparency and Isolation Metrics for Virtual Network Elements in SDN Kurt Tutschku, Telekom Austria Group 14:40 NFV Orchestration and Automation principles and attributes Peleg Erlich, Alcatel-Lucent 15:00 Unleashing the potential of virtualization by the right toolkits and open testbeds: Lessons learned from implementing a virtualized 3GPP EPC toolkit Thomas Magedanz, Fraunhofer Fokus 15:20 Implementing scalable and cost-effective Session Border Control on generic server Dave Reekie, Metaswitch Networks 15:40 COFFEE 16:15 SESSION 8: NFV and CLOUDS Session chair: Andy Reid, BT 16:15 Federated identity management and network virtualization environment Kostas Pentikousis, Huawei 16:35 Proposal on Network Functions Virtualization relationship with ITU-T <Y.CCNaaS> (Cloud Computing Network-as-a-Service) from the holistic perspective of a converged network-computing virtualized service provisioning ByungJun Ahn, ETRI 16:55 PANEL 3: Standardization aspects of NFV - Functions & Design Goals & characteristics Panel chair: Andy Reid, BT ByungJun Ahn, ETRI Peleg Erlich, Alcatel-Lucent Kostas Pentikousis, Huawei Dave Reekie, Metaswitch Networks 18: 00 DAY CLOSES Last updated 05/04/2013 Future Networks Workshop 11 April 2013 09:30 SESSION 9: ENABLING TECHNIQUES Session chair: Jorge Enrique López de Vergara Méndez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 09:30 Univerself: Which Information Model for Autonomic Mechanisms? Imen Gridabenyahia, Orange 09:50 Specification Methodology Andy Reid, BT 10 :10 Defining ontologies for IP traffic measurements at MOI ISG Jorge Enrique López de Vergara Méndez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 10:30 An Efficient Multicast Scheme based on Openflow Technology in Enterprise Networks Hyeonsik Yoon, ETRI 10:50 COFFEE 11:30 SESSION 10: SDN CONTENT NETWORKING Session chair: Julien Maisonneuve, Alcatel-Lucent 11:30 Information-centric networking through network function virtualization Kostas Pentikousis, Huawei 11:50 How to build cost-efficient and fair CDN federations? : All about federating small and heterogeneous content actors. Ghida Ibrahim, Orange Labs 12:10 LUNCH 13:30 PANEL 4: Standardization aspects of General Aspects SDN & NFV - Architectures & characteristics Panel chair: Julien Maisonneuve, Alcatel-Lucent Bruno Chatras, Orange Imen Gridabenyahia, Orange Ghida Ibrahim, Orange Labs Kostas Pentikousis, Huawei Andy Reid, BT Hueonsik Yoon, ETRI 14:30 WORKSHOP CONCLUSIONS Session chair:Alex Gallis, UCL and all session chairs Gaby Lenhart, ETSI Ranganai Chaparadza, Fraunhofer Fokus Bruno Chatras, Orange Jorge Enrique López de Vergara Méndez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 15:30 WORKSHOP CLOSURE Last updated 05/04/2013 Julien Maisonneuve, Alcatel-Lucent Andy Reid, BT Luca Pesando, Telecom Italia