FINAL POSITION Aug 2012 UNIVERSITY SUSTAINABILITY PLAN 2011/12 No. Actions 1 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 1.1 Achieve PHASE 4 BS8555 certification (CAMPUS SERVICES) 1.2 Achieve PHASE 4 BS8555 certification (ESTATE DEVELOPMENT SERVICE) 2 COMPLIANCE & POLLUTION PREVENTION 2.1 Integrate "ENVIRONMENTAL Sustainability" into Health and Safety AUDIT PROGRAMME 2.2 Establish formal COMPLIANCE REPORTING PROGRAMME for Dual Assurance 2.3 Conduct REVIEW of EMISSIONS and DISCHARGES 2.4 2.5 3 3.1 3.2 Establish formal centralised procedure for SKIP MANAGEMENT Establish CENTRAL RECORD COLLECTION for Duty of Care documentation Increase number of teams participating in GREEN IMPACT (year 3) Establish GREEN IMPACT LITE framework Apply for GREEN TOURISM AWARD 3.4 Improve on-line sustainability RESOURCES for STAFF 3.5 Improve on-line sustainability RESOURCES for STUDENTS 3.7 3.8 3.9 ENERGY, WATER & CARBON MANAGEMENT 4.1 Conduct WATER LEAK SURVEY 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 High Conduct technical review for SHOWER FLOW LIMITING PROJECT Implement SHOWER FLOW LIMITING PROJECT (subject to outcome of 4.2) Finalise 2011/12 CARBON REDUCTION PROJECTS Implement the 2011/12 CARBON REDUCTION PROJECTS outlined in the Carbon Management Plan Working with COLLEGE ACMs to provide advice on the INTERPRETATION OF ENERGY USAGE and PRACTICAL REDUCTION MEASURES Expected Results External auditor has recommended certification to Phase 5 fro whole campus services rather than Phase 4. K Gallagher External verification of systems for managing environmental impact. Established systems for environmental compliance along with objectives and targets. Reduced risk of non compliance and pollution K Gallagher As above. DONE K Gallagher Formal check of environmental compliance and identification of opportunities for improvement. Reduced risk of pollution and non-compliance DONE K Gallagher Elevated status for compliance with environmental legislation and formal mechanism for addressing opportunities or improvement DONE K Gallagher Provide a baseline review of our emissions and discharges on site and enable development of an action plan if required. DONE Improved compliance with Duty of Care requirements Jul-12 Improved compliance with Duty of Care legislation requirements DONE K Gallagher Delivery of sustainability policies and plans via participating teams DONE K Gallagher Support delivery of College Sustainability Framework DONE Further enhance sustainability of our Event Exeter activities and gain external certification DONE Gold Standard Achieved Improved access to practical sustainability information and guidance DONE E-training course developed H Sjerps-Jones Template for on-line resources, further quarterly updates Jun-12 Grand Challenges Pilot Project has diverted resources G Whitehouse Increased awareness of utility cost and consumption DONE K Groome Showcase the sustainability activities of our suppliers DONE Drafted and passed to design team K Groome Showcase the sustainability credentials of our new buildings and developments DONE Forum project completed Jun-12 Grand Challenges Pilot Project has diverted resources DONE 50% completed Karen Gallagher High High G Moncur High N Smith Karen Gallagher High R Court K Gallagher Develop ON-LINE UTILITY INFORMATION for Colleges & Services Develop SUPPLIER CASE STUDIES showcasing sustainability activity Publish sustainable BUILDINGS and RENEWABLE CASE STUDIES Develop COMMUNICATION PLAN for informal and formal EfS OPPORTUNITIES 4 Leader A central information point to inform staff and students H Sjerps-Jones High High High Godfrey Whitehouse Link to Carbon Management Plan P Mucklow Leakage reduced to practicable minimum, demonstrated by overnight profile monitoring. P Mucklow All showers have flow rate below 6 litres per minute and are fitted with flow limiters if needed. P Mucklow All showers have flow rate below 6 litres per minute and are fitted with flow limiters if needed. DONE K Farmer Reduction in Carbon Dioxide Emissions DONE K Farmer Reduction in Carbon Dioxide Emissions DONE G Whitehouse Reduction of College utility costs and University carbon dioxide emissions DONE TRAVEL J Jack 5.1 Conduct STAFF and STUDENT TRAVEL SURVEYS J Jack Increase in the percentage of staff (minimum 1%) and students (minimum 1%) using sustainable travel modes and reduction in single car occupancy DONE 5.2 Launch CAR SHARING incentives J Jack Increase in registered members of University’s private car share group from 292 to a minimum of 305 members. Jan-12 5.3 Conduct VISITOR, CONTRACTOR and DELIVERIES travel review J Jack Visitor, contractor and deliveries travel review report DONE 5.4 Calculate BUSINESS EMISSIONS for 2009/2010 5.5 Review opportunities fro PAS500 ACCREDITATION 6 WASTE REDUCTION & RECYCLING G Moncur 6.1 Extend RECYCLING INFRASTRUCTURE G Moncur 6.2 Launch RECYCLING awareness CAMPAIGN F Woodhill 6.4 6.5 6.6 Implement BATTERY RECYCLING SCHEME in Halls of Residences Implement TONER & CARTRIDGE RECYCLING SCHEME in Halls of Residences Develop PLAN to INCREASE RECYCLING of paper, cans and plastic in Halls of Residences Develop OUTLINE PLAN for the RESOURCE CENTRE activities 7 BIODIVERSITY 7.1 Participate in DWT DAY for Biological Diversity Apply for a COMMUNITY GROUP TREE PLANTING PACK from The Woodland Trust and funding through The Big Tree Plant fund 7.2 High J Jack J Jack High High P O'Callaghan P O'Callaghan N Le Fevre G Moncur Business emissions (2009/2010) with analysis paper presented to Sustainability Advisory Group. Present paper to Sustainability Advisory Group detailing findings and recommendations. Increased recycling, reduced costs and improved performance in external league tables Improve quality and quantity of recycling Increase recycling of batteries Increase recycling of toners / cartridges Increased in recycling in Halls and reduce reduction in waste sent to landfill Report drafted DONE DONE Report drafted DONE DONE Pilot completed in the Business School DONE DONE DONE Clear outline of activities for the Resource Centre in 2011/12 to ensure we have the necessary exemptions, resources, etc. DONE Increased biodiversity awareness DONE Karen Gallagher F Woodhill Provision of trees and/or funding for a tree planting event DONE A Spreadborough Community engagement event to raise awareness of biodiversity issues. 7.3 Run FORUM BIOBLITZ Event F Woodhill 7.4 INSTALL BIRD AND BAT BOXES and develop box management plan F Woodhill UNIVERSITY OF EXETER Participating teams has increased from 21 to 23 (confirmed) Review conducted at same time as installation 5 6.3 Progress: Red/Amber/Green Karen Gallagher COMMUNICATION & TRAINING 3.3 3.6 Priority Due Date Jul-12 Increased numbers nesting / roosting 1 Event not possible due to prolonged and sever weather conditions DONE Karen Gallagher FINAL POSITION Aug 2012 UNIVERSITY SUSTAINABILITY PLAN 2011/12 No. Actions Priority Leader Expected Results Due Date Development of woodland ground flora 7.5 CLEAR LAUREL and RHODODENDRON from woodland I Park 7.6 Draft and adopt AMENITY GRASSLAND MANAGEMENT PLAN I Park 8 CURRICULUM (FORMAL & INFORMAL) 8.1 8.2 Complete HEFCE LGM funded ESD PILOT project and write recommendations Establish LIVING LABORATORY PRACTITIONERS NETWORK 8.3 Create INTERACTIVE LIVING LABORATORY MAP 8.4 8.5 Instigate STUDENTS as CHANGE AGENTS projects Develop QUALITY ASSURANCE INDICATORS Publish CASE STUDIES showcasing EMPLOYABILITY best practice Extend BIG DILEMMAS PROJECT to include more programmes Develop ACTION PLAN for support CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT AT CORNWALL Review and update SUSTAINABILITY MODULAR PATHWAYS Extend EXETER AWARD sessions at CORNWALL and EXETER Identify TWO OPPORTUNITIES for STUDENTS to utilise the campus as a LIVING LABORATORY 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 9 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 9.1 Develop a plan to further the SUSTAINABILITY of IT Jul-12 Enhanced biodiversity of amenity grassland areas DONE High High H Sjerps-Jones Completed case study of the integration of ESD at the University DONE H Sjerps-Jones Action plan May-12 H Sjerps-Jones Outline how the campus is used as a living laboratory and raise awareness DONE H Sjerps-Jones Appoint GDP H Sjerps-Jones Incorporation in TQA handbook DONE DONE Annual updates DONE H Sjerps-Jones Engagement of all colleges with the project (s) DONE H Sjerps-Jones Bring research led teaching and learning in line with the ESI portfolio DONE Meeting scheduled with Allan Both to progress H Sjerps-Jones Improved signposting and accessibility DONE Review is completed and awaiting approval H Sjerps-Jones 3 + 3 sessions DONE K Groome High Dec-11 Change of management. Deferred to 2012/13 TBC D Barker Further energy saving opportunities will be identified Norrie Blackeby N Blackeby Provide a learning space for staff, students and the wider community on biodiversity, sustainability, recycling, wildlife and horticulture. DONE 10.2 Organise SUSTAINABILITY ACTIVITIES for the COMMUNITY N Blackeby Enhanced relationship with local community and raised awareness of sustainability issues DONE 10.3 Maintain SILVER GREEN IMPACT award N Blackeby Continual improvement in environmental performance DONE N Blackeby Promote the use of less paper in our recruitment, meetings and general communication by using more electronic documents and efficient communications outlets DONE High Pilot PAPERLESS COMMUNICATIONS project 11 COMMUNITY 11.3 Drafted and passed to design team Projects include HEFCE Cornwall House Project, Waste Audit, Recycling Review and Urban Drainage Establish a COMMUNITY GARDEN 11.2 Grand Challenges Pilot Project has diverted resources DONE Provide employability opportunities and enhance student experienced H Sjerps-Jones 10.1 11.1 Not possible due to time delays associated with contractor and nesting bird season. Transferred to 2012/13 plan Harriet Sjerps-Jones 10 STUDENTS GUILD 10.4 Progress: Red/Amber/Green Evidence pack submitted. Results awaited. Rory Cunningham More general awareness of sustainability issues informing Student Warden ‘Introduction to Sustainability’ section to be added to STUDENT WARDEN TRAINING programme R Cunningham interactions with students - also providing clearer focus for Warden projects Trial of SEAGULL-PROOF BAGS in key streets in the St James Ward with high student populations R Cunningham opportunity to re-educate students about general refuse rules and regulations Identify and trial system for distributing UNWANTED UNIVERSITY FURNITURE to recognised COMMUNITY GROUPS R Cunningham DONE that address environmental/sustainability issues. Fewer complaints about refuse sacks being torn apart by seagulls. An leading to less StreetWise complaints about refuse. Opportunity to distribute unwanted furniture items locally to Community Groups. Potential to interact and form relationships with new community stakeholders keen to register through the distribution system. DONE DONE WARPIT System identified and planned introduction Sept 12 DRAFTING NOTES: 1. This plan reflects the main projects being managed or planned for the next 12 months. 2. Reporting of progress to DVC External Affairs (through SAG when timing allows). 3. Additions to the Plan will be reviewed by SAG, but approved by DVC (External Affairs). EfS - Education for Sustainability KEY: Risk to project completion or project delay has significant impact Risk to project timeline or potential risk to project implementation identified Project on target Complete Closed. Action not feasible / relevant REVISION INFORMATION (by issue number): 1.0.3 Draft issue of plan for discussion 1.1 Finalised document for publication Items 3.7 and 3.8, K Groome revised action owner 1.3 Item 6.6 N Le Fevre revised action owner Item 5 date error. Revised to 2011 Item 6.3 date error. Revised to 2011 Item 6.4 date error. Revised to 2011 Item 8.8 revised from Dec 11 to Apr 12 1.5 UNIVERSITY OF EXETER 2 Karen Gallagher