Version 1.1 September 2012 UNIVERSITY SUSTAINABILITY PLAN 2012/13 No. Actions 1 EMS, COMPLIANCE & POLLUTION PREVENTION 1.1 Re-certification to ISO14001 (CAMPUS SERVICES) 1.2 1.3 Achieve ISO14001 (STUDENTS' GUILD) Achieve ISO14001 (One other College / Service) 2 Increase number of COLLEGE staff participating in GREEN IMPACT (year 4) 2.2 Update SUSTAINABILITY MAP of RESOURCES 2.3 Improve SIGNPOSTING of informal and formal EfS OPPORTUNITIES 2.4 “HOW TO” and DEBUNKING of MYTHS GUIDANCE 2.5 Create STUDENT VOX POPS to showcase environmental activities of academic / Guild groups. 2.6 Evaluate metrics to MEASURE STAFF ENGAGEMENT Undertake BUILDING ENERGY AUDITS 3.2 REVIEW of CARBON MANAGEMENT PLAN (inc Scope 3 emissions & review of carbon target) 3.3 Revise BOILER CONTROL STRATEGIES 3.4 Survey and conversion of HALOGEN DOWN LIGHTERS 3.5 Develop an ENERGY & WATER DASHBOARD 3.6 3.7 Develop CARBON OFFSETTING POLICY Run targeted ENERGY CAMPAIGN 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Conduct STAFF and STUDENT TRAVEL SURVEYS Launch CAR SHARING incentives Conduct a REVIEW of sustainable TRAVEL INCENTIVES Improve SIGNAGE on EXTERNAL WASTE BINS 6 6.1 Establish formal centralised procedure for SKIP MANAGEMENT Develop an ICONIC RECYCLING CAMPAIGN As above. As above. Apr-13 Jan-13 Jul-13 Delivery of sustainability policies and plans via participating teams with additional focus in Colleges Dec-12 L Kimberley Improve accessibility of sustainability information Oct-12 Updated access with improved access and navigation. Mar-13 L Kimberley Support for Sustainability Coordinators and Green Impact leads Feb-13 L Kimberley Increase awareness of sustainability and environmental opportunities for students. Jan-13 Review mechanisms to measure staff engagement Feb-13 Audits will be carried out in at least one building for every College, and two nonacademic buildings. Reduction in carbon emissions and increased staff engagement Jul-13 Student Project P Mucklow High K farmer P Mucklow Reduction in carbon emissions Dec-12 K farmer Reduce dry cycling and optimise energy saving leading to reduction in carbon emissions Dec-12 K farmer Reduction in carbon emissions Jul-13 Made available to Colleges and other owners of public display screens leading to reduction in carbon emissions and increased staff/student engagement Jul-13 G Whitehouse High P Mucklow G Whitehouse Reduction in carbon emissions and increased staff/student engagement Jul-13 Mar-13 Provide clear and consistent direction on University wide policy J Jack High J Jack Collate data and feedback on the current performance of the Travel Plan Mar-13 High J Jack Increase in registered members of University’s private car share group Jan-13 J Jack Present paper to Sustainability Advisory Group detailing findings and recommendations. Feb-13 J Jack Increase in the percentage of staff using the bus to travel to work DONE A summary of opportunities for mitigating emissions from air travel in Higher Education May-13 Case studies to promote sustainable travel published on the Sustainability WebPages. Oct-12 Student Project J Jack G Moncur High G Moncur K Gallagher Student Project K Couper High K Groome High To permanently fill the currently vacant post Reduce the number of disposable coffee cups generated Feedback on waste and recycling habits of building users Reduce the amount of expanded polystyrene sent to landfill DONE Oct-12 Jun-13 Mar-13 Increase recycling and reduce contamination in UoE Halls of Residences DONE Increase recycling and reduce contamination. Note: this will need to be delivered in conjunction with the waste provider Dec-12 G Moncur Improved compliance with Duty of Care requirements Jan-13 Student Project Raise awareness of recycling in academic buildings Mar-13 Indentify a way for the University to easily monitor/evaluate the sustainability suppliers. Dec-12 The University will obtain a locally recognised sustainability accreditation for it’s business as a whole. This can be used to promote the university’s sustainability credentials locally and engage with other suppliers to follow our example. Oct-12 The price/cost element of tenders above the EU procurement threshold are evaluated on a WLC basis. Jun-13 Showcase sustainability best practice of our suppliers and provide opportunity for knowledge exchange. This will be piloted for food suppliers Jun-13 L Kimberley PROCUREMENT, RETAIL AND CATERING EVALUATE SUSTAINABLE PROCUREMENT CERTIFICATIONS / ACCREDITATIONS including those relating to supply chain Apply for GREEN ACCORD CERTIFICATION External verification of systems for managing environmental impact. Established systems for environmental compliance along with objectives and targets. Reduced risk of non compliance and pollution K Gallagher H Sjerps-Jones Introduce REUSABLE CUP Initiative Conduct WASTE AUDITS for the FORUM, AMORY and REED HALL Roll out an EXPANDED POLYSTYRENE RECYCLING scheme 5.6 5.8 High WASTE REDUCTION & RECYCLING Launch RECYCLING CAMPAIGN in HALLS of Residences Expected Results Karen Gallagher Introduce REDUCED COST staff BUS TICKETS on the D and H services Review options to MITIGATE EMISSIONS from AIR TRAVEL IN HE Produce CASE STUDIES on staff and students COMMUTING EXPERIENCES APPOINT permanent WASTE & RECYCLING SUPERVISOR K Gallagher N Blackeby K Gallagher TRAVEL 5.5 5.7 High ENERGY, WATER & CARBON MANAGEMENT 3.1 Leader John Malloch High 6.2 J Malloch R Price 6.3 Apply APPROPRIATE WHOLE LIFE COSTING (WLC) on all procurement competitions above the EU procurement threshold 6.4 Coordinate SUPPLIER KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE event L Kimberley 6.5 Review the SUSTAINABLE FOOD POLICY REVIEW of the use of SUSTAINABLE FISH in retial and catering on campus Review potential for FOOD FOR LIFE ACCREDITATION P Rees-Jones Full review of food policy including revision of targets Feb 13 Student project A report outlining our current practices with respect to the use of sustainable fish on campus Mar 13 A decision regarding participation in the food for life scheme Jan 13 6.6 6.7 7 ECOLOGICAL DETECTIVE event (Royal Ecological Society) 7.2 COMMUNITY BULB PLANTING Event 7.3 7.4 High Develop CLEAR LAUREL and RHODODENDRON from woodland (Thomas Hall & Duryard) (Linked to 7.7) Implement AMENITY GRASSLAND MANAGEMENT PLAN UNIVERSITY OF EXETER J Malloch P Rees-Jones BIODIVERSITY 7.1 Progress: Red/Amber/Green Karen Gallagher COMMUNICATION & TRAINING 2.1 3 Priority Due Date Iain Park K Gallagher I Park I Park High I Park Engagement with local schools regarding biodiversity Engagement with local community and raising profile of Birds and Bees Campaign Habitat enhancement Reduced mowing and enriched habitat for insect species 1 Jun-13 Nov-12 Mar-13 Jul-13 Karen Gallagher Version 1.1 September 2012 UNIVERSITY SUSTAINABILITY PLAN 2012/13 No. Actions 7.5 Establish BEE HOTELS 7.6 Identification of viable CORRIDORS between WETLAND areas 7.7 Introduction of SCRUB MANAGEMENT PLAN SEE 7.3 Priority Leader I Park Student Project I Park 7.8 HEDGEROW MANAGEMENT PLAN to be drafted and adopted I Park 7.9 BIODIVERSITY BIKE RIDE event J Jack 7.10 7.11 7.12 NIGH TIME SAFARI event Big TREE PLANT event BIRD BOX building event 7.13 Undertake POND SURVEYS 8 8.1 8.2 Student Project SHARE FINDINGS of HEFCE LGM project with all Colleges 2012 Set up COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE with EfS champions from all Colleges 21st CENTURY DILEMMAS SUMMER 2013 8.4 Improved signposting for GREEN MODULAR PATH WAYS 8.5 Improve THEMED PATHWAY GLOBAL FUTURES in FCH 8.6 Develop WATER SYSTEMS STUDENT PROJECT 8.7 Set up ‘CAMPUS AS LIVING LAB’ in CORNWALL HOUSE H Sjerps-Jones H Sjerps-Jones High H Sjerps-Jones H Sjerps-Jones High INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 10 COMMUNITY 10.1 Support the Birds and Bees campaign and specialist habitat for bees on campus Target Hoopern Valley Production of Scrub management plan and enhancement of this habitat type. Production of hedgerow management plan and enhancement of this habitat type. Increased awareness of biodiversity on campus and cycle routes across the city. Increased awareness and engagement with biodiversity DONE Jun-13 DONE Mar-13 Jun-13 Increased numbers nesting / roosting. Student engagement opportunity Jun-13 Jun-13 Feb-13 Evaluation of pond health and recommendations for improvement for improvement Jul-13 Increased awareness and engagement with biodiversity Progress: Red/Amber/Green Harriet Sjerps-Jones CURRICULUM (FORMAL & INFORMAL) 8.3 9 L Kimberley L Kimberley L Kimberley Expected Results Due Date Host DONATE DON'T DUMP event with Hospiscare H Sjerps-Jones P Mucklow H Sjerps-Jones Refresh and enhance curriculum through integration of EfS Supporting CPD for EfS Engaging all first year students with global and local sustainability challenges Enhanced access to opportunities Enhanced offer of interdisciplinary learning Work with Centre for Water Systems to identify suitable campus based projects for MSc students. Employability / Student experience opportunities. Enhancing informal learning for sustainability Dec-12 Mar-13 Jul-13 Mar-13 Oct-12 Dec-12 Dec-12 TBC R Cunningham / W Courtney L Kimberley increased awareness of waste and reuse issues. Fund raising opportunity for Hospiscare Jul-13 DRAFTING NOTES: 1. This plan reflects the main projects being managed or planned for the next 12 months. 2. Reporting of progress to DVC External Affairs (through SAG when timing allows). 3. Additions to the Plan will be reviewed by SAG, but approved by DVC (External Affairs). EfS - Education for Sustainability KEY: Risk to project completion or project delay has significant impact Risk to project timeline or potential risk to project implementation identified Project on target Complete Closed. Action not feasible / relevant REVISION INFORMATION (by issue number): 1.1 Issue for approval UNIVERSITY OF EXETER 2 Karen Gallagher