CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE IMPLEMENTATION OF MEMORY EFFICIENT IP LOOKUP ARCHITECTURE A graduate project submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements For the degree of Master of Science in, Electrical Engineering By Karthik Venkatesh Malekal May 2014 The graduate project implemented by Karthik Venkatesh Malekal is approved: ___________________________________ _____________________ Dr. Shahnam Mirzaei Date ___________________________________ _____________________ Dr. Somnath Chattopadhyay Date ___________________________________ _____________________ Dr. Nagi El Naga, Chair Date California State University, Northridge ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This project work would not have been possible without the guidance and the help of several individuals who contributed and extended their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of this project. Firstly, I would like to extend my most sincere gratitude to Dr. Nagi El Naga for all the help and support I received from him. He has been an inspiration and a constant driving force over the course of implementing this project making available to me, all the required resources that were needed. It was an honor for me to have worked on a project under his guidance. I would also like to thank Dr. Shahnam Mirzaei for taking the time to guide me on several occasions early on during the implementation of this project which was extremely helpful and invaluable. I would like thank Dr. Somnath Chattopadhyay for his support and for agreeing to be a member of the project committee. Most importantly, I would like to thank my parents, Mr. Venkatesh A.K and Mrs. Geetha Venkatesh for their constant support, prayers and well wishes at every step that I have taken. I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to my brother, Vinay Malekal and my sister-in-law, Mithila Malekal for their constant support over the past two years of my Graduate studies. Lastly, I extend my sincere gratitude to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at California State University, Northridge and to all professors who have in one way or the other extended their support and help in the completion of this project. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Signature Page ii Acknowledgments iii List of Table vi List of Figures vii Abstract ix CHAPTER 1: Objective and Project Outline 1 1.1: Introduction 1 1.2: Objective 5 1.3: Project Outline 5 CHAPTER 2: IP Addressing 6 2.1: Classful Addressing Scheme 9 2.2: Classless Inter-Domain Addressing 10 2.3: Solutions to longest prefix match search process 13 2.3.1: Path compression techniques 17 2.3.2: Prefix expansion/Leaf pushing 18 2.3.3: Using multi-bit tries 21 2.3.4: Using a combination of leaf pushing and multi-bit tries 24 CHAPTER 3: Proposals for search process using binary tries 26 CHAPTER 4: Implementation details of memory efficient pipeline architecture 31 iv 4.1: Implementation of pipeline structure 34 4.1.1: The prefix table 34 4.1.2: The trie structure and mapping 36 4.2: Implementation of hardware 45 4.2.1: Data organization in memory blocks 46 4.2.2: Logical blocks used at each stage 47 4.2.3: Search process at stage 1 53 4.2.4: Search process in other stages of the pipeline 55 CHAPTER 5: Simulation results and analysis 59 5.1: Simulation analysis 59 5.2: Implementation analysis 65 CHAPTER 6: Conclusion 67 6.1: Project achievements 67 6.2: Scope for improvements 68 REFERENCES 70 APPENDIX A: Data in Memory Modules 71 APPENDIX B: Implementation codes 78 v LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1: An example forwarding table 8 Table 2.2: Prefixes and corresponding nodes in forwarding table 13 Table 4.1: Prefix/forwarding table showing sample prefix values and their corresponding nodes 35 Table 4.2: Algorithm to find initial stride 39 Table 5.1: List of test vectors to test the IP Lookup request outputs 60 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1: Block diagram of TCAM based solution for IP lookup 3 Figure 1.2: Block diagram of SRAM based solution for IP lookup 4 Figure 2.0: Block diagram of IP packet showing the source and destination IP address 6 Figure 2.1: IP network address representation 11 Figure 2.2: Example binary trie structure 14 Figure 2.3: Example path compressed uni-bit trie 17 Figure 2.4: Leaf pushed uni-bit trie 19 Figure 2.5: Multi-bit trie structure with fixed stride 22 Figure 2.6: Leaf pushed multi-bit trie 24 Figure 3.1: Pipeline stages with a ring structure 27 Figure 3.2: Pipeline structure used in CAMP search algorithm 29 Figure 4.1: Sample trie structure with two subtries and mapping to pipeline 32 Figure 4.2: Example subtrie with one parent (node A), two children (nodes B and C) and mapping to the pipeline 34 Figure 4.3: Trie structure corresponding to given prefixes in table 4.1 36 Figure 4.4: Leaf-pushed uni-bit trie structure 37 Figure 4.5: Multi-bit trie with initial stride, i = 2 39 Figure 4.6: Multi-bit trie with initial stride, i = 3 40 Figure 4.7: Subtrie with root at node “a” in the multi-bit trie from figure 4.6 41 Figure 4.8: Pipeline structure with nodes mapped to its memory modules 44 vii Figure 4.9: General structure of the pipelined hardware 45 Figure 4.10: Input packet format 45 Figure 4.11: Data packet from memory block 47 Figure 4.12: Shift register module 47 Figure 4.13: Stage 1 memory module 48 Figure 4.13a: Memory module structure 49 Figure 4.14: Node distance check module 50 Figure 4.15: Update module 51 Figure 4.16: Write data packet 52 Figure 4.17: Block diagram of stage 1 of pipeline 53 Figure 4.17a: Block diagram of the stage module of a pipeline 56 Figure 5.1: Simulation output with outputs from each of the 7 stages in the pipeline 61 Figure 5.2: Simplified simulation output showing only the inputs and final output 62 Figure 5.3: Simulation outputs showing operation of NDC module 63 Figure 5.4: Simulation outputs showing write operation 64 viii ABSTRACT IMPLEMENTATION OF MEMORY EFFICIENT IP LOOKUP ARCHITECTURE By Karthik Venkatesh Malekal Master of Science in Electrical Engineering The internet today has grown into a vast network of networks. It consists of a large number of smaller networks connecting millions of users together by linking these smaller networks together via a communication medium and routers. As the communication speeds between these networks is growing rapidly over the past several years, the demands on faster processing and routing of packets between the networks is increasing at a rapid pace. A solution to this increased demand in packet routing can be achieved by implementing the IP lookup process for packet routing using some form of a tree structure. A TRIE based implementation can be a very efficient IP lookup process which allows for a highly pipelined structure to achieve high throughputs. But mapping a trie on to the pipelined stages without a proper structure would result in unbalanced memory distribution over the stages of the pipeline. In this project project, a simple and highly effective IP lookup process using a linear pipeline architecture with a uniform distribution of the trie structure over all the pipelined stages is presented. This is achieved by using a pipeline of memory modules with additional logic at each stage to process the data resulting from the search at each stage. The result as observed is a fast and linear operation of IP Lookup that can be implemented on a FPGA with one Lookup request being processed at every clock cycle. ix CHAPTER 1 OBJECTIVE AND PROJECT OUTLINE 1.1 INTRODUCTION The main function of network routers is to accept the incoming packets and forward them to their final destinations. For this, the routers on the network will have to decide the forwarding path for every incoming packet to reach the next network on the route to the destination network. This forwarding decision made by the routers usually consists of the IP address of the next-hop router and the outgoing port through which the packet will have to be forwarded. This information is usually stored in the form of a forwarding table in every router which the router builds using information collected from the routing protocols. The packet’s destination address is used as the key search field during the lookup through the forwarding table to find the next-hop location for the packet. This process is called the “Address Lookup”. Once information regarding the forwarding address is obtained from the table, the router can route the packet on it’s incoming link through the appropriate port on it’s output link to the next network. This process is called “Packet Switching”. With a continued increase in the network speed called the “Network Link Rates”, the IP address lookup process in the network routers has become a significant bottleneck. With 1 advances in networking technologies used to route packets, the network link rates are ever increasingly approaching speeds in the Terabits per second range. With these increased network speeds, software based implementations of IP lookup can be very slow and will mostly not be able to support such high speeds. Hardware based implementation of the lookup process are more appropriate solutions as the forwarding information search speeds can be highly improved as a result of the overhead of processing the software running on the router can be removed with a pure hardware implementation. Two types of hardware implementations are currently available which can be used for this process. The first being the Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM) based solutions and secondly, the Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) based solutions. A. Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM) based solutions Ternary Content Addressable Memory, also called TCAM is a high speed memory structure that uses the data provided by the user, in this case, the router has to search its entire memory to find an exact match. Though this implementation of IP lookup can be fast by obtaining outputs in one clock cycle, their throughput is limited by the low speed of operation of the TCAM. Besides, the power consumption of TCAM structures is also significantly higher and they lack the ability to be scalable. All these factors prove that the TCAM based solutions are not a very effective in solving the IP 2 Lookup problem. The block diagram of a TCAM based IP lookup solution is presented in Figure 1.1. Figure 1.1: Block diagram of TCAM based solution for IP lookup B. Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) based solutions Static Random Access Memory, also called SRAM is a strong alternative to the use of TCAMs for the purpose of IP Lookup. They usually have very high operation speeds and their power requirements are also comparatively less when compared to that of TCAMs. But the problem with SRAM based structure is that they require multiple clock cycles to complete a single lookup operation. This limitation of the SRAM based architecture can be overcome by the use of pipelining which would significantly improve it’s throughput. An implementation of the IP Lookup process using SRAMs is presented in the block diagram in Figure 1.2. 3 Figure 1.2: Block diagram of SRAM based solution for IP lookup Using a binary search process on a tree like data structure called a “trie”, the IP lookup process using the pipelined SRAM architecture can be implemented by mapping each trie level to a particular stage of the pipeline with it’s own memory and logic processing unit to perform the lookup. In this way, by implementing an entire trie onto different stages of a complete pipelined structure, the IP lookup process can flow through the pipelined stages resulting in the forwarding information being output at the end of the pipeline at the end of every clock cycle. Although the above method would increase the throughput of the system, the mapping would result in an unbalanced distribution of the trie nodes on the different stages of the pipeline. This in turn would result in the pipeline stage containing larger number of trie nodes requiring multiple clock cycle to access the larger memory requirements at that stage and will also lead to larger number of updates to the memory which are usually dependent on the number of nodes stored in that memory block. As a result, when there are large number of updates resulting from route insertions and deletions, the stages with 4 larger memory blocks in the pipeline will need proportionately larger number of updates and can also lead to memory overflow. Hence such stages in the pipeline can become bottlenecks and slow down the entire search process. 1.2 OBJECTIVE In this project, a pipelined search architecture is implemented which has a uniform distribution of the trie nodes across all the memory blocks of the pipeline structure which would result in a constant search time across all the stages of the pipeline structure. It will also result in a high throughput of one output at the end of every clock cycle resulting from the pipeline operation of the search process. With this linear pipelined structure with constant memory block sizes at each stage, the updates required to each memory block can also be reduced due to the uniformity in the distribution of the trie nodes. 1.3 PROJECT OUTLINE: Here, we build a pipelined search structure on a FPGA with each pipeline stage containing a memory block and logic units that are used to carry out the search process and the updates to the memory block when a trie node has to be either deleted or added depending on the topology of the networks surrounding the router. Furthermore, the nodes of the binary trie structure are uniformly distributed over all the memory blocks to achieve a uniform search time at each of the pipeline stages. The pipelined search architecture is designed to be implemented on a Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA. 5 CHAPTER 2 IP ADDRESSING In computer networking which is mainly based on packet switched network protocols, the data to be transmitted are organized into packets of fixed length before transmission. There are two forms of addressing that are used to route these data packets from a source node to a destination node, where a node can be either a host computer at the user end or a server servicing requests from users. The two addressing forms are, IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) and IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6). The main difference between these two forms is that, IPv4 uses a 32 bits long address format for each packet whereas IPv6 uses a 64 bits long address format. This increase in address field length in IPv6 is mainly to cope with the fast increasing number of interconnected networks and the number of devices that are connected to each of these networks. A block diagram of a complete IPv4 packet is shown in Figure 2.0 which includes the 32 bit address field of the destination node. Figure 2.0: Block diagram of IP packet showing the source and destination IP address In IPv4, as mentioned above, the source and destination IP addresses are 32 bits long. These 32 bits are divided into 4 fields each of 8 bits long called Octets. In decimal form, 6 the IP address is represented in a dot notation form with the value of each octet followed by a dot. As an example, let us consider a 32 bit IPv4 address in binary format as 11000000101010000000101000000000. This address can be broken down into 4 octets and can be written as 11000000_10101000_00001010_00000000 which in decimal dot notation format would result in the address In the Internet protocol the IP address is mainly required for the interconnection of various networks. This naturally results in routing of packets based on the network addresses rather than on host addresses. This resulted in the IP address consisting of two levels of hierarchy, A. The network address part: The network part of the IPv4 address is used to identify the network to which the host is connected to. Thus, all hosts connected to the same network will have the same network address field. B. The host address part: The host address is used to identify the individual hosts on a particular network As the network address forms the first bits of the IP address, we can call the network address a “Prefix” which can have a length of up to 32 bits in the IPv4 addressing space and followed by a “*” which would represent the host address. As an example, considering the IP address, let us assume “192.168”, i.e the first two octets 7 (11000000_10101000) of the IP address form the network address part and “10.0” is the host address of one terminal on the network. Therefore the IP address 1100000010101000* (192.168.*) would represent all the 216 hosts connected to the network addressed by “192.168”. With this format of addressing, the packets are now routed using the network address until the destination network is reached and then the host address can be used to identify the intended host on that network to which the data packet has to be delivered. This process is called “Address Aggregation” by which prefixes can be used to identify a group of addresses. Also with this format of addressing, the forwarding table in the core routers will now have to contain only address prefixes and the forwarding information which can be either the Next-hop address or Output port number to the destination network as shown in the example in table 2.1. So when a packet comes in, the router will have to search for the prefixes in the forwarding table that matches the bits in the destination address field of the packet. Destination Network Address Prefix Next - Hop Address Output Port Number 192.168 1 194.171 2 208.10 4 Table 2.1: An example Forwarding table 8 This format of IP addressing led to the formation of two different addressing schemes known as, 1. Classful Addressing 2. Classless Inter-domain Addressing (CIDR) 2.1 CLASSFUL ADDRESSING SCHEME During the early days of the internet, the addressing scheme was based on a simple assumption of three different sizes for the network addresses, thus forming three different classes of networks. These predetermined sizes were 8, 16 and 24 bits of the total 32 bit length IP address. The classification of the networks was as follows: a. Class A networks: This class of networks had the first 8 bits of the IP address representing the network address while the remaining 24 bits represented the hosts on that particular network. This meant that there were fewer number of networks (a maximum of 28 = 256 networks) with each network having a large number of hosts connected to them (a maximum of 224 hosts). b. Class B networks: This class of networks had the first 16 bits of the IP address representing the network address while the remaining 16 bits represented the hosts on that particular network. This meant that there were sufficiently large 9 number of networks (a maximum of 216 networks) and 216 hosts connected to each of these networks. c. Class C networks: For these networks the first 24 bits of the IP address were used to address the networks which meant a very large number of networks with only a few hosts (a maximum of 28) being connected to each of these networks. This kind of classification of the networks with fixed network address sizes resulted in easier lookup procedures. But, it was determined over the course of the growth of the internet and the increase in the number of networks and hosts that the distribution of the addresses was wasteful. Also, with the growth of the internet, the size of the forwarding tables also grew exponentially because the routers had to now maintain an entry for every network in their forwarding tables. This resulted in slower IP Lookups and hence slower overall network speeds. 2.2 CLASSLESS INTER-DOMAIN ADDRESSING With an increase in the number of networks and number of hosts on each network, a solution was needed to solve the problem of address shortages and wasteful allocation of IP addresses to some networks. For this, an alternative addressing scheme was introduced, which was called the ‘Classless Inter-Domain Routing’ (CIDR). 10 With the Classful addressing scheme, the prefix lengths were constrained to either 8, 16 or 24 bits to form the Classes A, B and C respectively. But with the CIDR addressing scheme, the IP address space is utilized more efficiently by allowing the prefix (network address) lengths to be arbitrary and not constraining them to be 8, 16 or 24 bits long. By this scheme, the CIDR allows the network addresses to be aggregated at various levels with the idea that addresses have a topological significance. This concept allows for the recursive aggregation of the network addresses at various points in the topology of the internet. This also leads to a reduction in the number of entries the routers will have to maintain in their forwarding tables. As an example to illustrate this, lets consider a group of networks represented by network addresses starting from 192.168.10/24 to 192.168.20/24. Here the slash “ / ” symbol and the number following the symbol (24 in this case) denote the number of bits in the IP address that are used as the prefix (Network address). Here the leftmost 24 bits of the IP address represent the network address. In 32 bit binary form, these address can be represented as given below in Figure 2.1. 192.168.10/24 - 11000000_10101000_00001010 . . . . . . 192.168.16/24 - 11000000_10101000_00010000 . . . . . . 192.168.20/24 - 11000000_10101000_00010100 Figure 2.1: IP network address representation 11 In the set of network addresses above, it can be seen that the first 19 bits (11000000_10101000_000) are common to all the networks and thus all these networks can be combined into one network with the first 19 bits representing the network address and can be denoted as 192.168.10/19. This process would allow a large number of networks to be combined and represented by a common prefix value. By this, the amount of forwarding information that will have to be maintained by the network routers will be reduced significantly. But for the above addressing scheme to work, all the networks with the common prefix addresses will have to be serviced by the same service provider. If this criteria is not met, a few additional information fields will have to be maintained to route the packets correctly. As an example, consider that the network with the address 192.168.16/24 is not serviced by the same Internet Service Provider (ISP) as the other networks. This leads to a discontinuity in the addressing scheme and packets addressed to the network address 192.168.16/24 may get dropped. A solution to this can be obtaining by still combining the networks with the same 19 bit prefix values and an additional entry in the forwarding table for the 192.168.16/24 network. Now, because of this situation, the router will have to find an address that matches most accurately to the entries in the forwarding table. This process is called the “Longest Prefix Matching”(LPM). Therefore, the address look up 12 process in the network routers will require the search for the longest matching prefix to the destination address contained in the packet. Although the CIDR addressing scheme reduces the number of entries that have to be maintained in the forwarding tables, the IP lookup process now becomes complex as the it does not involve only the bit pattern comparison but will also involve finding the appropriate length of the prefix to be used for the search. 2.3 SOLUTIONS TO LONGEST PREFIX MATCH SEARCH PROCESS The most commonly implemented method of search to implement the Longest Prefix Match is through the use of Binary Trie structures. A binary trie is a tree like data structure containing nodes that represent different levels of binary values from the top of the tree to the bottom. This search mechanism uses the bits in the prefix address for branching while traversing down the trie. Consider the prefixes and the corresponding trie nodes for the prefixes in Table 2.2 to represent the prefix and the forwarding information in a forwarding table. PREFIXES NODE 0* P1 000* P2 010* P3 13 PREFIXES NODE 01001* P4 01011* P5 011* P6 110* P7 111* P8 Table 2.2: Prefixes and corresponding nodes in the forwarding table This table can be represented in a binary trie structure as shown in Figure 2.2. Figure 2.2: Example Binary trie structure The nodes at the different levels of the trie structure represent the prefix values of length equal to the position of the node in the trie structure. For example, the node P2 at level 3 of the trie represents the prefix value of 000. This sort of a binary trie structure is known as a Uni-bit Trie. The nodes in such a structure are not only located at the edges of the trie but are also present at intermediate positions in the trie. This is a result of the exception networks that are served by different internet service providers as discussed above in 14 section 2.2. Therefore, for example, node P2 and P3 are exceptions to the group of networks that are represented by the prefix value of node P1. With this structure, there is usually an overlap of prefixes when a search is conducted. Lets consider a prefix value of 010* that has to be looked up. As seen from the trie structure above, both nodes P1 and P3 match this prefix value. To solve this problem, the Longest Prefix Match (LPM) technique is used which results in node P3 being chosen as the final result of the lookup process. Tries are an easy way to find the longest matching prefix for the destination IP address. The bits of the destination IP address are used in making the decision at each node of the trie, the direction in which the search should proceed. If at a node, the next bit in the address is a 1, the search takes the right path and if the bit value is 0, the search proceeds towards the left path. As the search reaches a prefix node, that node will be registered as the longest matching prefix and the search continues down the trie to find any other longest matching prefix node that might be present. If no better matching node is found, then the last register prefix will be chosen as the final result and the longest matching prefix. As an example, let us consider an IP address starting with the value 01001*. The search begins at the node labeled “ROOT” and continues down towards the left path, where node P1 is found. This node is now registered as the longest matching prefix and the 15 search continues to the right of node P1 down the trie. Subsequently at position 010, node P3 is found which replaces node P1 as the longest matching prefix node. The search then continues down the trie again until 01001 where node P4 is encountered. This node is now registered as the longest matching prefix node and the search terminates as there are no more values that can be searched in the trie structure. The search through the trie structure leads to a hierarchical reduction in the search space at each step of the trie. Updating the trie structure is also a simple process where a search for a node can be performed and when the search reaches a node with no further nodes below it, the appropriate node can be added to the structure to create a new prefix node. The node deletion process will also be similar where the nodes below a particular one can be deleted using the search process. Although the above described process of Uni-bit trie search is simple, it can often leads to unnecessary search operations being performed on a path of the trie even after a prefix node has been registered and no more best matches can be found. This is a disadvantage that can lead to the slowing down of the search process. Also every extra node on the trie takes up a memory space resulting in a larger use of memory than required. A number of ways have been suggested to overcome these limitation, some of which are discussed here. 16 2.3.1 PATH COMPRESSION TECHNIQUE In this technique of trie length reduction, the one way branch node are reduced by eliminating intermediate node in the path that do not represent a prefix node. By doing this, additional information has to be maintained in the nodes about which bit position in the IP address has to be compared next to find the next node in the trie. As shown in the diagram in Figure 2.3, the paths from node P1 to P2 and from the root node to the nodes P7 and P8 have been compressed. The nodes now have to hold an additional information about the position of the bit in the IP address that has to be compared next which is represented by the decimal number on the side of every node other than the nodes at the edges of the trie. Figure 2.3: Example Path Compressed Uni-Bit trie For example, consider the search has reached the intermediate node between nodes P7, P8 and the root on the trie. This node has to now direct the search process to compare bit number three of the destination IP address in order to determine if the output will be node 17 P7 or node P8. As soon a prefix node is encountered, a comparison of the actual prefix value the node represents is made with that of the IP address. By this way, we see that the search process is reduced by one step and the memory requirement is reduced by one on this path of the trie. In a similar way, all the one way branches in a trie can be reduced thus resulting in a speedup of the search process. Although this method of binary trie search reduces the length of the trie structure, it adds an additional value that has to be maintained at the nodes for the search process to proceed. This is a disadvantage which can lead to additional memory usage. 2.3.2 PREFIX EXPANSION / LEAF PUSHING In a router, the forwarding table consists of address prefixes that correspond to the next hop information for a particular destination IP address. The prefixes are data obtained by the routers over a period of time and by combining networks with the same prefix bits as using the address aggregation process described in the previous sections. The problem with the search process using either the Uni-bit trie structure or the path compressed unibit trie structure is that, the search process requires either storing a prefix node while the search proceeds down a trie structure to find the longest matching prefix or backtracking through the trie structure. That is, the search will have to either keep track of the best matching node encountered or will have move up the trie if no valid matches are found at the bottom edges of the trie structure. This is usually not a desirable attribute when the 18 trie structure is mapped onto pipelined stages for hardware implementation. While additional memory is required to keep track of the best match prefix, backtracking will involve the implementation of a looping structure within the pipeline structure. To avoid these disadvantages, an optimization to the uni-bit trie called Prefix Expansion or Leaf Pushing can be used. In this process, the prefix nodes at the intermediate level of a trie structure are expanded to be pushed down to the bottom edges of the trie structure. When this optimization is performed on the uni-bit trie, there can be an overlap of nodes at the edges of the trie. At the point where two nodes overlap, the node that was already present at the position is given precedence over the new node. This enables the best matching prefix to be obtained at the end of the trie. As an example, the trie structure presented in Figure 2.4 represents a Prefix expanded/ Leaf Pushed trie structure. Figure 2.4: Leaf pushed uni-bit trie structure 19 Comparing the trie structure above to that from Figure 2.1, it can be seen that the nodes P1 and P3 which were present at intermediate location in the trie structure have been pushed to the bottom edge of the trie by way of expanding their prefixes. Here, A. Node P1’s prefix can be expanded by one bit to values 01* and 10* to push it to the bottom of the trie. B. Node P3’s prefix value can be expanded by 2 bits to values 01000*, 01001*, 01010* and 01011* to be pushed to the bottom of the trie. When prefixes of nodes are expanded, there is a possibility of these nodes overlapping with other nodes that represent the same prefix value but were part of the original trie structure forming the exception nodes. In this case, when the expansion takes place, preference is given to the node already present at a particular location over the expanded node. This enables the best matching prefix to be found at the end of the trie search process. Another advantage of prefix expanding or leaf pushing is that all the nodes that represent prefix values in the forwarding table are present only at the bottom of the trie structure. This would eliminate the need to keep track of the best matching prefix node or the need to backtrack during the trie search. This is due to the fact that all the prefix nodes are pushed to the bottom of the trie and the nodes encountered at the end of the trie structure 20 are the best matching or the Longest Prefix Matches that can be found in the trie. As a result of this, the mapping of the trie structure to the pipelined stages will become linear and the extra memory needed to keep track of the prefix nodes can be eliminated. 2.3.3 USING MULTI BIT TRIES When a search through the forwarding table in a router is conducted using a trie structure described in sections 2.3.1, the search process by itself will be simple but will require extra memory to remember the best matching prefix or will require backtracking through the trie structure. Using prefix expansion explained in section 2.3.2 has benefits by which it can eliminate the need for extra memory to register the matching nodes or the need for backtracking. But with both these methods, the search is still performed on a bit by bit basis. This has the disadvantage of requiring larger amount of time as only one bit of the IP address is compared in one clock cycle. This problem of increased search time can be reduced by searching through the trie structure using multiple bits at a given time. This leads to the creation of Multi-bit tries where search at each node of the trie will be performed using multiple bits. To illustrate this process, the trie from Figure 2.2 has been transformed to a multi bit trie and is shown in Figure 2.5. 21 Figure 2.5: Multi bit trie structure with fixed stride It can be observed from the diagram in Figure 2.5 representing the trie structure that from level 2 down the trie, the search process now uses 2 bits at a time. The first level still has a single bit comparison. The number of bits that are used for comparison at a node in the trie is called a “Stride”. So here, at level 1 of the trie which is comparison at the root node, the Stride value is equal to 1 and the bit comparisons at levels 2 and 3 have a Stride value equal to 2. If the Stride value used is constant throughout a level, then the trie is called a “Fixed stride multi-bit trie” or else if the stride values vary on the same level of a trie, it will be called a “Variable stride multi-bit trie”. The trie structure above represents a fixed stride multi-bit trie as the stride at each level of comparison is constant. The use of a multi-bit trie structure will now create a new problem where prefixes of arbitrary lengths, that is, prefixes with lengths other than the stride values cannot be compared. This will require some prefix transformations where the nodes with arbitrary lengths of prefixes will have to be expanded. As an example, the trie structure in Figure 22 2.4 uses stride of 1 at level 1 and stride of 2 at levels 2 and 3. This would mean that, if there existed a node with a prefix length of 4 bits say 0100*, that node will now have to be expanded by one bit to 01000*, 01001* to comply with the search process. When this expansion is done, there is a possibility of nodes overlapping as is the case in this example where the expanded node would now overlap with node P4 that represents the prefix value of 01001*. When this scenario occurs, the node P4 is preserved and is not replaced by the expanded node as preserving the node will lead to a more accurate comparison and thus the correct forwarding information. Using this method, the trie structure can be compressed which will lead to a decrease in the length of the trie and therefore a reduction in the number of pipelined hardware stages that will be needed to map the trie structure. The worst case, reduction could be made to a single stage when all 32 bits are compared at once. Though this would reduce the length of the trie to 1 level, it will also require a larger memory with a longer memory access time to search for the correct forwarding information. Also, though the overall search time has now been reduced using multi bit comparisons, the problem of backtracking or remembering the best matching prefix still exists in this trie structure which can still reduce the search times through the trie. 23 2.3.4 USING A COMBINATION OF LEAF PUSHING AND MULTI BIT TRIES As described above, although using either one of the search methods suggested has a set of benefits, it would still have drawbacks like large size of the trie structure, requiring extra memory to register matching nodes or even the need for backtracking through the trie to find the best matching prefix or the Longest Prefix Match value. These drawbacks can be reduced to a minimum when the prefix expansion/leaf pushing method and the multi-bit trie search method suggested above are combined to form a trie structure that will be both compact and will not require any backtracking. To see the benefits of this search method, consider the trie in figure 2.2 to be leaf pushed and expanded to form the multi bit trie structure presented in Figure 2.6. Figure 2.6: Leaf pushed multi bit trie 24 With this trie structure, it can be seen that search is preformed at level 1 using a stride value of 2 and then subsequently using a stride value of 1 on all the other levels of the trie structure. Also, it’s seen that nodes P1 and P3 have been expanded and pushed to the bottom edges of the trie structure. Although using this kind of a trie structure can not produce a trie that is most compacted, it will result in a significantly compact structure when compared to a uni-bit trie and will also have to added benefit where all the prefix nodes are at the bottom of the trie making sure that the nodes encountered at the end of the search are the best matching or the Longest prefix matches and thus eliminates the need for any sort of backtracking or need to remember a previously encountered matching node. Therefore, the speed of the search process and the memory requirements with this structure can be optimized to obtain search results in the shortest time possible. 25 CHAPTER 3 PROPOSALS FOR THE SEARCH PROCESS USING BINARY TRIES There are various proposals for the implementation of the IP lookup process using the binary trie structure and its variations that have been discussed above. Some of the proposals optimize the uni-bit trie structure directly while others modify the trie structure as needed to map onto a set of pipelined stages. Some of the proposals have been briefly described in this chapter. One proposal is to use a binary trie with variable stride values at different levels of the trie and mapping nodes at each level of the trie to a memory block in a pipeline stage. Although using variable strides does produce a compact trie structure as described in Chapter 2, the uneven distribution of nodes on different levels of the trie structure will lead to the use of uneven memory blocks at different stages of the pipeline hardware architecture which will mean that some memory blocks will consume more time than others. Furthermore, using variable strides for hardware implementation can be a complex design as the number of bits that will have to be compared at each stage can be different and additional logic units will be required to make the decision about the number of bits to be used for the search. It can also lead to a non-uniform distribution of the nodes in the memory blocks at each stage of the pipeline. 26 Another proposal is to create a circular pipelined trie structure. In this, the pipelined stages are configured in a circular structure with multi point access to allow for the lookup process to begin at any point in the pipeline stages. The stage where the lookup starts is called the “Starting Stage”. In this implementation, a trie is divided into many smaller subtries of equal size and these subtries are then mapped to the different stages of the pipeline structure to create a balanced memory distribution across all the stages. As a result, the nodes are assigned to the pipeline stages based on the subtrie divisions rather than on the level at which the nodes are present in the main trie structure. This sort of mapping might require some subtries to wrap around if their roots are mapped to stages closer to the end of the pipeline. Due to this type of distribution of subtries, although all the incoming IP addresses enter the pipeline at the first stage, the search may not start for the next few stages depending on which stage of the pipeline the root of the subtrie corresponding to the address bits has been mapped to. A solution to this problem was proposed by implementing a pipeline in a ring structure consisting of two data paths. Figure 3.1: Pipeline stages with a ring structure 27 The diagram in Figure 3.1 represents the ring pipeline structure consisting of two datapaths. Here datapath 1 refers to the path the search algorithm takes during its first pass and datapath 2 represents the path taken during the second pass through the pipeline. The datapath 1 is designed to be operational only during the odd cycles of the clock signal whereas the datapath 2 is active during the even cycles of the clock signal. Also, this search algorithm will require the use of an index table for the search process to initially find at which stage in the pipeline the actual search has to begin. Although this idea of a ring pipeline produces an even distribution of nodes over the memory, the throughput falls to 1 lookup every two clock cycles as the search has to now pass through all the pipeline stages twice before a final output is obtained. A different approach to the IP lookup through a ring pipeline architecture was suggested and called the Circular, Adaptive and Monotonic Pipeline (CAMP). In this approach, the trie structure was broken down into a root subtrie which is the starting point of the trie structure and subsequent child node subtries. This search algorithm uses the multi bit trie structure. Hence the initial stride of the trie is determined and is used in an index table to hold the starting points of the subtries that are mapped to the pipeline stages. The structure in Figure 3.2 will show the structure of the CAMP architecture in more details. 28 Figure 3.2: Pipeline structure used in the CAMP search algorithm In this lookup algorithm, the distribution of nodes to the memory stages of the pipeline structure is made independent of the levels in a trie at which the nodes are present, that is, the nodes are not mapped onto the memory based on the level in the trie structure where they are present, rather they are mapped based on which subtrie they belong to. In this way, the subtries are now mapped uniformly to the memory stages. While doing so, some of the nodes of one subtrie may get mapped to the next memory stage and so on. These stages in the pipeline are interconnected internally so that the lookup can pass through all the stages. Here, the initial stride bits listed in the index table at the beginning is used to find the stage at which a search should begin. Now since search requests can arrive at different stages at arbitrary time periods, a FIFO queue is placed in front of every stage to buffer the requests while a previous search request is traversing through the stages of the pipeline. When the stage is idle, the first request in its queue is accepted and the search progresses. In this way, since the requests can be buffered at different stages, the order of 29 the incoming requests can be lost which would again require that the outputs be buffered to reorder the outputs in the correct sequence to match that of the input sequence. Also, since stages can be blocked due to previous requests passing through the pipeline, there can be a long delay that can be encountered for processing certain search requests over others. This is a major drawback of this pipeline structure which can reduce the overall throughput by a significant amount. 30 CHAPTER 4 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS OF THE MEMORY EFFICIENT PIPELINE ARCHITECTURE The main aim of the implementation is to create a pipelined IP address lookup architecture with a uniform distribution of all the nodes in a trie structure, thereby creating evenly balanced memory blocks across all the pipeline stages with uniform memory access times for the lookup and to eliminate the need for any sort of loopback to any of the previous stages in the pipeline which was the case in the pipeline architectures described in the previous chapter. The pipeline is designed to be implemented on a Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA which has low power requirements and sufficient memory on board to hold the prefix tables used here. The Ring and CAMP architectures divide the main trie into many subtries which are then uniformly distributed over the pipeline stages. But they do not enforce the constraint that the roots of all the subtries be mapped to the first stage of the pipeline. This leads to the pipelines having multiple starting points causing search conflicts and affecting the overall throughput of the architecture. There are two main constraints that are enforced in this implementation that try to solve the issues from the previous implementations. 31 Constraint 1: The roots of all the subtries of the main trie are mapped to the first stage of the pipeline. Figure 4.1: Example trie structure with two subtries and mapping to the pipeline Consider an example of a simple trie structure having two subtries with the roots of the subtries at nodes B and C. Applying the above mentioned constraint to this trie, we see that the roots of the subtries (node B and node C) are mapped to stage 1 and the child nodes are mapped to subsequent stages. This ensure that the search process has only one starting point, thereby eliminating any loopbacks and ensuring that the output port number of the router through which the IP packet has to forwarded that is found at a particular stage of the pipeline is the best match for the IP address being used for the lookup process. Also, the node distribution of the trie structure over the pipeline stages is made on the basis of the level in the trie they are present at. With the earlier implementations, this meant that the nodes at the same level in a subtrie are all mapped to the same pipeline 32 stage. With a relaxation of this rule whereby nodes on the same level of a subtrie can be mapped to different stages of a pipeline structure, it can be seen that a more uniform distribution of nodes can be achieved and this leads to the second constraint that has to be followed for this implementation. Constraint 2: If one node is the child of another node (parent node), then the parent node has to be mapped to a pipeline stage preceding the stage to which the child node has been mapped to. Considering an example for this, let’s assume the presence of three nodes namely, nodes A, B and C in a trie structure. Nodes B and C are the child nodes of parent node A. With the above constraint enforced, this means that node A has to be mapped to a pipeline stage preceding the stage to which nodes B and C have been mapped to. This constraint again ensures that the entire trie structure is distributed uniformly from top to bottom starting at the first stage and ending at the last stage of the pipeline. This method of node distribution, as explained before helps in increasing the throughput by making sure that the search process flows in only one direction starting at the first stage and ending at one of the stages down the pipeline structure. To support this type of node mapping, No-Operations (no-ops) have to be supported using which a stage can be skipped over to reach the intended node located in one of the later stages of the pipeline. 33 Figure 4.2: Example subtrie with one parent (node A), two children (nodes B, C) and mapping to the pipeline 4.1 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PIPELINE STRUCTURE With the above mentioned constraints taken into consideration, the main goal now is to achieve a throughput of one IP lookup for every clock cycle, a uniform distribution of nodes across the memory and finally, a constant delay for every IP lookup. For this, the pipeline structure is implemented using an example prefix table (forwarding table) and a trie structure corresponding to the entries in the prefix table. 4.1.1 THE PREFIX TABLE Let us assume a sample prefix table with the following entries as shown below in Table 4.1. 34 Prefix Node 0* P1 1* P2 101* P4 11010* P5 1001* P6 10101* P7 1100* P8 0 10011* P9 101100* P10 0 00010* P11 111* P12 0 1011* P13 100011* P14 11111* P15 Table 4.1: Prefix/forwarding table showing sample prefix values and their corresponding nodes The prefix values in this table vary in size from 1 bit up to 6 bits in length. These prefixes represent the address aggregation at arbitrary levels for the networks that was described in Chapter 2. The nodes are used to represent the end location for a prefix search when these prefixes are implemented as a trie data structure. 35 4.1.2 THE TRIE STRUCTURE AND MAPPING Based on the set of prefix values presented above, a Uni-bit trie structure corresponding to these prefix values is constructed as shown in the tree diagram presented in Figure 4.3. Figure 4.3: Trie structure corresponding to the given prefixes in Table 4.1 It can be seen here that the “Root” node is the starting point of the trie and depending on the value of the bits in the IP address being looked up, the search process can either go to the left (when a bit is 0) or to the right (when a bit is 1) of a node down the trie structure till the best matching result is found. As explained in chapter 2, this type of uni-bit trie structure can be very inefficient in terms of node distribution in the pipeline search structure which will also lead to a complicated lookup process. This is due to the fact that address aggregation is at arbitrary 36 levels with prefix nodes placed at different levels of the trie structure. This will lead to the requirement for some extra processing or may sometimes even lead to unexpected results for a given destination IP address that is being used for the lookup. Therefore, the Leaf pushing algorithm is applied to this trie structure to push all the prefix nodes at arbitrary level to the bottom of the trie structure, thereby guaranteeing more accurate results. Therefore, the uni-bit trie structure after Leaf-Pushing will be as shown in the trie structure represented in Figure 4.4. Figure 4.4: Leaf-pushed uni-bit trie structure Although the process of leaf pushing can lead to the creation of duplicate nodes at the edges of the tries, it will result in a more uniform length of the prefix values in the prefix/ forwarding table. 37 But, we see here that the trie structure is still in the uni-bit format. By looking at the node distributions, it can be seen that changing the uni-bit trie structure to a multi-bit trie structure can lead to a decrease in the height of the entire trie structure by eliminating intermediate nodes and thereby reducing the number of stages that will be required in the pipeline structure used for the IP lookup process. However, using multi-bit addressing for nodes throughout the trie structure would result in a uneven distribution of nodes in the actual pipeline structure and will also cause complexity in the search process itself. Therefore, multi-bit addressing is used only at the root of the trie structure to create subtries which will remain as uni-bit structures. This multi-bit addressing used at the root level of a trie structure, as explained in chapter 2 is called the “Initial stride” for the trie. In order to obtain an initial stride value that would lead to a uniform distribution of nodes across the pipeline’s memory, we have to consider a pipeline that is longer by atleast one stage than the maximum height of the leaf pushed uni-bit trie structure starting at its root. For the implementation here, since the maximum height of the trie is 6, a 7 stage pipeline is considered. With this constraint, the algorithm that is used to select the length of the initial stride is presented in Table 4.2. 38 Inputs: Leaf pushed uni-bit trie(T) Number of pipeline stages(P) Output: Initial stride, i Initialize i to max[1, ((height of T) - P)] Loop: use value of i to expand T to get expanded trie if (2i-1) < (Number of node in expranded trie/Number of pipeline stage) < 2i i is the required initial stride value else increment i by 1 and return to Loop End Loop Table 4.2: Algorithm to find initial stride Using the algorithm in the above table to find the initial stride for the uni-bit trie above, the first iteration through the loop would lead to the trie structure that would be equivalent to that of the uni-bit trie (refer Figure 4.4) as the value of the initial stride (i) will be 1. For the second iteration through the algorithm, a multi-bit trie structure with initial stride, i = 2 is constructed and is shown in the following diagram in Figure 4.5. Figure 4.5: Multi-bit trie with initial stride i = 2 39 With the value of i = 2, the IF condition in the algorithm fails and therefore the value of i is incremented by 1 and another iteration through the algorithm is made. The trie structure resulting from an initial stride of 3 is shown in the tree diagram in Figure 4.6. Figure 4.6: Multi-bit trie with initial stride, i = 3 With this multi-bit trie structure, six subtries are created with their roots at nodes a, b, c, d, e and f with prefixes 011* and 010* representing an output port in stage 1. The leaf pushing and use of multi-bit tries optimizes the forwarding table entries by creating subtries which now represent a higher level of network address aggregation. As the next step, the six subtries obtained in the multi-bit trie are now converted into a segmented queue structure starting at the root of each subtrie till the last node of that subtrie. The nodes at each level of the subtrie are mapped to one segment in the queue. In this way, six segmented queues are created as shown below. 40 As an example to show the creation of the segmented queue structure, lets consider the subtrie starting at node “a”. Figure 4.7: Subtrie with root at node “a” in the multi-bit trie from figure 4.6 As there are two levels in the subtrie below the root node, there are two segments in the queue corresponding to this subtrie. Starting at node ‘a’ if there are child nodes to node ‘a’, fill the first segment of the queue with the child node towards the left first (in this case node P1) and then the second node (in this case, node ‘g’) to the second location in the first segment of the queue. After this is done, the queue will be as shown below. P1 g Next, if nodes P1 and ‘g’ had child nodes, their child nodes will be added to the second segment similar to how nodes P1 and ‘g’ were added to the first segment. Here, since node P1 does not have any child node, only the nodes below node g are added to the second segment. The queue would appear as follows. 41 P1 g P11 P1 Repeating the same process over all the subtries considering a different segmented queue for each subtrie, the following queues will be created. Segmented queue for subtrie with root at node “a” P1 g P11 P1 Segmented queue for subtrie with root at node “b” h i P1 q P13 P1 P9 Segmented queue for subtrie with root at node “c” j P6 P1 q P13 P2 r Segmented queue for subtrie with root at node “d” k l P4 P7 s Segmented queue for subtrie with root at node “e” P8 m P5 P2 Segmented queue for subtrie with root at node “f” P12 n P12 P15 42 P10 P4 Also, since the roots of all subtries are mapped to the memory block at the first stage of the pipeline, the total number of memory stages available for mapping the remaining nodes onto the 7 stage pipeline is now 6. To achieve an even distribution of nodes at each stage, the total number of nodes are divided by the number of stages available to find the number of nodes to be mapped to each stage. In this case, 6 nodes can be mapped to each stage from stage 2 to stage 7. These segmented queues are next sorted in a descending order based on, A. The number of segments in each queue. B. The number of nodes in the first segment of each queue. The nodes are then popped from the queues in order. The segments at the front of the segmented queues are the only segments allowed to pop the nodes. In this way, when the current stage’s memory fills up, the queues are again re-arranged in the descending order based on the above two criteria and the node popping continues until all the nodes in all queues are mapped to the memories of the pipeline stages. The node distribution across the 7 stages of pipeline used here after the mapping process has been shown in Figure 4.8 in the following page. 43 Figure 4.8: Pipeline structure with nodes mapped to its memory modules As seen in the diagram above, the root nodes of all the six subtries are mapped to the first stage memory block of the pipeline structure. Therefore, the first stage is usually not balanced. The remaining nodes are then evenly distributed over the remaining six stages. The last stage has fewer nodes and any future nodes that might get added to the trie due variations in the network topology can be mapped to the last stage. 44 4.2 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE HARDWARE The general structure of the hardware to implement this search process is presented in Figure 4.9. Figure 4.9: General structure of the pipelined hardware Each stage in the pipeline shown above consists of several logic units and a memory block to store the data corresponding to the nodes mapped to that particular stage. The logic units and the memory block are synchronous in their operation. These units will be described in the sections in the pages to follow. The are two main inputs to this design, 1. Packet_in: This is a 44 bit packet containing two fields. First field is the 32 bits of the IP address, the forwarding information of which has to be searched for in the pipeline structure. The second part contains the Write information, to any of the stages that might be required in case of an update operation. This is a 12 bit data. Figure 4.10: Input packet format 45 2. Clock: This is the clock signal used for the synchronous operations in the logic units and also for the synchronous memory access at each stage. The output from the hardware is a 4 bit number representing the output port on the router through which the IP packet received will have to be forwarded. 4.2.1 DATA ORGANIZATION IN MEMORY BLOCKS Each of the seven memory blocks used in this implementation have 32 memory locations with each location holding up to 8 bits resulting in a total of 256 bits (32 bytes) of data in each memory bank. Every node mapped to a stage in the pipeline will occupy two memory locations, one location to represent the child node when the next bit in the IP address is a 0 and another to represent the child node when the next bit is 1. Each 8 bit data in the memory locations holds the partial address to the memory location where the next child node is present (4 bits), an enable bit(1 bit) used to enable memory access at the next stage where the child node is present and the stage number (3 bits) at which the memory block has to be accessed next to find the child node. The data packet output from a memory block at the end of a clock cycle when a search is in progress is shown in Figure 4.11 in the next page. 46 Figure 4.11: Data packet from memory block The data in the memory blocks at each of the pipeline stages that forms a part of the forwarding table used for the IP lookup process in this implementation is organized in the tables listed in Appendix A. 4.2.2 LOGICAL BLOCKS USED AT EACH STAGE 1. The Shift Register block Each of the seven stages in this implementation have a Shift register used to shift the destination IP address for which the corresponding output port number is being looked up by either 4 bits or by 1 bit. This shift register is a synchronous module shifting data to the left at every clock cycle. The shift register is then followed by a register which is used to synchronize the output data from the shift register module with output data from other the blocks of that stage. A block diagram of the shift register module is shown in Figure 4.12. This module has the incoming IP address and the clock signal as inputs. Figure 4.12: Shift register module 47 2. Memory Module - Stage 1 The memory module at the first stage of the pipeline has a slightly different structure than the memory modules used in the subsequent stages. It consists of a 32 by 8 bits memory block followed by a register and a 2:1 multiplexer. Figure 4.13: Stage 1 Memory module The Address input is a 5 bit input used to access a memory location to either read or write data at every clock cycle when a lookup request or an update request arrives. The Write Enable signal is used to enable the memory block’s write process. The Write Data input is used to hold the data to be written into the memory block in the event that an update to the memory block has to be made. The register at the output is used to register the output from the memory block and synchronize it with the outputs from the other blocks. Finally the 2:1 multiplexer here is a combinational block used to pass data to the next stage in the pipeline. The select line 48 input (Sel) to the multiplexer is the Enable bit (bit 3 in this case) from the data packet output from the memory. 3. Memory Module - All other stages The memory module used in all the other stages of the pipeline other than stage 1 has a structure that varies from that used in stage 1. This module consists of a concatenation block and a memory block. The register and 2:1 multiplexer that were present at stage 1 are now located outside the memory module in the top layer module for the stage. The structure of the memory module used here is represented in the block diagram in Figure 4.13a. Figure 4.13a: Memory module structure The inputs to this module are the 8 bits of data from the previous stage and the MSB of the shifted IP address from the previous stage. These two inputs are connected to the concatenation block where the partial address in the Data_In input and the 1 bit MSB of the IP address are concatenated to form the address of the memory location to be accessed at that particular stage in the pipeline. The other inputs are the Write Enable, the 49 Write Data and the clock signal which have the same functionality as described in the stage 1 memory module description. 4. Node Distance Check module The second constraint used to map the trie nodes to the pipeline stages states that nodes on the same level of a subtrie can be mapped to memory blocks of different pipeline stages. With this type of distribution, there will be a need to introduce no-operations so that certain stages can be skipped to resume search in stages where the next node will be present. This is accomplished by using the enable bit and the stage number field in the data packet output from the memory block and the Node Distance check module. The block diagram of this module is presented in Figure 4.14. Figure 4.14: Node distance check module The operation of this module is as follows: • When stages are to be skipped, the data from the previous stage is passed to the node distance check module. • In the first module named Node Distance Check, the bits representing the stage number are extracted and checked to see if the stage number is 0. If not, the value is decremented by 1 and forwarded to the next stage. 50 • In the module labeled NDC Enable, if the stage number value is 0, the enable bit is set or else the enable bit which will have a value of 0 will be passed forward unchanged. • In the next module named NDC Concatenation, the partial memory address (4bits), enable bit (1bit) and the stage number (3bits) are combined to form the data output to be passed to the next stage in the pipeline. 5. Update Module Routers have to very often accommodate updates resulting from changes in the network topology surrounding the network to which they are connected. But this update operation has to be carried out without stalling the pipeline operation so that the lookup operation is not disrupted. The Update module is used here to accomplish this functionality. The block diagram of this module is shown in Figure 4.15. Figure 4.15: Update module The data to be written during an update to the memory is passed into the pipeline as part of the 44 bits long Packet_in data input. This data occupies the last 12 bits of Packet_in input packet and the structure of the write data is shown in Figure 4.16 in the next page. 51 Figure 4.16: Write data packet Here, the first bit is the enable bit which indicates if the write is to the current stage in the pipeline or not. The next 3 bits, the stage number is used to indicate the stage number at which the update has to be performed and the last 8 bits is the actual data that has to be written to a particular location in the memory block. The operation of the update module is as follow: • When Write_Data_In arrives, which is the 12 bits long update data, the 3 bit stage number is extracted and checked to see if it’s value is 0. If the value is 0, then the Write enable to the memory module is set to 1 and the enable bit in the data frame is set to 0. • In the concatenation module, the data frame is rebuilt and forwarded to the demultiplexer. • At the demultiplexer, the Enable bit in the data frame is used as the select line input. When the bit is 0, the write data is forwarded to the write data line of the current stage’s memory module, else the write data is forwarded to the update module on the next stage in the pipeline. 52 4.2.3 SEARCH PROCESS IN STAGE 1 The first stage of the pipeline structure follows a search algorithm that is slightly different from that followed by all the subsequent stages. This is a result of all the root nodes being mapped to this stage whereby every IP lookup request will have to start at this stage and flow forward. The first stage of the pipeline consists of the following units. 1. A shift register module used to left shift the incoming IP address by 4 bits. 2. A memory module that holds either the port number or the address and stage number at which the child node exists. 3. A write block used for the update process whenever a node has to be deleted or added depending the variations in the network topology surrounding the router. A block diagram representing stage 1 of the pipeline is presented in Figure 4.17. Figure 4.17: Block diagram of stage 1 of pipeline 53 The search process at this stage is as follows. • The 32 bits IP address and the 12 bits Write Data are extracted from the Packet_in input. • The 4 MSB bits of the IP address are concatenated with a 0 bit and taken as input to the address field for the memory module. • The Write Data input is checked in the write module to verify if any update has to be made to the data in the memory module. If the Packet_in input contains update information for the stage, then the Write Enable to the memory module is set to 1, the Write Data is forwarded to the memory module where the update is made to the memory location pointed to by the 5 bit address field input. • If no updates are found, then the Packet_in data is a lookup request. The lookup proceeds by accessing the corresponding memory location pointed to by the Address input field, the data from which points to either the output Port Number on the router or information about the next stage to be accessed to find the next node in the trie. • Finally, the Shift Register module left shifts the incoming IP address by 4 bits and forwards it to the next stage in the pipeline. 54 4.2.4 SEARCH PROCESS IN OTHER STAGES OF THE PIPELINE The search process in the remaining stages of the pipeline has a few extra processes involved due to the Constraint 2 used for mapping the trie onto the pipeline stages. Here, there is a need of extra logic to verify if the memory module at a certain stage has to be accessed or if the data from the previous stage has to be forwarded to the next stages in the pipeline where the next node information maybe present. The following block are included in these stages of the pipeline. 1. A shift register module used to left shift the incoming IP address from the previous stage by 1 bit depending on the enable bit to the shift register. The enable input here is the Enable bit of the Data_In packet arriving from the previous stage. 2. A memory module that holds either the port number or the address and stage number at which the child node exists. 3. A Node Distance Check module that is used to verify to which stage in the pipeline the incoming data is intended for. 4. A write block used for the update process whenever a node has to be deleted or added depending the variations in the network topology surrounding the router. A block diagram representing this module of the pipeline is presented in Figure 4.17a in the next page. 55 Figure 4.17a: Block diagram of the stage module of a pipeline The search process at this stage is as follows. • The shifted IP address from the previous module is passed into the Shift Register Module. The shift module at these stages is modeled to shift the IP address by 1 bit to the left. This module has an Enable bit which is bit 3 of the Data_In frame from the previous stage. Depending on the value of this bit, the shift operation will either be enabled or disable. This, again is a requirement to satisfy the constraint 2 of the node mapping process where certain stages in the pipeline maybe have to be skipped. When this happens, the IP address should not be shifted to maintain the correctness of the lookup. 56 • The Data_In packet from the previous stage is sent as input to the Memory module and the Node Distance Check module. • At the Node Distance Check module the stage number in the Data_In frame is checked and the value of the Enable bit altered depending on whether the stage number is 0 or not. • In the Write module, the Write Data input from the previous stage is checked to see if the Memory access at this stage is for a node lookup or for an update operation. Depending on the data present in the Write Data, the Write Enable line to the memory block is either set to 1 or left unchanged at 0. • At the Memory module, if the data in the Data_In frame is intended for the present stage, the 4 MSB bits of the Data_In frame are extracted and then concatenated with the MSB of the shifted IP address from the Shift Register module. This 5 bit address is then used to access the memory location to find the details corresponding to the node being searched for or to update data at that location in memory. • The registers at the outputs of each of the modules are used to synchronize the outputs from every module. • The outputs from the Memory module and the Node Distance Check module are then connected to the inputs of a 2:1 multiplexer. The select line of this multiplexer is the negated value of the Enable bit contained in the Data_In input frame. Depending on this Enable bit, either the data frame from the Memory 57 module or the Node Distance Check module is sent as the Data Out output to the next stage of the pipeline. This search algorithm is implemented at every stage of the pipeline other than the first stage where the algorithm presented in the previous section is implemented. The pipeline is completely synchronous. For this implementation, when the lookup request arrives at the input, the first output arrives after seven clock cycles and subsequently there will be one output at the end of every clock cycle. In this way, the pipelined search process is implemented and the general structure of this has been presented in Figure 4.9. 58 CHAPTER 5 SIMULATION RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 5.1 SIMULATION ANALYSIS Here, the IP lookup process with a pipelined architecture and uniform node distribution is implemented by taking into consideration a lookup table that has fourteen prefixes in the table. Typically, a router’s forwarding table can contain thousands of prefixes with each router having hundreds of output ports. As the structure of the trie is dependent on the prefix values in a forwarding table, in cases where large routing tables are used the trie structure, the number of pipeline stages required and the node distributions will vary but the flow of the search process down the pipeline and the way the nodes are distributed across the stages will remain the same. For this implementation, a total of fourteen output ports are considered numbered from 1 through 14 with each port representing one prefix node in the final leaf pushed trie. Port 7 is the default port which is chosen in the event that the router is not able to find any best matches for the input IP address. This is done to create a fail safe using which IP packets are forwarded to the next network on the default port where a best match prefix to the destination network maybe found. 59 The simulation to test the operation of the designed RTL model using Verilog HDL was conducted by using several test vectors. The different operating conditions of the pipeline structure were tested to see if the expected results were obtained at the output. The test vectors used to test the IP Lookup operation are listed below in Table 5.1. IP ADDRESS WRITE DATA INPUT DATA IP ADDRESS WRITE DATA INPUT DATA IP ADDRESS WRITE DATA INPUT DATA IP ADDRESS WRITE DATA INPUT DATA IP ADDRESS WRITE DATA INPUT DATA IP ADDRESS WRITE DATA INPUT DATA 11000000_10101000_00001010_00001010 0 000 00000000 44'b11000000101010000000101000001010000000000000 11010000_01111000_00011010_00000000 0 000 00000000 44'b11010000011110000001101000000000000000000000 00001010_00001010_00001010_00000001 0 000 00000000 44'b00001010000010100000101000000001000000000000 11000110_11100001_10100010_00000001 0 000 00000000 44'b11000110111000011010001000000001000000000000 00010101_10010101_11001010_11100101 0 000 00000000 44'b00010101100101011100101011100101000000000000 01001001_11010110_000011000_00000001 0 000 00000000 44'b01001001100101011100101011100101000000000000 60 IP ADDRESS WRITE DATA INPUT DATA IP ADDRESS WRITE DATA INPUT DATA IP ADDRESS WRITE DATA INPUT DATA IP ADDRESS WRITE DATA INPUT DATA 0001101_00010111_10101010_11000011 0 000 00000000 44'b10001101100101011100101011100101000000000000 0110001_11100000_10001010_00001010 0 000 00000000 44'b10110001100101011100101011100101000000000000 11010101_01010101_1110000_00010010 0 000 00000000 44'b11010101100101011100101011100101000000000000 11110101_10111100_00001000_00010100 0 000 00000000 44'b11110101100101011100101011100101000000000000 TABLE 5.1: List of test vectors to test the IP Lookup request outputs It was observed that, for the above test vectors the outputs obtained were a match to the expected outputs. A screen capture of the simulation waveforms is presented in Figure 5.1 Figure 5.1: Simulation output with outputs from each of the 7 stages in the pipeline 61 The diagram in figure 5.1 shows a detailed output value at each of the seven stage of the pipeline architecture for every test vector that was given as the input to the search module. The output at the very end named “PORT NUMBER” is the final output of the model which represents the port number on the output side of a router module through which the IP packet would be forwarded to reach the next hop router. Furthermore, it is observed that the first output arrives after seven clock cycles which is proportional to the number of stages in the pipeline structure and after that, an output arrives at the end of every clock cycle. A simplified version of the simulation diagram in Figure 5.1 is presented below in Figure 5.2 with only the inputs and the final output which is the “PORT NUMBER” being shown. Figure 5.2: Simplified simulation output showing only the inputs and final outputs 62 To show the operation of the Node Check Module, one of the above test vectors was selected and the outputs from the Node Check Modules from stages containing the nodes ‘c’(Stage 1), ‘j’ (Stage 2) and ‘r’ (Stage 4) were observed. The following diagram in Figure 5.3 shows the observed outputs at the Node Check Module at each stage. Figure 5.3: Simulation outputs showing operation of NDC module At stage 1, output points to the next node in stage 2. Output from stage 2 points to the next node at stage 4 by disabling the enable bit to skip stage 3. The NDC Module at stage 3 decrements the stage value by 1 to zero which indicates that the next node is present at stage 4. The NDC Enable module at stage 3 sets the enable bit in the Data_out from stage 3 so that memory at stage 4 can be accessed. 63 As described above, the write operation is used in cases where updates to the pipeline structure are required due to a node being dropping from a network or a new node joining a network. The following simulation diagram in Figure 5.4 shows the operation of the write process where node P14 in the trie structure is dropped from the network. This would require that the memory location of the stage which represents node P14 be changed to 0, so that if any packet with IP address matching node P14’s prefix value arrives, it will be forwarded through the default output port of the router to the next network. Figure 5.4: Simulation outputs showing write operation When node P14 drops off from the network to which it is connected to, an input packet with the write operation enable is inserted to the pipeline with the IP address pointing to node P14 which is at stage 6 in this implementation. The write data in the input packet contains how many stages have to be skipped to reach the stage where the memory has to 64 be updated. At the write module at each stage of the pipeline this value is decremented by 1 until it reach the pipeline stage where the value becomes 0. At this point, the write enable bit to memory is enabled, and the data to be written to memory is given as input to the memory where the location pointed to by the IP address is updated. In this case, the data is all zeroes indicating a node was just been deleted. If a node has to be added, the appropriate data for that node has to be forwarded to the memory location through the write data bits where the memory locations corresponding to that node are updated to contain information about the new node. 5.2 IMPLEMENTATION ANALYSIS The implementation of the model is based on the Xilinx Spartan 6 XC6SLX9 FPGA. Post synthesis and Place and Route, it is was observed that this implementation had a maximum operating frequency of 147.189MHz resulting in a time period of 6.79ns for the lookup operation and a total of 147 million lookups per second. This translates to a speed of 47.1 Gbps for a minimum packet size of 40 bytes. The number of slice LUTs used was 149 out of 5720 available and the number of block RAM used is 3 out of the 32 18Kb block RAMs available in this FPGA. The implementation of the IP lookup process using a pipeline structure with uniform distribution of the trie nodes across all the stages of the pipeline and using the search process as described above, shows that an IP lookup can be completed at every clock 65 cycle. The delay for the lookup for each IP packet arriving at the routers input is constant and is equal to the number of stages in the pipeline. The memory size for each pipeline will also vary depending on the total number of subtrie nodes. Also, since the search process here is linear with only one starting point and one exit point, the sequence of the lookup for the incoming IP packets is maintained. With the linear operation of the pipeline, updates can also be made with disrupting the lookup process by inserting write operations in between the lookup requests. 66 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION 6.1 PROJECT ACHIEVEMENTS With the current pace of growth of networks connected by the internet and the rapid increase in the number of connected devices, hardware implementation of the routing process has been found to be the most efficient and the least time consuming way of routing IP packets from the source to the destination. The requirements for the number of lookups that will have to be carried out at the routers has increased at a rapid rate and the software implementation of the IP lookups cannot match the requirements. One main reason for this would be that with the software approach, there is additional overhead required for processing the softwares running the routing process. Also by implementing this on an FPGA, the power requirements will be considerably lower than using a processor. Implementation on a FPGA will also enable in making the lookup process and the entire structure of the pipeline reconfigurable. The pipelined IP lookup architecture with the uniform node distribution that has been implemented in this project has many benefits over other pipelined IP lookup implementation. For one, this implementation helps in creating balanced memory blocks across all the memory stages of the pipeline. This has the benefit of achieving uniform memory access times at all of the memory blocks, thereby speeding up the lookup 67 process. The distribution method of the trie nodes across the pipeline stages used in this implementation also helps in the creation of a linear pipeline structure with one entry point and one exit point. This eliminates the need for any loopbacks/backtracking on the pipeline structure and will also eliminate the need for any extra logic units that will be required to implement these loopbacks. The linear pipeline structure has the added advantage of maintaining the sequence of the lookup requests arriving at the input. This will again eliminate the need for any hardware to keep track of the input packet sequences to match them with their corresponding outputs. The only drawback of this implementation will be when a new router comes online initially with a small routing table. The pipelined architecture will have to be reconfigured several times as the entries in the forwarding table grow over time when the router discovers new networks that it can reach. But once the entries in the forwarding table have grown to a significant number, any changes in the network topology around the router and the resulting corresponding changes to the forwarding table can be made by updating the entries by using the write process without disruptions to the lookup process. 6.2 SCOPE FOR IMPROVEMENTS With the pipelined architecture, the IP lookup process can also be scaled up to implement search on forwarding tables for IPv6 addresses which utilize 64 bits for the IP address 68 field as against the currently more popular IPv4 addressing scheme’s 32 bits. This will be possible because even though the number of address bits increases, the packet routing process still remains the same although the size of the forwarding tables can be considerably larger for IPv6 when compared to that of IPv4 addresses. With the pipelined lookup architecture being implemented on a FPGA and the reconfigurable flexibilities that FPGAs offer, these changes to the structure required to implement lookups on IPv6 addresses can be made easily. 69 REFERENCES 1. V. Srinivasan and G. Varghese. Fast address lookups using controlled prefix expansion. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Feb 1999. 2., Retrieve date: August 2013 3., Retrieve date: August 2013 4., Retrieve date: August 2013 5. F. Baboescu, D. M. Tullsen, G. Rosu, and S. Singh. A tree based router search engine architecture with single port memories. Proceedings of ISCA ’05, Jun 2005. 6. S. Kumar, M. Becchi, P. Crowley, and J. Turner. Camp: fast and efficient IP lookup architecture. Proceedings of ANCS’06, Dec 2006. 7. M. A. Ruiz-Sanchez, E. W. Biersack, and W. Dabbous. Survey and taxonomy of IP address lookup algorithms. IEEE Network, Mar/Apr 2001. 8. A. Basu and G. Narlikar. Fast incremental updates for pipelined forwarding engines. 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Stage 2 Memory Module NODE h i k l j P6 ADDRESS DATA 0000 000 1 000 0001 0001 1 000 0010 000 1 000 0011 010 1 000 0100 011 1 000 0101 100 1 000 0110 101 1 000 0111 011 1 000 1000 000 0 001 1001 001 0 001 1010 011 0 101 1011 011 0 101 1100 000 0 000 1101 000 0 000 1110 000 0 000 1111 000 0 000 72 3. Stage 3 Memory Module NODE P1 q P13 P4 P7 s ADDRESS DATA 0000 001 0 100 0001 001 0 100 0010 010 0 010 0011 011 0 010 0100 010 0 100 0101 010 0 100 0110 100 0 100 0111 100 0 100 1000 100 0 100 1001 100 0 100 1010 100 0 001 1011 101 0 001 1100 000 0 000 1101 000 0 000 1110 000 0 000 1111 000 0 000 73 4. Stage 4 Memory Module NODE P2 r P1 g P8 m ADDRESS DATA 0000 011 0 011 0001 011 0 011 0010 000 0 001 0011 001 0 001 0100 001 0 011 0101 001 0 011 0110 010 0 001 0111 011 0 001 1000 101 0 011 1001 101 0 011 1010 100 0 001 1011 101 0 001 1100 000 0 000 1101 000 0 000 1110 000 0 000 1111 000 0 000 74 5. Stage 5 Memory Module NODE P12 n P1 P9 P10 P4 ADDRESS DATA 0000 110 0 010 0001 110 0 010 0010 000 0 001 0011 001 0 001 0100 010 0 010 0101 010 0 010 0110 010 0 010 0111 010 0 010 1000 0100 0 010 1001 100 0 010 1010 100 0 010 1011 100 0 010 1100 000 0 000 1101 000 0 000 1110 000 0 000 1111 000 0 000 75 6. Stage 6 Memory Module NODE P2 P14 P11 P1 P5 P2 ADDRESS DATA 0000 011 0 001 0001 011 0 001 0010 011 0 001 0011 011 0 001 0100 001 0 001 0101 001 0 001 0110 001 0 001 0111 001 0 001 1000 101 0 001 1001 101 0 001 1010 101 0 001 1011 101 0 001 1100 000 0 000 1101 000 0 000 1110 000 0 000 1111 000 0 000 76 7. Stage 7 Memory Module NODE P12 P15 ADDRESS DATA 0000 110 1 000 0001 110 1 000 0010 110 1 000 0011 110 1 000 0100 000 0 000 0101 000 0 000 0110 000 0 000 0111 000 0 000 1000 000 0 000 1001 000 0 000 1010 000 0 000 1011 000 0 000 1100 000 0 000 1101 000 0 000 1110 000 0 000 1111 000 0 000 77 APPENDIX B IMPLEMENTATION CODES 1. TOP MUDULE OF IP LOOKUP STRUCTURE module IP_Lookup_Top ( input [31:0] IP_in, input [11:0] wr_Data_In, input clk, output [7:0] Data_out, output [31:0] Shift_out, output [11:0] wr_Data_Out ); //wires connecting BRAM data from one stage to the next wire [7:0] DS1_to_DS2; wire [7:0] DS2_to_DS3; wire [7:0] DS3_to_DS4; wire [7:0] DS4_to_DS5; wire [7:0] DS5_to_DS6; wire [7:0] DS6_to_DS7; //wires connecting SRL data from one stage to the next wire [31:0] Shift1_Shift2; wire [31:0] Shift2_Shift3; wire [31:0] Shift3_Shift4; wire [31:0] Shift4_Shift5; wire [31:0] Shift5_Shift6; wire [31:0] Shift6_Shift7; //wires connecting WRITE data from one stage to the next wire [11:0] WData1_WData2; wire [11:0] WData2_WData3; wire [11:0] WData3_WData4; wire [11:0] WData4_WData5; 78 wire [11:0] WData5_WData6; wire [11:0] WData6_WData7; //Parameter: IPSize -> IP address size to SRL, DSize -> Output data size to BRAM Stage1_Top #(32,8) Stage1 ( .IP_in(IP_in), .wr_Data_In(wr_Data_In), .clk(clk), .Data_out(DS1_to_DS2), .IP_shift_out(Shift1_Shift2), .wr_Data_Out(WData1_WData2) ); //Parameter: IPSize -> IP address size to SRL, DSize -> Input data size to BRAM and NDC Mod, ASize -> BRAM address size Stage2_Top #(32,8,5) Stage2 ( .IP_in(Shift1_Shift2), .Data_in(DS1_to_DS2), .wr_Data_In(WData1_WData2), .clk(clk), .Data_out(DS2_to_DS3), .IP_out(Shift2_Shift3), .wr_Data_Out(WData2_WData3) ); //Parameter: IPSize -> IP address size to SRL, DSize -> Input data size to BRAM and NDC Mod, ASize -> BRAM address size Stage3_Top #(32,8,5) Stage3 ( .IP_in(Shift2_Shift3), .Data_in(DS2_to_DS3), .wr_Data_In(WData2_WData3), .clk(clk), .Data_out(DS3_to_DS4), .IP_out(Shift3_Shift4), 79 .wr_Data_Out(WData3_WData4) ); //Parameter: IPSize -> IP address size to SRL, DSize -> Input data size to BRAM and NDC Mod, ASize -> BRAM address size Stage4_Top #(32,8,5) Stage4 ( .IP_in(Shift3_Shift4), .Data_in(DS3_to_DS4), .wr_Data_In(WData3_WData4), .clk(clk), .Data_out(DS4_to_DS5), .IP_out(Shift4_Shift5), .wr_Data_Out(WData4_WData5) ); //Parameter: IPSize -> IP address size to SRL, DSize -> Input data size to BRAM and NDC Mod, ASize -> BRAM address size Stage5_Top #(32,8,5) Stage5 ( .IP_in(Shift4_Shift5), .Data_in(DS4_to_DS5), .wr_Data_In(WData4_WData5), .clk(clk), .Data_out(DS5_to_DS6), .IP_out(Shift5_Shift6), .wr_Data_Out(WData5_WData6) ); //Parameter: IPSize -> IP address size to SRL, DSize -> Input data size to BRAM and NDC Mod, ASize -> BRAM address size Stage6_Top #(32,8,5) Stage6 ( .IP_in(Shift5_Shift6), .Data_in(DS5_to_DS6), .wr_Data_In(WData5_WData6), .clk(clk), .Data_out(DS6_to_DS7), 80 .IP_out(Shift6_Shift7), .wr_Data_Out(WData6_WData7) ); //Parameter: IPSize -> IP address size to SRL, DSize -> Input data size to BRAM and NDC Mod, ASize -> BRAM address size Stage7_Top #(32,8,5) Stage7 ( .IP_in(Shift6_Shift7), .Data_in(DS6_to_DS7), .wr_Data_In(WData6_WData7), .clk(clk), .Data_out(Data_out), .IP_out(Shift_out), .wr_Data_Out(wr_Data_Out) ); endmodule 81 2. STAGE 1 MODULES 2.1 STAGE 1 TOP MODULE //Parameter: IPSize -> IP addr size, DSize -> Memory data size module Stage1_Top #(parameter IPSize=1,DSize=1) ( input [IPSize-1:0] IP_in, input [11:0] wr_Data_In, input clk, output [DSize-1:0] Data_out, output [IPSize-1:0] IP_shift_out, output [11:0] wr_Data_Out ); wire [11:0] WData_bram; wire wea_bram; SRL_Mod #(IPSize) SRL_TOP_ST1 ( .IP_in(IP_in), .clk(clk), .IP_shift_out(IP_shift_out) ); //Parameter: IP_size -> IP addr size, DSize -> Memory data size BRAM_ST1_Mod #(IPSize,DSize) BRAM_TOP_ST1 ( .IP_in(IP_in), .clk(clk), .WData(WData_bram[7:0]), .WEN(wea_bram), .Data_out(Data_out) ); Write_Mod_Top WRITE_TOP_ST1 ( // wr_Data_In: 10 bit -> 1bit - wr_en, 3bits - stage, 6bits - write data .wr_Data_In(wr_Data_In), 82 .clk(clk), .wr_Data_Bram(WData_bram), .wr_Data_Next(wr_Data_Out), .wea(wea_bram) ); endmodule 83 2.2 STAGE 1 SHIFT REGISTER MODULE 2.2.1 TOP MODULE OF SHIFT REGISTER //Parameter: size -> IP data size module SRL_Mod #(parameter size=1) ( input [size-1:0] IP_in, input clk, output [size-1:0] IP_shift_out ); wire [size-1:0] Data_to_Reg; SRL_Stage1 #(size) Shift_ST1 ( .IP_in(IP_in), .clk(clk), .IP_out(Data_to_Reg) ); Register #(size) Reg_SR_ST1 ( .In(Data_to_Reg), .clk(clk), .Out(IP_shift_out) ); endmodule 84 2.2.2 SHIFT REGISTER MODULE module SRL_Stage1 #(parameter IP_size = 1) ( input [IP_size-1:0] IP_in, input clk, output reg [IP_size-1:0] IP_out ); always@(posedge clk) begin IP_out <= IP_in<<4; end endmodule 2.2.3 REGISTER IN SHIFT REGISTER MODULE module Register #(parameter size = 1) ( input [size-1:0] In, input clk, output reg [size-1:0] Out ); always@(negedge clk) begin Out <= In; end endmodule 85 2.3 STAGE 1 MEMORY MODULE 2.3.1 TOP MODULE OF MEMORY MODULE //Parameter: IP_size -> IP addr size, DSize -> Memory data size module BRAM_ST1_Mod #(parameter IP_size=1, DSize=1) ( input [IP_size-1:0] IP_in, input clk, input [DSize-1:0] WData, input WEN, output [DSize-1:0] Data_out ); wire [DSize-1:0] Data_to_Reg; wire [DSize-1:0] Data_to_Mux; BRAM_1 BRAM_Stage1 ( .clka(clk), .wea(WEN), .addra({0,IP_in[31:28]}), .dina(WData), .douta(Data_to_Reg) ); Register #(DSize) Reg_Data_Mux ( .In(Data_to_Reg), .clk(clk), .Out(Data_to_Mux) ); Multiplexer #(DSize) Mux_ST1 ( .Mux_in1(Data_to_Mux), .Mux_in2(Data_to_Mux), .Sel(~Data_to_Mux[3]), .Mux_out(Data_out) ); endmodule 86 2.3.2 REGISTER IN MEMORY MODULE module Register #(parameter size = 1) ( input [size-1:0] In, input clk, output reg [size-1:0] Out ); always@(negedge clk) begin Out <= In; end endmodule 2.3.3 MULTIPLEXER IN MEMORY MODULE module Multiplexer #(parameter Mux_size=1) ( input [Mux_size-1:0] Mux_in1, input [Mux_size-1:0] Mux_in2, input Sel, output reg [Mux_size-1:0] Mux_out ); always@(Mux_in1 or Mux_in2 or Sel) begin if (Sel == 1'b0) Mux_out <= Mux_in1; else Mux_out <= Mux_in2; end endmodule 87 2.4 STAGE 1 UPDATE MODULE 2.4.1 TOP MODULE OF UPDATE MODULE module Write_Mod_Top ( // wr_Data_In: 11 bit -> 1bit - wr_en, 3bits - stage, 7 bits - write data input [11:0] wr_Data_In, input clk, output [11:0] wr_Data_Bram, output [11:0] wr_Data_Next, output wea ); // wires connecting write module to concat module wire wea_to_concat; wire wren_to_concat; wire [2:0] stage_to_concat; wire [7:0]dout_to_concat; //wires connecting concat module to demux and bram module wire wea_reg; wire wea_to_bram; // wdata_demux: 11bits -> 1bit - wr_en, 3bits - stage,7 6bits - wr_data wire [11:0] wdata_demux; wire [11:0] wdata_reg; Write_Mod wr_top_mod ( .wr_en(wr_Data_In[11]), .wr_stage(wr_Data_In[10:8]), .wr_data(wr_Data_In[7:0]), .wea(wea_to_concat), .wr_en_out(wren_to_concat), .stage_out(stage_to_concat), .wr_dout(dout_to_concat) ); 88 Write_Concat wr_concat_top ( .wea(wea_to_concat), .wr_en(wren_to_concat), .wr_stage(stage_to_concat), .wr_data(dout_to_concat), .wea_out(wea), .wr_out(wdata_demux) ); Write_Demux wr_demux_top ( .wr_data(wdata_demux), .sel(wdata_demux[11]), .wr_bram(wr_Data_Bram), .wr_next_stage(wdata_reg) ); Register #(12) Reg_DNext ( .In(wdata_reg), .clk(clk), .Out(wr_Data_Next) ); endmodule 89 2.4.2 WRITE MODULE OF UPDATE MODULE module Write_Mod ( input [7:0] wr_data, input [2:0] wr_stage, input wr_en, output reg wea, output reg wr_en_out, output reg [2:0] stage_out, output reg [7:0] wr_dout ); always@(wr_data or wr_stage or wr_en) begin if (wr_en == 1) begin if (wr_stage == 0) begin wea <= 1'b1; wr_en_out <= 1'b0; wr_dout <= wr_data; stage_out <= wr_stage; end else begin wea <= 1'b0; wr_en_out <= 1'b1; wr_dout <= wr_data; stage_out <= wr_stage - 1; end end else begin wea <= 1'b0; wr_en_out <= 1'b0; wr_dout <= 8'b0; stage_out <= 3'b0; end end endmodule 90 2.4.3 CONCATENATION MODULE IN UPDATE MODULE module Write_Concat ( input wea, input wr_en, input [7:0] wr_data, input [2:0] wr_stage, input clk, output reg [11:0] wr_out, output reg wea_out ); always@(wr_en or wr_stage or wr_data or wea) begin wea_out <= wea; wr_out <= {wr_en,wr_stage,wr_data}; end endmodule 91 2.4.4 DEMULTIPLEXER MODULE IN UPDATE MODULE module Write_Demux ( input [11:0] wr_data, input sel, output reg [11:0] wr_bram, output reg [11:0] wr_next_stage ); always@(wr_data or sel) begin if (sel == 0) begin wr_bram <= wr_data; wr_next_stage <= 12'b0; end else begin wr_bram <= 12'b0; wr_next_stage <= wr_data; end end endmodule 92 2.4.4 REGISTER MODULE IN UPDATE MODULE module Register #(parameter size = 1) ( input [size-1:0] In, input clk, output reg [size-1:0] Out ); always@(negedge clk) begin Out <= In; end endmodule 93 3. MODULES OF OTHER STAGES OF THE PIPELINE 3.1 TOP MODULE //Parameter: IPSize -> IP address size to SRL, DSize -> Input data size to BRAM and NDC Mod, ASize -> BRAM address size module Stage2_Top #(parameter IPSize=1,DSize=1,ASize=1) ( input [IPSize-1:0] IP_in, input [DSize-1:0] Data_in, input [11:0] wr_Data_In, input clk, output [DSize-1:0] Data_out, output [IPSize-1:0] IP_out, output [11:0] wr_Data_Out ); wire [11:0] WData_bram; wire wea_bram; wire [DSize-1:0] Data_BReg; wire [DSize-1:0] Data_NReg; wire [DSize-1:0] Data_to_Mux1; wire [DSize-1:0] Data_to_Mux2; //Parameter: IP_size -> IP address size SRL_Mod_2 #(IPSize) SRL_TOP_ST2 ( .IP_in(IP_in), .clk(clk), .EN(Data_in[3]), .IP_shift_out(IP_out) ); //Parameter: DSize1 -> Input data size, DSize2 -> address size to memory BRAM_Mod_2 #(DSize,ASize) BRAM_TOP_ST2 ( .Data_in(Data_in), .WData(WData_bram[7:0]), 94 //MSB from IP address to be concatenated with the input data .IP_bit_in(IP_in[IPSize-1]), .clk(clk), .WEN(wea_bram), .Data_out(Data_BReg) ); Register #(DSize) Reg_BRAM_ST2 ( .In(Data_BReg), .clk(clk), .Out(Data_to_Mux1) ); //Parameter: DSize -> Input data size Node_Check_Mod #(DSize) NDC_TOP_ST2 ( .Data_in(Data_in), .clk(clk), .Data_out(Data_NReg) ); Register #(DSize) Reg_NDC_ST2 ( .In(Data_NReg), .clk(clk), .Out(Data_to_Mux2) ); //Parameter: DSize -> Input data size from either BRAM or NDC Mux_out #(DSize) MUX_TOP_ST2 ( .Data_in1(Data_to_Mux1), .Data_in2(Data_to_Mux2), .clk(clk), .Reg_in(Data_in[3]), .Data_out(Data_out) ); 95 Write_Mod_Top WRITE_TOP_ST2 ( //wr_Data_In 10 bit -> 1bit - wr_en, 3bits - stage, 6bits - write data .wr_Data_In(wr_Data_In), .clk(clk), .wr_Data_Bram(WData_bram), .wr_Data_Next(wr_Data_Out), .wea(wea_bram) ); endmodule 96 3.2 SHIFT REGISTER MODULE AT EACH STAGE 3.2.1 TOP MODULE OF SHIFT REGISTER //Parameter: IP_size -> IP address size module SRL_Mod_2 #(parameter IP_size=1) ( input [IP_size-1:0] IP_in, input clk, input EN, output [IP_size-1:0] IP_shift_out ); wire [IP_size-1:0] Data_to_Reg; SRL_1Bit #(IP_size) SRL_1Bit_instance ( .IP_in(IP_in), .EN(EN), .clk(clk), .IP_out(Data_to_Reg) ); Register #(IP_size) Reg_SR ( .In(Data_to_Reg), .clk(clk), .Out(IP_shift_out) ); endmodule 97 3.2.2 SHIFT REGISTER MODULE module SRL_1Bit #(parameter IP_size = 1) ( input [IP_size-1:0] IP_in, input EN, input clk, output reg [IP_size-1:0] IP_out ); always@(posedge clk) begin if (EN == 1) IP_out <= IP_in<<1; else IP_out <= IP_in; end endmodule 3.2.3 REGISTER IN SHIFT REGISTER MODULE module Register #(parameter size = 1) ( input [size-1:0] In, input clk, output reg [size-1:0] Out ); always@(negedge clk) begin Out <= In; end endmodule 98 3.3 MEMORY MODULE AT EACH STAGE 3.3.1 TOP MODULE OF MEMORY MODULE //Parameter: DSize1 -> Input data size, DSize2 -> address size to memory module BRAM_Mod_2 #(parameter DSize1=1, DSize2=1) ( input [DSize1-1:0] Data_in, input [DSize1-1:0] WData, //MSB from IP address to be concatenated with the input data input IP_bit_in, input clk, input WEN, output [DSize1-1:0] Data_out ); wire [DSize2-1:0] Data_to_Bram; //Parameter: size1 -> Input data size, size2 -> Concat output size Concat_Mod_2 #(4,5) Concat_Mod2_ST2 ( .Concat_in1(Data_in[7:4]), .Concat_in2(IP_bit_in), .Concat_out(Data_to_Bram) ); BRAM_2 BRAM_Stage2 ( .clka(clk), .wea(WEN), .addra(Data_to_Bram), .dina(WData), .douta(Data_out) ); endmodule 99 3.3.2 CONCATENATION MODULE IN MEMORY MODULE //Parameter: size1 -> Input data size, size2 -> Concat output size module Concat_Mod_2 #(parameter size1=1,size2=1) ( input [size1-1:0] Concat_in1, input Concat_in2, output reg [size2-1:0] Concat_out ); always@(Concat_in1 or Concat_in2) begin Concat_out <= {Concat_in1,Concat_in2}; end endmodule 3.3.3 REGISTER IN SHIFT REGISTER MODULE module Register #(parameter size = 1) ( input [size-1:0] In, input clk, output reg [size-1:0] Out ); always@(negedge clk) begin Out <= In; end endmodule 100 3.4 NODE DISTANCE CHECK MODULE AT EACH STAGE 3.4.1 TOP MODULE OF NODE DISTANCE CHECK MODULE //Parameter: d_size -> Input data size module Node_Check_Mod #(parameter d_size=1) ( input [d_size-1:0] Data_in, input clk, output [d_size-1:0] Data_out ); wire [2:0] Node_Dist; wire EN_NDC; //Parameter -> Node distance size NDC #(3) NDC_Mod ( .Node_Dist_in(Data_in[2:0]), .Node_Dist_out(Node_Dist) ); //Parameter -> Node distance size NDC_EN #(3) NDC_EN_Mod ( .Node_Dist(Node_Dist), .EN(EN_NDC) ); //Parameter: size1->Node addr, size2->EN, size3->Node Dist NDC_Concat #(4,1,3,8) NDC_Concat_Mod ( .Concat_in1(Data_in[7:4]), //Node memory address .Concat_in2(EN_NDC), //Enable .Concat_in3(Node_Dist), //Node distance .clk(clk), .Concat_out(Data_out) ); endmodule 101 3.4.2 DISTANCE CHECK MODULE IN NODE DISTANCE CHECK MODULE module NDC #(parameter size = 1) ( input [size-1:0] Node_Dist_in, output reg [size-1:0] Node_Dist_out ); always@(Node_Dist_in) begin if(Node_Dist_in == 0) begin Node_Dist_out <= Node_Dist_in; end else begin Node_Dist_out <= Node_Dist_in - 1; end end endmodule 3.4.3 ENABLE MODULE IN NODE DISTANCE CHECK MODULE module NDC_EN #(parameter size = 1) ( input [size-1:0] Node_Dist, output reg EN ); always@(Node_Dist) begin if (Node_Dist == 0) EN <= 1; else EN <= 0; end endmodule 102 3.4.4 CONCATENATION MODULE IN NODE DISTANCE CHECK MODULE //Parameter: size1->Node addr, size2->EN, size3->Node Dist, dsize->concatenated data output module NDC_Concat #(parameter size1=1,size2=1,size3=1,dsize=1) ( input [size1-1:0] Concat_in1, input [size2-1:0] Concat_in2, input [size3-1:0] Concat_in3, input clk, output reg [dsize-1:0] Concat_out ); always@(posedge clk) begin Concat_out <= {Concat_in1,Concat_in2,Concat_in3}; end endmodule 3.4.5 REGISTER MODULE IN NODE DISTANCE CHECK MODULE module Register #(parameter size = 1) ( input [size-1:0] In, input clk, output reg [size-1:0] Out ); always@(negedge clk) begin Out <= In; end endmodule 103 3.5 OUTPUT MULTIPLEXER MODULE AT EACH STAGE 3.5.1 TOP MODULE OF OUTPUT MULTIPLEXER MODULE module Register #(parameter size = 1) ( input [size-1:0] In, input clk, output reg [size-1:0] Out ); always@(negedge clk) begin Out <= In; end endmodule 3.5.2 MULTIPLEXER MODULE OF OUTPUT MULTIPLEXER MODULE module Multiplexer #(parameter Mux_size=1) ( input [Mux_size-1:0] Mux_in1, input [Mux_size-1:0] Mux_in2, input Sel, output reg [Mux_size-1:0] Mux_out ); always@(Mux_in1 or Mux_in2 or Sel) begin if (Sel == 1'b0) Mux_out <= Mux_in1; else Mux_out <= Mux_in2; end endmodule 104 3.6 UPDATE MODULE AT EACH STAGE 3.6.1 TOP MODULE OF UPDATE MODULE module Write_Mod_Top ( // wr_Data_In: 11 bit -> 1bit - wr_en, 3bits - stage, 7 bits - write data input [11:0] wr_Data_In, input clk, output [11:0] wr_Data_Bram, output [11:0] wr_Data_Next, output wea ); // wires connecting write module to concat module wire wea_to_concat; wire wren_to_concat; wire [2:0] stage_to_concat; wire [7:0]dout_to_concat; //wires connecting concat module to demux and bram module wire wea_reg; wire wea_to_bram; // wdata_demux: 11bits -> 1bit - wr_en, 3bits - stage,7 6bits - wr_data wire [11:0] wdata_demux; wire [11:0] wdata_reg; Write_Mod wr_top_mod ( .wr_en(wr_Data_In[11]), .wr_stage(wr_Data_In[10:8]), .wr_data(wr_Data_In[7:0]), .wea(wea_to_concat), .wr_en_out(wren_to_concat), .stage_out(stage_to_concat), .wr_dout(dout_to_concat) ); 105 Write_Concat wr_concat_top ( .wea(wea_to_concat), .wr_en(wren_to_concat), .wr_stage(stage_to_concat), .wr_data(dout_to_concat), .wea_out(wea), .wr_out(wdata_demux) ); Write_Demux wr_demux_top ( .wr_data(wdata_demux), .sel(wdata_demux[11]), .wr_bram(wr_Data_Bram), .wr_next_stage(wdata_reg) ); Register #(12) Reg_DNext ( .In(wdata_reg), .clk(clk), .Out(wr_Data_Next) ); endmodule 106 3.6.2 WRITE MODULE OF UPDATE MODULE module Write_Mod ( input [7:0] wr_data, input [2:0] wr_stage, input wr_en, output reg wea, output reg wr_en_out, output reg [2:0] stage_out, output reg [7:0] wr_dout ); always@(wr_data or wr_stage or wr_en) begin if (wr_en == 1) begin if (wr_stage == 0) begin wea <= 1'b1; wr_en_out <= 1'b0; wr_dout <= wr_data; stage_out <= wr_stage; end else begin wea <= 1'b0; wr_en_out <= 1'b1; wr_dout <= wr_data; stage_out <= wr_stage - 1; end end else begin wea <= 1'b0; wr_en_out <= 1'b0; wr_dout <= 8'b0; stage_out <= 3'b0; end end endmodule 107 3.6.3 CONCATENATION MODULE IN UPDATE MODULE module Write_Concat ( input wea, input wr_en, input [7:0] wr_data, input [2:0] wr_stage, input clk, output reg [11:0] wr_out, output reg wea_out ); always@(wr_en or wr_stage or wr_data or wea) begin wea_out <= wea; wr_out <= {wr_en,wr_stage,wr_data}; end endmodule 108 3.6.4 DEMULTIPLEXER MODULE IN UPDATE MODULE module Write_Demux ( input [11:0] wr_data, input sel, output reg [11:0] wr_bram, output reg [11:0] wr_next_stage ); always@(wr_data or sel) begin if (sel == 0) begin wr_bram <= wr_data; wr_next_stage <= 12'b0; end else begin wr_bram <= 12'b0; wr_next_stage <= wr_data; end end endmodule 3.6.4 REGISTER MODULE IN UPDATE MODULE module Register #(parameter size = 1) ( input [size-1:0] In, input clk, output reg [size-1:0] Out ); always@(negedge clk) begin Out <= In; end endmodule 109 4.TESTBENCH TO VERIFY THE FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOR OF THE DESIGN module Top_Module_tb; // Inputs reg [43:0] Packet_in; reg clk; // Outputs wire [3:0] Port_Number; wire [31:0] IP_shifted; wire [11:0] wr_Data; // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) Top_Module uut ( .Packet_in(Packet_in), .clk(clk), .Port_Number(Port_Number), .IP_shifted(IP_shifted), .wr_Data(wr_Data) ); initial begin clk = 0; forever begin #5 clk = ~clk; end end initial begin Packet_in= 44'b11000000101010000000101000001010000000000000; // #10 Packet_in = 44'b11110000011110000001101000000000000000000000; // #10 Packet_in = 44'b00001010000010100000101000000001000000000000; // #10 Packet_in = 44'b11000110111000011010001000000001000000000000; // 110 #10 Packet_in = 44'b00010101100101011100101011100101000000000000; // #10 Packet_in = 44'b01001001100101011100101011100101000000000000; // #10 Packet_in = 44'b10001101100101011100101011100101000000000000; // #10 Packet_in = 44'b10110001100101011100101011100101000000000000; // #10 Packet_in = 44'b11010101100101011100101011100101000000000000; // #10 Packet_in = 44'b11110101100101011100101011100101000000000000; // #10 Packet_in = 44'b00001101101011010010110100101011000000000000; // #10 Packet_in = 44'b11100001010011101000101010001010000000000000; // #10 Packet_in = 44'b01110101000100101110001011101000000000000000; // #10 Packet_in = 44'b10100010110010010010101010101011000000000000; // #10 Packet_in = 44'b10001001010101011111010111010010000000000000; // //UPDATE OPERATION 1 : Node P14 in Subtrie c //Initial lookup //IP address(32 bits) -> - 10001101_00010111_10101010_11000011; Packet_in = 44'b10001101000101111010101011000011000000000000; //Write Data(12 bits) -> 0 000 00000000; //Output -> 1110 (Port14) - P14 - subtrie (c) //update Mem location at Stage 6 - Node P14 #10 Packet_in = 44'b10001101000101111010101011000011110100000001; //Write Data(12 bits) -> 1 101 00000001; //Output -> 0000 (----) - P14 - subtrie (c) //update Mem location at Stage 6 - Node P14 #10 Packet_in = 44'b10001111000101111010101011000011110100000001; //Write Data(12 bits) -> 1 101 00000001; //Output -> 0000 (----) - P14 - subtrie (c) //update Mem location at Stage 4 - Node r #10 Packet_in = 44'b10001101000101111010101011000011101100000011; //Write Data(12 bits) -> 1 011 00000011; //Output -> 0000 (----) - P14 - subtrie (c) 111 //Check updated value #10 Packet_in = 44'b10001101000101111010101011000011000000000000; //UPDATE OPERATION 2 : Node m in Subtrie e //Initial lookup - Node P5 @ subtrie e //IP address(32 bits) -> - 11010101_10010101_11001010_11100101; #10Packet_in = 44'b11010101100101011100101011100101000000000000; //Write Data(12 bits) -> 0 000 00000000; //Output -> 0101 (Port5) - P5 - subtrie (e) //Initial lookup - Node P2 @ subtrie e //IP address(32 bits) -> - 11010101_10010101_11001010_11100101; #10 Packet_in = 44'b11011101100101011100101011100101000000000000; //Write Data(12 bits) -> 0 000 00000000; //Output -> 0010 (Port2) - P2 - subtrie (e) //Update Memory location at Stage 6 for Node P5 //IP address(32 bits) -> - 10001101_00010111_10101010_11000011; #10 Packet_in = 44'b10001101100101011100101011100101110100000000; //Write Data(12 bits) -> 1 101 00000000; //Output -> 0000 (----) - P14 - subtrie (e) //Update Memory location at Stage 6 for Node P2 //IP address(32 bits) -> - 10001101_00010111_10101010_11000011; #10 Packet_in = 44'b10001101100101011100101011100101110100000000; //Write Data(12 bits) -> 1 101 00000000; //Output -> 0000 (----) - P14 - subtrie (e) //Update Memory location at Stage 4 for Node m //IP address(32 bits) -> - 10001101_00010111_10101010_11000011; #10 Packet_in = 44'b10001101100101011100101011100101101100000000; 112 //Write Data(12 bits) -> 1 011 00000000; //Output -> 0000 (----) - P14 - subtrie (e) //Check updated value - search for Node P5 //IP address(32 bits) -> - 11010101_10010101_11001010_11100101; #10 Packet_in = 44'b11010101100101011100101011100101000000000000; //Write Data(12 bits) -> 0 000 00000000; //Output -> 0111 (Port7) - P5 - subtrie (e) - Default Port //Check updated value - search for Node P2 //IP address(32 bits) -> - 11010101_10010101_11001010_11100101; #10 Packet_in = 44'b11011101100101011100101011100101000000000000; #100; end endmodule 113