North Clackamas School District ROCK CREEK MIDDLE SCHOOL 2015-2016 Course Catalog ROCK CREEK MIDDLE SCHOOL 14897 SE Parklane Drive Happy Valley, OR 97015 John Brooks, Principal Greg Harris, Assistant Principal OUR MISSION: “Each student will be engaged today, inspired for the future, and ready for the next set of challenges.” School Colors: Blue and Silver School Mascot: Wolves 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Page 3 Course of Study (Grades 6-8) Page 4 - 5 Required Courses - Sixth Grade Page 6 – 7 Required Courses - Seventh Grade Page 8 - 10 Required Courses - Eighth Grade Page 11 - 12 Elective Courses Page 13 – 19 Literacy/Support Courses Page 20 - 21 2 INTRODUCTION Welcome to Rock Creek Middle School. These are years of rapid change and growth for students, and a great time to explore and experience different and new courses. We encourage all students to take a course outside of their comfort zone. The stakes are relatively low, and the potential rewards - finding a life-long passion - are immeasurable. It is ironic that at a time when student’s awareness of their social world is most acute is also the time when they most benefit from going beyond their comfort zones. They often need our guidance and support to do so. In this catalog you will find descriptions of our curriculum and course of study. This catalog is useful as a reference and general guide for what our students' learning experience will be like while they are with us at RCMS. Every effort has been made to provide accurate information. However, due to staffing changes, scheduling changes, and budgetary considerations, some courses may not be offered or significantly modified from the original description. Thank you for joining us here at Rock Creek, and we hope you enjoy your experience as much as we enjoy having you here. We strongly encourage students to make elective course selections only after careful consideration. The master schedule and teacher staffing is built around student course selections, and schedule changes requested after the school year has begun are not usually possible. - COURSE NOTIFICATION Courses described here were current at printing time. However, due to staffing issues, funding, and/or building needs, not all courses may actually be offered. Please check the website scoursecatalog for updated inform ation. 3 COURSE OF STUDY The curriculum design at Rock Creek Middle School takes into consideration the special needs of middle school students. In addition to an emphasis on basic skill development in Literacy, Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, Science, PE and Health, our curriculum offers a variety of elective courses. - SIXTH GRADE COURSE OF STUDY 6th GRADE REQUIRED COURSES • • • • • • • • Language Arts (Full Year) Literacy Workshop (Full Year) Math (Full Year) Physical Education (Half Year) Science (Half Year) Social Studies (Half Year) Health (Quarter) Electives 4 - SEVENTH GRADE COURSE OF STUDY 7th GRADE REQUIRED COURSES • • • • • • • • Language Arts (Full Year) Literacy Workshop (Full Year) Math (Full Year) Physical Education (Half Year) Science (Half Year) Social Studies (Half Year) Health (Quarter) Electives (Equivalent of 5 Quarter-Long Classes) - EIGHTH GRADE COURSE OF STUDY 8th GRADE REQUIRED COURSES • • • • • • • American Studies (Full Year) Literacy Workshop (Full Year) Math (Full Year) Physical Education (Half Year) Science (Half Year) Health (Quarter) Electives (Equivalent of 5 Quarter-Long Classes) 5 REQUIRED COURSES - SIXTH GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS 6 (Year-Long) This course will provide opportunities for students to grow as readers, writers, and thinkers. Students will learn strategies to help them understand what they have read and how to analyze and reflect upon their reading. Writing is incorporated throughout the district’s reading and language arts curriculum. Students will learn writing skills through formal and informal lessons, and writing will be used to communicate to a variety of audiences. LITERACY WORKSHOP 6 (Year-Long) Literacy workshop provides support and opportunities for students to practice, develop, and demonstrate their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. In literacy workshop, students will work to apply what they learn to real-world literacy tasks. Literacy workshop asks students to read and write in a community that honors productivity, preparedness and respect for its members. The workshop concept is based on the idea that choice, relevant tasks, and extended time to read and write will greatly increase a student's motivation to learn and their capacity to succeed in school and beyond. Literacy Workshop is a required course within the middle school core. SOCIAL STUDIES 6 (Half Year) Social studies will focus on World History and incorporate the sixth grade units of study, which are geography, Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, and Russia, and Latin America. And finally, students will share and listen to ideas. Skills taught include sharing on topic, speaking with good eye contact and a clear voice, and using words that support and describe the topic being discussed. SCIENCE 6 (Half Year) “In science, students will learn about the physical world around us. We follow the state standards and guidelines for classroom curriculum. Learning units are as follows: ● Safety ● Scientific Inquiry ● Life Science: Ecosystems and Populations, Food Chains and Food Webs ● Earth Processes: Interior and Surface, Rock Cycle and Plate Motion” 6 MATH 6 (Year-Long) The district math philosophy encourages students to develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Our curriculum explores these topics in greater depth: calculations and estimation (place value, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals), statistics and probability (using charts and graphs), algebraic relationships (analyzing patterns), measurement (area, perimeter, circumference), geometry (angles, sides, shapes), and problem solving (solving word problems.) Students learn concepts as they develop strong mathematical strategies. PHYSICAL EDUCATION (2 Quarters) The physical education curriculum emphasizes skill development and strategies in a variety of team, dual, and lifetime sports. Strength, flexibility, and endurance are presented in aerobic and anaerobic fitness activities. Appropriate social skills and sportsmanship are emphasized. HEALTH 6 (Quarter) Sixth grade health education provides information and skill development for students to make advised decisions about their health and wellness. Units of study are aligned with state standards and include promotion of healthy eating and physical activity, as well as the prevention of drug abuse and disease. The family life unit includes study of the male and female reproductive systems. 7 REQUIRED COURSES - SEVENTH GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS 7 (Year-Long) Language arts is designed to strengthen the student's literacy skills and enjoyment of reading and writing. The content includes instruction and practice in the writing process as well as a focus on reading instruction, including strategies to improve reading. Students will complete work samples and participate in state assessments in reading. Study skills, listening and speaking will be reinforced and expanded. LITERACY WORKSHOP 7 (Year-Long) Literacy workshop provides support and opportunities for students to practice, develop and demonstrate their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. In Literacy workshop, students will work to apply what they learn to real-world literacy tasks. Literacy workshop asks students to read and write in a community that honors productivity, preparedness and respect for it’s members. The workshop concept is based on the idea that choice, relevant tasks, and extended time to read and write will greatly increase a student's motivation to learn and their capacity to succeed in school and beyond. Literacy workshop is a required course within the middle school core. SOCIAL STUDIES 7 (Half Year) This class includes a study of the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, China and religions of the world. Social, economic, and political development, as well as the contributions these civilizations have made to our own, are studied. An introduction to Career Exploration is also included in seventh grade Social Studies. SCIENCE 7 (Half Year) Science 7 focuses on scientific inquiry related to earth/space, physical and life sciences. The format of the class includes hands-on activities, teacher and student-directed projects, direct instruction and use of technological resources. Students are required to complete at least one scientific inquiry work sample that will be assessed with the state scoring guide. PHYSICAL EDUCATION (2 Quarters) The physical education curriculum emphasizes skill development and strategies in a variety of team, dual, and lifetime sports. Strength, flexibility, and endurance are presented in aerobic and anaerobic fitness activities. Appropriate social skills and sportsmanship are emphasized. Students are required to dress down daily; they must wear either a Rock Creek PE uniform, which can be purchased in the Main Office, or black shorts and a gray t-shirt from home. 8 HEALTH (Quarter) Seventh grade health education provides information and skill development for students to make advised decisions about their health and wellness. Units of study are aligned with state standards and include promotion of healthy eating and physical activity, as well as the prevention of drug abuse, disease, violence, and suicide. The Family Life unit includes study of the male and female reproductive systems, abstinence, and avoiding teen pregnancy. Instruction includes individual and group projects, opportunities to practice decision-making and refusal skills by participating in roleplaying, and the option to bring an electronic infant simulator home for the weekend. 9 MATH COURSES – SEVENTH GRADE Math classes at Rock Creek Middle School are determined by ability level and teacher recommendation. All classes are year-long. Communication is maintained with the 6th grade teachers as well as the high school math department to ensure a smooth and successful transition into their math levels for each of our students. MATH 7 (Year-Long) Students will build upon their number sense from sixth grade. They will use their knowledge of fractions, decimals and integers to solve multi-step equations. They will analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real world math problems. Students will also understand geometry formulas involving surface area and volume. MATH 7/8 COMPACTED (Year-Long) This course combines the 7 grade and portions of the 8th grade curriculum. It is designed for students who have strong math skills and demonstrate mastery of whole numbers, fractions and decimals. This course offers experiences in ratio, proportion, percent, integers, probability, geometry and Pythagorean theorem. In addition, students will solve multi-step equations and analyze linear relationships found in tables and other basic pre-algebraic concepts. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be placed in Algebra class in eighth grade. th ALGEBRA (Year-long) Algebra is offered to students who have met algebra readiness criteria and have been recommended by their teacher. This course covers algebraic concepts which include: solving equations, set theory, probability, statistical analysis, integer operations, real numbers, coordinate graphing, properties, formulas, percentages, slope, polynomial operations, factoring, and systems and functions. Algebra is a high school credit course. Overall course grade and performance on the year-end exam will result in a 1.0 math credit and affect grade point average on the student's high school transcript. Freshman students may retake Algebra I and choose to opt out of the credit earned in 8th grade. The deadline for this action is the end of first semester of the student's freshman year. 10 REQUIRED COURSES - EIGHTH GRADE AMERICAN STUDIES (Year-Long) American studies is an integrated course that combines both social studies and language arts standards. Students will examine the history that shaped our nation from the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, through Westward Expansion, the Civil War, and Reconstruction. Students will make meaning and analyze this history through close readings of primary and secondary texts as well as writing to a range of complex topics. By the end of this school year, students will be able to read, write, and critically analyze information like historians. LITERACY WORKSHOP 8 (Year-Long) Literacy workshop provides support and opportunities for students to practice, develop, and demonstrate their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. In literacy workshop, students will work to apply what they learn to real-world literacy tasks. Literacy workshop asks students to read and write in a community that honors productivity, preparedness and respect for it’s members. The workshop concept is based on the idea that choice, relevant tasks, and extended time to read and write will greatly increase a student's motivation to learn and their capacity to succeed in school and beyond. Literacy workshop is a required course within the middle school core. SCIENCE 8 (Year-Long) Science 8 focuses on scientific inquiry and life sciences. Additionally, students will touch on concepts from earth, physical, and engineering sciences as they relate to life sciences. The format includes hands on activities, labs, teacher and student-directed projects, direct instruction, and use of technological resources. Students are required to complete at least one scientific inquiry work sample that will be assessed with the state scoring guide. PHYSICAL EDUCATION (2 Quarters) The physical education curriculum emphasizes skill development and strategies in a variety of team, dual, and lifetime sports. Strength, flexibility, and endurance are presented in aerobic and anaerobic fitness activities. Appropriate social skills and sportsmanship are emphasized. Students are required to dress down daily; they must wear either a Rock Creek PE uniform, which can be purchased in the Main Office, or black shorts and a gray t-shirt from home. HEALTH (Quarter) Eighth grade health education provides information and skill development for students to make advised decisions about their health and wellness. Units of study are aligned with state standards and include promotion of healthy eating and physical activity, as well as the prevention of drug abuse, disease, violence and suicide. The Family Life unit includes study of the male and female reproductive systems, abstinence, and avoiding teen pregnancy. Instruction includes individual and group projects, opportunities to practice decision-making and refusal skills by participating in roleplaying, and the option to bring an electronic infant simulator home for the weekend. 11 MATH COURSES – EIGHTH GRADE Math classes at Rock Creek Middle School are determined by ability level and teacher recommendation. All classes are year-long. Communication is maintained with the high school math department to ensure a smooth and successful transition into their math levels for each of our students. MATH 8 (Year-Long) This course is designed as a continuation of the seventh grade Connected Math Program. the six strands of mathematics: calculations and estimation, geometry, algebraic probability and statistics, measurement, and problem solving. Basic algebraic concepts equations slope, graphing, reasoning, irrational numbers and geometric relationships introduced in this course. ALGEBRA It covers relations, such as are also (Year-Long) This course is designed as a continuation of the seventh grade pre-algebra program. Topics that will be covered include the following: solving equations and equalities, probability, statistical analysis, exponential theory, real numbers, coordinate graphing of equations, properties, formulas, slope, polynomial operations, factoring, and systems and functions. Algebra is a high school credit course. Overall course grade and performance on the year-end exam will result in a 1.0 math credit and affect grade point average on the student's high school transcript. Freshman students may retake Algebra I and choose to opt out of the credit earned in 8th grade. The deadline for this action is the end of first semester of the student's freshman year. GEOMETRY (Year-Long) Students who have successfully completed the algebra course in the seventh grade will be offered a Geometry class for high school credit. Depending on the number of students eligible for this course, students may be at Rock Creek Middle School or cross-enrolled at Clackamas High School. Grades earned in this high school credit course will become part of the high school transcript and count toward high school grade point average. 12 ELECTIVE COURSES CSI (Quarter) Explore the Science of crime solving! Students will work on observation and analysis skills while learning how Crime Scene Investigators find evidence. From interviewing witnesses to investigating bugs, learn how science helps to find out “who done it.” CSI STUDENTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO PAY A $10 MATERIALS FEE PER QUARTER (unless student qualifies for free or reduced lunch) DRAWING AND PAINTING (Quarter) Explore your creative side as you draw and paint from observation and imagination. Learn new techniques to create original works of art using a variety of media that may include graphite, ink, charcoal, watercolor, tempera, and acrylic. Apply the elements of art and principles of design to your work and explore their influence in artwork from a variety of cultures and time periods. This class is perfect for beginning and advanced art students. ALL DRAWING AND PAINTING STUDENTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO PAY A $10 MATERIALS FEE PER QUARTER (unless student qualifies for free or reduced lunch) ENGINEER IT! (Quarter) This class will focus on the science behind design, work as teams to learn about the physics of bridges, design houses that incorporate the latest green technology, and study the mechanics that go into airplane designs. ENGINEER IT! STUDENTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO PAY A $10 MATERIALS FEE PER QUARTER (unless student qualifies for free or reduced lunch) 13 EXPLORATORY WHEEL The Exploratory Wheel is offered to 6th grade students and exposes them to a variety of quarter long classes such as Art 6, Family and Consumer Science 6 (FACS), Industrial Arts, and Music Explorations. ART 6 Develop your creative skills through a variety of experiences that may include drawing, painting, sculpting, and printmaking. Investigate the elements of art and principles of design and learn techniques to improve your art skills. Resources from art history, cultures and other artists will inspire your work. FAMILY AND CONSUMER STUDIES 6 (FACS 6) Students will be introduced to cooking through small kitchen groups working together to achieve success while reading and following a recipe. Students will demonstrate accurate measurement techniques, safety and sanitation, and proper nutrition. Students will work as a team, build good communication skills, become a problem solver and exhibit good personal management. INDUSTRIAL ARTS 6 Industrial Arts-6 is projects and skills. measurement, hand key chains, wooden an exploratory class designed to give students a variety of different Some of the key projects and skills that will be learned are; Standard sanding, LEGO technics kits (gears, pulleys, and electric motors), acrylic peg game, drafting and tool safety and usage. 6TH GRADE MUSIC EXPLORATIONS In the 6th Grade Music Explorations class, students will explore different areas of music including learning how to use the voice in vocal music, learning various rhythms, and performing on an instrument. FAMILY AND CONSUMER STUDIES FAMILY AND CONSUMER STUDIES 1 - FACS 1: Quick Foods & Hand Sewing (Quarter) What does it require to really take care of yourself and become an independent person? This exploratory Family and Consumer Sciences class will provide a variety of hands on activities and experiences to build and strengthen your confidence and skills of independence. We will cook a variety of quick foods, learn nutrition basics, and finish by completing a sewing project by hand. Students will continue to work as a team, build good communication skills, become a problem solver, and exhibit good personal management. FAMILY AND CONSUMER STUDIES 2 – FACS 2: Full Meals & Sewing Machines (Quarter) Using cooking and nutrition basics, we will cook the full meal from appetizer to dessert. We will learn about fine dining and how to make it a positive experience. You will also learn how 14 to operate a sewing machine and sew your own project. Overall, you will continue to build practical skills and confidence in becoming a more independent person. Students will continue to work as a team, build good communication skills, become a problem solver and exhibit good personal management. FACS 1 & 2 STUDENTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO PAY A $10 MATERIALS FEE PER QUARTER (unless student qualifies for free or reduced lunch) FOREIGN LANGUAGE INTRO SPANISH (Quarter) ¡Bienvenidos Amigos! This beginning quarter course allows students the opportunity to experience a new language in a fun and exciting environment. Basic conversation and communication skills are emphasized through listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and showing. In order to expand understanding, some cultural material, skits and presentations will also be included. SPANISH I (8 th GRADE ONLY, YEAR-LONG) The students in this dynamic year-long high school course will begin to speak Spanish. Students will use listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in a variety of everyday, fun situations. The emphasis of the course is communication. Spanish I is a high school credit course. Overall course grade and performance on the year end exam will result in a 1.0 foreign language credit and affect grade point average on the student's high school transcript. Freshman students may retake Spanish I and choose to opt out of the credit earned in 8th grade. The deadline for this action is the end of first semester of the student's freshman year. INDUSTRIAL ARTS Industrial arts is a class that includes a lot of hands-on activities using both traditional hand tools and newer power equipment. Learn to draw plans and build a variety of things made from paper, acrylic, metal and wood. Projects are selected to expose the student to the materials used in manufacturing and construction. INDUSTRIAL ARTS 1: W OODS (Quarter) The focus for this class will be on learning to work with wood and wood tools. INDUSTRIAL ARTS 2: METALS (Quarter) The focus for this class will be on learning to work with metals and metal tools. INDUSTRIAL ARTS STUDENTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO PAY A $10 MATERIALS FEE PER QUARTER (unless student qualifies for free or reduced lunch) 15 LEADERSHIP LEADERSHIP (Quarter) Looking for a class that makes you feel good about yourself and the world around you? Make a difference while learning important life skills through hands-on activities that focus on leadership styles, team building, group dynamics, and personal empowerment. COMMUNITY ADVOCACY (Quarter) Want to inspire positive change around you? Start by making a difference in your community through action and service. Become a force for change by learning to advocate for a positive and productive school climate at Rock Creek Middle School. MUSIC – BAND, CHOIR, AND ORCHESTRA CADET BAND (Grades 6 – 8, YEAR-LONG) Cadet band is a course that is for students who would like to learn an instrument for the first time or who need to retrain on beginning skills on their instrument. Students will have the opportunity to choose an instrument (flute, clarinet, trumpet, or trombone) and learn the basic skills to make music with that instrument. In addition, students will learn the basics of reading music and music theory. Students are expected to supply an instrument for the class. The school provides instruments for special cases. Contact the director for details. Instruments may be rented at several local music stores. Students must purchase an instruction book for the class. Information about the books will be provided by the director. Books typically cost less than $10, but can cost more for percussion or French horn. Students are required to participate in all performances throughout the year. Students are expected to practice and demonstrate progress on their instrument in order to receive full grade points. Students will be required to purchase and wear concert performance attire at all concerts. INTERMEDIATE BAND (YEAR-LONG) Intermediate band is a experience playing their concepts learned in the instrument and learning basics of reading music course that is for students who have a minimum of one year of instrument. Instruction in Intermediate band will start with a review of first year of instruction and progress into more technical skills on the to play music at a higher level. Students will continue to learn the and music theory. Students are expected to supply an instrument for the class. The school provides instruments for special cases. Contact the director for details. Instruments may be rented at several local music stores. Students must purchase an instruction book for the class. Information about the books will be provided by the director. Books typically cost less than $10, but can cost more for percussion or French horn. Students are required to participate in all performances throughout the year. Students are expected to practice and demonstrate progress on their instrument in order to receive full grade points. Students will be required to purchase and wear concert performance attire at all concerts. 16 ADVANCED BAND (YEAR-LONG) Advanced band is a course that is for students who have two years of experience playing their instrument or by permission of the instructor. Instruction in advanced band will start with a review of concepts learned in the second year of instruction and progress into more technical skills on the instrument and learning to play music at a higher level. Students will continue to learn the basics of reading music and music theory. Students are expected to supply an instrument for the class. The school provides instruments for special cases. Contact the director for details. Instruments may be rented at several local music stores. Students must purchase an instruction book for the class. Information about the books will be provided by the director. Books typically cost less than $10, but can cost more for percussion or French horn. Students are required to participate in all performances throughout the year. Students are expected to practice and demonstrate progress on their instrument in order to receive full grade points. Students will be required to purchase and wear concert performance attire at all concerts. BEGINNING CHOIR (Grades 6 – 8, YEAR-LONG) Beginning choir is designed to foster a love for the challenge and reward of making music in a vocal ensemble. Students will learn the basics of reading music including; rhythm, pitch, meter and tempo. Students will be introduced to proper singing technique and ensemble performance skills, and encouraged in their self-confidence for solo singing. They will be exposed to a variety of musical styles and genres and the techniques used to produce them. Learning will be demonstrated and evaluated through written assessments and required evening performances. Students will be responsible for purchasing and wearing special concert attire. ADVANCED CHOIR (YEAR-LONG) Advanced choir is open to 7th and 8th grade students who have taken b eginning choir or have prior music-reading and singing experience. The course is designed to build upon basic skills and challenge students to become solid musicians and performers. Students will learn and demonstrate music theory and sight-reading skills, be exposed music from foreign languages and cultures, and expand their capacity to sing multiple-part music. This ensemble will be given multiple opportunities to perform for adults and their peers, including (but not limited to) evening concerts, a winter all-school assembly, the district solo and ensemble festival, and a choral festival where the group will be evaluated by and work with a professional adjudicator. Students will be responsible for purchasing and wearing special concert attire. BEGINNING ORCHESTRA (Grades 6 – 8, YEAR-LONG) This class will include fundamentals of string orchestra playing, including violin, viola, cello and bass and the piano. Students will learn to develop an appreciation of music, build skills for efficient practicing, follow a conductor, and increase music literacy - including music reading, recognizing articulations and musical styles, and understanding musical terms. Students will receive exposure to music's relation to history and art. Emphasis will also be 17 placed on exposing each student to a variety of performing experiences and music in which to apply these skills. INTERMEDIATE ORCHESTRA (YEAR-LONG) This course is for students who have played at least one year on the violin, viola, cello, double bass, harp or piano. Questions relating to the course should be directed to the instructor. Students will be responsible to purchase and wear concert performance attire at all concerts and festivals. Some instruments are available through the school. This is a year-long course and cannot be entered after fall quarter. Four evening concerts are required. ADVANCED ORCHESTRA (YEAR-LONG) Prerequisite: Intermediate Orchestra This orchestra (including violin, viola, cello, double bass, harp and piano) is for students who have played for one year in Intermediate Orchestra. Advanced Orchestra has many performances and participates in solo festivals and orchestra contests. Questions relating to the course should be directed to the instructor. Instructor approval is required for Advanced Orchestra. Students will be responsible to purchase and wear concert performance attire at all concerts and festivals. Some instruments are available through the school. This is a yearlong course and cannot be entered after fall quarter. Four evening concerts are required. PHOTOGRAPHY Create amazing works of art using a digital camera! Learn to capture and compose images with a camera and to develop your compositional skills. This course introduces students to the basics of the art of photography, including a study of common themes that may include architecture, portraits, landscapes, still-life, and action shots. Students will manipulate their images using photoediting software and create a portfolio highlighting their best works. TECH ED Digital citizenship is a computer technology course taught at the 6th grade level in the North Clackamas School District. Our students are using the Internet and technology on a daily basis and the primary purpose of the digital citizenship class is to make sure students are using the Internet safely, responsibly, and respectfully. Students also work individually and collaboratively to create projects that demonstrate basic technology and digital communication skills, including word processing, using digital media, and effective Internet research. 18 STAFF ASSISTANTS Must be an eighth grade student to request being a staff assistant. up to be an assistant after classes have started each quarter. Students will be able to sign- OFFICE ASSISTANT (Quarter) Students will work in the office assisting office staff, students, and parents. Students will become familiar with office procedures as well as the copy machine. Students must be responsible, reliable, have good attendance, and maintain confidentiality. Duties include running call slips, checking-in/checking-out students, working on various projects, and providing good customer service. Students who want to become an assistant are required to obtain a secretary's signature on a teacher assistant form, which can be found in the counseling area at the beginning of each quarter. MEDIA CENTER ASSISTANT (Quarter) As a Media Center Assistant, you will be helping the Media Tech Assistant with a variety of day to day library needs such as: checking out library books to students and teachers, shelving books, running errands and library housekeeping. When you're not busy with your library responsibilities, the library is a great place to catch up on homework or read a good book. Students who want to become a Media Assistant are required to obtain a signature on the teacher assistant form, which can be found in the counseling area at the beginning of each quarter. TEACHER ASSISTANT (Quarter) Teacher Assistants are responsible, trustworthy students who work with teachers in the classroom setting at Rock Creek. Students who want to become an assistant are required to contact the teacher they wish to assist and obtain his or her signature on the teacher assistant form, which can be found in the counseling area at the beginning of each quarter. Students may be a teacher assistant for one quarter during the year. 19 LITERACY/SUPPORT COURSES ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT (ELD) ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT 1 This course is designed for students who are new to speaking and writing English. This course develops English language acquisition by focusing on reading, writing, speaking, and listening. At this level, students will read simple texts with pictures and be able to communicate in simple sentences using English vocabulary. Students will write sentences using vocabulary with which they are becoming familiar. Students will use basic writing conventions when they construct sentences. By the end of this course students will be able to write one to two paragraphs about a familiar topic. Students will comprehend and respond to basic questions in oral or written form. Additionally, students will be introduced to some aspects of the American culture including appropriate classroom behavior and study skills. Students in this course participate in state testing in English language proficiency. ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT 2 This course develops students’ academic English language skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. By the end of this course, students will be able to follow the writing process to produce multi-paragraph essays with increasing variety of purposes and audiences. Students will be able to read and respond to targeted texts independently for main idea, drawing conclusions, and extending understanding. Students also will be able to demonstrate comprehension of social and academic concepts, and experiment with newly acquired vocabulary using increasingly longer phrases and sentences. Students may complete work samples in reading, writing and/or speaking and will participate in state testing for English language proficiency. ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT 3 This level develops students’ academic English language skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. By the end of the course students will be able to produce increasingly elaborate essays for a variety of purposes using more complex sentences. Students will be able to read, analyze, and respond to a wider range of grade level texts for main idea, supporting details, summarizing, drawing conclusions, inferencing and extending understanding. Students will be able to communicate effectively for a variety of social and academic purposes. Students may complete work samples in reading, writing and/or speaking and will participate in state testing for English language proficiency. ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT 4 This course focuses on developing advanced academic English language skills such as evaluating, interpreting and drawing conclusions, skills used in all academic subjects. By the end of this year long course students will be able to correctly use advanced grammatical structures, vocabulary, and appropriate use of conventions for formal and informal writing and speaking. Students will compose complex pieces of writing for a variety of purposes. Students may complete work samples in reading, writing and/or speaking and will participate in state testing for English language proficiency. 20 SPECIAL EDUCATION SUPPORT RESOURCE CLASS Seventh and eighth grade students who have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) are eligible to enroll in a Resource Class. The course is taught by a learning specialist who is responsible for implementing the student’s IEP. The class emphasizes the goals on the IEP that are not being met in the regular classroom setting. The class may also focus on study and organizational skills such as keeping an assignment calendar, note taking, test taking and preparation. ACADEMIC SUPPORT READING SUPPORT This is a required course for students who need to increase their oral reading fluency, develop their word identification skills, and increase their comprehension. This is a specialized program designed (and may be required) for struggling readers whose reading level falls below grade level or have not met the state benchmarks for reading. Throughout the course students will practice reading fluency and have time to engage in reading practice. The focus of this course will be on decoding multisyllabic words often found in textbooks, reading comprehension, summary writing, short answer and multiple-choice test taking skills. MATH SUPPORT This course is designed for students who need to increase their mathematics knowledge and skills. This is a specialized program designed (and may be required) for struggling mathematicians who need to meet the state benchmarks for math. During the course students will relearn foundational math concepts and apply their knowledge and skills. 21