Verne A. Duncan Elementary Newsletter - September 2015 THE BUZZ MINDSET INTRO FOR PARENTS ™ Your school is teaching kids about Mindset. It is important for you to be aware of what it is, why it’s important, and how you can support it. Mindset is a simple idea discovered by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck in decades of research on achievement and success—a simple idea that makes all the difference. Dr. Dweck realized that there are two mindsets: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. They spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. They also believe that talent alone creates success—without effort. They’re wrong. In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. Virtually all people who achieved top performance had these qualities. Research shows that people with this view reach higher levels of success than people with fixed mindset beliefs. Teaching a growth mindset creates motivation and productivity in the worlds of business, education, and sports. It enhances relationships, and increases achievement. No parent thinks “I wonder what I can do today to undermine my children, subvert their effort, turn them off learning, and limit their achievement.” Of course not. We think “I would do anything, give anything, to make my children successful.” Yet many of the things we do boomerang. Our best intentioned judgments, our lessons, our motivating techniques often send the wrong message, unintentionally. In fact, every word and action sends a message. It tells children – or students or athletes – how to think about themselves. It can be a fixed mindset message that says: “You have permanent traits and I’m judging them,” or it can be a growth mindset message that says: “You are a developing person and I am interested in your development.” The most important thing you can do to help your child instill a growth mindset is to praise them for effort rather than for talent. Messages like “You learned that so quickly! You’re so smart!” teach the child that effort is a sign of weakness and that they either are or aren’t smart. If they encountered difficulty in the future, they wouldn’t know how to deal with it. Instead, messages such as “I like the way you approached that problem”, or “good job to hang in there and find a different strategy that did work”, or “sorry, that seemed to be too easy for you, let’s do something more challenging”, teaches kids that effort is something we can all benefit from to reach our full potential, and that they need to be working purposefully in order to grow. You can visit the Mindset website,, read Dr. Carol Dweck’s book Mindset, or visit the Brainology website, which your kids’ school is using to instill a growth mindset in kids and adults: © 2013 Mindset Works, Inc. Calendar of Events: October 8 9 12 13 28 29 30 JOG-A-THON Teacher Work Day - NO SCHOOL PICTURE DAY PTO Meeting - 6:30 PM in the library Teacher Work Day - NO SCHOOL Conference Day - NO SCHOOL Conference Day - NO SCHOOL November 9 10 11 13 20 23-25 26 27 PICTURE RETAKES PTO Meeting - 2:15 PM in the library VETERAN’S DAY - NO SCHOOL MOVIE NIGHT - 5:30 PM Kindergarten Harvest Party SCHOOL IS NOT IN SESSION THANKSGIVING SCHOOL IS NOT IN SESSION Important Reminder If your child is going to be picked up by someone other than a parent, or if your child will be going to a “different than normal” destination after school, we must have a note from you with new instructions, or at the very least, a call to the office by 1:30 pm. Without this communication from you, we will not allow the student to alter his/her regular end of day routine. This is for the student’s safety. Students are not allowed to call from school to make after-school plans if they forgot their note. IS YOUR CHILD ABSENT TODAY? Please call the office to let us know when your child will not be coming to school. This is true even if you have left a message with the teacher. 503.353.3270 Did You Know? We remind students to bring money for their breakfast/lunch account by putting a stamp on their hand. We feel that this has been helpful to students. Whenever your child’s account falls below $0.00 your child’s hand is stamped as a reminder that he/she needs to bring money to be deposited into his/ her account as soon as possible. You may sign up for email alerts, as well as make payments to your child(s) account at Click on MEALS located under the quick links section on the left, then click on Pay for Meals Online. Feel free to call the school office for your childs ID #, in order to establish an account. We appreciate your cooperation in helping your child maintain a “positive” lunch balance. PICTURE DAY Please remember that MONDAY, OCTOBER 12 is Picture Day. Use these tips to help your child get ready for a greatlooking school portrait that you’ll treasure forever. • Help your child pick out clothes and colors that look good on them. After all, your child is the star of the photo—not their shirt, so avoid slogans, logos, and big patterns. Small jewelry and accessories are fine but nothing too big or distracting. Make sure to check your flyer to see sample poses for your Picture Day. Some poses may show pants or skirts, so plan the complete outfit. • Glasses are okay! Lifetouch photographers know all the tricks to reduce glare. • Any hairstyle works for Picture Day. Schedule haircuts a few weeks ahead of time to allow hair to grow back a little, or you can go for a fresh-cut look. • Keep kids relaxed and ready to be themselves. Smiles can look fake if they’re practiced ahead of time. Remember, smiles are like french fries— they’re better when they’re fresh. • Don’t worry about “perfect”! That hair that always sticks up or a missing tooth shows your child just as they are right now—and you’ll enjoy looking back on that for years to come. On Picture Day, teachers and volunteers will help straighten collars and check posture. And, if you like, we have retouching options for scrapes and blemishes. Please mark your calendars. PTO NEWS ! Jog – a – thon!!! ! Fundraising for our annual Jog-a-thon has begun! Our goal this year is $22,000. This year we are working to purchase picnic tables for the Outdoor Classroom. Funds from Jog-a-thon will also support our school by funding teacher grants, supplementing field trips, putting on community events like Carnival and Movie Nights, funding an instructional assistant, and much more! Please encourage your student to ask family and friends to sponsor them. Don’t forget to sponsor your child too! Donations can be made through PayPal. You can find the link on the Duncan Elementary website. The Jog-a-thon will be held Thursday, October 8th. We’d love to have you join us and cheer the kids on as they run! & & & & & & & & SAVE THE DATE!!! & February 20&th, 2016 Silent Auction & & Spaghetti Feed & Have goods or services you’d like to donate to the& auction? & ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Our$next$PTO$general$meeting$will$ be$October(13th(at$6:30pm$in$the$ library.$$Free$childcare$is$available!$ Contact us at & More details on the event to come! & ! & & & Have!you!bought!your! & brick!for!the!Outdoor! Classroom?!Our!next! & order!is!due!October!7th.! & & & Prices range from& $50 to $300 & & coming Watch in the months for some exciting developments in the Outdoor Classroom! Don’t forget to turn in those BoxTops and Labels for Education! Remember to clip them neatly and check the expiration date! & Scrip&orders&are&placed&the&1st&and&3rd&& Mondays&of&the&month.&Our&first&order& & raised&over&$175!&Consider&purchasing& & Scrip&for&your&monthly&grocery,& & entertainment&and&dining&expenses.&The& & school&benefits&at&no&cost&to&you!&Contact& us&if&you&have&questions&about&how&the& program&works.&& ! Like us on Facebook at ! Check out our website at: ! Email us anytime at ! 3rd annual verne duncan elementary Back to School Carnival September 25th, 2015 5pm-8pm Verne Duncan Elementary, 14898 SE Parklane Dr., Happy Valley, OR 97015 cotton candy, concessions, popcorn, face painting, Bean Bag toss, balloon darts, bowling, can toss, duck pond, candy crawl, estimation station, go fish, football toss, hockey puck chuck, lollipop tree, spin a toy, ring toss, treasure dig, photo booth…and a whole lot more! ……………………………… New this year . . . FOOD CARTS! (10% of your food purchase is donated back to our school) DUNK TANK! Come dunk your favorite teacher . . . or maybe even Mr. Branstetter! GET YOUR DUNCAN WEAR!!!! We’ll be taking orders for the new t-shirt and sweatshirt designs! ………………………………. 50¢/ticket or $10.00/25 tickets !