Frederic F ck Coun nty Mastter Gard deners Support S t Local Commu C unity Gaardens Susan n Trice, Freederick Cou unty Masterr Gardener Coordinatoor In responnse to the nu umerous com mmunity gardden establishhments and requests r to help h with them, the Fredeerick County y Master Garrdeners (FCM MG) particippated in a staate-wide traiining under the t new interrest area callled, ‘Grow It I Eat It’. Once O these foolks were traained, they began b to givee talks relaated to food gardening, g m made and solld salad boxees, and gavee numerous demonstratio d ons around thhe county. This T year, reepresentativees from the various v comm munity garddens were invvited to attend a meeting whereby w resoources and a demonstratiion were givven and a surrvey was conducteed. The gard dens that weere representted include: Frederick News N Post Coommunity Garden, Frederick F Co ommunity Garden, G Fredderick PAL Center, C Midddletown Prim mary School Garden, Middletown M n Valley Com mmunity Garrden Associaation, Stonebbridge Comm munity Gardden, Willowbrrook Comm munity Garden, Monocacyy Valley Eleementary Coommunity Gaarden, Foxfiield Garden, Community C Garden at Fox F Haven Farms, as welll as folks from Brunswiick. If yourr group waas unable to attend and would w like too receive these materials, please conttact us. A resourcce book wass compiled by b Susan Tricce, Horticultture Educatoor/ FCMG Coordinator, C a and was preseented to each h garden reppresentative. It consists of informattion in the foollowing areaas: Universitty of Marylaand Home annd Garden Innformation Center, C Grow w It Eat It Prrogram, Caleendar includingg the ‘Plantin ng Dates forr Vegetable Crops C in Maaryland HG16’, Vegetablle Informatioon, Soils (Teests, Fertilizeers, and Com mposting), Inntegrated Pesst Managem ment. Websittes, includingg www.em mmitsburg.neet, and inform mation on crreating a com mmunity garden. A ‘pesst’ section will w be addedd later. Susan showed the gro oup how to use u the HGIC website (w She went intoo t home paage which inccludes: “Tim mely tips’ forr various areeas that are each of thhe areas on the updated monthly, m ‘Pu ublications’ which has many m free facct sheets listed that can be b downloadded, ‘Plant Diiagnostic’ wh hereby you can c look at vegetable v siggns and determine the caauses, ‘Master Gardenerr’ which inclludes inform mation about the master gardener g proogram, ‘Linkks’ consistingg of reputablee links for vaarious areas, ‘Invasive Species’ whereby you cann read all abbout the stinkbugss, ‘What’s New’ N for upddated information and thhe ability to search or sennd in a questtion to the cennter. There is also a GIEI link on thhe home pagge that will taake you to thhat section which w includes educational videos. Tw wo of the poppular ones arre ‘Starting a Garden’ annd ‘Tomato Late Blight’. Represenntatives mark ked the locattion of their gardens on a map and well w as comppleted a surveey to give us a chance to gain g contact information i and give theem a chance to let us knoow how we can c best helpp them. It iss our hope annd objective to match a master m gardeener volunteer with eachh communiity garden to o serve as a liaison l between the gardden and Exteension. EQUAL AC CCESS PROGR RAMS EQUAL OPPO ORTUNITY EMPLOYER Lois Royer, Chair of the GIEI Committee, relayed to the group a little about the history of this committee and some of the other activities available to the public. Many thanks to Meryl Benenati for creating the map display and working along with Susan to develop the whole evening’s program. L‐R: Meryl Benenati, Fred. Co. MG; Chris Bransome and Debbie Clark of Garden I‐ Willowbrook; Susan Trice, MG Coordinator For more information about horticulture or the Master Gardener Program in Frederick County, call the Frederick County Office, University of Maryland Extension, (301) 600-1596, or visit Our mission is to educate Maryland residents about safe, effective and sustainable horticultural practices that build healthy gardens, landscapes and communities. Equal Opportunity Employer/Equal Access Programs.