Frederick County 4-H Newsletter December 2015-January 2016 Please help us Welcome Todd!

Frederick County
4-H Newsletter
December 2015-January 2016
Mankato. There, he earned an MS in Experiential Education. In 2008, he moved to
Born and raised in Indiana, Todd found
West Virginia to be the Program Coordihis passion and admiration for everything nator for The Outdoor Education Center
outdoors through his own exploration
of For Love of Children, a camp facility
and summer camp experiences. Todd at- with a mission to serve disadvantaged
tended Anderson University where he
youth from the DC metro area. In 2010,
earned his BA in marketing in 2003.
Todd was named the Director of the OutWhile a student at Anderson, he was on
door Education Center overseeing all asthe football team and attributes a lot of
pects of the camp functions on a yearhis leadership training and knowledge to round basis.
his time spent as part of the team. Following college, he decided that he wanted to Todd currently resides in Shepherdstown,
WV with his wife Chelsea. He is extremely
work in the outdoors and most of all
excited about the opportunity to be workalongside people.
ing for the 4-H youth development proThe next three years Todd spent working gram and is eager to meet all the wonderin New England at a camp operated by
ful people who make the program have
Boston University, as well as for the Ver- such a positive impact on the community.
mont Youth Conservation Corps as a trail
Contact Info:
crew leader. After his time in the northTodd McKinney, 4-H Extension Educator
east, he proceeded to enroll in graduate
school at Minnesota State University,
Please help us Welcome Todd!
News from Mr. Todd...
I wanted to take a moment and thank you all for the
warm welcome that you have shown to my wife, Chelsea, and me. It has been a pleasure to get to know so
many of you and I look forward to having the opportunity to meet the rest of you soon. I consider myself
very lucky to be a part of this organization and to have
the chance to serve as your Extension Educator. Being
on board now for about a month, I can already tell that
this is going to be a wonderful place to work. I have
been overwhelmed by the inclusive spirit that our 4-H
families have, as well as the staff here in the Frederick
County office and beyond. The family atmosphere is apparent and I am extremely excited to be a part of it. To share a little bit about myself, my wife and I are expecting
our first child at the end of January and we are delighted to know that our little girl
will be just as welcomed into the 4-H family as we have been. We are also extremely
excited to be able to bring her up in, and alongside, such a great program. I am thrilled
to be here working for you and I am eager to get started. My door is open and I welcome everyone to stop in to say hello. I look forward to working with you and hope
that I serve you well as your 4-H Extension Educator.
Inside this issue:
Animal Events
Club News
A Note from Ms. Donielle
Camp Info
New Horticulture Program,
Record Book Judging
Fashion Revue, Wisp, Scholarships,
Communications Contest, Royalty
Dance, Officer Training, Healthy
Living, Club Leader Info
Broiler Chick Project
2016 Enrollment and Re-Enrollment
UME Volunteer Info., Calendar
Maryland Day 2016
Saturday, April 30th
University of Maryland
College Park, MD
Frederick County 4-H Office
330 Montevue Lane
Frederick, MD 21702
301-600-1589 Jennie Schiazzi
Frederick County Website
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
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University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Bunny Basics
Have you toyed with the idea of having a rabbit project in 4-H? Are you signing up for the
first time this year? Then, plan to attend Bunny Basics on Saturday, January 30th from 10
a.m. till 12 noon to learn all about this "hareraising" project. Topics to be covered include: choosing a breed, preparing for your
rabbit, purchasing your rabbit, caring for
your rabbit and rabbits at the Great Frederick Fair. We will end
with participants having time to pet and handle some breeds of
rabbits. Workshop is limited to 30 participants. To register, email
Deb Spurrier at by Monday, January 25th.
Horse Bowl
It is Horse Bowl Time!!!!! What is Horse
Bowl? It is a competition like “Jeopardy” except all of the questions are about horses. We
have weekly practices from January until
March; in March, we will go to the University
of Maryland in College Park and compete
against teams from other Maryland counties.
Frederick County will have 3 teams: Juniors
(8-10 year olds), Intermediates (11-13 year olds) and Seniors
(14-18 year olds). On Wednesday January 6th, at 6:30, we will
have a pizza party, informational meeting and practice. Join us in
the fun!! The meeting will be at the home of the Yinglings: 10209
Fountain School Road, Union Bridge. Any questions, contact
Christy Yingling, 410-207-2241 (cell/text) or
Horse World Expo & 4-H Horse Art Contest
Friday, January 22nd (all day) until Sunday, January 24th (all
day) at the Maryland State Fairgrounds, Timonium MD.
Awaiting more info from the State Office...
Horse and Pony Banquet
Horse and Pony awards for 2015 Fair will be held Tuesday, January 5th from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. at the 4-H Office; all horse
and pony kids are welcome. Pizza and drinks will be provided;
we request that families bring a dessert to share. RSVP by Jan 1st
Beef, Sheep & Swine Meetings
All meetings will be held at the 4-H
Camp and Activity Center starting at
7:00 pm.
Next meeting date is Tuesday,
February 16th.
2016 Feb-Mar
Newsletter deadline:
February 1, 2016
Send articles and pictures
Livestock Skillathon
Would you like to be a member of the Frederick
County 4-H Livestock Skillathon Team? Join us a the
4-H Office to learn about being a member of the
Frederick County 4-H Livestock Skillathon Team.
You do not have to show livestock or do you need
any prior knowledge to participate.
The Maryland 4-H State Livestock Skillathon Competition is held every March. 4-Hers from each county
join together and test their knowledge in the areas of
Breed ID, Feed ID, Equipment, Meat Evaluation, Wool
ID, and Quality Assurance. Donielle will be holding
skillathon practices at the 4-H Office for anyone interested in participating in the state skillathon competition. The practices will cover the subjects and
materials which will be at the competition. The practices will give all participants the opportunity to be
prepared for the state competition. Practices will be
held once a week during the months of January and
February from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Attendance is recommended each week since there is a different topic
discussed each week. For more information or to
RSVP for the practices please contact Jennie the 4-H
Office or 301-600-1589.
2015 Dairy Record Books
2015 Dairy Record Books prepared by 4-H members
from the Aryshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Jersey,
and Milking Shorthorn breeds will be evaluated by
representatives of the various breed organizations at
9:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 21, 2016. The evaluations will take place at the Mid Atlantic Farm Credit
Office located at 925 N. East Street in Frederick.
Books may be taken in person to the office or mailed
to Mid Atlantic Farm Credit at the address listed
above and marked “Attention: Bonnie” between
Thursday, January 14th and Wednesday, January
20th. They must be there by 8:30 a.m. on Thursday,
January 21st. The books should be picked up by 1:00
p.m. on the day of the evaluation or arrangements
made to have them returned. For more information
call Paul Spurrier at 301-898-9353.
Steer Livestock Registration forms are due to the
4-H Office, 4 p.m. Friday, December 18th.
Forms are in triplicate and are available at the
4-H Office in the lobby on the wall.
Steer Weigh-In: Frederick County Fairgrounds;
Saturday, January 2nd; 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
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University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Calico Clovers
At the November meeting, the Calico Clovers 4-H Club brought in a
veterinarian to talk about her occupation. She talked about house
calls, funny experiences with animals, and rabies. The club also collected over 50lbs of food this
Thanksgiving for an elderly gentleman who has gone through two
cancer surgeries and has hardly
anything. At the meeting, the club
elected officers.
The club participated in the annual
Brunswick Veterans Day Parade
this year. They had their own float,
which was decorated, and was
pulled by a pickup truck, driven by
Mr. Chris.
The Calico Clovers will go Christmas shopping for toys for tots on
December 3rd. The club will also
have its annual planning meeting
in January. If you would like to join
the club, please contact Sally Arnold at 301-662-2246.
Veterans Day Parade
New officers: front row Zach Thompson, Treasurer; Abigail Stuyck and Cayce Bass,
Scrapbook; Rileigh Tissue, Correspondence Secretary; Abby Sharp, Reporter. Second
row: Ben Sanville, Vice President; Sara Sutton, President; Morgan Thompson, Secretary; Brenden Arnold, Photographer who took the photo.
Reported by Nathaniel Stuyck
Ian and Ben Sanville, along with Zach Thompson at the Tractor Supply promotional
A Note from Ms. Donielle…
The holidays are a time for family and friends and to reflect on the past year. AS we come to an end of the 2015
4-H year I am excited to hear all about your accomplishments from 2015 in your 4-H record books. We had a
great turn out for our fall record book classes. If you were
not able to attend there is lots of info on our website for
help with your 4-H record book. Remember your record
book is just that, YOUR record book. It is your own
unique reflection of your accomplishments, struggles and
learning opportunities from the past year, and I can’t
wait to read your book.
As you enjoy time with your friends and family this holiday season be thankful of all the blessings you have. I
Finn Morgan assisting
Brenden Arnold with his
demo on electricity.
was just reminded the other evening of all the great opportunities which we are awarded with in the 4-H program. Karoline Adams of the 4-H Achievers club, was reflecting on why she enjoyed helping feed the homeless as a
4-H activity. Her enthusiasm and caring spirit reminded
be of the passion I had a as a 4-H member to help others
in my community. From spending time with those who
support us, to helping those members of our local community in need, we each have the opportunity to grow personally and serve others this holiday season.
Best wishes to you and yours this holiday season and I
cant wait to help each of you with your 4-H goals in the
2016 year!!
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
Page 4
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
On October 15, 2015, the Tailwaggers Club was recognized
by the Frederick City Police Department for their donation
to the FCPD K-9 unit and received the Citizen Award from
the Chief Edward Haris and Mayor Randy McClement. Pictured (l to r) Jennifer Leck, Catherine Jenkins, Sarah Cleaver, Kelly Blahut, Jonny Clark, Josie Andrews, Jay Andrews,
Kali Lyons, Joanna Cleaver, Jesse Martin, Cullen Leck, and
Alexandra Broadhurst.
Tailwaggers attended
Frederick County Humane
Society’s Walk and Wag on
October 17th. The Club
raised $57 for FCHS with a
fundraiser, had a 4-H info
booth, and provided
demonstrations. Pictured
(l to r) FCHS Director Connie Graf, Kelly Blahut, Jay
Andrews, FCHS Mascot, Joanna Cleaver, and Grace
Left: Delana Bryant, Kelly Blahut, and Joanna Cleaver perform an obedience demo at Walk and Wag. Right: Kali Lyons participates in the agility demonstration.
Eight members of
the Tailwaggers
4-H Club represented Frederick
County at the
State Dog Bowl
competition on
November 8,
2015. The Intermediate team
placed 3rd in their division. Team members (and their
individual awards) left to right include Cullen Leck
(9th), Jay Andrews, Catherine Jenkins, and Joanna
Cleaver (4th).
The Junior Dog Bowl
team celebrates a successful day and their 3rd
place win. Members (and
their individual awards)
left to right include Jesse
Martin, Kali Lyons (5th),
Grace Kreuzberg (7th),
and Josie Andrews (10th).
At their November business meeting, the Tailwaggers
packed 23 boxes of toys for Operation Christmas Child.
Pictured (l to r) with their boxes: Ella Hoffman, Jay Andrews, Joanna Cleaver, Catherine Jenkins, Alexandra
Broadhurst, Jessica Sine, Josie Andrews, Kali Lyons,
Grace Kruezberg, and Kelly Blahut.
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
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University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
On October 16, 2015 we had a guest speaker come to
our club meeting. Her name was “Tammy” and she is a
member of “Samaritan’s Purse, Operation Christmas
Child”. She explained to us what Operation Christmas
Child was and how we could help.
Shoe boxes are filled with gifts that will fit in the box.
Gifts such as school supplies, bath items, small toys,
stuffed animals, books or whatever you choose from a
list of 101 items that are suitable for the children. The
children’s ages are from 2 to 14. Every shoe box filled
shares the Christian message and lights up the children’s faces who otherwise would have nothing for
Samaritan’s Purse is about giving and helping those in
poverty stricken areas, war torn areas, or wherever the
need would be to help. The children may only receive
one shoe box every 5 years.
Our club decided to fill these boxes as our service project for November. Everyone was given a box to fill and
was to
bring back
to our
meeting in
for collection and
drop off at
a site collecting
them. We
filled a total
of 14 shoe
boxes. We
took a group picture and placed one in each box. We
were told by one of the church members that the picture would be so special to the child. This turned out
to be a fun project for us, especially knowing we were
helping other children some of which were our own
We hope to be able to help again next year and maybe
more of our other 4-H Clubs will want to join in. This
was a most meaningful and rewarding project.
Dakota Bostian, Club Reporter, November 23, 2015
October 18th, we held a
food-booth at the Gladhill
Tractor-Pull. The volunteers and 4-H kids raised
over $600 for their club
by selling drinks, chips,
soup, hamburgers, hot
dogs, and baked goods to
the those attending the
tractor pull.
The first weekend in November the club members
worked hard to make
homemade Apple Butter,
on Friday evening we
washed, peeled and sliced
the apples. We started
making apple butter early
Saturday morning. We
each took turns to stir the
apple butter while it was
cooking over the fire. This
was a very fun Community Service project for all
the club members as well
as their families. We plan to give jars of Apple Butter along with
holiday baskets to the community of Johnsville over the holidays.
At our monthly meeting
in November we had
elections of club officers.
Our President is Chelsea
Dinterman, Vice President- Sydnie Grossnicle,
Secretary- Hailey Dinterman, Treasurer- Emma
New, Attendance Secretary- Gressa New, Club
Reporter -Ella Jacobs and
Recreation Leaders- Gracie Stephens & Abby Dinterman.
Upcoming club events include Christmas Caroling, Collecting
gifts for the CASS program at Woodsboro Elem. School, Bingo at
Crumland Farms Nursing Home.
Club Reporter- Ella Jacobs
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
Page 6
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Paddock Pals
Paddock Pals 4-H Club participated in
the Veterans Day Parade on Sunday,
November 8, 2015 in Brunswick MD.
The kids had a great time and really
enjoyed being able to celebrate our
At our November meeting, the older
more experienced members helped the
younger members learn how to tie
safety knots.
Our club filled stockings for the Frederick County Salvation Army.
and Junior Addie Eyler. The Family of the Year award was
On November 1, 2015 the Rocky Ridge Progressive 4-H Club given to Mr. & Mrs. Randy Ruby and grandchildren Ashley &
from Frederick County Maryland celebrated another great
year of 4-H achievements at their annual club banquet.
Special awards were given to
Community members and 4-H families from across the coun- those club members who party gathered together in Thurmont Maryland to share in a
ticipated in the specialty
wonderful potluck meal and to hear about all of the achieve- groups throughout the year
ments of each club member. Club leader, Brenda Seiss, was focused on Cooking, Sewing
very proud of all of the activities the children participated in and Crafts. The members had a
and thanked each of them for their service throughout the
great time learning new techcounty and state during the year.
niques for projects that could
During the evening be entered at the local fairs.
several awards
This year the club had five outgoing senior members;
were presented to Aislinn Latham, Ashley Ridenour, Ashley McAfee, Lauren
club members.
Schur & Kendra Keeney. While the outgoing Club officers
Club demonstraprovided the year in review, slide show, and thank you’s,
tion awards were they also welcomed the 2016 officers
given to Ashley
to the stage for recognition.
McAfee & Logan
Frederick County Royalty were in
Long in the Senior category, Ashley Lescalleet in the Intermediate category, Payton Troxell in the Junior category, and abundance at the banquet. 4-Her’s
Madison Ohler in the First Year member category. Members Chase Ferguson Fair King, Rachel
were also recognized for their achievements during the year. Summers Fair Queen, and Payton
The Senior award was given to Ashley Lescalleet, Intermedi- Troxell the 2015 Beef Ambassador
ate award to Brittnee Brown, Junior award to Caroline Clark, were all present to celebrate the club
members. Closing remarks for the
and the First Year member award was given to Kendra &
evening were given by Caroline
Jacob Keeney. Record Book awards were given to Senior
Clark, the Fair Junior Princess.
member Nikita Miller, Intermediate Kiandra Strickhouser,
Rocky Ridge Progressive
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
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University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
4-H Achievers
The 4-H Achievers had 100% participation in the Great Frederick Fair this year. We are so proud of all the ribbons we
won! For our community service project, the 4-H Achievers made comfort bags to give to the homeless people at the Rescue Mission. The group filled the bags with washcloths, chips, snacks and a card of encouragement. We put together sandwiches to serve for dinner at the Rescue Mission on November 30th. We will deliver the comfort bags when we go serve
the dinner so the people will have them for Christmas.
Submitted by Wally Leatherman, Reporter
Fall Beautification:
(left) The 4-H
Achievers did their
fall beautification
project in October
by weeding and
planting mums
around the Masonic
sign. Bottom photo
from left: Brandon,
Blair, Karoline, Bella
and Sarah with the
finished product.
GFF: (above right) The 4-H Achievers had 100% participation at The Great Frederick Fair. Clockwise from top left: Bella
Tranchina and Sarah Peltzer prepare to sell cakes at the 4-H Cake Auction. Wally Leatherman and his brother, Buck, explain
their prize winning exhibits in the youth building. Blair Kreh showing his market lamb. Bella Tranchina with her winning craft
awards. Sarah Peltzer with her Champion Dairy Goat award and her Character Counts recognition. Karoline Adams proudly displays her art exhibit and award. Brandon Kreh prepares to show his market lamb. (Center photo) Club members with their
awards following our fair wrap-up discussion at our October meeting.
Comfort bags: In addition to having some Halloween fun, club members assembled 40 comfort bags containing
washcloths, toothbrushes, snacks and a note of
encouragement. These
were delivered to the
Rescue Mission on Nov.
30th so the people will
have them for Christmas. Rescue Mission:
Club members made 96
sandwiches that were
served on November
30th at the Hagerstown
Rescue Mission.
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Page 8
Valley Urbanites
Club members created a
minion for the annual
Middletown Scarecrow
Contest in October. We
had a lot of fun making
the minion! We also had a
Bingo Party at the Record
Street Ladies Home. The
ladies had a great time
playing Bingo and so did
we! In November we held
the election of officers for
2016. The officers are Aubrey Cole- President,
Ryan Allen- Vice President, Abby Turner- Secretary, Meghan Cole- Treasurer, News ReporterCaroline Edwards, Song Leader- Kendall Cole,
Game Leader- Grace Turner, Community Service
Coordinator- Angela Bueso, and Refreshment Coordinator- Maggie Shoemaker. We held our annual Christmas Party on November 29th at the 4-H
Office. Everyone had a great time! Christmas Pictionary was a big hit!
Camp and Activities Center
Community Service Schedule
Club Leaders - please contact Christy Fuss at the
Camp Center 240-397-9442 prior to your club’s month
to see when and if your club’s help is needed for any events.
Dec - Jefferson Co-Eds, Myersville
Jan - Lewistown, Robo-Rangers, Bug Patrol
Feb - Boots n buckles, Rocky Ridge, Bits n Bridles
Mar - Shookstown, Alpha Alpaca
Apr - Valley Urbanites, Jefferson Co-Eds
May - Shooting Sports, Middletown Dairy, Greener Pastures
Jun - Tailwaggers, Adamstown, Kaleidoscope
Jul - None
Aug - 4-H Achievers, Middletown Valley Youth
Sep - None
Oct - Walkersville, Paddock Pals
Nov - Johnsville, Calico Clovers
Dec - Jr. Dairy club, Goat Club, Tom’s Creek
Camp Counselors Needed
Are you interested in serving as a camp
counselor for summer 2016? Applications
are now being accepted for teens interested
in serving as a 2016 Camp Counselor. Training begins in February. Applications are due
January 15, 2016. No experience needed,
just an enthusiastic attitude. application
Camp 2016
Day Camp: July 11th - 15th
Day and Residential Camp: July 18th - 22nd
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Page 9
Lewistown MT. View
Members of the Lewistown 4-H Club have been busy the last
couple of months. Many of our members exhibit their animal
projects at the Howard County Fair; Montgomery County Fair;
Maryland State Fair; Thurmont & Emmitsburg Community
Show; The Great Frederick Fair; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania;
Madison, Wisconsin; and Louisville, Kentucky, so our members
have had a busy few months. But, our club also has members
who do not have animal projects and those members have
been equally as busy.
Our club had a great week at the Frederick Fair where members exhibited items in the 4-H building and throughout the
fair. Our club received awards for our decorations in the dairy
barn, swine barn and beef barn. Jacob Carbaugh received the
Character Counts award from our club for “Caring”. He is always willing to help others and does an excellent job exhibiting his animals at the fairs and shows. His family, the Carbaughs, Adkins, Young and Garner families helped with the
swine exhibit at the swine barn this year and received many
favorable comments from spectators. Vicky Adkins, (mother
of 4-H member Ricky Adkins) was interviewed for the Maryland Farm and Harvest television show which is shown on
Channel 22 on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-7:30 p.m. The segment about the Frederick Fair will air on January 5th, so be
sure to watch the show that evening and mark your calendar
because you may see other 4-H friends you know that evening.
Members of our club are also in the 4-H Royalty this year –
Haley Welty and Morgan Farmer are Junior Princesses and
Austin Welty is a Junior Prince so they will have a busy year
promoting 4-H in Frederick County. Austin and Haley did not
exhibit animals this year in the dairy barn, but you could find
them helping on show days in the show ring, handing out ribbons and performing other “tasks” (using a shovel and wheelbarrow) associated with exhibiting animals.
Our club had a “fun activity” on October 18th at the Walkersville Bowling Lanes, where members enjoyed bowling and
snacks to celebrate their achievements. In November, we had
election of officers, several new members joined our club, several cloverbud members who will be joining in January and we
also collected canned food items and used and new coats,
gloves, scarves for the Thurmont Shop Hop held on November
21st in Thurmont. These donations were given to the Thurmont Clothes Closet for distribution to needy persons in Thurmont.
Our club will have its annual Holiday Party on December 4th at
Knott Arena at Mount St. Mary’s University, where members
voted to collect toys for the Toys for Tots program. Members
will be able to go swimming, play basketball, volleyball, enjoy
making crafts and eat pizza and other healthy snacks. Looking
forward to a great year in 2016.
Exciting New Horticulture Program
Starting in January, we will host a ‘Make It Take It’ project
for any 4-H or FFA member of Frederick County. All you
have to do is click on the link below or on the 4-H website.
Projects are as follows:
Terrariums January 19, 2016
Scrapbook using grocery bags February 16, 2016
Seed Charts March 15, 2016
Silk and Fresh Corsages April 19, 2016
Hypertufa Containers May 17, 2016
Pressing Flowers/Leaves October 18, 2016
Evergreen Centerpieces November 15, 2016
Holiday Gathering & Award Certificates of Completion for
participating in at least 4 this year. December 20, 2016
In addition to the FUN learning activities, we will have a
short lesson on some aspect of the NJHA [National Junior
Horticulture Association] ( contest. They
include: Identification of Trees & Shrubs, Houseplants, Vegetable Market Packs, Identification of Cut Flowers, Sampling
Fruits, Smells of Herbs and Vegetables, Identification of Evergreen and Cones.
Instructors include: Myrtle Sturtz, 4-H Horticulture Coach;
Donielle Axline, 4-H UME Educator; Susan Trice, UME Horticulture Educator/Master Gardener Coordinator; and various other UME volunteers and community leaders.
Record Book Judges Needed
Volunteers interested in helping judge record books should
email BreAnn General Record Book
Judging will be Saturday, February 27th. An orientation
will be provided from 9 – 9:30 a.m. and judging will follow
until 3 p.m. Lunch is provided for judges, and individuals
can judge for either the morning / afternoon or both.
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Page 10
“Fire Power” 4-H Shooting Sports Club
August 22nd more than 30 volunteers from our Club
turned out to help at the Patty Pollatos "Family FUNmenon" at the Frederick Fairgrounds. Thanks to all who
helped with the Inflatable BB Gun Range!
For the September meeting Club members try out a new target thrower generously donated by the Friends of NRA! "Annie Oakley" is a breeze with this new equipment!
Rifle Instructor Chip Summers and Club members assist young shooters in the BB Gun Range at the Great Frederick Fair.
Grand Prize UTV winner Tony Mills of Brunswick is greeted by Frederick County 4-H Queen Rachel
Summers, Tractor Supply Representatives and Fire Power 4-H Club members to accept his prize from
the Sportsman's Drawing. (L-R front) Chuck Farmer, Morgan Farmer, Ruby Watkins, Sherri Doody,
Rachel Summers, Cody Romsburg, Grand Prize Winner Tony Mills, Ashley Grimes, Daniel Summers,
Waylon Farmer and John Schroyer.
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Page 11
“Fire Power” 4-H Shooting Sports Club
2015 Sportsman's Drawing
We wish to send a special "Thank You" to
those who helped with this effort, those who
purchased tickets and contributed generously to support our program and to those
who helped make this drawing a success! Many businesses and organizations
donated resources and time to help make
this year's drawing even better!
We would like to especially thank those in
the 4-H Extension Office, Tractor SupplyFrederick/ Jefferson/ Poolesville & Mt Airy
Stores, Rick Bricker-Rentals Unlimited, , Jefferson Archery, Hemps Meats, Hobbs Hardware, Rosemont Service Station, Jefferson
Crown Service Station, Avalon Restaurant,
Brown's Subs and Pizza, Geisingers Taxidermy, Westminster Livestock Sale, Francis
Scott Key Center, Adventure Park USA,
Promiseland Seed & Feed, Mr. Frank Krasner & Silverado Gun Shows, Tuscarora Gun
Club, The Caliber, Thurmont Conservation &
Sportsman’s Club, Catoctin Wildlife Preserve
& Zoo and the Frederick County 4-H Camp &
Activities Center.
Many other members, families and volunteers spent time going above and beyond to
help sell tickets and contribute to ensure the
success of our efforts, especially Mike and
Tara Clary, James and Lauri McDonald and
family, Cheryl Lenhart & Family, Mr. Paul
Summers & Family, Mullen Family, Tuscarora Gun Club, Thurmont Conservation &
Sportsman's Club, Lacy Duley and Family,
Janice and Dave Feaga, Catoctin Fish &
Game, Jennie Schiazzi, Jim Kilby, Mr. Bobby
Plude, Brian Axline, Mr. Jimmy Trout, Megan
Olson, Ashley Grimes, Kelly Bowers & Family, Mike Driver & Family, Rachel and Daniel
Summers, Stacey Tilton, Karen Sowell &
family, Andy and Jill Main & Family, Joe Fitzgibbon & family, John & Debbie Schroyer,
Shawn Shankle, Donnie DeWitt, Mr. Dave
Beall, Lisa Strong and the Farmer Family.
~A Special "Thank You" to The 2015-2016 Frederick County 4-H Queen Rachel Summers and Santa Clause who both did an outstanding job of officiating and drawing our winners!
Congratulations! The following list is the WINNERS of the 2015 Sportsman's Drawing for the Frederick County 4-H Shooting Sports Program!
Grand Prize Winner of the Massimo Camo 4x4 UTV- Tony Mills
1st Prize (Browning Citori XT 12 Ga. O/U Shotgun or $1500)–Karen Combs
2nd Prize (.308 Cal. Sporting Rifle or $800) – Jody Eccard
3rd Prize (Huskee 22T Log splitter or $650) – Glenn Cool
4th Prize (Winchester Gun Safe or $500) – Pete Knight
5th Prize (Snow Blower or $400) – Rolf Rodtang
6th Prize (20” Stihl Chainsaw or $300) – Sue Morrison
7th Prize (Remington 870 Shotgun or $275) – Tim Smith
8th Prize (New Champion Generator or $250) – Gary Liles
9th Prize (New Ruger 10/22 Rifle or $200) – Larry Weyer
10th Prize (New TC .50 cal. Muzzle loader or $200) – Dale Stitely
11th Prize (New Genesis Bow & Archery Equip. or $150) – Brian Maynard
12th Prize (Stihl Leaf Blower) – Brian Schindelcker
13th Prize (JS MIG Welder) – Joe Parsley
14th Prize (Game Trail Camera) – Robin Haines
15th Prize (2 Person Hunting Blind & Radios) – David Ambrose
16th Prize (Saddle Rack and Equine Grooming Supplies) – Kevin Jeter
17th Prize (Digital Metal Detector) – Alyssa Chalk
18th Prize (Sledding Package and Set) – Mark Brown
19th Prize (Rabbit Starter Kit or $100 T. Supply Gift Cert.)) – Ben Miller
20th Prize (Dewalt & Camo Wrench Set) - Jim Lash
21st Prize (Realtree Canine Kit & Harley Davidson Gift Cert.)–Tracey Kelly
22nd Prize (Winchester Air Rifle or $100 Gift card) – Martin Kelly Sr.
23rd Prize (Bird Watching Kit) – Hannah Hood
24th Prize (Gun Cleaning Kit & Musket Ridge Gold Package) – Jen Daniele
25th Prize (NRA Membership or Gift Card) – Ronald Hartman
Congratulations! To those who also helped sell winning tickets earning gift
cards! Zach Main, Abigail McGlaughlin, Kyle Snowden, Hunter McGlaughlin,
Ashley Grimes, Trevor Mullen, Rachel Summers, Matthew Lenhart, Ashley
Ridenour, Alexis Main, Amelia Summers, Morgan Farmer, Jessica Duley, and
Tom Kelly @ Hemp’s Meats who sold the Grand Prize winning Ticket!
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
Page 12
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Hello my name is Caryl Velisek. I was a big city girl and
never had the opportunity to be a 4-Her, but all five of my
They appreciate goals set and goals met. They recognize
children were - the older ones in Frederick, the younger
how the communication, leadership and teamwork skills
that were nurtured through 4-H experiences have contrib- ones in Howard County, where I have recorded the beef
shows for many years and watched 4-Hers grow up and
uted to their success as young adults. The stories shared
and advice given by former 4-Hers are a rich statement of become 4-H parents themselves. I have witnessed the
our heritage. When retold, they give the younger 4-H mem- many things 4-H has to teach youngsters in order to live
bers an important view of how we came to be who we are better, more fulfilling lives. I have also worked with the
today. We are proud that 4-H is the largest organized out- Frederick Careers Fair for a number of years helping to
make people aware of what 4-H has to offer the youth.
of-school educational program for youth in this country.
4-H has a strong tradition in success, helping kids develop
Hi, my name is Zoe Wolfe and I am a curinto the best adults they can be. Many people that have
rent sophomore majoring in Animal Scibeen involved in 4-H in some way are here to help the
ence at North Carolina State University. I
younger 4-Hers achieve their goals by giving some advice
have just finished my tenth and final year
that has helped them along their journey with 4-H.
in 4-H. I was a member of the Middletown
Valley Youth 4-H Club, where I have held
Hello my name is Shirley Varrecchia I
several offices including President. I have
was a 4-Her and my projects were
had Beef and Swine projects for all ten
Canning and Sewing then I saw my
years in 4-H, a Horse and Pony project for
daughter thru the program with Rabfive
and have also entered photographs and
bits, Crafts and Baking. During this
One of my favorite memories in 4-H
time I became a co-leader of Shookswas watching the once small Middletown Valley Youth 4-H
town 4-H Club, which is still going
strong. About 17 years ago became a Club grow into the club it is now and forever holding on to
the friendships I have made along the way. Another favorSuperintendent for the Rabbit and Poultry building at the
ite memory of mine is was when my steer was selected as
Great Frederick Fair I have enjoyed seeing so many boys
and girls go through the program and take what they have 2012 Grand Champion Market Steer, as I finally was able to
learned into their adult lives in way of jobs. I will continue see my hard work pay off. Some advice that I have to give is
that it’s not all about the winning or losing, instead it’s
to work with 4-H as long as I can.
about the experiences, life lessons, friendships, and memoHello my name is Megan Poole, I was a ries made along the way. 4-H has made me who I am today
and has even directed me in the path of my career choice to
shy lonely girl when I started 4-H. I
ultimately become a food animal veterinarian. The 4-H
stayed in 4-H until I aged out during
program is full of opportunities for everyone and gives 4my college freshman year. I got inHers a chance to gain leadership, responsibility, many life
volved with the Royalty program and
met such amazing people and learned lessons, and even help out the local community along the
skills that I use every day! I met my
best friend in my club (Kaleidoscope).
Hello! My name is Konnar Miller. I'm the
In the 8 years I was in 4-H my projects were Crafts, Photogdaughter of Jim and Judi Miller, and Niraphy, Dog, Environmental Conservation, Pottery, and
kita Miller's older sister. 4-H wasn't just
more. Joining was the best decision of my life!! My most
an organization that I was involved in for
treasured memory is when I had surgery done on my ankle
ten years, it was my life and what made
and the club came to my house with a huge storage box of
me who I am today. I was a member of
candy, movies, blankets, etc! We were like a family in my
the Johnsville 4-H Poppies, Johnsville 4-H
club and I was incredibly touched to see how much they
Club, Rocky Ridge Progressive 4-H Club,
cared! If I were to give advice to a new 4-Her I would say
Frederick County Goat Club, and the
try everything once even if it is out of your comfort zone;
Frederick County Beef, Sheep, and Swine
you meet new people and learn more about who you are.
Club. My projects included Beef, Sheep,
Swine, Goats, Livestock Judging, Public
4-H Alumni
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
Page 13
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Speaking, Baking, Crafts, and Crops. There were so many
great memories in 4-H, but one of my favorites was winning
Master Showman in hogs at the age of nine. That year my
showmanship hog won Reserve Grand Champion at the
Maryland State Fair and even though I cried and begged
from the State Fairgrounds until Howard County, my dad
told me we had to sell her. I kept telling my dad that we only had a crazy hog at home and another that stressed out
and fell over every 10 feet, but he promised we would make
one work. Long story short, I had one month to get
"Stressy" up to par. Building her stamina day by day and
ensuring we had ice to cool her down every time she
stressed out on us was key. We were able to successfully
walk her over a log 20 times before she would go down. Get
that I sais "we" and not “I”, because 4-H is a family affair,
and when one wins, we all win.
4-H Club, and Frederick County 4-H Beef, Sheep and Swine
Club. Through all of those clubs I held many offices including President, Vice President, Reporter, and Recreation
Leader. During my 10 years in 4-H my projects included
Beef Breeding, Beef Market, Swine Breeding, Swine Market,
Crafts, Cooking, and Photography. There have been SO
many amazing unforgettable memories during my years in
4-H and I could go on and on about them but the two that
came to my mind first was in 2013 I won Senior Beef Showman and Overall Beef Showman, something that I had been
working so hard for and it felt good to finally win it. Another memory was when I was showing pigs for the first time
at the Frederick Fair and the morning of Showmanship Jim
and Konnar Miller were in the beef barn show ring showing
me how to show a pig with Konnar on the ground acting
like a pig and Jim with the pig stick acting like the showman
needless to say there were many laughs that morning and
I could definitely give a 4-H member tons of advice, but
many happy tears that afternoon when I went to the pig
there are three F’s that should always be kept in mind. First,
barn and won First Year Senior Showman, First Year Overfamily. They will always be there to support you, no matter
all Showman, and Overall Showman out of entire show. Bewhat. Maybe one doesn’t have the best family ever, I proming able to share my happiness and passion towards liveise the 4-H family is more then you could ever ask for. Secstock and 4-H with my family is the most amazing feeling.
ondly, future. The ability for an individual to learn responsi4-H has made me the person I am today and I have learned
bility, how to be a successful leader, time management
so many life skills and gained so many friendships that will
skills, how to communicate effectively, and the enormous
last a life time.
amount of knowledge gained, are only a few things that the
4-H organization offers. I hope each and every one of you
When I first joined 4-H I was a very shy girl, I could not talk
take every opportunity 4-H gives you because it could help in front of a large crowd but now after participating in
gain educational scholarships or even connections to your many public speaking contests and having my older menfuture endeavors. Lastly, fun. Sure the ribbons, plaques, and tors pushing me to talk in front of crowds, my fear of public
trophies are awesome conversation starters and wall decor, speaking is gone. If I could give any advice to the younger
but being out of 4-H for almost four years, I promise you’ll 4-Hers I would tell them to never stop chasing your dreams
forget about them. The ribbons will be put into boxes down and always be willing to come out of your comfort zone and
stairs, the trophies will get dusty, and the chairs may break; try something new, you never know if you’d like it or not.
but the fun memories of Mr. Dave Axline telling you to stop 4-H is an amazing organization to be a part of, it was my life
having a water fight after the steer show or dressing up for for 10 years and still is my life as I am now holding an inthe Friday night dance will be somethings you’ll never for- ternship at the Frederick County 4-H office where I get to
get. No matter the family you come from, the future you see be behind the scenes and see all of the hard work it takes to
for yourself now, or the fun you think you’re having, I prom- plan 4-H events. My grandfather, mom, aunt and uncle were
ise 4-H can grow your family, enlarge your future aspiraall in 4-H growing up and my brother is still in 4-H so this
tions, and make the word fun have a whole new meaning!
organization is near and dear to my entire family. Stick with
it because once your 10 years are up, you’ll miss it and want
Hello everyone, I am BreAnn Fields, to go back in time and relive those 10 years all over again.
the Extension Program Assistant at
the Frederick County 4-H Extension
Office. I was involved in 4-H for 10
Club Leaders:
years and it was THE BEST 10 years
Record Books-Due to 4-H Office by
of my life. I was apart of the
Monday, February 8th; by 4:00 p.m.
Johnsville Poppies Club, Johnsville
Spring Leader’s Meeting-Wednesday,
4-H Club, Rocky Ridge Progressive
March 23rd; 6:30 p.m.
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Page 14
In the Works...
Royalty’s Valentine’s Dance
Officer Training
We will email more information when these
events are scheduled.
4-H Scholarships
Be sure to check our webpage for updated information about upcoming scholarship due dates
and application forms.
Frederick County and BSS Scholarships are
due Friday, March 4th by 4:00 p.m. to the 4H Office.
There will be two $500 Camp Center Scholarships awarded. Applications are to be postmarked by March 1st and mailed to Jen Martin. Application will be available early January.
Central Cluster Visual
Workshop and Contest
4-H Day At Wisp Resort
Friday, January 29th & Thursday, February 25th at Wisp Ski Resort,
McHenry, Maryland. 4-Hers and families are invited to take advantage
of a group rate for skiing, snowboarding, snow tubing and ice skating
at the Wisp Resort.
Return the registration form, appropriate release(s) and payment to the UME Garrett office by Wednesday, January 20, 2016.
Rates and more info at: &
4-H In Action
The Maryland 4-H Foundation & The Delmarva Farmer are proud to
present: 4-H In Action 2015 edition! Special thank you to all of our 4H reporters. This paper would not be possible without your participation. Thank you also to our 4-H advertisers - the purchasing of advertisements is what allows this newspaper to be published. We are
looking forward to another great edition in 2016!
To prepare for the 2016 Communications Contest, Central Cluster 4-H Programs will be hosting a workshop. Communication and Visual
Presentation workshop will be held at the Howard County Fairgrounds on Saturday, January
23rd. The categories for the Communications
Contest are: Extemporaneous, Prepared, Radio
Spot, and Interpretations.
The contest will be held on March 12, 2016 at
Bushy Park Elementary School. This is an excellent opportunity, whether a 4-Her carries a public speaking project or not, to receive valuable
tips and advice to enhance public speaking abilities and presentations. Champions will have the
opportunity to move on to the State competition.
Please register for the workshops through Eventbrite: -
Healthy Living Summit
Friday, February 12th until Monday, February 15th at the National
4-H Conference Center.
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
Page 15
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
Page 16
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Page 17
2016 4HOnline Re-Enrollment For Current (2015) 4-H Members
(tentative date for 4HOnline to be open for enrollment/re-enrollment is January 6th)
For Families with an Existing 4-H Online Account
This year you will not have to re-enter all your enrollment data, you will only need to review & activate your enrollment. Go
to Maryland 4-H Online login page located at
 If you have logged in to your 4-H Online account before and remember your password, log in to your account.
 If you forgot your password, enter your email address and select “I forgot my password”, select Family as your role &
click send my password. You will receive a temporary password.
Once Logged In
To update a your family information, click Edit Family.
The Member List will show all of the youth members and adult volunteers in your family who were enrolled in the previous
year. Click “Edit” next to the Inactive member you would like to re-enroll.
Scroll to the bottom of the record review page and click Enroll for 2015-2016.
Update any personal information and click Continue at the bottom of the page.
Read the Additional Information carefully. Mark the check box and/or sign each section. This section will be locked for editing
after the enrollment has been submitted. Click Continue.
Review and edit your Clubs. Only Clubs in which the member will participate during the current program year should be
listed. Click Continue.
Review and edit projects. NOTE: Only projects in which the member will participate during the current year should be listed
in the Projects tab. Previous year projects will remain on the Member’s enrollment history. Remove any projects listed in
which the member will no longer participate.
Click Continue to view your invoice, select a payment method, confirm payment and Submit your enrollment. NOTE: Some
clubs prefer to have payments made through the club, please check with your Club Leader for the best option for your club.
Your County will receive notification of your enrollment. You will receive email notification when the County has reviewed
and accepted your enrollment.
2016 4HOnline Enrollment For NEW Families/Members
To Start the enrollment process Go to or Click “I need to set up a
profile”. A drop down menu will appear.
 Select the county you want to join
 Type in your valid family e-mail address. *E-mail addresses must be valid —it’s your account login as well as how you receive information.* Confirm your e-mail address.
 Type in your parent/guardian/household’s last name. (This will be the name that appears on mailing labels—“The Johnson
Family” for example.)
 Create your password – must include letters and numbers/symbols with a minimum of 8 characters. Confirm your password.
 Your role will be “Family” and then click on “Create Login”
 You will see the Family Information page. Fill in all your personal information correctly and completely. Bold fields with a
red asterisk are required. Make sure that you choose your correspondence preference to either “Mail” or “Email”.
 Click on the “Continue” button at the bottom of the page.
You are now at the “Member List” page
In the drop down box under “Add a New Family Member”, select “adult” or “youth” and click on “Add Member”. Let’s say you
have chosen Youth. You will see the “Youth Personal Information” screen. Fill in all information for this member correctly and completely. Bold fields with a red asterisk are required.
If he/she has a different e-mail address than the family one entered at login, enter it in the top box.
If his/her last name is different than the parent/guardian/household name, make that change on this page.
Text messaging: Enter a cell number, check the box if you are willing to receive text messages via 4HOnline and choose
your provider from the list.
For the “Years in 4-H”, enter “1” if this is the first year.
If there are parents/guardians that do not live in the same residence as you, you may enter their mailing information under
Secondary Household.
(continued on page 18)
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Page 18
Be sure to enter an emergency contact name and at least one phone number. This should be someone other than a parent, if possible. Parents are always contacted first, but who should be called if the parents are not available?
Are you a volunteer? Mark “no” for youth
Ethnicity – if you consider yourself/child to be a part of the Hispanic culture, mark “yes”. Check off your race.
Choose your residence.
Complete the Military Service of Family only if it applies.
Select your child’s current grade in school.
When you have completed this page, click "Continue."
Additional Information Page: MD 4-H Behavioral Expectations, Publicity Release, MD 4-H Code of Animal
Science Ethics
All fields are required. Select an option if there is a choice, or check the “I agree…” box.
 Digital Signatures - Enter both the name of the parent/guardian and the youth. Both fields must be filled in before you can
click the Continue button.
 By logging on with your user ID and password, you are indicating that you are the correct person to agree to the terms.
When you have completed this page, click "Continue."
Health Form Page - Completion of this health form section is optional.
A hard copy of a health form is required for members & volunteers attending the following 4-H Events: Day Camps & Overnight
Residential Camps, Overnight Trips, Regional, State, & National Trips. The paper form is available at If you should have questions or concerns regarding the health form,
please contact your county office.
Select the correct club from the drop down menu and click on it; be sure to click “Add Club”.
If your child is a member of more than one club, add the next one the same way. Make sure that the main club has the
green dot next to it. Click on “Continue” when done.
Under “Select a Project” click on the drop down menu and select the first project for this youth. “Years in Project” – must
have 1 for 1st year members. For returning members, the years are automatically updated. Click on “Add Project”. For
each additional project that you want to add, repeat the steps above. Once you have entered all your project(s), you need
to click on “Continue”.
Then, in the Groups tab, click on “Continue”. (Please do not select or add any group in this section. We are not using this
feature for the public yet.) . You can now review and Submit your Enrollment”. You are done!
If there is another youth (or an adult leader) in your family enrolling in 4-H, you will need to repeat this process for them. There
is an option to “copy parent information from another youth record” drop box that will shorten the process for the second (and
beyond) youth.
Once your enrollment has been submitted, it is sent to your County Extension Office to be approved. If there are any problems
with your enrollment – incorrect or missing information, etc. – you will get an e-mail with instructions for logging back in (with
the same email/password you set up) and correcting those. If there are no problems, you will receive an e-mail stating that
you have been accepted and will have access online to your enrollment to make any updates throughout the 4-H year.
Keep your login (family email address) and password handy so that you can log in to the program and update your records
whenever you need to.
For Following years... when it’s re-enrollment time, you’ll log in to the records you created this year, and simply “reactivate” any
members or adult volunteers in the family—the family information only needs to be entered once—when your family begins
your 4-H adventure!
UME Volunteers
Thank you to all the Volunteers who help to make the Frederick County 4-H Program a
success! We currently have 302 Trained UME Volunteers of which 14 were trained this
past year.
Renewal forms have been emailed/mailed, please return both forms ASAP. We will be renewing your profile online after your forms are turned in and getting anyone without a profile in the system this year and updating your start date
and original form dates in the system. Thank you for your patience as we have been working this past year to transition
to the new system.
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Page 19
UME Volunteer Information
Interested in becoming a certified UME 4-H Volunteer? Its a simple 3 step process:
1. Go to the Frederick County 4-H website
ume-volunteers and fill out and return the 6 necessary forms by email or postal mail to: Attn: Lisa, UME Frederick County 4-H, 330 Montevue Lane, Frederick, MD 21702 or
2. After your completed paperwork has been returned to the office Lisa will contact you to schedule an over the
phone Interview which takes about 10-15 minutes.
3. After your Interview Lisa can sign you up for the online orientation training.
After these steps are done and all paperwork is in, the 4-H Educator will review your file and when approved you
will receive your 4-H Maryland Leader card. You will need to set up an online profile. To keep your certified volunteer status current each year you will need to sign a Renewal Appointment Agreement and a Behavioral Expectations Form. Any questions contact Lisa Strong at or 301-600-1595.
4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
Steer Weigh-In @ Frederick Fairgrounds
6:00 p.m.
Livestock Skillathon @ FC Extension Office
Horse Bowl Informational Meeting @ Yingling’s Residence
4:00 p.m.
Deadline: Camp Counselor Application to 4-H Office
Deadline: Wisp Registrations to Garrett Extension Office
Dairy Record Books Judging @ Mid-Atlantic Farm Credit
Horse World Expo & Horse Art Contest @ MD State Fairgrounds
Deadline: Bunny Basics Workshop Registration to Deb Spurrier
Bunny Basics Workshop @ FC Extension Office
Deadline: Tanzania Application to MD 4-H State Office
8:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
Club Leader Deadline: Record Books to 4-H Office
6:00 p.m.
Livestock Skillathon @ FC Extension Office
7:00 p.m.
2016 Re-Enrollment Begins (tentative date)
6:30 p.m.
Deadline: Steer Livestock Registration Form to 4-H Office
back FC Extension Office-Closed in Observance of Christmas & Holiday Season
Dec 24 -Jan 3
Healthy Living Summit @ National 4-H Conference Center
BSS Meeting
Ag Week at the Mall
9:00 a.m.
Record Book Judging @ FC Extension Office
4:00 p.m.
Deadline: Camp Center Scholarship Application (Postmarked)
4:00 p.m.
Deadline: BSS and Frederick County 4-H Scholarships
6:30 p.m.
Spring Leader’s Meeting @ FC Extension Office
4:00 p.m.
Deadline: Broiler Chick Project Orders to 4-H Office
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
Save the Date!
2016 Ag Week at the Mall - February 15th-20th
2016 Achievement Night - Tuesday, April 12, 2016
University of MD Extension (4-H Office)
will be closed
Thursday, December 24th through
Sunday, January 3rd for
Christmas and the Holiday Season.
Donielle R. Axline
Faculty Extension Assistant
Check us out on Facebook!
To be able to view the page
click on this link and
sign in or sign up for a
facebook account.
Todd McKinney
Extension Educator
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.