Frederick County 4-H Newsletter

Frederick County
4-H Newsletter
Frederick County Agriculture Week at the Mall
The Frederick County Agriculture Week
will be held on February 15-20, 2016 at
the Francis Scott Key Mall in Frederick,
Maryland with the theme of #Frederick
County’s Ag Story. Many displays and
events are being planned for this year
and changes have been made to the
schedule and times of events. If you
have any questions concerning Frederick
County Ag Week or your business or organization would like to place a display
at the mall, please contact
Ted Albaugh at 240-446-3054 or at or
Ronald Murphy at 301-788-3847 or at
Exhibits may be set up on Sunday, February 14, 2016 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Activities currently planned are:
 Coloring contest – A coloring picture
and entry form will be printed in the
Frederick News Post prior to Ag Week
and the Frederick County 4-H website
-ag-week-mall . Coloring picture entries will be accepted on Monday,
February 15, 2016 and Tuesday, February 16, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. to
7:00 p.m. at the 4-H Display (near
Dairy Queen) and judging will take
place on Wednesday. The pictures
will be displayed throughout the
week. Prizes will be awarded to the
winners of each category. Categories
are: novice (3 years and under); Juniors (4 years-7 years); and Youth (8
years – 12 years) and Adult (13100+).
 Also, the Frederick County 4-H Royalty will be conducting a “hat drive”
for local cancer patients at the FSK
Mall. A collection bin will be located
at the 4-H booths (near Dairy
Queen). Please bring any new hats,
any style and size and place in the
collection bin during Ag Week. A
collection bin will also be placed at
the Extension Office at 330 Montevue Lane, Frederick, Maryland.
Monday, February 15, 2016 – Ice
Cream Making Contest – Registration
will begin from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. at the
entrance near DSW Shoes and churning
will begin at 6:30 p.m. Groups will need
to supply their own hand crank freezer
(which is in good condition and the mix
is placed in a food grade, cleanable container inside the “bucket”), floor covering, supplies, (no eggs to be used in recipe), salt, ice, etc., along with a copy of the
ice cream recipe for the judging. Supplies should be purchased immediately
prior to the event and transported to the
event site in a cooler. Space also will be
limited, (so individuals may have to take
turns churning for their group). Those
teams participating will also need to
supply ice cream for those in attendance
and will be required to clean up their
area after churning. If teams do not supply ice cream for public consumption,
the team will be disqualified. The Frederick County Dairy Princess and Dairy
Maids, and the Frederick County 4-H
Royalty will be assisting with the ice
cream churning and distribution. Cash
prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and
3rd. For further information or questions, please visit the Frederick County
Health Department’s website, Food Control Division. If inclement weather occurs or the FSK Mall is closed on Monday
evening, the ice cream churning will be
held on Thursday, February 18th.
Continued on page 2
Inside this issue:
Ag Week, Achievement Night, BSS
Mt. Todd, Ms. Doniells, Bunny Basics,
Model Horse Show
Deadlines, Goat Getaway, Dairy Bowl
Fair Info., Elite East, Email List, QA
Broiler Chick Project
Camp, Record Book Judges,
Scholarships, Healthy Lifestyles,
Horticulture Program
Fashion Revue, Communications,
4-H Mall
Club News
UME Volunteers, All Stars, Camp
Community Service Schedule
Canning Classes
UME Volunteer Info., Calendar
Maryland Day 2016
Saturday, April 30th
University of Maryland
College Park, MD
Frederick County 4-H Office
330 Montevue Lane
Frederick, MD 21702
301-600-1589 Jennie Schiazzi
Frederick County Website
Page 2
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Ag Week continued from page 1
Tuesday, February 16, 2016 – The annual Marcie Becker
Cake and Pie Contest and Auction will be held near center
court. Please bring your cake or pie (with the recipe) to the
center court at 6:00-6:30 p.m. No baked goods that may
promote rapid growth of bacteria may be entered, including cream pies, cream or meat filled pastries, custards and
custard pies, pumpkin, meringue, mousse, ganache, curd,
cream cheese icing, cheesecake or traditional butter cream
icing will be allowed. Also, cakes and/or pies may not be
decorated or garnished with fresh fruit or vegetables. An
auction of all baked items will start at 7:30 p.m. John Roop
of Roop Auction Service will serve as the auctioneer that
evening. Please plan to attend and purchase a delicious
cake or pie to support Ag Week at the Mall. For further information or questions regarding bake sale guidelines,
please visit the Frederick County Health Department’s
website, Food Control Division. Also, the Farm Family of
the Year (Mehrl Mayne Family); the Ag Advocate of the
Year (Denny Remsburg) and the Agri-Business of the Year
(H.C. Summers) will be recognized prior to the cake sale. If
inclement weather occurs, or FSK Mall is closed, the contest
and auction will be held on February 17, 2016.
The Frederick County Dairy Princess Committee will be
constructing a Giant Ice Cream Sundae that evening at Center Court at 7:30 pm. The Maryland State Dairy Princess,
Frederick County Dairy Princess and Dairy Maids will be
assisting with the construction of the sundae.
On Saturday, February 20, 2016 - the Frederick County
Sheep Breeders Association will be having demonstrations
from 1:00-5:00 p.m. and the Frederick County 4-H Entomology Club will be having a display of insects between
12:00-3:00 p.m.
A demonstration by Scales and Tails will be presented at
6:00 p.m. near the center court and the annual Kiddie Pedal
Tractor Pull will be held at 7:00 p.m. in front of the DSW
store, with registration beginning at 6:30 p.m. Prizes will
be awarded to the winners.
Many agriculture organizations and businesses will be having displays during Ag Week at the Mall and can display old
scrapbooks, etc. Donations from the fountain at center
court during Ag Week at the Mall will go towards expenses
of the Frederick County Ag Week at the Mall.
All displays and exhibits must be entered between 6:00 and
8:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 14, 2016, unless prior approval of the Ag Week Committee is received; any organizations bringing machinery should check with the Ag Week
Thursday, February 18, 2016 – The Frederick County 4-H Committee on times and all exhibits MUST remain until
Robotics Club (Robo Rangers) will be conducting various
9:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 20, 2016. No machinery
demonstrations and building events at center stage from
exhibits will be removed until after the mall closes on Sat4:30-9:00 p.m. The 4-H Tailwaggers 4-H Club will be availa- urday, February 20, 2016. Exhibits must be picked up by
ble with their dogs to do a demo in front of DSW store from 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 20 or they will be consid6 – 8 pm.
ered abandoned and removed from the property; all machinery exhibits must have plastic on the floor under the oil
Friday, February 19, 2016 – The Roy Porter Memorial
pan, and cardboard or carpet under the tires and jack. NO
Log Sawing Contest will tentatively be held at 7:00 p.m.
STEEL WHEELS; booths and exhibits should be kept neat
Registration will begin at 6:30 p.m. Contestants will be
and clean all week. The Chairman of each activity must
judged on the best time and will be limited to a FFA boys
make sure activities are cleaned up; no vehicles will be alteam and FFA girls team from each FFA Chapter in Frederlowed in the mall unless approved by the Ag Week Comick County. A monetary prize will be awarded to the FFA
mittee and raffles must be approved by the Ag Week ComChapter for the winning boys team and the winning girls
mittee and proper permits obtained.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016 – Mike Dickson of the
Seeds of Life Nurseries will host various demonstrations
and events at center court from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Beef, Sheep & Swine Meetings
All meetings will be held at the 4-H Camp and Activity
Center starting at 7:00 pm.
Tuesday, February 16th
March 24th
April 13th
May 11 (snow date)
BSS Sale Committee Meeting
Thursday, May 19th 7:00 p.m. at the Extension Office
in the small conference room.
Achievement Night
Frederick County 4-H Achievement Night will be held on Tuesday, April 12th at the 4-H Camp and Activities Center. This
year we will recognize Diamond Clover award recipients, Blue
Ribbon and Top Project Record Books, Outstanding 4-Hers and
UME Volunteer Service award recipients. Doors open at 6 p.m.
for refreshments; program begins at 6:30 p.m. Any awards not
received by the recipient at Achievement Night will be taken
back to the 4-H Office and given to the Club Leader to disburse.
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color,
sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Page 3
News from Mr. Todd
What an adventure I have had over my
first few months of working for 4-H in
Frederick County. From visiting several club meetings to attending the steer
weigh-in, I have been overwhelmed by
the generosity and welcoming individuals I have met along the way. I have
learned so much already and feel lucky
to be a part of this great program.
Some of the highlights for me in my
first three months have been getting
the chance to meet our club leaders at
my first leaders meeting, working with
the Royalty to plan some events and
coordinate different charity drives and
attending the Volunteer Forum in
Ocean City, MD. Looking ahead, I am
eager to start working more with you
all as plans start to come together. A
few opportunities that I am looking
forward to is offering workshops to
our volunteers to assist in the great
work that they do for Frederick County
4-H, as well as re-establish the youth
council to offer leadership development opportunities to those who participate. Additionally, I am thrilled
about the planning and preparation
that is going into providing a dynamic
camp this summer. We have a host of
enthusiastic counselors that will begin
training very soon and I am beyond
excited to be a part of this experience.
On a personal note, I am happy to announce that our daughter Eloise Harper McKinney arrived on January 26th.
We are so happy with our new addition
and ecstatic that we will be able to
raise her alongside this inclusive 4-H
Meeting Dates
Club Leaders Spring Meeting
Wednesday, March 23rd 6:30 p.m. at
the Extension Office, includes dinner
Building/Livestock Superintendents Meeting – Wednesday, May
25th 6:30 p.m. at the Extension Office,
includes dinner
A Note from Ms. Donielle
Where did the last month go? Frederick County 4-H is off to a busy start for
2016. Ag Week is just around the corner and Livestock Skillathon practices are
well underway with over 22 youth participants. A special thank you to Nell’s
Meats in Littlestown, PA for allowing our group to tour the facility and learn
about the different cuts of meat. During the month of January I was fortunate
to be able to visit with four 4-H clubs. Each of your clubs are doing amazing
work in your communities and have some awesome presenters. I am super
excited for the next 4 months and all the club visits we have lined up to visit.
Another exciting piece as we enter the spring months is our school 4-H program, a partnership with the Maryland Agriculture Education Foundation. Ms.
BreAnn and I have been preparing for our 4-H classes to begin in March. We
hope to be able to join many of you in your classrooms for our spring Ag Literacy program focused on Farm to Table, and whole grain nutrition.
We are also up to our ears in Record Books! Thank you for the time and effort
put forth in completing your 4-H record book. We will be reviewing each book
and providing suggestions and comments to help you document your 4-H experiences in the coming years. We hope you are able to join us at the County
Achievement Night when we will honor our record book award winners.
As you start your 2016 4-H project year be adventurous, try new projects and
meet new people. There are so many opportunities available to each of you in
the 4-H program. And remember, “You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” –A.A. Miline
Bunny Basics
Have you toyed with the idea of having a rabbit project in 4-H?
Are you signing up for the first time this year? Then, plan to attend Bunny Basics on Saturday, April 2nd from 1:00 p.m. until
4:00 p.m. to learn all about this "hare-raising" project. Topics to
be covered include: choosing a breed, preparing for your rabbit, purchasing
your rabbit, caring for your rabbit and rabbits at the Great Frederick Fair. We
will end with participants having time to pet and handle some breeds of rabbits. Workshop is limited to 30 participants. To register, email Deb Spurrier at by Monday, March 28th.
2016 Howard County 4-H Model Horse Show
The model horse show is one where youth can enter their model horse(s) in a
variety of classes. Collecting and showing model horses is both interesting and
informative. 4-H horse lovers of all ages will enjoy participating in the show. It
is especially a wonderful learning experience for 4-H'ers who do not have horses or for 4-H'ers who, because of health reasons, cannot physically work around
live horses.
The 2016 Howard County 4-H Model Horse Show is scheduled for Sunday, February 28th at the Howard County Fairgrounds starting at 11:00 a.m. You DO
NOT need to be enrolled in the horse project to participate. Please see the link
below for additional information.
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color,
sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
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University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Upcoming Deadlines/Events
Goat registration forms are due to
the 4-H Office by Friday, May 20th
Sheep/Swine registration forms
are due to the 4-H Office by Friday,
May 27th
Poultry, Rabbit & Cavy registration forms are due to the 4-H Office
by Wednesday, June 1st
Sheep Weigh-in: Monday, June
6th (details to be shared at the Apr
BSS meeting)
Swine Weigh-in: Saturday, June
4th (details to be shared at the Apr
BSS meeting)
Market Goat Weigh-in: Saturday,
May 28th at 8:00 a.m.
Beef Workshop: Saturday, April
23rd 9 :00 a.m.-12:oo p.m. at the
Frederick Fairgrounds bldg. 18
Dairy and Meat Goat Workshops:
Saturday, May 28th 10:00 a.m. at the
Frederick Fairgrounds
Sheep Workshop: TBD
Swine Workshop: Saturday, April
16th 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at the
Frederick Fairgrounds bldg.14
Alpaca, Dog & Horse ID cards are
due to the 4-H Office by Wednesday,
June 1st
Breeding & Performance leases
(along with the Statement of Understanding) due Friday, July 1st
unless attending Wills Fair then
they are due May 2nd to the 4-H Office
Interested in dairy cattle and/or the dairy industry? Dairy Bowl practice will
begin February 21st 7-9pm at (NEW LOCATION) Walkersville Community
Church 207 Braeburn Dr, Walkersville.
Club Leaders: Fair Eligibility forms
due to the 4-H Office by Wednesday,
June 1st.
Have fun learning about the dairy industry while preparing for the state contest held April 16th. For directions or more information contact:
Cindy Rhoderick - or 240-367-7619
To have the Goat Getaway packed emailed to you contact
Dairy Bowl
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color,
sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Page 5
It's Time to Sign Up for Wills Fair !!! The show is May 21, 2016 at the
Howard County Fairgrounds. Entries are due by April 22, 2016 to the Carroll County Office.
2015 Maryland State Fair
2016 Great Frederick Fair
August 26th to September 5th
September 16th - 24th
Join the MD 4-H Animal Science Email List
Do you want to keep up to date with MD 4-H Animal Science Program activities and events? We have several email lists established for volunteers affiliated with the 4-H
Animal Science Programs. The list will be monitored to
prevent unrelated viruses and emails from being distributed. 4-H Horse Volunteers, 4-H Dog Volunteers, 4-H Poultry Volunteers, 4-H Livestock Volunteers. To join a list,
email your request to Chris Anderson
with your name, county and email address.
Animal Husbandry & Quality Assurance
All Maryland 4-H members enrolled in alpacas, beef, dairy,
goats, horse and pony, poultry, sheep, swine and rabbits are
required to complete the Maryland 4-H On-Line Animal Husbandry & Quality Assurance (AH&QA) Program. This program
is offered to help youth who participate in 4-H animal projects
in Maryland learn about the importance of caring for, grooming and showing their animals in safe and ethical ways. More
information to come when the website is up and running.
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color,
sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
Page 6
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color,
sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Page 7
Healthy Lifestyles
Camp 2016
Day Camp: July 11th - 15th
Day and Residential Camp: July 18th - 22nd
Register Now!
Mark your Calendar for the 2016 Healthy Lifestyles Workshop!
4-H'ers of all ages are welcome. The topics have not all been
finalized, but will follow in the tradition of bringing you
the latest trends in fitness, nutrition and healthy living. Healthy
Lifestyles Workshop- Saturday, April 9, 2016 at the Montgomery County Extension Office. Register online before April 4
(registration will be made available in February). If you don’t
want to register online, you can call Mike Laudwein at 301-5902824, but please don't just leave a message because he needs to
ask you questions.
Healthy Lifestyles & Visual Presentations Contests- Saturday, May 21, 2016 at the Montgomery County Extension Office.
Are you interested in serving as a camp counselor for
This is a Central Maryland 4-H event (Montgomery, Frederick, &
summer 2016? Applications are now being accepted for
Howard Counties) you may compete in both. More information
teens interested in serving as a 2016 Camp Counselor.
Training begins Sunday, February 28th at 1:00 p.m. at the to come.
Frederick Extension Office, bring your application with
you! No experience needed, just an enthusiastic attitude.
Exciting New Horticulture Program
‘Make It Take It’ projects for any 4-H or FFA member of Frederick County; click on the link below or on the 4-H website. Projects are as follows:
Camp Counselors Needed
Record Book Judges Needed
Volunteers interested in helping judge record books
should email BreAnn General Record
Book Judging will be Saturday, February 27th. An orientation will be provided from 9 – 9:30 a.m. and judging
will follow until 3 p.m. Lunch is provided for judges, and
individuals can judge for either the morning / afternoon
or both.
Scrapbook using grocery bags February 16, 2016
4-H Scholarships
Pressing Flowers/Leaves October 18, 2016
Be sure to check our webpage for updated information
about upcoming scholarship due dates and application
Frederick County scholarships are due Friday,
March 4th by 4:00 p.m. to the 4-H Office.
Beef, Sheep and Swine scholarships are due Friday, March 4th by 4:00 p.m. to the 4-H Office.
There will be two $500 Camp Center scholarships
awarded. Applications are to be postmarked by
March 1st and mailed to Jen Martin.
The Darren S. Kennedy Scholarship is due April 30,
MD 4-H Foundation scholarship applications are
to be postmarked by June 1, 2016.
Seed Charts March 15, 2016
Silk and Fresh Corsages April 19, 2016
Hypertufa Containers May 17, 2016
Evergreen Centerpieces November 15, 2016
Holiday Gathering & Award Certificates of Completion for participating in at least 4 this year. December 20, 2016
In addition to the FUN learning activities, we will have a short
lesson on some aspect of the NJHA [National Junior Horticulture
Association] ( contest. They include: Identification of Trees & Shrubs, Houseplants, Vegetable Market Packs,
Identification of Cut Flowers, Sampling Fruits, Smells of Herbs
and Vegetables, Identification of Evergreen and Cones.
Instructors include: Myrtle Sturtz, 4-H Horticulture Coach;
Donielle Axline, 4-H UME Educator; Susan Trice, UME Horticulture Educator/Master Gardener Coordinator; and various other
UME volunteers and community leaders.
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color,
sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
Page 8
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Attention Fashionistas and Crafters!!
If you are interested in helping plan, create decorations or share
ideas for the 2016 4-H Fashion Revue? Please join us on Saturday,
February 20, 2016 from 9:00-10:30 a.m. at the Howard County
Fairgrounds. For more information please email Donielle at All are welcome!!
Communications Workshops/Contest
Workshop has been rescheduled for Saturday, February 20, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. at the Howard County
fairgrounds. For more information go to https://
Communication Contest- March 12, 2016 to be
held at Bushy Park Elementary. 4-Her's may participate in four different Communication Contest areas: Prepared Speech, Interpretations, Radio/Public
Address, Extemporaneous Speech. Clovers are welcome to participate in Prepared Speech area only,
reciting the American or 4-H pledge. For more information go to
New Activities for Cloverbuds
Available from the 4-H Mall!
Fun and educational, Cloverbud activities are designed for children ages 5-8. Adaptable to a variety
of settings, these activities are ideal for 4-H clubs,
homeschool programs, summer camps, afterschool
sessions, or even for families looking for weekend
4-H Online Resources for Marketing
Your Club & Activities
The Fashion Revue is an educational activity which allows youth to
develop life skills in the following ways:
Decision Making - Youth develop and apply decision-making
skills when selecting fabric, patterns, or ready-to-wear garments.
Leadership - Youth expand their leadership skills by working in
committees to plan the fashion revue.
Communication - Youth apply their skills in writing and speaking by developing and presenting narrations for the Fashion Revue.
Creative Thinking - Youth create the theme, design stage decorations, and choreograph the Fashion Review
Self Confidence - Youth develop poise and increase self esteem
through modeling.
Responsibility - Youth accept obligations and assume responsibility for completion of a set of goals.
The 4-H Marketing Online Resource Center (MORC)
is the go-to resource for 4-H volunteers for all of
their 4-H marketing materials including photos,
templates, ads, and logos. Register for access to today!
Looking for Club Supplies Hurry!
Starting today, all products under our Club Supplies umbrella, which includes record book covers,
flags, signs, and stickers, are all 20% off. Sale ends
Tuesday, February 9th, at midnight, with all discounts applied at checkout.
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color,
sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
Page 9
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
On December 5th the Rocky Ridge 4-H Club went Christmas caroling in the Thurmont community and made bake goods
to hand out. Afterwards, the members of the club went to the
Thurmont grange for a pizza party. During the month of December the club collected donations for Toys For Tots for kids with
cancer. For community service the club made desserts and
served the guests of the Thurmont Ambulance Company annual
Rocky Ridge 4-H Club
Reporters Brittnee Brown,
Samantha and Natalie Bentz
Johnsville 4-H Club has been busy the past two months; on Decem-
ber 10th we Christmas caroled through Johnsville. Santa & the 4-H members along with their families sang Christmas songs and delivered goodie
baskets to the homebound residence of the community. The baskets included soups, sandwiches, candy, cookies and homemade apple butter the
club members made. On December 18th our club hosted Bingo for the residence of Homewood at Crumland Farms; we made snowmen crafts that
were given as prizes. Both the 4-H members and the residents really enjoy when we host Bingo. On January 9th we had a club craft day. We made
snowmen out of a fencepost; each club member that participated can enter their craft at the fair. At our January meeting we discussed Ag Week
and what flavor ice cream we wanted to make. We also had demonstrations presented from Haley & Abby Dinterman on how to make rock candy. We also recently held a club demonstration day. On January 16th we
had a holiday party with a DJ, photo booth, door prizes & games. That was
a really fun time for the club members and their family. Upcoming activities include participating in Ag Week activities, 4-H Paint Night, Sewing
Craft Day , Hosting Bingo at Homewood.
Ella Jacobs, Club Reporter
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color,
sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
Page 10
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
On Sunday, January 10th, members of The Bug Patrol visited the Suitland
Annex of the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History and received a "behind
the scenes" tour of the facility. Members saw some of the more than 1 million
insects stored there; a collection of elephant bones, including the skull of an
elephant shot by President Teddy Roosevelt; some crocodiles; a bunch of specimens stored in alcohol, and even a giant squid.
Officers in photo-left to right top to bottom. Cullen Leck, Alexandra Broadhurst, Jay Andrews,
Kelly Blahut, Catherine Jenkins, Grace Kreuzburg,
Joanna Cleaver.
The Fredrick Tailwaggers have elected their officers and had a Christmas
party since the end of 2015. The Christmas party was held at the CKC, on January 2nd, where there was food, games, and a gift swap. Everyone enjoyed
themselves and a couple people interested in the Tailwaggers came and met
the kids, parents, and our Obedience, Rally, and Showmanship trainer, Miss
Randy. The elected officers are, President: Joanna Cleaver. Vice President: Cullen Leck. Secretary: Cullen Leck. Treasure: Jay Andrews. Corresponding: Kelly Blahut.
Historian: Grace
Kreuzburg & Alexandra
Catherine Jenkins
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color,
sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
Page 11
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
The 4-H Achievers held their annual toy drive in December for the Toys for Tots collection. Many toys were
collected and donated by club members. The 4-H Achievers have been busy preparing for Ag Week at the Mall.
Members have been making posters and working on a
booth to display. Members also have been busy planning
for their many activities for the year. The 4-H Achievers
meet the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the
Frederick Masonic Lodge on Blentlinger Road.
Club members collected
and donated over 25 toys
for Toys for Tots. Shown
with a few of the donations
are (from left), Brandon
Kreh, Bella Tranchina,
Blair Kreh, Sarah Peltzer,
and Wally Leatherman;
and (center), Buck Leatherman, and Bella’s younger
brother, Alex.
Brandon and Blair Kreh are placing the toy donations in the collection box.
4-H members are busy working on their posters for Ag Week at the Mall.
The Alpha Alpaca 4-H
Club has had a busy last few
months. In November we volunteered at the Howard County
Fairgrounds for the Maryland
Alpaca Association's Fiber Festival. We had a booth set up
where we demonstrated carding
alpaca fiber and we had a few
obstacles set up to show how we do performance shows
at the fair. The club members had a great weekend talking about alpacas to the public and were even featured in
the Baltimore Sun the next week. In December we had
our annual Christmas party. The party was held in a local
church fellowship hall and included games, gift exchange,
and lots of good food. We started out the New Year right
with our club’s fun activity day that involved bowling, pizza, and a movie. We look forward to many exciting events
coming up this year including alpaca shows, volunteering.
and community service .....all for the love of alpacas.
Club members and their families enjoyed a pizza party and gift exchange
during their annual Christmas party.
Alayna Mahosky, Club Recorder
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color,
sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Page 12
Calico Clovers 4-H UPDATE
By Abby Sharp, Club Reporter
We had a great time at the Calico Clovers 4-H meeting on January 21,
2016! The big event was to welcome members of the Brunswick
American Legion, who received a special gift. Six blankets made by
the Calico Clovers were given to the Warm the Vet program.
Calico Clovers 4-H’ers and members of the Brunswick American Legion: Connie and Dave House, Nannette Cline, Pam Holzman, Donna
and Greg Fuss, Andrea Anderson, and Special Corps legion member
Shane Powers
Clover members Colin Arnold, Ian Bass, Aeriana Carter, and Brooke Crown
showed off their big snowflakes before the big snow. I wonder if they knew
what was coming?
Morgan Thompson and Ava Vrany
gave an interesting demonstration
on raising sheep. The model they
built taught us all of the important
things we need to know, in a way
that is easy to understand.
Ian Sanville demonstrated his skill in Mixed Martial Arts, and showed us his uniform and the padding that allows him to practice safely. His brother Ben told us
all about animal byproduct. He brought us a sow’s ear used for pet chews, a cow
hide for leather products, and sheep wool for weaving things like blankets to keep
our Veterans warm.
We heard an extra special presentation, The Top 3 Tips for Public Speaking, from Mrs. Ellen Crown. 4-H members who
want to tell the world about the great stuff we do can learn a lot from an experienced speaker like her. Clear thinking
heads need clear speaking mouths!
Please check the 4-H calendar for upcoming events like Ag Week at the Mall, Mini-College, and the Valentines Dance! And
join us at our next meeting on February 18th.
Calico Clovers members knotting one of the five
blanket members made for Warm the Vet project sponsored by the Brunswick American Legion.
Picture attached - Calico Clovers 4-Hers took 25 mittens from the Valley
Elementary School giving Christmas tree. We went shopping as a group
and then went to Golden Coral to wrap the presents and shared dinner
together with our families. It was a great night.
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color,
sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Page 13
Camp and Activities Center
Community Service Schedule
Club Leaders - please contact Christy Fuss at
the Camp Center 240-397-9442 prior to your
club’s month to see when and if your club’s
help is needed for any events.
Feb - Boots n Buckles, Rocky Ridge, Bits n
Mar - Shookstown, Alpha Alpaca
Apr - Valley Urbanites, Jefferson Co-Eds
May - Shooting Sports, Middletown Dairy,
Greener Pastures
Jun - Tailwaggers, Adamstown, Kaleidoscope
Jul - None
Aug - 4-H Achievers, Middletown Valley Youth
Sep - None
Oct - Walkersville, Paddock Pals
Nov - Johnsville, Calico Clovers
Dec - Jr. Dairy Club, Goat Club, Tom’s Creek
Did you know…
only 4-H Members and
trained UME Volunteers
have profiles in the
4HOnline system.
If you are a parent,
your info. is in your
child’s profile.
All Stars
The Frederick County All Stars currently meet twice a year, in January
and then again in June prior to the County 4-H Campfire. The organization is calling for more member involvement as we strive to build a
strong local program. Interested members should call Viola Noffsinger
at 301-418-1760.
2016-01-30-All Stars meeting-HonoreesBobbie Fogle, Aaron Weedy, and
Elizabeth Zimmermann Benitez
2016-01-30-All Stars meeting
Viola Noffsinger and Pam Saylor
2016-01-30-All Stars meeting-J im Wightman, Pat Fellows,
Pam Saylor, Cristy Fuss, Bobbie Fogle, and Myrtle Sturtz
UME Trained Volunteers
Renewal and Re-Enrollment Information
There are 2 steps for to renew and remain active as a UME Trained Volunteers.
1st is to send in your Renewal form and your Behavioral Expectations form
which were emailed or mailed to you. If you don’t have one or need it resent please contact Lisa at
2nd is to re-enroll yourself in the 4HOnline system. Your login is your family email address; If you don’t remember your password you can request one
to be sent to your email. Not sure if you have an online profile? You can
email Lisa at and she will look it up for you. If you have
children then your name should also be listed under your family’s member
list; if you don’t see it then you need to add yourself as an adult.
2016 Apr-May
Newsletter deadline:
April 1, 2016
Send articles and pictures
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color,
sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
Page 14
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color,
sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
University of Maryland Extension - Frederick County 4-H Youth Development
Frederick County 4-H Newsletter
Page 15
UME Volunteer Information
Interested in becoming a certified UME 4-H Volunteer? Its a simple 3 step process:
1. Go to the Frederick County 4-H website
ume-volunteers and fill out and return the 6 necessary forms by email or postal mail to: Attn: Lisa, UME Frederick County 4-H, 330 Montevue Lane, Frederick, MD 21702 or
2. After your completed paperwork has been returned to the office Lisa will contact you to schedule an over the
phone Interview which takes about 10-15 minutes.
3. After your Interview Lisa can sign you up for the online orientation training.
After these steps are done and all paperwork is in, the 4-H Educator will review your file and when approved you
will receive your 4-H Maryland Leader card. You will need to set up an online profile. To keep your certified volunteer status current each year you will need to sign a Renewal Appointment Agreement and a Behavioral Expectations Form. Any questions contact Lisa Strong at or 301-600-1595.
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
Horticulture ‘Make It Take It”
BSS Meeting
Ag Week at the Mall
Fashion Revue Meeting @ Howard County Fairgrounds
Communications Workshop @ Howard County Fairgrounds
7:00 p.m.
Dairy Bowl Practice Begins @ Walkersville Community Church
9:00 a.m.
Record Book Judging @ FC Extension Office
11:00 a.m.
Model Horse Show @ Howard County Extension Office
1:00 p.m.
Camp Counselor’s Training
4:00 p.m.
Deadline: Camp Center Scholarship Application (Postmarked)
Deadline: Goat Getaway
Deadline: BSS and Frederick County 4-H Scholarships
Cluster Communications Contest @ Bushy Park Elementary
Horticulture ‘Make It Take It”
Goat Getaway @ Frederick County 4-H Camp and Activities Center
Spring Leader’s Meeting @ FC Extension Office
Deadline: Bunny Basics Registration
Deadline: Broiler Chick Project Orders to 4-H Office
Deadline: Apr-May Newsletter
Bunny Basics Workshop @ FC Extension Office
Elite East Show and Sale @ Frederick Fairgrounds
Achievement Night
Deadline: Wills Fair Registration
Deadline: Darren S. Kennedy Scholarship
4:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Livestock Skillathon @ FC Extension Office
4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color,
sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
Donielle R. Axline
Faculty Extension Assistant
Check us out on Facebook! To
be able to view the page click
on this link and
sign in or sign up for a
facebook account.
Todd McKinney
Extension Educator