4th Grade Rubrics Content Area: Report Card Language: CCSS:

4th Grade Rubrics ! !
Content Area: Reading - Literature and Informational Text
Report Card Language: The student can read and comprehend fourth grade level texts.
CCSS: RI.4.10 and RL.4.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature and informational text in the grades 4–5 text complexity
band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Performance Levels for Reported Standards
Limited progress
toward standard
Progressing toward
Meets the standard
Exceeds the
the standard
Classroom Formative and
Summative Assessments
• Rarely or never reads
grade level texts.
• Sometimes reads end of
grade level texts.
• Consistently reads end of
grade level texts.
• Reads above grade level
Independent work on end
of grade level literature
and informational texts.
• Rarely or never rereads
a text to find more
information or clarify
• Sometimes rereads a
text to find more
information or clarify ideas.
• Consistently rereads a
text to find more
information or clarify ideas.
• Rereads a text to find
more information or clarify
ideas in above grade
level text.
• Sometimes uses reading
strategies to understand
the text.
• Consistently uses
reading strategies to
understand the text.
• The student’s ORF is
70-114 words correct per
• The student’s ORF is
115-129 words correct per
Assessment Resources:
•Treasures placement test
•DIBELS Next Oral
Reading Fluency
•Treasures reading
•Treasures weekly tests
•Treasures benchmark
• Rarely or never uses
reading strategies to
understand the text.
• The student’s ORF is
less than 70 words correct
per minute
North Clackamas School District Proficiency Rubrics! !
• Uses reading strategies
to understand above
grade level text.
• The student’s ORF is
greater than 129 words
correct per minute.
4th Grade Rubrics ! !
Content Area: Reading - Foundational Skills
Report Card Language: The student can read 4th grade level text orally with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
CCSS: RF 4.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Performance Levels for Reported Standards
Limited progress
toward standard
Classroom Formative and
Summative Assessments
Possible Assessments:
DIBELS Next Oral
Reading Fluency
Progressing toward
Meets the standard
Exceeds the
the standard
• The student’s ORF is
less than 70 words
correct per minute.
• The student’s ORF is
70-114 words correct per
• The student’s ORF is
115-129 words correct per
• The student’s ORF is
greater than 129 words
correct per minute.
• The student reads with
less than 93% accuracy
on ORF.
• The student reads with
• The student reads with
98% accuracy on ORF.
• The student reads with
99-100% accuracy on
93-97% accuracy on ORF.
Treasures Fluency
North Clackamas School District Proficiency Rubrics! !
4th Grade Rubrics ! !
Content Area: Reading Foundational and Language
Report Card Language: The student can determine the meaning of unknown words, words with multiple meanings, figurative
language, and content area vocabulary.
CCSS: RI.4.4: Determine the meaning of general and domain specific words or phrases in a text relevant to grade 4 topic or subject areas.
L.4.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 4 reading and content, choosing
flexibly from a range of strategies.
Performance Levels for Reported Standards
Limited progress
toward standard
Classroom Formative and
Summative Assessment
Treasures Weekly Tests
Questions 1-4
Rarely able to
determine meaning of
unknown words,
multiple meaning words,
figurative language, and
content area vocabulary
based on the context.
Progressing toward
Meets the standard
Exceeds the
the standard
Sometimes able to
determine meaning of
unknown words, multiple
meaning words, figurative
language, and content
area vocabulary based on
the context.
• The student is
Consistently able to
determine meaning of
unknown words, multiple
meaning words, figurative
language, and content
area vocabulary based on
the context.
consistently able to
determine the meaning of
unknown words, multiple
meaning words, figurative
language, and content
area vocabulary, and
apply them in multiple
• Student determines
meaning of words that are
found in above grade level
North Clackamas School District Proficiency Rubrics! !
4th Grade Rubrics ! !
Content Area: Reading - Literature
Report Card Language: The student can explain the text and draw inferences from literature.
CCSS: RL 4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Performance Levels for Reported Standards
Limited progress
toward standard
Classroom Formative and
Summative Assessments
Independent work on end
of grade level texts.
While explaining and
drawing inferences from
literature, the student
shows serious
misconceptions or lack
of understanding.
North Clackamas School District Proficiency Rubrics! !
Progressing toward
Meets the standard
Exceeds the
While explaining and
drawing inferences from
literature, the student
shows a complete and
correct understanding.
While explaining and
drawing inferences from
literature, the student
shows an extended
understanding and may
make connections to
other pieces of
the standard
While explaining and
drawing inferences from
literature, the student
shows a partial
understanding which
may include some flaws. !
4th Grade Rubrics ! !
Content Area: Reading - Literature
Report Card Language: The student can determine the theme of a story.
CCSS: RL 4.2 Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text.
Performance Levels for Reported Standards
Limited progress
toward standard
Classroom Formative
and Summative
Independent work on
end of grade level texts.
Progressing toward
Meets the standard
Exceeds the
the standard
• While determining the
theme of literature, the
student shows serious
misconceptions or lack
of understanding.
• While determining the
theme of literature, the
student shows a partial
understanding which
may include some flaws.
• While determining the
theme of literature, the
student shows a
complete and correct
• Rarely able to
effectively summarize a
text using details from
the text.
• Sometimes able to
summarize end of grade
level texts using details
from the text.
• Consistently able to
summarize end of grade
level texts using details
from the text.
• While determining the
theme of literature, the
student shows an
extended understanding
and may make
connections to other
pieces of literature.
• Consistently able to
summarize above grade
level texts using details
from the text.
•Details include
characters, settings, and
events, with evidence to
support the descriptions
North Clackamas School District Proficiency Rubrics! !
4th Grade Rubrics ! !
Content Area: Reading - Literature
Report Card Language: The student can compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories are narrated.
CCSS: RL 4.6 Compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories are narrated, including the difference between first- and thirdperson narrations.
Performance Levels for Reported Standards
Limited progress
toward standard
Classroom Formative and
Summative Assessments
Independent work on end
of grade level texts.
• Rarely or never
determines the difference
between first person and
third person.
• Rarely or never
compares and contrasts
the point of view in
different stories.
• Rarely or never
determines a narrator’s or
speaker’s point of view in
a story.
North Clackamas School District Proficiency Rubrics! !
Progressing toward
Meets the standard
Exceeds the
the standard
• Sometimes determines
the differences between
first and third person.
• Sometimes compares
and contrasts the point of
view in different stories.
• Consistently determines
• Can determine the
the differences between first differences between first
and third person.
and third person in above
grade level text.
• Consistently compares and
contrasts the point of view in Compares and contrasts
different stories.
the point of view in
different stories above
grade level text.
• Sometimes determines a • Consistently determines a
narrator’s or speaker’s point
narrator’s or speaker’s
of view in a story.
point of view in a story.
• Determines a narrator’s
or speaker’s point of view
in a story above grade
level text.
4th Grade Rubrics ! !
Content Area: Reading - Literature
Report Card Language: The student can compare and contrast similar themes, topics and patterns of events in literature.
CCSS: RL 4.9 Compare and contrast the treatment of similar themes and topics (e.g., opposition of good and evil) and patterns of events (e.g.,
the quest) in stories, myths, and traditional literature from different cultures.
Performance Levels for Reported Standards
Limited progress
toward standard
Progressing toward
Meets the standard
Exceeds the
the standard
Classroom Formative and
Summative Assessments
• Rarely or never defines
the theme.
• Sometimes defines the
• Consistently defines the
• Defines the theme in
above grade level text.
Independent work on end
of grade level texts.
• Rarely or never
compares and contrasts
how stories, myths, and
traditional literature from
different cultures treat the
same theme, topic, or
pattern of events.
• Sometimes compares
and contrasts how stories,
myths, and traditional
literature from different
cultures treat the same
theme, topic, or pattern of
• Consistently compares
and contrasts how stories,
myths, and traditional
literature from different
cultures treat the same
theme, topic, or pattern of
• Compares and contrasts
how stories, myths, and
traditional literature from
different cultures treat the
same theme, topic, or
pattern of events in above
grade level text.
North Clackamas School District Proficiency Rubrics! !
4th Grade Rubrics ! !
Content Area: Reading - Informational Text
Report Card Language: The student can explain and draw inferences from informational text.
CCSS: RI 4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Performance Levels for Reported Standards
Limited progress
toward standard
Progressing toward
Meets the standard
Exceeds the
the standard
Classroom Formative and
Summative Assessments
• Rarely or never can
define inference.
• Sometimes can define
• Consistently can define
Independent work on end
of grade level texts.
• Rarely or never identifies
explicit details from the
text to support ideas.
• Sometimes identifies
explicit details from the
text to support ideas.
• Consistently identifies
explicit details from the
text to support ideas.
• Rarely or never finds
• Sometimes finds
• Consistently finds
answers that require an
answers that require an
inference. North Clackamas School District Proficiency Rubrics! !
answers that require an
• Identifies explicit details
from above grade level text
to support ideas.
• Finds answers that require
an inference in above grade
level text.
4th Grade Rubrics ! !
Content Area: Reading - Informational Text
Report Card Language: The student can summarize informational text while using key details.
CCSS: RI 4.2 Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text.
Performance Levels for Reported Standards
Limited progress
toward standard
Classroom Formative and
Summative Assessments
Independent work on end
of grade level texts.
• Rarely or never
determines the main idea
of a text.
• Rarely or never identifies
key details in a text and
how they support the main
• Rarely or never writes a
summary of the key points
of a text.
North Clackamas School District Proficiency Rubrics! !
Progressing toward
Meets the standard
Exceeds the
the standard
• Sometimes determines
the main idea of a text.
• Consistently determines
the main idea of a text.
• Sometimes identifies key
details in a text and how
they support the main
• Consistently identifies
key details in a text and
how they support the main
• Sometimes writes a
• Consistently writes a
summary of the key points
of a text.
summary of the key points
of a text.
• Determines the main
idea for above grade
level text.
• Identifies key details and
how they support the main
idea for above grade
level text.
• Writes a summary of the
key points of above grade
level text.
4th Grade Rubrics ! !
Content Area: Reading - Informational Text
Report Card Language: The student can use evidence to support the main idea in a text.
CCSS: RI 4.8 Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text.
Performance Levels for Reported Standards
Limited progress
toward standard
Classroom Formative and
Summative Assessments
Independent work on end
of grade level texts.
Progressing toward
Meets the standard
Exceeds the
the standard
• Rarely or never identifies
the reasons and evidence
used to support particular
points in a text.
• Sometimes identifies the
reasons and evidence
used to support particular
points in a text.
•Consistently identifies the
reasons and evidence
used to support particular
points in a text.
•Identifies the reasons and
evidence used to support
particular points in above
grade level text.
• Rarely or never explains
how the reasons and
evidence support the
particular points in a text.
• Sometimes explains how
the reasons and evidence
support the particular
points in a text.
• Consistently explains
how the reasons and
evidence support the
particular points in a text.
• Explains how the
reasons and evidence
support the particular
points in above grade
level text.
North Clackamas School District Proficiency Rubrics! !