Green Impact Universities and Colleges Excellence: Final Report The Final Report is an opportunity for you to celebrate your hard work and achievements in Green Impact Universities and Colleges Excellence. We hope that a lot of your projects will continue after the submission deadline, but you should aim to summarize your work so far. Please ensure your Final Report consists of no more than six pages and includes at least three photos. Name of team: GREEN BELTERS Project name: Recycled soft drinks can Christmas Tree 1.0 2.0 Aims and Objectives • To raise awareness of recycling on Campus • To promote recycling in a fun & highly visible way Summary • • • • • To To To To To work together as a Team on a visible recycling project utilise the vast number of empty soft drinks cans on Campus raise awareness of recycling facts create a talking point gain feedback from staff & students on Recycling & the project 3.0 Project Outcomes Please refer to your SMART action plan and fill out the additional two columns on the right-hand side: What was achieved? Any barriers to action? Action Specific Measurable 1. Agree on Project Must fit within the scope of Green Impact Excellence 1 large ‘Tree’ 2. Ensure a link with Student Green Unit Raising awareness of recycling SGU to support & promote Appropriat e Raise awareness of recycling Same goals re. awareness of recycling Realistic Time Minimal cost Need dedicated times from team To be agreed by October 2014 SGU have already participated in another successful joint Litter project November/ December Staff Responsible All staff able to propose & vote for a project Team leads & SGU 3. Set timescales as per General Plan point 4 4. Identify suitable locations 5. Engage Team members in collection of items prebuild Achieved ? Barriers to action? X X X Discuss with relevant senior managers including Director of Campus Services, & Property Services Provide list of items to be donated 1 or 2 suitable locations to be identified Need to be in locations that will have a high footfall Wide area across campus to choose from Identify and agree by midNovember Team and Senior Managers Request 50% of team donate Items identified as required for successful ‘Tree’ build Available from home, or can be collected free (on campus) Donations required by late October/earl y November Members of the team Location had to be negotiated X 6. Draw up the design of the ‘Tree’ 7. Preparation of empty cans 8. Liaise over construction of the frame within project timelines 9. Ensure safe & fit for purpose 10. Assembly of can ‘bunches’ 11. Protective Floor covering 12. Transportation of Frame Research designs on the internet & in situ at Seale Hayne College and decide on most suitable for location identified Ensure cans are not dented of damaged. Wash thoroughly & dry. Pierce each can with one hole (Appendix B) All items are available to meet design specification Agree design (Appendix A) Assorted Soft Drinks cans only Items available to construct chosen design By midNovember Team Leads with Stakeholder input (Property Services) Initial estimate 700 required Ensure frame matches construction design Collection Points across Campus & via Recycling bins From midNovember Team members & Volunteers Frame constructed by end of time allocated Availability of Labour, including stakeholders X Construction is stable Date set for construction mid-late November 2014 By 25th November 2014 Volunteers from team with stakeholders Frame is secure Construction is delivered to the agreed location Mix of brands/colou rs X Work diagram of assembly process (Appendix C) Risk Assessment (Appendix D) To prevent any damage to the flooring from the frame Movement of frame from place of build to agreed location in the Forum 5 cans per bunch Suitable material & decorative Working groups over lunch or at home Complete by early December Check undertaken by Property Services Team members, Volunteers & staff from other departments Adequate size Ensure safe method of transport Donated materials & made by a member of the team Use of Campus Services Move-it system By 28th November 2014 Team member X 28th November 2014 Campus Services/Prop erty Services X Made of recycled twigs Attention to detail of design X Originally calculated 700 cans but actually required 1200 X 13. Decoration for the top of the frame 14. Attach star & bunches to frame Risk Assessment (Appendix E) Star Adequate size for frame Plan to fill from the top Fill sections in stages 15. Record the build process Ensure the stages of the build are photographed/ videoed (Appendix F)` Use of Time lapse photography 16. Promote, once in situ, to students, staff and wider community and collect feedback. Draw up press release & identify media types (Appendices G & H) Collate media outlets & dates for releases 3.1 By 28th November 2014 From 28th November 2014 Team member University staff volunteered to carry out On 28th November 2014 Sustainability Team Continue to promote relationships with wider UoE & media During December & January Team leads Assorted Soft Drinks cans only Ensure frame is covered Available via team member For use on Sustainabilit y website & for future Green Impact Teams Ensure releases reach the identified target audiences Assistance from property Services for high level work Team members & Property Services Key Performance Indicator Update All of the KPIs set at the start of the project have been met • • • • • • Locations identified Engagement for 50% of team members in collection/sourcing materials Engagement of 10% of team in construction of ‘tree’ Engagement in construction with a minimum of 2 other ‘departments’ within the University ‘Tree’ constructed as per timescale Positive feedback on the project X Due to the requirement of addition 500 cans this enabled students passing to see the ‘tree’ under construction X X 3.2 Stakeholder Engagement In addition to involving the members of the Green Belters Team (which is already very diverse being spread over several offices) the following stakeholders have been involved and we are very grateful for their involvement. • • • • • • • 3.3 Students’ Green Unit Property Services Sustainability UPP Business School Families & friends Campus Services On-going work – Please describe tasks still to be completed and the timescales for doing so The ‘Tree’ has been requested for use by a student drama group in a production of RENT The Musical at the Phoenix in Exeter in January 2015. The Team has provisionally requested that space be allocated for the ‘Tree’ for the Christmas period 2015/2016 4.0 Project Difficulties & Opportunities Describe any difficulties that you have faced, methods to overcome these and opportunities. Mention and revisions to timescales or plan that you’ve had to do as a result The team members were all invited to submit ideas for the project and the ‘Tree’ offered scope for involvement by all members at their own personal level of commitment. Due to the recycling nature of the project, this provided the opportunity to utilise items which put Green Impact values into actions. We underestimated the number of cans required initially & eventually increased this to 1,200. Our preferred location was not initially offered but after putting our case forward it was agreed. 5.0 Excellence Legacy Provide details of how you will ensure your Excellence Project continues next year whilst you return to the workbook and how it can be applied by other teams/departments The location of the ‘Tree’ in the Forum, a high footfall area, allowed maximum visibility and the ability to provide a variety of facts regarding recycling. This also gave the opportunity to gather feedback on the project, and to encourage others to participate in Green Impact and related projects. Appendix F provides a photographic record of the Project 6.0 Special Awards Entries List the Green Impact Special Awards that you have nominated your Excellence project/or other team projects for. Appendices Appendix A – Tree design • 7 rods per quadrant, each 3m from base to top (welded at each level) • 3 circular ‘rims’ o Base – 127cm diameter (with welded cross struts and 4 base feet) o Middle – 82cm diameter (with welded cross struts) o Top – 20cm diameter Appendix B – Can preparation Appendix C - Can Christmas tree instructions Firstly thank you for taking part and helping us with our final Green Impact venture of 2014. Please see below for details of how to help create the can bunches which will be added to our Christmas tree. Equipment • 20 clean assorted cans with holes ready punched • 4 pre-cut pieces of wire The process 1. Choose five assorted cans – ideally of varying colour. 2. Place an end of the wire through the drinking hole of the first can (can 1) and out through the precut hole. You will need to leave a good amount of wire at the end in order for this to be tied to the frame eventually. (See image one) 3. The long end of the wire needs to then go through the drink hole of the second can and out through the pre-cut hole. 4. Continue this pattern through for the next two cans – totalling four cans tied together with two long ends either side. You then need to tie the two ends together in a twisty shape, leave enough to tie on a fifth can. (See image two) 5. With your four cans placed in a loop and tied, you then attach the fifth can by passing one of the ends through both the drink hole and pre-cut hole of the fifth can, adjoining them all. With the ends, tie together as you did in step four, leaving enough end to be tied to the frame. See page two for images showing how the cans should look when all tied together. Image one Image two The end result should look something like below: Image three Appendix D GENERAL RISK ASSESSMENT FORM College/Department Name of person carrying out assessment DESCRIPTION Residential Services Nicola BAKER Date of Risk Assessment Job Title To wire together groups of empty drinks cans using coated garden wire 05/11/14 Contracts Accommodation Manager Give details of the process, task, activity, event etc. being risk assessed HAZARD IDENTIFICATION Hazard - something with the potential to cause harm within the process, task etc. you are assessing. NB: Consider things that you can “foresee” / imagine going wrong and how this could happen? Ref: What control measures are already in place to reduce the risk of the hazard becoming a reality? Refer to the hazards identified above i.e. A B C D etc. Who and How Many can be harmed? e.g. student, staff, contractors etc. Describe Cleanliness of cans Sharp edges Use of flexible garden wire A B All cans will have been washed & dried prior to the task All participating to be advised of the risk of sharp edges The wire is provided in pre-cut lengths to insert into drinking apertures and pre-positioned smaller holes. All participating persons will be provided with instruction sheet & advised of method of handling. C D E F G All participating All participating All participating How can they be harmed? A B C D E F G Ref: EXSITING CONTROL MEASURES IN PLACE Hazard Hygiene Cuts Scratches You may combine some of the hazards together if one control measure addresses more than one hazard e.g. A, C & E to save repeating the same information Appendix E GENERAL RISK ASSESSMENT FORM College/Department Residential Services Date of Risk Assessment Name of person carrying out assessment Nicola Baker Job Title DESCRIPTION Give details of the process, task, activity, event etc. being risk assessed HAZARD IDENTIFICATION Hazard - something with the potential to cause harm within the process, task etc. you are assessing. NB: Consider things that you can “foresee” / imagine going wrong and how this could happen? EXSITING CONTROL MEASURES IN PLACE What control measures are already in place to reduce the risk of the hazard becoming a reality? Refer to the hazards identified above i.e. A B C D etc. 05/11/14 Contracts Accommodation Manager To position the metal frame at the agreed location and then to attach the empty drinks cans to the frame. The cans will already be tied in groups using coated garden wire which will then be attached by wrapping to the frame. Ref: A B C D E F Hazard Weather conditions Manual positioning of the frame Attaching can groups to frame Attaching cans at higher level Who and How Many can be harmed? e.g. student, staff, contractors etc. All participating All participating All participating All participating How can they be harmed? Describe Wet, cold Back injury Scratches from wire Falling G Ref: A B C D E F G You may combine some of the hazards together if one control measure addresses more than one hazard e.g. A, C & E to save repeating the same information All advised to wear appropriate clothing & footwear for the weather conditions Ensure that sufficient persons are involved in the move & follow safe lifting guidelines Ensure that the frame is stable with sufficient persons holding in place whilst secured Ensure all persons are wearing gloves to protect from the wire & are aware of the risk Ensure staff use the tele-tower in a safe method, with other persons in attendance throughout Appendix F Images showing the whole process Appendix G Social Media Coverage Facebook Posted Thursday 4 December 2015 Seen by 1,653 people Likes: 27 - Comments: 1 (Recorded as at 18.12.14) Posted Thursday 10 December 2015 Seen by approx. 17,000 people Likes: 153 - Comments: 2 (Recorded as at 18.12.14) Posted Monday 15 December 2015 Seen by 803 people Likes: 24 - Comments: 1 (Recorded as at 18.12.14) University News in Brief Posted Thursday 11 December 2014 Readership = 4,200 people were sent the News in Brief Students’ Green Unit Newsletter Emailed on Thursday 18 December 2014 Readership = sent to 455 subscribers Express and Echo Article featured in the Wednesday 18 December 2014 paper (page 39) Circulation = 19,353 Areas include: Central / South Devon / Exeter (Exmouth/Sidmouth/Tiverton) University of Exeter Sustainability Newsletter Newsletter sent on Wednesday 3 December 2014 Readership = 1,025 subscribers to the mailing list Campus Life Circulated on Friday 5 December 2014 and 8 February 2015 to all Campus Services Staff (over 750) Appendix H – Survey Results We created a survey on Survey Monkey and received 82 responses between November - January • • • o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 15 who answered were students 67 who answered were staff 39 respondents answered the gender and age question, results are below: Female, fifties o Female, forties. Female 30s o Female, 50s thirties female o thirties forties, female o Female, fifties Female, forties o twenties male fifties o twenties male Female, thirties o Female forties male, thirties o Female - 40s Female, forties o twenties & female female 30's o female, twenties 20s o Female, forties female twenties o thirties 50s male o 41 21 o F 30s Female, fifties o Female, twenties 40ish o Female, twenties Female , in my thirties o Male, teenager Female, twenties o Sixties Male 21 o Female in my twenties Female - forties • • • 74 respondents answered yes 4 respondents answered no 4 skipped the question Comments included: Positive Negative Indifferent 1. It was a high profile reminder of what we throw away, could recycle or re-use - at the time of year we are likely to become most wasteful 2. It's an unusual and innovative way to raise awareness of the green message - a nice change from the usual Christmas consumerism. 3. It was an interesting piece of art. 4. Good way to raise awareness of and encourage recycling 5. Shows how recycling is a good thing, to make other good things such as art. 6. Great visual impact and a clear message. Better than the usual commercial Chinese manufactured Christmas tat! 7. it's artistically interesting 8. It reinforced the recycling message in a festive and colourful way. 9. Tacky looking 10. it was a nice idea, although I am not entirely sure on the point of it. I will admit I didn't read (or even see) the fact sheet next to it. It didn't look particularly tree like - it might have looked better if it had been painted, but again, I may well have missed the point! 11. It looked absolutely fantastic and was a real talking point 12. It was something different to look at. 13. Interesting to see how much was recycled/how much could have been thrown away 14. Great impact - make it bigger next time!! 15. It looked cool and was different 16. It actually looks great and is drawing attention to the huge number of cans that are disposed of causing harm to our environment. 17. It's one of those good ideas that you do because you want to show how important Sustainability is and I think the more people who show they care the more buy in you will get from others 18. I thought it was different and looked great and effective 19. Festive, reusing waste, raising awareness of packaging 20. Looked good, unique, However was surprised at the huge amount of resources the tree did use - had to wash the cans (lots of energy used) lots of manpower was used to put the cans together - had to make the stand. Feel you need to do it more often to make it sustainable due to having to use resources to make the tree. 21. It is colourful, creative and recycling is always great 22. Raising awareness in a fun way 23. Brings home how many cans we use 24. Fab way to show off creative use of recycled stuff. 25. A sustainable alternative to the traditional tree. Really eye catching Brightens up the otherwise dull mezzanine level 26. Colourful and 'green' 27. It's cool and a bit different 28. Creative idea 29. Very creative thinking 30. I thought it was a fabulous idea to illustrate the waste we create, which we don't think about. 31. It is something original and adds to the Christmas festivities, but promotes 'Green' thinking. 32. Great to highlight the University's commitment towards green initiatives 33. I think it looks good, is an unusual and creative idea, and made me think about the amount of waste Christmas brings about, and what I could do to help reduce it. Don't know if that was the intention but that's how it affected me! 34. Creative with a great message 35. It’s an interesting way to highlight sustainability however does it translate into changed behaviour of staff/students within the University as recycling is already prevalent. Maybe it would be helpful to think of a way of highlighting what is not done already? 36. I'm ambivalent, neither for nor against. 37. Waste of time. 38. It's showing that the Uni cares about recycling...and it looks great! 39. Good visuals 40. It's fun and different and promotes recycling 41. Really interesting use of recyclable materials 42. Raising awareness of recycling 43. It was good to promote sustainability and raise awareness about recycling. It was good to see what the University of Exeter does. • • • 31 respondents had read the fact sheet 46 respondents hadn’t read the fact sheet 5 skipped the question • • • 67 answered the question 15 skipped Comments include: 1. Didn’t see it when I walked by 2. I read it because I was intrigued to find out what the can tree was all about. 3. Did not see it, only saw the tree from a distance 4. I didn't see it. 5. Didn't see it. 6. Didn't get close enough to see it - only saw the tree from a distance. 7. I didn't see the factsheet as I was passing by 8. I read it as I was interested in how long it took to make, I think it was useful for people who knew nothing about the project and wondered who had done it and why. 9. Can’t remember much about it. but I know I glanced at it 10. Curiosity 11. I wondered what it was all about 12. Can't remember if I read it or not, sorry! But I usually do to find out more about the background to a project. 13. Only saw the tree from upstairs. 14. I don't remember actually seeing one 15. I did not see it 16. Did not see it 17. Liked the fact sheet, read it because I was standing next to the tree waiting for someone (convenience!), also wanted to know what the cans were. Liked the layout, language used and presentation. All were good! 18. Saw the tree, didn't notice the factsheet 19. I was interested. I know that Nicola Baker was involved in making the tree and she has great ideas. 20. I didn’t know there was one - I couldn’t see it 21. I passed by very quickly and did not have time to stop and look at it properly. 22. I did not see it 23. It was interesting and I had some free time 24. It was informative 25. It was interesting 26. Lots of info, small writing, busy walkway, I'm always in a rush when going past that area 27. Was interested 28. I had not noticed it, but I will read it when I next see it 29. Text was too small. 30. Don't get a lunch break so haven't visited the Forum yet 31. To see why the tree is in place and what is signifies. 32. Haven't read yet as not see the tree in real life, only virtually. Will definitely read it when I go in to the Forum. 33. I didn't notice the fact sheet as I was hurrying to a meeting at the time. I'll go back and read it another time. 34. To get more informed about its purpose. 35. The fact sheet is essential to inform people what it is, what it symbolises and who is responsible for its design 36. I liked the fact sheet mainly because it gave memorable facts about the waste incurred if cans aren't recycled. 37. Didn't have time. 38. Info on number of cans. 39. have not been to the forum since the tree has gone up 40. To know why the tree had been made 41. I like to understand why installations are in the Forum, so if it is interesting. 42. I was interested to see how it came together. 43. I have seen it on social media but have not seen it in person as have not been in the Forum since 44. I was walking past quickly and haven't had time to stop and read it 45. Not on campus at present 46. Interesting facts! Very informative and engaging, not too much waffle 47. Dashing between meetings but plan to get a better look next week 48. I haven't been down to the forum and have not had the opportunity to read the green newsletter 49. Didn't notice it, although I did take a photo of the tree! 50. Just passing through 51. It did not interest me and the tree did nothing to change that. It is a pile of cans. 52. I like the specific facts about the equivalent savings by recycling a can 53. Every time I've walked past, I've been on my way somewhere so didn't have chance. 54. It was very informative. I read it as a friend was instrumental in the making of the tree, but had I walked past it I would have read it anyway. 55. Not interested 56. Liked the cans 57. Busy with work when passing 58. I didn't realise there was one. 59. Did not notice 60. Takes too much time to read 61. In a rush 62. I didn't know that ere was a fact sheet 63. I was interested in why we had the recycled tree 64. Didn't notice it 65. No time 66. To find out more about the tree 67. I read it because I wanted to know more. I liked finding out the different facts about recycling, it has made me think • • • • 68 people answered the question 14 people skipped the question 40 people liked the location 9 people thought it would look better elsewhere • 19 people were indifferent about the location • • 44 people answered the question 38 people skipped the question Comments are as follows: 1. This location did not feel like the most prominent place in the Forum 2. It was a good location as you get a lot of traffic past there from people going to and from the auditorium and costa 3. I would have liked it to have been on ground floor of forum so more visible & prominent. 4. good to have the tree visible in the forum - lots of passers by 5. It was a good focal point for the Forum 6. You could see it, but it didn't get in peoples way. 7. Could maybe work as well as an outdoor installation? 8. Looked very festive and made me think 9. Lots of people walk past that spot and would have seen it. 10. Would have been better placed outside 11. you could see it from both levels of forum which was good, although I didn't realise it was a tree at first 12. I thought it could have been more prominent 13. It was slightly hidden away 14. Quiet enough that I wasn't getting in anyone's way when I was reading the fact sheet, but i saw the tree every time i walked through the forum. 15. Not prominent enough - taller, bigger, more central next time. 16. lots of people saw it but it wasn’t downstairs in the forum which made it stand out 17. It may have been better downstairs but appeared to attract attention where it was 18. It would have been great with a spot light on it - maybe different coloured bulbs 19. I thought it was somewhere where everyone could see it 20. was where students/staff and the public could see easily 21. Good: visible from lots of places in the forum Bad: not a place many people hang around so not many are likely to read the information 22. liked the location 23. It was not too central in the forum which gave students/others the chance to admire the traditional Christmas tree, but it was still in sigh in a popular location which meant everyone still passed by it 24. Students with lectures in the forum would take up the space. 25. Haven't seen the location 26. It could clearly be seen by the Forum. 27. Noticed it on my way to the auditorium, was in a good position. 28. Brightens up an otherwise empty area 29. It would have been better to put it in the Forum Street, where more people would have seen it. 30. I wasn't actually sure where it is but I've just looked. 31. Like that you can see it from the other floors of forum 32. I think it could have been in a more prominent location downstairs in the Forum. 33. I like that you can see it from several places in the forum and it's in a location people walk past frequently. However, the fact this is a busy and often crowded space does make it more difficult to stop and read the factsheet. 34. I liked the tree where it was, but feel it could have had a more prominent position in the Forum downstairs 35. Easy access, visible. 36. I haven't been down to the forum since it was put up so can’t provide an opinion 37. I think it may have drawn more attention if it was nearer the main doors/centre of The Street 38. The location is great. 39. Prominent location 40. Think it should be downstairs, more prominent because it's special 41. I like that it's in a place where lots of students will pass by and see 42. Nice and visible 43. High visibility and footfall 44. I liked that it was on the mezzanine level; however, it was hidden slightly by the banners which were there. It would've been good to have been a bit more prominent. • • • • • • • • • • • 68 People answered the question 14 people skipped the question 29 people said it has made them more aware 31 people said it hadn’t helped to make them more aware 8 people were indifferent 17 people provided comments, please see below: 1. Already aware 2. already feel highly aware 3. It hasn't made me more aware, I am very aware anyway, but it was a lovely way of reminding people. 4. it seems more likely to raise awareness on waste and litter than recycling 5. I didn't read the factsheet! 6. There would have been a lot of waste if those cans weren't recycled. 7. Know about this stuff already - but a great message. 8. I am quite aware already 9. I already recycle as much as possible. 10. I'm already really aware 11. When you see so many empty drinks cans in one place it makes you wonder how many more millions there must be! 12. I'm more knowledgeable regarding aluminium cans specifically, and on the amount of power which could have been generated by the recycling of 1, or 4 cans. 13. It has at least made me think more about these things 14. I was already aware of recycling and sustainability so the tree does not really add anything meaningful to my understanding of it. 15. I'm already aware of the need to recycle. However, given many recycled materials are shipped back to countries where manufacturing is still profitably (e.g. China) its benefits are reduced by the energy requirements for the transportation. A world orientated around profit will never be sustainable until it becomes profitable to be so ... by which time it will be too late. 16. Interesting facts 17. Especially with the fact sheet. • • 50 people answered the question 32 people skipped the question Comments included: 1. Yes - eg: information about improvements already made in specific locations around campus 2. Yes, we should all be more aware about what we can do in our everyday lives to live more sustainably. 3. no preference 4. yes 5. Yes. I still see plenty of recyclable material in landfill bins. 6. No 7. Yes, I think it’s good for people to recycle. 8. Yes - still massive amounts we need to do a society. How about linking the sustainability issues around drinks cans, with the health messages about the contents, or the amount of cash you could save in a year by drinking tap water instead?! Sustainability messages often require altruism and being a "good citizen", but attaching those to things which might make a difference for individuals as well as society could be effective? 9. Yes - I am keen to promote recycling anywhere 10. I'm indifferent 11. Yes, it was creative as well as educational. 12. Yes, but I think they will need to be self-explanatory! 13. Yes 14. Other can sculpture, yes. Not sure how you would use other types of recycling, but I'd appreciate anything that was put up. 15. A few good striking ones (like this) is better than lots of not noticeable. What about a giant Easter egg??? 16. Yes - seeing so many cans in one place brings home the impact that actions by individuals in our large community can have. The tree was fun - it didn't feel like preaching a message. Also, I love the peacock that is tucked under the tree at the back of the Forum. It costs little, is created by our community, and brightens the day. 17. Yes - the more subtle the better 18. Yes, it is interesting to me 19. Yes 20. YES 21. Opportunity to leave unwanted packaging in Forum shop? 22. yes - especially to educate international students who may not recycle as much 23. Yes, definitely. It would be great to see perhaps a large display (made from recycled glass) which shows some university pride, perhaps the name of the university with the slogan etc... 24. yes 25. Depends on how much time it takes to complete 26. Yes, more visual displays would be interesting. 27. Yes! It's incredibly important to show people what can be done with unused items instead of sending to landfill. I do lots of "upcycling" projects at home to turn junk in to useful items. People just need to be shown that it can be easy and the resulting product can actually look good too. 28. Yes. Sculptures out of rubbish, 29. Yes, it could showcase the universities commitment to being sustainable 30. Yes, I think it's a good idea, as it's the future of our planet at stake. Maybe some artworks with the same theme. 31. Yes because then it might eventually have a personal impact. I recycle a reasonable amount already. I think there simply needs to be more advice on how and therefore I think they should hand out a small booklet containing details of how to do so. 32. yes, encourages recycling 33. Yes, I think increasing awareness is always a valuable thing to do. I think illustrating the paper waste we create in some format would be incredibly valuable. Like how many trees on campus would we have to have to make up the amount of paper we use each year? 34. Yes to encourage more people to become more involved and promote creativity. 35. Yes - I feel that showcasing initiatives like this in this way is the BEST way of internally communicating initiatives which will not be of immediate interest to all - it is a great way to not only raise awareness but also generate new interest. 36. Yes please - I like the idea of art installations as they are a non-aggressive/invasive but high-impact way of getting people's attention. You could maybe have more posters about exactly which items can be recycled in the bins on campus, and maybe invest in some recycled items such as benches / items of furniture around the campus, and highlight what items these have been made from. 37. Getting people to turn monitors off when they finish work would be a step in the right direction. It drives me round the bend! 38. Yes... Especially about paper as I dread to think how much is wasted at uni. 39. Maybe you could look at what we waste to make people more aware? 40. Yes. 41. Yes. 42. Yes 43. Yes 44. Yes I think that would be useful 45. Yes 46. Yes, recycling is really important and students need to be aware 47. Yes 48. Yes 49. Yes 50. I like this project because it is visual. • • 38 respondents answered 44 skipped the question Comments included: 1. Yes! 2. no - whilst I'm happy to recycle etc, It’s not something I feel strongly about 3. no. 4. No 5. I already receive the emails. 6. Already involved 7. not really, because of time pressures 8. Happy to help out. Our office won a green award a little while ago. 9. not sure 10. No thank you, too much on my plate! Will support where i can. 11. Yes, but too busy already. Keep up the good work, it is part of the "soul" of the university. 12. No - I'm involved in other initiatives. 13. Not directly please - but will support others 14. I am already quite an active member 15. No 16. possibly - interested but busy 17. Yes, certainly. These types of projects are a great idea as it teaches people about sustainability etc... 18. yes 19. If there is anything I can help with I'd be more than happy to. 20. I'm already involved in a small way, in my work area. 21. Why not :) 22. no 23. Yes. 24. Yes - 25. I would love to get involved in tree planting/ grounds projects that are available for staff to help with. I would like to know more about things I can do to help sustainability at the University. 26. I think tinkering around the edges is pointless when the global socio-economic structure is hardwired against all human and ecological interests. Efforts to reform the system are as futile as imagining sharks can be converted to vegetarianism. Worse, such campaigns have a pacifying influence on the few stirrings of rebellion against this anti- human society by masking the complete impasse this society has reached. In doing so, they preserve the system and thus perpetuate its brutal exploitation of humanity and environment. Or to put it more simply: sustainability is antisustainability. 27. A tentative yes but limited on time 28. No, I don't have the time to put to it. 29. No. 30. Maybe. 31. No 32. No 33. I would but I don’t have much time 34. No 35. No 36. No 37. Yes 38. I am involved in Green Impact