MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE February 9, 2012 Minutes The Board of Trustees of Houston Community College met as a Committee of the Whole on Thursday, February 9, 2012, at the HCC Administration Building, 2nd Floor, 3100 Main in Seminar Room A, Houston, Texas. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Mary Ann Perez, Chair Bruce Austin, Vice Chair Neeta Sane, Secretary Eva Loredo Sandie Mullins Carroll G. Robinson Richard Schechter ADMINISTRATION Mary Spangler, Chancellor Art Tyler, Deputy Chancellor/COO Renee Byas, General Counsel Shantay Grays, Interim Executive Officer to the Chancellor William Carter, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor, Instruction Diana Pino, Vice Chancellor, Student Success Daniel Seymour, Vice Chancellor, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Margaret Ford Fisher, President, Northeast College Fena Garza, President, Southwest College William Harmon, President, Central College Virginia Parras for Zachary Hodges, President Northwest College Irene Porcarello, President, Southeast College Betty Young, President, Coleman Health Sciences Remmele Young, Executive Director, Government Relations and Sustainability Willie Williams, Chief Human Resources Officer Kelly Zuniga, Executive Director, HCC Foundation OTHERS PRESENT Jarvis Hollingsworth, System Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani Thomas Urban, President, Faculty Senate Other administrators, citizens and representatives from the news media CALL TO ORDER Ms. Perez, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:23 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to Houston Community College as listed on the duly posted Meeting Notice. Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – February 9, 2012 - Page 2 STRUCTURED CABLING SERVICES (PROJECT NO. 12-13) Motion – Mr. Austin moved and Ms. Loredo seconded. Mr. William Carter informed that the item is to authorize the Chancellor to negotiate and execute a contract with three vendors to provide network-cabling services on an as needed basis. Mr. Robinson inquired if the contracts are reviewed by General Counsel prior to the Chancellors executing. Mr. Carter noted all information technology contracts are reviewed by General Counsel. The motion passed with vote of 6-0. (Mr. Schechter joined the meeting at 4:26 p.m.) EDUCATION ACTIVITIES, COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT, ENGAGEMENT OF SERVICES, AND DEVELOPMENT OF FACTUAL MATERIALS RELATING TO HCC FACILITIES AND FINANCE PLAN AND APPROVAL OF BUDGET FOR THE SAME Motion – Mr. Schechter moved to approve a budget in the amount of $100,000. Mr. Austin seconded. Mr. Schechter noted that $800,000 would reflect going out for a bond and noted that the $100,000 would allow for funding of town hall meetings. He noted that a request for a detailed budget from administration has been made. Mrs. Sane informed that this is an initial analysis to present to the community and she requested a budget outlining the activities prior to the Regular Board meeting. Dr. Spangler asked Dr. Tyler to elaborate why the funds would be needed prior to approving to go out for a bond. Mr. Austin asked for an opine from Board Counsel. Mr. Hollingsworth informed that the item is only to educate the public. Mr. Robinson noted that the Facilities Committee recommended ten public hearings regarding Phase I of the Facilities and Finance Plan and noted that the hearings could be held at HCC facilities. Mr. Austin recommended establishment of a theme such as job creation and workforce development and apprised that the community’s input should be regarding future needs of the identified theme. Mr. Hollingsworth apprised that dollars are allowable for educating the public regardless if the Board decides to go out for a bond. Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – February 9, 2012 - Page 3 Mr. Robinson informed that the recommendation from the Facilities Committee meeting were to inform the community through a PowerPoint presentation and apprised that he is comfortable with the number. Mr. Robinson noted that Yaffe/Deutser already has a contract for marketing and educational efforts. He noted that he would like to see how the funds allocated for Yaffe/Deutser are utilized. Ms. Mullins informed that the efforts should be a part of the marketing plan developed with Yaffe/Deutser. She noted that she is not in favor of approving the item without a budget. Mr. Robinson noted that the marketing plan identified in consultation with Yaffe/Deutser should be amended to include the marketing for these efforts. Dr. Tyler apprised the Board regarding the rationale and noted that the educational process is separate and apart from any decision made by the Board regarding a bond. He noted that Board Counsel and Bond Counsel informed that the two items should not be inclusion because this may create an opportunity for someone to challenge why the public is being educated on the issue. Dr. Tyler noted that previous efforts such as annexation included education of the community through efforts of providing information outside of the general marketing efforts. He noted that the funding amount recommended for approval was based on historical efforts and would alleviate having an incremental process and provides for a strategic approach. Mrs. Sane noted that previously the budget approved for annexation was after calling election. Dr. Tyler informed that the budget would be for the entire year. Mr. Robinson noted that he has not seen the contract with Yaffe/Deutser and noted if he votes for the item, he would not recommend using the same vendor on the general marketing campaign. He requested additional information and a marketing person to provide the plan. Dr. Spangler noted that the efforts would not be all marketing and apprised that part of the expense would include an economic impact study, which would not be completed by Yaffe/Deutser. Mr. Austin noted that there should be an assessment regarding the desires of the population. He noted that this is one methodology used to synthesize what items should be placed on the table. Mr. Robinson informed that an economic impact study should have been budgeted in the operating budget. Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – February 9, 2012 - Page 4 Mrs. Sane inquired if the vote should be approved based on information from administration regarding the anticipated expense. Mr. Schechter informed that the vote could be passed and changed upon review of the projected budget. Dr. Spangler noted that a budget plan could be developed. Mr. Robinson recommended delaying the item for consideration at the Regular meeting scheduled for February 23, 2012. Mr. Austin noted that there should be a proforma that separates the education of the public and noted that the public needs to know the importance of the existence of the and a review of the vision of the future. Mr. Schechter noted that the public needs to be educated on what the college needs to be able to continue to serve the community. Motion Withdrawn- Mr. Schechter withdrew the motion and Mr. Austin withdrew the second. Ms. Mullins noted that the printed material should be toned down. Ms. Perez summarized the request of the Board to include a budget plan and process with a timeline. Mr. Robinson noted that HCC is relevant and there must be an explanation of why there is a need to support and do more for educating community on the efforts of the college. INVESTMENT REPORT FOR MONTH OF DECEMBER 2011 Motion – Mr. Robinson moved and Mrs. Sane seconded. Dr. Tyler informed that the college continuous to do well in the market and noted that the college is very liquid and strong. Mr. Robinson asked if the reserve is invested separately. Dr. Tyler informed that the reserve is a base part of the case flow. He noted that the investments are separate as part of an overall portfolio. Mr. Schechter inquired as to how much is utilized for investment. Dr. Tyler noted that the amount is $26 million. Mr. Robinson inquired if the reserve funds could be invested separately if it is not needed for cash flow purposes. Mr. Ron Defalco informed that could be done. Ms. Sane inquired if there is sufficient liquidity especially since a portion of the reserve was used after Hurricane Ike. Dr. Tyler informed that the college is very liquid and referenced the financial report to provide an overview of the college’s liquidity. Mr. Defalco informed that the college is totally liquid except for in a few markets. Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – February 9, 2012 - Page 5 Mr. Austin noted that at least three months of operating funds should be included in the reserve. Dr. Tyler apprised that the reserve is currently at four months. Vote – The motion passed with vote of 7-0. MONTHLY FINANCE REPORT FOR JANUARY 2012 Motion – Mr. Austin moved and Ms. Mullins seconded. Dr. Tyler apprised that because the meeting dates moved up, the time to produce the financial report is expedited. He noted that the staff closes the books the last day of the month and noted that the staff is only allotted approximately seven days to produce the report for review at the Committee of the Whole meeting. Dr. Tyler provided an overview of the financial report. Ms. Perez requested a timeline regarding the parking garage at Southeast. Mrs. Sane referenced the contingency funds. Dr. Tyler noted that the contingency item is part of the operating budget. Mr. Austin noted that the Board approved that a mid-year review be held regarding the budget. Mrs. Sane noted that there were contingency funds regarding the CIP. Dr. Tyler noted that the contingency fund for CIP is separate. Mr. Austin recommended a footnote regarding the “to and from” accounts. Mr. Robinson noted that the dual credit number decreased and inquired how the numbers for dual waivers increase. Dr. Tyler noted that the significant increase regarding expense was due to benefits because of the costs shifted to the college by the State. Mr. Robinson noted that he will discuss the remainder of his questions at his upcoming meeting scheduled with the budget and financial administrators. Ms. Loredo noted that she has concern with penalizing the presidents for being in the red. She inquired that if a college does not need the funds, are they reallocated to the college who is in need of the funds. Ms. Loredo referenced the unspent grant funds that are returned such as those received from the Brown Foundation. She noted that efforts should be taken to make certain the funds are utilized. Dr. Zuniga noted that the Brown gift has not been returned and noted it is being held and was allocated for beautification at Central. Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – February 9, 2012 - Page 6 Vote – The motion passed with vote of 6-0-1 with Mr. Robinson abstaining. UPDATE ON STRATEGIC PLANNING Dr. Spangler provided a draft of the summary regarding the Strategic Plan. She noted that there has been involvement throughout the college including the Board with Trustees Austin, Mullins and Sane participating. Dr. Spangler noted that the word “economic” will be added to the mission statement before development to read economic development. Dr. Spangler provided an overview of the strategic initiatives for 2012-2015 and apprised that the full plan would be presented for review in two weeks. Mr. Austin inquired if the item is a draft that would be reviewed in conjunction with the SACS component. Dr. Spangler noted that the initiatives would be presented to the Board for consideration. Mr. Austin noted that a logic model should be implemented to review the anticipated outcomes. He noted that his reference would be the AGB’s since the Board is responsible for the quality education of the college. Mr. Robinson noted that quality education, graduation, and workforce training are where he wants to drive the system. Mr. Austin noted that it will be discovered that community colleges do much more than those items mentioned. (Mr. Robinson stepped out at 5:43 p.m.) ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION Ms. Perez adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 5:44 p.m., notice having previously been given and reiterated in accordance with Sections 551.071, 551.072, and/or 551.074 of the Open Meetings Law. Ms. Perez stated that any final action, vote or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. Ms. Perez reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 7:28 p.m. and entertained motions on pending matters. (Present: Trustees Austin, Loredo, Mullins, Perez, Robinson, Sane, and Schechter) ADJOURNMENT With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m. Houston Community College Committee of the Whole – February 9, 2012 - Page 7 Recorded and Submitted by: Sharon R. Wright, Manager, Board Services Minutes Approved: April 19, 2012