February 10, 2011
The Academic Affairs/Student Services Committee of the Board of Trustees of Houston
Community College held a meeting on Thursday, February 10, 2011, at the HCC
Administration Building, 3100 Main, 2nd Floor, Seminar Room A, Houston, Texas.
Eva Loredo, Committee Chair
Bruce A. Austin, Committee Member
Neeta Sane, Committee Member
Sandie Mullins, Alternate Committee Member
Mary Ann Perez
Richard Schechter
Mary S. Spangler, Chancellor
Art Tyler, Deputy Chancellor/COO
Renee Byas, General Counsel
Doretha Eason, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor
William Carter, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology
Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor, Instruction
Diana Pino, Vice Chancellor, Student Services
Daniel Seymour, Vice Chancellor, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Fena Garza, President, Southwest College
Margret Ford Fisher, President, Northeast College
Butch Herod for Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College
Betty Young, President, Coleman College
Willie Williams, Chief Human Resource Officer
Kimberly James, System Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani
Alan Ainsworth, President, Faculty Senate
Other administrators, citizens and representatives from the news media
Ms. Loredo called the meeting to order at 1:04 p.m. and declared the Committee convened
to consider matters pertaining to Houston Community College as listed on the duly posted
Meeting Notice.
Motion – Mr. Austin moved and Mrs. Sane seconded to discuss the following items:
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Dr. Pino apprised that the item is to approve the elimination of the military transcript fee for
Veterans requesting an evaluation of their military transcript.
Mr. Austin inquired if there is a method to announce the message to veterans and noted
that there will be a number of returning veterans. He noted that the group would possibly
include those who did not attend college prior to enlisting; however, they would probably be
more apt to attending college upon their return.
Mr. Austin inquired if there is a possibility of providing a newsletter to apprise the Board of
updates and partnerships.
Vote - The motion passed with a vote of 3-0.
Dr. David Joost apprised that the results of the following 2009 innovation grant projects will
be presented:
International Student Chamber of Commerce
Ms. Linda Koffel provided an overview of the program which included the goal, scope,
expected outcome and results. She noted that the project goal and scope is to support
entrepreneurial efforts of HCC students, staff, and faculty with comprehensive support
services for enhancing entrepreneurship and economic development/creation of a small
entrepreneurship resource center.
Mr. Austin mentioned the National Association of Community College Entrepreneurship
(NACCE) would be good source regarding best practices similar to those adapted by other
community colleges. He noted that he would like to see HCC emerge into a national best
practice model.
Ms. Koffel informed that there is a connection to BizConnect and apprised that the
opportunity gives students the chance to be connected to a Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Austin apprised that he supports the efforts; however, there should be a focus on the
various components of entrepreneurship.
Mrs. Sane inquired if the project allows for international global experiences and asked if
there is a connection to local Chambers of Commerce. Ms. Koffel informed that the
students network with the local chambers and noted that the purpose of the program is to
allow students entrepreneurial opportunities.
Mrs. Sane inquired if the Small Business Association (SBA) is part of the networking
efforts. Ms. Koffel apprised that the program does work with the SBA.
Project Principal and Faith-Based Education Opportunity Initiative
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Ms. Mary Page informed that the project was established to (1) create a college-going
culture targeting faith organizations offering free workshops on college prep, career
planning, and financial assistance; (2) increase student and parent knowledge of the
educational opportunities, program availability, and provide coaching; and (3) increase
HCC’s enrollment by enlisting students and getting them registered in classes.
Mrs. Sane reiterated that it was noted that the efforts reached out to five churches and
noted that consideration should be given to make certain that no churches are overlooked
during the efforts. Ms. Page informed that extensive efforts were made to assure that any
group who inquired and requested a presentation received one.
Mr. Austin asked if there is a sustainability effort for the program. Dr. Spangler noted that
there has been discussion with the Deputy Chancellor to identify means for the continuation
of the programs and noted that some of the projects do seek additional funding. She noted
that it is under review.
Mr. Austin noted that one of the criteria when providing the funding should be ensuring
efforts are made to implement sustainability of the program. Dr. Joost apprised that many
of the projects have made strides to identify some form of sustainability.
Dr. Spangler apprised that a more specific update on sustainability will be provided. Dr.
Seymour informed that identifying further sources of funding is one of the requirements
when the application is submitted.
Dr. Cook informed that the compliance report is currently being completed and presented
milestone dates regarding accreditation.
(Mr. Schechter arrived at 1:52 p.m.)
Ms. Judy Cantwell apprised that there has been support from all areas of the institution and
provided an overview of the process that has taken place thus far.
Mr. Austin noted that the handbook referenced calls for peer review. He noted that it seems
as if the information is the same received from Achieving the Dream and asked what
should be anticipated. Dr. Cook noted that the response would be provided during the
Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) presentation due to follow.
Ms. Cantwell expressed appreciation for the support in the Reaffirmation process from the
entire institution and expressed special thanks to the following individuals: Mary Spangler,
Martha Oburn, Steve Levey, Dan Seymour, Norma Perez, Angela Secrest, Dennis
Klappersack, Art Tyler, Winston Dahse, Tina Young, Ron Defalco, Brian Malone, Willie
Williams, Karen Edwards, Laurel Barker-Edwards, Naomi Tobin, Shirley Parish, Dan
Arguijo, Joseph Conway, and David Tietz.
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Dr. Garza and Dr. Herod provided an overview and status of the Quality Enhancement Plan
(QEP) process. Dr. Herod noted that the information referenced by Mr. Austin is included in
the QEP process. He noted that there have been opportunities to involve all aspects of the
college and community on ideas regarding improvements for HCC. He noted that
responses were received from the business community on ways to improve the graduation
Dr. Herod apprised that there were over 500 topics received, which were narrowed to 17
categories. He noted that the 17 categories were downsized to five categories for
development of the white paper document.
(Ms. Mullins stepped out at 2:06 p.m.)
Dr. Herod provide a timeline for the QEP process and apprised of the five categories as
follows: (1) a process identifying key issues emerging from institutional assessment, (2)
focus on learning outcomes and/or the environment supporting student learning and
accomplishing the mission of the institution, (3) demonstrate institutional capability for the
initiation, implementation, and completion of the QEP, (4) broad-based involvement of
institutional constituencies in the development and proposed implementation of the QEP,
and (5) goals and plan to assess achievement.
Ms. Loredo noted that the item is a follow up emerging from concerns mentioned by a
student at last’s month board meeting.
Dr. Diana Pino provided an overview of the distribution of financial aid and noted
approximately $50 million was disbursed in aid year 2008 and noted that the distribution
increased to over $116 million for aid year 2010. She apprised that PELL disbursements
alone increased from approximately $30 million in year 2008 to $73 million in aid year
2010. She noted that the refunds are issued two weeks after the census date to insure
students are in class prior to releasing the funds. She noted that if the students receive the
funds and do not attend the class, the college would have the burden to recoup the funds.
Dr. Pino noted that the college is in line with other institutions regarding purchasing of
books, which also requires verification that the student is attending class.
Mr. Austin inquired if there is an ombudsman who could assist the students relating to
financial aid. Dr. Pino noted that if services are not received as expected, the students are
then referred to the dean of the college.
Dr. Spangler apprised that if the Board receives an inquiry for assistance from a student
those inquiries should be forwarded to her directly.
Mr. Schechter inquired as to what is done during the semester to motivate students to
complete their application in advance. Dr. Pino informed that the measure is on the radar;
however, returning students are aware of the requirements. She noted that the Student
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Services department is aware of the need to provide methods for counseling students
through the financial aid process.
Mr. Austin recommended developing a video that informs the students of the process.
Dr. Pino informed that a report was provided in December and noted that it was decided to
provide each college with $60,000 for the year. She noted that a bid has been put out
regarding the use of land. She noted that a meeting will be held with the college presidents
to review how to better impact the program.
Mrs. Sane noted that student population should be considered during the discussion.
Ms. Loredo noted that she received inquiries that some colleges have a larger population.
Dr. Pino noted that the financial status for the athletics is in a good position as the student
fee has assisted with equitable distribution.
Ms. Mullins asked for clarification regarding the partnerships for facilities. Dr. Pino informed
that there is often an issue of the college getting bumped when using other facilities and
noted that there could be a benefit of having sports facilities on campuses that could also
house other programs such as health programs.
(Mrs. Perez arrived at 2:30 p.m.)
Dr. Pino apprised that she spoke with a representative with Single Stop USA and
commended Mr. Austin for bringing the item forward for further review. She noted that the
efforts of the program are to assist students with financial counseling. She noted that HCC
is listed as one of the partners on the list of approximately 20 partners. Dr. Pino apprised
that there is expectation that the program is institutionalized.
Mr. Austin suggested administration talk with the county judge to see if outreach staff
collaboration could be reached. Mr. Austin also noted that Ana Babin with United Way is
another potential partner.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:38 p.m.
Recorded, transcribed and submitted by:
Sharon R. Wright, Manager, Board Services
Minutes Approved: _________________________________