February 18, 2010
The Academic Committee of the Board of Trustees of Houston Community College held
a meeting on Thursday, February 18, 2010 at the HCC Administration Building, 3100
Main, 2nd Floor, Seminar Room A, Houston, Texas.
Richard Schechter, Committee Chair
Bruce Austin, Committee Member
Eva Loredo, Committee Member
Sandie Meyers
Dr. Michael P. Williams, Board Chair
Mary S. Spangler, Chancellor
Art Tyler, Deputy Chancellor/COO
Doretha Eason, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor
William Carter, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology
Daniel Seymour, Vice Chancellor, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Diana Pino, Vice Chancellor, Student Services
Margaret Ford Fisher, President, Northeast College
Fena Garza, President, Southwest College
Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College
Mike Edwards for Betty Young, President, Coleman College
Willie Williams, Chief Human Resources Officer
Jarvis Hollingsworth, Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani
Bennie Ables, President, Faculty Senate
Other administrators, citizens, and representatives of the news media
Mr. Schechter called the meeting to order at 1:03 p.m. and declared the Committee
convened to consider matters pertaining to Houston Community College as listed on the
duly posted Meeting Notice.
Mr. Schechter recommended discussing those items needing action first. The Committee
entered a discussion on the agenda items as follows:
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Mr. Schechter mentioned that the Board concluded to implement a rotation process as it
relates to Board submission of nominations.
Motion – Mr. Austin moved and Mrs. Loredo seconded to approve the two nominees
presented. The motion passed with a vote of 3-0.
Mr. Schechter apprised that Dr. Spangler has a report regarding international initiatives.
Mr. Austin apprised that his concern is linguistics regarding international activities. He
noted that the customs are also imperative and expressed that this should be given
consideration as discussions emerge. He noted that Texas has issues regarding college
readiness as it relates to language, math and science skills, therefore, a different type of
student is required for the international arena. Mr. Austin noted that emphasis needs to
be given to ensuring students are ready to enter the job market as well as entering the
international market.
Mrs. Loredo noted that the United States is lagging behind in many areas and associated
with Mr. Austin. She noted that local initiatives should be first and noted that she would
like to hear the report prior to making a decision
Mrs. Meyers apprised that she supports international studies but feels that the focus
must be on local students.
Dr. Spangler provided a report on various international initiatives from 2007 to date.
Dr. Spangler noted that one of the objectives tied to the international initiatives is to
identify new revenue streams. She noted that none of the HCC’s local efforts will be
diminished in regards to the international initiatives neither would there be a cost to the
taxpayers. Dr. Spangler noted that the initiatives are an expansion of what the college is
currently doing.
(Dr. Williams arrived at 1:27 p.m./stepped out at 1:32 p.m.)
Dr. Spangler informed that the Community College of Qatar invited HCC to submit a
proposal to provide consulting services; however, the proposal requires a letter of
support from the governing board. She provided a summary of the possible revenue to
be generated from the contract if HCC is selected and apprised that the Board would
decide how the revenue would be allocated.
Mr. Austin noted that the urgent issue to him is the problems of the local community;
however, at the same time, the college should have a role in international programming.
He noted that development of a corresponding plan is necessary to deal with local urban
environmental problems. He noted that Achieving the Dream (AtD) elaborated on how
students in the U.S. are lagging behind and Dr. Spangler brings forward a valid point as
it relates to the ability to interface in the international community.
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(Dr. Williams returned at 1:50 p.m.)
Mrs. Loredo noted that she agrees that students must be able to adapt internationally;
however, the focus must be on students locally. She noted that it would possibly be a
better effort if the international colleges would come here and work with HCC students.
Dr. Spangler noted that the proposal does offer such possibilities.
Dr. Williams noted no one could possibly formulate an opposition regarding international
initiatives for educational institutions. He noted that the issue is to make certain that
there are opportunities for our local students and how the college will be encumbered.
He noted that it may not be a case of either or but if we are able to accomplish both.
Mrs. Meyers asked if the funding will be utilized locally. Dr. Tyler noted that the revenues
would be under the international column on the financial report and can be used in
various areas.
Mrs. Meyers asked how the revenue from the international efforts would be allocated. Dr.
Spangler noted that the Board would have to make that determination.
Mrs. Meyers noted that a balance must be identified because attention will have to be
given to the international initiatives. Dr. Spangler assured that the administration will
know and acknowledge the necessity of a balance.
Mr. Schechter noted that it is commendable that HCC was selected as one of eight
institutions to submit a proposal. He also noted that HCC would be serving as a
consultant in the initiative. Mr. Schechter noted that his concern is similar to that of Mrs.
Meyers and noted that the investment must be in Houston. He noted that administrators
who are traveling in relations to the international efforts would not be available locally.
Dr. Spangler noted that individuals outside HCC could also be utilized on the consulting
project. Dr. Spangler also noted that when an administrator is absent, critical activities
will be handled by designated staff.
Dr. Williams noted that there has been discussion regarding the college not having an
entrepreneurial vision; however, this is an effort to implement an entrepreneurial
opportunity for the college.
Motion – Mr. Austin moved and Mrs. Loredo seconded to endorse a letter of support
from the Board for the submission with the proposal to the Community College of Qatar.
The motion passed with a vote of 3-0.
Dr. Spangler provided an overview on the role of community colleges in job growth and
(Mrs. Meyers stepped out at 2:26 p.m.)
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Mr. Austin noted that he has asked that the college become more affluent in career
pathway program. He noted that workforce development, contract training, technical
assistance and economic development are very important pieces to assist the college in
skill development.
(Dr. Williams stepped out at 2:30 p.m.)
Mr. Austin noted that the curriculum does not need to be recreated, but needs to conform
to people that need training. He noted that a mechanism must be developed to review
what competitors are doing.
Dr. Seymour noted that the new Corporate College is delivering all the training and
apprised that there is growth in the apprenticeship program. He also noted that the
college is doing many of the pieces that the Board requested although an overarching
comprehensive economic program is not in place.
Dr. Tyler noted that an Associate Vice Chancellor will be hired for the Workforce
Program to work under the Vice Chancellor for Instruction.
(Mrs. Meyers returned at 2:32 p.m.)
Mr. Austin noted that his concerns are in regards to local work source development in
Mr. Schechter asked what does the college do in regards to recruitment and how does
the college work with the Greater Houston Partnership (GHP). Dr. Seymour informed
that the Houston Galveston Area Council (HGAC) and GHP invited HCC to provide a
presentation on various programs.
(Mrs. Meyers stepped out at 2:41 p.m.)
Dr. Seymour noted that the Corporate College is engaged in environment scanning,
working with industry division heads to develop a curriculum for new and emerging jobs.
Mr. Austin noted that the bulk of jobs come from small and medium size businesses and
noted that if the college developed a relationship with the Small Business Administration
(SBA) and other federal programs to identify their workforce needs, this would allow the
college to market according to their needs.
Dr. Seymour noted that the college is working with the SBA and apprised that there are
entrepreneurial centers at Southwest and Northeast colleges.
Mr. Austin suggested that the college become involved with technology and business
development programs. Dr. Tyler noted that this is a wonderful point; however, the
federal funding flows to the state. He noted that the governor supplanted instructional
dollars with that money.
(Mrs. Loredo stepped out at 2:47 p.m.)
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(Mrs. Meyers returned at 2:50 p.m.)
Mr. Austin noted that a politically correct strategy has to be developed.
Dr. Cook provided an update on textbooks. He noted that the college has explored
initiatives regarding textbooks. He noted that other options are currently under
experiment such as the iPhone project at Southeast, the RX Kindle and textbook rentals.
He noted that electronic textbooks is the long-term solution.
(Mrs. Loredo returned at 2:53 p.m.)
Dr. Cook apprised that the Barnes and Noble contract would soon expire and a Request
for Information (RFI) was issued. He apprised that nine companies responded and the
next step is to create a committee.
Mrs. Loredo asked how students are currently receiving assistance in regards to
textbook costs. Dr. Cook referenced the recommendation by the Textbook Committee
and noted that the short-term solution includes requiring disciplines/programs to limit
adoption of textbook titles per course to two for use across the district.
Mrs. Meyers inquired if students on financial aid receive funds in time to purchase
textbooks. Dr. Pino informed that it depends on when the financial aid application is
received. Dr. Cook noted that the Foundation also has funds to help students purchase
Mr. Schechter noted that he raised the issue of developing computer textbooks for
students. Dr. Cook noted that two computer science textbooks have been developed.
Mr. Schechter asked if a comparison has been implemented in regards to the traditional
textbook versus the project with the computer instruction. He noted that the issue must
be addressed and recommended that the project be a part of the innovation funding.
Mr. Schechter recommended administration review the top ten courses and determine
how to utilize electronic textbooks for the courses. Dr. Ables noted that some faculty are
using free online books; however, the students are not reading the online material.
Mr. Schechter requested to review the data on student learning as it relates to traditional
textbooks versus online or electronic textbooks. Dr. Tyler noted that there are no other
community colleges who have advanced like HCC in regards to mobile learning.
Dr. Spangler provided an overview of the Alief Service Plan, which was adopted in 2008.
She noted that a checklist was devised that displays the college’s status in regards to the
plan. Dr. Spangler noted that the college is a year ahead as it relates to the plan.
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Mr. Austin asked if there was funding allocated for Alief. Dr. Tyler noted that funding was
allocated. Mr. Austin requested that a similar report and plan be devised for North
Dr. Fena Garza provided a report on the following:
• Early college planning year; completed nearly one year early
• Construction will begin next month
• Parking agreements secured
• Community work is in place
• 3500 students enrolled at Hayes Rd.; almost a total 5000 students
• Community wants Nursing in the area; piloting Health Career Academy
• Developing area needed is vocational and technical training
• Business technology has doubled since last year
• Faculty and staff has done a fabulous job
• 50% reduction in tuition
• Dual credit students doubled from previous year
(Mrs. Meyers stepped out at 3:16 p.m.)
Mr. Austin asked for the status of the healthcare initiative in the northeast. Dr. Tyler
informed that a certificate program has been created. Dr. Mike Edwards added that
three Health Career Academies have been established and implementation in North
Forest is scheduled for this summer.
(Mrs. Meyers returned 3:23 p.m.)
Trustee Meyers inquired about the status of the Alief library. Dr. Gaza responded that
there is an electronic library in place. She noted that the library is in the build-out plan.
(Ms. Loredo stepped out at 3:35 p.m.)
Dr. Daniel Seymour provided an overview on the Draft Institutional Effectiveness (IE)
(Mrs. Loredo returned at 3:42 p.m.)
Mr. Austin asked if the logic model used by other colleges is inadequate and requested
to see the short, medium and long points. Dr. Seymour noted that the plan will be
executed through the budget and asks the question what should be done differently to
Mr. Schechter commented that the plan is meaningless if the necessary data is not
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Dr. Seymour provided an overview on the Academic Dashboard and apprised that the
dashboard should be in place by April 2010 with a follow in July 2010.
Mr. Austin asked to what degree is the college capturing the data and making a
comparative analysis to the Coordinating Board. Dr. Cook noted that the institutional
profile is posted on the website.
Mr. Schechter asked if the Coordinating Board has a comparative study that the Board
could review. Dr. Seymour noted that this information is available via a link on HCC
Motion - Mrs. Loredo moved to discuss the College Readiness Initiative at the COTW
and Mr. Austin seconded. The motion passed with a vote of 3-0.
Motion – Mrs. Loredo moved to discuss the Enrollment Management Report at the
COTW and Mr. Austin seconded. The motion passed with a vote of 3-0.
Mr. Schechter recommended discussing the item at the next Academic Committee
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:13 p.m.
Recorded by:
Sharon R. Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services
Transcribed and submitted by:
Sharon Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services
Minutes Approved: