



September 17, 2009


The Board of Trustees of Houston Community College met as a Committee of the

Whole on Thursday, September 17, 2009, at the HCC Administration Building, 2 nd

Floor Auditorium, 3100 Main in Seminar Room A, Houston, Texas.


Abel Davila, Board Chair

Neeta Sane, Vice Chair

Diane Olmos Guzman, Secretary

Bruce A. Austin

Richard Schechter

Mills Worsham


Mary S. Spangler, Chancellor

Art Tyler, Deputy Chancellor/COO

Renee Byas, General Counsel

Doretha Eason, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor

Bill Carter, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology

Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor for Instruction

Cheryl Sterling, Interim Vice Chancellor, Student Services

Daniel Seymour, Vice Chancellor, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness

Margaret Ford Fisher, President, Northeast College

Fena Garza, President, Southwest College

Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College

Irene Porcarello, President, Southeast College

Betty Young, President, Coleman College

Willie Williams, Chief Human Resources Officer


Jarvis Hollingsworth, Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani

Bennie Ables, President, Faculty Senate

Other administrators, citizens, and representatives of the news media


Mr. Davila, Board Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:39 p.m. and declared the

Board convened to consider matters pertaining to Houston Community College as listed on the duly posted meeting notice.

Mr. Davila recognized Senator Mario Gallegos and Eva Laredo who will replace Mr.

Davila as Trustee for District 8.

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Committee of the Whole – September 17, 2009 – Page 2

Motion – Mr. Worsham moved and Mrs. Sane seconded to approve the following items as a consent agenda with the exception of items 2, 3, 7 and 8. The following items were approved with a vote of 6-0:

1. Tuition and Fees Approval for Non-Credit Classes

2. Investment Report for the month of July 2009

3. Contract with RBC Capital Markets to Provide Additional Services

Mr. Schechter requested a report on the budget. Mr. Davila apprised that the budget review is on the agenda for discussion.



Motion –Mr. Schechter moved and Mr. Worsham seconded to approve.

Mrs. Guzman noted that the small business for the Landscaping Service is 35%; however, just a best effort is on the Glass Window Cleaning Service item even though it is a system-wide contract.

Dr. Tyler noted that best effort is what has been conditional for this contract. He noted that all contracts over $100,000 will be monitored. He noted that a full report will be provided and noted that where a discrepancy of the Board policy has occurred the report will provide what has been required of the vendor. Dr. Tyler noted that the CIP efforts have improved tremendously and it is anticipated that this will be the same measure with the other contracts. He apprised that the Board policy will be revised and informed that he does not have sufficient detail at the time but would make an effort to have the information at the next meeting. Dr. Tyler noted that the contracts are reviewed to determine if the contractor has the ability to comply with the Board’s wishes. He noted that some of the contractors are small businesses themselves.

Mrs. Guzman noted that the windows cleaning contract is estimated at $172,000 and noted that there could be some small business effort. She requested that administration is mindful of the fact that other small business can participate

Mr. Austin apprised that he forwarded models from The University of Texas and the

University of Houston on Historically Under-utilized Businesses (HUB) and noted that he is feeling cautious regarding mandating percentages at the Board table; however, he is comfortable moving to the HUB program because there are articulated policies which have been enforced by the legislature to ensure that organizations start looking at HUB vendors.

Mrs. Guzman noted that it is a good recommendation to follow the HUB program process. Mr. Hollingsworth noted that the Board could adopt the HUB guidelines as a part of their policy.

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Committee of the Whole – September 17, 2009 – Page 3

Mr. Davila requested a timeline for presentation of the HUB policy. Dr. Tyler noted that he would like to present it in accordance with the Board timeline for reviewing and revising Board policies.

Vote – The motion passed with a vote of 6-0.


Motion – Mrs. Sane moved and Mrs. Flores seconded.

Dr. Cook provided information on the cost impact of a full waiver of tuition and fees for seniors. He noted that there are currently 1,231 students in the age group of 55-64 and approximately 296 students over the age of 64 years. Dr. Cook apprised that based on the number of students for 2008-09 the estimated cost is $120,000.

Mr. Austin apprised that the state legislature passed a measure for students over the age of 65. Mr. Schechter noted that the legislature gives the institution the option to adopting the measure.

Dr. Cook apprised that an examination was completed to determine the courses taken by students over 65 year and noted that they are taking academic courses

Mr. Davila suggested that administration complete an analysis with various options for senior waivers.

Mr. Austin apprised that the County Commissioners provide the opportunity for various classes in their area for seniors in conjunction with other institutions. He suggested making arrangements with the county commissioners.

Dr. Spangler apprised that consideration will need to be given to out-of-district seniors as well. Mr. Schechter noted that the approval would be for in-district seniors only.

Mr. Austin recommended to reachout, we may find a tremendous opportunity with those Commissioners, at least as a cohort.

Mrs. Sane recommended conducting a marketing research analysis. Mr. Davila recommended providing the option of cost per class and review the options with Harris

County Commissioners to provide the classes the seniors need.

Dr. Seymour commented that the previous direction from the Board dealt with CT/CE which is not profitable. He noted the courses under consideration do receive state reimbursement; however CT/CE courses do not and a change of direction needs to be considered.

Mr. Austin clarified that his suggestion was to specifically target the Commissioners because they utilize their facilities for various activities such as the summer cooling centers seniors go to during the extremely hot summer days.

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Mr. Austin recommended reviewing what other community colleges are doing especially in the area of continuing education. He noted that administration could provide various cost models. Mr. Davila recommended providing options that would provide different approaches including the recommended waiver.

The Board concluded to place the item on the agenda.


Motion – Mrs. Sane moved and Mr. Schechter seconded.

Dr. Tyler provided a summary of the recommendations provided by the Board for

2009-2010. He apprised that there were new faculty and staff positions as well as the calculation of increase for insurance as a result of Hurricane Ike.

(Mr. Worsham stepped out at 5:10 p.m.)

Dr. Tyler apprised that the budget model is in anticipation with normal growth but growth is above the target. He noted that the goal was to make certain the institution remains within the parameters established by the Board in terms of the ending balance. He noted that debt management was critical.

Dr. Tyler referenced the management letter provided in the financial statement. He noted that there has been an extended payment plan for the students and noted that there has been a significant increase in receivables.

Mrs. Sane inquired if the reserve has been utilized to buy down the debt. Dr. Tyler noted that some of the funds are used to buy down the debt; however, some were also spent on repairs as a result of Hurricane Ike.

Mrs. Sane requested a breakdown of the utilization of the reserve funds over the next two years.

Mr. Austin noted that there has been different numbers regarding enrollment and requested the correct number. Dr. Seymour noted that the projection is approximately

70,000 students.

The meeting recessed at 5:33 p.m. and reconvened at 5:48 p.m.



Revision to the Board Bylaws and Policies

Mr. Schechter apprised that the proposed revisions have been vetted by the

Governance committee and apprised that several members of the Board have

Houston Community College

Committee of the Whole – September 17, 2009 – Page 5 participated in the discussion. He provided an overview of the proposed revisions and noted the major changes as follows:

Article A: Ethics code extended to all HCC employees classified E10 and above, procurement personnel and all employees involved in contracts

The extension of the blackout period when RFPs are issued until contract is signed by Chancellor

Article D: Eliminated the Deputy Secretary position

Vice Chair has authority to sign legal documents in the absence of the


Article E: Internal Auditor hiring process; Board will participate in the hiring and firing of the Internal Auditor

Financial Advisors provide direct advice to the Board regarding matters related to financial position

Article F: Committee Structure: COTW, Finance &Facilities, Academic Affairs &

Student Success, Board Governance, Policy and Audit

Mr. Schechter also noted that there has been a discussion of having the Board Chair based on a rotating basis. He noted that Mrs. Guzman suggested implementing a four-year threshold the Board Chair position.

Mrs. Guzman apprised that it takes approximately three years for the learning curve and apprised that her recommendation was to have the requirement that the person should have served on the Board for at least four years before serving as Chair.

Mr. Austin noted that it would not harm anything if it is preferred that the Chair has a minimum of four years on the Board.

Mrs. Guzman recommended that Counsel review the ACCT guidelines. Mr.

Hollingsworth noted that ACCT is an association and not a Governing Board.

Mr. Schechter noted two pages will be drafted to provide two options to be considered by the Board.

Mr. Schechter noted that an issue occurred regarding prevailing wages and noted that the Committee is proposing a policy regarding the wage rate.

Mr. Davila expressed appreciation to Mr. Schechter and the committee for their effort to bring the proposed revisions forward for the Board’s consideration.

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Committee of the Whole – September 17, 2009 – Page 6

Mr. Schechter apprised that the Committee will review all the policies of the institution.

Communications/Community Outreach

Mrs. Guzman apprised that Board Services is ready to provide hands on training on the eBook to the Trustees.

Bill Carter and Stephanie Jones demonstrated the proposed eBook.


1. Ability to review from PDAs.

2. Ability to highlight or note writing – Mr. Carter noted that this will not provide the highlight tool because everyone will be using the same file.

3. Ability to download - Mr. Austin noted that he would prefer to be able to download the eBook as a PDF file.

4. Ability to access prior Board actions.

Dr. Spangler noted that savings as a result of switching to the eBook is projected at

$28,000 annually.

Mr. Austin requested that international agreements and partnerships are approved by the Board.

Mr. Schechter noted that there are two positions unopposed and inquired if they could be declared winner by acclamation. Mr. Hollingsworth apprised that one candidate is required to have a write-in vote.


With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m.

Recorded by:

Sharon R. Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services

Transcribed and submitted by:

Sharon Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services

Minutes Approved:
