June 18, 2009
The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College met as a Committee of the
Whole on Thursday, June 18, 2009, at the HCC Administration Building, 2nd Floor,
3100 Main in Seminar Room A, Houston, Texas.
Abel Davila, Board Chair
Neeta Sane, Vice Chair
Diane Olmos Guzman, Secretary
Bruce A. Austin
Yolanda Navarro Flores
Richard Schechter
Mills Worsham
Mary S. Spangler, Chancellor
Art Tyler, Deputy Chancellor/COO
Renee Byas, General Counsel
Doretha Eason, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor
Bill Carter, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology
Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor for Instructions
Cheryl Sterling, Interim Vice Chancellor, Student Services
Daniel Seymour, Vice Chancellor, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Margaret Ford Fisher, President, Northeast College
Julian Fisher for Fena Garza, President, Southwest College
Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College
Irene Porcarello, President, Southeast College
Betty Young, President, Coleman College
Willie Williams, Chief Human Resources Officer
Kim James, Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani
Mary Page, President, Faculty Senate
Other administrators, citizens, and representatives of the news media
Mr. Davila, Board Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:13 p.m. and declared the
Board convened to consider matters pertaining to Houston Community College as listed
on the duly posted meeting notice.
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Committee of the Whole – June 18, 2009 – Page 2
Motion – Mr. Worsham moved and Mr. Schechter seconded to approve the Academic
items as a consent agenda with the exception of items F and G. The following items
were approved with a vote of 7-0:
Purchase Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (Project #09-29)
Digital Diagnostic Ultrasound Machine and Associated Accessories
EMS Department SimMan 3G Manikin
Ultrasound Machine and Related Accessories
Ultrasound Machine and Related Accessories
Mrs. Flores requested information regarding the breakdown on the number of
applicants, rejections, reasons for denials, ethnic breakdown, and the follow-up process
with students for last three years. She noted that her reason for requesting the
information is that there is a requirement to have a two-year degree in a health care
related program or a bachelor’s degree to enter the HCC Sonography program.
Mr. Davila requested an audit of all the programs offered at Coleman with an ethnic
breakdown on the student population at Coleman. He noted that the breakdown should
include information from a restructuring standpoint now that Coleman has a new
president, which should provide a fresh start to develop these programs.
Dr. Spangler apprised that she has had two different requests and noted that the audit
of the programs is a large request that should be engaged as a formal scope of work.
Dr. Cook noted that there are two Sonography programs and noted that there is a
requirement of a two-year degree for the advanced technical certificate program.
Dr. Young noted that the requests mentioned by the Board are currently being reviewed
from a strategic planning process and she has only been at the college for two months.
Mr. Austin noted that with the hospital district and new hospitals being created, he
would like to see the programs in other areas of the city rather than just the medical
center. Mrs. Flores noted that there should also be a review of students who are
rejected from the program and the follow-up with these students.
Mr. Davila noted that he is comfortable with the comprehensive plan. Mr. Flores
reiterated that she is concerned with the student rejection, reasons for rejection and the
Mr. Davila noted that he is glad to see the accomplishments in the medical center;
however, he would also like to see the programs throughout the city.
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Mr. Schechter noted that four year universities address the same issues of resources as
those posed by Dr. Young (space, master level instructors and clinical) and noted that
incentives need to be developed to attract good professors.
Mr. Davila stated that facilities and salaries should be part of the comprehensive plan.
Mrs. Flores noted that the master planner should be able to provide insight on where
programs could be housed in light of the needs at Coleman.
MOU Between HCC and Spring Branch ISD for TEA Dropout Reduction Grant
Motion – Mr. Schechter moved and Mr. Austin seconded to approve.
Dr. Hodges provided an overview of the TEA Dropout Reduction grant.
Vote – The motion passed with a vote of 7-0.
International Travel for Student Chamber of Commerce Turkey Trade Mission
Motion – Mr. Schechter moved to approve and Mr. Worsham seconded.
Dr. Spangler noted that the item is to inform the Board of the student and faculty who
will be traveling to Turkey. She noted that the travel is part of the Student Chamber of
Commerce which is one of the innovation projects chosen as part of the Innovation
Fund program.
Mr. Austin noted that he is a member of the National Association of Community College
Entrepreneurship (NACCE) and recommended that the college follow the NACCE
design when dealing with student entrepreneurship to align with other national
community colleges.
Mrs. Sane asked if any of the guidelines undertaken by NACCE have been
implemented or incorporated as referenced by Mr. Austin. Mr. Davila asked Dr.
Spangler to provide an overview of the program and selection criteria for the students
traveling to Turkey. Dr. Spangler noted that this was an opportunity for the students to
implement their own Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Schechter also provided insight of the
program which is in participation with the Turquoise House.
(Mr. Worsham stepped out at 5:00 p.m.)
Mr. Austin noted that the goal should be to teach students to develop small businesses,
micro-industries and fundamentals of entrepreneurship. Mrs. Guzman noted that
NACCE is hosting a conference in Chicago, IL and that the funds would have wisely
been spent showing students a step-by-step process on how to become an
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Mr. Davila noted that the effort is an innovation grant that will have data driven results.
Dr. Spangler noted that this is one of a year-long series of activities.
Cheryl Peters noted that this is one of many activities put together by the students
including a business plan over the past six months.
Mrs. Flores noted that there should be some advance notice on such items. Mrs. Sane
noted that the goals should be included.
(Mr. Worsham returned at 5:04 p.m.)
Vote – The motion passed with a vote of 7-0.
Motion - Mr. Davila moved and Mr. Austin seconded to take the Finance and Facility
items as a consent agenda. The following items were approved with a vote of 7-0:
1. Lease Agreement Between HCC Central and Buffalo Soldiers National Museum
2. Television Production Equipment (Project #09-34)
3. Payment to Bracewell & Giuliani for Professional Services
4. Investment Report for the Month of April 2009
Hardware Replacement and Software Site Licensing Contracts for Information
Motion – Mr. Davila motioned to approve and Mr. Schechter seconded.
Mrs. Sane noted that the items were not included in the overall Information Technology
items approved and asked why these items were not included in the strategy and
tactical plan submitted to the Board in April. Mr. Carter noted that these items are ongoing maintenances and site licenses that are presented to the Board annually.
Mrs. Sane asked if the tactical plan presented has been updated since April 16. Dr.
Tyler noted that the tactical and strategic plans include new implementations. He noted
these items are not a part of the new initiatives and noted that the tactical items would
change the way things are done.
Mrs. Sane referenced the Blackboard item previously approved and asked why it is
being presented to the Board for approval again.
Mr. Carter noted that maintenance is included in the first year only and that these are
projects that have already been implemented.
Mr. Davila requested a listing of the licenses expiring and budget for the next two years.
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Mrs. Sane asked how often Oracle will be upgraded. Mr. Carter noted that decisions
are made at the end of life for the software.
Mr. Austin noted that his query is the depth that the Board is dealing with the technology
issues from a policy versus administrative focus. He noted that the technology context
referenced was not on a day-to-day basis.
Mrs. Sane noted that the Technology Committee is working on IT policy issues.
Mr. Schechter echoed the comments of Mr. Austin. He noted that technology should
not be viewed as a stand-alone function. He noted that IT is a tool to service the
academics of the college.
Mrs. Sane noted that her questions were in regards to getting information as a Board
member to provide more clarification on items that are presented for approval.
Mr. Davila noted that there should be a comprehensive plan for all departments.
(Mr. Davila left at 5:26 p.m., Mrs. Flores, Chair of Facilities and Finance Committee
chaired the remainder of the meeting).
Mrs. Guzman noted that she would like to see the entire plan with all capacities and a
final figure attached to it.
Vote – The motion passed with vote of 6-0.
Purpose and Uses of 501c3 Services Corporation
Dr. Spangler noted that there had been some discussion regarding a 501c3 and noted
that the college currently has two 501c3 (HCC Foundation and Public Facility
(Mrs. Sane stepped out at 5:30 p.m.)
Mr. Austin provided an overview of the opportunities in providing 501c3 services and the
Small Business Association (SBA) 504 program.
Dr. Spangler noted that the corporation would be for business purposes and not from a
point of philanthropy.
Mr. Schechter suggested that the structure should mirror the PFC since college staff will
be utilized for operations. He noted that there are some concerns that will need to be
Mr. Austin recommended that counsel review tax court opinions and Internal Revenue
Service codes in terms of subsidiaries and other engagements.
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(Mrs. Sane returned at 5:41 p.m.)
Mrs. Flores adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 5:47 p.m. to discuss
evaluation of the Chancellor's performance for 2007-2008, notice having previously
been given and reiterated in accordance with Sections 551.071, 551.072, and/or
551.074 of the Open Meetings Law. Mrs. Flores stated that any final action, vote or
decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open
Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting.
(Present: Trustees Austin, Flores, Guzman, Sane, Schechter, and Worsham)
Mrs. Flores reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 6:52 p.m. and entertained
motions on pending matters.
Motion – Mrs. Guzman moved acceptance of the provision of the settlement of the
litigation Matter, No. 2008-34057; Gilda McFail vs. Houston Community College; in the
152nd Judicial District Court of Harris County, Texas. Mrs. Sane seconded the motion.
The motion passed with a vote of 6-0.
Operating Budgets (Unrestricted Funds) for 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 and
Operating Budget (Restricted Funds) for 2009-2010
Dr. Tyler noted that the assumptions have not changed from the budget workshop
presentations. He noted that the Board had previous discussion on increasing the
incentive funds for executive level staff from $75,000 to $150,000.
Mr. Schechter expressed appreciation to Dr. Tyler for the thorough presentations. He
asked if it was possible to keep the property tax rate the same. Dr. Tyler noted that the
rate recommendation will not come until the fall; however, it looks as if the
recommendation will be to hold as is unless drastic change in tax valuations information
is received from the tax assessor.
Mr. Schechter requested to see the cost as early as possible if there will be a reduction
in the tax rate.
The Board concluded that the budget review should be placed on the Regular meeting
agenda for approval.
Mrs. Flores recessed the meeting at 7:15 p.m. and reconvened at 7:29 p.m.
College-wide Security Update
Chief Greg Cunningham provided an HCC Police overview with benchmark information
to include crime report, current efforts and long/short-term goals.
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Mrs. Sane requested a report on IT security. Mr. Cunningham informed that he would
work with Mr. Carter to provide the report.
Mr. Austin requested that Mr. Cunningham and Dr. Tyler review the security through
environment design as it relates to risk management.
Mr. Schechter asked if there is anything that should be done in order to provide security
for students and staff. Mr. Cunningham advised that he would provide a request upon
completing an assessment of the security, if necessary.
Dr. Tyler provided an update on the CIP program and an overview of the small business
report. He noted that there is approximately $71 million remaining for the CIP projects;
however 85% is allocated to projects.
Mrs. Flores asked what is done about non-compliance as it relates to small businesses.
Dr. Tyler requested that the Board take non-compliance concerns into consideration, if
and when the vendor comes before the Board for approval.
Mr. Schechter apprised that past performance should be factored into the evaluation
(Mr. Worsham stepped out at 8:10 p.m. and returned at 8:16 p.m.)
Mr. Austin requested a copy of the master plan for the 288 campus.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m.
Recorded by:
Sharon R. Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services
Transcribed and submitted by:
Sharon Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services
Minutes Approved: