REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE February 26, 2009 Minutes The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College held a Regular Meeting on Thursday, February 26, 2009 at the System Administration Building, Second Floor Auditorium, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Abel Davila, Chair Neeta Sane, Vice Chair Diane Olmos Guzman, Secretary Christopher Oliver, Deputy Secretary Bruce A. Austin Yolanda Navarro Flores, Richard Schechter Mills Worsham ADMINISTRATION Mary Spangler, Chancellor Art Tyler, Deputy Chancellor/COO Renee Byas, General Counsel Doretha Eason, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor William Carter, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor, Vice Chancellor for Instruction Daniel Seymour, Vice Chancellor, Institutional Effective Cheryl Sterling, Vice Chancellor, Student Services Margaret Ford Fisher, President, Northeast College Fena Garza, President, Southwest College Mark Edwards for William Harmon, President, Central College Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College Irene Porcarello, President, Southeast College Willie Williams, Chief Human Resources Officer OTHERS PRESENT Jarvis Hollingsworth, System Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani Mary Page, President, Faculty Senate Association Other administrators, citizens and representatives from the news media CALL TO ORDER Mr. Davila, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:21 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College as listed on the duly posted Meeting Notice. Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – February 26, 2009 – Page 2 PRAYER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mr. Worsham introduced Rev. Clines, Executive Pastor of First Methodist Church to lead the prayer. Mr. Worsham led the pledge of allegiance to the flag. RECOGNITION OF MR. FELIX FRAGA The Board paused to recognize Mr. Felix Fraga for his outstanding contribution to the community and congratulatory recognition for the renaming of the HCC Southeast Drennan Campus as the Felix Fraga Campus. PRESENTATION Mrs. Sheree Robertson (Mrs. Spring Texas 2008) presented a trophy from the MLK Grande Parade Committee to HCC for the Best Float Design in the 2009 MLK Grande Parade. Mr. Davila recessed the meeting at 5:24 p.m.; the meeting was reconvened at 5:56 p.m. (Present: Trustees Austin, Davila, Flores, Guzman, Oliver, Sane, Schechter, and Worsham) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Minutes for Special Meeting of Annexation Committee Meeting of November 17, 2008, Special Meeting of November 17, 2008, Audit Committee Meeting of November 20, 2008, Committee of the Whole Meeting of November 20, 2008, Communications/Community Outreach Meeting of November 24, 2008, Legislative Committee Meeting of November 24, 2008, and Technology Committee Meeting of November 24, 2008 Motion – Mr. Austin moved and Mrs. Guzman seconded. The motion passed with a vote of 8-0. CONSENT AGENDA Motion - Mrs. Flores moved and Mrs. Guzman seconded to approve the consent agenda with the exception of item A.6. The motion passed with a vote of 8-0. The following items were approved: 1. Approve Parking Lot and Parking Garage Cleaning Services 2. Approve Payment to Bracewell & Giuliani LLP for Professional Services (December 2008) 3. Approve Investment Report for the Month of December 2008 4. Approve Communications Services Contract with Yaffe|Deutser 5. Approve System Architects Services Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – February 26, 2009 – Page 3 6. Approve Blackboard Vista Site License and Service Provider 7. Approve College Wide Network and VoIP Equipment Upgrade (Project 09-09) APPROVE MASTER PLANNER SERVICES Motion – Mrs. Flores moved and Mr. Austin seconded the approval. Mr. Schechter reiterated that there are two actions requested on the item (1) assessment of current facilities and the status of the current campus plans and (2) update the master plans for each campus and assess the future needs; however; the way the item is presented it gives all the responsibility to one firm. Mr. Schechter noted that in the past when a building assessment was done a separate firm was hired to do the assessment other than the firm to completing the master plan or any future analysis. Mr. Schechter noted that he has concerns with the way the contract is written because it would give the same firm the right to decide what needs to be done and complete it also. He recommended dividing the contract in half so that there are checks and balances and allowing administration to hire staff to monitor the contract. He noted that in his view the Board needs to protect the resources of the college. Mr. Austin asked if the college has a contract administrator who monitors all contracts. Dr. Tyler mentioned that there is a contract administrator on staff; however, they do not have the extensive technical expertise to monitor the contracts. He recommended that the institution hire the staff because it will be needed in the long-term. Mr. Austin noted that the issues should be separated and noted that the issue at hand is the master planning. He noted that the Chancellor would have to hire the person to look at the operation planning as well as how it is infused with the facilities plan. Mrs. Guzman associated with Mr. Austin and apprised that she has previously mentioned the need for developing a project management office. She noted that administration needs to develop a plan for monitoring before it is brought to the board. Motion – Mr. Schechter motioned to table the item until administration develops a plan for monitoring. Mr. Worsham seconded. Mr. Davila asked what would be the timeline to get the help needed. Dr. Tyler mentioned that it would probably take approximately 45 days. Mrs. Sane informed that it is administration’s responsibility to recommend a person for the position. She noted that it is not the Board’s responsibility to hire and noted that she is not in favor of tabling the item because it will just hold up the process. Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – February 26, 2009 – Page 4 Mr. Austin noted that governments could form work directly or indirectly. He noted that the issue is who will be responsible for insuring that the college is protected according to the scope of work. He noted that the COO has the ability to separate the tasks. Motion Withdrawn - Mr. Schechter withdrew his motion. Mr. Worsham seconded. Mr. Oliver noted that it is important to begin a project management office as noted by Mrs. Guzman and he agrees with the Chancellor that there needs to be an assessment on the buildings. Mr. Schechter noted that it is not the Board’s responsibility to micro-manage; however, the Board has a right and obligation to approve the contract for the work to be completed as recommended in the action item, but he does not agree with Mrs. Sane that the contract should be approved in order to get the job done. He noted that before approving the item, there needs to be a capable staff in place who can monitor and evaluate the work. Mrs. Sane informed that she respectfully disagrees with Mr. Schechter comments about her statement; she noted that it is not the job of the Board to tell administration how they should monitor any work being done by the contractors. Mrs. Flores noted that three firms are being hired to complete the system architect and asked how much more expertise is needed. Dr. Tyler noted that a system architect focusing on project management is recommended by the Chancellor. Mrs. Flores asked if there is a restriction from hiring a system architect because of the scope of work. Dr. Tyler noted that it depends on the cost. Mr. Davila noted that there should be an analysis for internal versus external cost. He noted that he is concerned with the fiscal impact of hiring a project development staff. Mr. Oliver noted that it is the responsibility of the administration to look to see whether or not it is cost efficient either internally or externally. Mr. Austin noted that he agrees with the monitoring process and noted that he agrees with the Chair in that there will be cost for hiring individuals internally. He noted administration should determine how to develop the monitoring process as well as the scope of work. Mrs. Sane apprised that there are two issues, one is to hire a master planner and the second issue is to have a monitoring system. Amended Motion – Mr. Schechter moved to amend motion to approve to allow administration to negotiate a contract for assessment of the current facilities and plans with ESPA and that a monitoring plan is presented to the Board in 45 days for the remainder of the contract. Mr. Oliver seconded. The motion passed with a vote of 8-0. Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – February 26, 2009 – Page 5 Vote Motion – The motion passed with a vote of 8-0. ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION Mr. Davila adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 6:33 p.m., notice having previously been given and reiterated in accordance with Sections 551.071, 551.072, and/or 551.074 of the Open Meetings Law. Mr. Davila stated that any final action, vote or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. Mr. Davila reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 7:08 p.m. and entertained motions on pending matters. (Present: Trustees Austin, Davila, Flores, Guzman, Oliver and Worsham,) TOPIC FOR DISCUSSION Motion – Mr. Oliver moved to approve the personnel agenda. Mrs. Guzman seconded the motion. The motion passed with a vote of 6-0. HEARING OF CITIZEN The following individual signed up to speak before the board: • Ms. LaJoyce Wilson – requested documentation CHANCELLOR REPORT • Black History Gala – scheduled for Saturday, February 26, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. • President of Coleman – Board approved the appointment of Dr. Young as the new President. ADJOURNMENT With no further business coming before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 7:14 p.m. Minutes recorded, transcribed & submitted by: Sharon Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services Minutes Approved as Submitted: