September 25, 2008
The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular
Meeting on Thursday, September 25, 2008 at the System Administration Building,
Second Floor Auditorium, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas.
Bruce A. Austin, Vice Chair
Diane Olmos Guzman, Secretary
Mills Worsham, Deputy Secretary
Christopher Oliver
Neeta Sane
Richard Schechter
Dr. Michael P. Williams
Mary Spangler, Chancellor
Art Tyler, Deputy Chancellor/COO
Renee Byas, General Counsel
Doretha Eason, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor
Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor for Instruction
William Carter, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology
Daniel Seymour, Vice Chancellor, Institution Effectiveness and Planning
Cheryl Sterling, Interim Vice Chancellor, Student Success
Margaret Ford Fisher, President, Northeast College
Fena Garza, President, Southwest College
William Harmon, President, Central College/Interim President, Coleman College
Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College
Irene Porcarello, Interim President, Southeast College
Willie Williams, Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
Jarvis Hollingsworth, System Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani
Mary Page, President, Faculty Senate Association
Other administrators, citizens and representatives from the news media
Mr. Austin, Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:26 p.m. and declared the Board
convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as
listed on the duly posted Meeting Notice.
Mr. Mills Worsham led the prayer and pledge of allegiance to the flag.
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Approval of Minutes from August 2008 was tabled until the next Regular meeting
scheduled for October 23, 2008.
The following citizens were present to speak before the Board:
Charles Lingerfield – he requested to defer two minutes of his time to the Student
United Council (USC). The USC President provided an overview of the council’s
purpose and introduced the officers. She extended an invitation to the Board of
Trustees to attend a mixer with the USC at 3100 Main, 2nd Floor.
Mr. Lingerfield introduced the Executive Board for HCC Central Student Government
Association and informed that the Executive Board looks forward to working with the
HCC Board of Trustees.
Mr. Austin commended HCC on the efforts during the recovery from Hurricane Ike. He
encouraged all to continue to support those who remain in need of assistance.
Appreciation to administrative team, faculty, and staff for their efforts above
and beyond the call of duty to safely and expediently re-open the college
after Hurricane Ike. She noted that she has visited the colleges over the past
few days and noted that the effort is to resume normalcy.
MDRC, National partner in Achieving the Dream project, is awarding
$150,000 for the upcoming year to support three colleges in staff and student
support in regards to learning communities.
Greater Houston Partnership voted to endorse a resolution in support of
Opportunity 14 and the Alief Annexation
The guidelines for the Innovation Program have been developed. The
program intention is to create strategies or solutions to improve what HCC is
doing or translate existing effective strategies or solutions to different settings
within the district.
(Dr. Williams stepped out at 4:38 p.m.)
Salzburg Seminar – Six HCC students from each of HCC colleges attended
the Salzburg Global Seminar in May 2008. The students introduced
themselves and provided an overview of their experience in attending the
seminar. The students presented a slide presentation of photos from their
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(Dr. Williams returned at 4:41p.m.)
Faculty Senate Report – Mary Page, President, Faculty Senate
Ms. Page highlighted some of the experiences during Hurricane Ike and
informed that she was able to provide feedback to the faculty regarding
return to institutions by working with administration. She advised that the
faculty volunteered to work the POD (Points of Distribution) that was located
at HCC Southeast campus. She noted that the volunteers included faculty,
staff, and students.
She apprised that the faculty team worked with Dr. Cook to revise the fall
term 2008 calendar for the regular and second start semesters.
She expressed kudos to the HCC Police department for their efforts in
securing the college and providing services to the campuses.
Financial Report – Dr. Tyler provided an overview of the Finance Report for
July 2008
Mr. Schechter commended the administration, faculty, and staff for their hard work in
getting the institution up and running after Hurricane Ike.
Mr. Schechter also elaborated on the innovation programs and requested that a
measurement to accurately evaluate if the program was successful.
Motion – Dr. Williams moved that section VIII is treated as a consent agenda. Mr. Oliver
seconded. Motion passed with vote of 7-0.
Motion – Dr. Williams moved all items are approved except for items #6, 8, and 9. Mr.
Oliver seconded the motion. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0. The following items
were approved:
Public Hearing for Proposed Tax Rates Relating Effective, Rollback, and
Debt Service
Armored Car Transportation Services (Project 08-41)
Donation of Cisco VoIP Equipment for the Alief Campus
Investment report for the Month of July 2008
Lab 300 Multimedia Learning Center (Project #08-42)
Purchase of Distillation Training Unit
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Renewal of US Communities Contract and All Existing Interlocal and
Cooperative Services (August 2008)
Payment to Bracewell & Giuliani for Professional Services (August 2008)
Personnel Agenda for September 2008
Motion – Dr. Williams and Mr. Oliver seconded.
Mrs. Guzman asked for the process for which the item was considered and asked if cost
for the future was considered. Dr. Spangler asked Dr. Tyler to provide the details for the
(Mr. Austin left at 5:04 p.m.; Mrs. Guzman presided over the meeting)
Dr. Tyler apprised that the normal process was followed and seven bids were received.
He noted that the process met all the legal procedures and noted it is required to go with
the lowest responsive bid.
Mrs. Guzman noted that a best effort is required on small business participation and
asked what analyses was used to assess that best efforts should be used. Dr. Tyler
noted that there are not many small businesses participation available for the item and
advised that he is unable to state that there will always be a small business participation
Mrs. Guzman requested that the scope of work is analyzed and reiterated that efforts
must be made to make certain that there is small business participation.
Vote - The motion passed with vote of 6-0.
Mr. Oliver asked where is the college in terms of investment in lieu of the current
financial status of the economy. Dr. Tyler apprised that Ron Defalco is the person
responsible and apprised that return on investment is 2.4%. All investments are backed
by treasury bills and noted that with the return and amount of equity, the college
investments are very safe.
Dr. Tyler noted that August financial statement was not presented due to the closing
from Hurricane Ike and noted that staff has requested an extension. He apprised that
the college is on target in regards to anticipated spending.
Mr. Oliver stated that he would admonish administration to make certain that the college
is in good standing so that there are no surprises.
Dr. Williams informed that he would like to have a written opinion from the investment
advisors on their letterhead regarding the current conditions.
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(Mr. Worsham left at 5:15 p.m.)
Mr. Schechter commended Mr. Defalco and his team and inquired about the Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac investments. Mr. Defalco apprised that the investment with these
entities is very minimal. Mr. Oliver asked about Lehman Brothers. Mr. Defalco apprised
that they only provided paper work services.
Mrs. Guzman recommended that the audit committee develop policy to allow for check
and balances. Mr. Oliver mentioned that this is a discussion that should be held with
the audit committee.
Dr. Williams advised that it is important to put together a report that provides support to
the Board to give a narrative.
Mrs. Sane apprised that there needs to be more transparency and noted that the hard
work of the investment team is appreciated.
Motion – Mr. Oliver moved and Dr. Williams seconded.
Dr. Spangler requested that item #4 on the second page regarding the HARCO
Insurance Services should be omitted since it was approved at the August 28, 2008
Mrs. Sane asked about the multi-year contract renewal and asked HCC would be safe
guarded from any potential problems with the month-to-month contracts as well as what
type of escape clauses are provided in the contracts. Dr. Spangler informed that the
ability to remove or cancel a contract has been reviewed and advised that counsel is
able to provide more insight on the concerns.
Mr. Oliver noted that if necessary, the college has the ability to terminate the contract if
there is unsatisfactory performance.
Mrs. Sane stated that she would like to make certain that check points are included in
the contracts and the college is not locked into contracts but has the ability to shop for
better options if possible.
Vote – the motion passed with vote 5-0.
Mrs. Guzman adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 5:32 p.m., notice having
previously been given and reiterated in accordance with Sections 551.071, 551.072,
and/or 551.074 of the Open Meetings Law. Mrs. Guzman stated that any final action,
vote or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open
Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting.
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Mrs. Guzman reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 6:01 p.m. and entertained
motions on pending matters.
(Present: Trustees Guzman, Oliver, Sane, Schechter, and Dr. Williams)
With no further business coming before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 6:02 p.m.
Minutes recorded, transcribed & submitted by:
Sharon Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services
Minutes Approved as Submitted: