MEETING OF THE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM October 16, 2008 Minutes The Legislative Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a meeting on Thursday, October 16, 2008, at the System Administration Building, 3100 Main, 2nd Floor Seminar Room A, Houston, Texas. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Mills Worsham, Committee Chair Neeta Sane, Committee Member Diane Olmos Guzman, Committee Member Yolanda Navarro Flores, Board Chairwoman Bruce Austin Abel Davila Christopher Oliver Richard Schechter ADMINISTRATION Mary S. Spangler, Chancellor Art Tyler, Deputy Chancellor/COO Renee Byas, General Counsel Doretha Eason, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor Bill Carter, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor for Instructions Cheryl Sterling, Interim Vice Chancellor, Student Services Margaret Ford Fisher, President, Northeast College Fena Garza, President, Southwest College William Harmon, President, Central College/Interim President, Coleman College Maya Donnover for Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College Irene Porcarello, Interim President, Southeast College Willie Williams, Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources Remmele Young, Director, Office of Government Relations and Sustainability OTHERS PRESENT Jarvis Hollingsworth, Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani Brad Deutser, Consultant, Yaffe|Deutser Catherine Campbell, Consultant, Yaffee|Deutser Other administrators, citizens, and representatives of the news media Houston Community College System Legislative Committee – October 16, 2008 - Page 2 CALL TO ORDER Mr. Worsham called the meeting to order at 2:26 p.m. and declared the Committee convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly posted Meeting Notice. GOVERNMENT RELATIONS INTERVIEWS Mr. Remmele Young apprised that each firm would be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and the Legislative Committee would be allotted an opportunity to ask questions of each firm; however, he noted that the same questions should be asked to each firm. Mr. Young apprised that the Legislative Committee could provide points for their evaluations purposes. The following firms presented before the Committee: • • • • Van Scoyoc Associates Paul Colbert Locke Lord Brissell and Liddell Boykins and Schneider Mr. Young asked the firms to extend professional courtesy and excuse themselves from the room as other firms are presenting. Van Scoyoc Associates - (Jennifer LaTourette/Sherri Newton Dillard) The firm desires to provide federal government relations services for HCC. They provided background of their experience and outlined services they are available to provide for the college. The firm was founded in 1990 and is currently DC’s largest independent government relations firm. VSC indicates that their services will include drafting white papers to justify the project; identifying the exact bills, agencies, accounts, and programs for which funding is requested; draft legislative or report language to correspond with project requests; draft legislative provisions for inclusion in authorizing vehicles; tracking bills; attend relevant hearings and provide summary reports. (Mrs. Sane stepped out at 3:01 p.m./returned at 3:08 p.m.) Paul Colbert- (Paul Colbert) The firm desires to provide state government relations services for HCC. Mr. Colbert provided background of his experience and outlined services that he would provide the college. Mr. Colbert expressed that he has over 35 years experience in Texas state government including 12 years as a member of the Texas House of Representative. He identified that he has five and a half years work experience at HCC as a government relations consultant. He offered that his past work with HCC includes securing passage of appropriations riders, drafting and securing passage of legislation removing statutory discouragement to dual credit programs, and drafting proposed bills benefiting the college. (Mrs. Flores arrived at 3:34 p.m.) Houston Community College System Legislative Committee – October 16, 2008 - Page 3 (Mr. Worsham stepped out at 3:35 p.m./returned at 3:42 p.m.) (Mr. Davila arrived at 3:43 p.m.) (Mr. Austin arrived at 3:45 p.m.) Locke Lord Brissell and Liddell – (Robert Miller) The firm desires to provide state and federal government relations services for HCC. Mr. Miller provided background of his experience and an outlined services that Locke Lissell Brissell, and Liddell would provide the college. LLB&L is a national firm with more than 70 years of combined experience in politics and government relations. Mr. Miller identified successful efforts in helping HCC with its general state appropriations, employee insurance fund restoration and other legislative matters impacting HCC. LLB&L plan of action includes helping HCC develop a legislative agenda and strategic agenda and strategic communication plan, preparing position papers, working with staff to provide regular communication to the Harris County House and Senate delegation and other key members and staff, and leadership. (Mr. Oliver arrived at 4:06 p.m.) (Mr. Oliver and Mr. Davila stepped out at 4:24 p.m.) (Mrs. Guzman stepped out at 4:29 p.m./returned at 4:45 p.m.) (Mrs. Flores stepped out at 4:30 p.m./returned at 4:45 p.m.) (Mr. Schechter stepped out at 4:32 p.m./4:45 p.m.) Boykins and Schneider – (Dwight Boykins and Mary Schneider The firm desires to provide federal government relations services for HCC. Mrs. Schneider provided background of the firm experience and outlined services that would be provided to the college. B&S cites its existing three-year work relationship with HCC as value added and part of its relevant qualifications and experience. The firm indicates that it specializes in issues related to education, healthcare, and transportation. B&S indicates that it will help HCC prepare its legislative agenda, arrange phone conferences, provide monthly updates and communicate with HCC regarding the progress of its legislative agenda. The firm also indicates that it will work with the U.S. Congress and their staff, monitor legislation and appropriations matters that impact HCC and higher education policy. B&S will schedule meetings with member and/or their staff for HCC, perform relevant research, and keep members apprised of matters of concern to HCC. (Mr. Davila returned at 4:56 p.m.) (Dr. Williams arrived at 5:03 p.m.) Houston Community College System Legislative Committee – October 16, 2008 - Page 4 (Mr. Austin stepped out at 5:07 p.m.) Mr. Young apprised that this was the conclusion of the presentations and announced that he would entertain any questions from the Board. Mrs. Sane asked for the budgeted amount spent for government relations services. Mr. Young apprised that the current amount is $11,500 monthly exclusive of expenses for each state and the federal. Dr. Williams noted that the primary way the college will benefit from the federal standpoint is the earmarks and noted that it is important that there is representation at both the state and federal level. He apprised that opportunities could be lost if the college’s presence is not at the table. (Dr. Williams stepped out at 5:32 p.m.) (Mr. Davila and Mrs. Sane stepped out at 5:34 p.m.) Mr. Worsham recommended that the Committee make a recommendation to the full Board after the November 4, 2008 election. Mr. Schechter mentioned that he differs with the recommendation and noted that the college major funding comes from the state level; therefore, waiting will not make a difference. (Mr. Worsham stepped out at 5:35 p.m.) Dr. Spangler apprised that the current government relations contracts would not expire until December 31, 2008; therefore, there is time to make a decision. (Mr. Worsham and Mr. Davila returned at 5:42 p.m.) Mr. Schechter informed that the federal decision could be made later; however, he would recommend considering the state contract as soon as possible. Mrs. Flores apprised that a Special meeting was scheduled for 4:00 p.m. Motion – Mrs. Flores motioned to recess until after the Special meeting. Mrs. Guzman seconded. Mr. Worsham recessed the meeting at 5:53 p.m. Mr. Worsham reconvened the meeting at 6:16 p.m. (Present: Trustees Flores, Guzman, Sane, Schechter, Worsham and Williams) Motion - Mrs. Guzman moved to recommend Boykins and Schneider to provide federal government relations services. Mrs. Sane seconded the motion. The motion passed with vote of 3-0. Houston Community College System Legislative Committee – October 16, 2008 - Page 5 Motion - Mrs. Sane moved to recommend that Locke Lord Bissell and Liddel and Paul Colbert provide the state government relations services and suggest 60 percent be awarded to Lock Lord Bissell and Liddell and 40 percent to Paul Colbert. Mrs. Guzman seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0. Mr. Schechter recommended altering the contracts to give sixty percent of the funds allocated for government relation services to state consulting and forty percent to federal. Mrs. Guzman stated that administration should negotiate the dollar amount of the contracts once the Board has approved the recommendation. (Dr. Williams returned at 6:26 p.m.) Dr. Spangler noted that from an administration perspective, there might be some overlapping if there are two separate state contracts. She recommended contracting for specific items. Mrs. Flores clarified that the Chancellor is recommending focusing on scope of service as oppose to a percentage for each team; therefore, there would be two separate contracts. Dr. Williams stated that the consultants should not be in a position to dictate how the college uses its resources. He agrees with Board Chair that two contracts make sense. Mrs. Sane inquired if we have an amount allocated for government consultants. Mrs. Flores stated that administration should work with vendors to negotiate the contract. Trustee Guzman and Trustee Worsham expressed concern for Paul Colbert and his need to be paid accordingly. Mr. Schechter mentioned that the Director of the Office of Government Relations would be available to make the call as to who would handle which portion. Mr. Young mentioned that the solution for consideration could be separate contracts with a defined scope of work. Dr. Williams clarified that administration would need to determine who to utilize for which service. Motion to reconsider – Mrs. Guzman moved to reconsider the previous motion. Mrs. Sane seconded. Motion – Mrs. Guzman moved to accept the proposals from Locke Lord Brissell and Liddel and Paul Colbert and authorize the Chancellor to negotiate both contracts. The motion passed with a vote of 3-0. Houston Community College System Legislative Committee – October 16, 2008 - Page 6 ADJOURNMENT With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:46 p.m. Recorded by: Sharon R. Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services Transcribed and submitted by: Sharon Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services Minutes Approved: