November 24, 2008
The Information Technology Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Houston
Community College held a meeting on Monday, November 24, 2008, at the System
Administration Building, 3100 Main, 2nd Floor Seminar Room A, Houston, Texas.
Abel Davila, Committee Chair
Mills Worsham, Committee Member
Mary S. Spangler, Chancellor
Doretha Eason, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor
Bill Carter, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology
William Harmon, President, Central College
Remmele Young, Executive Director, Government Relations
Jarvis Hollingsworth, Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani
Mary Page, President, Faculty Senate
Other administrators, citizens, and representatives of the news media
Mr. Davila called the meeting to order at 1:46 p.m. and declared the Committee convened
to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College as listed on the duly
posted Meeting Notice.
Discuss the status of the contract for information technology services approved in the
August 28, 2008 Board of Trustees meeting.
Motion – Mr. Worsham moved to discuss the status of the contract for IT services approved
for the August 28, 2008 meeting. Mr. Davila seconded.
Mr. Carter apprised that since the item was approved, two contracts are now in place with
Global Times, Inc. He advised that one contract is for $690,000 to handle the vignette
intranet and to develop friendly URLs. He noted that the second contract for $400,000 was
signed last week after working with the vendor on the scope of work.
Mr. Worsham noted that the approval was up to $1.5 million and inquired about the other
services that were to be provided. Mr. Carter informed that a number of the services are
under review and that some of the services have either been completed by internal staff, or
under contract with other contracts such as the CIP network, WinLan, and Voice Over IP.
Mr. Carter noted that he is working on the security policy with general counsel as well as
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revisiting the current IT policy. He noted that the focus has been on the intranet and
disaster recovery project.
Mr. Davila noted that the item was approved on August 28, 2008 and asked when the
contract was signed. Mr. Carter apprised that the contract was signed around the first of
November. Mr. Davila asked if it is the norm to take three months to get a contract signed.
Mr. Carter informed that one of the problems was the hurricane and advised that there was
a need to determine the funding and work with general counsel to review the specifications
of the contract.
Mr. Davila asked Mr. Carter or the GTI representative for the number and dollar amount of
proposals submitted. Mr. Carter informed that there were two scopes of work to him and
noted that the total submitted was $1.5; however, there were a number of options included
that reduced the amount. Mr. Davila asked if the amount was reduced or the scope. Mr.
Carter informed that both the scope and amount were reduced based experience on how to
proceed with the projects.
Mr. Bobby Singh informed that approximately seven proposals were submitted on the one
approved on August 21, 2008. He noted that there were two scopes: disaster recovery and
portal intranet. He noted that fees associated with the projects were submitted.
Mr. Davila asked if the work would still be completed even with reduction in the scope of
work. Mr. Carter informed that the work would still be completed.
Mr. Davila asked if GTI is hired for consulting and asked if the original contract was two
Mr. Worsham mentioned that the presentation made at the Committee meeting in August
2008 depicted more than two projects that needed to be completed. Mr. Carter mentioned
that some of the projects discussed were already under contract with PGAL or were
completed. Mrs. Byas mentioned that legally if public dollars are already being expended
then could we not pay for someone else to complete. She noted that in reviewing the
projects the total amount of the contract was $1.09 million.
Mr. Carter mentioned that the continuity for instruction technology would be completed in
June 2009; however, the second phase would involve determining the priorities and risks
for business continuity. He noted that the next phase would needed to be scope out first.
Mr. Davila asked for the status of the information technology security policies. Mr. Carter
informed that he is working with general counsel and the Chancellor to develop a
Mr. Davila reiterated that two scopes emerged based on the scope of work adopted on
August 21, 2008. Mr. Carter informed that the scope is based on the number of projects
that were already under contract and the project list submitted by Mr. Singh.
Mr. Davila requested a preliminary of the projects adopted and advised what has been
done. Mr. Carter provided the following status on projects:
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CIP WANLAN and VoIP projects - under contract with Sony Group via PGAL
Network Land Upgrade – on RFP to replace all networks and Voice-over IP
Products for network monitoring are implemented
Security Policies and Procedures – January 2009
Voice-over IP – Contract approved for CIP projects; hiring of person to assist IT staff
with ongoing maintenance and operations through November 2008
Revise and Refresh Strategic Plan – submitted at August committee meeting; will be
updated annually
Project Managers – IT staff scheduled to attend training in September 2009
Class Room Technology – under contract with Sony Group; recommend that it be
included with master plan
Structural Disaster - discussed
Business Continuity – future project; must review disaster recovery plan first
Intranet – under contract
Vignette Upgrade – scheduled for spring 2009 and internal IT staff will handle
Integrating remaining colleges - completed
(Mrs. Guzman arrived at 2:07 p.m.)
Mr. Davila asked the consultant to comment based on his professional expertise whether if
all the projects could be met. Mr. Singh informed that GTI has been completing work on
Phase I since 2006-2007. He noted that the list proposed on August 21, 2008 was based
on priority items for the next 12 month calendar cycle. He noted that there might have
been some miscommunications since PGAL was not to design but was committed to
reviewing the contract. Mr. Singh mentioned that several proposals were submitted to Mr.
Carter and he noted that the work is there and will assume that someone will be completing
the work.
Mrs. Guzman asked Mr. Singh if PGAL committed to be the program manager for all the
CIP including Northline and Hayes Rd. Mr. Singh mentioned that there must be
consistency across the board for standardization.
Mr. Davila asked why the business continuation plan is being completed for all five
colleges. Mr. Singh informed that the business continuation is not being completed for all
colleges. Mr. Carter mentioned that the contract has not been negotiated at this time
because the focus has been on the disaster recovery for instruction technology.
Mr. Davila asked if the disaster recovery came before the business continuity. Mr. Singh
noted that business continuity is what keeps the business running; however, the disaster
recovery comes in when there is a disaster. Mr. Singh advised that business continuity
should be completed first in order to know what the risks are; however, a disaster recovery
plan is just as imperative. He noted that the business continuity is an on-going project.
Mr. Worsham asked where the system is the strongest and where the most work is needed.
Mr. Carter mentioned that from his perspective it would be on the classroom standpoint.
He noted that students are using more technology from home.
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Mr. Davila recommended that the business continuity plan be in place within 45 days.
Motion - Mr. Worsham motioned that a business continuity plan is developed within the
next 45 days for presentation to the IT Committee. Mr. Davila seconded.
Mrs. Guzman mentioned that a priority list should be developed for review.
Mr. Davila advised that a motion might not be necessary since the scope was included in
the item approved in August 2008. Mr. Worsham mentioned that the item does not
necessarily need a motion; therefore, it should be noted as a request to administration to
provide the plan.
Dr. Spangler noted for clarification that items that have been completed and paid, need to
be bid, or will be completed internally should not be brought back.
Mr. Davila stated that a preliminary study should be developed to determine what needs to
be done and whether the tasks can be completed internally.
Dr. Harmon mentioned that disasters appear to be limited to hurricanes; however, there are
other disasters than a hurricane.
Dr. Spangler mentioned that the issue is to ensure that disaster plan is implemented. Mr.
Davila mentioned that he is okay with completing the disaster recovery but noted that the
plans could be developed simultaneously; however, the directive is to provide a preliminary
plan depicting how the tasks will be completed.
Mr. Davila mentioned that the strategic plan should be reviewed at each of the Technology
committee meetings and an exit plan needs to be developed.
Mr. Davila reiterated that the request from the Technology Committee is that administration
develops a plan on business continuity for presentation at the next committee meeting in
January 2009. He asked that the draft be provided to him for review, and he would pass
the information to the other committee members.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:27 p.m.
Recorded, transcribed and submitted by:
Sharon R. Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services
Minutes Approved: