MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM September 14, 2006 Minutes The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System met as a Committee of the Whole on Thursday, September 14, 2006, at the System Administration Building, Seminar Room A, Second Floor, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Jay K. Aiyer – Chairman Yolanda Navarro Flores – Vice Chair Diane Olmos Guzman, Secretary Bruce A. Austin, Deputy Secretary Abel Davila Richard M. Schechter Dr. Michael P. Williams ADMINISTRATION Norman Nielsen, Interim Chancellor Doretha Eason, Deputy to the Chancellor Miles LeBlanc, General Counsel Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor, Instruction Irene Porcarello, Vice Chancellor, Student Success Gloria Walker, Vice Chancellor, Finance & Administration Winston Dahse, Interim President, Southwest College Margaret Ford, President, Northeast College Fena Garza, President, Southeast College William Harmon, President, Central College Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College Marsal Stoll, President, Coleman College Carole Keeney Harrington, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor, Communications William Mack, Associate Vice Chancellor, Facilities and Construction Willie Williams, Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources Mike Kyme, Executive Director, Procurement Remmele Young, Executive Director, Government Relations OTHERS PRESENT Maureen Singleton, System Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani Other administrators, citizens, and representatives of the news media Mr. Jay Aiyer, Board Chair called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly posted meeting notice. Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – September 14, 2006 – Page 2 ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION Mr. Aiyer adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 4:30 p.m., notice having previously been given and reiterated in accordance with Sections 551.071, 551.072, and/or 551.074 of the Open Meetings Law. Mr. Aiyer stated that any final action, vote or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. Mr. Aiyer reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 5:35 p.m. and entertained motions on pending matters. (Present: Trustees Aiyer, Austin, Davila, Guzman, Schechter, and Dr. Williams) Motion – Dr. Williams motioned and Mr. Davila seconded that the following items are moved to the consent agenda. Motion passed 6-0. • B.5 - ACCEPT BID FOR DEMOLITION SERVICES FOR THE EAST WING LOCATED ON CENTRAL COLLEGE CAMPUS • B.6 - APPROVE TERMS OF LEASE AT OFFICE CITY PLAZA FOR SOUTHEAST COLLEGE COSMETOLOGY PROGRAM • B.9 - APPROVE CONTRACT FOR TEMPORARY PERSONNEL AGENCY SERVICES • B.10 - APPROVE ADULT EDUCATION GRANT FUNDED SUBCONTRACTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 • B.13 - APPROVE PAYMENT TO BRACEWELL AND GIULIANI FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR JULY 2006 • B. 14 - RATIFY AND ACCEPT GIFTS AND DONATIONS FACILITIES A.1 - REVIEW 2004 CIP AND OTHER PROJECTS PROGRESS REPORT The Board concluded to table discussion of the report. A.2 - APPROVE ADDITIONAL SERVICES TO THE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONTRACT (PGAL) FOR CENTRAL PLANT-CENTRAL COLLEGE Motion – Dr. Williams moved to approve and Mr. Davila seconded. Mrs. Guzman noted that the Board recently approved additional services for PGAL with the stipulation that no further additional services should be extended. Dr. Nielsen informed that PGAL completed the development of the IT infrastructure for the CIP and further noted that the approvals are for consistency; however there will not be any further contracts awarded to PGAL. Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – September 14, 2006 – Page 3 Mr. Schechter informed that his recommendation was that a benefit analysis should be completed prior to approving future contracts. Dr. Nielsen noted that the cost analysis was not conducted on this request for additional services because the contract will terminate once the plans are in place. Mr. Schechter asked for clarification on the project inspections for $195,000 and asked if the amount was the total charge for the inspection. Ms. Walker apprised that the cost was consistent with the CIP which is a component of the contract and informed that the amount is a pass through to subcontractors. Mrs. Guzman asked whether the subcontracts have met their small business goals. Mrs. Walker noted that PGAL has met their small business goals and informed that administration is developing a report displaying the subcontractors for the project. Vote: The item passed to the consent agenda with a vote of 6-0. (Mrs. Flores arrived at 5:51 p.m.) A.3 - APPROVE ADDITIONAL SERVICES TO THE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES PGAL IT CONTRACT FOR HAYES ROAD AND NORTHLINE CAMPUSES Motion – Dr. Williams motioned to approve. Mr. Davila seconded the motion. Mr. Schechter asked for the calculations on the cost for PGAL to complete the IT for the CIP. Mrs. Walker informed that the fee on the $6.9 million is less than 5%. Mr. Schechter asked for the percentage fee for the planning and design and asked if a comparison could be presented that shows what the cost would be if the work was conducted by a person from the community. Mr. Davila stated that it is good for the college to have a standardized wireless system; however, he does not feel that the college should be locked in to using only one vendor. Vote: The item was not passed to the consent agenda with a vote of 4-0-3 with Trustees Schechter, Guzman, and Flores abstaining. Ms. Singleton will research if the item can be placed on the agenda for the Regular Board meeting scheduled for September 21, 2006. FINANCE B.4 - DISCUSS AND APPROVE ADVANCE REFUND OF JUNIOR LIEN BONDS AND ISSUANCE OF NEW JUNIOR LIEN BONDS Motion – Dr. Williams moved approval and Mr. Davila seconded the motion. Mr. Jorge Rodriguez with Coastal Securities presented an overview on the Junior Lien Bonds and explained the benefits of the bonds to the college. Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – September 14, 2006 – Page 4 Mrs. Guzman asked if the funds from the bonds could be used to complete the Southeast Building. Mr. Aiyer asked Gloria Walker to provide an overview of how the funds will be utilized. Mrs. Walker noted that the College would be able to earn funds and cover the CIP shortfall. Mr. Schechter noted that this particular method allows the college to complete the CIP without taking funds from the operations of the college. Mrs. Flores asked for a time frame for bidding on the CIP. Bill Mack informed that at least 10 buildings are scheduled to be under construction by January 2007 which means that the bidding will be completed between October and December 2006. (Dr. Williams left at 6:28 p.m.) Mr. Davila asked if the Board needed to select a firm or bank. Mrs. Walker noted that Jorge Rodriguez will be managing the process. Vote: The item passed to the consent agenda with a vote of 6-0. B.7 - APPROVE UPGRADE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT 06-36 The Information Technology Department presented an overview on the Network Upgrade Strategy. The recommendation from administration is to authorize negotiation of a contract with Siemens to provide equipment and deployment services for the Upgrade IT Infrastructure project at a cost not to exceed $2,712,419. However, in the event a contract is not negotiated with Siemens for the hardware, administration request authorization to negotiate with one or more of the other RFP respondents for hardware and Siemens would only provide the deployment services. Motion – Mr. Davila motioned that the Board approves the latter part of the recommendation from administration that recommends Siemens for the deployment and negotiate with the other vendors for the hardware. Mrs. Guzman seconded the motion. The item passed to the consent agenda as an amended motion with a vote of 6-0. Mrs. Guzman suggested that administration negotiate in the contract with the vendors some form of partnership where HCC provides workforce training. B.8- APPROVE ANNUAL CONTRACT RENEWALS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 Mr. Schechter informed that he pulled the item for discussion to make certain the contracts have been reviewed and that they are in the best benefit to the College. Dr. Nielsen noted that item #49 should be deleted because the service is not needed. He further stated that most of the contracts will be used as needed and could be canceled with a 30 day notice. Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – September 14, 2006 – Page 5 Mrs. Guzman requested backup on the small business participation that shows how the vendors met their small business goals. She noted that she would abstain on the vote in order to review the requested information. Mrs. Flores requested information on the bookstore. Dr. Nielsen noted that he is working with Mrs. Walker on a report to provide the requested information. Mr. Aiyer noted that he supports items 16-19 and presented the idea of possibly negotiating an increase in the contract with the vendors in order to provide an opportunity for the vendor to give increased wages to their employees. Dr. Nielsen stated that he would review the suggested proposal. Mrs. Flores questioned how the funds would be monitored. Mr. Austin suggested the possibility having a tax consultant discuss the tax benefits. He also recommended that the entire benefit package should be reviewed and requested that the issue is researched. Mr. Davila suggested a review to see if outsourcing is actually benefiting the college. Mr. Austin referred the staff to Federal Acquisition Regulation Section A.76. The Board concluded that the janitorial and maintenance contracts should be reviewed to compare outsourcing with inhouse staffing. Vote: The item passed to the consent agenda with a vote of 5-0-1 with Mrs. Guzman abstaining. APPROVE RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE SYSTEM COMPENSATION REDESIGN COMMITTEE Board concluded to move the item to Topics for Discussion at the Regular Board meeting scheduled for September 21, 2006. APPROVE RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Board concluded to move the item to Topics for Discussion at the Regular Board meeting scheduled for September 21, 2006. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Minutes recorded, transcribed, & submitted by: Sharon Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services Minutes Approved as Submitted: Regular Board Meeting on October 26, 2006