MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM April 20, 2006 Minutes The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System met as a Committee of the Whole on Thursday, April 20, 2006, at the System Administration Building, Seminar Room A, Second Floor, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Jay K. Aiyer – Chairman Bruce A. Austin Abel Davila Yolanda Navarro Flores Diane Olmos Guzman James R. Murphy ADMINISTRATION Bruce H. Leslie, Chancellor Doretha Eason, Deputy to the Chancellor Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor, Instruction Irene Porcarello, Vice Chancellor, Student Success Jose Villarreal, Vice Chancellor, College Advancement and Performance Gloria Walker, Vice Chancellor, Finance & Administration Winston Dahse, Interim President, Southwest College Fena Garza, President, Southeast College Cheryl Peters for William Harmon, President, Central College Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College Willie Williams, Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources Carole Keeney Harrington, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor, Communications Williams Mack, Associate Vice Chancellor, Facilities and Construction Remmele Young, Executive Director, Government Relations Miles LeBlanc, General Counsel OTHERS PRESENT Jarvis Hollingsworth, System Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani Dwight Boykins, Federal Government Relations Consultant, Boykins & Schneider David Wilcox, President, Faculty Senate Other administrators, citizens and representatives from the news media CALL TO ORDER Mr. Jay Aiyer, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 4:26 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly posted meeting notice. Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – April 20, 2006 – Page 2 Mr. Davila congratulated Mr. Murphy on winning the primary elections for State. APPROVAL TO FINALIZE PURCHASE OF DRENNAN PROPERTY INCLUDING ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR ASSOCIATED IMPROVEMENTS Motion – Mr. Davila moved approval to finalize purchase of Drennan Property including additional costs for associated improvements. Mrs. Guzman seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0. (Mrs. Flores was not present at the time of the vote) Mr. Davila also asked that the Board pause to allow citizens to speak on behalf of the Drennan Project. Mr. Paul Mesa thanked the Board, Administration and Staff for the Drennan Project. Yolanda Black Navarro also thanked the Board and HCC Staff for their efforts in working with the Drennan Project. She stated they will be supporting the College as it moves forward with the project. Councilmember Felix Fraga mentioned that the Drennan Project is a wonderful asset to the community. FACILITIES REVIEW 2004 CIP AND OTHER PROJECTS PROGRESS REPORT Mrs. Guzman reiterated that this is a summary that will be forthcoming monthly. William Mack noted that all six CMAR contracts are signed, the floor plans have been approved on at least four of the building, and the RFQ responses have been received as it relates to Northline. He mentioned that it is anticipated to have the design team and contractors by the next meeting. Mr. Davila asked why is it taking so long on the learning HUB for SE which is scheduled to start the 4th quarter 2006. Gloria Walker noted that it has been reprogrammed for the classrooms. Mr. Mack noted that major changes were needed. He noted that the concept of the HUB is maintained for all the HUBs; however in this case more classrooms were needed. Mrs. Guzman noted that this schedule needs to be modified to provide update on the workforce programs. Mr. Mack noted that meetings and programming have begun as it relates to the workforce. Mr. Murphy mentioned that he was pleased to see reports; however, the schedules are broad. He recommended a more detailed report with milestones that show what was planned, the actual, and any revisions. Mr. Aiyer requested that the financial data relating to the projects is also provided. Mrs. Guzman suggested that the Communications Department should be involved such as with the town hall meetings and requested that the recommendations from the Board are incorporated. APPROVE CHANGE ORDER FOR WEST LOOP BUILD OUT Motion – Mr. Davila motioned to approve the change order for West Loop Build Out. Mr. Austin seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0. (Mrs. Flores was not present at the time of the vote) Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – April 20, 2006 – Page 3 Mr. Reynaldo provided the Board with an update on issues causing the need for a change order at the West Loop Build which is part of the Early College Program. The drawings were wrong, which showed plumbing utilities already in place, where the biology lab was scheduled to be built; however, when the contractor busted out to complete their portion for the biology lab there was no plumbing. Mr. Murphy asked if the drawings were part of the sale and warranty. He also asked Counsel to try to recoup the funds. Ms. Walker noted a small portion on NEP was reimbursed to the College. She noted that Administration is making certain due diligence is completed in the future before completing sale. Mr. Austin asked if a diligent effort is being made to guarantee the drawings is in a format to be placed in the master system for the College. Ms. Walker stated that such efforts are in place which allows for all the plans to be updated. Board requested an update as it relates to legal recourse. FINANCE APPROVE RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR IMPOSITION OF AN ADDITIONAL PENALTY ON DELINQUENT TAXES SECTION 33.07 AND 33.08 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY TAX CODE Motion – Mr. Davila moved for approval of the resolution providing for imposition of an additional penalty on delinquent taxes Section 33.07 and Section 33.08 of the Texas Property Tax Code. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0. (Mrs. Flores was not present at the time of the vote) Ms. Walker informed that penalty is an annual penalty that must be on filed annually. APPROVE REDUCTION IN SCOPE OF WORK FOR PRINCIPAL PARTNERING GROUP Motion – Mr. Davila moved to approved reduction in Scope of Work for Principal Partnering Group. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0. (Mrs. Flores was not present at the time of the vote) In December 2004, the Board of Trustees approved a contract with the Principle Partnering Group (PPG) to provide the following components: Small Business Development Services Student Internship Services Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Related Services Mrs. Guzman asked what was remaining to be completed on the project. Ms. Walker informed that the student list has not been provided. The project manager will be working to get the list. Ms. Walker mentioned that 18% of the scope was delivered; however, in reviewing the measure over the scope of the work (100% of the invoices were presented for payment). Mrs. Guzman motioned to amend the motion to approve $167,400 for remaining intern services. There was no second to the motion; therefore, the motion died. Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – April 20, 2006 – Page 4 FINANCE ITEMS MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA Motion – Mr. Davila motioned to recommend the following items to the Consent Agenda for approval by the full Board. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. (Mrs. Flores was not present at the time of the vote) 1. Approve Motion Camera System – Project 06-16 2. Approve Radiography Imaging System – Project 06-14 3. Approve Annual Microsoft Site License Campus Agreement Renewal 4. Approve Increase in Student Tuition for Three-Peaters 5. Approve Increases in Student Fees for Technology and Instructional Equipment Uses 6. Approve Payment to Bracewell & Giuliani for Professional Services 7. Approve Executive Leadership Transformation Institute Sponsored by the Board of Trustees 8. Approve Renewal of Lease Agreement for Applied Technology Center (Stafford, Texas) 9. Approve the Addition of Sterne, Agee & Leach, Inc. to the List of Qualified Brokers, Investment Advisors and Banks Mrs. Flores arrived at 5:20 p.m. APPROVE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR POLICY REVISION TO SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Mrs. Guzman motioned that the recommendation is amended removing the language “the purchasing department has the responsibility of effective implementation of the program”. Mrs. Flores seconded the motion. Mrs. Guzman questioned why the Small Business Development program was being moved. She noted that the small business policy as presented for approval is in direct conflict with the policy because the small business program is the responsibility of Economic Development Department. Trustee Davila left at 5:25 p.m. Dr. Leslie reiterated that Mr. Austin asked that Administration review the ABA Procurement Code policies. Mrs. Guzman noted that the policy has already been established. The Board discussed the policy revisions. Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – April 20, 2006 – Page 5 Mrs. Guzman withdrew her motion and recommended that the item is discussed at the next Governance & Operations Committee. CONSIDER AND APPROVE NOMINEES FOR HONORARY DEGREES FROM HCC FOR THE 2006 ACADEMIC YEAR GRADUATION CEREMONY The Board discussed the standards for awarding honorary degrees. The Board discussed whether there is a policy for the number of nominees to receive degrees. Dr. Cook noted that the awarding of the degrees varies from year to year. Mr. Austin recommended that three persons are chosen to receive honorary degrees. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Motion failed 4-1. Mr. Aiyer asked whether the commencement speaker should be included as one of the recipients. The Board concluded that the commencement speaker should not be included as one of the three recipients. Mrs. Flores stated that she would like to see the recognition given to the hard working volunteers who are always giving to the community. Mr. Murphy noted that there needs to be some sort of connection to HCC. Dr. Leslie informed that the criteria for nominations are included in the agenda. The criteria does allow for community persons to be included. The Board voted on each nomination as follows: Mr. Austin motioned approval of nominee #1. Mrs. Flores seconded the motion. Passed 5-0. Mrs. Flores motioned approval of nominee #3. Mr. Austin seconded the motion . Passed 5-0. Mrs. Murphy motioned approval of nominee #4. Mrs. Flores seconded the motion . Failed 4-1. Mrs. Flores motioned approval of nominee #5. Mrs. Guzman seconded the motion . Passed 5-0. ADULT EDUCATION GRANT Motion – Mr. Austin motioned to approve the adult education grant funded subcontracts for fiscal year 2005-2006 (increases). Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Mr. Aiyer declared the meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Minutes recorded, transcribed, & submitted by: Sharon Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services Minutes Approved as Submitted: