MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM January 19, 2006 Minutes The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System met as a Committee of the Whole on Thursday, January 19, 2006, at the System Administration Building, Seminar Room A, Second Floor, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Yolanda Navarro Flores, Vice Chairman Diane Olmos Guzman, Secretary Bruce A. Austin, Deputy Secretary Jay K. Aiyer James R. Murphy Christopher W. Oliver Richard Schechter BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Michael P. Williams. Chairman Abel Davila ADMINISTRATION Bruce H. Leslie, Chancellor Doretha Eason, Deputy to the Chancellor Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor, Educational Development Jose Villarreal, Vice Chancellor, Economic Development Gloria Walker, Vice Chancellor, Finance & Administration Sue Cox, President, Southwest College Margaret Ford, President, Northeast College Fena Garza, President, Southeast College William Harmon, President, Central College Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College Marsal Stoll, President, Coleman College of Health Sciences Willie Williams, Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources Carole Keeney Harrington, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor, Communications Miles LeBlanc, General Counsel OTHERS PRESENT Jarvis Hollingsworth, System Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani Dwight Boykins, Federal Government Relations Consultant, Boykins & Schneider David Wilcox, President, Faculty Senate Other administrators, citizens and representatives from the news media CALL TO ORDER Vice Chairman Navarro Flores called the meeting to order at 2:37 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly posted meeting notice. Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – January 19, 2006 – Page 2 ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED OR EXECUTIVE SESSION Mrs. Navarro Flores adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 2:39 p.m., notice having previously been given and reiterated by her in accordance with Sections 551.071 of the Open Meetings Law. She stated that any final action, vote or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. She reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 3:33 p.m. and entertained motions on pending matters. Present were Trustees Flores, Aiyer, Austin, Murphy, Oliver, Olmos Guzman and Schechter. FACILITIES CALL TO ORDER Mrs. Navarro Flores called the Facilities Committee to order at 3:34 p.m. STATUS REPORT OF 2004 CIP AND OTHER PROJECTS Recommendation – Discuss and approve completion of the 2004 CIP and other associated projects based upon the Board’s approval of potential financing and project priorities. Dr. Leslie explained that the Board requested a GAP analysis of CIP projects with costs and revenue, a list of additional projects discussed by the Board and other projects presented by administration. A thorough analysis indicated that the 2004 CIP would require $253.8 million to complete, excluding additional costs for the San Jacinto Building and Pinemont Center. This amount is $83 million more than the amount funded ($170.8 million). The shortfall is primarily due to increased costs for labor and material, site infrastructure improvements, HUB/Small Business services and inspection services. Dr. Leslie recommended issuing maintenance tax notes or increasing the Maintenance and Operation Tax by $.0076 per $100 valuation, beginning in 2006. He and Ms. Walker addressed questions and comments from the Trustees. Motion - Mr. Aiyer moved that administration perform a rating analysis of the capital improvement program projects by the January 26 Board Meeting, based on factors including community building, enrollment improvement, strategic planning, overcrowding, underserved communities, and projections on additional revenue based on increased student enrollment if buildings are constructed; with the understanding that all of the buildings can have a different construction model. Mr. Oliver seconded the motion, which carried 7-0. ADJOURNMENT Mrs. Navarro Flores adjourned the Facilities Committee at 4:46 p.m. FINANCE CALL TO ORDER Mr. Murphy called the Finance Committee to order at 4:47 p.m. Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – January 19, 2006 – Page 3 FINANCE ITEMS MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA Motion – Mr. Austin made a motion to recommend approval of the following items to the full Board. Mr. Aiyer seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0. 1. Street names for the Northeast College Campus 2. Contract with Ad-Astra Information Systems to develop and install a System-wide academic and scheduling software application 3. Investment report for the month of November 2005 CONTRACT FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES FOR PINEMONT RELOCATION STUDY Recommendation – Authorize the Chancellor to negotiate and approve the contract for additional services with the Guess Group, Inc. and Llewelyn-Davies Sahni, a joint venture, to provide the Pinemont Relocation Study, at a cost not to exceed $122,000. Motion – Mr. Aiyer made a motion to recommend approval to the full Board. Mr. Austin seconded the motion. Ms. Olmos Guzman felt it was premature to consider this contract before receiving the CIP matrix and asked that the item be tabled. Mrs. Walker replied that the Board directed staff to engage consultants to seek an alternative site for activities presently at the Pinemont Campus and to conduct a relocation study. Mr. Aiyer thought an RFQ process should be used in selecting a firm. Motion to approve was withdrawn. Board recommended that the items be sent out for RFQ. Trustees Aiyer and Austin voted in favor. Trustees Flores, Guzman, Schechter, Murphy, and Oliver opposed. REVISION TO FINANCIAL STABILITY POLICY Recommendation – Approve the revised Financial Stability Policy, effective FY 2005-2006. The System shall maintain an unexpended plant fund balance of one percent (1%) of total capital assets, which is included in the 8-10% of general fund revenues as of August 31 of each year, for the capital reserve/improvement program (sinking fund). The fund balance will be used for capital improvement projects at the directive of the Board. Motion – Mr. Aiyer made a motion to recommend approval to the full Board. Ms. Olmos Guzman seconded the motion. In response to the Board’s request for a sinking fund, administration proposed setting 1% aside to the used at the Board’s discretion. The motion carried 7-0. ACADEMIC AND SCHEDULING SOFTWARE APPLICATION CONTRACT Mrs. Navarro Flores had questions about the small business participation rankings among the finalists. Ms. Olmos Guzman asked administration to list participants as part of the rating. Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – January 19, 2006 – Page 4 CONTRACT FOR MAILING SERVICES Recommendation – Authorize the Chancellor to negotiate and execute a contract with Mail Processing Center, Inc. to provide mailing services on an “as needed” basis, for an amount not to exceed $100,000. Motion – Mr. Aiyer made a motion to recommend approval to the full Board. Mr. Oliver seconded the motion Ms. Walker explained this contract would consolidate mailing services including creation, management and development of a database for the HCC service area under one vendor. There was further discussion on whether a bid process should have been used, instead of an RFP. Mr. Hollingsworth advised that administration is not required to accept the lower price and can consider the service aspect. Motions to approve were withdrawn. Administration was instructed to seek proposals for the database as a single item and publish a bid for mailing services. PROPOSAL TO MODIFY CONTRACT WITH GARTNER, INC. Recommendation – Approve the modification of the current one-year contract with Gartner, Inc. to a two-year contract agreement beginning September 1, 2005 and ending August 31, 2007, at an annual cost of $27,000. Motion – Mr. Austin made a motion to recommend approval to the full Board. Mr. Oliver seconded the motion. Modifying the current one-year contract will result in a total savings of $5,400 for the two-year period. HCC will have continued access to Gartner research and analysts as objective resources on emerging trends in technology, best practices, strategic planning, security, wireless trends, distance learning and other areas affecting higher education. Motion carried 7-0. REPORT ON BOARD LEADERSHIP TRAINING In a recent Retreat, the Trustees discussed a Board-sponsored leadership development program for HCC employees. The Chancellor proposed a budget of $50,000 for the program that would include the cost of trainers, materials, meals, lodging and travel. He recommended that funds be taken from the Operating Budget and from under spent budgets throughout the year. The Chancellor felt this program would be well received since it had the support and backing of the Board. Dr. Leslie was directed to develop a model for the program, for consideration in the budgeting process, for implementation in the fall. (Trustee Aiyer left the meeting at 5:37 p.m.) ADJOURNMENT Mr. Murphy adjourned the Finance Committee at 5:40 p.m. Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – January 19, 2006 – Page 5 REPORTS FROM APPOINTED COMMITTEES ACADEMIC/STUDENT SUCCESS Mr. Austin gave a report from the Academic/Student Success Committee. MOU WITH HCC AND PEARLAND EDC The Committee considered an MOU with HCC and the Pearland Economic Development Corporation (EDC), committing the parties to engage in conversation about potential partnership opportunities for workforce training in biotechnology and/or nanotechnology. The Committee recommended approval by the full Board. MOU WITH AAMA/GEORGE I. SANCHEZ CHARTER SCHOOL The Committee considered an MOU between HCC and the Association for the Advancement of Mexican-Americans and its George I. Sanchez High School for a partnership operation of an Early College High School. At that meeting, Mr. Hollingsworth advised adding a proviso that the agreement would be effective subject to the charter school receiving the required TEA approval. Mr. Austin recommended adding an attesting signature from TEA. Recommendation: The Committee recommended approval to the full Board, subject to the provisos. Mr. Hollingsworth advised that TEA was not willing to add an attesting signature to the MOU. Therefore, a clause was added conditions to be met by AAMA and the High School before the agreement would be binding. ENROLLMENT REPORT Irene Porcarello presented a report on enrollment trends. Critical issues include customer service, financial aid, recruitment and retention. Enrollment grew consistently through 2004, when certain factors caused it to drop off. Academic programs continued to grow by 16.8%, with steady increases in the sciences and decreases in developmental contact hours. Under the Texas Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Program (STEM), Governor Perry announced $77 million was earmarked for 35 math/science academies in high schools around the state to emphasize science, engineering and math. The U. S. Department of Labor estimates that 100,000 engineers will be needed every year for the next ten years. Last year, the United States produced only 30,000, half of which were foreign students and only 5% were Hispanic and African American. If current trends continue, the United States is in danger of becoming a third world economy. Although academic enrollment has increased, workforce has remained relatively flat. Dr. Cook stated that alternative strategies must be developed to reverse the downward trend. He pointed out that recruitment in adult and continuing education poses a challenge, exacerbated by the fact that the state poorly funds adult education. The presidents are attempting to identify problems and barriers in order to revamp the enrollment process. Mr. Austin suggested that a student portal would address many questions that students Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – January 19, 2006 – Page 6 have and facilitate the process. Dr. Leslie pointed out that Houston has one of the lowest percentages of students going on to college and the College Connections Program is geared toward reaching those students. The national participation rate for urban community colleges is 4.7% and HCC stands at 3%. Dr. Cook stated that Southeast College has begun an intensive outreach effort to Hispanics and African Americans to increase participation rates. Ms. Porcarello stated the financial aid process must be made easier and more accessible to students. HCC is working with the Hispanic Forum, Ripley House and other colleges and universities to address this issue. It is also important to assist students in re-applying for financial aid. Personal attention is a key element in marketing to students. Dr. Cook discussed targeted marketing of HCC’s exemplary programs. (Trustee Oliver left the meeting at 6:27 p.m.) Administration was instructed to provide a marketing plan to the Trustees within two weeks. Mr. Austin recommended further analysis of the enrollment process. HCC CLUSTER PROGRAM Mr. Austin asked the Board to consider working with the Office of Vocational and Technical Education Program with the U. S. Department of Education College and Career Transition Initiative that targets various industry clusters. He provided information on the multi-institutional learning center and the HCC cluster model, for review by the other Trustees. He also recommended developing a relationship with the Texas Engineering Extension Service and the Texas Manufacturing Extension Corporation and include this initiative in the HCC legislative agenda. Mr. Austin asked that the Resolutions be placed on the agenda for the Regular Meeting. LEGAL/LEGISLATIVE Remmele Young, Director of Government Relations, gave the legislative reports. Federal Report Appropriations Requests – The federal legislative team is preparing to present appropriation requests to the 110th Congress, which convenes in February. Mr. Young invited the Trustees to accompany the team to Washington to participate in the process. ROTC – Prairie View, Rice and the University of Houston are interested in offering ROTC programs to HCC students. The University of Houston wants to offer its Air Force ROTC program to HCC students under a cross-town agreement. Representatives from the University of Houston will attend the next Legal/Legislative Committee meeting. State Report An interim special session would likely be called in late March or early April on public school finance. Governor Perry appointed a bipartisan group to look into modernizing the state tax system. The Texas Supreme Court set a June 1 deadline on tax reform and school finance issues. The HCC state governmental relations team is monitoring events closely. Dr. Leslie sought Trustee input in developing the HCC legislative agenda for the next session. He added the issue of proportionality concerning benefits would likely come up again. Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – January 19, 2006 – Page 7 BOARD GOVERNANCE & OPERATIONS Board Retreat - Ms. Olmos Guzman reported that the Committee proposed March 3-4 for the next Board Retreat. She, along with the Chancellor and Board Operations staff, will develop the agenda. Revision of Board Bylaws – The Committee considered the revision of Article 8 and recommended approval with the following amendment: That on at least an annual basis the officers of the Board will conduct an assessment of the Strategic Plan and the Chancellor. A written report of the assessment will be provided to the Board and will be utilized in the Chancellor’s annual evaluation. Meeting Dates for Appointed Committees – The Committee recommended that Appointed Committees meet on the third Thursday of each month, along with the Committee of the Whole. Small Business Development Workshop – The Committee recommended that the workshop be added to the agenda for the Regular Board Meeting. A recommendation will be made regarding the duties and responsibilities of the Small Business Program. Mr. Austin asked that Counsel review the American Bar Association’s Model Procurement Code of 2004, in order to evaluate recommended strategies for small business programs in local governments. He also recommended bifurcation of procurement and entrepreneurial education to prevent a restricted procurement process. Review of Bylaws and Policies – The Committee reviewed the revised Board Bylaws and Governance Policies, but took no action. The other Board Members were asked to review the documents for further consideration at a future meeting. HCC Drug Policy – The Committee recommended ceasing pre-employment drug testing until it could be determined whether the policy complied with the law. Mr. Hollingsworth advised that the motion was not intended to make the policy retroactive or exempt critical areas where safety is an issue. The drug policy will be considered again at an upcoming meeting. Mr. Hollingsworth will provide a list of non-critical areas and positions to the Board. Mr. Schechter will seek an opinion on the issue, possibly from the Attorney General. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Committee, Mrs. Navarro Flores declared the meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Minutes Recorded & Submitted by: Sharon Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services Minutes Transcribed by: Linda Gray, Records Officer, Board Services Minutes Approved as Submitted: _____________________________________