October 13, 2005
The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Meeting of the
Board Governance & Operations Committee on Thursday, October 13, 2005, at the System
Administration Building, Seminar Room A, Second Floor, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas.
Diane Olmos Guzman, Chair
Michael P. Williams, Ex-Officio
Bruce A. Austin
Abel Davila
Bruce H. Leslie, Chancellor
Doretha Eason, Deputy to the Chancellor
Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor, Educational Development
Jose Villarreal, Vice Chancellor, Economic Development
Gloria Walker, Vice Chancellor, Finance & Administration
William Harmon, President, Central College
Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College
Willie Williams, Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
Miles LeBlanc, General Counsel
Jarvis Hollingsworth, System Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani
Carolyn Hanahan, Policy Consultant, Feldman & Rogers
Other administrators, citizens, and representatives of the news media
Ms. Olmos Guzman called the meeting to order at 11:35 a.m. and declared the Committee
convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as
listed on the duly posted Meeting Notice.
Small Business Program Workshop
Mr. Villarreal explained that the Board previously requested a workshop on the HCC Small
Business Development Program (SBDP). The workshop will present an opportunity to
review policies, explore best practices and discuss new programs. An assessment of the
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SBDP conducted by The Principle Partnership Group will also be discussed. The Board
Services staff will contact the Trustees for an appropriate date.
Trustees Austin and Olmos Guzman asked about the difference between small business
outreach, as practiced by community colleges, and small business education. Dr. Leslie
explained that small business development, under Mr. Villarreal, is geared toward helping
individuals and groups to start up small businesses.
On the procurement side, HCC purchases goods and services and strives to achieve targets
set by the Board. The Procurement Office, headed by Michael Kyme, provides outreach to
potential vendors and instruction on how to become part of the HCC vendor network. Dr.
Leslie stated the two functions are separate to protect the integrity of the institution and
ensure that ethics and policies are followed.
The Chancellor explained the academic workforce plan is being realigned under the cluster
concept to effectively engage businesses and organizations. He will provide the Cluster
Initiative Plan that is currently in use. Mr. Villarreal offered to provide information on
models for small business and cluster industry development. Ms. Olmos Guzman asked him
to provide information on best practices for the upcoming workshop.
The Chancellor wanted to make sure the Board clearly understood the distinction between
the SBDP and the procurement operation. He felt the workshop would be an appropriate
setting for the Trustees to decide whether we are moving in the right direction or if changes
are necessary. Mr. Villarreal spoke briefly on future initiatives of the Program.
Amendment to Article 8, Board Bylaws
Recommendation: Discuss and recommend for adoption by the Board a proposed Bylaw
and set of guidelines relating to a Board of Trustees account for community affairs in the
amount of $5,000 each.
Mr. Hollingsworth reviewed the amended Bylaw establishing a Board Account for
Community Affairs (BACA). Trustees may use BACA funds to sponsor community
functions such as award banquets, charitable events, and similar events and activities.
Under Texas law use of these funds must meet the following criteria: (1) the activity serves
a public purpose; (2) the System receives adequate value or benefit in return; and (3)
sufficient controls are in place to ensure the public purpose is met. The Board Services
Office will provide a monthly and annual report to the Board Governance Committee, which
will become part of the Committee’s report to the Committee of the Whole.
Motion - Dr. Williams made a motion to recommend adoption of the proposed Bylaw. Mr.
Austin seconded. Motion carried 3-0.
HR Policy on Non-Faculty Sabbaticals
Recommendation: Discuss and recommend for approval to the Board of Trustees the
revised HCC Human Resource Policy on Sabbaticals for Non-Faculty.
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The Board approved sabbatical policies for faculty and staff in March 2005. The revised
policy separates the two and makes the Human Resources Department responsible for
administering the policy for staff. The Chancellor stated the non-faculty sabbatical would
provide a mechanism for managing the professional development of staff.
Motion - Dr. Williams made a motion to recommend approval of the revised policy with the
caveat that administration consider the Committee’s discussion regarding compensation and
evaluation. Mr. Austin seconded. The motion carried 3-0.
Revised Human Resource Policy
Recommendation: Discuss and recommend for approval to the Board of Trustees revised
HR Policy C5.6, Workers’ Compensation. The proposed revision will align the HR policy
with the Finance and Administration policy regarding workers’ compensation. Employees
will have the option to use leave time to supplement their workers’ compensation to receive
100% of their pay up to ninety days. Currently, employees can only receive workers’
compensation pay.
Motion – Dr. Williams made a motion to recommend approval of the revised policy. Mr.
Austin seconded the motion.
Dr. Williams recommended that administration provide the Board with a clear and
comprehensive report on industrial accidents across the System. Ms. Olmos Guzman
requested a workshop on benefits provided to Trustees. Motion carried 3-0.
Revised Finance and Operations Policies
Recommendation: Discuss and recommend for approval to the Board of Trustees the
revised HCC Finance and Operations policies.
In an effort to streamline and update the format, Ms. Walker explained that policies were
separated from procedures. An ethics policy has been included in every policy to bring
about a conscious awareness of values and ethics to strengthen operations. Financial
policies were formulated to protect the institution and reinforce compliance.
Motion – Mr. Austin made a motion to recommend approved of the revised policies to the
Board. Dr. Williams seconded the motion.
The Chancellor requested that his signature authority be changed from $100,000 to $50,000
in the proposed policy. Mr. Austin requested information on the CIP, such as gas purchases.
Ms. Walker stated an in-depth report would be provided at the Committee of the Whole.
Ms. Walker reviewed administrative procedures for travel expenses and reimbursement.
Mr. Austin requested information on cost-saving measures associated with the CIP, such as
purchases of gas, steel, concrete and other items and commodities. Ms. Walker stated an indepth report would be provided at the meeting of the Committee of the Whole. Motion
carried 3-0.
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With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m.
Minutes Recorded & Submitted by:
Sharon Wright, Executive Administrative
Assistant, Board Services
Minutes Transcribed by:
Linda Gray, Records Officer
Board Services
Minutes Approved as Submitted:
December 6, 2005