REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM August 25, 2005 Minutes The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular Meeting on Thursday, August 2005 at the System Administration Building, Second Floor Auditorium, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Michael P. Williams, D.Min., Chairman Yolanda Navarro Flores, Vice Chairman Diane Olmos Guzman, Secretary Bruce A. Austin, Deputy Secretary Jay K. Aiyer Abel Davila James R. Murphy Christopher W. Oliver BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Herman Litt ADMINISTRATION Bruce H. Leslie, Chancellor Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor, Educational Development Irene Porcarello, Vice Chancellor, Institutional Development Jose Villarreal, Vice Chancellor, Economic Development Gloria Walker, Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration Sue Cox, President, Southwest College Margaret Ford, President, Northeast College Fena Garza, President, Southeast College William Harmon, President, Central College Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College Willie Williams, Interim Director, Human Resources Miles LeBlanc, General Counsel Rosie Barrera, Associate Vice Chancellor, Communications OTHERS PRESENT Jarvis Hollingsworth, System Counsel, Bracewell & Giuliani Other administrators, citizens and representatives from the news media Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – August 25, 2005 – Page 2 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Williams called the meeting to order at 2:35 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly posted meeting notice. PRAYER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mr. Murphy led the prayer and pledge of allegiance to the flag. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion - Mr. Austin moved approval of the minutes from the Board Governance and Operations Committee Meeting of June 14, 2005, Special Joint Meeting of HCC and HISD Board of Trustees of June 20, 2005, Legal/Legislative (Values/Ethics) Committee of June 21,2005,Committee of the Whole Meeting of June 23, 2005, Marketing Committee Meeting of June 27, 2005, Special Board Meeting of June 29, 2005, Regular Board Meeting of June 29, 2005, Annexation Committee Meeting of July 19, 2005, Legal/Legislative (Values/Ethics) Committee Meeting of July 25, 2005, and the Special Board Meeting of July 28, 2005. Ms. Navarro Flores seconded the motion. Motion carried 8-0. APPROVAL OF PRIOR BOARD MINUTES Motion – Mr. Murphy moved approval of minutes from July 19, 2001 through October 19, 2002. Ms. Navarro Flores seconded the motion, which carried 8-0 AWARDS, PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS Exemplary Workforce Programs – Dr. Cook announced that the Coordinating Board awarded exemplary status to 25 HCC workforce programs, representing the largest number ever certified as exemplary at any of the other 50 community and technical colleges in the state. To achieve exemplary status a workforce program must meet 17 measures and standards and exceed the standards in at least five categories. The Board was invited to visit a photo gallery on the 12th floor with pictures of award recipients “in action” in their respective programs. Dr. Leslie commended Dr. Cook, Dr. Charles Hebert, presidents, workforce deans, department chairs, faculty and staff whose efforts made this achievement possible Dr. Hebert presented the awards to the chairs and directors of the 25 exemplary programs. Program 1. AccountingR 2. Audiovisual Technologies Audio Recording/Video Prod. Broadcast Technology 3. Automotive Technology 4. Business AdministrationR 5. Business TechnologyR 6. Child DevelopmentR 7. Computer Information Sciences 8. Computer Programming 9. Criminal Justice 10. Drafting and Design Technology 11. Emergency Medical TechnologyR 12. Fashion DesignR Chair/Director Marina Grau HCC College Southwest Scott Gehman Marcelo Gonzalez Van O’Neal/Carl Clark Rudy Soliz Willie Caldwell Joan Wyde Ken Busbee Ken Busbee Johnny Sessums Frank Ortiz Marion Cole Kay King Northwest Southwest Northeast Northeast Southeast Central Southwest Southwest Northeast Northeast Southeast Central Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – August 25, 2005 – Page 3 13. Fashion MerchandisingR 14. Finance (Banking) 15. Fire Protection and Safety Tech 16. Fire Science/Firefighting 17. Interior Design 18. Marketing, Management and Research 19. Medical Assisting 20. Nuclear Medicine Technology 21. Pharmacy Technician 22. Physical Therapist Assisting 23. Respiratory Therapy 24. Real Estate 25. Technical Communication Kay King Earl Smith Johnny Sessums/Rufus Summers Johnny Sessums/Rufus Summers Kay King/Dennis McNabb Rudy Soliz Tomye Geringer Glenn Smith Elizabeth Johnson Wilroy Jan Myers Romar Reyes Alex Binkley John Corley/Pat Porcynaluk Central Central Northeast Northeast Central Northeast Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Southwest Southwest (R Programs rated Exemplary in previous evaluation) NISOD Awards - Dr Cook announced the winners of the 2005 NISOD Award for Outstanding Teaching. NISOD is a national organization for institutional and staff development. Faculty members are selected by their peers. Instructor Alta Cate Suzette Brimmer Melinda Payne Chandra Mittal Gary LeBlanc Helen Jones Fausto Vergara Loris Bradshaw Linda Lackey Steven Dessens Pietro (Tony) Pitts Program Geology Fashion Merchandising English Biotechnology Government Guided Studies Spanish Business Technology Vocational Nursing Chemistry Accounting HCC College Central Central Northeast Northeast Northwest Northwest Southeast Southeast Coleman Southwest Southwest Recognition of Special Guests - Dr. Williams recognized Bessie Swindle, HCC honorary degree recipient and Community Liaison for Congressman Al Green, who was seated in the audience. ACCT Awards – Dr. Williams announced that Trustee Bruce Austin was selected as the recipient of the prestigious ACCT 2005 Western Region Trustee Leadership Award. Mr. Austin will accept the award at the Western Regional Caucus at the ACCT Annual Community College Leadership Congress in Seattle, Washington in September. Mr. Austin was the sole nominee from the Western Region for the Association Award. Dr. Leslie recognized John Corley, Drama Professor, who received the ACCT 2005 Western Region Faculty Member Award. Dr. Corley was also the sole nominee for the Association Award from this region. The Trustees congratulated the faculty award recipients and Mr. Austin. Procurement Award – Dr. Leslie reported that the HCC Procurement Department received the 2005 Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award to be presented at the National Conference of the Southwest Supply Chain Forum in November. This is the second time HCC has received this award. The Chancellor congratulated Michael Kyme, Gloria Walker and the Procurement staff for their efforts. Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – August 25, 2005 – Page 4 Staff Development Award – The Chancellor announced that members of the HCC Human Resources training staff are recipients of a national award from the National Association of Organizational and Staff Development. Willie Williams, Connie Stone and Deborah Sharp will accept their awards at the national conference in Quebec. Recognition of Michael Edwards – Dr. Leslie recognized Michael Edwards as outgoing president of the Faculty Senate for 2004-2005 and as the originator of the Eagle Project, a recruitment project in which college teams go into the community to meet individually or in groups with potential students and community members. Mr. Edwards presented his idea to the Chancellor’s Executive Team, which responded quickly to implement the project. Dr. Leslie stated the Eagle Project would be continued. Mr. Edwards called the volunteers of the Eagle Project forward to be recognized. He explained the volunteers went door-to-door and met over 3,000 prospective HCC students. Door hangers were left on approximately 800 homes with information on HCC. Dr. Leslie added that current HCC students also participated in this effort. A call center was set up to follow up with every potential student. RESOLUTION ADOPTED ON BEHALF OF MICHAEL EDWARDS Motion – Mr. Aiyer made a motion to adopt a Resolution from the Faculty Senate commending Michael Edwards for exemplary service to all members of the HCC family. Ms. Navarro Flores seconded the motion. Motion carried 8-0. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT No report was given. HEARING OF CITIZENS Dr. Williams gave preface to the hearing of citizens and asked registered speakers to come forward. There was no response and the meeting continued. FINANCE REPORT Ms. Walker reviewed the Financial Report for the month ending July 31, 2005. She anticipated ending the year with a surplus. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Motion – Mr. Oliver moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Ms. Navarro Flores seconded the motion. Dr. Williams explained that all items in the Consent Agenda had been discussed in committee. Mr. Murphy wanted to clarify the Board’s prior discussion on tuition and fee exemptions and waivers. He recalled the Board requested a multi-year plan for out-of-district tuition and called for a review of both in-district and out-of-district dual credit programs and the need to make adjustments to those programs or recognize the potential deficits. Motion carried 8-0. The following items were approved: Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – August 25, 2005 – Page 5 1. Procedures for annexation by petition and election 2. Petition for annexation into the HCC District 3. Extension of Copy Center Services and Lease of Facilities through December 31, 2011 4. Renewal of Lease Agreement with the Quail Valley Station LLC for 5,600 sq. ft. of floor space for the Missouri City Adult Learning Center located at 1661-1681 Cartright Road, Missouri City, Texas, for the period September 1, 2005 – August 31, 2008 5. Investment Report for June 2005 6. Authorization to negotiate a contract with PTG to program the Student Financial Aid Disbursement Cards, including the purchase of encryption software that is required by Bank One/Chase 7. Authorization to approve the purchase of ceiling-mounted projector systems from CCS Presentations for classrooms, skills labs and Human Resources 8. Authorization to negotiate and execute a revenue-generating contract with Unique Financial Solutions to provide Automatic Teller Machines (ATM) services at various HCC facilities 9. Renewal of risk management insurance for fiscal year 2005-2006 10. Student Tuition and Fee Exemptions and Waivers for fiscal year 2005-2006 11. Agreement with Verizon to provide UPS (uninterruptible power supply) systems to replace the currently installed, aging systems that support HCC voice communication services (Nortel Meridian Telecommunications System) at the college campuses 12. Planning Calendar for 2005 for maintenance and operating and debt service taxes for fiscal year 2005-2006 13. Purchase of 2,150 hours of online tutoring services from Smarthinking, Inc. to be available on a 24/7 basis for use by HCC Distance Education students 14. Renewal and upgrade of licenses for WebCT for a period one year for use by the HCC Distance Education Offices and the College Curriculum Innovation Centers 15. Sixty-day extension of the current contract with Strategic Networking Corporation (SNC) for professional services on IT strategic planning and IT Governance Council for the period September 1 to October 31, 2005 Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – August 25, 2005 – Page 6 16. Authorization to proceed with implementation of the values assessment process recommended by the Values/Ethics Committee utilizing the Cultural Transformation Tool TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION AND/OR ACTION FACILITIES LEASE EXTENSION FOR THE POWER CENTER APPROVED Motion – Mr. Murphy made a motion to authorize the Chancellor to negotiate a lease agreement with Pyramid Community Development Corporation, d/b/a The Power Center, for a term not to exceed three years, with increases in the lease rate not to exceed 10%, which can be cancelled at the end of each fiscal year or earlier at no additional costs for any reason by giving thirty (30) days advance written notice. Mr. Aiyer seconded the motion. The Power Center offers rental space of 2,280 sq. ft. of floor space at 12401 South Post Oak Road, for the period September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2008. Current lease cost is $2,26.50 per month plus utilities. Dr. Leslie explained that a two-month extension would give administration an opportunity to identify an alternative location for the Certified Nurse’s Aid program. The build out costs would be approximately the same as the lease for the first year, with a positive cash flow thereafter. Ms. Navarro Flores suggested modifications to the language of the agreement. Motion carried 8-0. LEGAL/LEGISLATIVE ORDER CALLING TRUSTEE ELECTIONS ADOPTED Motion – Ms. Navarro Flores made a motion to adopt an Order calling for Trustee elections (and runoff elections, if necessary) in geographic districts 4, 5, and 9 of the Houston Community College System on November 8, 2005, and to authorize the Chancellor to take the necessary steps to comply with the election laws. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Mr. Hollingsworth advised the term of office would run from January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2011. Anyone residing in those districts and desiring election to any of these positions must file in writing with the Board Services Office no later than September 7, 2005, asking that their names be officially placed on the ballot for the geographic district in which they reside. That person is then entitled to have their name listed on the ballot. Only qualified voters may run for the office of Trustee. Information on polling places for the election and early voting are available from the Board Services Office. If an incumbent is unopposed, that person will be designated as elected to that office by the Board Secretary and the Board Chairman. Motion carried 8-0. WAIVER OF POLICY REGARDING INTERIM POSITIONS APPROVED Motion – Mr. Davila motioned that the Board, pursuant to HCCS Policy BE (Local), waive HCCS Policy DC (Local), which requires that all exempt positions shall be advertised concurrently for ten (10) working days for both internal and external applicants, with respect to Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – August 25, 2005 – Page 7 the positions of (1) Associate Vice Chancellor of Human Resources (formerly Executive Director of Human Resources), (2) Vice Chancellor of Student Success (formerly Vice Chancellor of Institutional Development) and (3) Deputy to the Chancellor, and approve filling the positions on a permanent, full-time basis with the current interim employees. Mr. Oliver seconded the motion. Dr. Leslie recommended waiving current policy in order to appoint Irene Porcarello as Vice Chancellor for Student Success and Willie Williams as Associate Vice Chancellor of Human Resources. The Chancellor explained that the duties would change somewhat. The Board approved the position of Vice Chancellor for Information Technology last month, which opened up opportunities to focus on student success. Until the IT position is filled, Irene Porcarello will remain in charge. He plans to reallocate the Communications Office under the Student Success Division to focus on marketing and recruitment. The Police Department will be moved from Finance and Administration to Student Success in order for that department to take a larger role in customer service. Since the Vice Chancellor for Student Success will assume additional duties until other positions are permanently filled, Mr. Aiyer and Ms. Navarro Flores expressed concern that this would place too heavy a load on the Vice Chancellor. Dr. Williams asked the Chancellor to move forward with his plan, but ensure that efficiency is maintained. Motion carried 8-0. FINANCE ITEM ON FINANCING ADDITIONAL DEBT CAPACITY WITHDRAWN The recommendation was withdrawn upon the advice of System Counsel, due to inadequate public notice. Mr. Murphy reported the Finance Committee met to address a potential shortfall in the 2004 CIP and other capital needs subsequently identified. The Financial Advisors and staff recommended that the Board consider a Maintenance Tax Note. The Committee voted to recommend the MTO to the full Board, which will be done at the next meeting. The Committee discussed alternative funding such as TIRZ and historical tax credits. In a separate motion staff was directed to investigate these opportunities and report to the Board. At this time, the Board is not calling for a tax increase. Dr. Leslie added that Trustees Austin and Olmos Guzman suggested some strategies on economic development. PAYMENT TO BRACEWELL & GIULIANI To be considered following Closed Session. PROPOSED BUDGET FOR 2005-2006 To be considered following Closed Session. RENEWAL OF CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS WITHDRAWN FROM DISCUSSION Item withdrawn by the Chancellor. Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – August 25, 2005 – Page 8 CONTRACT TO PURCHASE CATALOGS APPROVED Motion – Mr. Oliver moved to authorize the Chancellor to enter into a contract with Richmond Printing for the purchase of HCC 2005-2006 Catalogs. Per discussion in the Committee of the Whole, administration is evaluating the bid specs and will provide findings at the Regular Board Meeting. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion, which carried 8-0. RESOLUTION TO ENTER LEASE WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE PUBLIC SAFETY INSTITUTE FACILITIES APPROVED Motion – Mr. Aiyer moved to approve the notice of intention to enter into lease with an option to purchase the Public Safety Institute Facilities and the Resolution approving publication of notice. Mr. Oliver seconded the motion. Motion carried 8-0. HEARING OF CITIZENS Dr. Williams stated a registered speaker desired to speak. Jay Jackson spoke on behalf of the United Youth Council about bringing an athletic program to HCC. He stated athletics are a great way to build character and gain recognition for HCC. He has met with Dr. Harmon who is currently developing a proposal for an athletic program. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED OR EXECUTIVE SESSION Dr. Williams adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 3:38 p.m., notice having previously been given and reiterated by him in accordance with Sections 551.071 of the Open Meetings Law. He stated that any final action, vote or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. Dr. Williams reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 5:34 p.m. and entertained motions on pending matters. Present were Trustees Williams, Aiyer, Austin, Murphy, Oliver, and Olmos Guzman. PERSONNEL AGENDA APPROVED Motion – Mr. Oliver moved approval of the Personnel Agenda as presented. Ms. Olmos Guzman seconded the motion, which carried 6-0. PROPOSED BUDGET ADOPTED FOR FY 2005-2006 Motion – Mr. Austin moved approval of fiscal year 2005-2006 Proposed Budget for Current Restricted Funds and for Current Unrestricted Funds. Ms. Navarro Flores seconded the motion, which carried 6-0. PAYMENT TO BRACEWELL & GIULIANI APPROVED Motion - Mr. Murphy moved approval of payment to Bracewell & Giuliani LLP for professional services rendered for the period June 1 through - 30, 2005 in the amount of $76,854.46 and for Houston Community College System Regular Meeting – August 25, 2005 – Page 9 professional services rendered for the period July 1 – July 31, 2005, in the amount of $93,299.23. Mr. Oliver seconded the motion, which carried 6-0. ADJOURNMENT With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:37 p.m. DINNER Following adjournment, the Board of Trustees met for dinner in the Chancellor’s Conference Room on the 12th floor, where they may discuss System business but will not take action on such business. Minutes Recorded & Submitted by: Sharon Wright, Executive Administrative Assistant, Board Services Minutes Transcribed by: Linda Gray, Records Officer Board Services Minutes Approved as Submitted: October 27, 2005