MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM April 17, 2003 Minutes The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System met as a Committee Of The Whole on April 17, 2003, at the System Administration Building, Executive Conference Room 12D11, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT James R. Murphy, Chair Herlinda Garcia, Vice Chairman Christopher W. Oliver, Secretary Herman Litt, Deputy Secretary Jay K. Aiyer Bruce A. Austin Abel Davila Yolanda Navarro Flores BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Michael P. Williams, D. Min. ADMINISTRATION Bruce H. Leslie, Chancellor Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor, Educational Development Jose Villarreal, Vice Chancellor, Economic Development Gloria Walker, Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration Irene Porcarello, Interim Vice Chancellor, Institutional Development and Deputy to the Chancellor Margaret Forde, President, Northeast College Zachary Hodges, President, Northwest College Sue Cox, President, Southwest College Diana Castillo, Interim President, Southeast College Rosie Barrera, Associate Vice Chancellor, Communications Miles LeBlanc, General Counsel Michael Kyme, Executive Director, Purchasing Willie Williams, Jr, Interim Executive Director, Human Resources OTHERS PRESENT Arturo Michel, System Counsel, Bracewell & Patterson Dale Foster, President, Faculty Association Other administrators, citizens and representatives from the news media Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – April 17, 2003 – Page 2 MARKETING CALL TO ORDER Mr. Litt called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly posted meeting notice. Present were Trustees Litt, Aiyer, Garcia, Murphy and Austin. Trustees Davila and Oliver arrived at 2:40 p.m. QUEST CAMPAIGN UPDATE Al Vera with the Quest Agency gave an update on the advertising campaign. He reported that the campaign had been running for approximately nine months and has generated positive results in terms of program message awareness, local and national recognition and media cooperation and support. Mr. Vera stated that phase one of the campaign focused on enhancing public recognition and phase two would target long-term enrollment goals. The Trustees discussed the effectiveness of the campaign. Mr. Vera recommended conducting more frequent research and budgeting additional funds for research and tracking. Mr. Murphy asked the Chancellor to evaluate Mr. Vera’s recommendations. Dr. Leslie will prepare a package of information requested by the Trustees, Including cost, project timelines, advertisement schedules, documentation of increases in enrollment, tie-in with financial aid, profile of target population, Gant outline, breakdown of college advertising budgets and a comparison of advertising budgets with the Port of Houston and Metro. Dr. Leslie will meet with Ms. Barrera and Mr. Vera to discuss the future direction of the advertising campaign. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED OR EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Litt adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 3:00 p.m., notice having previously been given, and reiterated by him, in accordance with the Open Meetings Law. He stated that any final action, vote, or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. Mr. Litt reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 4:15 p.m. and entertained motions on pending matters. BOARD OPERATIONS CALL TO ORDER Mrs. Garcia called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly posted meeting notice. Present were Trustees Aiyer, Austin, Davila, Garcia, Litt, Murphy and Oliver. PAYMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES APPROVED Motion – Mr. Aiyer moved to authorize the Chancellor to expend up to $67,500 for payment to Guadalupe Rangel for consultant services to be rendered (up to 500 hours at $125/hour) and expenses (up to $5,000.00) for completion of the HCCS policy project. Mr. Austin seconded the motion. Mr. Davila asked questions about the timeframe of the project. Dr. Leslie responded Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – April 17, 2003 – Page 3 that the General Counsel is responsible for ensuring that timelines are met and that Mrs. Rangel will have adequate time to spend with the Board Members. 1 Motion carried 7-1 [see footnote]. HONORARY DEGREE NOMINATIONS ACCEPTED Motion – Mr. Oliver moved approval of nominations for honorary degree recipients, pending acceptance by the nominees. It was further moved that the nominees would not be named at this time. Mr. Austin seconded the motion, which carried 7-0. Mrs. Garcia left the meeting at 3:20 p.m., and Mr. Aiyer took the Chair. MESSENGER SERVICES Mr. Aiyer initiated discussion on the expense of delivering mail to Trustees using a messenger service and asked the Board to consider alternatives to cut costs. Mail is currently delivered to the Board on a semiweekly basis. Mr. Austin suggested utilizing electronic mail and PDF transmission of documents. Dr. Leslie stated that administration is studying the matter and a recommendation will be forthcoming. MARKETING COMMITTEE RECONVENED Mr. Litt reconvened the Marketing Committee at 4:25 p.m. to consider remaining items. Present were Trustees Aiyer, Austin, Davila, Litt, Murphy and Oliver. WILLIE LEE GAY HALL UPDATE Dr. Williamson introduced Jean Walke who presented an update on plans for the grand opening of Willie Lee Gay Hall at Hwy. 288 @ Airport. The event is planned for August 14, from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m., as requested by Mrs. Gay. An estimated 3,000 persons will receive invitations, including community, business and religious leaders; elected officials; media representatives and the educational community. Mr. Oliver requested that the event be held at 10:00 a.m. to avoid afternoon traffic and Dr. Williamson stated she would make that recommendation to the committee. She is seeking media coverage for the event and Ms. Barrera is arranging for placement of billboards in the community to publicize the new center. INTRODUCTORY BIOS The Board reviewed introductory bios developed by the Communications Office as a means of recognizing Trustees at meetings and events. Dr. Leslie asked the Board Members to review the bios and provide feedback. FINANCE CALL TO ORDER Mr. Oliver called the meeting to order at 4:40 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly posted meeting notice. Present were Trustees Aiyer, Austin, Davila, Litt, Murphy and Oliver. Ms. Navarro Flores arrived at 5:00 p.m. 1 At the Regular Board Meeting of April 22, 2003, Trustee Navarro Flores asked that the record reflect her vote against the motion. Ms. Navarro Flores was not present when the vote was taken. Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – April 17, 2003 – Page 4 CONSIDERATION OF FINANCE AGENDA Motion — Mr. Austin made a motion to consider the Finance Agenda, with the exception of items set aside for further discussion. Mr. Litt seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. The following items were approved: • Approved the investment report for March 2003; • Approved exemption of Harris County from taxation and assessment of value on the Sweeny and Pillot Buildings in Houston, Texas; • Approved and ratified acceptance of gifts and donations; • Approved payment to Bracewell & Patterson for professional services rendered for the period March 1, 2003 in the amount of $39,371.57; • Approved payment to Bracewell & Patterson for government relations services rendered for the period January through April, 2003 in the amount of $41,000; • Approved payment to Rolando L. Rios for professional services rendered for the period January 7 through March 27, 2003, in the amount of $11,111.66; • Approved payment to Feldman and Rogers for professional services rendered for the period January 1 through February 28, 2003, in the amount $4,344.92; • Approved payment to Locke Liddell & Sapp for professional services rendered for the month of February 2003, in the amount of $15,089.75; • Approved payment to Brackett & Ellis for professional services rendered through March 25, 2003, in the amount of $4,327.31; and • Approved payroll and holiday schedules for fiscal year 2003-2004. SYSTEM ARCHITECT CONTRACT EXTENDED FOR SIX MONTHS Motion – Mr. Murphy moved approval to extend the system architect contract with Hermes Architects for six months. Mr. Litt seconded the motion. The Board considered a recommendation to authorize Chancellor to extend the System architect contract with Hermes Architect up to six months, with an increase in the principal architect hourly rate from $100 to $150, in order to give sufficient time to fill an in-house system architect position. Dr. Leslie explained that hiring an in-house system architect would result in a savings of approximately $50,000 annually on current projects, with that amount increasing as we continue the deferred maintenance plans. The In-house architect would be responsible for architectural projects including the contracting of external architect services anticipated in the capital improvement plan and other projects that cannot be handled internally. Additionally, the system architect would continue to contract with external engineers on an as-needed basis. In the interim, Hermes Architects has agreed to extend its contract as long as it can increase the fee for the Principal Architect and be able to Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – April 17, 2003 – Page 5 bid on additional architectural projects. Mr. Oliver suggested hiring a new person for the architect position instead of assigning someone already employed by the system. Motion carried 6-0. CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONAL PENALTY ON DELIQUENT TAXES DEFERRED UNTIL REGULAR BOARD MEETING The Board considered resolutions providing for the imposition of an additional penalty on delinquent taxes, Sections 33.07 and 33/08. Ms. Navarro Flores stated there were legal issues that needed to be addressed. The resolutions were deferred to the Regular Board Meeting of April 24, 2003. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED OR EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Aiyer took the chair and adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 5:05 p.m., notice having previously been given, and reiterated by him, in accordance with the Open Meetings Law. He stated that any final action, vote, or decision on any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. Mr. Aiyer reconvened in Open Session at 5:15 p.m. and entertained motions on pending matters. Mr. Oliver recused himself from participation. CHANCELLOR TO NEGOTIATE HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES CONTRACT Motion - Mr. Murphy made a motion to authorize the Chancellor to negotiate with ABM Janitorial to provide consolidated housekeeping services. Mr. Litt seconded the motion, which carried 60. Mr. Oliver recused himself from participation. FACILITIES CALL TO ORDER Mr. Aiyer called the meeting to order at 5:16 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly posted meeting notice. Present were Trustees Aiyer, Austin, Davila, Litt, Murphy, Navarro Flores and Oliver. CONSIDERATION OF FACILITIES AGENDA Motion — Mr. Murphy made a motion to consider Facilities Agenda items 24, 25 and 26. Mr. Austin seconded the motion, which carried 6-0. Mr. Litt was out of the room. The following items were approved: • Approved an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Stafford to resurface the student parking lot at 9910 Cash Road, at a cost not to exceed $50,000; • Approved the proposed Master Plan for Central College construction plan; and • Authorized the Chancellor to negotiate on behalf of the System, a thirty-three month renewal of the lease at Palm Center, from April 1, 2003 until December 31, 2005. Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – April 17, 2003 – Page 6 LEASE OF MODULAR BUILDINGS FOR SOUTHEAST COLLEGE APPROVED AS EMERGENCY ITEM Upon the advice of Mr. Michel, System Counsel, the recommendation was withdrawn and declared an emergency, determining that the delay posed by newspaper notice for bids or proposals would prevent or substantially impair the conduct of classes or other essential college activities. Motion - Mr. Murphy made a motion to authorize the Chancellor to approve the lease of four modular buildings from Resun Leasing and Construction for the contingency construction plan at Southeast College, at a cost of $44,800. Mr. Oliver seconded the motion, which carried 7-0. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Mr. Aiyer expressed appreciation to Ms. Walker and her team for their efforts in finalizing the Capital Improvement Plan. The plan will be discussed at the Regular Board Meeting on April 24, 2003. LEGISLATIVE CALL TO ORDER Ms. Navarro Flores called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly posted meeting notice. Present were Trustees Aiyer, Austin, Davila, Litt, Murphy, Navarro Flores and Oliver. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Mr. Villarreal presented a status report on legislation introduced in the 78th Legislative Session. The following bills are of importance to HCCS: Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment - financially supports a change in the Texas Education Code to allow community colleges and school districts to jointly offer and receive full funding for workforce dual credit courses; Lab Fee Legislation - supports a change in the Texas Education Code to allow community colleges to raise the cap of $24,000 per semester; Telecommunication Infrastructure Fund (TIF) - financially supports continued funding of the Telecommunication Infrastructure Fund (TIF) and telecommunications infrastructure projects through libraries, schools, higher education and health care facilities; Baccalaureate Degree Pilot Program - supports a pilot program that would allow three but no more than five community colleges selected by the Higher Education Coordinating Board, to offer baccalaureate degrees in applied science; Texas Next Step - supports the creation of the Texas Next Step program that would help pay for the community college education of students who meet eligibility requirements necessary to receive federal student financial aid. Texas Comptroller Strayhorn supports this program; and Bills Relating to Annexation - would amend current law to allow all or portion of a school district, city, town or village to be annexed. Currently, only all of a city, town or village Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – April 17, 2003 – Page 7 could be annexed. Turner HB 2330 would give HCCS the flexibility to annex all or part of its service area. Turner/Ellis HB 2331 prevents the need for the entire Board of Trustees to undergo re-election as a result of annexation when using certain statues and Turner/Ellis HB 2332 would allow for the inclusion of that part of the Ft. Bend Independent School District which includes Missouri City, to become a part of the HCCS service area and prevents incursions from other community college districts and allows the service district to expand as the city expands. The Board discussed various bills and debated whether HCCS should support the bill to offer a baccalaureate degree. The Trustees emphasized that HCCS needs visibility and representation in Austin during legislative sessions and Trustees need to be kept apprised of relevant legislation and critical votes. Dr. Leslie was directed to develop a legislative policy for the next session, to include a timeline and plan to make Trustees knowledgeable of relevant bills. He also indicated he would arrange an event to honor the Harris County delegation. Ms. Navarro Flores requested that a bill analysis be sent to the Board Members and asked Trustees who attended the ACCT Legislative Conference in Washington D.C. to give a report. CHANCELLOR AUTHORIZED TO TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION TO ADD FT. BEND ISD TO THE HCCS SERVICE AREA Motion — Mr. Murphy made a motion to add the Fort Bend Independent School District to the HCCS service area (if it is an undesignated area) and directed the Chancellor to take appropriate action. Mr. Litt seconded the motion, which carried 6-0 (Mr. Austin abstained). ACADEMIC & STUDENT SERVICES CALL TO ORDER Mr. Austin called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. and declared the Board convened to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly posted meeting notice. Present were Trustees Aiyer, Austin, Garcia, Litt, Murphy, Navarro Flores and Oliver. CONSIDERATION OF ACADEMIC & STUDENT SERVICES AGENDA Motion — Mr. Aiyer moved approval of the Academic and Student Services Agenda with the exception of items set aside for further discussion. Mr. Davila seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0. The following items were approved: • Approved the awarding of an AAS degree in Culinary Arts; and • Approved subcontracts between HCCS and designated community partners to provide adult education services to eligible clients through the Federal, Corrections and TANF Adult Education programs. CERTIFICATES AND AAS DEGREE IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION APPROVED Motion — Mr. Austin moved approval of awarding a level one certificate in Public Administration, a level one certificate in Public Administration Budgeting and an AAS degree in Public Administration. The motion was seconded by Mr. Litt. Houston Community College System Committee of the Whole – April 17, 2003 – Page 8 Dr. Forde and Dr. Cook explained that the program would train students for entry-level employment in governmental agencies and public and private sector service organizations. The instruction prepares students to focus on and provide for constituent needs. The curriculum requires the student to complete 60 semester credit hours for the AAS, 30 for the Public Administration Certificate, and 21 for the Public Administration Budgeting Certificate. Articulation agreements have been established with all Texas baccalaureate institutions. Anticipated enrollment for 2003-2004 is 40 enrollees (based on currently offered stand-alone course enrollment) and an additional 20 by the second year. Mr. Murphy suggested this program be offered System-wide. The motion carried 7-0. REVIEW OF LEGAL OPINIONS Mr. Austin urged Trustees to review legal opinions from the firm of Bracewell & Patterson on a variety of issues including board member authority, relationship with staff, role of the chancellor and governing board and board/chancellor authority. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Austin adjourned the meeting at 6:20 p.m. Minutes Prepared by: Reviewed, Finalized and Submitted by: Erica Carmen DelValle, Secretary Board Services Christopher W. Oliver, Secretary Board of Trustees Minutes Approved as Corrected: June 24, 2003 Reviewed and Revised 5/13/03 lg