May 23, 2002
The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Regular
Meeting on May 23, 2002, at the HCC System Administration Building, Second Floor
Auditorium, 3100 Main, Houston, Texas.
Abel Davila, Chair
Jay K. Aiyer, Vice Chairman
Yolanda Navarro Flores, Secretary
Herman Litt, Deputy Secretary
Bruce A. Austin
Herlinda Garcia
James R. Murphy
Christopher W. Oliver
Michael P. Williams, D. Min.
Bruce H. Leslie, Chancellor
Charles Cook, Vice Chancellor, Educational Development
Jose Villarreal, Vice Chancellor, Economic Development
Gloria Walker, Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration
Pat Williamson, Vice Chancellor, Institutional Development
Sue Cox, President, HCC-Southwest
Margaret Forde, President, HCC-Northeast
Zach Hodges, President, HCC-Northwest
Sylvia Ramos, President, HCC-Southeast
Miles Bradshaw, General Counsel
Nat Campos, Executive Director, Human Resources
Michael Kyme, Executive Director, Purchasing
Brenda Cox, Interim Assistant to the Chancellor
Arturo Michel, System Counsel, Bracewell & Patterson
Other administrators, staff, representatives of the news media
and interested citizens
Mr. Davila called the Meeting to order at 4:48 p.m. and declared the Board convened
to consider matters pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed
on the duly posted meeting notice.
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Regular Meeting – May 23, 2002 - Page 2
Dr. Williams led the prayer and pledge of allegiance.
Asian Heritage Month – Mr. Aiyer recognized the administration, staff and students
who organized events throughout the System in observance of Asian Heritage
Month. Prior to the meeting, the Trustees and staff enjoyed a display of Asian
culture and cuisine in the Auditorium foyer.
Ms. Suzanna Wong, Director of External Affairs for the Asian Society, explained that
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month began in 1979 as a weeklong celebration
and was officially signed into law as a month-long celebration in 1992. The Asian
Pacific American Heritage Association (APAHA) was formed in 1992 to promote
cross-cultural awareness and to increase understanding and appreciation among
Houston’s diverse ethnic and mainstream community. Through a partnership with
Southwest and Northwest colleges, HCC students and faculty are able to take
advantage of APAHA-sponsored programs free of charge.
Mr. Davila gave preface to the Hearing of Citizens and invited duly registered
speakers to present their comments.
Kevin M. Vidal addressed the Board on concerns regarding institutional values and
mission. In his opinion, an institution’s vision, values and mission must be monitored
at all levels to ensure accountability and that policies are administered in a
consistent manner. He added that if values are disregarded, the results could have
a negative impact on the institution. Mr. Vidal recommended that the institutional
mission be clearly stated and actively monitored.
He also advocated greater
accountability and respect for diversity.
Dr. Williams asked that Mr. Vidal’s presentation be made available in hard copy to
the Board and others. The Chancellor acknowledged he would meet with Mr. Vidal
to discuss his concerns. Mrs. Garcia recommended that the Board Operations
Committee review the policy on hearing of citizens to ensure that policy is being
Presentation of Portraits – The Chancellor presented each Trustee with a framed
copy of their group photo.
Black History Month – Tom Reynolds, Chairman, explained that the HCCS Black
History Month Committee was formed in 1995 to observe Black History Month and to
plan appropriate activities. The Committee hosts an annual banquet to honor local
Black history makers and raise funds for scholarship awards to essay contest
winners. Past honorees include Dr. Judith Craven, Dr. Rod Paige and Dr. James
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Harding, past Interim Chancellor of HCCS. The Committee’s objectives are to
celebrate the African American experience, to honor diversity and to award
scholarships to HCCS students of all ethnicities. To date the Committee has
donated over $8,000 in unrestricted funds to the HCC Foundation for scholarships.
Mr. Reynolds acknowledged the Chancellor, the Presidents and local businesses for
their support.
The Trustees expressed their desire to participate more fully in cultural observances
and Mr. Davila assured them they would be invited to take part in future events. Mr.
Austin recommended that an educational component be included as part of the
programs to teach the historical significance of such events. Mrs. Garcia took the
opportunity to express appreciation to the Cinco de Mayo Committee for the
program presented last month and for the tribute she received in honor of her efforts
as an advocate for the Hispanic community.
Educators of Distinction – HCCS received the Educators of Distinction Gold Medal
Achievement Award from Saludos Hispanos for its commitment to higher education
success for the Hispanic community. HCCS was commended for “leading the way,
providing high standards of education, career planning and counseling to serve your
Hispanic students.” Saludos Hispanos is the leading career and education magazine
for bilingual Hispanics.
Financial Report – Gloria Walker gave the financial report for the period ending April
30, 2002. She anticipated expenditures at $167 million and revenues at $182.6
million, resulting in a projected savings of $6.4 million. The report format is being
revised, however the narrative model initiated last month will be used until that report
can be provided. She then entertained questions from the Board.
Mr. Murphy asked why appropriations are expected below the budgeted amount in
light of the 7.3% increase in enrollment. Ms. Walker explained that appropriations
are based on numbers from the prior year, whereas enrollment is based on current
numbers. Mr. Murphy drew attention to faculty salaries, which are expected to
exceed the budget by $6 million, and asked if next years budget would reflect an
additional allocation for salaries. Ms. Walker responded that such an adjustment
might be considered. Mr. Oliver asked if the 7.3% increase in enrollment resulted in
the additional $6 million for faculty salaries. Ms. Walker stated that enrollment
growth plays a part, although it does represent the entire amount. He remarked that
he was glad to see the increase in enrollment, but felt that additional expenditures
should be anticipated and built into the budget. Dr. Leslie explained that due to a
greater than expected increase in enrolment, administration set a goal of increasing
class size in order to reduce the number of adjunct faculty. This goal was achieved
in the fall, although not in the spring semester.
In response to additional questions on class size from Mr. Litt, the Chancellor
explained that the budget plan calls for a 21.5% increase in terms of class size.
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However, there is no way to determine class size until the semester is well underway
and this cannot be changed mid-semester. It will take time to build a stable system
of achieving class size goals due to the complexities of managing courses around
the System. He cautioned that increasing class size too dramatically could raise
academic quality and space issues. Dr. Williams made the comment that a
mechanism should be in place to evaluate instructional needs and faculty
performance on an ongoing basis.
Mrs. Garcia stated that the public must be made aware of the tremendous resources
needed to support education. She felt that one way of doing this is to demonstrate
the institution’s conservative financial policy over the past thirteen years. The
Chancellor agreed, noting that the Board did not vote for a tax increase until 2000
and actually lowered taxes last year while increasing the homestead exemption.
Due to these measures the budget was actually reduced by approximately $1. 8
million. There was general agreement that issues impacting the budget should be
addressed through the finance and policy committees. Dr. Leslie proposed a budget
workshop on June 20, with the intent of seeking Board approval of the budget in
Mr. Aiyer asked why the professional services chart was omitted from the report.
Ms. Walker replied that some questions or requests from Trustees are provided
apart from the financial report. Mr. Murphy recommended that the Board receive the
financial report at the committee meeting and Ms. Walker acknowledged his request.
He asked further questions about expenditures for the marketing firm and Dr. Leslie
offered to report back on the marketing firm’s budget.
When asked why
expenditures tended to spike in April, Ms. Walker explained that principal and
interest on bonds are paid in April, whereas in October only interest is paid.
HCC-TV Update – Due to time constraints, the presentation on HCC-TV was
postponed until next month. Dr. Leslie announced that HCC-TV is broadcasting
again, after having been off the air since Tropical Storm Allison last June. The
business plan was distributed to the Trustees for review. Brief discussion was held
on the non-profit status of the station. Dr. Leslie announced that an open house is
planned in September with renowned journalist, television producer and author
Linda Ellerbee as guest of honor.
Budget Priorities for 2002-2003 – Dr. Leslie distributed copies of the Budget
Priorities for 2002-2003. The Finance Committee will meet to review the list.
Mr. Davila expressed appreciation to the Chancellor, administration and staff for
working together to plan activities commemorating cultural events.
He also
commended the graduation committee for their efforts, adding that the
commencement ceremonies were particularly meaningful to him as an HCC
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Finance – Dr. Williams reported that items discussed in committee are included in
the consent agenda.
Facilities – Mrs. Garcia reported that items discussed in committee are included in
the consent agenda.
Academic and Student Affairs – Dr. Charles Cook reported on the Learning College
model as a follow up to Trustee Bruce Austin’s presentation at the April board
meeting. Dr. Cook reviewed the primary principles of the Learning College and
needs for 2002-03. He explained that the Learning College model is centered on
learning and creating substantive changes in individual learners and engaging
learners socially and academically as full partners in the process.
transformation to the Learning College model began in 1999 and was incorporated
into the HCCS 2000-03 Strategic Plan. A Presidents’ Council conducted focus
groups with all levels of staff in January 2001 to assess the impact on learning and
to propose ways to implement Learning College elements. Their findings and
recommendations were utilized in the SACS Self-Study. Initiatives are underway to
recruit new faculty who are learning-centered and to provide development
opportunities for current faculty. Learning College methodologies will also be
integrated into student services.
Dr. Juan Perez, Executive Director, presented an overview of the international
component of the Learning College. HCCS is committed to preparing individuals to
live and succeed in an increasingly international society, noting that HCCS has the
third largest international enrollment among all community colleges. The various
colleges have joined in educational partnerships with Brazil, India, Mexico and
Vietnam. Students and faculty members have participated in studies abroad and in
exchange programs with England, Viet Nam and Holland. Future initiatives include
a nursing program to train local unlicensed Hispanic nurses, a program to train
English teachers in Panama, an affiliation program with Pakistani universities, and
collaboration with the Community College Council of Jamaica.
Motion – Dr. Williams made a motion to approve the minutes from the Special
Meeting of April 9, 2002; the Regular Meeting of April 24, 2002 and the Ad Hoc
Bond/ Annexation Committee Meeting of May 8, 2002. Ms. Navarro Flores
seconded and the motion carried 6-0, with Trustees Davila, Austin, Garcia, Murphy,
Navarro Flores and Williams voting affirmatively. Trustees Litt and Oliver were away
from the table. Mr. Aiyer had already left the meeting.
Motion – Dr. Williams made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda with the
exception of items set aside for further discussion. Mr. Austin seconded the motion.
Motion carried 6-0.
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The following items were approved by consensus:
Approved a policy in support on international initiatives;
Approved payment to Bracewell & Patterson for professional services rendered
for the period March 16 through April 15, 2002;
Approved and ratified repairs made by Johnson Controls including Central
College-Fine Arts Cooling Towers ($67,897); San Jacinto Building Room 221Ductwork ($20,655); 3100 Main-fire alarm inspection and repairs ($28,099); and
3100 Main-HCC-TV and other A/C repairs ($24,154); for a total of $140,805;
Approved the purchase of two Trane Model RTAC (200 ton) rotary screw water
chiller units (trailer mounted) for $249,500.00 from Texas Cool;
Approved vendors to provide food items and paper products for Neo Market and
Bakery and the Culinary Arts Baking Program: Sysco Food Services, not to
exceed$75,000; Martin Preferred Foods, not t exceed $50,000 and Houston
Coca-Cola Bottling Company, not to exceed $30,000;
Approved the sole source requisition for purchasing supplies for the Independent
Electrical Contractors (IEC) Apprenticeship Program in the amount of
Approved the sole source requisition for purchasing of supplies for instruction for
the Electricians Apprenticeship Program in the amount of $94,079.00;
Approved the renewal of the delinquent tax collection contract with the law firm of
Linebarger Heard Goggan Blair Graham Pena & Sampson, P.C. (Linebarger
Heard) for an additional one-year term through April 30, 2003;
Approved payment to Harris County Clerk Beverly Kaufman for election services
related to the November 6, 2001 HCCS Trustee election in the amount of
Approved and ratified the change orders and authorized the spending of
$129,056.00 for the completion of the Katy Mills Project as follows: (1) additional
drive/approach per City of Katy Building Codes - $19,607.00; (2) drain dumpster
slab to storm line per City of Katy Building Codes - $3,521.00; and (3) provide
primary HL&P electrical service per City of Katy Building Codes - $105,928.00;
Approved the Investment Report for the month of April 2002;
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Approved the renewal of the Resolution and Ordinance Relating to the
Continuation of Residential Homestead Exemptions for individuals residing in the
HCCS boundaries. The resolution grants each residence owner of a homestead
an exemption equal to 1% of the appraised value of the residence homestead
(with a minimum exemption of $5,000) and an exemption of $90,000 for
homeowners sixty-five (65) years of age or older, or disabled;
Approved the amended resolution providing for an additional penalty of 20%
rather than the originally approved 15% on delinquent taxes that become
delinquent on or after February 1 of a year, but not later than May 1 of that year,
and that remain delinquent on July of the year in which they become delinquent;
Approved the amended resolution providing for an additional penalty of 20%
rather than the originally approved 15% on delinquent taxes that become
delinquent on or after June 1 of a year in which they become delinquent to incur
an additional penalty to defray costs of collection when the attorney collects
those taxes; and
Approved McConnell & Jones, LLP as the vendor for the annual financial
statement opinion audit services for HCCS and authorized the Chancellor to
negotiate and execute the contract. The vendor will perform an annual
independent audit on HCCS financial records in accordance with generally
accepted auditing standards and render an opinion as to whether or not the
annual financial statements are in conformity with generally accepted accounting
Mr. Austin made a motion to approve a resolution regarding principles of annexation.
Mr. Murphy seconded the motion.
Motion to Amend - Mr. Austin offered to amend the motion and Mr. Murphy
seconded. Motion carried 8-0.
Amended Motion - Mr. Austin moved that additional language be included in the
resolution to read as follows:
“WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System is
committeed to full compliance with the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (U.S. Code 42
U.S.C.) 1973 to 1973aa-6) which general prohibits discrimination and illegal voter
dilution in voting practices or procedures because of race, color or membership in
certain minority language groups.”
Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Motion carried 8-0.
Vote on Main Motion – Mr. Austin moved approval of the Resolution regarding
principles of annexation as amended. Mr. Murphy seconded. Motion carried 8-0
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Mr. Davila expressed appreciation to Trustees Navarro Flores and Aiyer for carrying
the resolution forward
The audit services policy was withdrawn from consideration and referred to the
Board Operations Committee for further review.
Motion – Mrs. Garcia moved to approve a policy regulating travel that is undertaken
by one or more students presently enrolled at the institution to reach an activity or
event that is located more than 25 miles from the institution. Mr. Murphy seconded
the motion.
Mrs. Garcia, who chairs the Board Operations Committee, recommended that issues
pertaining to policy be referred to the Board Operations Committee following review
by another committee to keep the committee and policy consultant informed of new
or revised policies. Mr. Davila agreed and instructed administration to follow this
process. Dr. Leslie advised that the General Counsel is working closely with Ms.
Rangel to ensure that policies are developed correctly. Mrs. Garcia added that she
would like to meet with the Chancellor, Board Chairman and policy consultant to
discuss future issues for review by the Board Operations Committee.
The motion carried 8-0.
Mr. Austin made a motion to approve a resolution to televise monthly regular board
meetings on HCC-TV. Mr. Litt seconded the motion. Discussion followed with board
members expressing a variety of opinions on the format and scheduling of the
Mr. Murphy offered an amendment to the motion to revise the wording in the sixth
paragraph to read as follows:
“FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor or his designee televise the full
meeting at least four times during the month; ”
Mr. Oliver seconded the amended motion.
After further discussion on whether or not a resolution was needed, Mr. Murphy
withdrew the amendment and Mr. Oliver withdrew his second.
Motion – Mrs. Garcia then made a motion to televise monthly regular board
meetings, beginning with the June board meeting. Dr. Williams seconded the
motion. Mrs. Garcia pointed out that the Board could address the logistics of the
broadcasts at a future Board Retreat.
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Motion carried 5-0 with Trustees Davila, Garcia, Litt, Murphy and Williams voting in
favor and Trustees Austin, Oliver and Navarro Flores abstaining.
Motion – Dr. Williams moved approval of Prozign Architects as the architectural
programming and space-planning firm to program the requirements for HCCS
Central Campus buildings. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion.
Mr. Murphy stated he felt that a better firm was overlooked and cautioned that the
Board may have a conflict with process. Ms. Navarro Flores replied that the
Facilities Committee agreed to recommend Prozign based on their presentation and
their response to the RFQ.
Motion carried 7-1 with Mr. Murphy opposing the
Mr. Davila adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 7:30 p.m., notice having
previously been given, and reiterated by him, in accordance with Section 551.071 of
the Open Meetings Law. He stated that any final action, vote, or decision on any
item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a
subsequent Public Meeting. He reconvened the meeting in Open session at 8:25
p.m. and entertained motions on pending matters.
Motion – Mr. Litt moved approval of the Personnel Agenda with the exception of the
hiring of the Senior Systems Analyst position and the proposed termination under
A.11. Ms. Navarro Flores seconded the motion, which carried 6-0 with Trustees
Davila, Austin, Garcia, Litt, Murphy and Navarro Flores voting affirmatively. Trustees
Oliver and Williams had already left the meeting.
Motion – Mr. Litt moved approval of the hiring of the Senior Systems Analyst
position. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
Mr. Austin requested an analysis of items discussed in closed session and a review
of hiring policies.
The next Regular Meeting will be held on Thursday, June 27, 2002, at 4:00 p.m. in
the auditorium of the System Administration Building.
Mr. Davila offered his congratulations to the Chancellor on the successful
negotiation of his contract in closed session.
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With no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Davila adjourned the
meeting at 8:28 p.m.
Minutes Prepared By:
Linda Gray, Administrative Assistant
Board Services
Reviewed and Submitted by:
Yolanda Navarro Flores, Secretary
HCCS Board of Trustees
Minutes Approved as Submitted On:
June 27, 2002