UNIVERSITY OF EXETER DUAL ASSURANCE REPORT: EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Present: Peter Lacey, Prof Neil Armstrong, Sean Fielding Minute of meeting 6 October 2008 (incorporating discussion at the meeting of 22 July) 22 July 2008 Meeting 1. CSR Noted the successful outcome of the submission to the regional CSR exercise. Now awaiting information from HEFCE on arrangements for the national process. Agreed that this was likely to become a major performance indicator for the sector. Agreed to set up a Task and Finish Group to take forward the University’s submission once details were known. 2. Website General approach agreed with expected launch in mid-October. (Subsequently agreed soft launch mid-November and full launch 1 Dec. Delay caused by contracting problems with provider of web Content Management System. ) Need to develop overall University brand once RAE result is known. This will be reflected in website. 3. UK Student Recruitment Strategy The revised strategy was approved. 6 October 2008 Meeting 1. External Affairs Strategy The proposed Strategy, as reviewed by VCEG residential was approved. There was discussion about the development of a new generic statement for the University. Although it was recognised that the main communications objective was to ensure that the University was seen as equal to top ranking Russell Group competitors, there was still a need to develop a statement which describes what we stand for. In respect of the local community it was agreed that there was a need for a more focused campaign involving briefings and presentations for key City groups and councillors. Peter Lacey counselled against pushing too hard the message about our overall level of investment since this can be counterproductive for certain sections of the community. It was also noted that a key objective should be to ensure that academics in other universities are more aware of our successes and aspirations. This would be tackled once the RAE results were known. There was also a need to understand more how weaknesses in School reputation impact on the University’s overall reputation. Agreed that new generic brand messages would need to be developed by the time of the Council Away day on 6 March and that a presentation would be needed. Peter Lacey will want involvement in this exercise. Also agreed that Peter Lacey would be involved in planning for the CSR submissions, the stakeholder event in April, and the website. 2. International Strategy The background paper was welcomed and the proposed Task and Finish Groups were approved. Peter Lacey to be kept informed via the Dual Assurance meetings. 3. Key performance indicators for Reputation Agreed that a 6 monthly report on reputation would be made to VCEG utilising the proposed indicators as amended by the DA meeting. 4. AOB Agreed that since there would now be 6 meetings a year, 3 would involve standard reporting on progress and 3 would focus on special issues. Issues requiring protected time would include: developing the communications plan in support of the University’s investments in the City; the reputation indicators; the replacement Court meeting. Sean Fielding Director Communication and Partnership