




Present: Mark Overton (Management Lead), Bettina Rigg (Lay Lead), Dorcas Cowan (E&D

Manager) and Helen Booker (Equality & Diversity Administrator)


1. Actions arising from last meeting (9 December 2011) not covered elsewhere on agenda:-

Senior management to be updated on E&D issues: It was agreed that MO will update on the importance of EIAs at a future meeting of VCEG when College Deans and Heads of

Professional Services are present.

Action: DC to draft a briefing paper for MO.

Handling of racist incidents during lectures/seminars: DC has been in contact with Staff

Learning & Development (SL&D) and will continue to liaise with SL&D to ensure that how to respond to these situations is included within the E&D Induction Training.

Action: DC to continue to liaise with SL&D.

2. Review amended Terms of Reference

The amended Terms of Reference were discussed and agreed.

3. Public Sector Equality Duty requirements

Equality data to be published by 31 Jan 2012: A designated page within the ‘Equality Matters’ website has been established for the publication of equality data - http://www.exeter.ac.uk/staff/equality/equalitydata/ which should improve accessibility to this information.

Equality Objectives to be published by 1 April 2012: DC, MO and Stephen Cooper will be meeting to identify Equality Objectives based on the existing in the Single Equality Scheme

Action Plan and Employment Targets.

Action: DC to forward proposed Equality Objectives (once agreed) to BR for comment.

4. Corporate Risk Update

Since the last Dual Assurance meeting the Risk Review for Equality & Diversity has been amended to include an additional risk:- the possible negative publicity and potential damage to the University brand from events over which the University has little or no control. The amended version was approved.

5. Athena SWAN – Bronze Award Submission & Action Plan

DC reported that the University’s submission and action plan are currently being revised in response to initial feedback received from the Athena SWAN panel.

6. Equality Impact Assessment Update

A list of completed and pending EIAs was considered and it was agreed that a more strategic approach was required. DC explained that currently assessments are carried out at the request of Colleges and Services (usually as a requirement for funding) and that resourcing this had prevented a more strategic approach being possible. It was agreed that the E&D team would work more closely with Colleges and Services with the aim of adopting a more strategic approach and also work closely with the Executive Suite to ensure decisions made by VCEG and Council are equality impact assessed. A process for assessing the impact of decisions made by VCEG and Council was agreed in December 2011, but this needs to be revisited to ensure that it is actually happening and being recorded.

Action: DC and MO to discuss with Stephen Cooper .

7. E&D on Cornwall Campus


DC has been in touch with Lindsay Haydock-Clemo (Access and Equality Officer at UCF) and

MO has met with UCF ’s Pro Rector, Andrew Upton, and will continue to meet with him regularly to discuss E&D issues.

It was agreed that the proposal for a Cornwall-based E&D Advisory Group to discuss issues specific to the Cornwall campus be raised with Andrew Upton and Niamh Lamond (CEO of

Tremough Campus Services [TCS]).

Action: MO to discuss with Andrew Upton and Niamh Lamond.

8. Upcoming Events

Exeter Pride (31 March 2012): As in 2011, the University will be a major sponsor of Pride

2012. In addition to corporate sponsorship, volunteers from the LGBT Equality Group and the

Guild LGBTQ Society will be taking part in the parade wearing University t-shirts, handing out

University-branded merchandise from a University stall , and also taking part in the event’s main debate.

It was suggested that Stuart Franklin s hould be informed about the University’s involvement at


Action: DC to contact Stuart Franklin.

Exeter Respect Festival (2 & 3 June 2012): DC and HB have met with the festival organisers, members of the Guild and a number of volunteers to confirm the Univer sity’s support for the festival. It is hoped that closer working between the University and the Guild will ensure that the University’s involvement has a more joined up approach.

9. Any other business

Code of Practice for Speakers on Campus: MO confirmed that Stuart Franklin is currently finalising this policy and DC confirmed that she has been in touch with Stuart about carrying out an equality impact assessment on the draft policy.

Stonewall Workplace Equality Index: BR raised the point that an increased number of universities were included in Stonewall’s Top 100 Employers this year. DC advised that in preparation for the University making a submission to Stonewall, the LGBT Equality Group identified two key areas of activity which need attention. In response to this, significant progress has been made recently in terms of plans to introduce the monitoring of sexual orientation and improvements in community engagement (specifically the University’s involvement with Exeter Pride) in order that the University is better placed to consider making a submission in the future.


DC to draft a briefing paper for MO to present at VCEG.

DC to continue to liaise with SL&D to ensure that responding to racist comments is included within the E&D Induction Training.

DC to forward proposed Equality Objectives (once agreed) to BR for comment .

DC and MO to discuss with Stephen Cooper the process for assessing the equality impact of decisions made by VCEG and Council and how this is recorded.

MO to contact Andrew Upton and Niamh Lamond about the proposal for a Cornwall-based

E&D Advisory Group.

DC to advise

Stuart Franklin of the University’s involvement at Exeter Pride.

NEXT MEETING: 13 April 2012, 10.00-11.30am

Helen Booker

Equality and Diversity Administrator
