Computer Network Resources Data Communication & Networking, 2nd. Ed., Forouzan, B.A., McGraw-Hill, 2001 Computer Networks, 4th, Ed., Tanenbaum, A.S., Prentice Hall, 2002 Selected papers Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Syllabus Basic introduction Network concepts Network models Signals Encoding & modulating Data transmission Transmission media Multiplexing Error detection & correction Data link control Switching techniques Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Network concepts Line configuration Point-to-point, Multipoint Topology Tree, Bas, Mesh, Ring, Star Transmission mode Simplex, Half-duplex, full-duplex Types of networks LAN, WAN, MAN Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Network models OSI model 7 layers TCP/P 5 layers Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data link Physical Application Transport Network Data link Physical Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Signals Analog signals Digital signals Periodic & aperiodic signals Composite signals Frequency signals bandwidth Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Encoding & modulating 4 types Digital-digital Unipolar, polar, bipolar Analog-digital PAM, PCM, sampling rate Digital-analog ASK, FSK, PSK, QAM Analog-analog AM, FM, PM Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Data transmission Digital data Parallel, serial DTE-DCE Equipment Interface standards EIA-449, EIA-530, X.21 Modems Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Transmission media Guided media Twisted-pair, coaxial, optical fiber Unguided media Terrestrial microwave, satellite, cellular telephony, wireless Transmission impairment Attenuation, distortion, noise Performance Throughput, propagation speed, propagation time Wavelength Shannon capacity Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Multiplexing FDM WDM TDM Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Error detection & correction Types of error Single-bit, burst error Redundancy Detection CRC Error correction Single-bit Hamming code Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Data link control Flow control Stop-and-wait Sliding window Error control ARQ (Automatic Repeat Request) Stop-and-wait ARQ Sliding window ARQ Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Switching techniques Circuit switching Packet switching approaches Datagram Virtual circuit Message switching Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Flash Back The past 3 centuries dominated by single technology 18th century – mechanical system within Industrial Revolution 19th century – steam engine 20th century – information gathering, processing, and distribution; telephone networks; radio & TV; communication satellites Computer technology made a spectacular progress in short time First 2 decades, computer systems are highly centralized (mainframes); now has become obselete Had been replaced by a large number of interconnected computers doing the job Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal The importance! Can a network design support company’s expansion? PC evolution Increase non-computer users awareness to usage of computers; PC more user-friendly; does not burden on users Previously, PC does not allows data sharing Data being exchange through physical transmission medium such as via sea, air, road etc; time-consuming, Created another inconveniences – allow users’ error, virus spreading Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal What is Data Communication? Telecommunication – communicating via distances Data communication – the process involving data exchanges (binary data) between 2 devices via transmission medium Local data communication, remote data communication Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal What is Data Communication? How effective your data communication systems? Depends on Delivery – correct destination, intended recipient Accuracy – data received must be the one that was sent Timeliness – must reach destination in time; very important in real-time transmission (audio, video data) Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal What is Data Communication? 5 main components involve: Message Sender Receiver Transmission medium Protocol A set of rules which allows communicating devices to ‘talk’ to each others Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal What is Networks? A network is a set of devices connected by a media links (channels); interconnected collection of autonomous computers Two computers are connected when they able to communicate with each other, exchanging information What’s the different between a computer network and a distributed system? Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Distributed systems Existence of multiple autonomous computers is transparent to the user Users type in command, run the program OS will determine which processor will run the program Computer networks User explicitly log onto a machine; explicitly submit jobs remotely, explicitly moves files around and generally handle all the network management personally Thus, a distributed system s a software system built on top of a network Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Uses of computer networks To companies Resource sharing – regardless of physical location of the resource and the user To provide high reliability – alternative sources of supply Saving money – client-server architecture More scalable – allowing extension of network Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Uses of computer networks To people Access to remote information Online payment, online banking, online shopping Online personalized newspaper Online digital library WWW Person-to-person communication Email Virtual meeting Interactive entertainment Video on demand (killer application) – possible to select any movie or television program in any country and have it displayed on the screen instantly Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Social issues Widespread of networking technology introduce new social, ethical, political problems Obscene and abusive images and messages Offensive forum Cyber-terrorism, cyber-warfare Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Network criteria What is an effective and efficient networks? Performance – measured by transit time or response time Number of concurrent users – too many will slow down response time Types of transmission medium Hardware Software • • • • Transform raw data to transmittable signals To route signals to destination To ensure signals are error free Transformation to original data Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Network criteria Reliability Failure frequency Recovery time after a failure Catastrophic disaster Security Ensure no unauthorized access • User authentication – password, encryption • Host authentication Virus protected Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Performance evaluation Transit time Time required for a message to travel from one device to another Response time Elapsed time between an enquiry and a response Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Network hardware 2 types of transmission technology Broadcast network Single communication channel shared by all machines on the network Packets sent will be received by all the others Address field attached to packet will determined who can have the packet Multicasting – transmission to a subset of the machines Generally used by smaller, geographically localized networks Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Point-to-point network Consists of many connections between individual pairs of machines A packet will be routed to any intermediary machines which exist between the source and the intended recipient based on certain algorithm Generally used by large dispersed networks Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Local Area Network (LAN) Privately-owned network Single building or campus; few kilometers in size Connecting PCs and workstations Allowing sharing of resources and information exchange LANs are distinguished according to Their size Their transmission technology Single cable attaching all machines (bus, ring) Bus – master-slave / CS; ring – token ring Their topology Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Wide Area Network (WAN) Spans a large geographical area Consists of a collection of machines intended for running user programs (hosts) Hosts are connected by subnet which carries messages from host to host Subnet Transmission line Switches (router) – specializes computers/device to connect two or more transmission lines Packet forwarding based either on point-to-point, store-andforward or packet-switching principles Nearly all WAN applied the store-and-forward principle Point-to-point need to based on certain topology either ring, star, tree, mesh, irregular, intersection ring Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Wireless networks What is wireless networking? What is mobile computing? Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Protocols A system may consists of several entities – anything capable of sending and receiving information such as application programs, browser, ftp packages, dbms, email sw To reduce design complexity, networks are organized as a series of layers Each layer will offer services to the higher layers For 2 entities to send stream of bits, they must agree on a protocol – defines what is communicates, how it is communicated and when it is communicated Between each pair of adjacent layers, there is an interface which defines the operations and services the lower layer offers to the upper layer A set of layers and protocols is called NETWORK ARCHITECTURE Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Interfaces and services Services are available at SAP (Service Access Points) The layer n SAPs are the places where layer n + 1 can access the services offered 2 layers to exchange information Has to had an agreed upon set of rules about the interface Layer n+1entity pass IDU (interface Data Unit) to layer n entity through SAP IDU consists of control information and SDU (Service Data Unit) which information will be passed across the network to the peer entity Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Types of services 2 types of services Connection-oriented services Need to establish the connection, use the connection and terminate connection when finish Reliable – data will not lose; acknowledgement required Eg: File trasfer Connectionless services No prior establishment required Data not guarantee to arrive at the intended machine Also known as datagram service Eg : Electronic mail Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Standards Products may be used on each other regardless of its manufacturers Provides guidelines to manufacturers, vendors, service providers to ensure connectivity 2 types : de jure & de facto De facto: proprietary – invented by commercial orgs and fully owned by them – also called closed standards Nonproprietary – developed by groups or committees and passed it to public domain – also called open standards Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal Standards organizations International Standards Organization (ISO) Inter. Telecommunications UnionTelecommunications Standards Sector (ITU-T) Prepared by Hannyzzura Pal