CONFIGURING SUITABLE LANDFILL WITH GIS-NETWORK ANALYST CASE STUDY MUNICIPAL OF BATAM- INDONESIA EVY YUSRIANI UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA CONFIGURING SUITABLE LANDFILL WITH GIS-NETWORK ANALYST CASE STUDY MUNICIPAL OF BATAM-INDONESIA EVY YUSRIANI A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirement for the Award of the degree of Master of Science (Planning – Resource and Environment Management) FACULTY OF BUILT ENVIRONMENT UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA SEPTEMBER, 2009 iv “I declare that this project report is the result of my own research work except as cited in reference. The project report has not been accepted of any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any degree”. Signature : ………………………….. Author’s Name : EVY YUSRIANI Passport Number : P528293 vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my sincere gratitude to God the Almighty that always open a window when all the doors seemed to be closed. I would like to thank my parents, Bambang Yoesmianto & Sri Sulastri for continuing their responsibility as parents while they should have been retired for quite a while. To my dearest family, Muhammad Sjahri Papene and Daffa Pramudya Papene, whom I did this work for. My special gratitude to the most important people behind the whole story: My dearest Supervisor Dr Mohammad Rafee Majid, for giving more than a supervisor should. To my Reader Associate Professor Dr Foziah Johar. I also appreciate Norsyahida Juhari and Wan Yusrizal Wan Ibrahim for their contribution in strengthening GIS application component of this study , and to my local classmates who helped me a lot: Rozita, Shahira, and others. May God pay all of their great deeds with multiplied price, here and hereafter. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Government of Kepulauan Riau Province (Regional Employment Board) for the support and opportunity to pursue my study further. Especially to Mr. Lamidi and Mr. Ruli Friady. Finally yet importantly, a sincere gratitude to all my dearest Indonesian friends especially my neighbors in KTF H25-C, to Tika, Nadya, Dela, Nani, Nona and Ike for the sincere companion while I’m in UTM for keeping me as ‘human’ as I can be. Of course, to all Indonesian and international friends who shared with me all of the wonderful moments in this country: Ibrahim, Nima and Soheil. All of them have taught me about life and share their examples on how a life should be lived. vii ABSTRAK Kajian ini menggunapakai Analisis Jaringan dalam Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS) bagi membangunkan model penjanaan senario dan mengenalpasti pilihan tapak pembuangan sampah alternatif bagi Kota Batam. Ia berpandukan kepada pemilihan tapak berdasarkan aspek ekonomi dan seterusnya mengenalpasti laluan terbaik ke tapak yang terdekat. Hasil kajian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan dalam membantu Kerajaan Kota Batam dalam mempertimbangkan projek tapak pembuangan sampah di bandar tersebut. Proses awal kajian melibatkan pemilihan tapak pembuangan sampah melalui proses tindih lapis (union) lapisan data guna tanah (tidak termasuk Kawasan Sensitif Alam Sekitar), buffer jalan, daerah permukiman lapangan terbang serta kecerunan dengan yang kemiringan kurang daripada 20%. Tiga pilihan tapak terbaik diperolehi melalui proses analisis tersebut. Kemudian, pembinaan topologi bagi lapisan data jalan dibuat dan perletakan titik peralihan/transit bagi pengumpulan sampah (sebanyak 265 titik) ditentukan. Set data jaringan (network dataset) bagi lapisan data jalan yang mengandungi parameter dan spesifikasi jalan dibentuk untuk digunakan dalam menjalankan analisis jaringan dalam ArcGIS 9.2. Analisis kawasan perkhidmatan (service area) dalam ArcInfo Network Analyst dilakukan dengan mengambilkira tahap tadahan tampungan perkhidmatan kawasan bagi ketiga-tiga tapak dalam masa 5, 15 dan 30 minit. Hasil yang diperolehi mendapati dan diputuskan ialah tapak alternatif 3 karena walaupun tidak memiliki cakupan tadahan tampungan, tetapi memiliki transit point yang terbanyak dan dapat menampung lebih banyak sampah. Bagi memperkuatkan hasil kajian ini ditentukan titik origin destination dan 10 titik peralihan terjauh dalam setiap daerah ditentukan. Seterusnya, laluan terbaik akan dijana melalui ArcInfo Network Analyst dalam ArcGIS. Hasil yang diperolehi mendapati dan diputuskan ialah tapak alternatif 3 karena memiliki daerah cakupan tadahan tampungan yang terbanyak dan dapat menampung lebih banyak sampah walaupun tidak memiliki jarak laluan terpendek dengan waktu yang paling minima. Didapati hasil kajian menunjukkan tapak alternatif 3 sememangnya merupakan lokasi terbaik bagi tapak pengumpulan sampah di Kota Batam. viii ABSTRACT This study meant to apply Network Analysis in GIS to develop scenario generation model and assess alternative landfill sites in Batam City based on the economical aspects. And the best route to achieve the closest landfill. Results of this study might help the government of Batam City to consider about the landfill projects in the city. Landfill alternative selection started by unionizing the layer landuse (excluding Environment Sensitive Area), road buffer, residential, airport, and slope lower than 20%. Road topology and transit point were done afterwards (for 265 points), in order to avoid layer overlapping in the form of shapefile. Road layer (shapefile) converted to network dataset to add parameter and road specification. The analysis were done to show the size of the covered area in every 5, 15, and 30 assumed minutes. The result was alternative number three, because even it did not has the wide area covered, it has more transit point and more waste generate. In order to support this result, then OD (Original Destinations) are added and 10 furthest transit point were defined. ArcInfo Network Analysis assessed the landfill alternatives. The result was alternative number three, because it has more transit point and more waste generate even it did not the closest route and fastest time-span. Site 3 showed the more area covered then other alternative sites. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE TITLE OF PAGE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vi ABSTRAK vii ABSTRACT viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ix LIST OF TABLES xiii LIST OF FIGURES xiv x 1 2 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Problem Statement 3 1.3 Purpose of the Study 4 1.4 Objectives of the Study 4 1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study 4 1.5.1 Scope 5 1.5.2 Limitation 5 1.6 Study Area 5 1.7 Importance of the Study 7 1.8 Organization of Research 7 1.9 Summary of the Chapters 8 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 2.1 Introduction 10 2.2 Waste Management 10 2.3 Solid Waste 13 2.4 Collection 16 2.5 Transportation 19 2.5.1 Motor Vehicle Transport 20 2.5.2 Transport Vehicle for 21 Uncompacted Waste 2.6 3 Landfill 22 GEOGRAPHY INFORMATION SYSTEM 3.1 Introduction 26 3.2 Geography Information System 26 3.2.1 Component of Geographic Data 29 3.2.2 Data Organizations in GIS 29 3.2.3 GIS Software 31 xi 3.3 Network Analysis 33 3.3.1 35 Basic Principles of Network Analysis 3.3.2 4 GIS Network Analysis 36 3.4 Dijkstra’s Algorithm in Network Analysis 38 3.5 Case Study 40 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT IN BATAM 4.1 Introduction 42 4.2 Profile of Study Area 42 4.2.1 Batam in Figure 42 4.2.2 Land use 44 4.3 Waste Management in Batam 47 4.3.1 Solid Waste in Batam 47 4.3.2 Waste Management 48 4.3.3 Field Condition of Waste 48 Management in Batam 4.3.4 Waste Management Service in 49 Batam 4.4 Database Development 57 4.5 Using Dijkstra’s Algorithm in Network 59 Analysis 5 RESEARCH METHDOLOGY 5.1 Introduction 59 5.2 Data Preparation 60 5.3 Available Site Selection 62 5.4 Network Analysis 62 xii 6 BEST ROUTE AND CLOSEST FACILITY 64 ANALYSIS 6.1 Introduction 65 6.2 Identifying alternative landfill sites 66 6.2.1 67 Digitizing Area Boundary and Road 6.3 6.2.2 Creating Slope from Elevation 68 6.2.3 Environment Sensitive Area 71 6.2.4 Site Selecting Process 73 6.2.5 Site Selecting Model 76 Number of Waste Generated and Truck 78 Capacity 6.4 Network Analysis 77 6.4.1 81 Creating Topology for Road Data 6.4.2 7 Creating New Network Dataset 83 6.5 Identifying Service Area 85 6.6 Identifying the Best Route and Closest Facility 89 6.7 Conclusion 99 DISCUSSION AND SUGGESTION 100 7.1 Introduction 100 7.2 Research Findings Formula 101 7.3 Issues and Problem of Study 101 7.4 Suggest Landfill Area and Route For 102 Collection 7.4.1 Suggest Suitable Landfill 102 7.4.2 Best Route and the Closest 102 Landfill. 7.4.3 REFERENCES Service Area 102 106 ix LIST OF TABLE TABLE NUMBER TITLE PAGE 2.1. Source of solid waste within a community 14 4.1. Landuse of Municipal of Batam 45 4.2 Location of Waste Transit Point in Batam Island 49 4.3 Waste Generates 56 4.4 Data Modeling in Research 57 5.1: Database structure for the study 63 6.1 Allocate The Number of Trip 80 6.2. Comparison Covered Area 87 6.3 Waste Carried, Transfer Point Covered Each Sites 88 6.4 Result Length and Time From Each 94 6.5 Amount of Waste in Each Route –Site 1 95 6.6 Amount of Waste in Each Route –Site 2 96 6.7 Amount of Waste in Each Route –Site 3 97 6.8 Amount of Transit Point, Waste, Length and Time 98 x LIST OF FIGURES FIGURES TITLE PAGE NUMBER 2.1 Figure 2.1. Typical system for Solid 12 Waste Management. 2.2 Examples of refuse collection vehicle 20 2.3 (a) Truck (also truck chassis with 21 detachable body), (b) truck-trailer combination, (c) tractor-semitrailer combination, and (d) tractor-semitrailerpull trailer combination (often identified as a set of doubles) 2.4. Typical transport vehicle used in conjunction with transfer facilities : (a) Open-top semitrailer with moving floor unloading mechanism (b) Enclosed semitrailer used stationary compactor (c) Drop-bottom open-top semitrailer unloaded with hydraulic tipping ramp. 22 xi 3.1. Geography Data 30 3.2 GIS data “Layer” 30 3.3. Road Network (Nod and Connection) 34 4.1. Landuse Of Batam Batam Island 44 4.2 An example of Dijkstra’s algorithm 59 (Orlin 2003). 5.1: Research Methodology to find the best 62 route for the trucks to the best site 6.1. Conceptual Framework of Analysist 67 6.2 Digitizing the new shape file to get the 68 boundary of the area 6.3 Road made base on main hierarchy : 69 artery, kolector, local, non/other 6.4 Elevation Layer 70 6.5 Slope Layer 70 6.6 Classification Slope 71 6.7. Slope Layer after Classify 71 6.8. Extract from landuse, create shapefile 72 ESA xii 6.9 Reselect landuse that out from the 73 analysis. 6.10. Buffer Process 74 6.11. Dissolve Process 75 6.12 Union Process 76 6.13 The result of alternative suitable landfill 77 6.14 Create road network topology 82 6.15 Data attribute in road topology layer 83 6. 16 Topology Road 84 6.17 Service Area 86 6.18 Data utilized in the network analysis 90 process 6.19 Process to find best route for every point 91 and alternative site 6.20. Set up the search Tolerance 92 6.21. The best route from each sites 93 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Solid waste problem is quite a continuing important urban issue. Along with the rapid urban growth, the amount of solid waste is growing exponentially, and needs more attention from local governments. The price of the land increases along with the rapid urban growth as well, and makes it more difficult for the government to find an appropriate landfill location. In some large and medium-sized cities in Indonesia, governmental actions in term of landfill are limited by such factors. In the year of 2000, only 40% of the solid waste has taken into appropriate process. Unprocessed or untreated solid waste triggered the air, water, and land pollutions, as well as increasing the probability of flood in urban area. Landfill problems should be seriously, technically, rationally, and professionally solved. It takes an integrated management, based on the situation, condition, and policy of each region in the country. 2 The increase of the amount of the solid waste, combined with the scarcity of the landfill, created serious problems for urban areas in order to maintain the balance of the environment. Landfill, which should be an environment-friendly end of the chain of the waste management; nevertheless, limited funding and human resources, plus the existing pattern of ‘collect-carry-dump’, put an enormous burden to the existing landfill. There is not enough landfill, and the capacities of the existing landfills are reaching their limits. Regional autonomy (Otonomi Daerah) administratively separated one town to another; hence, the regional landfill management is difficult to be discussed among regions. Some major factors of the problem are as follows: (1) the scarcity of land in urban area, especially in metropolists; (2) regions and districts stated their objections on having landfills in their areas due to NIMBY (Not in My Backyard) syndrome; (3) there is no specific body or agency that responsible for the solid waste management. On top of those factors, some illiterated citizens did not realize about the importance of not littering. The national government ratified some international agreements such as Agenda 21,MDG 2015, Kyoto Protocol, which needs to be realized, while the government published the national regulation of solid waste management (UU 18/2008) as a legal platform in managing solid waste and landfill. Housing estates, commercial estates, industrial estates, and institutional estates were created by the urbanization process. These activities attracted numbers of citizens; hence the overpopulation. The overpopulation means more solid wastes. Based on the statistical counting of Bappenas, in 1995, piled solid wastes of Indonesia was predicted to be 22.5 millions of tons, and multiplied in 2020 to 53.7 millions of tons. Meanwhile, in the major cities of Indonesia daily solid waste per capita is estimated around 600 – 830 grams. To illustrate the amount of solid waste in the country, several major cities conditions might be taken as references. Jakarta produces 6.2 thousands of tons of solid wastes, Bandung produces 2.1 thousands, Surabaya 1.7 thousands, and Makassar 0.8 thousands (Damanhuri, 2002). These numbers indicated the difficulty of solid waste management in the country. Based on the numbers, it is estimated that Indonesia needs 675 hectares of landfill in 2005, and 1,610 hectares in 2020. Judging by the availability of land in urban area, it might lead to a major problem. 3 Principles of urban planning play important roles in managing development problems. In the context of landfills, there is a need of integrated cross-regional management of urban planning. Through this method, environmental supporting ability of one region should be considered important. Location planners usually focused on housing, industrial, public domains, and other facilities, but landfills are often neglected. Methods of systematically selecting landfill area and knowledge of the landfill importance and side effects are the two lacking factors that indicated the source of the problem. There are numbers of technology and instruments to help the policy makers to consider every aspect before issuing policies. Information Technology such as GIS (Geographical Information System) have changed the approach of decision making. This kind of technology should make it easier for a planner to plan, design, control, and assess the planning process. This system might support the policymakers in deciding the location of the landfills. GIS is able to provide modeling, predictions, and situation planning of landfill area. GIS would not only support the decision-makings, it is also able to manipulate some problem scenario. Furthermore, GIS is available to be integrated to other techniques of decision making such as Spatial Multi-Criteria Decision Making (SMCDM) in order to assess the landfill candidates in Batam. GIS helps planners to produce rational decisions faster and more economical. GIS might also be related to the long-term development planning due to its capability to store geographical data and land usage. Its capability and high precision to manage, manipulate, and analyze data might solve many developmental problems today. 1.2 Problem Statement Some problem with the allocation, efficiency, and SNI criteria occurred due to the existing waste management and landfill allocation in Batam was done manually. 4 For instance, the airport and some residential area became polluted because the location was too close to the landfill, the routes for the transport vehicles were considered not efficient. This study is applying network analysis in GIS to the better landfill location, which follows the criteria in SNI 03-3241-1994 and proven to be more efficient and economical. 1.3 Purpose of the Study This study meant to apply Network Analysis in GIS to develop scenario generation model and assess alternative landfill sites in Batam City based on the economical aspects; such as to suggest more efficient routes for transport vehicles, while keeping the location of the landfill match the criteria on SNI 03-3241-1994. Moreover, the best route to achive the closest landfill. Results of this study might help the government of Batam City to consider about the landfill projects in the city. 1.4 Objectives of the Study Objectives of this study are as follows: i. to identify the existing waste management system in Batam City. ii. to identify criteria of landfill location based on GIS standard. iii. to provide and design GIS data model to produce some scenario alternatives of landfill locations. iv. to identify the best alternative location out of several generated alternatives based on economical factor, network analyzed by GIS. 1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study Scope and limitations of this study are as follows: 5 1.5.1 Scope i. Landfill location in this study was identified based on the quantitative aspects of economical. ii. Generated scenario was used to identify the best alternative of the future landfill location of Batam. iii. A model scenario for future appropriate landfill site was developed; the characteristics of the site in the scenario should fulfill the criteria of Indonesian National Standard ( INS) or SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia) no 03-3241-1994. iv. Scenario generation has done by using overlay process. This study used and manipulated secondary data from the database to analyse the alternative locations based on the fixed criteria by applying GIS analysis module such as ArcInfo. v. Network Analysis process was used to assess the most appropriate alternative location. 1.5.2 Limitation i. This study would only assess in main land of Batam ii. This study did not include industrial or hazardous wastes. iii. This study would only include pickup from transfer points. iv. This study would only employ existing algorithm in the ArcInfo-GIS. 1.6 Study Area Batam archipelago includes 6 major islands: Batam, Rempang, Galang, Galang Baru, Bulan, Kapala Jeri, and approximately 400 small / minor islands, and only 329 of those small islands acquired their names. The land area is as wide as 1,038.4 squarekilometers and the waters are as wide 2,951,5678 squarekilometers. The study area was the island of Batam, which equals to 30% of the overall Batam. 6 The island of Batam was selected as the study area for reasons as follows: i. Batam experienced a rapid development due due to the rapid explosion of population. Proper planning and landfill sites selection would help the government to solve the solid waste problems for now and then. ii. Batam is currently preparing the design of the regional urban planning ((Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah layah) 2015-2035 2035 based on the concept of Free Trade Zone (FTZ). Included in this design, is the landfill location identification. The existing landfill at Telanga Punggur is considered no longer sufficient due to the rapid development occurring in the area. area. As previously mentioned, the port of Telaga Punggur serves as a main gate to Tanjung Pinang, the capital city of Kepri province iii. The database development needs plenty of detailed data, which is accessible in Batam. Figure 1.1 Municipal of Batam 1.7 Research Methodology In this current research, research data such as map, map data attribute, waste wast generated, and any data related to transport vehicles and their routes were obtained obtain from the municipal of Batam and PT Surya Sejahtera. Sejahtera 7 The data obtained were analyzed by utilizing ArcInfo-GIS with Dijkstra Algorithm, and produced the results such as the landfill alternative locations, coverage area of the landfill alternatives, and the most efficient routes. 1.7 Importance of the Study In the mean time, government agencies in Batam are not familiar to the application of GIS in term of waste management, especially about allocating landfills. The advantages of using GIS and its capability of forecasting future problems and their solutions would be introduced to the government in order to enhance the quality of decision-making process, especially about area planning. BAPPEDA (Planning and Development Board) would be supported by the application of GIS, especially in predicting the future problem solving and landuse planning. This study would also introduce alternative quantitative methods that provide clearer justifications to support the decision makers to assess every aspect in order to give the best solution alternative. 1.8 Organization of Research This research has arranged activities based on the objective. Chapter 3 would describe the process clearer and more detailed. There were some important stages in research implementation, namely: i. Issues and problems identification. ii. Literature study 8 iii. Setting a purpose, objective and study scope iv. Research methodology and Data Collection v. Analysis, Discussion and conclusion Every stage has distinctive activities. At the early stages, the researcher was identifying issue and problems in waste management. Through the problem discussion and literature study related to the goals and objective of the study specified. Study scope was set to make sure that the output could reach the aim and proposed objective. The next level is to develop a study methodology to achieve the research goals. Model analysis was formed and further database development carried out for analysis was conducted. Network Analysis techniques will be applied in GIS environment. Results of the analyses showed several alternative locations for landfill, which fulfill the criteria proposed. Furthermore, each of the alternatives would be analyzed by using Network Analysis to generate the best location based on economical aspects. 1.9 Summary of the Chapters Briefly, this paper contains seven chapters. These chapters were developed based on each step described in the previous section. Chapter 1 introduced the current situation regarding to the solid waste and landfill issues that led to the problem statement, purpose, objective, scope, and area of the studies. Chapter 2 discussed about related literatures about waste management, the importance of the landfill proper location and the criteria set in the SNI #03-32411994 and Undang-Undang RI No. 18 tahun 2008 about waste management. 9 Chapter 3 was described about the literature reviews of GIS and Network Analysis approach in assessing and location selection. Chapter 4 was about the development of the database and the profile of the study area. Current existing data were described and elaborated in this chapter. Chapter 5 described about analytical design and scenario generation modeling for the proper landfill locations using GIS based on the development potential of each location. Model development using Network Analysis was applied in this chapter. This chapter included required data for developing the model, site alternative nominating process, and the best alternative site nominating process. Chapter 6 discussed about the indentification of the alternative sites for landfill. Several locations scenario would be assessed by using Network Analysis in order to get the most appropriate landfill location in Batam based on the indicators and criteria. Chapter 7 concluded and discussed the summary about the results acquired from the analysis. 10 CHAPTER 2 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 2.1. Introduction This chapter explains about the waste management concepts, specifically about the consideration of criteria that will be used to identify suitable landfill. Waste management concept would be include waste management definition, solid waste, collection, landfill, and transporting. 2.2. Waste Management The government of Indonesia on May 7, 2008 issued regulations about waste management, which happened to be an important global issue. The background of the regulation issue included some aspects as follows: 1. The population growth and the changes in public consumption pattern led to the increase of volume, types, and characteristics of solid waste. 11 2. The existing waste management is not considered environmentally appropriate, and caused many additional problems for the society. 3. Solid waste problem is becoming national issue, hence the management should be done comprehensively and integratedly by all of the stakeholders to gain the health and welfare benefits, and environmental friendly, as well as changing public behavior about the waste problem. 4. It takes a fix-lined regulations about the governmental rights and responsibility, public and industrial involvement in order to create an effective, efficient, and proportional waste management. UU No. 18, 2008, about waste management, described waste management as a systematical, global, and continuous action to reduce and manage waste. Solid waste management may be defined as the discipline associated with control of generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport, processing, and disposal of solid waste in a manner that is in accord with the best principles of public health, economics and that is also responsive to public attitudes. In its scope, solid waste management includes all administrative, financial, legal, planning, and engineering functions involved in solutions to all problems of solid wastes. (Tchobanoglous et al., 1993) An effective solid waste management system should include one or more of the following options: waste collection and transportation; resource recovery through waste processing; waste transportation without recovery of resources, i.e., reduction of volume, toxicity, or other physical/chemical properties of waste to make it suitable for final disposal; and disposal on land, i.e., environmentally safe and sustainable disposal in landfills (Tchobanoglous et al., 1993; Kreith, 1994; CPHEEO, 2000). Collection and transportation is one important functional component of the solid waste management system (Kumar, 2003). 12 Indonesia is well known for its mixed culture as far as climate, economy, food and topography is concerned. This is reflected in solid waste management systems. Indonesia’s solid waste management is becoming increasingly important for a variety of reasons, including the concentration of the population in municipal areas, legal interventions, the emergence of newer technologies and rising public awareness of the importance of hygiene and sanitation. A typical solid waste management system is shown in Figure. 2.1. Solid waste generate from : - Residential area - Commercial establisments including hotels and markets - Other establishments Transportations Collection system (House to House and/or Fixed Landfilling Processing system for material, energy recovery and/or volume reduction Figure 2.1. Typical system for Solid Waste Management. Source : ( Solid waste management might be interdisciplinary problem that involves politic science, city and regional planning, geography, economics, public health, sociology, demography, communications and conservations as well as engineering and materials science. 13 2.3 Solid Waste According UU No. 18/2008, solid waste is the solid wasted materials of human daily activities and/or natural processes. Type of the solid wastes managed under this regulation is as follows: a. Household solid wastes, includes wasted materials of daily household activities, not including specific waste and biological wastes. b. Solid wastes similar to household solid wastes, includes similar wastes from commercial, industrial, social, and public facilities area. c. Specific Solid Wastes, includes materials as follows: 1) Solid waste contains hazardous or toxic materials. 2) Solid waste contains any hazardous or toxic wastes 3) Solid waste produced by natural disasters. 4) Solid waste contains debris from buildings demolitions. 5) Solid waste contains material without known technology to process or reprocess. 6) Seasonal solid wastes. Solid waste is the material arising from human and animal activities that is normally is solid andis discarded as being either useless or unwanted. It encompasses the heterogeneous mass of throways from urban communities and agricultura, mineral, and industrial wastes as well. (Shah, 2000) 14 Source of solid waste in a community are, in general, related to land use and zoning. Although number of source classification can be developed the following categories are useful (Tchobanoglous et al., 1993): 1. Residential 2. Commercial 3. Institutional 4. Contraction and demolition 5. Municipal services 6. Treatment plant site 7. Industrial, and 8. Agricultureal Typical waste generation facilities, activities, or locations associated with each of these source are reported in Table 2.1 where municipal solid waste is normally assumed to include all community waste with the exception of industrial process waste and agricultural waste (Tchobanoglous et al, 1993) : Table 2.1. Source of solid waste within a community Typical facilities, activities, No Source or location where wastes are Type of solid wastes generates 1 Residential Single family and Food wastes, paper, carboard, multifamily detached plastics, dwellings, low-, wastes, wood, glass, tin cans, medium-, and high-rise aluminium, other metals, ashes, apartment. streets leaves, special wastes textile, lether, yard (including bulky items, concosumer, electronics, white goods, yard wastes collected separately, batteries, oil, and tires), wastes household hazardous 15 Typical facilities, activities, No Source or location where wastes are Type of solid wastes generates 2 Commercial Stores, restaurants, markets, Paper, cardboard, plastics, wood, office buildings, hotels, food waste, glass, metals, special motels, print shops, service wastes (see above), hazardous stations, auto repair shops, wastes, etc etc. 3 Institutional Schools, hospitals, prisons, As above in commercial governmental centers 4 Construction New construction sites, road and repair/renovations sites, Demolition razing of buildings broken Wood, steel, concrete, dirt, etc pavement 5 Municipal Streets cleaning, Special wastes, rubbish, streets services landscaping, catch basin weeping’s, landscape and tree (excluding cleaning, park and beaches, trimmings, catch basin debris, treatment other recreational areas genera facilities) 6 Water, wastewater, and sites: industrial treatment municipal Treatment plant park, Municipal solid waste wastes, principally composed of residual processes, etc sludge’s All of the above All of the above incinerators 7 from beaches, and recreational areas. Treatment plant wastes 16 Typical facilities, activities, No Source or location where wastes are Type of solid wastes generates 8 Industrial Constructions, fabrications, Industrial process wastes, scrap light and heavy materials, manufacturing, refineries, wastes including food wastes, chemical plants, power rubbish, ashes, demolition and plants, demolition, etc construction etc. Non-industrial waste, special waste, hazardous wastes 9 Agriculture Field and row crops, Spoiled food waste, agricultural orchards, vineyards, dairies, waste, rubbis, hazardous waste feedlots, farms, etc. 2.4 Collection In most industrialized countries, solid waste is collected. Solid waste generated in urban areas is collected by fixed station and/or by house-to-house collection systems. In developed countries, in the case of the fixed station system, citizens are supposed to deposit the waste at the locations specified by the municipalities on a particular day of the week by a specific time. (UNEP, 2002). Collection of solid waste is carried out by using suitable vehicles. The type of vehicle to be used depends on the type of collection bin and width of road (Chiplunkar et al., 1981). 17 In Indonesia, solid waste collection is carried out by “community neighborhood units,” a quasi private enterprise formed by the community. There are situations where the city and its surrounding area are independently managed by different municipalities, but landfills are shared without any official agreement (Pasang et al., 2007). In most industrialized countries, solid waste is collected from urban areas by compactor truck wich collected waste from each household once or twice a week. However, there several reason that such collection systems do not work in developing urban communities. First, road condition oftern make the truck access to individual households difficult. Second, the nature of the waste in poorer areasdenser and more corrosive due to a higher organic content-makes compaction unfeasible and contributes to frequent equipment failure (Coffey, 1985). In part of two condition, the costs of such a system are often prohibitive in developing communities where ability and willingness to pay for service are low. Third, weak local authorities and lack of precedent for paying fees for such services make it difficult to recover the costs of collection services. This difficulties have promted the development of innovative collection systems better suited to developing urban areas. Four different types of systems are ( Korfmacher, 1996) : 1) House to house collection; several house to house collection systems (“primary collection”) have been designed to be appropriate to develop urban areas. This program respect to financing, organization, and technology. In the case of house-to-house collection, transportation vehicles visit individual houses at a specific time for waste collection 18 The goals of this program were to create employment, deliver basic health and hygiene education, and reduce rubbish in the community. Additionally, the program aims to convince individual households to pay for private garbage collection services. These programs also represent a potential alternative to paying for garbage collection through municipal fees in a city. In other areas, an improvised form of house-to-house collection involves a worker with a handcart who traverses each street. He rings a bell so that local residents can hear him coming, whereupon they leave their residences and deposit the waste in his cart. Once the handcart is full, the worker either unloads it in a community bin or deposits it in a transport vehicle. More often than not, public participation is limited. Consequently, it is not uncommon to see waste is littered around the community bins. 2) Communal collection; Alternative methods of collection involve communal skips or collection sites. Sometimes these programs consist of several layers of collection networks. One program in Adjoufou II, a region of Abidjan in the Ivory Coast, used two-wheeled barrows to transport communal drums (which are placed less than 30 m from each house) to skip at collection points (Meyer 1993). The skip re then periodically emptied by private municipal collection company. These programs can utilize financial incentives to encourage recycling by paying different process for different material. 3) Block collection; Block collection has been implemented in several areas (Habitat, 1992). In this system, a collectioan vehicle travels a scheduled route, stopping periodically for residents to bring their refuse. Although it is convenient for resident, block collection eliminates the need for intermediate storage containers and thus may be less costly. Residents stopped carring their rubbish to the trusck and refuse began to degrade the environment. 19 4) No collection; These programs do not involve collection by contarctors in the usual sense. Instead, resident receive incentives for bringing their refuse to the central locations. The program cost the same as would a private collection service for these areas, and was subsidized by taxes from wealrheir neighborhoods. Public participation, awareness and cooperation are satisfactory in the developed countries, and thus urban areas are generally clean most of the time. In developing countries, a community bin is installed or designated a fixed station, and residents in the local area are supposed to deposit their waste when necessary 2.5 Transportation In the field of solid waste management, the function element of transfer and transport refers to the means, facilities, and appurtenances used to effect the transfer of wastes from one locations to another; usually more distant, location. Transportation vehicles can be categorized as collection vehicles and haulage vehicles. Collection vehicles collect the waste in areas where it is generated, and, if the processing and disposal facilities are at a long distance away, these vehicles then transfer their contents to haulage vehicles at designated transfer stations for transport to the disposal facility. In developed countries, there exist standardized designs for these vehicles, consistent with normal waste characteristics and working conditions. In developing countries, waste from community bins is transported by various types of vehicles, ranging from general purpose vehicles (trucks) to highly mechanized compactors (UNEP, 2002). Road transport is the most common mode of moving solid waste to distant disposal sites. It has been observed that the efficiency of general purpose vehicles is low for waste transportation, mainly because the waste is a low density material. On the other hand, there are difficulties associated with copying the designs of highly mechanized vehicles used in the developed-world due to differences in local waste characteristics and operating conditions. However, in many countries, appropriate 20 designs are now being developed through innovative approaches, extensive testing, and trial and error. 2.5.1 Motor Vehicle Transport All types of vehicles can be used for hauling on high-ways should satisfy the following requirement (Fig. 2) : a) Waste must be transported at minimum cost, b) Waste must be covered during the haul operation c) Vehicles must be designed for highway traffic d) Vehicle capacity must be such that the allowable weight limit are not exceeded, and e) Method used for unloading must be simple and dependable Figure 2.2. Examples of refuse collection vehicle 21 2.5.2 Transport Vehicle for Uncompacted Waste For simplicity and dependability, open-top semitrailers have found wide acceptance for the hauling of uncompacted waste from direct-load transfer station. The semitrailers are of monoque construction, in which the bed of the trailer also serves as the frame of trailer. ((Tchobanoglous et al., 1993). Using monoque construction allows greater waste volumes and weights to be hauled. The other trailers that beed developed is the droop-bottom trailer, in which the bottom of the centre portion of the trailer is lowered (see Fig 3 and 4) to obtain additional capacity without increasing the length of the trailer. Figure. 2.3 (a) Truck (also truck chassis with detachable body), (b) truck-trailer combination, (c) tractor-semitrailer combination, and (d) tractor-semitrailer-pull trailer combination (often identified as a set of doubles) 22 Figure 2.4. Typical transport vehicle used in conjunction with transfer facilities : (a) Open-top semitrailer with moving floor unloading mechanism (b) Enclosed semitrailer used stationary compactor (c) Drop-bottom open-top semitrailer unloaded with hydraulic tipping ramp. 2.6 Landfill In Indonesia, landfill allocation should fulfill the requirements in the regulations about environmental management, risk analyses, public safety and security, and other regional regulations.Landfill is a place to store, process, and recycle the waste to environmental media safely and securely (UU no18/2008). Landfill is a place to quarantine wastes (SNI 03-3241-1994) 23 Locating a sanitary landfill requires an extensive evaluation process in order to identify the optimum available disposal location. This location must comply with the requirements of the existing governmental regulations and at the same time must minimize economic, environmental, health, and social costs (Siddiqui et al., 1996). In assessing a site as a possible location for solid waste landfilling, many factors could be considered (Savage et al., 1998; UNEP, 1994). These factors may be presented in many ways; however, the most useful way is the one that may be easily understood by the community (Tchobanoglous et al., 1993). The guidelines to determine criteria of landfill locations refered to the SNI 033241-1994, issued by the general works departments and has to fulfill the requirements stated in UU No18/2008 about waste management. Landfill criteria are as follows: A. General Requirements: 1) Landfill should not be located in the lake, river, or sea. 2) Landfill location should follow 3 stages: i. Regional stage, which provides zone map that divided to several zones of approximity. ii. Selection stage, a stage that provides one or two best locations out of several appropriate locations determined in the regional stage. iii. Determination stage is a stage where the decision makers decide the best location. 3) If one area is not capable of the regional stage, landfill locations would be based on other scheme. B. Criteria of landfills are divided into three parts: 1) Regional criteria, it is a criteria to determine the appropriateness of a zone: 1. Geological Conditions: a. Not in the Holocene fault zone. b. Not in the geologically-dangerous zone. 24 2. Hydrogeological conditions: a. Not have the underwater surface level less than 3 meters. b. The distance from the nearest freshwater resource should be more than 100 meter lower stream. c. Technological manipulation should be done whenever there are no characteristic fulfilled. 3. Regional Development and Planning; the landfill area candidates should not be a potential area for industry, agriculture, residencial, tourism, or educational based on existing master plan. 4. Slope of the zone should be less than 20%. 5. Distance from the nearest airport should be more than 3.000 meters for turbojet engines and more than 1.500 meters for other types of engines. 6. There should not be 25 years recycling protected area around the landfills. Selective Criteria are additional criteria used to select the best location 2) aside the regional criteria: i. Climate: 1. Less rain intensity is better for landfills. 2. Dominant wind should not blow to the residencial area. ii. Utility: the more the better iii. Biological environment iv. 1. Less variation is better 2. Less life-supporting is better Land condition 1. Less production is better 2. Higher capacity, longer time span is better 3. Appropriate amount of covering soil is needed 4. The more various the status, the worse it is for landfill 25 Demography: The lower the population density, the better it is. v. 3) 1. It is better be in the administrative zone 2. It is better to have more buffer zone in term of noise 3. It is better to have more buffer zone in term of smell 4. It is better to be more covered in term of aesthetics 5. The less the cost of waste management /m3/ton is the better. Determining Criteria is the criteria used by the policymakers to determine the best location based on the regulation and regional policies. According to Sumathi (2006), the list of factors considered for selecting the disposal sites are as indicated: - lake and ponds, - rivers, - water supply sources, - groundwater table, - groundwater quality, - infiltration, - air quality index, - geology, - fault line, - elevation, - land use, - habitation, - highways, - sensitive sites. 26 CHAPTER 3 GEOGRAPHY INFORMATION SYSTEM 3.1 Introduction This chapter describes about the basic principles of GIS related to use, and its potential in urban management by taking example of few case studies. Network Analysis method related to the study would also briefly discussed in this chapter. 3.2 Geography Information System In recent years, GIS has emerged as a very important tool for land use suitability analysis. GIS can recognize, correlate and analyze the spatial relationship between mapped phenomena, thereby enabling policy-makers to link disparate sources of information, perform sophisticated analysis, visualize trends, project outcomes and strategize long-term planning goals (Malczewski, 2004). 27 The use of GIS is found ideal for preliminary waste disposal site selection studies. This technology makes it possible to relate the Ground water of a site with the health parameters of its inhabitants. The ability of overlay gives it a unique power in helping us to make decision about the identification of waste disposal sites (landfill). Once a GIS Database is developed, it can provide an efficient and cost effective means of analyzing the best site for disposal of solid waste. Manual method of selection of such sites is very tedious. Integration and correlation of the information related to the factors considered for site selection, which is very complex, can be handled easily with GIS. GIS has been found to play a significant role in the domain of siting of waste disposal sites. The potential advantage of a GIS-based approach for siting arises from the fact that it not only reduces time and cost of site selection, but also provides a digital data bank for long-term monitoring of the site. GIS may also play a key role in maintaining account data to facilitate collection operation and provide customer service, analyzing optimal locations for transfer stations, planning routes for vehicles transporting waste to transfer stations and from transfer stations to landfills, as well as long-term monitoring of landfills. Other advantages of applying GIS in the landfill siting process may include: - Selection of objective zone exclusion process according to the set of provided screening criteria. - Zoning and buffering. Based on its general function, GIS could be defined as ‘any manual or computer based set of procedure’ (Aronoff, 1989) for storing and managing geographical data. It is more into computer, because it is related to scientific methodologies and involved business and industries (Davis, 2001). Based on the forementioned concept, GIS is an integration of three elements: - Geography: True space in a true world. - Information: Data about an object and its functions. - System: Computer technology and its supporting infrastructures. 28 There many definitions for GIS, some experts define GIS as an ‘advanced computer mapping’. Common definition of GIS according to National Science Foundation (NSF) is ‘technological system related to computer and methods on collecting, storing, analyse, manipulate and present data and information (Davis, 2001). In a broader definition, GIS defined as a digital system used for acquisition, management, analyses, and spatial data visualizations for planning, administrations, and supervising environmental and socioeconomical situation (Konecny, 2003). It provides digital model for a broader geographical model. (Diagram 3.1). Chang (2004) stated that GIS is a computer system to acquire, store, question, analyse, and present geographical data. GIS is able to control and process massive geographical data for other applications. The clear boundary of GIS usage is difficult to measure because of the evolution of the GIS itself. Development of high-performance hardware and software influenced the development of GIS (O’Looney, 2000). The newest system in GIS takes high-performance system in order to provide Spatial statistical analysis, network analysis, computer-assisted design (CAD), automated mapping/facilities mapping, geocoding and global positioning system, database management system, expert system and others. Its comprehensive usage might be applied to design, science, landscape architecture, geology, mining, and others (Hanna, 1998). GIS can be described as geography-based information system. It refers to the earth or specific coordinates. Based on its functions, GIS should be defined as database and decision making-software. Burrough (1982) stated that GIS is a set of instruments to collect, store, re-acquire, manipulate and present spatial data from a real space. Bernhardsen (1999) argued that GIS is a system that is capable to manipulate geographical data and providing integrated map. 29 3.2.1 Component of Geographic Data GIS components included: 1) Computer system included computer and operating system capable of running GIS, and other instrument like monitor (for digitizing and scanning spatial data), and printer to produce hardcopy data. 2) GIS Softcopy for managing and analyzing spatial data and provide facilities to develop user interface. User interface in GIS includes menus and icons. 3) Ideas are as important as the software and the hardware. Ideas are refered to the objectives of using the GIS. 4) Infrastructures include organization, management, and other supporting matters, such as skill, appropriate data, and copyrights. 3.2.2 Data Organizations in GIS Geographical data is the most common data used in GIS. Geographical data divided into two: geometry and attribute (Fig.3.1). Geometry data is the data with specific location and address (X, Y, Z coordinates). Geometry data stands dots, lines, and polygons. The example of geometry data is the landfill location, roads, main roads, and district borders. Attribute data are categorized into qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data refers to primary data such as information about a house, a bridge, a road, or public facilities, while quantitative data refers to statistical or secondary data. Example of quantitative data is the data about travel information, or classifications of vehicle drivers’ age. 30 GIS Data stores information in the form of layers. These layers can be put together and form a new format of map. These layers contained information like shape and type of the roads, rivers, boundaries, buildings, and even sign boards (Fig.3.2). Figure 3.1. Geography Data Figure 3.2 GIS data “Layer” 31 Tecim (1997) stated that every system built based on GIS would be depending on the way of data managed, the precision of data, and the quality of the data. Less precise data would create a false map that might put the user into deep troubles in designing a site. According to Ruslan Rainis (1998), data is the most important component in GIS, because the data is the base of the information processing. Data could be stated as an unprocessed raw material before turned into information; hence, it is important to classify the data resources. 3.2.3 GIS Software ArcInfo is a product of Environmental System Research Institute (ESRI). It is developed to create, analyse, manage, and present information. ArcInfo 9 is a geographic information system (GIS) data visualization, query, and map creation solution designed for the Windows desktop. It is based on the same architectural technology on which the other ArcGIS Desktop products are based. This software is capable to read many kinds of format. Data imported from different format would be converted to ArcInfo format. ArcInfo 9 is composed of three applications (ESRI, 2006): • ArcMap—the application for map making and analysis • ArcCatalog—a tool for accessing and managing data • ArcToolbox—the geoprocessing conversion, and analysis environment for data management, 32 Templates in ArcInfo 9 can contain the following: • Arrangement of elements on the page • Page orientation • Page size • Page units—some templates with metric page units; others with inches • Output image quality • Printer setup information (if Map size is set to Same as Printer) • Guides • Layout options • Data view options • Style references • Data • Customized interface • Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) customization By using ArcInfo, users are able to produce maps and manipulate data. Visualization tools in the software supports the user to use information in the database and develop a digital map based on them. Advantages of this software are as follows: a. Integration of several organizations of data b. Providing interactive map and connect it to charts, table, and pictures c. Reduce the time consumed in an organizational work and decision-making. d. Develop additional instruments, user interface, and complete application based on the users’ needs. ArcToolbox includes hundreds of tools for advanced geoprocessing on all supported data types and is accessible as a dockable window in both ArcMap and ArcCatalog. In ArcView 9, templates are more than specifications for a page layout. It can specify additional functionality, user interface arrangements, and additional data to be included in the data frames of the template. In other words, templates in ArcMap define how the application looks and works. 33 3.3 Network Analysis Both geographic information systems (GIS) and network analysis are burgeoning fields, characterized by rapid methodological and scientific advances in recent years. A geographic information system (GIS) is a digital computer application designed for the capture, storage, manipulation, analysis and display of geographic information. Geographic location is the element that distinguishes geographic information from all other types of information. Without location, data are termed to be non-spatial and would have little value within a GIS. Location is, thus, the basis for many benefits of GIS: the ability to map, the ability to measure distances and the ability to tie different kinds of information together because they refer to the same place (Longley et al., 2001). A network is referred to as a pure network if only its topology and connectivity are considered. If a network is characterised by its topology and flow characteristics (such as capacity constraints, path choice and link cost functions) it is referred to as a flow network. A transportation network is a flow network representing the movement of people, vehicles or goods (Bell and Iida, 1997). Network analysis is used for identifying the most efficient routes or paths for allocation of services. This involves finding the shortest or least-cost manner in which to visit a location or a set of locations in a network. The "cost" in a network analysis is frequently distance or travel time. ( Chang (2004) stated that network is a system that connects characteristics or places. Network is a line with attribution information (for instance like a road would contain its name). Network of roads, for instance, have different impedance factors like the direction, the junctions, and types of the road. Link refers to the link between two places in a network (Fig. 7). Link impedance factors are the ‘cost’ of the existing network. Cost involved in a road network includes distance and time taken. Appropriate impedance factors Costs involved in the road network is such as travel distance and travel time / distance. 34 The major factor is the appropriate time that travel is through the distance and speed proportionate straight, Chang (2004). For example, if the limit of speed 70 km / hour and the distance is 5 km, travel time is 4:29 minutes (5 / 70 x 60 minutes). Example of the network is a network transport such as road or railway network and the communication network such as electricity and phone or device. The network must have a starting point, end point and the relationship that connects the dots between these. A, B, C, ... = Nod 1,2,3,… = Connection Figure 3.3. Road Network (Nod and Connection) Analysis of the transport network is one of the transportation system applications where the distance off the analysis is the most frequently used, Zhan et al. (1997) and Heywood et al. (2002). According to Campbell (2001), network analysis is important in the design where the digital road map can help users to know the direction of the road and street information. Analysis of the network is a major factor in determining the short-distance travel, the cost of travel is low and a season to go in the direction where I (Ettema and Timmermans, 1997). Network analysis in GIS is usually closely related with the problems in the transportation system. Categorize network analysis may be on the three spatial questions, the question attributes and also something new from all the data used. 35 3.3.1 Basic Principles of Network Analysis Network analysis has 3 basic principles, there are : a) Network Tracing The process of tracing the best network is based on the criteria set by the user. It is important to consider about the width of the road and the distance to a landfill location. b) Network Routing Network routing is a process to identify the optimal route along the network. The most commonly used analysis options are shortest distance, longest distance, and minimum cost. This analysis is based on the type of the network such as point-to-point or several points. For landfills, those factors need to be considered. c) Network Allocation Allocation / Distribution is a process to look for boundaries of a network from one point. For instance, school area should be located in appropriate area based on the number of the students in each school. This principle can be used in landfill as well. In this study, all of the principles are necessary. These principles are important in order to locate the best location from several alternative locations provided by the earlier analyses. 36 3.3.2 GIS Network Analysis GIS has different analysis functions, one of them is the network analysis such as ArcGIS, Small World and ArcInfo. ArcInfo would be explained more in this paper due to its usage in this study. ArcInfo is capable of analysing and exploring spatial data in order to solve the network-related problems such as: a. Manage geographical data based on the format of ARC/INFO® coverages, ESRI shapefiles dan computer-aided design (CAD). b. Find the best route out of two or more routes. c. Find the nearest facilities d. Analyze travel time e. Develop new application with a support from Avenue software. Network analysis modules in ArcInfo are categorized into three: Finding the best route, Locating nearest facility, and Locating service area (such as landfills). In order to do network analysis it look for the less impedance factors between two locations, as well as ‘reading and matching’ criteria based on the database. The last mentioned process is the one used for landfill locating. ArcInfo analysis model includes networks with impedance factors. Impedance factors are importance in order to determine appropriate routes based on the reason of the analysis. For instance, networks of main roads usually have factors like: two ways or one way, speed limits, and other factors. 37 ArcInfo might provide model characteristics such as: (i) Cost of travel. The software might help the user to forecast the average cost of a route. It could be based on the distance, time taken, financial, or other costs determined by the user. (ii) One way road. The software might help the user to determine one-way roads. (iii) Turnings. The software might help the user to determine the appropriate turnings like junctions, U-turn, and forbidden entrances. (iv) Upper and Lower lanes. This facility helps the user to determine fly-overs or other multi leveled lanes set. (v) Forbidden lanes. This facility helps the user to determine forbidden entrances and lanes. In general, ArcInfo might solve problems related to the forementioned characteristics. Some characteristics which ArcInfo might not able to solve could be solved by using Avenue. Verbyla, (2002) stated that network analysis is an analysis towards a line that stands from several different connected lines. The advantages of GIS’ network analysis are as follows: a) Position Determination Position Determination is a process of place forecasting using GIS coordinate system. For instance, GIS might help the user to locate an address for delivery, provide shortest route, and shows the user information based on the database. b) Optimal Route Determination GIS is able to show the best route between places. It could be the shortest, the fastest, the most appropriate, or depending on the needs of the user. For instance, GIS might help fire departments to determine the best route. 38 c) Nearest Facilities Determination As a continuity of optimal route determination, this analysis might determine one location to the nearest facilities in order to help the user to determine the best location for specific events. For instance, GIS might help the user to determine which gas station is the nearest one to a recreational facilities and a mosque. d) Resource Distribution This analysis would help the user to find the best distribution lines from one location to another. 3.4 Dijkstra’s Algorithm in Network Analysis In the current work, using Network Analyst, an optimum route for the waste collection of large items is generated in the area under study. Network Analyst uses the Dijkstra’s Algorithm (Dijkstra 1959) in order to solve the Routing Problem and it can be generated based on two criteria (Lakshumi et al 2006): 1. Distance criteria: The route is generated taking only into consideration the location of the waste large items. The volume of traffic in the roads is not considered in this case. 2. Time criteria: The total travel time in each road segment should be considered as the: Total traveltime in the route = runtime of the vehicle + waste collection of large items time. The runtime of the vehicle is calculated by considering the length of the road and the speed of the vehicle in each road. The time of the waste large items collection would be the total time consumed by the vehicle to collect these objects from all the loading spots In the second criteria, the length, width and the volume of traffic are taken into account in each road segment. 39 Network Analyst software determines the best route by using an algorithm which finds the shortest path, developed by Edgar Dijkstra (1959). Dijkstra’s algorithm is the simplest path finding algorithm, even though these days a lot of other algorithms have been developed. Dijkstra’s algorithm reduces the amount of computational time and power needed to find the optimal path. The algorithm strikes a balance by calculating a path which is close to the optimal path that is computationally manageable (Olivera 2002). Network Analyst can be very useful in a variety of sections (ESRI 2006) in our daily life, such as in: Business, scheduling deliveries and installations while including time window restrictions, or calculating drive time to determine customer base, taking into account rush hour versus midday traffic volumes. Education, generating school bus routes honoring curb approach and no Uturn rules. Environmental Health, determining effective routes for county health inspectors. Public Safety, routing emergency response crews to incidents, or calculating drive time for first responder planning. Public Works, determining the optimal route for point-to-point pickups of massive trash items or routing of repair crews. Retail, finding the closest store based on a customer's location including the ability to return the closest ranked by distance. Transportation, calculating accessibility for mass transit systems by using a complex network dataset. 40 3.5 Case Study According to Thirumalaivasan dan Guruswamy (2003) studied about analyses of optimal track using GIS in Chennai. In their research, they used ambulance routes as a base, with several factors such as time, traffic density, types and width of the roads, junctions, and distance between routes. These factors were evaluated to decide an option that required lesser time. This study requires good attention to the details, because it was related to serious matters such as lives. The study was done by using ArcInfo software to do the network analysis. Karadimas, et. al, (2007), have done the research work about application Djikstra’s Algorithm to found out the best route. Located in a small part of Attica’s prefecture (a suburb of Athens) was chosen as the case study area. The municipality of Athens is empirically divided into about 30 districts each of which has several solid waste collecting programs for the daily needs of the city. However, there are cases where the standard waste garbage trucks are unable to remove certain pieces of refuse, because of varied restrictive reasons, like size (e.g. furniture, electrical devices, debris). Briefly, this kind of refuse is consisted of really heavy or bulky things whose exposure to air is almost never challenging to the hygienic standards. That is why it is not essential for the refuse to be collected immediately, unless they cause circulatory problems. In this special occasion, the piece of refuse must be collected the moment that it is reported. Therefore, the municipality has retained a modified truck for each district. The concept is that the standard daily waste collecting programs report to the Municipal Solid Waste Department (MSWD) every location that was unable to collect. The MSWD processes the information for each district and decides on the procedure that will be followed. An average scenario for a district is that its assigned truck makes two weekly trips and that each time it visits around 15 locations. The particular truck must visit all the reported locations in order to complete its collection program. 41 The examined area is about 1.34km2, with a population of more than 20,000 citizens and a production of about 5,000 tones of urban refuse per year. The data concerning the area under examination was obtained from the pertinent MSWD of Athens. The data includes maps of the examined area with the correspondent annotation (address and numbering labels of streets), the building blocks and the locations of the waste large items to be collected. 42 CHAPTER 4 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT IN BATAM 4.1 Introduction This chapter is discussing waste management in Batam in the present time and its plan for the future. This chapter discusses about the waste location pattern and transport route for the waste. 4.2 Profile of Study Area 4.2.1 Batam in Figure Based on Peraturan Daerah Nomor 2, tahun 2004, about landuse of Batam Area 2004-2014, the city of Batam is geographically located between (Figure 4.1): - 0o.25' 29E NL - 1o15'00E NL - 103o.34' 35E EL - 104o26'04E EL 43 43 LANDUSE PLAN OF BATAM 2008 - 2028 LAND USE PATTERN PLAN - MUNICIPAL OF BATAM 44 The study area included 9 districts (kecamatan) in the mainland of Batam included Kecamatan Batu Aji , Kecamatan Sekupang, Kecamatan Sagulung, Kecamatan Sungai Beduk , Kecamatan Batam Kota, Kecamatan Nongsa, Kecamatan Batu Ampar, Kecamatan Bengkong, Kecamatan Lubuk Baja 4.2.2 Land use Structural Landuse of Batam 2008-2028 included: 1. Municipal Service Area Plan (Figure 4.3) 2. Development of transportation structural and infrastructural, as main transportation network between municipal service areas. Road Public Amenity Mangroves Forest Urban Forest Catchment Area Commercial Special Area Recreation Area Fishery Industrial Residential Agriculture Reservoir Plan Coastal Line Figure 4.1. Landuse Of Batam Batam Island 45 Table 4.1. Landuse of Municipal of Batam Hierarchy Locations and Types 1 Primary Service Center: Primary Service Center of Batam. Land use - Batam Center (main center). - Sekupang (support). - Other location out of Batam Center and Sekupang (individual support). Primary Service Center of Trade and Services - Nagoya - Baloi - Lubuk Baja. - Batam Centre Industrial Primary Service - Kabil. Center - Sekupang. - Batu Ampar. Tourism Primary Service Center - Nongsa. - Tanjung Pinggir. - Jodoh. - Camp Vietnam. Primary Service Center related to Free-Trade Zone ditto b, c, and d. and Batam Free Ports. Secondary Service Center Governmental Service Center, Public facilities, and District Point Commercials. Location of commercial activities and/or public facilities in the respective district. Industrial Service Center Batam Center. - Muka Kuning. - Tanjung Uncang. / 46 Hierarchy Locations and Types Land use - P. Janda Berias. - Tanjung Gundap. - Sembulang. Marine Resources Support Center Belakang Padang. - P. Bulan Lintang. - P. Setokok. - P. Abang Besar. P. Galang Baru (Batam Marine Culture Estate/BME). - P. Nipah. - P. Abang Besar. - Telaga Punggur. - P. Bulan Lintang. Sekupang. - Telaga Punggur. - Sagulung. - Sijantung. Subdistrict points Residential Service Center - Residencial Estates - Inhibited small islands - Inhibited small border islands. 4.3 Waste Management in Batam 4.3.1 Solid Waste in Batam 47 Based on their characteristic, there are two kinds of solid waste in Batam, namely domestic and non-domestic. Based on the analysis in 2006, most of the solid waste in Batam were classified into domestic waste (77.67%), while the non-domestic waste was around 22.33%. A. Domestic Waste Domestic waste was generated from the household wastes. Urban households in Batam contributed a lot to the entire solid waste generations. Daily generation of solid domestic waste in Batam is 588.28m3 from the total of 771.71m3/day. It makes 77.66% out of the entire waste generation in the city. B. Non Domestic Non-domestic waste generated from the industrial, commercial, and social facilities. In this section, the non-domestic waste mentioned were those that ended up in Telaga Punggur landfill. The largest contributors for waste in this landfill are the wet markets, while industrial waste was considered not that much. The generation of non-domestic waste in Batam reached 183.44 m3/day. Out of the number, 106.19m3 came from the wet markets, while 19.68m3 them came from the commercial areas. Unless there is a significant in term of the lifestyle, waste generation is significantly growing year, following the rapid growth of of change year after the population. 4.3.2 Waste Management Since 2006, Telaga Punggur landfill received 592.3m3 of daily waste, while the entire of waste generated were 771.71m3/day. It indicated that the waste management service in the area was 76.75%, which means that it was not optimum. 48 The untimely collections of the garbage develop higher piles of solid waste in certain places. Public services in waste management is not just a quantitative quotation, or in this case, how much waste were successfully transported to the landfill, it should contained qualitative aspects such as the punctual collections, adequate transport, professionalism in waste management, facilitation for waste managements, and other aspects that need to be considered. Solid wastes in Batam fall into many categories; households’ domestic wastes contributed 61.95% from the total, followed by plastic waste with 13.38%. Wet markets contained 76.85% of domestic wastes, while industrial solid waste was dominated by plastics (37.81%) and papers (20.85%). Commercial areas contained 34.65% of plastic wastes and 33.27% of paper wastes. In general, organic waste is dominating in Batam’s landfills. This indicated that waste management in Batam needs some special treatments due to the nature of organic wastes. 4.3.3 Field Condition of Waste Management in Batam. Based on a field survey, the current waste management was operated as follows: 1. Citizen collected the wastes by using trolley, motored trolley, and dumped them at the temporary landfill and then collected by the waste-transporting trucks before they dumped it in the bigger landfills. (DPK and MitrA) 2. Transportation from temporary landfill to permanent landfill was done by a third party company, PT Surya Sejahtera. They transported both domestic and industrial wastes. 4.3.4 Waste Management Service in Batam Until June 2006, Dinas Pasar dan Kebersihan Kota Batam covered 76.75% of the total waste management service in Batam. It takes 2 hour drive to the landfill excisting. This percentage was extracted from the ratio of managed and total waste in 49 Batam (Primary Data). Summary of the covered area in term of waste management service (by Dinas Pasar dan Kebersihan Kota Batam and its partners) is shown in the table 4.2 : Table 4.2. Location of Waste Transit Point in Batam Island NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 DISTRICT/KECAMATAN BATU AJI SEKUPANG SAGULUNG TRANSFER/TRANSIT POINT Griya Prima Permata Puri,RKT TPS Permata Hijau, Tri Puri Paradise Golf, Mutiara Indah Puri Mas, Rindang Garden Griya Pratama, Nagajaya, Mutiara Biru Genta II, Ruko Mitra Mall Cipta Prima, TPS Aviari Ruko Pando, HPN, Naga jaya Simpang Base Camp, (RA) Pemda I-II, Holiday Inn Perum HPM, TPS Sawang Permai Pluto, Puteri tujuh Tembesi Centre, Pandawa I- II Taman Lestari Puskopkar, Genta I Genta Samping, Marina Cyri Tg. Riau, Per Sei Harapan, Komp Otorita Tiban Koperasi (RGA) Tiban Koperasi TPS Tiban Housing, Tiban Palem Pelabuhan Domestik,Intrnsnl Skpg RSOB, Mc Dermott I dan II, Tg Pinggir Psr Cipta Puri, RSS sekupang Puri Malaka Komp. Wijaya, Delta Villa, Mutiara Point Mutiara View, Tiban Bukit Asri Taman sari, Mekar Sari, Tiban Mas Masyeba Indah, Tiban I - III Tiban Indah Permai Psr. PJB, PJB II, Puri Barata, Mantang, Psr. PJB, PJB I&III, Karisma Merapi Subur Padjadjaran, Rasinton Raya, Batavia, Mitra Centre, SP Plaza 50 NO. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 DISTRICT/KECAMATAN SEI BEDUK BATAM KOTA TRANSFER/TRANSIT POINT Buana Thp I & II, Psr PJB Villa Mk Kuning, Griya Permata Griya Permata, Psr Sagulung PGRI, Griya Permai Griya Sagulung, Psr Sagulung Griya Sagulung Blk A-C Graha Anggara (G-H) & Ruko (D-F) Psr. Sagulung Batu Aji Asri, Putri Hijau Fortuna, Kpg Becek, Hutatap Batu Aji Permai, Ruko Mandala Klasik, Arse Indah, Artaguna, Teratai Kavling Seraya, Nato Mantang, PJB Perum Sei Pancur, GMP Tahap I-II Pondok Graha, Lestari Biru I-II Permata Asri Puri Agung I-III, Mutiara Hijau Bida Ayu Komp. KEI, Komp. Suar Batam T. Piayu, Katolik, Global, Asrama Haji Executive, BPD, Kom Melati, Villa Bkt Indh Citra Batam, Perum Centre Point,Graha pena TPS Suroboyo, Palm Spring Citra Batam, Citra kota Mas, Global Golden Land, Eden Park, Gloria Indah Wisma Indah, Orchid Suit, Regensi, Putri Idh Sukajadi, Palm Spring Rosedale, Tmn Seruni Komp. Tanah Mas Bandar Sri Mas Batam Centre Komp. Industri Tri Tunas Citra Indah, Kopi Tiam, Kintamani Vihara, Bandar Srimas Bumi Riau Makmur, Bandar Mas, PLN Komp. Kurnia Jaya I-IV & PLN Komp. Cendana Tahap I-V & PLN Orchid Park & Kembang Sari Komp. Duta Mas Anggrek Sari, TPS Komp. Mitra Raya Green Land,TKW, Tmn Sejati, Graha Nusa Tmn Ry Atas, Batara, Dotamana, RkTMP Anggrek Mas, Plamo Garden 51 NO. 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 DISTRICT/KECAMATAN NONGSA BATU AMPAR TRANSFER/TRANSIT POINT Bida Asri, Taman Raya Bwh Marcelia Legenda Mediterania Legenda Kmpg. Melayu TPS Buana Indah TPS Pondok Asri Nusa Jaya Bukit Jodoh Pondok Asri & Villa Mas Baloi Harapan I & III Bukit Golf Bukit Beruntung TPS Puri Loka Rajawali, Pesona Asri, Yasmine, Bandara Mas, TPS PosPol, Citra Mas, Nongsa Asri, POLDA, Turi Beach, Jabi, KmpMelayu Teminal Nongsa Pura, Palm Spring Golf Batam View, Pura Jaya, Sambao Psr Tg. Pantun, TPS Novotel Batam Kuring TPS Seraya Bawah RM. Srideli TPS Bukit Senyum TPS Bengkong Bengkel Psr Tg. Pantun, TPS Novotel RM. Srideli Sakura Garden Sakura Permai TPS VJB Dian Bakery Toyo Kanetsu BII Jodoh Bank Mandiri Mc. Donald Komp. Hotel Harmoni Dana Graha BCA Jodoh Pertokoan Maritim Square Orchid Point Hotel dan Pertokoan Oasis Rusun Lancang kuning Rusun Bida Ampar H. Goodway 52 NO. 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 DISTRICT/KECAMATAN BENGKONG TRANSFER/TRANSIT POINT Komp. Bumi Ayu H. Lai-lai Komp. Roma Tanah Longsor Bank Permata Jamsostek Masjid Baitusyakur jodoh PT. Mei Koji Jaya Komp. Inti Sakti TPS Hotel Sentosa & Batam Jaya Komp. Seruni & Abadi Tama Nagoya Garden Phase II TPS Harapan Bunda Seraya Kavling, KODIM, Seraya Garden Villa Cemara & Pertokoan Tg. Pantun Planet Holiday Komp. Sumber Agung, Happy Valley Hotel Pacific PT. Lautan Jaya Pertokoan Tg. Pantun & Jaya Putra Pertokoan Depan Novotel H. Kenanga Melia Panorama Komp MCP Psr Sukaramai Pertokoan pasar bengkong centre Bengkong Indah I Bengkong Indah II Pertokoan Green Town Bengkong City Bengkong Ratu Pasar Melati YKB Bengkong Abadi Komp. Bengkong Permai Top 100 Bengkong Bengkong Harapan I-II Bengkong Polisi Sarmen Raya Bengkong Palapa Bengkong Harapan I-II Taman Harapan Indah Apartement Green Town Perum. Putra Kelana Jaya 53 NO. 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 DISTRICT/KECAMATAN LUBUK BAJA TRANSFER/TRANSIT POINT Perum Bengkong Kodim Bengkong Baru Bengkong Mas Pasar Harapan & Pasar Angkasa Gudang Kayu Bengkong Ratu Windsor Central keliling, Pujasera Citra Mas Sri Jaya Abadi, Keliling Sakura Ampan, Keliling Polaris sakti, keliling Mercu Lautan Indah Hotel Said Rasinta, TPS Pujasera Nagoya Foodcourt, TPS Pasar Lucky Estate, TPS Kp. Utama Atas+TPS Rusun Liar Bukit Mas Baloi Mas Asri Taman Kota Mas & sekitarnya Baloi Indah Kp. Utama Bawah Bumi Indah Blk I-V, Kios Bumi Indah Bisnis Cntr, Windsor Square, Hotel Sri Jaya Jl. Sriwijaya sekitarnya Pasar Pelita Penginapan Pelita TPS Seraya Atas Perbengkelan Pelita Perum Pelita I-VII, Rusun Pelita Perum TNI Perum Windsor Phase II Komp. BTN, TPS Rest. Fajar, Hotel 88, TPS TPS Hotel Royal, Hotel Mutiara TPS Hotel Kolekta, TPS Blk Kolekta TPS Pizza Hut, Komp. Harmoni, Libra Star TPS Hotel Formosa TPS Hotel Centre Point TPS Matahari TPA A1 Pujasera Nagoya lama keliling, TPS TPS Windsor Rumah Susun TPS Tapekong Perum Happy garden TPS Hotel Sensai Hotel Pelita 54 NO. 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 DISTRICT/KECAMATAN TRANSFER/TRANSIT POINT TPS Hotel Singa TPS Hotel 99 TPS Hotel Puri Garden Komp. Nagoya Garden, TPS Puja Bahari, TPS Ramayana, TPS Robinson, TPS Nagoya Baru (Toss 3000) Puja Bahari, TPS Perum Alamanda, Marina Park Villa Marina Komp. Angkasa, kllg dn sktrnya Nagoya newton, Kllg Pasar Nagoya Baru (Toss 3000) Rusun TNI Hotel Vista, TPS Pasar Nagoya Baru (Toss 3000) Tepi Jalan Penuin (Samping Tapekong) Pasar Blok IV Perum Blok IV Perum Blok V Perum Baloi Centre Perum Blok II-III Perum Baloi Kusuma Perum Baloi Impian Pinggir jalan Bunga Raya Perum Blok III Perum Blok VI Baloi Garden Baloi Garden II Baloi sekitarnya Komp. Lumbung Rejeki Jl. Imam Bonjol Jl. Raden Patah Baloi Mas (Bt. Batam) & sekitarnya Jl. Imam Bonjol Jl. Raden Patah Perum Nagoya Permai & Batam Park Baloi Permata Batu Batam & Sekitarnya Pasar Pagi Tanjung Uma, Pasar Induk Nagoya Baru dan sekitarnya Plaza Top 100 Blk Robinson Square 91 TPS Pasar Pagi Tanjung Uma, TPS Tg Uma 55 NO. DISTRICT/KECAMATAN 262 263 264 265 TRANSFER/TRANSIT POINT Pasar Penuin BCS Mall DC Mall Top 100 Penuin Waste collection is an activity where solid wastes were collected and centralized at temporary or permanent landfills. Waste collection system in Batam is divided into collection for residencials, commercial estates, institutional, industrials, and public facilities. Dinas Pasar dan Kebersihan Kota Batam (DPK) and its partners covered the area of residencial and public facilities, while industrial estate were covered by DPK’s partners, in corporation with PT Surya Sejahtera that directly take the waste to the landfills. PT. Surya Sejahtera has started its work in Febuary 2009, after winning the tender with the government in Januari 2009. As the one in charge of waste management, the company has to report to Dinas Pasar dan Kebersihan Kota Batam (DPK). PT. Surya Sejahtera collected the waste in all districts daily by utilizing 75 ttucks, each of them has 4 tons capacity. The trucks collected waste from 265 transfer points without categorizing household waste, commercial waste, industrial waste, or any other kinds of wastes, as long as it is not categorized as hazardous waste. They do not have consistent record on each pick up, however the next figure shows the daily collection from each district in February-June 2009 (Table 4.3) Table 4.3 Waste Generates No 1 District Batuaji Waste Generates Total per a month Average / day 920.47 30.682 Transfer Point 17 56 2 Sekupang 1087.524 36.251 14 3 Sagulung 948.86 31.629 19 4 Sei Beduk 475.49 15.85 7 5 Batam Kota 1439.88 47.996 38 6 Nongsa 481.18 16.039 6 7 Batu Ampar 1756.37 58.546 50 8 Bengkong 914.31 30.477 35 9 Lubuk Baja 2224.59 74.153 89 9248.674 341.62 265 Total Source : PT. Surya Sejahtera (Febuary-Juni 2009) 4.4 Database Development Criteria setting and model analysis process was developed after preparing criteria database. This database development level is the main processes which need to be emphasized. This is because the database used will affect analysis results. Identification data process is predicated and model analysis was developed. Model form determined for each criteria whether in polygon form, line or point (Table 4.2). This model is dependent research scale. This will form one database that describes the current situation in Kota Batam. Table 4.4. Data modeling in research Component Data Form 57 Administration Landuse Network Transit Point Municipal’s Boundary Polygon District Boundary Polygon Public Amenity Polygon Mangroves Forest Polygon Urban Forest Polygon Catchment Area Polygon Commercial Polygon Special Area Polygon Recreation Area Polygon Fishery Polygon Industrial Polygon Residential Polygon Agriculture Polygon Reservoir Plan Polygon Costal Line Polygon Reservoir and Lake Polygon Artery Road Line Collector Road Line Collector Secondary Road Line Other Line Transit Point (TPS) Point Whereas for that data preparation there is data format that has been used. From this case study details information that has been used is: Data Format : Shapefile (*.shp) Data Type : Vector And Raster Data Most of the data found in secondary resource. The data was taken from: 1. Local Plan (RTRW) or Landuse Plan Municipal of Batam, 2008-2028. 2. Slope Layer from 3. Transit Point Waste Collection 58 Data format (Landuse Plan) that was developed were in the form Tabel (tab), it need to convert to shapefile(*.shp). This format is used because it easy to use it in ArcGIS software. Data format used was adequate with need of research analysis. Meanwhile data type that was developed is in vector form. Vector data conversion to raster data would be made during research analysis. Further data source of necessity have to identified before that collection and database development had been made. There are two methods how database development should made namely of primary data and secondary data. Primary data measurement involves process directly which made in study area. In this research information there were some need to be taken through field research and it entails spatial information and non spatial information. Between example of information development through field research are such as transit point position, the logest transit point in each district and others. 4.5 Using Dijkstra’s Algorithm in Network Analysis The algorithm breaks the network into nodes (where lines join, start or end) and the paths between such nodes are represented by lines. In addition, each line has an associated cost representing the cost (length) of each line in order to reach a node. There are many possible paths between the origin and destination, but the path calculated depends on which nodes are visited and in which order. The idea is that, each time the node, to be visited next, is selected after a sequence of comparative iterations, during which, each candidate-node is compared with others in terms of cost (Stewart 2004). The following comprehensible example, which is an application of the algorithm on a case of 6 nodes connected by directed lines with assigned costs, explains the steps between each iteration of the algorithm (Figure 4.2). The shortest path from node 1 to the other nodes can be found by tracing back predecessors (bold arrows), while the path’s cost is noted above the node. 59 Figure 4.2 An example of Dijkstra’s algorithm (Orlin 2003). Each node is processed exactly once according to an order that is being specified below. Node 1 (i.e. origin node) is processed first. A record of the nodes that were processed is kept, call it Queue (Table 1). So initially Queue={1}. When node k is processed the following task is performed: If the path’s cost from the origin node to j could be improved including the vertex (k,j) in the path then, an update follows both of Distance[j] with the new cost and Predecessors[j] with k, where j is any of the unprocessed nodes and Distance[] is the path’s cost from the origin node to j. The next node to be processed is the one with the minimum Distance[], in other words is the nearest to the origin node among all the nodes that are yet to be processed. The shortest route is found by tracing back predecessors. 60 CHAPTER 5 RESEARCH METHDOLOGY 5.1 Introduction This the chapter selection process discusses for the the methodology landfill site and utilized in determine analyzing the nearest facility with the best route. Analysis in making decisions is a systematic set of procedures to solve problems. Data geography play a role in producing alternative sites and routes in accordance with criteria determined Alternatives formed is determined by the analysis depends on the management of spatial data. In general, this study was to determine the location of landfill in Municipal of Batam involves some major rankings. In conducting this analysis, a design model used to interact directly with the data base and information in operational systems. This study involved 3 main stages which are data preparation, site selection for waste management area and network analysis. The research methodology for this study is shown in Figure 5.1. 61 Data Preparation Problem statement Research objectives Preparing data in ArcGIS Available Site Selection Identify constraints and potential in study area Network Analysis Creating a shape file based network dataset Finding the best route using a network dataset Calculating service area Result Figure 5.1: Research Methodology to find the best route for the trucks to the best site 5.2 Data Preparation In order to make this study effectively performed, it was imperative that the information was accurate and have been representative of the Batam Municipal. This study is using ArcGIS 9.2 software and the data was supplied in shapefiles (.shp) form. Data preparation is very important in generating the analysis in ArcGIS. Based on the problem statement that had been discussed before and the objectives for this study, the related data had been setup in the GIS database. GIS database design is the most important part of the entire application (Mohammed, 2008). 62 It deals with the compilation and development of the spatial as well as nonspatial data according to the user requirements. For this study, GIS database is developed by combining 9 main shapefiles (refer Table 5.1). The database then will be used and manipulate to run the analysis in this study. . Table 5.1: Database structure for the study Component Data Layer Attribute Administration Batam Municipal District Sub district Physical Elevation < 10◦ 10◦ – 20◦ 20◦ – 30◦ > 30◦ Transportation Airport Location Residential Location Road Minor Arterial Collector Minor Collector Local Other Environmental Transit point 266 transit points Starting point 10 starting points Sensitive Sensitive area Area Puddle Urban Forest Mangrove Restricted Forest Reservoir Coastal Line Tourism Area Tourism Recreation Area Tourism Place 63 5.3 Available Site Selection A site selection criterion for waste disposal area is based on the guideline and standard from the Indonesia National Standard. For this stage, this study will determine the alternatives suitable site for waste disposal area in the Batam Municipal. The data which had been prepared in the ArcGIS database is important to identify and addresses the best location proposal for the waste disposal area by taking into account the strengths and obstacles that occur at the site. This is aimed to ensure minimum impact and also give less interference to people and environment. The buffer, union and erase operation in the ArcGIS had been applied in selecting the suitable site (will be explained in the analysis chapter). a) Potential Area Industrial area, high accessibility area b) Constraint Area Environment sensitive area, slope more than 30◦ 5.4 Network Analysis Geographical Information System (GIS) is used for modeling of road networks offering algorithms to analyze and find the shortest or minimum route through a network. GIS can be used to calculate distance between sets of origin and destination, whereas location-allocation functions determine site locations and assign demand to sites (Imtiyaz, 2006). A GIS optimal routing model is proposed to determine the minimum cost/distance efficient collection paths for transporting the solid wastes to the landfill (Ghose et. al, 2006). 64 Transportation, the process by which humans, vehicles and other commodities moves from one geographic landscape to another, is the essential part geographic phenomena, and one of the key area of Geographic Information System. GIS plays a very important role in tracking, navigating, routing and scheduling vehicles, and for many other tasks. Using ArcGIS Network Analyst is provides network-based spatial analysis including routing, travel directions, closest facility, and service area analysis (ESRI, 1995). The NETWORK module (ESRI, 1995) of Arc/Info GIS software is used with the planned infrastructure to find the shortest or minimum impedance path through a network. The speed of the vehicle is taken as the arc impedance and no turn impedance is being used. Selecting the best route through an area is one of the oldest spatial problems. But lately, this problem has been effectively solved with the help of GIS and Remote Sensing technologies. Since last few years, many attempts have been made to automate the route-planning process using GIS technology [Yildirim, Nisanci.R et al,2006] Using the GIS Software’s buses can be routed to give the best service for the maximum number of students and routes can be planned to give the most economical operation of buses with distance and road conditions being the major criteria for economical routing. 65 CHAPTER 6 OPTIMAL ROUTE AND CLOSEST ANALYSIS 6.1 Introduction Planning and development in various development plan level was able to be a tool to preparing assessment and related development analysis in the future. In this study GIS was used as a tool to model a spatial analysis to selecting suitable landfill. Model analysis generated within grid environment. This chapter will analyze in the study area to selected alternative suitable landfill based on criteria and to know the closest landfill. Determination of suitable landfill in the study area is one of the objectives to achieve in this research. Furthermore this research would found the closest landfill by assess the best route. This analysis used Network Analysis and applied GIS to aid in achieving decision (Figure 6.1). 66 Research Analysis Using Suitable Landfill Area GIS Site Selection Process Analysis Application Using Closest Landfill Network Analysis Best Route Further Analysis Service Area of Landfill Figure 6.1. Conceptual Framework of Analysis 6.2 Identifying alternative landfill sites Criteria to determine suitable Landfill in GIS Processing are : 1. Suitable land fill is calculated only in main land of Batam 2. Slope ≤ 20%. 3. Distance from road buffer is 1000 M 4. It has 11 excluded factors based on Municipal’s landuse planning, they are: gas lines, commercial, coastal lines, tourism forests, city forests, agriculture, dams and lakes, public facilities, port facilities, conserved forest, genangan (puddle). 67 6.2.1 Digitizing Area Boundary and Road Data needed in the selection process of landfill alternative are landuse layer, layer slope, and road network layer. After creating newshape file boundary (Bdy), layers can be added. Layers of data to be added included landuse_spatadj, waduk_batam, roadbufferJalan, Reservoir_batam, roadarteri_batam. All layers then converted into polygon format to get the boundary shapefile. It could also be done by digitizing the new shape file to get the boundary of the area. Then create shapefile road. Digitize road from the existing information / data. Road created based on the main hierarchy: artery, kolector, local, non/other. (shown on figure 6.2 and 6.3) Figure 6.2 Digitizing the new shape file to get the boundary of the area 68 Figure 6.3 Road made base on main hierarchy : artery, kolector, local, non/other 6.2.2 Creating Slope from Elevation Initial data on the can is in the form of layer elevation, it is necessary to change the layer on the slope. Using arctoolbox, surface changes can be made so that data can be in the form of elevation make Scopé layer. The process can be performed on the figures 6.4 below. 69 247 -59 Figure 6.4 Elevation Layer Figure 6.5 Slope Layer 70 After the layer slope in the can, then the classification should be done and then do the convert or merger to form layer shapefile to obtain the slope which will be included in the analysis in the process of selecting site analysis (Figure 6.6). Classification slope based on slope : < 10, 10 – 20, 20 – 30 and > 30 Figure 6. 6.6 Classification Slope Figure 6.7. Slope Layer after Classify 71 6.2.3 Environment Sensitive Area According to SNI criteria, some areas are not meant to be developed as landfills namely, mangrove forests, urban forest, conservatory forest, dams and lakes, coastal line, and recreation area. There are some area which are not included in the analysis, namely residential, fisheries, tourist attractions and forests, and airport. Extract from landuse to create shapefile ESA. It will combined from type of landuse that categorized sensitive area that could be done by selecting attribute like shown Figure 6.8 and Figure 6.9. Figure 6.8. Extract from landuse, create shapefile ESA 72 Figure 6.9 Reselect landuse that out from the analysis. 73 6.2.4 Site Selecting Process This process started by creating buffer. There are two buffer processes should be done, namely road buffer (according to SNI is 1000 meters), airport buffer (3000 meters), and residential ial buffers (1000 meters). (Figure 6.10). Road Buffer Buffer Airport Buffer Residential Buffer Figure 6.10. Buffer Process 74 Every buffer result might be done by arcToolbox, and finished by dissolve process. (Figure 6.11). Dissolve is used to create a simplified coverage and to merg merge adjacent polygons, lines, or regions that have the same value in the buffer layer layer. Dissolve maintains linear data belonging to different buffer in the same coverage and maintains all section subclasses. Figure 6.11. Dissolve Process 75 After the dissolve process, the next operation is to ‘Union’ all the area that are not supposed to be established for landfill (Road buffer, Buffer airport and Buffer residential) to erase step from landuse to get the suitable area. It combined from type of landuse that categorized sensitive area ; mangrove puddle, urban forest, conservation forest, reservoir and lakes, reservoir plan, coast lines, recreation area, residential, airport. (Figure 6.12). Then 3 landfill alternative sites came up. (Figure 6.13). Figure 6.12 Union Process 76 3 1 2 Figure 6.13 The result of alternative suitable landfill From the analysis using GIS, then the alternative site was found 3 that match the criteria in the SNI as a landfill site in the City Batam. This can be input to Government of Municipal of Batam Batam City to determine the future landfill site. site 77 6.2.5 Site Selecting Model 80 6.3. Number of Waste Generated and Truck Capacity The data obtained from the PT. Surya Sejahtera, the average amount of solid waste in Batam about 341.62 tons / day. Based on the number of fleet of 75 trucks with 4 tons of capacity and the transfer of 265 points, it can be known how much truck for each district with the following formula : n= i (y x 4 tons) i = Average Waste Generates (Tons/day) y = The Number of Trucks (per district) n = The Number of trip/day The total numbers of trucks are 75 trucks. To allocate the number of trucks of each district, the total numbers of trucks divide the total average waste multiplied by the number of average waste of each district (Table 6.1) Table 6.1 Allocate The Number of Trip No District Average Waste (Tons/day) (i) Transfer Point Truck (y) 1 Batuaji 30.682 17 7 2 Sekupang 36.251 14 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sagulung Sei Beduk Batam Kota Nongsa Batu Ampar Bengkong Lubuk Baja Total 6.4 Network Analysis 31.629 19 15.85 7 47.996 38 16.039 6 58.546 50 30.477 25 74.153 89 341.62 265 The number of Trip (n) 1 1 7 3 1 1 10 1 4 13 1 1 7 15 1 1 75 9 81 In order to determine the optimum route, which is the shortest and less-time consumption, it takes a network analysis applying arcInfo version 9.2, where the analysis was setup. Because this study is related to the collection and transport of wastes, then 265 transit points are included to be assessed in this analysis. 6.4.1 Creating Topology for Road Data Before creating topology of the existing road network, 265 transit points should be created. They do not necessarily located above the road, because topology process would find the nearest route. After the transit point determined, the furthest points are determined. The furthest point means the furthest place where the garbage trucks will go. It based on the number of the districts, which are nine. However, in the district of Nongsa there are two furthest points. These furthest points served as transit points, which would be passed by the trucks, started from the station in PT Surya Sejahtera before heading for the landfill. Topology is very important to avoid any digitizing-mistake, such as jagged lines or doubled lines in a layer. In arcInfo, Geodatabase topology is a data object created and stored in a geodatabase. A geodatabase topology defines a set of rules about the relationships between feature classes in a feature dataset. Geodatabase topology is created in ArcCatalog and can be added to ArcMap as a layer, just like any other data. After editing has been performed on the feature classes, validate the geodatabase topology to see if the edits break any of the topology's rules. Any errors can be fixed or marked as exceptions. An ArcEditor or ArcInfo license is required to create, edit, or validate geodatabase topology. To use geodatabase topology when you edit data from a geodatabase, the geodatabase topology in which the data participates must be in the map. To create road network topology and transit point in this study can be done in the following way (Figure 6.14).: 82 1. Converting road shapefile to personal personal geodatabase ; using in ArcCatalog And navigate to the Network Analyst. 2. Creating new feature dataset in the personal Geodatabase ; can be done in the ArcCatalog tree in the feature dataset. Then New Feature Class obtained. 3. Converting personal geodata geodatabase base to topology ; the existing data is in the form of geodatabase. This data would have to be topologized in order to minimize the effects of the road network mistakes. This process can be done by doing feature dataset to create New Topology Wizard inviting inviti editing process. 4. The next process is to convert the geodatabase about road network with transit points (TPS = Temporary Landfill) and unionized in one layer topology. In the map of topology the feature classes have to be participated. Unanticipated Layer in geometric network cannot be categorized in the topology Figure 6.14 Create road network topology map. This is important, considering that the entire road network has to be 83 interrelated. Then a cluster tolerance for the map topology should be set. The default cluster tolerance is the minimum possible cluster tolerance. Increasing the cluster tolerance may cause more features to be snapped together and considered coincident. 6.4.2 Creating New Network Dataset Topologies road networks have to be given some rules. The rules are namely not supposed to be overlapped, not supposed to be intersected, and not to have any dangles. This should be done in order to identify mistakes so the topologies roads can be-re-edited until there is no more mistakes can be found. The next step is to convert road layer from shapefile to network dataset. It can be done using arcTool catalog. Figure 6.15 Data attributee in road topology layer Parameter checking is important. The road networks have data as secondary artery, collector, secondary collector, and others, each have value of 100 km/hr, 80 84 km/hr, 60 km/hr dan 40 km/ hr. Values can be added to data attribute by filling the ‘in the field’ icon as shown Figure 6.15 above. Before topology road has been set up (Figure 6.16), it has to look at to specify the attribute for network dataset. Specification of the roads based on hierarchy, speed, length and direction should be done in the network dataset. The usage of specify attribute network data set are : 1. Hierarchy Hierarchy Data Type Integrer 2. Speed Descriptor Descriptor Data Type Booelan 3. Length Cost Data Type Double 4. Direction Restriction Data Type Booelan Figure 6. 16 Topology Road 6.5 Identifying Service Area 85 It is concluded that site 1 is the most appropriate site due to its distance, timetime span, and covered area. This is supported by another method of network analysis to determine the covered area. Area covered in every landfill alternative were assessed based on the distance from and to the landfill, by assuming the time and coverage area. In this study, it is assumed tat there are 3 alternatives of time time-spans spans namely 5 minutes, 15 minutes, and 30 minutes. The coverage areas are assumed to be as big as 20000 meter (20km) and allow U-turns ns dropdown dropdown.. These assumptions are applied to all of the landfill alternatives. And its results as shown Figure 6.17 6. below. It is found that site 1 covered larger area than the other 2 alternatives. Site 1 5 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes Site 2 86 5 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes Site 3 5 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes Figure 6.17. Service Covered areas wereArea determined based on the road covered instead of the width of the land covered. From the three sites, the data then exported to calculate the service area covered. d. The results are as shown in Table 6. 2 and Figure 6.22 : 87 Table 6.2.. Comparison Covered Area Coverage Area (hectare) Time (min) Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 0-5 637.43 1.60% 888.77 2.23% 321.13 0.81% 5 - 15 min 12419.00 31.18% 9023.29 22.66% 7266.10 18.25% 15 - 30 26538.77 66.64% 27901.98 70.06% 30597.20 76.83% Area (Hectare) 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 15 - 30 min 10000 5 - 15 min 5000 0 - 5 min 0 Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Based on the covered cov areas, the transit point and waste generates can be calculated per time and per area thar shown on the table below. Figure 6.22 Comparison S Site 88 Table 6.3. Waste Carried, Transfer Point Covered in Each Sites. Time (Min) SITE 1 Amount of Amount Waste of SITE 2 Size Covered Amount Amount of Waste of SITE 3 Size Covered Amount Amount of Waste of Transfer Transfer Transfer Point Point Point 0-5 15.85 1 637.43 1.60% 99.509 3 888.77 2.23% 5-15 5663.114 111 12419.00 31.18% 1039.521 32 9023.29 15-30 6290.298 127 26538.77 66.64% 11896.284 207 27901.98 Total 11,969.262 239 39,595.20 99.42% 13035.314 242 351.276 Size Covered 6 321.13 0.81% 22.66% 11,527.23 192 7266.10 18.25% 70.06% 1358.684 47 30597.20 76.83% 37,814.04 94.95% 13,237.19 245 38,184.43 95.88% From the table above, it can be seen that the site number 3 covered transit point more than the other sites. The amount of waste that can be carried more than the others even the covered area for site number 3 smaller than the number 1 site 89 In the present, Dinas Pasar dan Kebersihan Kota Batam covered 75% of the total waste management service in Batam. It takes 2 hour drive to the landfill existing., Site 3 shown that it has proposed service area can be covered 38,184.43 hectares (95.88%) from the total area 39825.12 hectares, but this Site have more transit point covered and could carried most the number of waste than the other sites . Even though site 1 covered wider area, site 3 covered more transfer points. Therefore, selecting site 3 would achieve higher effectiveness in term of waste management compared to the site 1. The experimental results demonstrate that significant savings compared to the current practice can be obtained with the use of a computerized software optimization. In this scenario, an optimization service area covered is succeeded. Thus, the implementation of the newly proposed collection route design by means of GIS would be conducive to both cost, time savings wide area covered. . 6.6. Identifying the Optimal Route and Closest Facility In order to determine the optimum road in ArcInfo network analysis is the first allocation modeling technique. Network analysis procedures perform allocation modeling, accessibility of a single location given the attractiveness of the other locations and the levels of interaction between pairs of locations accounting for location properties. The accessibility and interaction are performed by gravity modeling concepts. Several ARC/INFO network analysis commands depend on an implementation of a shortest-path algorithm. There are several algorithms that can efficiently find least-cost paths through a network. The best-known and simplest path-finding algorithm is the one generally credited to Dijkstra (1959). ARC/INFO network analysis procedures use Dijkstra’s algorithm. The ArcInfo Network Analyst Tool (NAT) was used to compare routes generated by Dijkstra’s routing algorithm with the routes in terms of road classifications, distance, speed and journey time of the route selected i.e. destination 90 planning, a term used here to describe the shortest optimum route based on road class, road length, road speed and route journey time. Data utilized in the network analysis process to determine the optimum route in this study are as follows (Figure 6.17) : 1. Data layer landuse 2. Data layer district 3. Data layer topology of road 4. Data layer alternative landfill that has been analyzed before 5. Data layer transit point and 10 starting point ; for the district of Nongsa, there are 1 additional starting point. Figure 6.18 Data utilized in the network analysis process 91 In this process, the calculation has been done by the arcInfo system itself. Hence, it is important to determine the Original Destination (OD) as a place where the trucks started to move, and headed to 10 furthest points in every districts, and the end points would be in the landfill alternative. Original Destinations are the locations of PT. Surya Sejahtera at Tanjung Uma. This analysis process should be done for each alternative landfill side as shown Figure 6.18 below : Transit Point 1 Transit Point 2 Transit Point 3 Transit Point 4 Original Destination (Starting Point) PT Surya Sejahtera Transit Point 5 Transit Point 6 Alternative Landfill 1 Transit Point 7 Transit Point 8 Transit Point 9 Transit Point 10 Figure 6.19 Process to find best route for every point and alternative site Afterwards, some essential restrictions were taken into account, such as the streets’ directions, no U-Turns rules (with the exception of the dead-ends) and also, the fact that the truck should follow true-shape route (i.e. it mustn’t pass over the squares). Moreover, Network Analyst was asked to show the results in meters, as the distance criterion was selected, and to reorder the stop-points in order to find the shortest route. It is worth mentioning that, in the special case where some piece of refuse causes traffic problems, Network Analyst can be asked to find the shortest route starting from this certain point, so as to relieve the traffic. In this network analysis process, there are several supporting factors or ArcInfo in determining the 92 route. In properties, it could be set that the tolerance area is 2000 200 meters, meters it can be seen in the next figure (Figure 6.19) : Figure 6.20 6 Set up the search Tolerance Finally, pushing the “solve” button of Network Analyst, the closest route for the large items collection was produced. This proposed route is illustrated in Figure Figure 6.20 : Site 1 93 Site 2 Site 2 Site 3 Figure 6.21.. The best route from each sites 94 From the three sites, the data then exported to calculate the length of the route passed. The results are as shown in Table 6. 1 : Table 6.4. Result length and time from each site Site Site 1 Transit Site 2 Site 3 Length Time Length Time Length Time (km) (min) (km) (min) (km) (min) Point 1 37.78 63.1 32.42 55.6 36.26 63.4 Point 2 16.04 23.5 24.27 27.1 8.44 15.8 Point 3 24.44 37.8 35.20 45.5 11.05 23.5 Point 4 20.36 33.0 31.94 40.5 11.60 24.4 Point 5 28.18 54.9 60.73 57.0 29.64 56.2 Point 6 47.65 46.7 40.91 65.0 52.90 51.1 Point 7 36.83 37.1 49.93 47.4 42.07 41.3 Point 8 29.67 35.0 42.83 45.0 42.54 46.7 Point 9 34.67 40.1 38.66 41.2 48.42 54.3 Point 10 31.39 52.0 26.31 45.5 45.12 66.2 Total 307.01 423.2 383.19 469.9 328.04 443.0 Point As it was mentioned above, Network Analyst calculates the optimal route by means of Dijkstra’s Algorithm. In particular, ArcGIS Network Analyst’s route solver attempts to find a way through the set of stops (transit point) with minimum cost determinedly the shorthest path. It first computes an asymmetric origin destination (OD) cost matrix holding the travel times between the stops using the 95 Dijkstra’s algorithm. It then, applies an insertion algorithm to construct an initial solution. At each step, the insertion algorithm inserts the least-cost unvisited stop into the current partial solution (Rice, 2006). In the present, the municipality of Batam decides on the large items collection route empirically. Everyday, the truck covered almost 40 km-50 km, according to the Dinas Pasar dan Kebersihan Kota Batam, Site 1 shown that it has the shortest path and the shorthest time, while the Network Analyst’s proposed route was just 30.7 km long. The experimental results demonstrate that significant savings compared to the current practice can be obtained with the use of a computerized software optimization. In this scenario, an optimization of 30%-50% is succeeded, comparatively to the empiric method that the Dinas Pasar dan Kebersihan Kota Batam has used so far. Thus, the implementation of the newly proposed collection route design by means of GIS would be conducive to both cost and time savings. Table 6.5 Amount of Waste in each Route – SITE 1 No of Point Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5 Point 6 Point 7 Point 8 Point 9 Point 10 Total Number of Transit Point 13 8 31 9 26 23 15 27 15 2 6 1 7 17 12 212 Amount of Waste (per Transit Point) Districts 2.589 1.263 0.833 1.263 0.833 1.171 1.219 1.171 1.263 2.673 1.263 2.673 2.264 1.805 1.646 Sekupang Batam Kota Lubuk Baja Batam Kota Lubuk Baja Batu Ampar Bengkong Batu Ampar Batam Kota Nongsa Batam Kota Nongsa Sei Beduk Batu Aji Sagulung Amount of Waste 33.657 10.104 25.823 11.367 21.658 26.933 18.285 31.617 18.945 5.346 7.578 2.673 15.848 30.685 19.752 280.271 96 Table 6.6 Amount of Waste in each Route – SITE 2 No of Point Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5 Point 6 Point 7 Point 8 Point 9 Point 10 Total Number of Transit Point Amount of Waste (per Transit Point) 9 4 34 30 2.589 1.646 0.833 0.833 16 1 25 1.171 1.219 0.833 3 8 8 3 30 2 5 10 2 6 17 19 233 1 1.263 2.589 1.171 1.219 2.264 1.263 2.589 2.673 1.263 2.673 2.264 1.805 1.646 Districts Sekupang Sagulung Lubuk Baja Lubuk Baja Batu Ampar Bengkong Lubuk Baja Batam Kota Sekupang Batu Ampar Bengkong Sei Beduk Batam Kota Sekupang Nongsa Batam Kota Nongsa Sei Beduk Batuaji Sagulung Amount of Waste 23.301 6.584 28.322 24.99 18.736 1.219 20.825 1.263 7.767 9.368 9.752 6.792 37.89 5.178 13.365 12.63 5.346 13.584 30.685 31.274 308.871 97 Table 6.7 Amount of Waste in each Route – SITE 3 No of Point Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5 Point 6 Point 7 Point 8 Point 9 Point 10 Total Number of Transit Point Amount of Waste (per Transit Point) Districts 14 56 33 26 24 14 24 9 4 8 2 6 7 17 19 263 2.589 0.833 0.833 1.171 1.171 1.219 1.263 1.219 2.673 1.263 2.673 1.263 2.264 1.805 1.646 Sekupang Lubuk Baja Lubuk Baja Batu Ampar Batu Ampar Bengkong Batam Kota Bengkong Nongsa Batam Kota Nongsa Batam Kota Sei Beduk Batuaji Sagulung Amount of Waste 36.246 46.648 27.489 30.446 28.104 17.066 30.312 10.971 10.692 10.104 5.346 7.578 15.848 30.685 31.274 338.809 Alternative sites 1 and 3 have no significant difference. Based on the transfer points locations, site 3 is considered to be more effective due its closeness to the transfer points and residential area (Table 6.8). The situation occurred because the development in Batam is focused on the district of Lubuk Baja. Site 2 located too distant from the district of Nongsa. However, in the future, the development would be focused in the city district and Nongsa; hence, site 1 is considered the best choice, because it is located at the center of the island. 98 Table 6.8 Amount of Transit Point, Waste, Length and Time SITE 1 Amount of Transit Point 212 Amount Amount of Length Time Waste 280.271 of Transit Point 307.01 SITE 3 SITE 2 423.2 233 Amount Amount of Length Time Waste 308.871 of Amount of Transit 469.9 263 Time 328.04 443.0 Waste Point 383.19 Length 338.809 Based on the table above, site 3 has less area covred than the site 1 but site 3 covered more transit point and generated more wastes than the other alternatve landfill.. Hence, site number 3 becomes the right choice to become landfill. 99 6.7. Conclusion From the analysis in this chapter is known that the site number 3 is more suitable in landfills made. The best alternative to landfills in the analysis by using GIS Covered Area Network Analysis and Best Route Analysis. Site number 3 is more has advantages because it covers more transit points and could generates more waste. Implemented network analysis was capable to identify covered areas and to find out the best route the nearest facilities. This can be made to produce the best landfill that the wide area covered and the best route based on the transit point covered and waste generates. This study also could be made inputs to the Government of the Municipal of Batam and as a guideline to control development plans in study area. 100 CHAPTER 7 DISCUSSION AND SUGGESTION 7.1 Introduction This chapter discusses about the findings of the process of finding the most suitable landfill. Furthermore, this chapter discusses about the goal achievement, objective and discusses issue and problem arose in the process of database design, model development and implementation. This study also discussed about the most appropriate route economically, which means that it might minimize the cost. The use of arcInfo GIS version 9.2 and network analysis supported the process. Suitable landfill and the best route identified might be proposed for the next development of Batam. This study as well shown that the application of Djikstra algorithm might be helpful to identify the best route, but in the arcInfo, the algorithm is setup. 101 7.2. Research Findings Formula GIS use of suitable landfill model helped to identify the areas which required for suitable landfill. This study is about determining suitable location for landfill area. Model analysis was designed to guide and provide information of the landfill; it provided lots of help in determining the landfill. It found that land use factor have much influence in model production conservation determination this area. Current situation analyses enabled the researcher to understand about the development status in study area. It also enabled to specify the criterion of the landfill. Planning factors models such as accuracy and effectiveness measure model were done in order to evaluate selected suitable landfill area model. The findings showed that landfill identification is closely related to the road networks, land usage, area sensitive, and slope. Also added in this study, another way to identify the optimal or the most suitable route, it is the Network Analysis. GIS in ArcInfo, without any extension, might do the work. Djikstra algorithm is setup inside the ArcInfo, hence the result. 7.3. Issues and Problem of Study GIS helps to enhance the quality and accuracy for the decision-makers in order to produce a better policy. Furthermore, other emerging issues might be solved by applying spatial analysis. In general, the researcher found three major problems during the whole process such as lack of accurate visual data that leads to problems with database design, integrating one analysis model over the others based on the criteria from SNI, and model implementation stage, where specific algorithm might not be described due to its being setup in the software. 102 7.4. Suggest Landfil Area and Route For Collection 7.4.1 Suggest Suitable Landfill Based on the findings, the needs of suitable landfill based on SNI, landuse, and through site selection process in GIS, there are 3 alternative sites (Figure 6.1) 7.4.2. Best Route and the Closest Landfill. Using network analysis. determining (Original destination) as the starting point, station of PT. Surya Sejahtera at Tanjung Uma. Then determine the farthest point 9 as a transit point to illustrate that the truck had passed the farthest point.. 9 furthest points divided based on the numbers of the district, as mentioned before, the district of Nongsa has 2 transit points, hence there are 10 transit points. After setting the tolerance at 2000 m, which means that in the radius of 2000 m the truck can still cover the wastes from the road passed, then the trip should be ended at the alternative landfills. The same process applied to every landfill alternative. Then the result obtained was that the most suitable landfill alternative is the alternative 3, due to its distance, coverage, time-span, transit point covered, and wastes generate. 7.4.3. Service Area Using network analysis can also calculate its area coverage. 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