Band, Orchestra, and Chorus GREAT AMERICA TRIP

Band, Orchestra, and Chorus
We’re going! Saturday, May 19nd is the big day. Come one, come all. We’d love to have you join us!
The band, orchestra, and chorus students are going to spend a day at Great America. What a great way to
celebrate the achievements from this year and to enjoy just spending the day together.
Student Instructions. As always on these trips,
students must be in groups of 4 or more at all times
and one person in the group must have a watch.
There will be several mandatory check-in times
throughout the day for all students.
$40 for admission and transportation
All students will check in at 6PM – those staying
later will be allowed to go back into the park.
Permission to stay past 6PM must be given to the
directors in writing or email prior to the trip. No
responsibility is assumed for those students after
No refunds possible
Money & Form due May
9:00am – Meet at MSN; Depart for
Great America
10:00am – Arrive at Great America
6:00pm – Depart Great America
7:15pm – Arrive at MSN
Season Pass Holders. If you plan to use a season
pass – you only owe $7 for transportation. Please
note – no season passes should be purchased on the day of the trip. Passes must be obtained prior to the
trip. This includes photos for the season passes. We will not schedule time for students to wait in lines to
get their photos taken. Season passes must be in hand before we leave MSN.
Chaperones Needed. We will need some help. If you are able to chaperone, we could use you. Please
indicate your willingness below. We can’t pay for you, but we’ll give you a big pat on the back for a job
well done.
------------------------------------------------------------------------sign and return with $40.00 before Monday, May 10
_____ Yes! I’m in! I am including the $40.00 for the trip to Great America on May 19. I’ll be at school by
9AM and will get picked up at school at 7:15PM
_____ Yes! I’m in! I am including the $40.00 for the trip to Great America on May 19. I’ll be at school by
9AM but I will stay later than 6PM and have other arrangement to be picked up at the park.
_____ I am only including $7.00 (transportation fees) as I have a season pass to Great America and do not
need to pay for a ticket. I will obtain my season pass prior to this trip.
Student name (please print)
Parent Signature
_____ Yes! I’d love to chaperone - Name: ___________________________ phone:_________________