DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF THERMODYNAMICS APPARATUS USING DESIGN FOR MANUFACTURE AND ASSEMBLY (DFMA) METHODOLOGY WAN ABD. RAHMAN ASSYAHID BIN WAN IBRAHIM A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Mechanical Engineering (Advance Manufacturing Technology) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MAY, 2006 To my beloved wife Suriati Aliza bt. Ab. Samad and my naughty kids; Wan Amirul Arif I love you all. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my thesis supervisor, Tuan Haji Dr. Ariffin Bin Abdul Razak, for encouragement, guidance, critics and friendship. Without his continued support and interest, this thesis would not have been the same as presented here. Special thanks must go to Ahmad Humaizi Helmi and Ahmad Faizal Bin Salleh for their truly support, co-operation and assistance. Thanks are also goes to friends who had helped me directly or indirectly upon the project completion. Finally, my very special, sincere and heartfelt gratitude goes to my beloved wife and family for giving me tremendous courage while I was struggling with this project. Their assistance and support was invaluable. Wan Abd. Rahman Assyahid May, 2006 vi ABSTRACT Thermodynamics is an essential subject in Mechanical Engineering curriculum. The thermodynamics principles have been applied in many applications to fulfill human needs. Mechanical engineers use thermodynamics principles in their study to design a wide variety of energy system such as jet engines and rockets, refrigeration system, air conditioning system, chemical process and power plant. This would explain that thermodynamic was one of the critical areas which need to be well understood. However, the majority of students perceive thermodynamics as a difficult subject. By having the suitable experiment apparatus designed to demonstrate thermodynamics process and system have been learned, such an apparatus would enhance the teaching and learning of thermodynamics. Therefore, an apparatus for this purpose is necessary to be developed. The apparatus should be portable and mobilize which demonstration in both lecture and laboratory session is possible. A Boothroyd-Dewhurst Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) Methodology had been applied to optimize the design apparatus. The application of Boothroyd-Dewhurst (DFMA) Methodology will simplify the design through minimizing the part component for ease of assembly and manufacture. In addition, this methodology also provides analysis for selection of manufacturing process and material for developed apparatus. Therefore, the overall development cost could be minimized. The aim of this project is to successful develop an apparatus which could demonstrate the 1st Law of Thermodynamics-closed system based on BoothroydDewhurst DFMA Methodology. vii ABSTRAK Termodinamik merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran asas yang terpenting dalam kurikulum kursus Kejuruteraan Mekanikal. Prinsip-prinsip termodinamik diaplikasikan dalam penciptaan dalam pelbagai peralatan bagi kemudahan kehidupan manusia. Jurutera mekanikal menggunakan prinsip termodinamik untuk mereka bentuk pelbagai jenis peralatan seperti enjin jet dan roket, sistem penyejukan/pendinginan, sistem loji pemprosesan kimia dan sistem loji penjanaan tenaga. Hal ini menjelaskan bahawa bidang termodinamik merupakan satu bidang yang amat kritikal dan amat perlu dikuasai dengan sebaik yang mungkin oleh para pelajar. Akan tetapi sehingga kini, kebanyakan pelajar masih menganggap bidang termodinamik adalah satu bidang yang amat sukar untuk dipelajari. Dengan adanya alat ujikaji yang bersesuaian bagi menerangkan proses termodinamik yang dipelajari, maka sessi pembelajaran akan menjadi lebih menarik dan berupaya memudahkan pemahaman para pelajar. Justeru itu, satu alat ujikaji termodinamik wajar dibangunkan. Alatan ujikaji yang dibangunkan ini adalah bersifat mudah alih yang boleh digunakan untuk demontrasi dalam kuliah dan juga dalam makmal. Bagi mengoptimum reka bentuk alat ujikaji ini, kaedah Reka bentuk untuk Pembuatan dan Pemasangan (DFMA) yang dipelopori oleh Boothroyd-Dewhurst telah digunakan. Kaedah yang diguna pakai ini adalah bertujuan untuk memudah dan meringkaskan reka bentuk alat ujikaji ini dengan meminimumkan jumlah komponen bagi memudahkan kerja pemasangan dan pembuatan. Pemilihan bahan proses pembuatan juga dapat ditentukan melalui kaedah ini. Kesan dari aplikasi kaedah ini adalah kos keseluruhan produk dapat diminimakan. Matlamat akhir projek ini adalah untuk membangunkan satu alat ujikaji makmal yang menggunakan prinsip Hukum Pertama Termodinamik sistem tertutup dengan menggunakan kaedah Reka bentuk untuk Pembuatan dan Pemasangan (DFMA) yang diperkenalkan oleh BoothroydDewhurst. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT v ABSTRACT vi ABSTRAK vii TABLE OF CONTENTS viii LIST OF TABLES xiv LIST OF FIGURES xv LIST OF SYMBOLS xviii LIST OF APPENDICES xx INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction to the Problem 1 1.2 Objective of Project 2 1.3 Scope of Project 2 1.4 Project Methodology 3 1.5 Significant of Findings 5 1.6 Report Structure 5 1.7 Summary 7 ix 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 8 2.1 Introduction 8 2.2 Thermodynamics Systems and Boundary 9 2.3 The 1st Law of Thermodynamics 11 2.4 Energy Balance 11 2.5 Energy Change in System 12 2.6 Mechanism of Energy Transfer, Ein and Eout 14 2.6.1 Heat Transfer 14 2.6.2 Work 14 2.6.3 Mass Flow 15 2.7 1st Law of Thermodynamics in 15 Piston Cylinder Analysis 2.8 Product Development Process 22 2.9 Identifying Customer Needs 24 2.10 Product Design Specifications (PDS) 25 2.11 Engineering Design Process 26 2.12 Concept Generation 27 2.13 Concept Selection 29 2.13.1 Concept Screening 30 2.13.2 Concept Scoring 32 2.14 Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA) 35 2.15 Overview of Design For Manufacture (DFM) 36 2.16 DFM Methodology 37 2.17 Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFM Methodology 38 2.17.1 General Shape Attribute 40 2.17.2 Process Capabilities 41 DFM Guidelines 42 2.18.1 Design for Ease of Fabrication 42 2.18.2 Design within Process Capabilities 42 2.18 2.18.3 Simplify the Design and Reduce Parts Number 43 2.18.4 Standardize and use common parts and materials 2.19 Overview of Design For Assembly (DFA) 43 43 x 2.20 DFA Methodologies 44 2.20.1 The Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFA Method 44 Theory of Evaluation 45 Evaluation Procedure 45 2.20.2 The Hitachi Assemblablility Evaluation Method 49 Theory of Evaluation 49 Evaluation Procedure 50 2.20.3 The Lucas DFA Method 2.21 2.22 3 51 Theory of Evaluation 51 Evaluation Procedure 51 DFA Guidelines 53 2.21.1 Reduce Part Count and Part Types 55 2.21.2 Eliminate Adjustments 56 2.21.3 Self Locating and Aligning 56 2.21.4 Consider Handling Part from Bulk 57 2.21.5 Consider Ease for Handling 58 2.21.6 Eliminate Threaded Fasteners 59 2.21.7 Minimize Variations, Use Standard Part 59 2.21.8 Easy Serviceability and Maintainability 59 2.21.9 Minimize Assembly Directions 60 2.21.10 Provide Easy Insertion and Alignment 60 Summary 61 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 62 3.1 Introduction 62 3.2 User Requirements 63 3.3 Prepare Product Design Specification 64 3.4 Concept Generation 65 3.4.1 Concept No. 1 65 Concept Description 66 The Advantage and Disadvantage 67 3.4.2 Concept No. 2 68 68 Concept Description xi 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.5 4 The Advantage and Disadvantage 69 Concept No. 3 70 Concept Description 70 The Advantage and Disadvantage 71 Concept No. 4 72 Concept Description 72 The Advantage and Disadvantage 73 Selection Criteria 74 3.5.1 Ease of Handling 74 3.5.2 Low Cost 75 3.5.3 Safety 75 3.5.4 Ease of Manufacture 75 3.5.5 Lightweight 76 3.5.6 Portability 76 3.5.7 Ease of Maintenance 76 3.6 Concept Screening 77 3.7 Concept Scoring 78 3.8 Final Concept Selection 80 3.9 Summary 81 DESIGN FOR MANUFACTURE AND ASSEMBLY (DFMA) ANALYSIS 82 4.1 Introduction 82 4.2 Product Structure and Part Quantity 83 4.2.1 Assembly Drawing 84 4.2.2 Exploded Drawing 85 4.2.3 Bill Of Material (BOM) 86 4.2.4 Part Function and Critics 87 4.3 Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFM Analysis 90 4.4 Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFA Analysis 93 4.5 Apparatus Animation 96 4.6 Summary 97 xii 5 FABRICATION AND ASSEMBLY 98 5.1 Introduction 98 5.2 Development –Phase 1 99 5.2.1 Cylinder Liner 99 5.2.2 Piston 101 5.2.3 Cylinder Liner Cover 103 5.3 5.4 6 103 5.3.1 Base Support 104 5.3.2 Cylinder Liner Support 105 Development – Phase 3 106 5.4.1 Cylinder Assembly 106 5.4.2 Thermometer Installation 108 5.4.3 Piston Indicator Assembly 109 5.4.4 Piston Installation 110 5.5 Complete Assembly 112 5.6 Summary 113 TESTING AND OPERATION WORK PROCEDURE 114 6.1 Introduction 114 6.2 Apparatus Preparation 115 6.3 Safety Instruction 117 6.4 Work Procedure 118 6.5 Data Collection 126 6.6 1st Law of Thermodynamics Analysis 128 6.6.1 Work Analysis, W 130 6.6.2 Total Internal Energy Analysis, 6.6.3 Net Heat Enter to System, Q 6.7 7 Development – Phase 2 U Summary 131 134 135 DISCUSSION 136 7.1 Introduction 136 7.2 Product Development Approach 137 7.3 Design For Manufacture and Assembly Methodology 137 7.4 Fabrication and Assembly 141 xiii 8 7.5 Apparatus Testing and Functionality 142 7.6 Summary 142 CONCLUSIONS 143 8.1 Conclusion 143 8.2 Recommendation And Future Work 144 REFERENCES APPENDICES 145 A1 - E 146 - 156 xiv LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Example of customer needs for the suspension fork 24 2.2 Example of concept screening matrix 30 2.3 Example of concept scoring matrix table 32 2.4 Concept rating 33 2.5 Shape Generation Capabilities of Processes 41 2.6 Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFA Evaluation table 46 2.7 Evaluation table of old piston assembly 47 2.8 Evaluation table of new design piston assembly 48 3.1 Product Specification 64 3.2 Screening matrix 77 3.3 Relative performance rating 78 3.4 Concept scoring matrix 79 4.1 Bill of Material of developed apparatus 86 4.2 Part functions 87 4.3 Shape attributes and material requirement data for cylinder 91 4.4 Process elimination for cylinder 92 4.5 Alpha ( ) and beta ( ) angle for each part 94 4.6 Computation Design Efficiency of the apparatus 95 6.1 Work Procedure for operating the apparatus 119 6.2 Table for data record 127 6.3 Testing data 128 xv LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Project flowchart 3 2.1 Close system 10 2.2 Open system 10 2.3 Piston cylinder apparatus 15 2.4 Lifting the piston by steam pressure 16 2.5 Concept development phase 22 2.6 Five steps of concept generation 28 2.7 Generation of new concepts of potato peeler 29 2.8 Design flow in DFM 37 2.9 Compatibility matrix between processes and materials 39 2.10 Old design of piston assembly 47 2.11 New design of piston assembly 48 2.12 Example of AEM symbols and penalty scores 50 2.13 Application of DFA guidelines 54 2.14 Part reduction using DFA guidelines 55 2.15 Self locating and aligning parts 56 3.1 Design Concept No. 1 65 3.2 Design concept No. 2 68 3.3 Design concept No. 3 70 3.4 Design concept No. 4 72 3.5 Final design concept 80 4.1 Product structure 83 4.2 Assembly drawing of final design concept 84 4.3 Exploded drawing of final design concept 85 xvi LIST OF FIGURES – CONTINUED 4.4 Step 1, piston at rest position 96 4.5 Step 2, piston start lift-up 96 4.6 Step 3, piston still lifting 96 4.7 Step 4, piston reach to final position 96 5.1 Cylinder Liner 99 5.2 Flow Chart of Cylinder Liner Fabrication Process 100 5.3 The Piston 101 5.4 Piston after modification 102 5.5 Aluminum sheet 103 5.6 Base support 104 5.7 Two inches angle iron 104 5.8 Cylinder liner support 105 5.9 Cylinder liner before assembly 106 5.10 Cylinder liner after assembly 106 5.11 Cylinder liner after wrapping with woven 107 5.12 Cylinder liner after assembled with aluminum cover 108 5.13 Thermometer installation 108 5.14 The assembly of indicator on piston 109 5.15 Ring Expander 110 5.16 Piston and ring 110 5.17 Special tool to insert piston to cylinder liner 111 5.18 Method to insert piston into cylinder 111 5.19 Complete Assembly of Apparatus 112 6.1 Lubrication oil is applied on the cylinder liner inner wall. 115 6.2 Complete apparatus arrangement 116 6.3 Hot surface sign on cylinder liner 117 6.4 Hot surface sign on base support 118 6.5 Complete Apparatus 119 6.6 Checking all fittings 119 6.7 Applying lubrication oil 119 xvii LIST OF FIGURES – CONTINUED 6.8 Close bottom valve 120 6.9 Water is filled to cylinder 120 6.10 Initial temperature 120 6.11 Initial pressure 121 6.12 Initial piston position 121 6.13 Butane gas weight measurement 121 6.14 Installation of Butane gas container to gas stove burner 122 6.15 Placing gas stove burner 122 6.16 Flame directed to bottom of cylinder liner 122 6.17 Observation of temperature increasing 123 6.18 Temperature at 90° C 123 6.19 Ready to shut down gas burner 123 6.20 Piston slowly lifts up 124 6.21 Shut down gas burner 124 6.22 Piston lift to new position 124 6.23 Final water temperature 125 6.24 Piston final position 125 6.25 Final Pressure 125 6.26 Measurement final butane gas weight 126 6.27 Illustration of experimental process 129 7.1 Percentage of theoretical minimum parts 138 7.2 Comparison between parts that need special tool to total part 139 7.3 Percentage of assembly time 139 xviii LIST OF SYMBOLS E1 = Initial energy E2 = Final energy Ein = Total energy entering the system Eout = Total energy leaving from system ∆Esystem = Change in the total energy in the system Efinal = Energy at final state Einitial = Energy at initial state ∆U = Change in internal energy ∆PE = Change in potential energy ∆KE = Change in kinetic energy m = Mass of system, kg u2 = Specific internal energy at final state u1 = Specific internal energy at initial state V2 = Final velocity, m/s V1 = Initial velocity, m/s g = Gravity acceleration, m/s2 z2 = Final height, m z1 = Initial height, m Q = Heat supplied to system, Joule W = Work done by system, Joule X1 = Initial position, m X2 = Final Position, m P = Pressure, Pa V = Volume, m3 A = Area, m2 F = Force, kg / ms-2 or Nm xix LIST OF SYMBOLS (CONTINUED) vf = Specific volume: Saturated liquid, m3/kg vg = Specific volume: Saturated vapour, m3/kg vfg = Specific volume: Evaporation, m3/kg uf = Internal energy : Saturated liquid, kJ/kg ug = Internal energy : Saturated vapour, kJ/kg ufg = Internal energy : Evaporation, kJ/kg) v1 = Specific volume at initial state, m3/kg v2 = Specific volume at final state, m3/kg x = Quality Cv = Specific heat of Ideal gas, kJ/kg T1 = Temperature at initial state, ºC T2 = Temperature at final state., ºC xx LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A1 Gantt Chart for Semester 1 146 A2 Gantt Chart for semester 2 146 B1 Te Standard Thermodynamics Properties 147 Table for water B2 Example of Product Design Specification 148 B3 General Capabilities of a range of commonly 150 used manufacturing processes. C Data for estimated times for manual handling 154 (Boothroyd-Dewhurst) D Data for estimated times for manual insertion 155 (Boothroyd-Dewhurst) E Lucas DFA method - Manual Handling and Manual Fitting Analysis 156 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction to the Problem Thermodynamic is an essential subject in Mechanical Engineering curriculum. The thermodynamics principles have been applied in many applications to fulfill human needs. Mechanical engineers use thermodynamics principles in their study to design a wide variety of energy system such as jet engines and rockets, refrigeration system, air conditioning system, chemical process and power plant. These would explain that thermodynamic was one of the critical areas which need to be well understood. However, the majority of students perceive thermodynamics as a difficult subject. Failure to understand the fundamental of thermodynamics will result negative thinking toward the subject. A proposal to integrate between thermodynamics theories and applications during learning process is one of the solutions to avoid negative paradigms among the students. Therefore, an experimental apparatus that applied thermodynamics theory is needed to be developed. This project is carried out to design and develop an experimental apparatus that can demonstrate thermodynamics theory. The aim of developing this experimental apparatus is to integrate between theories learned in lecture room to the real applications. The experimental apparatus had been developed is mainly focused to demonstrate the 1st Law of Thermodynamics-closed system. Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) Methodology has been used during design and development stages. The application of DFMA methodology during design and 2 development is to ensure the developed experimental apparatus is ease to manufacture as well as ease to assemble in cost-efficient and at same time to achieve higher product performance characteristics. As the end result, an experimental apparatus is successful fabricated and ready to use in Thermodynamics laboratory. 1.2 Objective of Project The objective of the project is to design and develop a portable experimental apparatus based on the 1st Law Thermodynamics using Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFMA Methodology. 1.3 Scope of Project The scopes of the project are 1. Understanding the DFMA Methodologies for manual assembly. 2. Application of Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFMA during product assembly analysis and manufacturing process selection. 3. The use of 1st Law Thermodynamics close system in the experimental apparatus. 4. The use of water or gas as working fluid in experimental apparatus. 5. The animation of the proposed design using animation software. 3 1.4 Project Methodology The project is conducted in two consecutive semesters which are summarized in figure 1.1. 1st Semester Start Problem Definition Literature Review on Product Development / DFMA Methodologies and Thermodynamics Prepare Product Design Specification Concept Generation Concept Selection DFA Analysis of Final Design DFM Analysis of Final Design 2nd Semester Part Preparation and Fabrication Animation Preparation Testing and evaluation/ improvement Discussion Summary/Conclusion/Recommend ation END Figure 1.1: Project Flow Chart 4 The project is accomplished in two semesters. The milestones of project activities are shown in Gantt chart in Appendix A1 for semester 1 and Appendix A2 for semester 2. In the first semester, the project starts by carrying out a literature review on product development process, continued with Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA) and end up with 1st Law of Thermodynamics theory. The DFMA Methodologies that being discussed are the Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFMA, the LucasHall Evaluation Method, and the Hitachi Assemblability evaluation Method (AEM). The development process continues by preparing Product Design Specification (PDS). The PDS was a product specification that being generated based on user requirements. The next task is to generate several design concepts, then to select the final design concept using concept screening and concept scoring method. Preparation assembly and exploded drawing is also done for DFA analysis. The Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFMA analysis is used to obtain design efficiency also to determine the product material and manufacturing process. In second semester, the project continues with material preparation and fabrication. The experimental apparatus then will be tested. The evaluation and improvement is carried-out during product testing. Finally, the product performance is discussed and recommendations for future improvement are proposed. 5 1.5 Significant of Findings The aim of DFMA methodology is to simplify the design. In other word, DFMA target is to minimize components in experimental apparatus. Minimizing the components means fewer components per unit product. Fewer components will lead to reduce the overall production cost. Therefore, the experimental apparatus is expected to be ease of fabrication and assembly. In other perspective, the experimental apparatus will help students to understand the thermodynamics theory. As the final result, student’s performance will increase and students may not more perceive thermodynamics as a difficult subject but they will find that thermodynamics is one of the interesting subjects. 1.6 Report Structure The report consists of eight chapters. Chapter 1 is about introduction to the project. An overall picture of the project can understand within this chapter. The objectives and scopes are explained, while the significant of the project is described at the end of chapter. Chapter 2, deals with a literature review on 1st Law of Thermodynamics, Product Development Process and DFMA Methodology. In 1st Law of Thermodynamics review, the analysis of piston cylinder within close system is clearly overview. Related equations and data are also been provide. Then, a Product Development Process is explain touching steps for systematic of product development is process such as identifying user needs, then generating the concept design is clearly overviewed. The review ends with the concept selection procedure. In DFMA review, three methodologies is described such as Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFMA, Lucas DFA and Hitachi AEM. However, the Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFMA Methodology is explained in details. The chapter concludes with a DFA guidelines during product development process. 6 Chapter 3 focuses on the development process of the experimental apparatus. This chapter starts with the user requirements, followed by preparation of Product Design Specifications. Concept generation, selection and evaluation are done in this chapter. At the end of the chapter a final design concept is proposed for further development. Chapter 4 focuses on DFMA analysis of proposed design concept. Starting with preparing the assembly drawing and explode drawing, the DFMA analysis is done using Boothroyd-Dewhurst Methodology. This chapter ends with DFM analysis of main part of the experimental apparatus. Material preparation and fabrication process of the experiment apparatus is included in Chapter 5. The fabrication processes are showed in sequence using series of photograph. This chapter ends with complete apparatus that ready to the tested. Chapter 6 deals with development of operating procedure of the apparatus and apparatus testing. The procedure is prepared step-by-step and there are photographs included at every steps performed. To avoid any accident, a safety instruction is given and potential hazards are identified with safety countermeasure. The chapter ends with an analysis of 1st Laws of Thermodynamics using data during testing. A discussion of overall project is done in Chapter 7. Included in the discussion are product development processes, DFMA application as well as the 1st Laws of Thermodynamics applied in this project. Overall results from the project are also been discussed to evaluate the performance of developed apparatus. 7 The final chapter gives an overall conclusion about undertaken project. The project achievement is summarized and concluded by referring to the end results gained during completing the project. This chapter ends with recommendation for future work that could be done for further improvement of the apparatus. 1.7 Summary The project to design and development a portable experimental apparatus that demonstrate the First law of Thermodynamics is carried out in two consecutive semesters. The aim of the apparatus is to integrate between thermodynamics theory and application. Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFMA Methodology had been applied in design stage in order to minimize product components as well as to simplify the design for ease of assembly and manufacture. To systematic organize design and development tasks; a project objective, scopes and methodology are prepared to ensure the project started in the right direction until the end. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter reviews on three major areas which are 1st Laws of Thermodynamics, product development process and Design For Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA). Literature review on these three areas is conducted because the application of each area to undertaken project. The chapter starts with introduction to thermodynamics system, boundary and energy balance before intensively discussed on 1st Laws of Thermodynamics analysis. Then, review is done on product development process which covers strategy such as identifying customer need, preparing product design specification (PDS), concept generation and concept selection. The chapter ends with review on Design For Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA) Methodology. 9 2.2 Thermodynamics Systems and Boundary Thermodynamics can be defined as the science of energy. The name thermodynamics came from Greek words therme (heat) dynamis (power), which is most descriptive of the early efforts to convert heat into power [1]. Thermodynamics is a science in which the storage, transformation, and transfer of energy are studied [2]. Energy is stored as internal energy kinetic energy, potential energy and chemical energy. Energy is transformed from one of these forms to another; and it is transferred across a boundary as either heat or work. The objective in studying thermodynamics is to carry-out an analysis or design of a large-scale system anything from an air conditioner to a nuclear power plant which dealings with measurable parameters in thermodynamics such pressure, temperature and velocity. A thermodynamics system is defined as a quantity of matter or a region in space chosen for study. The mass or region outside the system is called the surroundings. The real or imaginary surface that separates the system from its surroundings is called the boundary. The boundary is contact surface shared by both system and surroundings. The boundary of a system can be fixed or movable. The boundary has zero thickness, and thus it can neither contain any mass nor occupy any volume in space. Basically there are two major systems in thermodynamics study which are closed-system and open system. A closed-system also known as a control mass consists of a fixed amount of mass and no mass can cross its boundary. There also no mass can enter and or leave from closed system. In other words, no mass flow process happens inside the close system, as shown in Figure 2.1. But energy in form of heat or work can cross the boundary. The volume of a closed system does not have to be fixed. 10 Figure 2 .1: Closed system An open-system (also known as control volume) consists of fixed volume but mass can cross the boundary. Open system usually involves mass flow. Examples include compressor, turbine or nozzle but the volume of the boundary must be fixed. Figure 2.2 illustrates the open-system. Figure 2.2: Open system 11 2.3 The 1st Law of Thermodynamics The First Law of Thermodynamics simply states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed (conservation of energy). Thus power generation processes and energy sources actually involve conversion of energy from one form to another, rather than creation of energy from nothing. The energy of the universe is constant. However, energy can certainly be transferred from one part of the universe to another. The energy transfer between different systems can be expressed as: E1 = E2 where 2.4 E1 = initial energy E2 = final energy Energy Balance The conservation of energy principle in first law makes use of the key concepts of internal energy, heat, and system work which can express as, the net change in the total energy of the system during a process is equal to the different between the total energy total energy entering and total energy leaving the system during that process. This statement could be summarized as [1]: Total energy entering - the system Ein Total energy leaving = from system - Eout Change in the total energy in the system = ∆Esystem 12 2.5 Energy Change in System The determination of the energy change of a system during a process involves an evaluation of energy in a system at beginning and at the end of the process, and taking their difference. That is, Energy change = Energy at final state - Energy at initial state or ∆Esystem = Efinal - Einitial The energy change of a system is zero if the state of the system does not change during the process. Also, energy can exist in numerous forms such as internal, kinetic, potential, electric and magnetic energy. The change in the total energy of a system during a process is the sum of the changes in its internal, kinetic, and potential energies and can be expressed as [3]: ∆E = ∆U + ∆PE + ∆KE Where, ∆U = change in internal energy, ∆PE = change in potential energy, ½ m(V22- V12) ∆KE = change in kinetic energy, m(u2-u1) mg(z2 – z1) When the initial and final states are specified, the values of the specified, the values of the internal energies u1 and u2 can be determined directly from the proper table or thermodynamic property relations. For stationary systems or closed system, the changes in kinetic and potential energy are zero (that is, ∆KE = ∆PE = 0), and 13 the total energy change reduce to ∆E= ∆U. The 1st Law of Thermodynamics for a closed system then could be simplified as: Ein - Eout = ∆Esystem = Change in the total or Total energy - Total energy entering leaving energy in the the system from system system Heat supplied to - system Work done = Change in internal by system energy Q12 - W12 = U2 –U1 Q12 - W12 = m(u2 –u1) Where , u2 = specific internal energy at initial condition, (kJ/kg) u1 = specific internal energy at initial condition, (kJ/kg) m = working fluid mass (kg) 14 2.6 Mechanism of Energy Transfer, Ein and Eout Energy can be transferred to or from a system in three forms: heat, work and mass flow. Energy interactions are recognized at the system boundary as they cross it, and they represent the energy gained or lost by a system during process. The only two forms of energy interactions associated with fixed mass or closed system are heat transfer and work. The 3 mechanism of energy transfer are [4]: 2.6.1 Heat Transfer Heat transfer to a system increases the energy of the molecules and thus the internal energy of the system will also increased. The symbol Q, denotes an amount of energy transferred across the boundary of a system in heat interaction with the system’s surroundings. Heat transfer into a system is taken to be positive and heat transfer from system is taken negative. Heat transfer to system also known as energy entering the system. 2.6.2 Work An energy interaction that is not only caused by a temperature difference between a system and its surroundings is work. A rising piston, a rotating shaft, and an electrical wire crossing the system boundaries are all associated with work interactions. Work transfer to a system increases the energy of the system, and work transfer from a system (work done by the system) decrease if the energy transferred out as work comes from the energy contained in the system. In piston cylinder, internal energy is used to lift the piston. Therefore, works done to lift the piston is known as energy leaving from system. 15 2.6.3 Mass Flow Mass flow in and out of the system is the additional mechanism of energy transfer. When mass enters a system, the energy of the system increases because mass carries energy with it. Likewise, when some mass leaves the system, the energy contained within the system decreases because the leaving mass takes out some energy with it. Since in closed system doesn’t involve mass flow in or out from system there is no energy leaving or entering to system because of mass flow. 2.7 1st Law of Thermodynamics in Piston Cylinder Analysis First law of Thermodynamics for closed system is best to be studied using piston cylinder apparatus. Figure 2.3 illustrates the piston cylinder apparatus. The piston cylinder assembly consists of cylinder with insulating wall and piston. Water is filled inside cylinder-piston assembly. A pressure gauge and temperature gauge are also installed to measure the pressure and temperature. Figure 2.3: Piston cylinder apparatus 16 In this system, the boundary is moving by up-down movement of the piston. No mass can enter and exit from the piston cylinder assembly. A heat, Q is supplied to system by heating the base plate. The temperature of water will rise and wet steam will generate and trapped inside the cylinder. During the process, steam pressure will exert a normal force on the piston surface as illustrated in Figure 2.4. Therefore, the piston will move-up from position X1 to position X2. Figure 2.4: Lifting the piston by steam pressure Let (P) is the pressure acting on the piston and (A) is the area of piston surface. The force (F) exerted by the steam to the piston is simply the product. The work done by the system as the piston displacement a distance dx is [5]: W = pA dx The product (A dx ) is equal the change in volume of the system, dV. Thus the work expression can be written as W = p dV 17 Since dV is positive when volume increases, the work at the moving boundary is positive when the steam is expanded. For a compression, dV is negative. For a change in volume from V1 to V2 , the work is obtained by integrating : Therefore, work done to move piston from position x1 to position x2 is given by : W12 = p (V2 –V1) Knowing that, P = F/A, thus, W12 = F (V2 –V1) A But, (V2 –V1) = (X2 - X1) A Therefore Work done by system, W12 = F (X2 - X1) ……..Equation (1) Where, F = Exerted force to piston = Force by atmosphere pressure on piston + Weight of piston x gravity (kg / ms-2 or Nm) x1 = Piston at initial position (m) x2 = Piston at final position (m) 18 Regarding to the 1st Law Of Thermodynamics for close system as explained in section 2.5, given Q12 - W12 = ∆U Q12 - F (X2 - X1) = U2 –U1 Q12 - F (X2 - X1) = m(u2 –u1) ….Equation (2) To determine internal energy U2 and U1, the mass of working fluid and temperature at initial and final condition need to be measured. Measurement of temperature is done using thermometer. Regarding to above equation, the steam pressure exerted to steam is not necessary to measure because the initial and final pressure is equal due to the system have moving boundary (piston) and process is called Isobaric process. If water is used as the working fluid therefore, a Thermodynamics Properties Table or Steam Table is needed to use to verify the thermodynamics properties at initial stage and final stage. The Standard Thermodynamics Properties Table for water is given in appendix B1. Using Standard Thermodynamics Properties table, the properties of water at initial stage and final stage could verify by following the below procedure. i. Check the initial stage of water temperature (T1) and pressure (P1). ii. Using Standard Thermodynamics Properties Table for water; Saturated Pressure Entry, look at pressure column of value pressure P1. Then write down the following value: 19 a. Specific volume: Saturated liquid, vf (m3/kg) b. Specific volume: Saturated vapor, vg (m3/kg) c. Specific volume: Evaporation , vfg (m3/kg) d. Internal energy : Saturated liquid, uf (kJ/kg) e. Internal energy : Saturated vapor, ug (kJ/kg) f. Internal energy : Evaporation, ufg (kJ/kg) iii. Calculate the specific volume at initial state (v1) using following formula: v1 volume at initial stage (m3) ………Equation (3) = total weight (kg) iv. Compare the value of v1 with vf , if v1 < vf then water is called 100% sub-cooled which means no vapor present at this condition. v. Calculate the specific volume at final state (v2) using equation 3. vi. Compare the value of v2 with vf and vg , if vf < v2 < vg , means the wet steam (combination of steam and water) occurs in cylinder. Therefore, the quality (x) is needed to determine. Quality (x) means the ratio between steam water inside the cylinder. Calculation of quality (x) is done using following formula: Quality (x) = Specific volume at final state - Specific volume saturated liquid Specific volume evaporation or x = v2 vfg vf ………Equation (4) 20 vii. Calculate the Internal Energy (u) at final stage. using following formula : U2 = Internal energy, + Quality x saturated liquid U2 = uf Internal energy , Evaporation x + x ufg …..Equation (5) viii. Calculate Total Internal Energy ( U) using following formula : U = total mass x in system U = m (Internal - Internal energy energy at final at initial condition condition) x ( U2 - U1 ) …..Equation (6) Note that internal energy at initial stage is u1 = 0 because no heat is added or no energy transfer during initial stage. ix. Determine the net heat enter to system using equation 2. If ideal gas is used instead of water in the piston cylinder, total internal energy ( U) is given by following formula U = Cv (T2 –T1) where. Cv = specific heat of Ideal gas (kJ/kg) T1 = temperature at initial state. (ºC) T2 = temperature at final state. (ºC) ……Equation (7) 21 By calculating the work done by the system due to the movement of piston and change of internal energy due to temperature rise from initial to final condition, the heat supply to the system could be determined. In both cases, whether use water or atmosphere as working fluid, the friction between cylinder wall and piston is assume to be frictionless. The assumption is based on application of the lubrication oil or grease on cylinder wall. As the summary, 1st Laws of Thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. In other words, 1st Laws of Thermodynamics could be defined as energy entering a system is equal to energy leaving the system. In close system of thermodynamics the kinetic energy and the potential energy is neglected. This is because non-flow process happens in the system. In cylinder-piston assembly analysis, the boundary is moving regarding to piston movement. The movement of piston is due steam pressure cause by heat supply to the working fluid inside the cylinder. As temperature increases, the internal energy of working fluid will also increased. When the internal energy (U) is enough, it will push the piston to lift up. The movement of piston from initial to final condition is called work (W) done by the system or energy leaving from system. Heat supply (Q) to the system is known as energy entering the system. In summarize, energy is supply in form of heat as input to the system. Then the heat will increase the internal energy of working fluid inside the system. When internal energy reaches its point it will lift the piston. The piston movement could be understand as energy leaving from system which in form of work. By calculating the changes of internal energy and work done by piston the heat supply to system could be determined. This would verify the 1st Law of Thermodynamics of closed system which stated that energy entering to system is equal to energy leaving from the system. 22 2.8 Product Development Process A product development process is the sequence of steps or activities which an enterprise employs to conceive, design, and commercialize a product. Many of these steps and activities are intellectual and organizational rather than physical. A design process is the set of technical activities within a product development process that work to meet the marketing and business vision. A concept development process is set of activities include identified market opportunity, generate alternative products concept and evaluate the concept. A concept is a description of the form, function, and features of a product and is usually accompanied by a set of specifications. Figure 2.5 shows the activities comprising the concept development process phase [6]: Figure 2.5 Concept development phase Concept development could be divided into several phases. Each phase is explained as the following. a) Identifying customer needs: The goal of this activity is to understand customer’s needs and to effectively communicate them to the development team. The output of this step is a set of customer need statements, organized in a hierarchical list, with importance weightings for many or all of the needs. b) Product Design Specifications: Specifications provide a description of what a product has to do. They are the translation of the customer needs into technical terms. Targets for the specifications are set early in the process and represent the hopes to the final product. The output of this stage is a list of target specifications. Each specification consists of metric, and marginal and ideal values for that metric. 23 c) Concept generation: The goal of concept generation is to explore the product concepts that may address the customer needs. Concept generation includes a mix of external search, problem solving and systematic exploration of the various solutions in order to fulfill customer needs. The result of this activity is usually a set of design concepts, each typically represented by a sketch and brief descriptive text. d) Concept selection: Concept selection is the activity in which various product concepts are analyzed and sequentially eliminated to identify the most suitable concept. e) Concept testing: One or more concepts then are tested to verify that the customer needs have been met. If the customer response is poor, the development project may be terminated or some earlier activities may be repeated as necessary. f) Setting final specifications: The target specifications set earlier in the process are revisited after a concept has been selected and tested. At this point, the product concept, limitations are identified through technical modeling, and trade-offs between cost and performance. g) Project planning: In this final activity of concept development, the designers creates a detailed development schedule, devises a strategy to minimize development time, and identifies the resources required to complete the project. The major results of the front-end activities can be usefully captured in a contract book which contains the mission statement, the customer needs, the details of the selected concept, the product specifications, the economic analysis of the product, the development schedule, the project staffing, and the budget. 24 2.9 Identifying Customer Needs The process of identifying customer needs is an integral part of the larger product development process and is most closely related to concept generation, concept selection, competitive benchmarking, and the establishment of product specifications. The philosophy behind the method is to create a high-quality information channel that runs directly between customers in the target market and the designers of the product. Identifying customer needs is itself a process which forms in five-step method. The five steps are [7]: 1. Gather raw data from customers. 2. Interpret the raw data in terms of customer needs. 3. Organize the needs into a hierarchy of primary, secondary, and tertiary needs. 4. Establish the relative importance of the needs. 5. Reflect on the results and the process. The key benefits of the applying the 5 methods of identifying customer need are ensuring that the product is focused on customer needs and that no critical customer need is forgotten; developing a clear understanding the needs of the customers, developing a fact base to be used in generating concepts, selecting a product concept and establishing product specifications. As example, Table 2.1 shows the customer needs for suspension fork of mountain bike: Table 2.1: Example of customer needs for the suspension fork No. 1 2 3 4 5 Item Need Imp. The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension Reduces vibration to the hands. Allows easy traversal of slow, difficult Enables high-speed descents on bumpy Allows sensitivity adjustment. Preserves the steering characteristics of 3 2 5 3 4 25 2.10 Product Design Specifications (PDS) The Product Design Specification (PDS) is a very important document in the design process as it contains all the information necessary for designer to successfully produce a solution to the design problem. A PDS splits the problem up into smaller categories to make it easier to consider the problem. The aim of PDS is to help designer to gain an understanding of the nature of the problem so that designer can design a better solution to the problem. But there are other factors to be considered such as materials available, the size of the user, or even the color they customer wants the product to be. The more designer know about the problem, it much easier to produce a final design that works first time and doesn' t require alterations at a later stage. Some of PDS characteristics: i. Splits the problem up into smaller categories to make it easier to consider the problem. ii. The actual or intended customer should be consulted as fully as possible while the PDS is being drawn up as their requirements are importance. iii. Any numeric properties in the PDS should be specified as exactly as possible together with any tolerances allowed on their value. iv. The final document should cover as possible all the requirements that a product must fulfill together with any constraints that may affect the product. Various aspects relating to the product must be considered during PDS preparation. The actual categories can vary, but a typical PDS may consist of the following categories such as customer requirements, appearance, materials, product dimensions, quality, ergonomics, performance, product cost, installation, testing, maintenance, environment, quantity, packaging and transport, legislation, patents and copyright, legal and safety implications, product disposal, documentation and Standards. An example of PDS is given in Appendix B2 . 26 2.11 Engineering Design Process Design decisions made during the early phases of design are especially critical because it have a tremendous impact on total cost of product. Often, high quality design decisions made during early stages of design can equal years of cost reduction and design improvement made after design release. It is therefore imperative that early design decisions be well thought out and carefully made. Design decisions involve initial definition of the product' s design. These decisions are generally made during the engineering design process, which typically involves following design activities [8]: i. Clarify and define product or design requirements. ii. Develop a working principle or physical concept for fulfilling required product functions. iii. Decompose physical concept into subassemblies and components. Determine the geometric arrangement (layout) of components. Establish dimensional relationships between components. iv. Decide which components are standard and which must be designed. v. Select general type of material (e.g., polymer, metal) and basic manufacturing process (e.g., casting, machining) to be used for each designed component, if not already determined. vi. Determine configuration of each designed component. (i.e., size, shape, external and internal geometric features) . vii. Select a specific material and manufacturing process for each designed component. 27 viii. Establish dimensions and tolerances for each designed component. ix. Supply additional dimensions, tolerances, and detailed information required for manufacture and assembly of the components. The process begins by conceiving a physical concept for the product based on customer needs and a product specification and then creating a preliminary layout of the design that embodies the physical concept. This initial phase is often referred to as the conceptual design which is done in concept generation phase 2.12 Concept Generation Concept generations are activities to produce product concepts which are approximately describe the technology, working principles and form of the product. It is a description of how the product will satisfy the customer needs. A design concept is usually expressed as a sketch or as a rough three or two dimensional model. The concept generation process start with a set of customer needs and target specifications and results in a set of product concepts from which the designers will make a final selection. The concept generation normally consists of five steps [9] which are shown in Figure 2.6. 28 Figure 2.6: Five steps of concept generation i. Clarify the problem. Understand the problem and decompose it into simpler sub-problems. ii. Search externally. Gather information from lead users, experts, patents, published literature, and related products. iii. Search internally. Use individual and group methods to retrieve and adapt the knowledge of the team. iv. Explore systematically. Use classification trees and combination tables to organize the thinking of the team and to synthesize solution fragments. v. Reflect on the solutions and the process. Identify opportunities for improvement in subsequent iterations or future projects. 29 An example of concept generation is shown in Figure 2.7. These sketches are being developed during generation the concept of new potato peeler [10]. Figure 2.7: Generation of new concepts of potato peeler 2.13 Concept Selection Concept selection is the process of evaluating concepts with respect to customer needs and other criteria, comparing the relative strengths and weaknesses of the concepts, and selecting one or more concepts for further investigation, testing, or development. The aim of concept selection is to develop the best concept for further product development. Concept selection is often performed in two stages. The first stage is called concept screening and the second stage is called concept scoring. Each is supported by a decision matrix which is used by the designer to rate, rank and select the best concept for further development. 30 2.13.1 Concept Screening Concept screening is based on a method developed by the late Stuart Pugh in the 1980s and is often called Pugh concept selection [9]. The purposes of this stage are to narrow the number of concepts quickly and to improve the concepts. The example of concept screening metric is shown in Table 2.2. Table 2.2: Example of concept Screening Matrix To generate concept screening matrix, six procedures need to be taken which are: i Prepare Selection Matrix ii Rate the Concepts iii Rank the Concepts iv Combine and Improve the Concepts v Select One or More Concepts vi Reflect on the Results 31 Prepare Selection Matrix: To prepare the matrix, the team selects a physical medium appropriate to the problem at hand. Individuals and small groups with a short list of criteria may use table as shown in Table 2.2. Rate the Concepts: A relative score of "better than" (+), "same as" (0), or "worse than" (-) is placed in each cell of the matrix to represent how each concept rates in comparison to the reference concept relative to the particular criterion. It is generally advisable to rate every concept on one criterion before moving to the next criterion Rank the Concepts: The concepts should be ranked. This is accomplished by counting all the (+) as 1 point, (0) as 0 points, and (-) as -1 point. The remaining scores are then ranked with the highest given 1 and ties receiving the same ranking. The positive scores are selected; zero being a positive number, while the negative scores are screened out of the process. Combine and Improve the Concepts: Once the concepts are rated and ranked the results should be checked to see if any concepts received a low ranking due to one bad feature that could be possibly modified to improve the overall concept. If two concepts can be combined than they should be combined into one concept. In the table 2.2, concepts D and F could be combined to remove several of the "worse than” ratings to yield the new concept DF in the section of concept scoring. Concept G could be revised to improve its handling characteristic. Select One or More Concepts: Once the designers satisfied with their rankings they decide which concepts are to be selected for further refinement and analysis. The number of concepts selected is limited to the resources available. In this example, concepts A and E are selected. If too many concepts are selected, then designers must decided whether to begin another round of the Concept Screening process. 32 Reflect on the Results: It is important that designers are comfortable with the outcome. If there is more than one designer in development group, the selected concept shall satisfy all the designer members. 2.13.2 Concept Scoring A concept scoring is a method of prioritizing the concept design. This method uses a weighted sum of the ratings to determine concept ranking. Table 2.3 illustrates an example of scoring matrix use in this stage. Table 2.3: Example of concept scoring matrix table To prepare scoring matrix table, six procedures are need to be follows which are: i Prepare Selection Matrix ii Rate the Concepts iii Rank the Concepts 33 iv Combine and Improve the Concepts v Select One or More Concepts vi Reflect on the Results Prepare Selection Matrix: Selection matrix is prepared by identified a reference concept. As shown in example in Table 2.3, the concept which have been identified for analysis are entered on the top of the matrix table and the selection criterions are listed in left column of the table. After the criteria are entered, the important weight is added. Several different schemes can be used to weight the criteria, such assigning an important value from 1 to 5 or allocating 100 percentage points among them. However for the purpose of concept selection the weight are often determined subjectively by designer referring to customer needs. Rate the Concepts: In the step rating the entire criterion will take part. The concepts now will be rated individually. A rating scale could be from 1 to 5 but rating 1 to 9 may also being used. The example of rating is shown in Table 2.4. Table 2.4: Concept rating Relative Performance Rating Much worse than reference 1 Worse than reference 2 Same as reference 3 Better than reference 4 Much better than reference 5 34 Rank the Concepts: Once the ratings are entered for each concept, weight scores are calculated by multiplying the raw scores by criteria weight. The total score for each concept is the sum of the weight scores. Finally, each concept is given a rank corresponding to its total score. Combine and Improve the Concept: There are possibilities to combine or to improve the concept. The designer should look into the opportunities to combine more than two concepts. Some combinations or improvements opportunity may occur during the concept selection process as the designer realizes the inherent strength and weakness of certain features of the product concepts. Select One or More Concepts: Normally the highest score will be select as final concept. However, based on the selection matrix, the designer may decide to select the top two or more concepts. These concepts may be further developed, prototyped and tested to elicit customer feed back. Reflect on the Result: After the one or two concept is being selected, designer should comfortable that all relevant criteria have been discussed, that the selected concept has the greatest potential to satisfy customers and be economically successful. The success of product development depends on the designers ability to identify the needs of customers and to quickly create products that meet these needs and can be produced at low cost. Product development is the set of activities beginning with the perception of a market opportunity and ending in the production, sale, and delivery of a product. An enterprise must make two important decisions about the way it carries out product development. It must define both a product development process and a product development organization. A product development process is the sequence of steps an enterprise employs to conceive, design, and commercialize a product. A well-defined development process helps to 35 ensure product quality, facilitate coordination among designers, plan the development project, and continuously improve the process. The concept development phase requires tremendous integration across the different functions on the development team. This front-end process includes identifying customer needs, analyzing competitive products, establishing target specifications, generating product concepts, selecting one or more final concepts, setting final specifications, testing the concept, performing an economic analysis, and planning the remaining project activities. The aim of the product development phase is to provide the systematic approach by well organizing all design and development activities, so that the well establishes product could be produced as the end result. 2.14 Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA) Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA) is systematically approach during product designs stage with the goal of reducing manufacture and assembly costs, improving quality and speeding time to market. The word of DFMA is comes from the combination of Design for Manufacture (DFM) and Design for Assembly (DFA. Design for Manufacture (DFM) is a systematic approach that allows engineers to anticipate manufacturing costs early in the design process, even when only rough geometries are available on the product being developed. DFA methodology is a complements of Design for Manufacture (DFM). Engineers use DFA Methodology to reduce the assembly cost of a product by consolidating parts into elegant and multifunctional designs. On the other hand, DFM allows the design engineer quickly to judge the cost of producing the new design and to compare it with the cost of producing the original assembly. Used together, DFM and DFA methodology gives engineers an early cost profile of product designs, providing a basis for planning and decision making. DFMA methodology leads to reduce part count, shorter time-to-market, improved quality through assembly simplification, and lowered overhead. 36 2.15 Overview of Design For Manufacture (DFM) DFM (Design for Manufacturing) can be defined as a practice for designing products, keeping manufacturing in mind. DFM starts by taking a plain sheet of paper and identifying a product’s functional, performance, and other requirements. It utilizes rules of thumb, best practices, and heuristics to design the part. Best practices for a high-quality product design are to minimize the number of parts, create multifunctional in the part, minimize part variations, and create ease of handling. DFM involves meeting the end-user requirements with lower-cost design, less material and quality fulfillment. To effectively design the product, manufacturing knowledge needs to be incorporated into product design. The designer should know how the process and design interact. In general, the real challenge in designing composite products is to develop a good understanding not only of engineering design techniques, but also of processing and material information. The purposes of DFM are to: i. Narrow design choices to optimum design. ii. Minimize product development cycle time and cost iii. Achieve high product quality and reliability iv. Simplify production methods v. Increase the competitiveness of the company vi. Have a quick and smooth transition from the design phase to the production phase vii. Minimize the number of parts and assembly time viii. Eliminate, simplify, and standardize whenever possible 37 The design flow in DFM [11] is shown in Figure 2.8 Figure 2.8: Design flow in DFM 2.16 DFM Methodology As design progress from the conceptual stage to production, the designer would think the manufacturing process that involve. Changes in conceptual design may affect the manufacturing process capability. In fact, there are many manufacturing process that could applied, but selection of the most suitable process become a challenge for the designer or manufacturing engineer. The product could be produce in short time but the investment cost may be higher. In other hand, low manufacturing cost could be applied, as result the product quality could be effect. Therefore, process and material selection is a important part to be carefully determine. To choose the suitable manufacturing process and to select the material, the information on the initial selection material and process should be available. Such information might include: i. Product life volume ii. Permissible tooling expenditure iii. Possible part shape categories and complexity levels iv. Service or environment requirements v. Appearance factors vi. Accuracy factors. 38 The DFM methods may be applied at four stages of the design process: 1. The conceptual design stage: the product shape, design is unknown. 2. Assembly stage: manufacturing methods are unknown. 3. Selection of materials, processes: production processes are unknown. 4. Detail design: detailed manufacturing methods may be investigated. There are various DFM methodologies that had been introduced. Among them are Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFMA, The Lucas DFM methodology, CyberCut, The Nippondenso Method, Feature Based-Gupta & Nau and Taguchi Method. However, the Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFMA is well known and widely applied. 2.17 Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFM Methodology This method developed by Boothroyd and Dewhurst, originated as a design for assembly method but has developed since to include a wider range of activities in the design process. DFA still plays a major role in this method; however, it is the companion DFM methods within DFMA that help judge the contributions of DFA. The following are the stages in the Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFM method: • DFA, with feedback to concept development stage about simplification of product structure. • Selection of materials, processes and early cost estimation. • Detailed design for manufacture, on the best design concept. Once DFA has been applied, an evaluation is carried out to assess part manufacturing difficulties and part cost. The parts are designed and part costs are estimated at early stages using various combinations of processes and materials. A combination suitable for design is chosen and this makes way for a thorough 39 analysis for detailed design. The manufacturing analysis in Boothroyd-Dewhurst is done using process/material compatibility matrix shown in Figure 2.9. Figure 2.9: Compatibility matrix between processes and materials. 40 2.17.1 General Shape Attribute Regarding to Boothroyd-Dewhurst, each process can be analyzed to determine the range of its capabilities in terms of attributes of the part that can be produced. There are eight general shape attributes for material and process selection. The eight general attribute are [12]: 1. Depressions (Depress) are referring to the ability to form grooves in the surfaces of the part. For example is machining, the direction of movement of the tooling onto the work part. 2. Uniform Wall (Uniwall) is referring to uniform wall thickness. 3. Uniform Cross Section (UniSect) is refers to the parts where any cross sections normal to a part axis are identical but excluding draft. 4. Axis of rotation (AxisRot). It refers to parts whose shape can be generated by rotation about a single axis. 5. Regular Cross Section (RegXSec). Cross sections normal to the part’s axis contain a regular pattern such as pipe hose. 6. Captured Cavities (CaptCav) is the ability to form cavities with reentrant surfaces such as bottle. 7. Enclosed (Enclosd) is referring to parts which are hollow and completely enclosed. 8. Draft Free Surfaces (NoDraft) is referring to the capability of producing constant cross sections in the direction of tooling motion. 41 2.17.2 Process Capabilities Each process has it own capabilities and limitations. These capabilities determine whether a process can be used to produce the corresponding part attributes. The knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of the process is very necessary. This knowledge will be used in process and material compatibility matrix. General capability of a range of manufacturing process is given in Appendix B3, while Table 2.5 shows the shape generation capabilities of process. Table 2.5: Shape Generation Capabilities of Processes 42 2.18 DFM Guidelines The main objective of DFM is to minimize the manufacturing information content in the product without sacrificing functional and performance requirements. DFM can also be applied for a product that is already in production or on the market. The main objective here will be to make the product more cost-competitive. Some of the DFM guidelines are: 2.18.1 Design for Ease of Fabrication Select processes compatible with the materials and production volumes. Select materials compatible with production processes and that minimize processing time while meeting functional requirements. Avoid unnecessary part features because they involve extra processing effort and/or more complex tooling. In composite part fabrication, product design cannot be made effective without knowledge of the manufacturing operations. Each manufacturing process has its strengths and weaknesses. The product design should be tailored to reap the benefits of the selected manufacturing process. For example, if close tolerances are required on the inside diameter of a tube, then filament winding is preferred compared to a pultrusion process. The design should be simplified as much as possible because it helps in manufacturing and assembly and thus in cost savings. Workers and others who are dealing with the products can easily understand simplified design. 2.18.2 Design within Process Capabilities Know the production process capabilities of equipment and establish controlled processes. Avoid unnecessarily tight tolerances that are beyond the natural capability of the manufacturing processes. Otherwise, this will require that parts be inspected or screened for acceptability, 43 2.18.3 Simplify the Design and Reduce Parts Number As the number of parts goes up, the total cost of fabricating and assembling the product also will goes up. Automation becomes more difficult and more expensive when more parts are handled and processed. Costs related to purchasing, stocking, and servicing also go down as the number of parts are reduced. Inventory and work-in-process levels will go down with fewer parts. 2.18.4 Standardize and use common parts and materials Use standard and common parts and material will facilitate design activities, to minimize the amount of inventory in the system, and to standardize handling and assembly operations. Common parts will result in lower inventories, reduced costs and higher quality. Operator learning is simplified and there is a greater opportunity for automation as the result of higher production volumes and operation standardization. 2.19 Overview of Design For Assembly (DFA) Design for Assembly (DFA) is a methodology for evaluating part designs and the overall design of an assembly. It is a quantifiable way to identify unnecessary parts in an assembly and to determine assembly times and costs. DFA recognizes the need to analyze both the part design and the whole product for any assembly problems early in the design process. DFA is a simple, structured analysis technique which gives design teams the information they need to reduce product costs by: • Reducing the number of parts. • Simplifying parts handling. • Improving product assembly. 44 Using DFA approach, product engineers assess the cost contribution of each part and then simplify the product concept through part reduction strategies. These strategies involve incorporating as many features into one part as is economically feasible. The outcome of a DFA-based design is a more elegant product with fewer parts that is both functionally efficient and easy to assemble. 2.20 DFA Methodologies DFA methodologies were developed to support the designer by generating feedback on the consequences of design decisions on product assembly. The aim is to help the designer to produce an efficient and economic design. The application of DFA guides the designer towards a product with a minimum number of parts that requires simple, cost-effective assembly operations and the most appropriate manufacturing processes and materials for its components. The three best-known DFA methods are the Boothroyd-Dewhurst System, the Lucas DFA Methodology and the Hitachi Assemblability Evaluation Method. 2.20.1 The Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFA Method The Boothroyd-Dewhurst method provides a quantitative measure called the design efficiency based on analysis of the product. The efficiency compares the total assembly time for a product with the total assembly time for an ideal product. The efficiency can be used to compare various designs in term of their relative efficiency. This method is based on two principles which are: i. Determine the parts whether should be separate from all other parts or combined. ii. Estimation of the handling and assembly time for each part using the appropriate assembly process. 45 Theory of Evaluation The evaluation is done by checking each part by following guidelines such as: i. During operation of the product, does the part move relative to all other parts already assembled. ii. Must the part be of a different material than the parts already assembled. [Only fundamental reasons associated with material properties are acceptable.] iii. Must the part be separate from all parts already assembled (because otherwise necessary assembly/disassembly of other parts would be impossible)? If the answer to any of these questions is YES, the part is necessary part. If answer is NO, then the part is under category un-necessary part and possible to be eliminated. Evaluation Procedure The purpose of evaluation criteria is to obtain design efficiency. Basically, there two evaluation procedures involve. First is to determine the theoretical minimum number based on the three guidelines. Necessary part will be given 1 and un-necessary part will be given 0. The data is entered in column c9 in evaluation table as shown in Table 2.6. 46 Table 2.6 : Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFA Evaluation table The second part is evaluation on handling and insertion for each chart. For this purpose Boothroyd-Dewhurst have develop DFA data tables as given in appendix D and E. Table in Appendix D is data for estimated times for manual handling and table in Appendix E is estimated times for manual insertion. Refer to Table 2.6, data from column c3 and c4 is obtained from table for manual handling code. Table for manual insertion will give data for c5 and c6. Then the cost of the assembly process according to wage rate and overheads is to be determined. The design efficiency or assembly efficiency (AE) is calculated using following equation: AE = 3 x NM / TM where, NM = Theoretical minimum number of part TM = Total operation time Example of calculating design efficiency is given below. Figure 2.10 shows the old design of piston assembly. 47 Figure 2.10: Old design of piston assembly Table 2.7 shows the evaluation of old design piston assembly. Old design efficiency is about 29%. Table 2.7 Evaluation table of old piston assembly 48 Figure 2.11 shows the new design of piston assembly after applied BoothroydDewhurst DFA Methodology. Figure 2.11: New design of piston assembly Table 2.8 shows the evaluation of new design piston assembly. New design efficiency is about 90 %. Table 2.8: Evaluation table of new design piston assembly By applying the Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFA Methodology the design efficiency is increased from 29 % to 90 %. 49 2.20.2 The Hitachi Assemblablility Evaluation Method The Hitachi AEM analyses the motions and operations, called ' assembly operations' , necessary to insert and secure each component of the product. A simple downward motion is considered to be the easiest and fastest assembly operation. Hitachi AEM facilitate design improvement by identifying ‘weakness’ in the early design process by using two indicators, score ratio (E) and cost ratio (K). An assemblability evaluation score ratio (E) used to assess design quality by determining the difficulty of operations. An assembly cost ratio (K) used to project elements of assembly cost. Theory of Evaluation Penalty points are awarded for every motion or operation that differs from, or is in addition to, this simple motion. The procedure begins by entering the motions and operations necessary for assembly onto an AEM form. The form is used to compare the assembly processes to the optimum, and given a penalty from the synthetic assembly data. The Hitachi method offers a number of metrics as its evaluation: assembly time (AT), assemblability evaluation score (E) which is a scale of 0 (infinitely hard to assemble) to 100 (ideal assembly), assembly cost ratio (K) that indicates the cost of a redesign as a ratio of the original cost, and simplicity factor (SF) which is a combination of E and a measure of the design efficiency of an assembly. 50 Evaluation Procedure Evaluation procedure begins by each task is assigned a symbol indicated the content of the task. Each of the element tasks is subject to a penalty score which reflect the degree of difficulty of the task. Figure 2.12 shows the example of the AEM symbols and penalty scores. Figure 2.12: Example of AEM symbols and penalty scores. The sum of the various penalty scores for a part are then modified by attaching coefficient and subtracted from 100 points to give the assemblability evaluation score for the part. Total assemblability evaluation score is then calculated. Score of 80 is acceptable. 51 2.20.3 The Lucas DFA Method The Lucas DFA method was developed in the early 1980' s by the Lucas Corp. in the U.K. The Lucas method is based on a "point scale" which gives a relative measure of assembly difficulty. The method is based on three separate and sequential analyses which known as assembly sequence flowchart (ASF): Theory of Evaluation The three sequential analyses or evaluation procedures by Lucas DFA are a functional analysis, a handling or feeding analysis and a fitting analysis. The method involves the assigning and summing of penalty factors associated with potential design problems with the inclusion of handling (or feeding) as well insertion. These penalty factors are combined with an assembly sequence flow chart to generate three assimilability scores. The three scores; design efficiency, feeding/handling ratio and fitting ratio are generated in three stages of the analysis. Evaluation Procedure At the beginning, all components of an assembly undergo functional analysis. The table for manual handling analysis and manual fitting analysis is shown in Appendix E. In this analysis, the components of the product are reviewed only for their function. The components are divided into two groups. Parts that belong to Group A are those that are deemed to be essential to the product' s function; Group B parts are those that are not essential to the product' s function. Group B functions include fastening, locating, etc. The functional efficiency of the design can be calculated as: Ed = A/(A+B) x 100%, where A is the number of essential components, and B is the number of non-essential components. Typically, a design efficiency of 60% is targeted for initial designs. The next stage is feeding or 52 handling analysis. Similar to the Boothroyd-Dewhurst analysis, both the part handling and insertion times are examined here. In the feeding analysis, the problems associated with the handling of the part are scored using an appropriate table. For each part, the individual feeding index is scored. Generally, the target index for a part is 1.5. If the index is greater than 1.5, the part should be considered for redesign. Overall, all of the product' s components should meet a "feeding ratio" defined as: Feeding Ratio = (Total Feeding Index) / (Number of Essential Components) The total feeding index is the sum of all the indices of all the parts. The number of essential components is the value A from the functional analysis. An ideal feeding ratio is generally taken to be 2.5. The final stage is fitting analysis. The fitting analysis is calculated similarly to the feeding analysis. Again, a fitting index of 1.5 is a goal value for each assembly. However, it should be noted that there is usually greater variance in the fitting indices than in the feeding indices. The fitting ratio is given by: Fitting ratio = (Total Fitting Index) / (Number of Essential Components) Again, an overall fitting ration of 2.5 is desired. 53 2.21 DFA Guidelines Assembly costs can be reduced by following well established DFA guidelines. Components can be redesigned to simplify assembly operations, or components can be eliminated entirely by integrating their functions into other components. Thus, the general DFA guidelines proposed to be applied are: i Minimize part count by incorporating multiple functions into single parts. ii Design parts to be self-locating and self-aligning. iii Standardize components, use common parts. iv Error-proof parts to make incorrect assembly impossible v Minimize the number of parts. vi Minimize the number and variety tools for assembly vii Minimize the number of axes of insertion viii Ensure clear vision and access for all assembly operations ix Minimize the number and complexity of adjustments x Eliminate the need to hold down, clamp or fixture parts xi Eliminate special assembly tools xii Eliminate tangly parts. xiii Prevent nesting of parts. xiv Eliminate fasteners. 54 Figure 2.13 shows the example of application of DFA guidelines during mechanical component. Figure 2.13 Application of DFA guidelines 55 2.21.1 Reduce Part Count and Part Types The needs to reduce part count are to lower material cost, reduced jigs/fixture cost, improved quality, less documentation, small inventories, fewer suppliers, and simplified production control, fewer inspections as well as less rework. The parts could be reduced in such ways: a) Check the need for the part’s existence. b) Eliminate separate fasteners when possible. c) Design multi-functional parts by maximum use of the capabilities manufacturing processes. For example, use near-net shape moulding and possible to reduce part count. d) Eliminate product features that are of no value to the customer. As example, Figure 2.14 shows the part is reduced: Before : Two-component sub-assembly After: Single component Figure 2.14 : Part reduction using DFA guidelines. 56 2.21.2 Eliminate Adjustments Adjustments will require decision making during the assembly operation. The decision making skill is different across operators. Failure to make standard adjustment will cause quality accident. The product probably will not well work properly or may not meet the specifications. Beside that an adjustment may lead to malfunction after some usage by customer. Therefore eliminating the adjustment is necessary to be carry-out. The good design should have not required adjustment after product has been assembled. 2.21.3 Self Locating and Aligning For ease of assembly, the part should be design to be self locating and aligning. Figure 2.15 shows an example designing self locating and aligning parts. Figure 2.15 Self locating and aligning parts 57 2.21.4 Consider Handling Part from Bulk Parts tend to create a mess when mixed in large numbers, but easily handled when alone. Therefore: 1. On parts that mate using interlocking tapers, include features that prevent nesting. 2. On parts with combinations of holes, projections, gaps and cut-outs, there is high probability of tangling. For a close gaps, enlarge projections, use closed-end coil springs. 3. Avoid parts which are fragile or sharp, unless functionally necessary. If necessary, include safe-handling features. 4. Avoid use of flexible parts. If flexible parts are needed, try using those that retain shape when handled. 5. Avoid parts that require special tools for the worker to perform assembly. 58 2.21.5 Consider Ease for Handling In an assembly plant, various parts are kept in separate boxes near the assembly station. Workers pick up those parts and assemble them using adhesive bonding or mechanical fastening or by slip-fit or interference-fit. Avoid using parts such as springs, clips, etc., which are easy to nest and become interlocked. It disrupts the assembly operation and creates irritation for the worker. For smooth assembly operation and ease of handling, parts should not be heavy and should not have many curves, thus reducing the potential for entanglement. To avoid physical fatigue of the worker, part and assembly locations should be easy to access. Parts should be symmetric to minimize handling and aid in orienting. Add features that help guide the part to its desired location. The following suggestions can improve part handling. These suggestions are more applicable for a high-volume production environment. i Minimize handling of parts that are sticky, slippery, fragile, or have sharp corners or edges. ii Keep parts within operator reach iii Avoid situations in which the operator must bend, lift, or walk to get the part. iv Minimize operator movements to get the part. Avoid the need for two hands or additional help to get the part. v Avoid using parts that are easy to nest or entangle. vi Use gravity as an aid for part handling. 59 2.21.6 Eliminate Threaded Fasteners Avoid the use of screws, nuts, bolts, and other fasteners in the product. It is estimated that driving a screw into the product costs almost 6 to 10 times the cost of a screw. The use of fasteners increases inventory costs and add complexity in assembly. Fasteners are used to compensate for dimensional variation, to join two components, or for part disassembly. The use of fasteners creates the potential for a part to become loose during service. Snap-fits are used with plastics or short fiber composite parts and provides ease of assembly. 2.21.7 Minimize Variations, Use Standard Part Part dimensional variations as well as property variation are the major sources of product defects and nonconformities. Try to use standard parts off-theshelf and avoid the use of special parts. Eliminate part variations such as types of bushings or O-rings, seals, screws, or nuts used in one application. The same size would mean the same tool for assembly and disassembly. This guideline aims to reduce part categories and the number of variations in each category, thus providing better inventory control and part interchangeability. 2.21.8 Easy Serviceability and Maintainability Design the product such that it is easy to access for assembly and disassembly. The part should be visible for inspection and have sufficient clearance between adjacent members for scheduled maintenance using wrench, spanner, etc. 60 2.21.9 Minimize Assembly Directions For product assembly, minimize assembly direction. While designing the product, think about the assembly operations needed for various part attachments. It is preferable to use one direction Z-direction assembly operation allows gravity to aid in assembly. A one-direction assembly operation minimizes part movement as well as the need for a separate assembly station. It is better in terms of an ergonomics point of view as well. 2.21.10 Provide Easy Insertion and Alignment When there are more than two parts in a product, the mating parts need to be brought close by performing insertion or alignment. Some guidelines for easy insertion and alignment are: 1. Provide generous tapers, chamfers, and radii for easy insertion and assembly. 2. Provide self-locating and self-aligning features where possible. 3. Avoid hindrance and obstruction for accessing mating parts. 4. Avoid excessive force for part alignment. 5. Design parts to maintain location. 6. Avoid restricted vision for part insertion or alignment. DFMA is a tool for product design and development. The advantages are ready to designer who applying DFMA methodology in their design stage. DFMA could be applied at any design stage. However, for better result, DFMA is strongly recommended to be start simultaneously during any stage of product design. DFMA will simplify the product design without sacrifice the product function and quality. The product components will be reduced by adapting DFMA methodology. In term of cost, reducing product component will be rewarding with saving overall product cost. Therefore, implementing the DFMA is a great opportunity that needs not to be ignored. The DFMA methodology provides guidance during designing product 61 which end target is to simplify and minimizing product component as well as minimizing overall product cost. 2.22 Summary A review of 1st Law of Thermodynamics, product development process and Design For Manufacture and Assemble are essential to be carried-out before commencing any development works. Reviews done will give further information about the apparatus, and ensuring all problems are identified. A product development process, gives guidance on strategy and approach that should be performs during development works. Meanwhile, Design For Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA) is a value added in product development process by improving overall design concept. Combination between product development method and DFMA methodology promising a systematic and well arrange able procedure. Finally, development a product is challenging work to need to carefully to be carried-out. In order to minimize the failure, in turn to increase product success, the methodology that been used must be identify and clearly understood. CHAPTER 3 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 3.1 Introduction The developed apparatus is one unit portable experimental apparatus for demonstrating 1st Law of Thermodynamics closed system. The apparatus is targeted to be used by undergraduate students who are taking thermodynamics subject for the first time. Students will use this apparatus as a part of their laboratory experiment. The apparatus will help student to understand the theory of the 1st Law of Thermodynamics which are the basic knowledge in thermodynamics studies. The idea to develop this experimental apparatus is proposed by one of the lecturer who involve in teaching the thermodynamics subject. Based on his teaching experience, the performance of students taken Thermodynamics subject is below expectation. One of the factors contributing to this problem is the student did not really under stand the 1st Law of Thermodynamics. The 1st Law of Thermodynamics is a first topic in Thermodynamics that need to be well understood. Students who are not well understood this topic will be omitted. They will also face difficulties to understand the next topics. Therefore, one of the approaches to overcome this problem is to enrich their understanding by providing them with an experiment apparatus. Combination of theory and practical will directly enhance the teaching and learning session. Beside, it also promotes student interest toward the subject. 63 3.2 User Requirements It is important to consider all user requirements in order to develop successful experimental apparatus. Based on conducted interview session, requirements for this apparatus summarized as the followings: i. The apparatus must be able to clearly demonstrate the 1st Law of thermodynamics closed system. ii. May use water or atmosphere air as working fluid. iii. Provide a heat source. iv. Preferred piston cylinder assembly. v. Simple design and low cost. vi. Ease to operate or User friendly. vii. Ease to measure the data. viii. Ease of handling. ix. The apparatus must be able measure temperature. x. The apparatus must portable type and can be move to lecture theater. xi. Lightweight. xii. Safety. xiii. Attractive. 64 3.3 Prepare Product Design Specification Based on the above user requirements, the product design specification is being prepared as shown in Table 3.1. Table 3.1: Product Specification No. Matrix Specification 1. Weight Not more than 10kg 2. Safety Provide heat insulation 3. Attractive Apparatus cover with stainless sheet 4. Cylinder Maximum diameter 15 cm, material cast iron. standard part 5. Piston Suitable to the cylinder, material cast iron. Standard part 6. Temperature Digital temperature sensor, reading range 10°C ~ 200 °C. Standard part 7. Displacement 0.5 meter Ruler with adequate indicator reading 8. Cost Not more than RM 1500 9. Source of heat Portable gas stove 10. Portable Could be easily move. 65 3.4 Concept Generation Four design concepts sketching had been developed. The concept’s sketches are based on the user requirements. The sketch and description of each concept are shown as following. 3.4.1 Concept No. 1 Figure 3.1 shows the design concept no. 1. Figure 3.1: Design Concept No. 1 66 Concept Description The first design concept consists of piston-cylinder assembly, which is vertically arranged. Water will be supplied through inlet valve which is positioned at the left side of the cylinder. At the bottom of cylinder there is an outlet valve to drain out the water if the apparatus is not being used for a period of time. Temperature sensor and Pressure Transmitter are being installed to cylinder using screw threaded to prevent water and pressure leakage. On the left side of the apparatus there is transparent level indicator for monitoring water level. At the bottom of the cylinder, there is electric heat for the heating purpose. At the cylinder there is a stopper positioned at the top and the bottom inside the cylinder wall. The purpose of these stoppers is to limit the piston movement, so the piston will not fall outside of the cylinder. A rod is connected to the piston. The rod is called a connecting rod. At the top of the connecting rod there is an indicator, which is directed to the ruler for measuring displacement. Lastly, the base and the frame are being installed to hold and to balance the apparatus. . To demonstrate the 1st Law of Thermodynamics, firstly the water or gas must be supplied to the cylinder through the inlet valve. If water is used, the weight of the water is measured before it is supplied to the cylinder. Then, the initial temperature inside the cylinder and the initial position of the piston is measured and recorded using temperature sensor and ruler respectively. Then heat is supplied to the system using a heater. After few minutes, the piston will move up. Once the piston move up quickly shut-off the heater. The piston will move up and will stop at a new position. At this new position, record the temperature and the new piston distance. Movement of the piston from initial position to the final position means that the work is done by system to lift the piston. The work done is resulted from changes of internal energy of working fluid due to the heat supplied to the system. 67 The Advantage and Disadvantage The advantages of concept design No. 1 are i. The temperature could be easily recorded. ii. The piston movement could be easily recorded. iii. Easy to supply heat to system. iv. Easy to operate. The disadvantages are: i. Need to provide seven holes to the cylinder wall. More holes will consume more machining time. Assembly time also will increase because need to assemble 7 plugs to the cylinder. ii. Burn heater is difficult to replace for maintenance. iii. Possibility of leaking at the heater assembly. 68 3.4.2 Concept No. 2. Figure 3.2 shows the design concept no. 2 . Figure 3.2 Design concepts No. 2. Concept Description The design concept No. 2 consists of two separate components that are piston-cylinder assembly and the chamber assembly. Instead of supplying water directly to the cylinder, it is supplied and heated in the chamber assembly unit. An outlet valve located at the side of the cylinder is used to drain out the water. There also an inlet valve connected to the temperature and pressure sensor. For piston cylinder assembly, the design is as concept No. 1. The portable gas stove burner is introduced in concept no. 2 to replace the heater as a heat source. A hose is used to 69 connect between chamber and cylinder. There are one inlet and outlet at the chamber assembly. The frame and base function is to stabilize the piston-cylinder position. To demonstrate the 1st Law of Thermodynamics, the water is being supplied to the chamber unit and being heat up using portable gas stove. Continuous heat supply will increase the internal energy of the water. The internal energy then changes water into wet steam inside the chamber. The wet steam then supplied to piston-cylinder through a hose connection. The wet steam will accumulate inside the cylinder until it has enough energy to push up the piston. Once the piston move, the work is done by system. The work done is resulted from changes of internal energy of working fluid due to the heat supply to the system. The Advantage and Disadvantage The advantages of concept design No. 2 are i. The temperature could be easily recorded. ii. The piston movement could be easily recorded. iii. One inlet for temperature sensor and pressure sensor. iv. Separate unit and ease to maintenance. v. Only 3 holes on the cylinder compare to design no. 1 The disadvantages are: i. More complicated than concept no. 1. ii. Consume large working space. iii. Consist from many components, therefore will increase assembly time. iv. Cost will increase due to many components 70 3.4.3 Concept No. 3 Figure 3.3 shows the design concept no. 3 . Figure 3.3 Design concepts No. 3. Concept Description The design concept No. 3 consists of two main components, which are cylinder and piston assembly. The heat source is gained from the portable gas stove burner. Piston cylinder is arranged vertically. There are two holes at the cylinder, first for water inlet together with the temperature and pressure sensor. The pressure sensor could be replaced with the pressure gauge as an option. In piston assembly, the indicator is connected to the ruler for measuring piston displacement. The frame and base function is to stabilize the piston-cylinder position. 71 Procedure to demonstrate the 1st Law of Thermodynamics is similar to the concept no. 1. The change is only using portable gas stove burner instead of electric heater. The Advantage and disadvantage The advantages of concept design No. 3 are i. The temperature could be easily recorded. ii. Simple design. iii. The piston movement could be easily recorded. iv. Easy to supply heat to system. v. Easy to operate. vi. Easy to maintenance. vii. Only need to drill two holes on cylinder. The disadvantages are: i. Need external gas stove burner to obtain heat supply to system. 72 3.4.4 Concept No. 4. Figure 3.4 shows the design concept no. 4 . Figure 3.4 : Design concepts No. 4. Concept Description The design concept No. 4 consists of piston-cylinder assembly which horizontally arranged. Water will be supplied through the inlet valve which is positioned at the right side of the cylinder. Similar method to be applied if air is used as working fluid. There is outlet valve to drain out the water if this apparatus is not to be used for a long period of time. Temperature sensor and Pressure Transmitter is being installed to cylinder using thread to prevent leakage. The portable gas stove burner is used for heating purpose. An indicator is connected to a connecting rod for measuring the displacement of the piston. Lastly, the base and the frame are used to hold and balance the apparatus. . 73 To demonstrate the 1st Law of Thermodynamics, water or gas must be supplied to the cylinder through the inlet valve. If water is used, measure the weight of the water, but not necessary for atmosphere air. The initial temperature inside the cylinder then is recorded. The initial position of the piston is recorded using indicator. Heat is supplied to the system using portable gas stove burner. Within minutes, the piston will move to left side. Once the piston begin move to the left side quickly shut-of the heater. The piston will move, and then will stop at new position. At this new position, record the temperature and the new piston distance. The movement of the piston from initial position to the final position means that the work is done by system. The work done is resulted from changes of internal energy of working fluid due to the heat supply to the system. The Advantage and disadvantage The advantages of concept design No. 4 are i. The temperature could be easily recorded. ii. The piston movement could be easily recorded. iii. Easy to supply heat to system. iv. Easy to operate. The disadvantages are: i. Need to drill 3 holes on cylinder. ii. Possibility of leaking because horizontal arrangement. 74 3.5 Selection Criteria Other than the needs of technical product specification, a user requirement which cannot be interpreted into technical term or translated into measurable quantity is important things. The user requirements in this category could be define as the features that will make user feel happy and comfortable to use it. Therefore, based on the user requirements, several selection criteria are identified. The selection criteria then are to be arranged started with the most important requirement and then followed by others. Selection criteria under consideration are summarized as the followings: 3.5.1 i. Ease of handling ii. Low cost iii. Safety to use iv. Ease of manufacture v. Lightweight vi. Portability vii. Ease of maintenance Ease of Handling The most important criteria in experimental apparatus which required by user is ease of handling. In other word, ease of handling could be defined as user friendly. One of the factors contributing to ease of handling is to simplify the design. For example, user will find that the apparatus is ease to handle if there is no much complicated features such as setting buttons. Ease of handling also means that, the customer could become familiar to operate the apparatus within short period of the time. Some apparatus is easily operated so that the users need no instruction manual in order to handle them. Ease of handling is the one of user requirements which could influences user decision making during product selection. 75 3.5.2 Low Cost The user tends to buy product at reasonable price. Therefore, any product development will face the problems if they are not capable to meet this requirement. The product cost should come along with the product quality. However, lowering product cost didn’t mean sacrificing product quality. Most of the user will not tolerate in quality issues. Thus, development of this experimental apparatus will consider the product cost as well as product function and quality to satisfy the user. The end target is to provide the reliable apparatus at affordable cost. 3.5.3 Safety Any kinds of apparatus or product, users are very concern about the safety issues. The development of this experimental apparatus will not compromise to the any safety issues. As priority, any part of this experimental apparatus design shall not harmful or potentially dangerous to the user. The entire hot surface will be fully insulated. All the potentially dangerous part are taken care, so that the risk for accidents as minimum as possible. 3.5.4 Ease of Manufacture Complicated apparatus or product normally needs to undergo various manufacturing process. The cost will increase if it requires special manufacturing process to fabricate the apparatus. To avoid unnecessary cost, users require a product which could be produce using common manufacturing process. Therefore development of this experimental apparatus will consider all the manufacturing aspect for ease of manufacturing. 76 3.5.5 Lightweight Mobility or portability is one of user requirements into this experimental apparatus. Therefore, the experimental apparatus need to be light weight as possible. By having lightweight apparatus, handling and operation will become easier. In addition, the apparatus could be easily to relocate from one location to other location. . 3.5.6 Portability To maximize the benefit gain from the experimental apparatus, developed apparatus should be easily removed whether in laboratory or in lecturer theater. Relocating the apparatus is expected to be done only by one person. The apparatus also expected to be easily operated in different location. 3.5.7 Ease of Maintenance After the apparatus have been used for some period of time, service and maintenance is need to be done. This to ensure the apparatus performance is satisfy and as well as to minimize repair cost. Therefore, user has put the maintenance factor as one of their requirements. Product or apparatus which come with ease of maintenance will have great advantage to be acceptable. 77 3.6 Concept Screening Based on the selection criteria provided by the user, the concept screening matrix had been develop to narrow the number of designs quickly. Concept screening uses a reference concept to evaluate variants against selection criteria and narrow the range of concepts under consideration. During screening process, design concept is being rated using code ' +'for better than, ' 0'same as and ' -' for worse than. The selection criteria are listed along the left hand side of the screening matrix. Table 3.2 shows screening matrix used during this stage. For the comparison purpose, the design concept No. 1 is chosen as the references. Table 3.2 Screening matrix Concepts Selection Criteria 1/ref. 2 3 4 Ease of handling 0 - 0 - Low cost 0 - + + Safety to use 0 0 0 0 Ease of manufacture 0 - + 0 Lightweight 0 - 0 0 Portability 0 - 0 0 Ease of maintenance 0 - + - Sum +’s 0 0 3 1 Sum 0’s 7 1 4 4 Sum –‘s 0 6 0 2 Net score 0 -6 3 -1 Rank 2 4 1 3 Yes No Yes No Continue? Based on the screening matrix, the design concept 3 gives the highest score among the other four design concept. Next score is design concept 1. Therefore design concept 3 and design concept 1 is selected for further evaluation and assessment. 78 3.7 Concept Scoring Concept scoring was a next process for evaluation and assessment of design concept. Concept scoring use weighted selection criteria and a finer rating scale. The weight for selection is being decided by designer refers to the priority of the user requirements. The rating for relative performance for each criterion is done by assigning the code as show in Table 3.3. Table 3.3: Relative performance rating Relative Performance Rating Much worse than reference 1 Worse than reference 2 Same as reference 3 Better than reference 4 Much better than reference 5 79 Table 3.4 shows the concept scoring matrix that had been done using relative performance rating. Table 3.4: Concept scoring matrix Concept 1/reference Selection Weighted 3 Weighted Weight Rating 20% 3 0.6 3 0.6 Low cost 20% 3 0.6 4 0.8 Safety to use 15% 3 0.45 4 0.6 15% 3 0.45 4 0.6 Lightweight 10% 3 0.3 3 0.3 Portability 10% 3 0.3 3 0.3 10% 3 0.3 4 0.4 Criteria Ease of handling Ease of manufacture Ease of maintenance score Rating score Total score 3.00 3.60 Rank 2 1 Continue No Develop Based on the scoring matrix, the highest score is achieved by the concept 3 compare to concept 1. Therefore, further design development is based on design concept 3. 80 3.8 Final Concept Selection The result obtained from concept screening and concept scoring show that, the most potential concept to be developed is design concept 3. Although, concept 3 is selected, it didn’t means other concept is totally been eliminated. If there is possibility to combine the features from other concept it can be done. However, the concept combination could be done if there are relevant justifications such as improving or producing better apparatus. The selected concept design 3 is again shown in Figure 3.5. Figure 3.5: Final design concept. 81 3.9 Summary Selection of the suitable design concept is one of the challenging tasks during design and development activities. The generation of several design concepts is needed to be carried out before chosen one of the concept for further development. Generation of the design concepts is based on the Product Design Specification which is being prepared based on customer or user requirements. Generating several design concepts will provide different mechanism and characteristics. In order to select the suitable design concept that fulfills user requirements, concept screening and concept scoring is applied to select the most suitable design concept. Quickly narrow the design concept is done by concept screening, while for finer selection the concept scoring method was used. Four design concepts had been generated and undergone evaluation process. During concept screening, comparison among the design concept is done base on the design concept 1 which are set as reference design. Base on concept screening evaluation and assessment, the highest score are obtained from design concept 1 and concept 3. Therefore, concept 1 and concept 3 then selected for evaluation using concept scoring method. Concept scoring method evaluation is done by preparing concept scoring matrix. At this stage, design concept 1 and design concept 3 is evaluated again by given weighted to selection criteria using relative performance rating. As the end result, the highest score is obtained from design concept 3. Therefore, design concept 3 is selected for further development. CHAPTER 4 DESIGN FOR MANUFACTURE AND ASSEMBLY (DFMA) ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction The analysis of the developed apparatus is done using Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFMA Methodology. This method had been selected because this method is well documented and mostly used by the industry. Beside that, much information about Boothroyd-Dewhurst is available compared to the others methodology. DFMA is applied after the design concept is being chosen. Evaluation in DFMA analysis required in preparing product drawing for further analysis. Thus, several drawing have been generated that based on the design concept no. 3. The Design for Assembly (DFA) is done in order to obtain design efficiency. The Design for Manufacture (DFM) analysis is done after DFA. The purposes of DFM analysis to appropriate select the material and manufacturing process. 83 4.2 Product Structure and Parts Quantity The apparatus consists of 13 parts, which includes two sub assemblies, piston and cylinder sub-assemblies. The product structure is given in Figure 4.1. Experimental Apparatus Piston (1) Connecting rod (1) Piston Pin (1) Cylinder (1) Piston Ring (3) Indicator (1) 3-ways Connector Top (2) Thermometer (1) Outlet Valve (1) 3-ways Connector Bottom (2) Single connector (1) L-connector (1) Pressure Gauge (1) Figure 4.1: Product structure Inlet Valve (1) 84 4.2.1 Assembly Drawing The assembly drawing for the selected final design concept is shown in Figure 4.2. Assembly drawing of apparatus with stand Assembly drawing of apparatus without stand Figure 4.2: Assembly drawing of final design concept Based on selected final design concept, the experimental apparatus consist of cylinder and piston assembly. The inlet and outlet for the working fluid had been design on the cylinder. The DFMA analysis is done only to the piston-cylinder apparatus which are the main focus of the design. 85 4.2.2 Exploded Drawing To perform DFMA evaluation and analysis, exploded drawing for the pistoncylinder assembly had been prepared as shown in Figure 4.3. 1. Cylinder (1) 2. Piston (1) 3. Piston pin (1) 4. Piston ring (3) 5. Connecting rod (1) 6. Indicator (1) 7. 3-way connector (2) 8. Inlet valve (1) 9. Single connector (1) 10. L-connector (1) 11. Pressure gauge (1) 12. Thermometer (1) 13. Outlet Valve (1) Figure 4.3: Exploded drawing of final design concept 86 4.2.3 Bill of Materials (BOM) A Bill of Materials (BOM) describes a product in terms of its assemblies, sub-assemblies and basic parts. Basically consisting of a list of parts, a BOM is an essential part of the design and manufacture of any product. A bill of material can define products as they are designed, as they are manufactured, as they are ordered, as they are built, or as they are maintained. There are different types of bills of material dependent upon the discipline that generates them and the purpose for which they are intended. Table 4.1, shows the Bill of Material for developed apparatus. Table 4.1: Bil of material of developed apparatus. Part Part Description Qty Material Make/ Buy ID A1 B1 Cylinder Piston 1 1 Carbon steel Aluminum Alloy • Purchase • Modify • Purchase • Modify B4 Piston pin 1 Aluminum • Purchase B3 Piston ring 3 N/A • Purchase B2 Connecting rod 1 Aluminum • Fabricate B5 Indicator 1 Aluminum • Fabricate A2 3-way connector 2 1” Stainless steel • Purchase A7 Inlet valve 1 1” Stainless steel • Purchase A6 Single connector 1 1” Stainless steel • Purchase A8 L-connector 1 1” Stainless steel • Purchase A9 Pressure gauge 1 N/A • Purchase A4 Thermometer 1 N/A • Purchase A5 Outlet Valve 1 1” Stainless steel • Purchase C1 Base support 1 Mild Steel • Fabricate 87 4.2.4 Part Functions and Critics Table 4.2 shows the function and critique of each part: Table 4.2: Part functions No. Part Function 1. To allow piston slide up-down. Theoretically necessary part since this is main body. Cylinder 2. To be fitted inside the cylinder. Pressure is exerted on the cylinder surface. Theoretically necessary part because moveable part. Piston 3. To attach the piston to connecting rod. Theoretically Piston Pin necessary maintenance reason. part because for 88 Table 4.2: Part functions (continued) No. Part 4. Function To prevent leakage between piston and cylinder. Theoretically necessary part because different material and working in pressurize condition. Piston Ring 5. To hold the piston inside cylinder. Theoretically necessary part because moveable part and must be separate for reason of assembly. Connecting Rod 6. To point to the ruler. Theoretically necessary part for ease of linear displacement measurement Indicator 7. To connect to cylinder and to allow inlet for working fluid. Theoretically necessary part because must be 3-ways connector separate for reason of assembly. 89 Table 4.2: Part functions (continued) 8. As inlet of working fluid. Theoretically necessary part because for reason of operation. Inlet valve To connect to 3 ways connector and L-connector 9. for pressure measurement. Theoretically necessary part because for pressure Single Connector 10. measurement purpose. To connect to pressure gauge Theoretically necessary part because for pressure measurement purpose. L-connector 11. To measure the pressure inside cylinder. Theoretically necessary part because for purpose of pressure measurement. Pressure Gauge 12. To measure the temperature inside cylinder. Theoretically necessary part because for purpose of temperature measurement. Thermometer 90 Table 4.2: Part functions (continued) 13. As inlet of working fluid. Theoretically necessary part because for reason of operation. Outlet Valve 4.3 Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFM Analysis The DFM analysis and evaluation were conducted by using Boothroyd Dewhurst DFMA methodology. By applying DFM methodology, material and process selection could be properly determine. As the end result DFM analysis will provide the several suitable processes regarding to the selected material. DFM analysis of the developed apparatus is only done to the cylinder part. The other parts are assumed as standard part and being purchase. Regarding to Boothroyd Dewhurst DFM Methodology, two categories of the product needed to be evaluated. Firstly, the shape attributes and secondly the material requirement. Table 4.3 shows cylinder data for DFM evaluation purpose. 91 Table 4.3: Shape attributes and material requirement data for cylinder 1. Part name : Cylinder 2. Shape attributes : i. Depressions Yes ii. Uniform wall Yes iii. Uniform Cross section Yes iv. Axis of rotation Yes v. Yes Regular cross section vi. Captured cavity No vii. Enclosed cavity Yes viii. No draft Yes 3. Material requirement : i. Expose directly to flame. ii. Excellent heat transfer. The DFM analysis is done by preparing the process elimination table proposed by Boothroyd-Dewhurst. The elimination process is done on the table by carry out analysis in sequence of shape attributes and material requirements. Table 4.4 shows the process elimination table for the cylinder. 92 Sand Casting Investment Casting Die Casting Injection Molding Structural Foam Molding Blow Molding (Ext.) Blow Molding (Inj.) Rotational Molding Thermoset Refraction Metals Thermoplastics Nickel and Alloys Zinc and Alloys Magnesium and Alloys Titanium and Alloys Stainless Steel Aluminum and Alloys Copper and Alloys Alloy Steel Cast Iron Carbon Steel Table 4.4: Process elimination for cylinder Solidification Processes Impact Extrusion Cold Heading Closed Die Forging Powder Metal Parts Hot Extrusion Rotary Swaging Bulk Deformation Processes Machining (From Stock) ECM EDM Material Removal Processes Wire EDM Profiling Sheet Metal (Stamp/bend) Thermoforming Metal Spinning not applicable; Sheet Metal Processing normal practice; less common. 93 The result shows that, there are three materials that suitable for cylinder which is carbon steel, alloy steel and stainless steel. Chosen one of this material should be done in terms of the cost involve. Regarding to low cost requirement by user, carbon steel should come as priority to be selected compare to another two materials. Refer to the manufacturing processes in the left column; clearly show that machining process is the suitable manufacturing method to produce the cylinder which made from carbon steel. Hot extrusion process is not selected because the process is less common due to the bigger diameter of the cylinder, which can give high tendency size deform during extrusion process. 4.4 Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFA Analysis The DFA analysis and evaluation was conducted by using Boothroyd Dewhurst DFMA methodology. By applying DFA methodology three quantitative outputs will be generated which are assembly time, assembly cost and assembly efficiency. The design efficiency or assembly efficiency is the end result of the DFA analysis that can be used to compare various designs in terms of their relative efficiencies for manual assembly. The DFA analysis and evaluation of begin with determination of alpha ( ) and beta ( ) angle of each part of developed apparatus as shown in Table 4.5. 94 Table 4.5: Alpha ( ) and beta ( ) angle for each part No. Part Alpha ( º) Beta ( °) º+ 1 Cylinder 360 360 720 2 Piston 360 180 540 3 Piston pin 180 180 360 4 Piston ring 180 0 180 5 Connecting rod 360 180 540 6 Indicator 360 180 540 7 3-way connector 180 180 360 8 Inlet valve 360 0 360 9 Single connector 180 180 360 10 L-connector 360 360 720 11 Pressure gauge 360 0 360 12 Temperature sensor 360 360 720 13 Outlet Valve 360 0 360 ° The analysis of manual handling will based on the difficulty of grasp and manipulates the parts. The apparatus cylinder weight is assumed more that 10 lb and piston weight is assumed less than 10lb. Both parts are large in size. Therefore, for the purpose of handling the cylinder and piston need to use two hands. In manual insertion analysis, the several parts had use screw-thread for the purpose of assemble. Therefore the parts need to be screwed immediately after insertion. The use of thread instead of snap fit is to prevent pressure leakage. In addition, all the part for the apparatus is made from metallic material. The metal is used because the apparatus will be exposed to heat during operation. The parts that need to be screwing during insertion are 3-ways connector, inlet/outlet valve, single connector, L-connector, pressure gauge and thermometer. For cost estimation purpose, assume that operator wages is RM 2 per hour. Table 4.6 shows the table computation of Design Efficiency of the apparatus. Note that, C3 and C4 are columns for evaluation of manual handling and C5 and C6 is for evaluation of manual insertion. The data is obtained from table provided by Boothroyd-Dewhurst as in appendix ‘C’ and ‘D’. 95 Table 4.6: Computation Design Efficiency of apparatus C7 C8 C9 Operator rate : RM2/hr = 4 00 1.5 5.5 0.33 1 Cylinder 2 1 91 3 00 1.5 4.5 0.27 1 Piston 3 1 10 1.5 00 1.5 3.0 0.18 0 Piston pin 4 3 00 1.13 30 2 6.26 0.38 1 Piston ring 5 1 20 1.8 00 1.5 3.3 0.20 1 Connecting rod 6 1 20 1.8 00 1.5 3.3 0.20 1 Indicator 7 2 10 1.5 38 6 15 0.90 1 3-way connector 8 1 10 1.5 38 6 7.5 0.45 1 Inlet valve 9 1 10 1.5 38 6 7.5 0.45 1 Single connector 10 1 30 1.95 38 6 7.95 0.48 1 L-connector 11 1 10 1.5 38 6 7.5 0.45 1 Pressure gauge 12 1 30 1.95 38 6 7.95 0.48 1 Temp.sensor 13 1 10 1.5 38 6 7.5 0.45 1 Outlet Valve C2(C4+C6) 95 Operation time 1 No. of parts 1 Part ID Theoretical min. parts C6 Operation cost 0.06C7 C5 Insertion time per part C4 Manual insertion code C3 Handling time per part C2 Manual handling code C1 0.06c/s Name of assembly: Piston Cylinder apparatus Design Efficiency 16 86.76 5.22 = 12 3NM/TM = (3x12)/86.76 = 0.415 @ 41.5% TM CM NM DE = 41.5% Result from Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFA analysis shows that total operation times about 86.76 second, operation cost to assemble one unit of apparatus is about 5.22 cent and design efficiency or assemble efficiency is about 41.5 percent. 96 4.5 Apparatus Animation An animation of the apparatus is done purposely to illustrate apparatus operation. A simple animation is prepared using animation software called Macromedia Flash MX. Figure 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7 shows four steps of animation picture taken from Macromedia Flash MX. Figure 4.4 Step 1, piston at rest position Figure 4.5 Step 2, piston start lift-up Figure 4.6 Step 3, piston still lifting Figure 4.7 Step 4, piston reach to final position. 97 4.6 Summary In Design For Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA) analysis, the first task is to prepare the drawing of final design concept. Two types of drawing that had been prepared which are assembly drawing and exploded drawing. Assembly drawing shows the overall product features that assembly in one complete unit. The separated part of the apparatus is shown by the exploded drawing. Next task is to determine the functions of each part. Together with the critics of each part, the theoretical necessary part is identified. Product structure had been prepared in order to group the part into it subassembly. To obtain product design efficiency, Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFA methodology had been applied. The result shows the design efficiency for developed apparatus is about 41.5 percent. Material and process selection is done based on Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFM Methodology. The DFM analysis and evaluation is done to cylinder part as a sample. The material selections for remaining parts are followed similar procedure. Result from DFM evaluation process show that suitable material for cylinder is carbon steel and proposed manufacturing process is machining process. CHAPTER 5 FABRICATION AND ASSEMBLY 5.1 Introduction This chapter describe on material preparation and fabrication work of the apparatus. Fabrication is a process where the prototype is being fabricate and prepared physically. Fabrication processes is done in work shop. In order to systematically fabricate the developed apparatus the fabrication works are divided into 3 major phases. Each phase will carry-out different fabrication work. For an example in phase one, fabrication work is focused in the main body of the apparatus which are cylinder-liner, piston and cover. The fabrication processes that involve in each phase will be explained in detail with the series of photographs. The first two phases will describe more on the fabrication process and the last phase will focus on the assembly of the cylinder to base support, cover assembly and finishing works. 99 5.2 Development - Phase 1 The development in this phase involves the fabrication and acquisition main apparatus components such as: i. Cylinder-liner ii. Piston iii. Cover for cylinder liner Material selection and preparation is done regarding the DFM analysis for example material for piston is aluminum alloy and material for cylinder-liner is carbon steel. 5.2.1 Cylinder Liner The most important component in the developed apparatus is a cylinder linear as shows in figure 5.1. Figure 5.1: Cylinder Liner 100 Cylinder-liner is made from cast steel. As a standard component in automotive the cylinder-liner can be found easily in the automotive workshop at standard size. A cylinder-liner that used in this project is not being fabricated but purchased from automotive store. Inside diameter of cylinder is 10.87 cm and outside diameter is 13 cm. Therefore cylinder-liner thickness is about 1 cm. The height of cylinder-liner is about 38.4 cm. The flow chart for cylinder-liner manufacturing process is shows in figure 5.2 Figure 5.2 Flow Chart of Cylinder Liner Fabrication Process Refer to figure 5.2, the cylinder-liner is produced using centrifugal casting operation, and then heat treated. Machining operations are then performed on the liner, i.e., rough turning of outer diameter (OD), turning of external features to manufacturer specifications, and rough boring of liner inner diameter (ID). Lastly, finishing is done by boring and honing the cylinder liner wall surface. 101 5.2.2 Piston A piston is described as a sliding piece moved by or moving against fluid pressure which usually consists of a short cylinder fitting within a cylindrical liner along which it can moves back and forth. Figure 5.3 shows the piston that used in this project. Figure 5.3: The Piston The piston is made from aluminum alloy. There are two ways to produce the piston which are die casting and forging. Die casting process requires the melting of a special high silicon alloy in an electric furnace with extremely closely controlled temperature. The molten alloy is then poured into a multi-piece die producing a very accurate shape piston casting. The casting die is manufactured so that when the metal has solidified the various pieces of the die can be extracted one by one. This means that undercuts and relief can be produced in the casting to reduce the piston weight. The forging process requires material to be brought in at closely controlled diameters; this is then cut to billet size and all cut faces are machined to a smooth finish. 102 The billet is pre-heated in an air-circulating furnace to a temperature quite close to the operating temperature of the piston crown when the engine is operating at full power. This temperature is critical and cannot be disclosed. This together with tightly controlled speed of the forging process gives a dense and very fine grain structure to the forging. After forging, any excess material is removed and the forgings are then heat-treated followed by wet blast cleaning. In this project, piston is purchased as standard part which suit to cylinderliner. In order to use piston in apparatus, a modification is made to piston. The piston is cut at back face (hole for connecting rod pin) to reduce it height. The cutting process of piston is done using cutting jaw. Figure 5.4 shows the piston after the modification. This modification take part is to provide maximum travel distance of piston inside cylinder liner. Figure 5.4: Piston after the modification 103 5.2.3 Cylinder Liner Cover The aluminum sheet is use for preparing cylinder liner cover. The cover is prepared in over to cover the cylinder body which are originally black color. Beside that cover also covered the insulation layer which are located between cylinder liner external wall and the cover it self. The cover is made manually using conventional sheet metal process. The material is aluminum sheet metal which need to cut regarding to cylinder liner circumference and insulation layer. Figure 5.5 shows aluminum sheet metal before and after undergone cutting and forming process. Figure 5.5: Aluminum sheet 5.3 Development – Phase 2 The development in phase two involves the fabrication the components such as: i. Base support ii. Cylinder support These supports are made from the inch angle iron from the stock. All fabrication works are done manually in work shop. 104 5.3.1 Base Support Base support is fabricated as stand for developed apparatus. As shown in figure 5.6, base support is design lowest as possible to keep center of gravity at lowest position possible. However, there is ample space for gas burner or heater to be place at the bottom of piston-cylinder liner for heating purpose. Figure 5.6: Base support Base support should provide rigidity and stability to support piston–cylinder liner weight. Therefore, base support is design to have wide opening for stability purpose. The material for base support should strong enough to support cylinder liner and piston weight, thus two inch angle iron (mild steel) as shown in figure 5.7 is used for this purpose. The fabrications works involves cutting the angle iron according to dimension then joining angle iron bar by welding process. Finally, the base support is painted for better appearance. Figure 5.7: Two inches angle iron 105 5.3.2 Cylinder Liner Support The purpose of cylinder support is to hold the cylinder liner, so that cylinder liner could stand vertically. The cylinder support is important because, the support would prevent an-accident to user due to the fall of cylinder liner during operation. To ensure the design is simplest as possible and to fulfill DFMA guidelines, the support is designed so that the support is attached to base support. For this purpose a mild steel hollow square bar half inch size is used. An attachment of this done to base support is done through welding process. The height of support is designed to not exceeding to the cylinder height. The cylinder liner is tie-up to support using steel belt. Figure 5.8 shows cylinder liner support attached to base support. Figure 5.8 : Cylinder liner support 106 5.4 Development –Phase 3 The development in phase three involves the assembly the component in the apparatus such as: i. Cylinder Liner Assembly ii. Thermometer Installation. iii. Piston Indicator assembly iv. Piston installation 5.4.1 Cylinder Liner Assembly The cylinder linear before assembly is shown in figure 5.9, and the assembly cylinder is shown in figure 5.10. Figure 5.9: Cylinder liner Figure 5.10: Cylinder liner before assembly after assembly 107 The assembly of cylinder liner is consist from one unit pressure gauge, two unit hand valve, two unit T-pipe and one unit elbow. There are two threaded holes diameter 1 inch each that already been drilled during acquiring the cylinder liner. The T-pipes are inserted to the both hole. For the bottom hole, the hand valve is fitted so that, the valve opening is facing down position. The purpose of the valve is to drain the water out from the apparatus after the experiment is finish. At the top hole, the hand valve is fitted so that the valve opening in facing up position. The purpose of upper valve is to receive water thru its opening. At above hole, there is one unit analog pressure valve fitted to the T-joint pipe. The T-joint, hand valve and pressure gauge is fitted after applying white tape to the thread. Next step is to isolate the cylinder using heat resistance woven in order to reduce heat transfer from the cylinder liner to surrounding. The woven is wrapping to the cylinder surface as shown in figure 5.11. The wrapping is done for the entire external circumference surface of the cylinder. Care should be taken to ensure that the wrapping thickness is event to ensure optimum heat isolation. Figure 5.11: Cylinder liner after wrapping with woven. 108 After wrapping process is done, the cylinder liner is now to be cover-up with the external cover which is made from aluminum sheet metal. The purpose of the aluminum cover is to give better appearance to the cylinder liner. Figure 5.12 shows the cylinder liner after being assembled with aluminum cover. Figure 5.12: Cylinder liner after assembled with aluminum cover. 5.4.2 Thermometer Installation Temperature measurement is done through direct reading from the thermometer installed to right side of T-pipe on the cylinder. The thermometer is fitted to T-pipe after applying white tape to the thread. Figure 5.13 shows the installation of the thermometer to T-joint on the cylinder liner. Figure 5.13: Thermometer installation 109 5.4.3 Piston Indicator Assembly Figure 5.14 shows an assembly of indicator on the piston. The purpose of piston indicator is carry-out measurement of piston movement during the operation. The indicator is made from the aluminum strip. To attach the indicator to the piston, a steel epoxy is used. Steel epoxy is been selected because it can withstand to temperature up to 120 °C. During operation, the apparatus will be heated by heat source until the water is boiling to wet saturated steam. This means that the water will boil and temperature at this point (wet saturated steam) by referring to steam table is 109.8 °C. Therefore the used of steel epoxy is to ensure that the indicator is still remain stick to piston. Figure 5.14: The assembly of indicator on piston. 110 5.4.4 Piston Installation Installation of piston involve two tasks which fitting the piston rings and insert the piston into the cylinder liner. The piston that used in this apparatus comes with the 3 grooves of for different piston rings. Two grooves for compression ring and another groove for oil ring. Fitting the rings is done by using special tool called ring expander as shows in figure 5.15, and the piston after fitted the rings is shows in figure 5.16. Figure 5.15: Ring Expander Figure 5.16: Piston and ring 111 After rings are fitted to piston, next task is to insert piston to cylinder liner using a special tool as shown in figure 5.17, while figure 5.18 shows installation method of piston. Figure 5.17: Special tool to insert piston to cylinder liner Figure 5.18: Method to insert piston into cylinder 112 5.5 Complete Assembly The complete assembly of the apparatus is shows in figure 5.19. Figure 5.19: Complete Assembly of Apparatus 113 5.6 Summary The fabrication and assembly works is divided into three phases. Each phase will focused on different component. As example, the first phase focuses on the fabrication main components such as cylinder, piston and cover. Second phase involve fabrication of the base support and cylinder support. The fabrication process and the material used also discussed in the phase two. The last phase describes the assembly process among the components to produce a complete apparatus. For each phase, the explanation is done by using series of photograph. By the aids of photographs, the fabrication and assembly process is expected to be clearly explained. Beside that an overall process involve to produce complete apparatus is well presented. CHAPTER 6 TESTING AND OPERATION WORK PROCEDURE 6.1 Introduction A testing is carry-out to investigate the apparatus performance. Through the testing, the apparatus mechanisms and operation could be observed. A testing done is able to ensure that all the components are well function as well as to counter measure the problems arise. During the testing, the step by step procedure on operating the apparatus could be prepared systematically and at the same time can identify the safety issued during the operation. Safety consideration is done in order to avoid any accident to the user and to avoid damage to the apparatus. In the other view, the collected data during the testing then to be analyzed and compare to standard steam table. Comparison the collected data is to be carry-out because to confirm the data relevancy. The relevancy of the data is important because it represent the apparatus performance whether it is achieving the expectation or not. At this stage if the data is not relevant as expected, a fine tune and adjustment to the apparatus needed to be done. This chapter, mainly explains on testing the apparatus in order prepare the standard operating procedure as well as data verification through analysis using standard steam table and lastly to confirm the apparatus performance. 115 6.2 Apparatus Preparation Preparation the apparatus involves three main aspects which are: i. Piston-Cylinder liner lubrication ii. Base support to cylinder body iii. Pipes and thermometer fitting condition iv. Gas burner preparation. The major aspect is the preparation of complete assembly of the apparatus which are done early. In this stage, cylinder liners inner wall is need to be lubricating using lubrication oil. This action is necessary to be carry-out because to reduce the friction between cylinder liner inner wall and the piston rings. If not, the piston could be stuck inside the cylinder liner due to high friction. Application a lubrication oils on cylinder liner inner wall is shown in figure 6.1. Figure 6.1: Lubrication oil is applied on the cylinder liner inner wall. 116 The next step is to check pipe fittings and ensure it is well tighten. Then pay attention to thermometer fitting and condition. Ensure that, thermometer bulb in good condition and not broken and the cylinder liner assembly and base support is well tightening. Lastly, check and ensure that butane fuel cartridge is at less half in cartridge container. A complete apparatus preparation and arrangement which is ready for experiment is shown in figure 6.2. Figure 6.2: Complete apparatus arrangement 117 6.3 Safety Instruction Operation the apparatus involves heating the water using portable stove burner that using butane gas fuel. During the operation, a flame produce by stove is directed to the bottom of cylinder liner. Therefore, heat transfer process is happen from the flame to cylinder liner bottom wall. As heat continued supplied, the cylinder liner become hotter until water is boiled. Boiled temperature of water is 100°C and the cylinder liner temperature will have the same temperature. Although there is heat insulation between the cylinder liner wall and aluminum cover, the cover may also being heated but it’s temperature is lower than cylinder liner temperature. For safety purpose the user is advice not to touch aluminum cover during operation. As reminder, a sign about hot surface is attached to aluminum cover as shows in figure 6.3. Figure 6.3: Hot surface sign on cylinder liner. Care should also be taken not to touch the base support of the cylinder liner. This is because the base support may also hot due to convention heat transfer from the flame. 118 A same hot surface sign as attached to cylinder is applied on base support as shows in figure 6.4. Figure 6.4: Hot surface sign on base support 6.4 Work Procedure The work procedure or step by step operation is prepared during testing of the apparatus. The work procedure is a method to correctly operate the apparatus. The work procedure should be follow sequentially. Failure to follow work procedure would damage the apparatus and cause injury to user. This is because the apparatus work with wet steam which temperature at 100°C. The table 6.1 describes step by step procedure to operate the apparatus. 119 Table 6.1: Work Procedure for operating the apparatus Step 1. Procedure Check the Photograph apparatus arrangement, ensure that all component is completely assembled. Refer to figure 6.5. Figure 6.5: Complete Apparatus. 2. Check pipe fittings, tighten the fittings if necessary. Ensure that piston is located at the bottom stopper by pushing down the piston. Refer to figure 6.6. 3. Figure 6.6: Checking all fittings. Apply lubrication oil on cylinder liner inner wall. Refer to figure 6.7. Figure 6.7: Applying lubrication oil. 120 Table 6.1 continued 4. Close the bottom valve and then open top valve. Refer to figure 6.8. Figure 6.8: Close bottom valve. 5. Slowly, fill 0.5 liter water into cylinder liner through top valve, then close the valve. Refer to figure 6.9. Figure 6.9: Fill water to cylinder. 6. Record initial water temperature (T1). Refer to figure 6.10. Figure 6.10: Initial temperature. 121 Table 6.1 continued 7. Record initial cylinder pressure (P1).Refer to figure 6.11. Piston is exposed to atmosphere; therefore gauge pressure will give zero. Figure 6.11: Initial pressure. 8. Record initial piston position (X1).Refer figure 6.12. Figure 6.12: Initial piston position. 9. Measure Butane gas container weight (MB1) using weighing scale. Refer figure 6.13 Figure 6.13: Butane gas weight measurement. 122 Table 6.1 continued 10. Install butane gas container to the gas stove burner. Refer figure 6.14 Figure 6.14: Installation of Butane gas container to gas stove burner. 11. Place a gas stove burner at the bottom of cylinder liner. Refer figure 6.15 Figure 6.15: Placing gas stove burner. 12. Light up the gas stove burner. Adjust the flame directly to bottom of cylinder liner. Refer figure 6.16 Caution: DO NOT OPEN THE UPPER AND LOWER VALVE BY YOUR SELF UNTIL END OF EXPERIMENT. Figure 6.16: Flame directed to bottom of cylinder liner. 123 Table 6.1 continued 13. Observe the temperature of the water. The temperature will increase. Refer figure 6.17. Figure 6.17: Observation of temperature increasing. 14. Wait until the temperature is about 90° C, at this moment adjust gas stove so the flame is smaller. Refer figure 6.18. Figure 6.18: Temperature at 90° C . 15. When the temperature just reached 100° C, be ready to shut down gas burner.. Refer figure 6.19. Figure 6.19: Ready to shut down gas burner. 124 Table 6.1 continued 16. Observe the piston. At this moment piston will slowly lift up. Refer figure 6.20. Figure 6.20: Piston slowly lifts up. 17. Once piston nearly touch upper stopper, Quickly, shut down the gas burner to stop the piston movement. Refer figure 6.21. Figure 6.21: Shut down gas burner. 18. Wait until piston is complete stop the new position. Refer figure 6.22. Figure 6.22: Piston lift to new position. 125 Table 6.1 continued 19. Record final temperature of water inside cylinder. (T2). Refer figure 6.23. Figure 6.23: Final water temperature. 20. Record final position of piston (X2). Refer figure 6.24. Figure 6.24: Piston final position 21. Record final pressure (P2). Refer figure 6.25. Process is Isobaric (constant pressure), therefore no changes in initial pressure and final pressure. Only atmosphere pressure involves. So, gauge pressure reading will give zero. Figure 6.25: Final Pressure 126 Table 6.1 continued 22. Measure final weight of Butane gas (MB2). Refer figure 6.26. Figure 6.26: Measurement final butane gas weight 23. 6.5 End of experiment. Data Collection During the operation the data that need to record is divided into two stages, which are at initial operation and at the end of operation. The data that need to be record are: Before start Operation i. Water volume in liter (l). ii. Initial Water Temperature (ºC) iii. Initial position of piston (mm) iv. Initial Pressure (Pa) v. Initial weight of Butane gas (g) 127 At the end Operation i. Final Water Temperature (ºC) ii. Final position of piston (mm) iii. Final Pressure (Pa) iv. Final weight of Butane gas (g) The data collection is simplified recorded using table 6.2. Table 6.2: Table for Data record Condition No. Parameter Unit 1. Water volume Liter 2. Water Temperature ºC 3. Piston Position mm 4. Pressure Bar 5. Butane gas weight gram Before heating After heating (Initial position) (final position) Remark 128 1st Law of Thermodynamics Analysis 6.6 The sample of experiment data taken from the testing is shows in table 6.3. Base of the data the analysis of 1st of Thermodynamics is done. Table 6.3: Testing data Remark Condition No. Parameter 1. Water volume 2. Unit Before heating After heating (Initial position) (final position) Liter 0.5 liter - - Water Temperature ºC 30ºC 100ºC - 3. Piston Position mm 1cm 12.5cm - 4. Pressure Pa 1 atm = 1bar 1 atm = 1bar Isobaric pressure gauge= 0 pressure process gauge= 0 5. Butane gas weight gram 357 gram 308 gram Additional information: 1. Piston diameter : 10.94 cm 2. Piston height : 6.53 cm 3. Piston weight : 1240 gram 4. Inner diameter of cylinder liner : 10.87 cm 5. Outside diameter of cylinder liner : 13.0 cm 6. Cylinder liner height : 37.5 cm To understanding the process, the illustration of the process is need to be redraw. The illustration for initial condition and final condition is shows in figure 6.27. 129 Figure 6.27: Illustration of experimental process At initial condition where pressure is 1 atm. or 1 bar and temperature of water is 25º C, water is called subcooled liquid (or compressed liquid). This condition no heat is transferred to system. As heat is transferred to water, the temperature increased. When the temperature reaches 100º C, additional heat transfer results in boiling and a change of phase. Water is about to boil is called a saturated liquid. As heat is supplied to vaporize the water, its temperature and pressure remain constant while its specific volume increases. During this stage, the phase is called a saturated liquid-vapor mixture and the liquid and vapor phase coexist in equilibrium. Additional heat will increase the volume of vapor and piston to be pushed up to final position. At the final position the pressure is constant where P1 = P2. This is because developed pressure is used to lift up the piston to final position. At final position, the pressure inside cylinder is equal to pressure outside of cylinder. This process called as Isobaric process where there no changes in pressure at initial and final position. The analysis of 1st Law of Thermodynamics in this system shows the following. 130 1st Law of Thermodynamics state that Total energy - Total energy entering leaving the system from system - Ein = Change in the total energy in the system Eout = ∆Esystem = Change in internal energy Or Heat enter to - Works done system by system of system (energy in) (energy out) (from initial to final condition) Q12 6.6.1 - W12 = ∆U Works Analysis, W The work (W) is given by the formula W = F (X2-X1) , equation (1) where F is the force acting on the piston surface F = Atmosphere Pressure x Piston Surface Area + Piston Weight x Gravity F = F = Patm x Ap 1x 105 x + (0.10922) 4 F = 949 Newton Mp x g + 1.24 x 9.81 131 Therefore, using equation (1) W = 949 (0.125 – 0.01) W = 109.1 Nm or Joule Piston travel from initial position ( X1 = 1cm) to final position (X2=12.5cm), work done by system is 109.1 Nm @ Joule . 6.6.2 Total Internal Energy Analysis, U At initial condition, the water temperature is 30 °C and pressure is at 1 bar = 1 x 105 Pascal or 100 kPa. Refer to table B.1.2: Saturated water pressure entry (Appendix F). At 100 kPa given data are: i. Temperature = 99.62 °C. ii. Specific volume, saturated liquid vf = 0.001043 m3/kg iii. Specific volume, saturated vapor vg = 1.69400 m3/kg iv. Specific volume, Evaporation vfg v. = 1.69296 m3/kg Internal energy, saturated liquid uf = 417.33 kJ/kg vi. Internal energy, saturated vapor ug = 2506.06 kJ/kg vii. Internal energy , Evaporation ufg = 2088.72 m3/kg At initial condition, the cylinder liner is filled with 0.5 liter water. No vapor is present at this moment. The water is 100% sub-cooled liquid. Because of water density of water is 1000kg/m3 . Therefore, the volume of 0.5 liter water is equal to 0.0005 m3. The state of water at initial condition can be proven as the following: 132 Using equation (3) , A specific volume at initial condition (v1 ) is v1 volume at initial stage (m3) = total weight (kg) v1 = 0.0005 0.5 v1 0.001m3/kg = Compare between v1 and vf , find that v1< vf ,this result prove that water at initial condition is in 100% sub-cooled. At final condition, the water temperature is 100 °C and pressure is at 1 bar = 1 x 105 Pascal or 100 kPa because the process is isobaric process. Mass of the system still 0.5 kg because the system is isolated, but consist of water and wet steam. Volume of system at final condition (V2) = water volume + wet steam volume V2 = (0.1094)2 x (0.115) 0.0005 + 4 V2 = 0.00158 m 3 Therefore, Specific volume at final condition (v2) is given by : v2 = 0.00158 0.5 v2 = 0.00316 m3/kg 133 Compare among v2 ,vf and vg , find that vf < v2 < vg , this result prove that system at final condition is in saturated liquid-vapor mixture, where liquid and vapor phase coexist in equilibrium. The quality (x) of the saturated liquid-vapor mixture is calculated using equation (4). Quality (x) = Specific volume at final condition - Specific volume saturated liquid Specific volume evaporation x = v2 - v1 vfg x = 0.00316 - 0.001043 1.69296 x = 0.00125 Thus, Internal energy at final condition, U2 is calculated using equation (5), u2 = Internal energy, saturated liquid + Quality x Internal energy , Evaporation u2 = uf + x (ufg ) u2 = 417.33 u2 = 419.9 kJ + 0.00125 (2088.72) 134 Thus, total internal energy is calculated using equation (6), U = m x ( u2 -u1) U = 0.5 x (419.9) U = 209.95 kJ Result shows that total internal energy in the system is 209.95 kJ 6.6.3 Net Heat Enter to System, Q From the 1st Law of Thermodynamics, the net heat (Q) enter to system is calculated equation (2) , Net heat enter to system = Total internal energy + Work done Q = + W Q = 209.95 kJ + 0.10912 kJ Q = 210.059 kJ U Therefore Net heat enter to system is 210.059 kJ. 135 6.7 Summary This chapter mainly discusses on the apparatus preparation, testing and development of operation work procedure. Safety aspect during operation is also identified and an instruction to counter measure this problem is proposed. On the other hand, step by step operation procedure of the apparatus is prepared sequentially with the photographs for better understanding. To collect the data, a table is proposed and then a sample of 1st Law of Thermodynamics analysis is done. The result show that the much energy is used to increased the internal energy of the water compare to energy used to carry-out work. This is because the water needs to be heated from 25º C until 100º C before the work could be done. Heating the water will absorb much energy from the supplied energy. Therefore the portion of supplied energy is mainly used to increase the water temperature or in other word, increase the internal energy of the water. As the conclusion, the carried-out testing is successfully performed. The achievement could be prove through moving mechanism which, piston is being lift up as predicted and all other components are well function. CHAPTER 7 DISCUSSION 7.1 Introduction This chapter discusses on overall process and results obtained during development the apparatus. To complete the project, two manufacturing technology approaches have been used which are Product Development Approach and Design For Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA). The first approach is conducted during early stage of the project, followed by DFMA analysis for determination of design efficiency. A fabrication work starts after the final design is finalized. The complete fabricated an assembled apparatus is tested purposely for evaluation of its functionality and performance. The data recorded during the testing is then being analyzed using 1st Law of Thermodynamics with the aid of Standard Thermodynamics Properties Table or Steam Table for data verification. This chapter mainly discusses on the Product Development Process, DFMA application, product fabrication and testing, finally results obtained during development of the 137 7.2 Product Development Approach The product development approach applied in this project is essential to ensure development works are systematically run on the right direction. To develop a product, many criteria are needed or must carefully been considered. These criteria are necessary to be identified and considered in order to fulfill the customer demands besides minimizing product failure once the product is fabricated or after the product reach to customer. A survey done at early stage is purposely to list out and identify the requirements from the users. Information obtained from survey is used to prepare Product Design Specification (PDS). Based on PDS, four design concepts are generated. The final design concept selected after carried-out concept screening and concept scoring matrix. Concept screening method or often called Pugh method is used purposely to narrow the number of design concepts quickly as well as to improve the concept. Meanwhile the concept scoring matrix used to prioritize and ranking the design concept through weight rating. The advantages of application of Product Development Process are to provide a systematic approach by well organizing all design and development activities, so that the well establishes product could be produced as end result. 7.3 Design For Manufacture And Assembly (DFMA) Methodology Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) methodology is applied after selected final design concept. Application of DFMA is applied in order to further improvement of design concept. The goal of DFMA are reducing manufacture and assembly cost, improving quality and speeding time to market. The element Design For Manufacture (DFM) is useful during material and process selection. Through the DFM, the selection of suitable material and manufacturing processes is properly determined. The material and process selection are done through the compatibility matrix. In the developed apparatus, determination of manufacturing process and material are done based on DFM method. As the result, a fabrication process are easy and quickly to be performed. In fact that, proposed 138 manufacturing process and material are economical, available and within normal practice. The final design concept is improved by applying Design For Assembly (DFA) method. Design For Assembly (DFA) identify unnecessary parts in assembly through three guidelines proposed by Boothroyd-Dewhurst. The DFA result is showed through Design Efficiency (DE) or also known as Assembly Efficiency (AE). Assembly Efficiency determination is based on two criteria which are estimation of the handling time and estimation of assembly time. Assembly Efficiency for developed apparatus is 41.5 percent. Two factors contribute to the calculation of the design efficiency. Firstly, the theoretical minimum parts and the other one is total assembly time. In detail, total minimum number is 12 from the 16 parts. The theoretical minimum number is acceptable because it covers 75 percent from the total parts. The highest theoretical minimum number is achieved due to consideration of DFA guidelines during carry-out improvement to final design. Figure 7.1 shows the percentage of theoretical minimum part compared to total parts. Figure 7.1: Percentage of theoretical minimum parts 139 Meanwhile, total assembly time from same analysis is 86.76 seconds. The assembly time is considered high because of 7 parts from total 16 parts are using thread and screw for assembly on cylinder liner. Therefore, a special tool is needed for screw tightening after insertion. The use of thread-screw and special tool will consume much time compared to an assembly without any tool. Figure 7.2 shows the number of part that used thread and screw of assembly method. Figure7:2: Comparison between parts that need special tool to total part. In term of time consumption, the part required tool consumes 60.9 seconds from total time 86.76 seconds. The percentage of time portion is shows in figure 7.3. Figure7:3: Percentage of assembly time 140 Based on DFA guidelines, a snap fit feature is preferred during assembly process because it will consume less time compared to thread and screw method. However, snap-fit cannot be used in developed apparatus due to the following reasons: 1. As water is used as working fluid inside the cylinder liner, it is impossible to avoid the leakage if snap fit is used. 2. The technical requirement of developed apparatus needs the system to be isolated from the surrounding. A snap-fit feature is not capable to meet this requirement. 3. Snap fit is best to be used for plastic parts. During operation, the apparatus is exposing directly to flame to boil water inside cylinder liner. The entire apparatus body will become hot. Therefore, the snap fit feature will deform. Finally, application of DFMA methodology gives advantages in term part reduction and assembly efficiency analysis. The higher assembly efficiency value is better than lower value. Higher assembly efficiency shows that handling and assembly time is lower. By reducing assembly time, overall product assembly efficiency is expected improved. In this project, total part number is reduced at same time theoretical minimum number is higher compare to total parts. However assembly time is high and resulting 41.5% in assembly efficiency. The higher assembly time is due to 70% part or 7 parts from 16 parts need tool for purpose of assembly because of technical requirement of the apparatus. 141 7.4 Fabrication and Assembly A fabrication of final design is done after DFMA analysis. Fabrication of the apparatus is divided into 3 phases. The first phase involves material preparation and fabrication of the cylinder liner, piston and cylinder cover. Due of availability in market, a cylinder liner and piston are purchased from automotive retailer. To fit to apparatus application, modifications are done to cylinder-liner and piston. Cylinderliner is totally sealed at it bottom, and this is done by using round carbon steel plate with same cylinder diameter. Meanwhile, a piston height is reduced by cutting the piston at piston pin hole. To produce cylinder cover, an aluminum sheet is used. The fabrication of cylinder cover is done using sheet metal forming process. Second phase involves fabrication of base support and cylinder-liner support. The arc welding process is used for both parts. The material is made from two inch mild steel angle iron for base support and half inch mild steel hollow square bar for cylinder liner support. Finally, these parts then are painted for better appearance. An assembly of fabricated parts was done in third phase. All the parts are assembled in sequence. The tool is used to assemble some parts. A thermometer, pressure gauge and pipes fittings need a wrench, meanwhile to insert the piston ring, a tool called ring expander is needed. Overall tasks perform during fabrication and assemblies of the apparatus require knowledge’s on fabrication process together skills to handle the materials and machines. Although, the machines used are conventional and fabrication processes involve a normal workshop practice, the fabrication works are perfectly done as proposed by DFM analysis. In addition, by using available parts and common materials combined together with conventional fabrication process, the development time and cost could be reduced. 142 7.5 Apparatus Testing and Functionality A testing is conducted after complete apparatus is fabricated and assembled. As the result, all parts are perfectly functioning as expected. No major modification required or no major rework job is needed. A well function apparatus shows that, the development work is efficacious. The testing data is used for an analysis of 1st Law of Thermodynamics by aid of Standard Thermodynamics Properties table or often called Steam Table. As a result, the energy balance in analysis shows that energy balance is accepted, by changes of internal energy of studied system is higher than the works done by system. However, any changes of internal energy must not equal or beyond total energy or heat supply to system because some energy is losses to surrounding during the operation. Finally, after gone through stages of development work, an expected apparatus is successful developed, fabricated and ready to be used in practical session in Thermodynamics laboratory. 7.6 Summary The development of piston cylinder apparatus that demonstrate a 1st Law Thermodynamics involved in theoretical and practical aspect. The early stages of development are focused on methodology of product development strategy and Design For Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA). Through these two approaches a design concept is developed. A final design concept is to be fabricated and tested. A practical aspect is now focused. Fabrications the apparatus require knowledge on materials, machines and manufacturing processes, which are suitable and economical without sacrificing product quality. CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSIONS 8.1 Conclusion A development an apparatus for Thermodynamics is successful conducted. The well function apparatus is fabricated and tested. Implementing product development strategy ensures that all development activities are systematically planned. Conceptual design is beneficial at early of development stage because it give a primary idea on apparatus. Further brain-storming of conceptual design resulted developing several design concepts to be chosen. A chosen final design concept is then is improve using Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA) methodology. The DFMA implementations are beneficial in-term of part reduction design simplification. Design for Manufacture (DFM) analysis gives proper materials and manufacturing process selection. Meanwhile, Design For Assembly (DFA) provide a guideline on reduction part number and determination of assembly efficiency through analysis on manual handling time and manual insertion time. Assembly efficiency is used purposely for design comparison at same apparatus. Higher value of assembly efficiency means less time required to assemble the product. Combination of product development strategy together with DFMA methodology in developed apparatus gives advantages in term of part reduction and overall project organization. As overall conclusion, the project objective is achieved and project scopes are fulfilled. 144 8.2 Recommendations for Future Work To improve the apparatus design and performance, the following considerations for future work should be taken into account: 1. To up-grade the apparatus using computer interface. The apparatus operation could be controlled via computer screen. Measurable parameters are to be upgraded using digital sensors instead using conventional method. 2. Increase assembly efficiency by reducing assembly time. A study is needed to be carried-out by eliminating the part that use thread and screw for isolated cylinder. 3. To improve heating element method. The gas stove burner could be replaced using other method of heating elements for example by using electric heater. 145 REFERENCES 1. Yunus A. Cengel, Robert H. Turner. Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Sciences.2nd edition. New York: McGraw Hill. 2005 2. Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics. 5th edition. N.J: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2004 3. Richard.E.Sonntag, Claus Borgnakke, Gordon J. Van Wylen. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics.6th edition. N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2003 4. Irving Granet, Maurice Bluestein. Thermodynamics and Heat Power. 7th edition. N.J: Pearson Prentice Hall. 2004 5. Merle C. Potter and Elaine P. Scott. Thermal Science: An Introduction to Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer. Belmont, USA: Brooks/Cole Inc. Thomson Learning. 2004 6. J.D Booker, M.Raines, K.G. Swift. Designing Capable and Reliable Products. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann. 2001 7. Kevin N. Otto, Kristin L. Wood. Product Design: Techniques in Reverse Engineering and New Product Development. N.J.: Prentice-Hall. 2001 8. Henry W. Stoll . Product Design Methods and Practices. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 1999 9. Karl T. Ulrich, Steven D. Eppinger. Product Design and Development. 3rd edition. NY.: McGraw Hill. 2004 10. Mike Baxter. Product Design: A Practical Guide to Systematic Methods of New Product Development. Cheltenham,U.K.:Stanley Thornes Publishers Ltd. 1999 11. Beno Benhabib. Manufacturing, Design, Production, Automation and Intergration. New York.: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 2003 12. G. Boothroyd, Peter Dewhurst and Winston Knight. Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly.2nd edition. New York.: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 2002 146 APPENDIX Appendix A1 Appendix A2 147 Appendix B1 148 Appendix B2 ! " & $ ) & # $ % * && & + • • $ % %( # # o ! , $ && o % -./ 0% o , # o 1 ' & $ o % & # o 0 & $ o ( o &# $ , ! "# $ " • • • #$ '% '% (% $ %( ! % $ & & % $ $ $ & + #% ! "& & % o -./ 0% % $ o ! % $ o $ # ,& % o ! $ ! o % $ &# o ' & #$ o !! % o $ ! % %% %# , # o , & % , o '! % ! & % % $ ! + & & #$ &' % $ ! &$ & #$ % % $ 2 % (% % (% $ $ ! %+ 3, & ' ! "! " ! % ! ! % $ .4 $ ! ( ' # 5 ( % , ) $ & ( ' $ $ $ 149 Appendix '( ) # " * o ) '% $ ! ! + " ! "#! , "& • & % o &.// o $ & o 0 # & • &# o #( ! o ! & o 7 ! &% • %% %# , # o %# ! ( ! o # $ % o %$ % • ! ( .$ ) 6 ( !) ) % $ 8 & ! ! %& % ! ( % ), $ $ , ( &$ & !! ' % ( #.# ! $ # $ ! " , %!# & " • ! , $ ./ = ;./ 0 • ! !# * "# * "" #" ! ! "! " #! & %( # , , >?// ! # ! % , # & (% - - ;<# ( &% $ 8 !% & # , $ 9 :# 150 Appendix B3 151 Appendix B3 – continued 152 Appendix B3 – continued 153 Appendix B3 – continued 154 Appendix C Data for estimated times for manual handling (Boothroyd-Dewhurst) 155 Appendix D Data for estimated times for manual insertion (Boothroyd-Dewhurst) 156 Appendix E Lucas DFA method - Manual Handling Analysis Handling Index = A+B+C+D A. Size & Weight of Part One of the following Very small - requires tools Convenient - hands only Large and/or heavy requires more than 1 hand Large and/or heavy requires hoist or 2 people C. Orientation of Part One of the following: Symmetrical, no orientation req'd End to end, easy to see End to end, not visible B. Handling difficulties All that apply 1.5 1 1.5 3 Delicate Flexible Sticky Tangible Severely nest Sharp/Abrasive Untouchable Gripping problem / slippery No handling difficulties D. Rotational Orientation of Part One of the following 0 Rotational Symmetry 0.1 Rotational Orientation, easy to see 0.5 Rotational Orientation, hard to see 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.7 0.3 0.5 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 Lucas DFA method - Manual Fitting Analysis Fitting Index = A+B+C+D+E+F A. Part Placing and Fastening One of the following Self-holding orientation Requires holding Plus 1 of the following Self-securing (i.e. snaps) Screwing Riveting Bending 1.3 4.0 4.0 4.0 B. Process Direction One of the following Straight line from above Straight line not from above Not a straight line E. Alignment One of the following 0 Easy to align 0.1 Difficult to align 1.6 C. Insertion One of the following F. Insertion Force One of the following 0 No resistance to insertion 0.7 Resistance to insertion 1.2 Single Multiple insertions Simultaneous multiple insertions D. Access and/or Vision One of the following 1.0 Direct 2.0 Restricted 0 1.5 0 0.7 0 0.6