Fall 2010 FamilySource Network Satisfaction Survey Results Submitted To: City of Los Angeles Community Development Division Submitted By: Richard Moore, Ph.D. Shelby C Sommer Consulting Center Management Department i 12/15/2010 Contents OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................. 1 STUDY APPROACH ................................................................................................................................... 2 Overall Satisfaction ................................................................................................................................... 5 Satisfaction with Staff ............................................................................................................................... 6 Satisfaction with Facilities ........................................................................................................................ 6 Satisfaction with Services ......................................................................................................................... 7 Satisfaction Summary ............................................................................................................................... 7 Would Recommend Center ....................................................................................................................... 7 How Clients Learned About FSC ............................................................................................................. 8 Reason For Coming to FSC ...................................................................................................................... 9 Frequency of Visits to FSC ....................................................................................................................... 9 Enrolled in Class at FSC ......................................................................................................................... 10 Adult Demographics ................................................................................................................................... 11 Youth Survey Data ...................................................................................................................................... 15 Overall Satisfaction ................................................................................................................................. 16 Satisfaction with Staff ............................................................................................................................. 16 Satisfaction with Facilities ...................................................................................................................... 17 Satisfaction with Services ....................................................................................................................... 18 Satisfaction Summary ............................................................................................................................. 18 Would Recommend Center ..................................................................................................................... 18 How Clients Learned About FSC ........................................................................................................... 19 Reasons For Coming to FSC ................................................................................................................... 20 Frequency of Visits to FSC ..................................................................................................................... 20 Enrolled in Class at FSC ......................................................................................................................... 21 Youth Demographics .................................................................................................................................. 22 Conclusions and Next Steps ........................................................................................................................ 25 Appendices ..................................................................................................................................................... i ii Satisfaction Survey Findings OVERVIEW The Community Development Department is committed to making the FamilySource Network a performance driven system. In CDD’s performance model, there are four aspects of performance: Customer Satisfaction, Outcomes, Flow (volume of clients), and Administrative Performance (SOFA). This report presents the results of the second round of satisfaction surveying conducted in the fall of 2010 at all FamilySource Centers. The survey measured the customer satisfaction of both adult and youth clients. This report provides customer satisfaction data that will help individual FSCs benchmark their customer satisfaction against other FSCs, and against their own performance on the first survey to aid their continuous improvement activities and support their CAPE applications. This survey used a questionnaire the covered the same dimensions of satisfaction as the first survey. Based on our analysis of the first survey and in consultation with our advisory committee we made revisions in the questionnaire. A number of items were substantially revised to improve readability and some confusing or redundant items were dropped to shorten the questionnaire. In addition we increase the number of days of on-site surveying from one to two to increase the number of respondents. 997 adults and 463 youth completed the questionnaire. This represents an increase of 455 adult surveys and 353 youth surveys over the first survey. The survey achieved a high response rate, with 90.2% of clients who were in FSCs on the days we surveyed completing the questionnaire. The overall satisfaction for both the adult and youth surveys is high with an average overall satisfaction score of 9.48 for adults and 8.95 for youth. This represented a small increase in satisfaction overall for both groups. There is moderate variation in satisfaction among the sites, with overall satisfaction ranging from 8.8 to 10.0 for adults, and from 7.9 to 10.0 for youth. These results compare very favorably with rating of Public Services reported by the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), which is a national benchmark. ACSI reports an average satisfaction of 6.85 with Public Services nationally, substantially below the ratings received by FSCs . The number of adult responses is adequate, but still needs to improve at some sites to produce valid and reliable results. The number of youth responses increased substantially but still needs to increase at some sites. This report presents the detailed results of all three surveys. We begin with an analysis of the Adult survey, followed by the Youth survey. In each case we present overall findings for the entire population and then provide detailed results for each FamilySource Center in an appendix. 1 STUDY APPROACH The study was designed to measure satisfaction for two key groups: Adult clients in the FamilySource Center Youth Clients in the FamilySource Center In the cases of adult and youth clients, we measured client satisfaction with specific aspects of FamilySource Center services and their overall satisfaction. Questionnaires were designed specifically for each population. In each case we used focus groups to generate the aspects of service that drove customer satisfaction. In the case of adult and youth clients, we conducted focus groups with clients, FamilySource Center managers, and CDD Staff. In the case of FamilySource Center Executive Directors, we conducted focus groups with Executive Directors and City Staff. As noted earlier the initial questionnaire was revised based on our analysis of the results from the first round of surveying and the comments of our advisory group. The changes involved simplifying the wording of some items and dropping items that were confusing or redundant. Overall satisfaction measures remained the same. In the adult and youth surveys we collected data on the following dimensions of FamilySource Centers: Overall Satisfaction Satisfaction with staff performance Satisfaction with facilities Satisfaction with center services. We also collected data on client demographics - why clients came to the center, and how often they came to the center. The full survey questionnaires are presented in Appendix A & H. Sample The surveys of youth and adult clients were conducted at all 21 FamilySource Centers in September-November 2010. The goal was to survey every client served on two days chosen in collaboration with the FamilySource Center. We planned to have enumerators spend eight hours at each site, each day. As Table 1 below indicates, by doubling the number of days we surveyed participants we increased the number of respondents at most centers, for both youth and adults, but some FSCs still fell short of the desired 30 respondents. 2 Satisfaction Survey Findings Table 1. Response Data by Center – Comparison Fall 2010 Adult Spring 2010 1736 FCC 38 19 Barrio Action YFC 63 81 Bradley Milken FSC 52 28 CCNP 65 43 Children's Collective 29 7 CMHP 32 13 Community Build 48 16 Community Care at Home 2 18 Cypress Park FSC 56 15 El Centro De Ayuda 80 20 El Centro Del Pueblo 47 6 El Nido FSC 96 45 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 25 27 NEW Canoga Park 94 23 NEW Van Nuys 55 15 Oakwood FSC 35 43 Pacoima FSC 35 35 Toberman Neighborhood Center 44 30 Tom Bradley FSC 58 27 WLCAC 16 22 Youth Policy Institute 27 9 Total 997 542 Change + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Fall 2010 Youth Spring 2010 6 0 21 10 77 26 22 5 16 3 0 0 14 5 26 4 9 8 13 23 27 7 42 1 16 7 33 0 22 7 79 0 4 2 12 5 4 0 0 0 110 16 1 463 Change + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Response Analysis To evaluate the effectiveness of the questionnaire we analyzed each question in two ways. First, we analyzed how many clients completed that question and how many answered NA (not applicable) or simply skipped the question. Second, we calculated the correlation between the response to that question and the response on the overall satisfaction question. The logic is that if a substantial number of clients responded with NA or skipped the question, then the question is probably confusing or irrelevant. If there was not a significant correlation between the question and overall satisfaction, then the question is not measuring an important aspect of satisfaction. The results of this analysis for the Adult Survey are in Table 2, and for Youth in Table 3. One other interesting aspect of the results is that 61% of the adult respondents chose to complete the Spanish version of the questionnaire, while only 1% of the youth used the Spanish version (See Figures 10 and 25). 3 Satisfaction Survey Findings Adult Survey Results Table 2. Response Data – NA, Skipped, & Correlation with Overall Satisfaction Fall 2010 Fall 2010 Satisfaction Survey Results Response to your phone calls. The amount of paperwork required. Ability of staff to answer questions quickly. Respect the staff shows you. Waiting time for services. The availability of staff who speaks your language. % NA 17.0% 10.6% 4.2% 2.5% 5.0% Spring 2010 Corr. W/Overall % No Corr. W/Overall % No Sat Response Sat % NA Response 6.7% .488 16.4% 8.5% 0.501 8.8% .524 6.3% 8.9% 0.543 5.8% .590 2.0% 6.6% 0.548 6.0% .658 1.1% 8.7% 0.555 7.1% .596 4.6% 6.5% 0.588 3.7% 5.4% .581 1.1% 5.4% 0.52 1.8% 3.3% 3.8% 5.2% .565 .507 0.2% 2.0% 7.9% 10.9% 0.472 0.425 18.0% 7.8% .506 0.7% 10.0% 0.514 Quality of computers and other equipment. 21.9% 11.9% 14.4% 22.5% 37.7% 26.2% 8.0% 7.0% 7.0% 9.2% 12.9% 10.8% .581 .671 .673 .717 .550 .612 15.7% 18.3% 10.3% 12.9% 0.512 0.576 Mix of services avalable at this center and its partners. 18.2% 10.2% .699 The hours that this FSC is open. 9.6% 8.1% .648 3.3% 10.1% 0.468 Overall, how satisfied are you with the services you received at this FamilySource Center? 3.2% 2.7% 1 7.2% 1 To what extent have services at this FamilySource Center met your expectations? 4.8% 5.3% .697 10.0% 0.575 How well do you think the services you received compare with that ideal set of services? 6.5% 5.2% .579 10.7% 0.54 My visit today to this FamilySource Center today was valuable. 3.1% 4.0% .570 7.7% 0.5 Would Recommend Center. No 0.8% Not Sure 1.5% No 0.6% Not Sure 1.50% Missing 7.70% The cleanliness of this FSC. The visibility of "FSC" signs. Access to this center by public transportation. Overall effectiveness of programs. Quality of workshops and classes. Quality of counseling. Help finding a job. Services to help your children. Yes 92.5% Missing * Some questions were changed and have no direct comparison to Spring 2010 **Some questions did not have the NA option in Spring 2010 4 Satisfaction Survey Findings 5.2% Yes 90.2% Overall Satisfaction Customer satisfaction in the FSCs was exceptionally high. On the three aspects of overall satisfaction measured, average scores were 9.0 or above on a 10 point scale, and there was an increase across the board from Spring 2010 to Fall 2010. In addition, the average rating on the value of services received on the day of the visit was again over 9.0 compared to a 6.85 rating of Public Services by the American Customer Satisfaction Index. Data on overall satisfaction by site is available in Appendix B. Figure 1. ADULT SURVEY – Overall Satisfaction Comparison Public Services (According to ACSI) FSN Fall 2010 FSN Spring 2010 6.9 Overall satisfaction 9.48 9.33 Met expectations 9.30 9.19 Compared with ideal set of services 9.26 9.14 My visit today today was valuable 9.55 9.39 5 Satisfaction Survey Findings Satisfaction with Staff In service organizations like the FSCs, the performance of staff drives the performance of the organization. Our questionnaire asked a series of questions about the satisfaction with specific aspects of staff service. As figure 2 below shows, clients remain highly satisfied with the performance of staff across the system, and on several items there were small improvements since the first survey. Figure 2. ADULT SURVEY - Satisfaction With FSC Staff Comparison Fall 2010 Spring 2010 Response to your phone calls. 9.02 8.87 The amount of paperwork required. 9.00 9.03 Ability of staff to answer questions quickly. 9.21 9.13 Respect the staff shows you. 9.41 9.30 Waiting time for services. 9.14 9.16 The availability of staff who speaks your language. 9.39 9.41 Satisfaction with Facilities FSCs must have facilities that met a variety of standards. We asked four specific questions about the FSC’s facilities and found continuing high levels of satisfaction with all aspects. Figure 8. ADULT SURVEY - Satisfaction With FSC Facilities Fall 2010 Spring 2010 The cleanliness of this FSC. 9.41 9.33 The visibility of "FSC" signs. 9.20 9.19 Access to this center by public transportation. 9.16 9.40 Quality of computers and other equipment. 9.20 9.21 6 Satisfaction Survey Findings Satisfaction with Services We asked a series of questions about the effectiveness of programs provided by the FSCs and the impact they had on clients. We revised this section of the questionnaire substantially, so only the Fall 2010 data given. Again, clients report uniformly high satisfaction with services and their effectiveness. Figure 4. ADULT SURVEY - Satisfaction With FSC Services Fall 2010 Overall effectiveness of programs. 9.34 Quality of workshops and classes. 9.34 Quality of counseling. 9.38 Help finding a job. 8.80 Services to help your children. 9.26 Mix of services avalable at this center … 9.29 The hours that this FSC is open 9.36 Satisfaction Summary We were interested in seeing if different sub-groups were more or less satisfied than others. Typically we would expect older people to be less satisfied than younger people, people with higher education to be less satisfied than those with less education, and people with fewer services to be less satisfied than those who utilize more services. However, that was not the case here. There were no significant differences so far. Would Recommend Center Finally at the end of the satisfaction questions we asked clients if they would recommend this FSC to someone like them. The response was overwhelmingly positive with 90% of clients saying they would recommend the center. In fact the percent that would recommend the center actually increased slightly from 90% to 92.6%. 7 Satisfaction Survey Findings Figure 5. ADULT SURVEY – Would you recommend this center to someone like yourself? Fall 2010 Spring 2010 92.6% 90% Yes No 0.8% 1% Not Sure 1.4% 2% 5.2% 7.0% Missing How Clients Learned About FSC We asked clients how they learned about their FSC and what services they received. As Figure 6 below indicates, over half of the clients learned about the center through a friend. Smaller groups learned about the center through a flyer or by simply seeing the FSC building. Compared to the first survey slightly fewer clients learned about the center from a friend and slightly more FSC’s outreach efforts, indicating continued outreach by the centers. FIGURE 6. ADULT SURVEY - How did you first learn about this FSC? Fall 2010 Spring 2010 47.8% 51.0% Friend 17.8% 20.7% Other Saw Building or Sign (Walk‐in) 12.6% 12.0% Saw a Flyer 12.3% 13.0% Referred College or School Met Staff Member at Event 10.2% 9.5% 8.0% 7.2% 6.0% 8 Satisfaction Survey Findings Reason For Coming to FSC We were interested in why clients came to FSCs,. As the figure below indicates, the most common reason for coming to a center was to attend an academic class or workshop. The next most common reason was other, looking at the comments the other category included: help with bills, community service, and counseling. Other common reasons were to: “to get services for my children, access a computer, or find a job. Figure 7. ADULT SURVEY - Why do you come to this center? Fall 2010 Attend a Class or Workshop 43.0% Other 24.8% Get Services for my Children 22.7% Access a Computer 18.9% Help Finding a Job 12.0% Legal Services Child Care Small Business Services 7.2% 3.7% 2.1% Frequency of Visits to FSC Most clients come to the center regularly. The graph below show how often clients reported coming to the center in the past month this fall and last spring. The graph shows clearly that many clients use the centers intensively. Over a third of the clients said they had been to the center ten times or more in the last month, this is a substantial increase since the spring. Groups who reported they came to the center 5-9 times or 4 times declined, while groups reporting they had come once or twice remained about the same. This indicates to us that center continue to add new clients and that once a client people come regularly to the center. 9 Satisfaction Survey Findings FIGURE 8. ADULT SURVEY - How often have you come to this FSC in the past month? Fall 2010 Spring 2010 24.0% Ten or more times Between five and nine times 33% 17.1% 10% Four times 13% 16.6% 8.9% 9% Three times 10.0% 10% Two times 13.8% 15% One time Enrolled in Class at FSC Interestingly almost 60% of respondents said they were currently enrolled in a class at their FSC, suggesting that it is this part of the program that is driving attendance at the FSCs. FIGURE 9. ADULT SURVEY - Are you enrolled in a class or program at this FSC? Fall 2010 Yes 57.9% No Don't Know Missing 32.7% 4.3% 5.1% 10 Satisfaction Survey Findings Adult Demographics We collected demographic data on the people who responded to the questionnaire to get a better understanding of who responded. These results provide a window into who has used the FSCs in this early period. Over the two periods studied, the demographics of clients were mostly stable. Nearly 60% of the clients preferred to complete the Spanish version of the questionnaire and about 70% of the clients were women in both time periods. The most common age group was 26-40 in both time periods, but we saw a substantial increase in the younger 18-25 year old group. Education was the characteristic in which we saw the most dramatic shift. The new survey population has substantially less education than the initial survey population. In Spring 2010 about 21% of clients reported they had an 8th grade education or less, in fall 3010 this population grew dramatically to 41%. This indicates to us the system is reaching a severely disadvantaged population. Hispanics remain the largest ethnic group by far, increasing from about 75% to 78% for all respondents. We collected a variety of other characteristics to help us understand the respondents’ situations. As figure 13 shows, about 45% of clients come from a household where someone is looking for work. About 11% of clients work full-time and an additional 16% part-time. One-third of clients have a child in school, and 15% report they have a child who needs help in school. FIGURE 10. Surveys Completed by Language Spring 2010 Fall 2010 60.5% Spanish 59.6% 39.5% English 40.4% 11 Satisfaction Survey Findings FIGURE 11. Gender Fall 2010 Spring 2010 70.4% Female 70% 25.6% Male Missing 22% 4% 8.1% FIGURE 12. Age Fall 2010 71+ Spring 2010 1.3% 0% 9.2% 11% 56‐70 41‐55 26% 39.4% 38% 26‐40 18‐25 Missing 14% 3.3% 18.0% 10.9% 12 Satisfaction Survey Findings 28.8% FIGURE 13. Other Characteristics Fall 2010 Series2 46.7% One HH Member Looking for Work 33.5% Child in School 15.9% Employed Part‐Time 15.7% Child Who Needs Help in School 11.4% Employed Full Time FIGURE 14. Education Fall 2010 Bachelor's Degree or More Associate's Degree Spring 2010 3.4% 5.9% 3.4% 4.2% 12.5% 14.2% Some College 17.9% High School Diploma or GED 16.0% 14.9% Some High School 8th Grade 19.3% 6.1% Primary or less 15.3% 13 Satisfaction Survey Findings 22.3% 21.6% FIGURE 15. Ethnicity Fall 2010 Spring 2010 77.4% 71.4% Hispanic 12.0% 10.0% Black White 3.0% 4.1% Other 2.6% 2.6% Bi‐racial/Multiracial 1.1% 0.7% Asian/Pacific Islander 1.0% 0.6% 14 Satisfaction Survey Findings Youth Survey Data As we did with adults, we began by analyzing the response to individual questions to identify items that clients skipped or declined to answer. Next, we looked at the correlation between each individual question and the clients’ overall satisfaction. The results of the analysis are below. Table 3 shows the youth responded at a substantially higher rate than adults. In addition, in the youth population only 1% of the respondents chose to complete the Spanish version of the questionnaire. Table 3. Response Data – NA, Skipped, & Correlation with Overall Satisfaction Fall 2010 Spring 2010 % NA % No Response Corr. W/Overall Sat % NA Quality of program for my parents or guardians. 33.0% 11.7% 8.4% 14.9% 8.2% 7.1% 11.4% 21.4% 14.3% 13.2% 14.9% 26.3% 3.9% 3.2% 3.9% 3.9% 3.2% 3.0% 3.0% 3.7% 3.2% 3.7% 4.3% 4.1% .429 .589 .612 .449 .427 .506 .527 .453 .473 .540 .581 .553 27.3% 18.2% 7.3% 24.5% 12.7% 2.7% 7.3% 1.8% 13.6% 9.1% 23.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% .412 .484 .209 .516 .285 .323 .168 .296 .432 .462 .609 Quality of service to improve my academic achievement. 14.0% 4.1% .551 13.6% 0.0% .635 Convenience of FSC hours. 12.1% 11.0% 4.1% 3.9% .500 .502 8.2% 0.0% .540 Overall, how satisfied are you with the services you received at this FamilySource Center? 5.4% 3.0% 1 7.3% 1 To what extent have services at this FamilySource Center met your expectations? 7.3% 3.2% .647 0.9% .675 11.7% 3.5% 0.549 0.9% .591 6.3% 3.0% 0.624 7.3% .667 Yes No Not Sure Missing Yes No Not Sure Missing 79.9% 3.7% 11.0% 5.2% 82.7% 2.7% 7.3% 7.3% Fall 2010 Satisfaction Survey Results The amount of paperwork required. Staff's ability to answer your questions. Friendliness of the staff. Waiting time for services. The staff's ability to speak your language. The cleanliness of this FamilySource Center. The visibility of "FSC" signs. Access to this center by public transportation. Quality of computers and other equipment. The quality of the youth room. Overall effectiveness of programs. Chance to make friends with other youth. How well do you think the services you received compare with that ideal set of services? My visit today to this FamilySource Center today was valuable. Would Recommend Center. * Some questions were changed and have no direct comparison to Spring 2010 **Some questions did not have the NA option in Spring 2010 ***Fall 2010 had over four times the response rate as Spring 2010 15 Satisfaction Survey Findings % No Corr. Response W/Overall Sat As noted earlier in Table 1, the youth sample size grew substantially from 110 to 463 and increased at all but one FSC. We note there are still some sites were we need to increase the survey population to have valid and reliable results. Overall Satisfaction Overall satisfaction with the FSN program remains high, although, not quite as high as the adult respondents. Overall satisfaction for the entire survey group was about 9.0 on a 10 point scale, a slight increase from the spring survey. On the related questions, satisfaction responses were almost as high. Asked if their “visit today was valuable”, respondents gave an overall rating of 8.9 indicating high satisfaction again. Finally, over 80% of the youth said they would recommend their center to someone like them. Figure 16. YOUTH SURVEY – Overall Satisfaction With FamilySource Center Fall 2010 Spring 2010 8.95 8.76 Overall satisfaction Met expectations 8.72 8.40 Compared with ideal set of services 8.58 8.50 8.85 8.68 My visit today today was valuable Satisfaction with Staff In service organizations like the FSCs, the performance of staff drives the performance of the organization. Our questionnaire asked a series of questions about the satisfaction with specific aspects of staff service that are important to youth. As figure 17 below shows, clients were highly satisfied with the performance of staff across the system. 16 Satisfaction Survey Findings Figure 17. YOUTH SURVEY - Satisfaction With FamilySource Center Staff Fall 2010 Spring 2010 9.44 9.4 The staff's ability to speak your language. 8.33 8.4 Waiting time for services. 9.08 Friendliness of the staff. 8.70 8.4 Staff's ability to answer your questions. 7.79 8.3 The amount of paperwork required. Satisfaction with Facilities Youth continues to give FSCs facilities high marks, with scores close to 9.0 for the overall environment in the facility, accessibility of the centers, and quality of computers and other equipment. Figure 18. YOUTH SURVEY - Satisfaction With FamilySource Center Facilities Fall 2010 Spring 2010 8.94 The quality of the youth room. The quality of computers and other equipment. 8.97 9.04 Access to this center by public transportation. 8.69 8.95 The visibility of "FSC" signs. 8.79 8.77 The cleanliness of this FamilySource Center. 9.14 9.06 17 Satisfaction Survey Findings Satisfaction with Services Again, youth report uniformly high satisfaction with all aspects of FSC services. No aspect of service really stands out generating significantly more or less satisfaction. Figure 19. YOUTH SURVEY - Satisfaction With FamilySource Center Services Fall 2010 Spring 2010 Chance to make friends with other youth. 9.04 Convenience of FSC hours. 8.93 8.76 Quality of service to improve my academic achievement. 8.98 8.47 Quality of program for my parents or guardians. 8.69 8.85 The overall effectiveness of programs. 8.82 8.89 Satisfaction Summary Similar to the adults, we were interested in seeing if different sub-groups were more or less satisfied than others. For example, we compared satisfaction with services based on demographics, however there were no significant differences there. The only area we found to have any level of significant difference was overall satisfaction between gender in youth, and that was a very low level of significance. While both groups reported high levels of satisfaction, girls had higher levels than boys, which is gender typical. Table 4. Overall How satisfied – by Gender Gender Male Mean 8.78 N 198 Std. Deviation 1.928 Female 9.11 224 1.730 Total 8.95 422 1.831 Would Recommend Center Finally, at the end of the satisfaction questions we asked clients if they would recommend this FSC to someone like them. The response was overwhelmingly positive with approximately 80% of clients saying they would recommend the center. 18 Satisfaction Survey Findings Figure 20. YOUTH SURVEY – Would you recommend this center to someone like yourself? Fall 2010 Spring 2010 82.7% 79.9% Yes No 2.7% 3.7% 6.4% 11.0% Not Sure 8.2% 5.4% Missing How Clients Learned About FSC We wanted to understand how youth had learned about the FSC. As the graph below indicates, over a third of the youth learned about the center from a friend, and an additional 26%learned about it from their parent or guardian. Schools were the third most common source at slightly more than 20%. There are some changes between the two surveys on this question. In Fall 2010 the proportion of youth learning about the center from a parent declined while proportion learning about the center from a teacher or probation officer rose substantially. This indicates to us that the programs reputation is spreading and generating more referrals. FIGURE 21. YOUTH SURVEY - How did you first learn about this FSC? Fall 2010 Spring 2010 36.7% 37.3% Friend Parent or Guardian 22.7% 20.7% 21.8% School 12.7% 16.3% Other 9.1% Teacher Police Officer Probation Officer 15.5% 3.7% 3.0% 11.8% 19 Satisfaction Survey Findings 27.4% Reasons For Coming to FSC Youth principally came to the FSCs for academic reasons, which fits with FSCs strategic program goals for youth. Over 40% of youth came for help to do better in school, over 20% for academic classes/workshops, and about 20 % to participate in youth organizations. Figure 22. YOUTH SURVEY - Why do you come to this center 1? Fall 2010 Do better in school 41.0% Other 26.3% Academic classes/workshops 21.0% Participate in youth organizations 19.9% Access a computer 11.7% Recreation 10.8% Mentoring 9.1% Counseling 7.1% College access activities 5.4% Get bus tokens 5.0% Frequency of Visits to FSC Most clients come to the center regularly, and the proportion of clients who come most often is growing. Over 40% of our respondents said they had come to the FSC 10 times or more in the last month compared to about 34% in the previous survey. Conversely only 5% said they had been there 2 times in the last month. An additional 16% had been there 5 - 9 times. About 12% of respondents were at the FSC for the first time on the day we surveyed them. 1 This sums to over 100% because youth were asked to report all the reasons for coming to the center, and many gave multiple reasons. 20 Satisfaction Survey Findings FIGURE 23. YOUTH SURVEY - How often have you come to this FSC in the past month? Fall 2010 Spring 2010 41.0% Ten or more times 34.5% 15.9% Between five and nine times 11.8% 13.7% 12.7% Four times 9.0% Three times Two times 17.3% 8.6% 7.3% 11.9% 12.7% One time Enrolled in Class at FSC Over 45% of respondents said they were currently enrolled in a class at their FSC, suggesting that it is this part of the program that is driving attendance at the FSCs, and creating the regular clientele. Interestingly this represents a slight decline from the initial survey. FIGURE 24. YOUTH SURVEY - Are you enrolled in a class or program at this FSC? Fall 2010 Spring 2010 47.1% Yes 44.5% 32.6% No 39.1% 17.7% Don't Know 10.9% 21 Satisfaction Survey Findings Youth Demographics About 97% of youth respondents completed the survey in English. There was a more balanced split between male and female respondents, although still more females than males. Over 50% were between 15 and 17. Nearly 80% said they attended public school. Over 70% of the youth surveyed were Hispanic, and about 15% African-American. Figure 25. Language Spring 2010 Fall 2010 99.1% English 97.6% 0.9% Spanish 2.4% Figure 26. Gender Fall 2010 Missing Spring 2010 0.0% 8.2% 52.6% Female 57.3% 47.4% Male 34.5% 22 Satisfaction Survey Findings Figure 27. Age Fall 2010 Spring 2010 6.7% Missing 16.3% 52.3% 15‐17 58.2% 41.0% 13‐14 25.5% Figure 28. Current Educational Status Fall 2010 I am home schooled 4.5% I attend a private or religious school 4.1% I attend public schools 78.4% I am out of school 9.7% 23 Satisfaction Survey Findings Figure 29. Ethnicity Fall 2010 Spring 2010 72.4% 70.9% Hispanic 14.4% 14.5% Black Other 5.0% 4.5% Bi‐racial/Multiracial 2.4% 0.9% Asian/Pacific Islander 1.9% 0.0% White 1.3% 0.9% 24 Satisfaction Survey Findings Conclusions and Next Steps Overall satisfaction with FSC services remains high with all aspects of the Center. It appears that the FamilySource Network is reaching its target demographic of severely disadvantaged clients. It appears that outreach efforts are bringing in more clients through referrals and direct contract with staff rather than just through the social contacts of existing clients. Increasing the number of days of surveying from one to two led to a substantial increase in the number of respondents especially among youth. However, we still need to increase the number of respondents at some sites. The revised questionnaire increased the response to individual questions and provided a clearer demographic profile of respondents. We plan to conduct the survey for a third time is Spring 2011. Once again we will work with Center Directors to schedule survey days that will yield the most respondents possible. 25 Satisfaction Survey Findings Appendices Appendix A – Adult Survey Questionnaire i FamilySource Center Survey – Adult Participants On-site Questionnaire Administered by California State University, Northridge Fall, 2010 Fill out this questionnaire and tell us how satisfied you are with the services of this FamilySource Center and how it could be improved! Your answers will be kept strictly confidential and will be combined only with those of other FamilySource Center users. You will not be individually identified. 4. Why did you come to this center today? (PLACE AN “X” IN ALL BOXES THAT APPLY) Attend a class or workshop Access a computer Help finding a job Get services for my children Get legal services Small business services Child care Other (PLEASE SPECIFY): ______________________________ 5. How often have you come to this FamilySource Center in the past month? One time Two times Three times Four times Between five and nine times Ten or more times 6. Are you enrolled in a class or program at this FamilySource Center? Yes Please describe ______________________________ No Don’t know 1. Is this your first visit to this FamilySource Center? Yes Skip to Q3 No 2. When, approximately, did you first start receiving services at this center? In the last month 2-3 months 4-6 months 7-12 months More than one year 3. How did you first learn about this FamilySource Center? (PLACE AN “X” IN ALL BOXES THAT APPLY) Friend College or School Met a staff member at an event Saw a flyer Saw the building or sign and just came in Referred by other agency Other: Describe:________________ CONTINUE INSIDE ON PAGE 2 ii Please rate how satisfied you are with each service. Use the scale of 1 to 10 by CIRCLING THE APPROPRIATE NUMBER ON THE SCALE. If you have no experience with a service, or do not have an opinion, just CIRCLE NA for Does Not Apply. SATISFACTION WITH FAMILYSOURCE CENTER STAFF 1 = Very Dissatisfied Please tell us how satisfied you are with: 10 = Very Satisfied NA = Don’t know or does not apply 7. Response to your phone calls. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 8. The amount of paperwork required. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 9. Ability of staff to answer questions quickly. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 10. Respect the staff shows you. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 11. Waiting time for services. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 12. The availability of staff who speaks your language. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA SATISFACTION WITH FAMILYSOURCE CENTER FACILITIES 1 = Very Dissatisfied Please tell us how satisfied you are with: 10 = Very Satisfied NA = Don’t know or does not apply 13. The cleanliness of this FamilySource Center. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 14. The visibility of “FamilySource Center” signs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 15. Access to this center by public transportation. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 16. Quality of computers and other equipment. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA SATISFACTION WITH FAMILYSOURCE CENTER SERVICES 1 = Very Dissatisfied Please tell us how satisfied you are with: 10 = Very Satisfied NA = Don’t know or does not apply 17. Overall effectiveness of programs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 18. Quality of workshops and classes. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 19. Quality of counseling. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 20. Help finding a job. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 21. Services to help your children. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 22. Mix of services available at this center and its partners. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 23. The hours that this FamilySource Center is open 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA iii You are almost done. Just a few more questions… 24. Overall, how satisfied are you with the services you received at this FamilySource Center? 1 = Very Dissatisfied 1 2 10 = Very Satisfied 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 25. To what extent have services at this FamilySource Center met your expectations? 1 = Falls short of expectations 1 2 3 10 = Exceeds expectations 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 26. Now think about the ideal FamilySource Center for individuals like yourself. How well do you think the services you received compare with that ideal set of services? 1 = Not close 1 2 10 = Very close 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 27. My visit today to this FamilySource Center today was valuable. 1 = Not close 1 2 10 = Very close 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 28. Would you recommend this center to someone like yourself? Yes No Not sure CONTINUE ON BACK iv NA TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF 29. Gender Male Female 30. Age 18-25 26-40 41-55 56-70 71 or more 31. Please check all that apply I am employed full-time I am employed part-time I am unemployed and seeking paid work I have a child in school I have a child who needs help in school 32. Highest Level of Education Completed Elementary/Primary School 8th Grade Completion Some High School High School Diploma or Equivalent Some College Associate’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree or more 33. Which best describes you? 34. Black White Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander Bi-racial/Multiracial Other:________________ Are there any other comments you would like to make about the center? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR TIME! v Appendix B – Adult Survey Response Data by Center vi Table A – Overall Satisfaction by Site FSC Location Overall satisfaction Met expectations Compared with ideal set of services My visit today today was valuable Mean Std. Deviation 9.48 9.3 9.26 9.55 1.46 1.41 1.47 1.31 Mean 9.73 9.64 9.52 9.81 Std. Deviation .608 .603 .829 .397 Barrio Action YFC Mean 9.65 9.53 9.43 9.75 Std. Deviation 1.233 .842 1.021 .751 Bradley Milken FSC Mean 9.17 9.13 8.94 9.63 Std. Deviation 2.077 1.777 1.762 .929 CCNP Mean 8.79 8.65 8.72 9.12 Std. Deviation 2.191 1.973 1.824 2.140 Children's Collective Mean 9.68 9.75 9.63 9.78 Std. Deviation .612 .518 .576 .506 CMHP Mean 9.48 9.04 9.04 9.28 Std. Deviation 1.022 1.091 1.315 1.400 OVERALL 1736 FCC Community Build Mean 9.38 9.37 8.92 9.48 Std. Deviation 1.571 1.346 2.044 1.248 Community Care at Home Mean 10.00 9.50 10.00 10.00 Std. Deviation .000 .707 .000 .000 Cypress Park FSC Mean 9.62 9.33 9.23 9.56 Std. Deviation .993 1.012 1.047 .929 El Centro De Ayuda Mean 9.43 9.38 9.42 9.58 Std. Deviation 1.646 1.311 1.353 1.499 El Centro Del Pueblo Mean 9.59 9.39 9.47 9.73 Std. Deviation 1.240 1.341 .842 .654 El Nido FSC Mean 9.73 9.59 9.66 9.78 Std. Deviation 1.044 .873 .673 .529 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC Mean 9.04 8.55 8.57 8.75 Std. Deviation 2.205 2.176 2.253 2.707 NEW Canoga Park Mean 9.51 9.02 9.26 9.47 Std. Deviation 1.315 1.791 1.536 1.501 NEW Van Nuys Mean 9.74 9.59 9.41 9.61 Oakwood FSC Std. Deviation .777 .788 1.513 .981 Mean 9.31 9.56 9.45 9.91 Std. Deviation 2.125 1.580 1.670 .288 vii Overall, how satisfied are you with the services you received? FSC Location OVERALL Have services at this FamilySource Center met your expectations? How well do you think the services you received compare with that ideal set of services? My visit today to this FamilySource Center today was valuable. Mean Std. Deviation 9.48 9.3 9.26 9.55 1.46 1.41 1.47 1.31 Mean 9.29 9.20 8.79 9.19 Std. Deviation 1.865 1.972 2.619 1.908 Toberman Neighborhood Center Mean 9.38 9.36 9.36 9.44 Std. Deviation 1.275 1.268 1.313 1.403 Tom Bradley FSC Mean 9.84 9.36 9.51 9.78 Std. Deviation .420 1.021 .739 .572 Mean 9.42 9.27 9.36 9.38 Std. Deviation 1.505 1.555 1.567 1.446 Mean 9.12 9.00 8.81 8.88 Std. Deviation 2.197 2.173 2.059 2.559 Pacoima FSC WLCAC Youth Policy Institute viii Table B – Satisfaction with Staff Response to your phone calls. The amount of paperwork required. Ability of staff to answer questions quickly. Respect the staff shows you. Waiting time for services. The availability of staff who speaks your language. 9.66 9.34 9.67 9.89 9.50 9.86 Std. Deviation .701 1.181 .793 .319 .811 .430 Mean 8.56 8.67 8.85 9.32 9.29 9.30 Std. Deviation 2.576 2.281 2.210 1.820 1.869 2.053 Bradley Milken FSC Mean 8.43 8.69 9.08 9.31 9.02 8.88 Std. Deviation 2.984 2.410 2.096 1.838 2.097 2.130 CCNP Mean 9.23 8.36 8.47 8.65 8.66 9.12 Std. Deviation 1.671 2.354 2.635 2.603 2.552 2.112 Children's Collective Mean 9.44 8.73 9.48 9.78 9.24 9.96 Std. Deviation 1.086 2.426 1.122 .801 1.832 .192 CMHP Mean 9.33 8.89 9.28 9.28 8.70 8.74 Std. Deviation 1.155 1.451 1.173 1.308 1.329 2.246 Mean 8.94 8.68 9.19 9.29 9.17 9.44 FSC Location 1736 FCC Barrio Action YFC Community Build Mean Std. Deviation 2.145 2.507 1.955 1.646 1.935 1.589 Community Care at Home Mean 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 10.00 Std. Deviation .000 .000 .000 .000 2.828 . Cypress Park FSC Mean 9.43 9.05 9.26 9.58 9.18 9.16 Std. Deviation 1.642 1.921 1.598 1.397 1.660 1.999 El Centro De Ayuda Mean 8.92 9.11 9.21 9.38 9.21 9.61 Std. Deviation 2.163 1.941 1.854 1.847 1.935 1.684 El Centro Del Pueblo Mean 8.97 8.70 9.38 9.37 9.20 9.42 Std. Deviation 2.007 2.431 1.614 1.940 1.753 1.901 El Nido FSC Mean 9.13 9.44 9.37 9.59 9.24 9.77 Std. Deviation 1.672 1.293 1.415 1.075 1.672 1.039 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC Mean 9.29 9.67 9.26 9.55 9.55 9.59 Std. Deviation 1.611 .485 1.514 1.335 .826 1.333 Total Mean 9.02 9.00 9.21 9.41 9.14 9.39 Std. Deviation 2.007 1.925 1.742 1.644 1.826 1.732 ix Response to your phone calls. FSC Location NEW Canoga Park NEW Van Nuys Oakwood FSC Pacoima FSC Toberman Neighborhood Center Tom Bradley FSC The amount of paperwork required. Ability of staff to answer questions quickly. Respect the staff shows you. Waiting time for services. The availability of staff who speaks your language. Mean 9.15 9.20 9.36 9.40 9.06 9.41 Std. Deviation 1.780 1.583 1.277 1.522 1.875 1.613 Mean 9.32 9.14 9.38 9.60 9.30 9.71 Std. Deviation 1.459 1.679 1.210 1.195 1.473 .957 Mean 9.83 9.77 9.91 9.66 9.64 9.49 Std. Deviation .539 .560 .522 1.552 .859 2.120 Mean 7.59 8.58 8.41 9.00 8.17 8.93 Std. Deviation 3.261 1.742 2.598 2.236 2.614 2.273 Mean 8.45 8.54 9.21 9.33 9.21 9.30 Std. Deviation 2.644 2.490 1.727 1.639 1.720 1.604 Mean 9.33 9.49 9.63 9.89 9.65 9.27 Std. Deviation 1.322 1.121 .733 .420 .796 1.638 WLCAC Mean 7.77 8.43 8.53 9.08 8.40 8.33 Std. Deviation 3.032 2.209 2.356 1.801 2.640 2.526 Youth Policy Institute Mean 8.18 8.50 8.80 8.96 8.81 9.27 Std. Deviation 2.557 2.322 2.466 2.549 2.433 1.991 Total Mean 9.02 9.00 9.21 9.41 9.14 9.39 Std. Deviation 2.007 1.925 1.742 1.644 1.826 1.732 x Table C – Satisfaction with Facilities The cleanliness of this FSC. The visibility of "FSC" signs. Access to this center by public transportation. Quality of computers and other equipment. Mean 9.41 9.20 9.16 9.20 Std. Deviation 1.540 1.739 1.900 1.719 1736 FCC Mean 9.89 9.75 9.67 9.48 .315 .672 .679 1.004 Barrio Action YFC Std. Deviation Mean 9.56 9.03 8.98 8.98 Std. Deviation Mean 1.636 1.983 2.273 2.166 8.56 9.00 8.52 8.32 Std. Deviation Mean 2.541 1.990 2.501 2.334 9.49 8.93 8.90 8.59 Std. Deviation Mean 1.394 1.955 2.051 2.183 9.96 9.76 8.82 9.67 .192 1.012 2.243 .686 CMHP Std. Deviation Mean 9.08 9.22 9.32 9.06 1.998 1.622 1.129 1.391 Community Build Std. Deviation Mean 9.30 8.93 9.11 9.24 Std. Deviation Mean 1.841 2.245 1.997 1.747 9.50 10.00 6.50 10.00 Std. Deviation Mean .707 .000 4.950 .000 9.12 9.35 9.42 9.13 Std. Deviation Mean 1.693 1.640 1.621 1.592 9.32 9.28 9.18 9.30 Std. Deviation Mean 1.551 1.599 1.984 2.036 9.22 9.07 9.50 9.52 Std. Deviation Mean 2.240 2.215 1.520 1.029 9.51 9.27 9.34 9.47 Std. Deviation Mean 1.180 1.684 1.517 1.334 9.22 8.74 9.14 9.08 1.313 2.359 2.308 1.676 NEW Canoga Park Std. Deviation Mean 9.45 9.43 9.08 9.32 1.516 1.400 1.865 1.459 NEW Van Nuys Std. Deviation Mean 9.55 8.83 8.78 9.42 1.119 1.928 2.311 1.388 Oakwood FSC Std. Deviation Mean 9.89 9.57 9.81 9.95 Std. Deviation .323 1.008 .557 .213 FSC Location OVERALL Bradley Milken FSC CCNP Children's Collective Community Care at Home Cypress Park FSC El Centro De Ayuda El Centro Del Pueblo El Nido FSC Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC xi FSC Location The cleanliness of this FSC. The visibility of "FSC" signs. Access to this center by public transportation. Quality of computers and other equipment. Mean 9.41 9.20 9.16 9.20 Std. Deviation 1.540 1.739 1.900 1.719 Mean 9.30 8.81 8.79 8.41 Std. Deviation Mean 1.704 1.942 2.167 2.476 9.44 9.23 8.63 9.25 1.433 1.769 2.486 1.898 Tom Bradley FSC Std. Deviation Mean 9.76 9.52 9.84 9.56 .576 .931 .547 .959 WLCAC Std. Deviation Mean 9.13 9.29 9.00 8.11 Std. Deviation Mean 1.668 1.684 2.184 2.759 9.37 8.96 9.48 9.13 Std. Deviation 1.801 2.047 1.806 2.112 OVERALL Pacoima FSC Toberman Neighborhood Center Youth Policy Institute xii Table D – Satisfaction with Services Overall effectiveness of programs. Quality of workshops and classes. Quality of counseling. Help finding a job. Services to help your children. Mix of services avalable at this center and its partners. The hours that this FSC is open Mean 9.34 9.34 9.38 8.80 9.26 9.29 9.36 Std. Deviation 1.588 1.609 1.556 2.141 1.843 1.632 1.604 1736 FCC Mean 9.68 9.76 9.77 9.38 9.59 9.63 9.71 .768 .554 .560 1.096 1.073 .833 .676 Barrio Action YFC Std. Deviation Mean 9.28 9.31 9.38 9.04 9.36 9.22 9.24 Std. Deviation Mean 1.785 1.862 1.514 2.009 1.831 1.474 1.811 9.10 9.23 9.05 8.65 9.30 9.07 9.33 Std. Deviation Mean 1.861 1.683 2.175 1.780 1.425 1.786 1.554 9.15 8.98 8.98 8.46 8.57 8.72 8.84 Std. Deviation Mean 1.935 2.153 2.026 2.382 2.849 2.433 2.242 9.73 9.35 9.85 8.77 9.80 9.63 9.58 .533 1.112 .366 2.488 .523 .831 .974 CMHP Std. Deviation Mean 9.15 8.71 9.22 8.69 9.18 8.61 8.85 1.089 1.759 1.114 1.580 1.334 1.577 1.496 Community Build Std. Deviation Mean 8.88 8.95 9.12 8.00 8.47 9.05 8.88 Std. Deviation Mean 2.121 2.051 1.950 2.828 2.788 2.026 2.228 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Std. Deviation Mean .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 9.11 9.10 9.46 9.04 9.47 9.53 9.39 Std. Deviation Mean 1.603 1.603 .948 1.925 .973 .803 1.152 9.31 9.28 9.40 8.24 9.35 9.33 9.36 Std. Deviation 1.753 1.953 1.871 3.039 2.001 1.787 1.660 FSC Location OVERALL Bradley Milken FSC CCNP Children's Collective Community Care at Home Cypress Park FSC El Centro De Ayuda xiii Overall effectiveness of programs. FSC Location OVERALL Quality of workshops and classes. Quality of counseling. Help finding a job. Services to help your children. Mix of services avalable at this center and its partners. The hours that this FSC is open Mean 9.34 9.34 9.38 8.80 9.26 9.29 9.36 Std. Deviation Mean 1.588 1.609 1.556 2.141 1.843 1.632 1.604 9.46 9.76 9.51 9.55 9.85 9.60 9.61 Std. Deviation Mean 1.451 .542 1.579 .999 .364 1.241 1.447 9.59 9.69 9.79 9.04 9.50 9.45 9.49 Std. Deviation Mean 1.175 1.164 .555 1.905 1.405 1.343 1.335 9.33 9.40 8.50 8.50 8.33 9.13 9.31 1.354 1.392 2.503 2.121 2.062 1.598 1.537 NEW Canoga Park Std. Deviation Mean 9.37 9.43 9.32 8.53 9.22 9.20 9.44 1.554 1.416 1.367 2.271 1.812 1.712 1.675 NEW Van Nuys Std. Deviation Mean 9.40 9.38 9.67 9.21 9.61 9.38 9.45 1.499 1.115 .676 1.707 1.181 1.659 1.365 Oakwood FSC Std. Deviation Mean 9.57 9.59 9.84 9.70 9.52 9.82 9.63 1.675 1.624 .374 .949 1.691 .390 1.601 Pacoima FSC Std. Deviation Mean 9.13 8.18 8.54 7.50 7.89 8.42 8.68 Std. Deviation Mean 2.252 2.822 2.602 3.117 2.934 2.906 2.286 9.00 9.00 9.30 9.00 9.04 9.57 9.58 1.984 2.117 1.660 2.000 1.904 1.478 1.437 Tom Bradley FSC Std. Deviation Mean 9.70 9.66 9.70 9.38 9.42 9.47 9.78 .668 .805 .794 1.071 1.689 1.047 .507 WLCAC Std. Deviation Mean 9.50 9.46 9.40 8.43 9.30 9.10 9.33 Std. Deviation Mean 1.732 1.664 1.897 2.440 1.889 2.025 1.775 9.14 8.84 8.83 9.11 8.35 9.14 9.08 Std. Deviation 1.807 2.292 2.496 2.349 3.081 2.189 2.115 El Centro Del Pueblo El Nido FSC Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC Toberman Neighborhood Center Youth Policy Institute xiv Table E – Would you recommend this center to someone like yourself? FSC Location Would Recommend Center Total Yes No Not Sure 1736 FCC 36 0 0 36 Barrio Action YFC 62 0 0 62 Bradley Milken FSC 50 0 0 50 CCNP 59 0 1 60 Children's Collective 26 0 0 26 CMHP 26 0 2 28 Community Build 44 0 2 46 Community Care at Home 2 0 0 2 Cypress Park FSC 51 0 0 51 El Centro De Ayuda 78 1 0 79 El Centro Del Pueblo 45 1 1 47 El Nido FSC 92 0 0 92 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 21 2 0 23 NEW Canoga Park 86 0 2 88 NEW Van Nuys 50 0 2 52 Oakwood FSC 35 0 0 35 Pacoima FSC 33 0 0 33 Toberman Neighborhood Center 39 0 3 42 Tom Bradley FSC 52 1 0 53 WLCAC 12 2 0 14 Youth Policy Institute 24 1 1 26 Table F - How did you first learn about this FSC? xv FSC Location Friend College or School Met Staff Member at event Saw Flyer Saw Referred Building or Sign 1736 FCC 10 3 2 6 5 2 Barrio Action YFC 38 5 3 10 20 0 Bradley Milken FSC 27 6 6 4 7 2 CCNP 30 5 6 10 9 10 Children's Collective 8 4 1 6 2 5 CMHP 17 0 1 3 4 4 Community Build 21 5 1 9 6 4 Community Care at Home 1 1 0 0 0 0 Cypress Park FSC 30 6 5 6 7 4 El Centro De Ayuda 27 11 10 10 10 9 El Centro Del Pueblo 17 6 4 3 2 9 El Nido FSC 54 14 12 9 10 9 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 16 6 2 2 3 1 NEW Canoga Park 33 16 4 20 15 12 NEW Van Nuys 20 4 5 7 1 11 Oakwood FSC 26 0 3 1 0 3 Pacoima FSC 31 0 2 1 1 2 Toberman Neighborhood Center 25 1 1 2 6 2 Tom Bradley FSC 30 2 2 11 15 4 WLCAC 2 0 1 0 0 5 Youth Policy Institute 14 0 1 3 3 4 Total 477 95 72 123 126 102 xvi Table G – How did you learn about this FSC: Other Children's Collective Fue atravez del prgrama Vida Sana Receive flyer in mail Fue atravez del prgrama Vida Sana Court Por iglecia Wife Gain office gave flyer El Nido FSC Church Annancement En la escuela de mi hijo Referall En una iflesia dieron el anuncio Roklena NEW Van Nuys EDD On a pirce of paper. On calleded the number. Policia del vecimos Tierra Del Sol referido por el centro de padres en la escuela DCFS able por telefono ayudaran a mi hija y elsa rojas primero me dijo que yo nesecita ba venir primo yo Village Email yo buscaba la ayuda Friends and Family por una lista que me dieron en corte de ninos Brother me invito mi sobrina Bernardi Senior Center where I call bingo in Spanish (volunteer) mi sobrina me invito Parent Comt house Pacoima FSC Policia by my mother Psicologa de mis hijas Clinica de salud NEW Canoga Park Dep. Policia Court order Centro Ragional Walk-in Guadalupe Community Center DCFS Esposo Husband EDD Cypress Park FSC Case Manager Barrio Action teacher Walk-in Sister xvii School Toberman Neighborhood Center My school internet por medio de mi sobrino el estudia aqui I live close EDD had come for fund raiser breakfast vi un volante informativo en la oficina de desempleo de DeSoto y Sherman Way another client was asst. w/ food worker ref. Esposa 20 yrs I have been coming here Trabajador Social mother por la trabajadora social mi doctora hermana Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC Bradley Milken FSC drillteam and drum squad husband is staff Barrio Action YFC community service friend church walk in church walk-in Por la violencia que hubo hace 12 anos use to attend school escuela de mi nina intern at hillsides horas comunitaria para pagar multa de policia amigos vitimos decrimen Sobrina HIJA El Centro Del Pueblo referred by a friend of a family Oakwood FSC service W. Mi esposa school counselor conosia un miembro del personal en la calle por la corte Alexandria shool no wc porque murio mi hijo Community Care at Home xviii Youth Policy Institute by DCFS sign mom send by Erick Garcetti's office mama referidade magnolia walk in mama program trabajadora internet consejera referrida familiar trabajadora por la maestra de mi hijo policia mi esposa crenshaw mall creasho llamada telefonica WLCAC social worker court Tom Bradley FSC probation Pico N. court I was participating in the beginning social worker done corte attended meeting here, and I saw where they offered services por la corte mend P.O. amiga mi familia CMHP dad CCNP VIP pathways abogado preguntand en persona psicologa de mis hijos un miembro CCNP no enviaron de nuestras vivendas mi hermana me dijo 1736 FCC cal works xix El Centro De Ayuda by my brother WIC office mom probation mom brought me internet boyfriend taking PC1000 class court yo vine a informorme pragrama impacto por mi trabajador social school escuhela doctor Community Build walk in friends outside community build walk in walk in walk in middle school brett harte/ ca bridges xx Table H - Why do you come to this center? FSC Location Attend a Class or Workshop Access a Computer Help Finding a Job Get Services for my Children Legal Services Small Business Services Child Care 1736 FCC 15 6 4 16 3 1 3 Barrio Action YFC 33 14 4 15 2 1 5 Bradley Milken FSC 29 6 7 13 1 2 2 CCNP 22 20 10 14 1 2 6 Children's Collective 8 1 1 13 2 0 2 CMHP 5 5 5 5 9 0 0 Community Build 10 27 15 7 5 2 1 Community Care at Home 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 Cypress Park FSC 23 3 4 10 3 2 2 El Centro De Ayuda 37 8 9 22 6 1 1 El Centro Del Pueblo 26 2 1 15 0 0 0 El Nido FSC 67 17 10 15 8 3 2 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 17 2 7 2 2 0 1 NEW Canoga Park 58 21 11 17 9 2 5 NEW Van Nuys 12 7 9 24 9 0 2 Oakwood FSC 19 4 0 11 0 0 4 Pacoima FSC 1 3 1 1 1 3 0 Toberman Neighborhood Center 8 12 5 6 4 1 0 Tom Bradley FSC 31 10 7 12 2 1 1 WLCAC 5 1 0 4 1 0 0 Youth Policy Institute 3 19 10 2 4 0 0 xxi Table I - Why do you come to this center: Other Children's Collective Cypress Park Parenting trage recibos de gas Therapy programa despues de escuela Court Order para segundo idioma bill payment para hacer ejercicio Clases de padres Trabajo comunitario Clases para padres para hacer ejercicio Ayuda con los billes Buena vida programa Ayuda con los billes Airobic Tutoria Homework Tarea NEW Van Nuys Parenting El Nido FSC Therapy Rent Court Order Medical & estampillas bill payment Para encontrar mejor trabajo Clases de padres levantar la autoestima Clases para padres mi misma y mi pareja Ayuda con los billes cosmotologia Ayuda con los billes para sentirme bien emosional Tutoria Auto estima Visiting Brother buscar ayuda Info for all help por las clases de ingles Community Resource benefit food stamps Appt por las clases de ingles y de reposleria Violencia Domestica Dejar copias documentos Pacoima School car insurance HEAP bill assistance xxii assistance with utilities bills Perenting need help with bill payment para estampillas de comida for the bus relief para ayudar a mi hijo elect. Bill clases de padres voluntering Por la corte de Pro. Demenores HEAP por la corte HEAP and DWP Pmt Help buscando ayuda de bajo estima Help with bill sobre medical(aplicacion) HEAP por la trabajadora social HEAP HEAP Bradley Milken FSC M play baskeball para pedir ayuda pago del bill luz y agua practice alluda del bil del agua RRTP para pagar mi bill RRTP pagar bill de luz to teach a class Ayuda con biles Work pago del bill exercise class para pedir ayuda arobicks class arts & crafts NEW Canoga Park Perenting El Centro Del Pueblo Parenting classes work Ask for GED classes work English outreach worker Personal improvement outreach worker LACOE IS boxing training Job Training tenants lights help everything ayuda con papeles SSI P.E. consejeria familiar because I have P.E. a preguntar el horario de una clase para mi hija xxiii Toberman Neighborhood Center case management roomate computer lab food pantry Community service bustokens meet w/a client for information on counciling pre-dance counceling assistance bailar utility asst. food Oakwood FSC servs like emergency food asistencia personal SSI Doc. Clase food+gym Ingles gym Clase d ingles, padres comida ninos vienen tambien comida ninos jim y la alluda de comida clase de ingles para un programa de hacla clase de ninos, ESL pago de bill Pre k, clase provedora pago de bill Community Care at Home - Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC para aprender ingles I terminar la escuela por aprender ingles Youth Policy Institute comida computer class housing Barrio Action YFC housing for homeless dance transportation pre-dance help with housing learn more transportation visiting brought a friend tutoring for daughter tutoria Community service xxiv WLCAC Tom Bradley FSC dom. V community service parenting anger mang. food therapy food give away work CMHP volunteer bill about another job heap program para viles de pago Help pay u tutoria gas bill para que los ayuden a leer help with utilities Ingles job search ESL consulta con el abogado ayuda de tarea para ayuda de los bilies clases de ingles 1736 FCC CCNP talk about my domestic problems gym gain case management counseling a friend padres, cultura karate class for my kids domestica violencia use gym therapia, classes de grupo, culture edu gym clase de enojo gym clase de padres inglish class consegeria, clase de padres para saber los servicios que tienen consegeria de padres gimnasio llenar papales para aprender ingles mirar a la trabajadora servicio comunitario por que vengo al centro de salud gym tambien para el contro de salud clases de karate para ,I hija xxv El Centro De Ayuda work as intern ask a question work shop counseling mom had a workshop rehab counselor session fix a mistake they made bill assistance antes ayuda cicologica para hacer un pago y no me lo resibieo consejeria clases de computacion tutoria recoger sertificado de clase de computacion talles vivieuda Pprotexion de vivenda Community Build talk to case manager use of telephone also tokens all day pass tokens change errand xxvi Table J - How often have you come to this FSC in the past month? How Often Visited in a Month FSC Location One time Two times Three times Four times Between five and nine times Ten or more times 1736 FCC 3 2 6 13 6 5 Barrio Action YFC 6 7 5 2 18 21 Bradley Milken FSC 4 5 1 10 14 17 CCNP 7 3 5 6 11 21 Children's Collective 5 3 2 13 2 1 CMHP 6 6 7 2 3 1 Community Build 3 6 9 3 7 13 Community Care at Home 0 0 0 0 0 2 Cypress Park FSC 6 5 2 15 13 13 El Centro De Ayuda 13 13 12 20 6 13 El Centro Del Pueblo 11 3 4 7 9 11 El Nido FSC 10 7 9 20 25 11 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 2 1 0 2 2 16 NEW Canoga Park 18 6 7 13 19 26 NEW Van Nuys 10 6 3 10 9 10 Oakwood FSC 3 4 2 3 3 17 Pacoima FSC 13 4 2 2 1 2 Toberman Neighborhood Center 9 5 5 6 3 10 Tom Bradley FSC 3 6 4 10 14 19 WLCAC 2 1 2 7 1 2 Youth Policy Institute 4 7 2 2 4 8 xxvii Table K – Are you enrolled in a class or program at this FSC? Are You Enrolled? FSC Location Yes No 1736 FCC 27 10 Don't Know 1 Barrio Action YFC 41 15 4 Bradley Milken FSC 32 18 1 CCNP 33 26 2 Children's Collective 14 8 1 CMHP 8 15 4 Community Build 22 23 2 Community Care at Home 1 0 0 Cypress Park FSC 30 14 5 El Centro De Ayuda 46 19 5 El Centro Del Pueblo 34 12 1 El Nido FSC 75 17 2 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 19 4 1 NEW Canoga Park 68 22 2 NEW Van Nuys 25 25 2 Oakwood FSC 28 5 2 Pacoima FSC 1 30 1 Toberman Neighborhood Center 19 22 2 Tom Bradley FSC 36 18 3 WLCAC 11 4 1 Youth Policy Institute 7 19 1 xxviii Table L – Enrolled in a class or program: Other Children's Collective Cypress Park FSC Carseat safety class My daughter Computer class Parenting class Parenting/Computer Aerobics Parenting classes Summer Youth Program Parenting High school Parenting Clases de engles y otros Terapia clases de Ingles y mi nina en el programa de depues de escuela ayuda con tareas Tutoria ESL Class Clase individul Clases de ingles y para ayuda a mi hijo Consejeria Aerobis y ingles NEW Van Nuys Ingles Computer classes Ingles Partent class Clase de ingles Tutoring Clase de ingles Summer Camp El Programa de Vida sana Budget help El Programa de Vida sana Parenting enrolling today Ejersicios LA CH PP Buena vida programa Clases para padres Airobic Ingles y computacion Tutoria Clases de tutoria ESL Class Diferentes clases para my y mu hijo Clases de padre y ingles Clases para pares Ingles Clases ingles y computo Clase de ingles Salsa Salud Salon Clases para padres Clase de ingles y clase de educacion sin violencis para adolesentes Sentrade padre Clase de ingles De como usar su credito Ingles computacion-ingles xxix Caregiver El Nido FSC Caregiver Calern Computadoras u grupo de mujeres English class En caregiver English class Give care I studie English clases de computadora English class Computers English computadoras English class Computadora ESL English class ESL peranting and counsling Computadora Me voy a inscribir para classes de computacion Computadora Para asistente de enfermere clases de padres Cosina y computadora cosmestdogia Joyeria mujeres poderosas y care giver Cocina mujeres poderosas Cocina reposteria jolleria Groupo de apoyo clases o tarreres cosina mujeres poderosas Cocina Clases de padres Para C NA platica para padres mujes poderosas Apollo para mujeres grupo de mujeres poderosas Caregiver mujer poderosas parejas, G.V. Caregiven mujeres poderosas Care giver grupo de mujeres poderosas, talleres de joyas, computadoras clase de caregive mujeres poderosas Caregiver apoyo a la mujer mujeres poderosas Caue givir ingles & mujeres poderosas Caregiver program clase de mujeres y clase de padres Care giver apoyo a la mujer grupo mujeres poderosas Caregiver mujeres poderosas Care giver y cosmetologia xxx grupo mujeres poderosas paranting classes mujeres poderosas care giver Job Training mujeres podersosas Computacion el grupo de mujeres poderosas ESL class mujeres poderosas elsa rojas Cass d Ingles clase mujeres poderosas ESL grupo de mujeres poderosas clases de ingles grupo mujeres computer class Clases de adultos computacion mujeres poderosas grupo de parejas ESL padres mujeres poderosas fashion guiteirra ESL computadoras para mujere poderosas clase de ingles Engles Pacoima FSC ESL voluntier at this center Computadora class computacion NEW Canoga Park Computancion Perenting classes estoy tomando clases de computacion Parenting class computer class ESC Computacion English class Computacion Parenting & Counseling computacion e ingles Parenting classes Computacion Im doing ESL Classes Padres, computadora ESL English computer computer class computadora computer class computacion computer class computacion Parenting class tutoria y grupo de jovenes Harold Cares Foundation/ Teen parenting classes Computacion Hardd Cares Job Preparation Training computer class Job training&LACOE computacion xxxi Programa de computacion clases de padres voy ha empezar clases de ingles y pedi sillas para mis hijos clases de padres clase de padres clase de ingles clase de ingles clase de padres Ingles clases pl padres clase de ingles clases de padres y clases de ingles clase de ingles clases de padres clase de ingles aerobis Computacion aerobics clase de computacion(basico) gropo de apoyo para la mujer cosmetologia clases de padres clase de padres clase de padres clases de padres clases de padres clases de padres clases de padres para pareja, individual clases de padres clase padres clase de padres taller/parejas padres clase de padres y mujeres poderosas clase de padres clases ingles padres/mujeres ESL clase para padres y mujeres poderosas engles psicologa-taller de ingles clases Bradley Milken FSC El Centro Del Pueblo ESL instructor Arra Program counseling parenting parenting-substance abuse community service parenting class/ my son is also attending counseling drug abuse Arra program Vida Sana wellness program parenting counseling parenting gym(P.E.) gygnastic for my child clase de padre parenting programa tutoria kids gymnastics xxxii cooking class food service asst parenting typing & computer class parenting computer basics consejeria para mi hijo food bank consejeria community service clases de padres computadora clases de padres computer class clases de padres computacion clases de padres computer basics clases de padres computacion clases de padres computer clases de padres computacion e ingles clases de padres Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC clases de padres ESL CLASS clases de padres ESL CLASS clases para padres ESL CLASS clase de padres English class and find a job clase de padres ESL clase de padres ESL clase de padres ESL clase de padres para aprender ingles clase de padres ESL soy nueva yoga I aerobic ESL class aprender ingles Toberman Neighborhood Center ESL computer class ESL class job placement/computers ESL typing class ESL class Not at this time ESL class computer ingles class GED tomando class xxxiii Barrio Action YFC violencia domestica dancing clase ingles dance class ingles y computacion zumba classes and pre dance english pre-dance for my daughter pre-dance Oakwood FSC Art class inglish ESL jewelry class, spanish card class child in dance classes phycolgial therapy tutoring ESL class community service, cmanagement, recreational Preescolar tutoring clases de ESL y nutricion y mi nina en preschool. job source ingles ingles/computacion pre-school ESL ESL and No parents basketball ESL english class clases de Ingles ESL Ingles clase ESL computers Ingles ESL class Ingles E.C.L ESL Clase de ingles Ingles Clase de ingles ESL Engles class carate y art para mi nina english-comp. Clases Mis ninos estan en clases de karate ESL computacion ninos dance clase baile si Jewerly class clases para mi hija joyeria, carteria clases consejeria y clase y padres escuela xxxiv clase para que asistan a mi hijo ESL terapia individual Community Care at Home 1736 FCC smart girls, Leadership and sewing class counseling I finish computer Youth Policy Institute parenting class computer class childrens group computer parent classes computer class pardres, computacion computer class computacion, padres tutoria para ninos padres, computacion, finansas terapia WLCAC enojo para mi hijo domestic v., parenting, counseling padres, clase de adolescentes counseling clase de padres DV clases de padres DV + parenting FFN parenting/anger yoga domestic violence class/parenting class clase de ingles domestic violence clase de ingles anger management istudio ingles clase de padres engles clase de padres clases de ingles cuidado infantil soy voluntaria CMHP INGLES parenting ingles computer class clase de ingles clase individual pardre y consejeria de padres xxxv Tom Bradley FSC clase de ingles computer esl computer basic computer CCNP basic com & basic internet job computer class Parenting classes computer basics internet basics come to see my special Internet computer and english internet basics computer inglesh computer class in class web design esl/computer web design CLASS computer web design toda via no computer ingles y computacion project tech ESL/computer computer computacion y ingles web design computacion e ingles my child recieves tutoring classes de ingles, computacion tutoria mi hija TUTORIA clases de ingles si clases de inglesh computacion ayudena my hija con la tarea ingles y computacion engles y computadora Ingles engles, computadora ingles ingles, computacion basic computer english coputacion esl gym ISEL karate ESL karate esl english and computer esl karate y esl classes todos los miembros de la familia esl xxxvi El Centro De Ayuda para ayuda con mis hijo domistice voilince para ayuda de mi hijo computer class computadoras counseling hayuda para los ninos D.V. class para mi clase de computacion y para mi hija asiste con Luis o Jessica drug rehab at patient conputadora parenting/drug vengo clases de computadora mi hijo tutoria computacion esperanza program consejeria esperanza computoroia esperanza computacion mi hijo esta inscrito para ayuda de mi hijo consejeria Community Build clase de computacion computers computacion computer class clases de padres pre empolment clase de computadoras finantia literacy and GED clases de conputado computer clase de computadoras broadway federal (bank account) consejeria office 2007 computacion y consejeria like computer classes computacion/concejeria basics computer clase de padres basics computer clases de padres computer class computacion workshop tutoria computer int. basic tutoria tomando clases de comp. computacion compuracion basico computacion tutoria clases de computacion clases para padres y tutoria para los hijas computer class & psicologia (consejeria) xxxvii Table M – Surveys Completed by Language Language FSC Location English Spanish 1736 FCC 7 31 Barrio Action YFC 24 39 Bradley Milken FSC 30 22 CCNP 29 36 Children's Collective 13 16 CMHP 15 17 Community Build 40 8 Community Care at Home 1 1 Cypress Park FSC 14 42 El Centro De Ayuda 16 64 El Centro Del Pueblo 22 25 El Nido FSC 14 82 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 7 18 NEW Canoga Park 30 64 NEW Van Nuys 23 32 Oakwood FSC 4 31 Pacoima FSC 17 18 Toberman Neighborhood Center 28 16 Tom Bradley FSC 34 24 WLCAC 12 4 Youth Policy Institute 23 4 xxxviii Table N – Surveys Completed by Gender Gender FSC Location Male Female 1736 FCC 5 32 Barrio Action YFC 12 51 Bradley Milken FSC 18 32 CCNP 18 45 Children's Collective 4 24 CMHP 10 21 Community Build 23 24 Community Care at Home 0 2 Cypress Park FSC 19 36 El Centro De Ayuda 16 60 El Centro Del Pueblo 13 31 El Nido FSC 8 83 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 3 18 NEW Canoga Park 16 71 NEW Van Nuys 14 39 Oakwood FSC 4 31 Pacoima FSC 6 25 Toberman Neighborhood Center 20 24 Tom Bradley FSC 21 36 WLCAC 5 11 Youth Policy Institute 20 6 xxxix Table O – Surveys Completed by Age Age FSC Location 18-25 26-40 41-55 56-70 71 or more 1736 FCC 4 14 15 4 0 Barrio Action YFC 15 31 8 7 2 Bradley Milken FSC 14 13 17 2 2 CCNP 11 33 15 4 0 Children's Collective 5 11 11 2 0 CMHP 1 8 13 8 0 Community Build 21 11 11 4 0 Community Care at Home 0 2 0 0 0 Cypress Park FSC 7 16 22 9 1 El Centro De Ayuda 15 36 26 1 0 El Centro Del Pueblo 5 21 15 3 0 El Nido FSC 9 39 39 5 0 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 1 7 5 8 2 NEW Canoga Park 24 43 19 3 1 NEW Van Nuys 10 26 15 2 0 Oakwood FSC 7 22 3 3 0 Pacoima FSC 3 8 16 6 0 Toberman Neighborhood Center 12 18 10 4 0 Tom Bradley FSC 4 18 14 15 5 WLCAC 5 7 4 0 0 Youth Policy Institute 6 9 9 2 0 xl Table P – Other Characteristics Employed Full Time Employed PartTime One HH Member Looking for Work Child in School Child Who Needs Help in School 1736 FCC 3 9 15 16 5 Barrio Action YFC 11 8 25 26 9 Bradley Milken FSC 7 7 22 14 6 CCNP 5 15 27 20 7 Children's Collective 6 5 10 11 9 FSC Location CMHP 3 4 19 7 2 Community Build 7 8 27 12 5 Community Care at Home 0 1 1 0 1 Cypress Park FSC 14 5 21 18 10 El Centro De Ayuda 8 15 36 36 13 El Centro Del Pueblo 9 16 11 21 13 El Nido FSC 3 9 60 31 12 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 0 2 13 9 5 NEW Canoga Park 6 15 52 36 16 NEW Van Nuys 11 11 24 22 20 Oakwood FSC 3 6 13 15 6 Pacoima FSC 5 3 17 7 2 Toberman Neighborhood Center 4 5 27 11 3 Tom Bradley FSC 5 11 22 13 10 WLCAC 3 0 11 4 1 Youth Policy Institute 1 4 13 5 2 xli Table Q – Education Education FSC Location Elementary/Primary School 8th Grade Completion Some High School High School Diploma or Equivalent Some College Associate's Degree Bachelor's Degree or more 1736 FCC 11 11 6 4 1 1 3 Barrio Action YFC 10 12 8 16 12 1 2 Bradley Milken FSC 11 4 13 9 3 2 5 CCNP 16 14 6 7 12 2 3 Children's Collective 11 5 3 5 3 0 2 CMHP 5 7 6 6 5 0 0 Community Build 4 4 12 8 13 3 2 Community Care at Home 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Cypress Park FSC 16 10 9 12 4 0 0 El Centro De Ayuda 27 22 12 10 5 0 0 El Centro Del Pueblo 11 7 8 7 9 1 2 El Nido FSC 20 31 16 12 8 2 0 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 10 5 1 3 1 0 0 NEW Canoga Park 15 25 16 17 6 5 3 NEW Van Nuys 11 8 7 12 7 4 2 Oakwood FSC 6 9 3 13 2 1 1 Pacoima FSC 6 6 6 6 5 2 0 Toberman Neighborhood Center 8 3 7 9 10 4 3 Tom Bradley FSC 14 4 6 12 10 5 5 WLCAC 2 3 7 3 1 0 0 Youth Policy Institute 0 2 8 7 8 0 1 xlii Table R – Ethnicity Ethnicity FSC Location Black White Hispanic Asian/ Pacific Islander Bi-racial/ Multiracial Other 1736 FCC 0 1 34 0 0 2 Barrio Action YFC 0 0 56 2 1 4 Bradley Milken FSC 9 2 37 0 0 2 CCNP 8 0 51 0 1 3 Children's Collective 4 2 23 0 0 0 CMHP 11 0 20 0 0 0 Community Build 28 0 15 0 0 3 Community Care at Home 1 0 1 0 0 0 Cypress Park FSC 7 0 47 0 1 0 El Centro De Ayuda 0 0 78 0 1 0 El Centro Del Pueblo 0 0 41 2 2 0 El Nido FSC 1 4 88 0 0 0 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 0 0 22 0 0 1 NEW Canoga Park 3 3 79 2 1 2 NEW Van Nuys 4 2 44 0 0 2 Oakwood FSC 2 0 32 1 0 0 Pacoima FSC 6 1 25 0 1 0 Toberman Neighborhood Center 4 4 33 0 1 2 Tom Bradley FSC 23 2 26 2 1 3 WLCAC 6 1 9 0 0 0 Youth Policy Institute 3 8 11 1 1 2 xliii Table S – Comments Que es muy bueno este programa y que como estos programas de berian poner mas porque son muy importante que se preocupen por la jente Children's Collective None I especially love how clean and organized your center is. It is the first thing after the great attitude of the staff that made me want to receive services here. Thanks! Grasias es bueno me siemto bien. Mi hijo lo estan ayudando mucho. Y estoy comtenta. No Gracias a este centro obtube muchos beneficios que me hayudaron a seguir adelante y estoy muy agradecida I am very impressed with the attitude of employees very welcoming and non judgemental! Que sigan ayudando a toda la comunidad para corrjir a nuestros hijos y mas ninos y jovenes que ay muchos que lo necisitan y padres Que esta bien que ayuden a los demas personas y tengan interes por los demas que nesecitamos ayuda Es muy bueno existan estos centros porque nos ayuda mucho a la comunidad. Todo bien felicidades. Gracias Que siga dando los serbisios como asta hora Solo dar las gracias por ser tan atentos y ayudar a lo gente que lo nececitamos gracias. No Mantengan los programas por favor Este programa esta bien estoy muy contento por el programa Keep these programs going No. Pedro Duran 8182353844 Muy bien Tank you Solo darles las gracias por darnos mucha ayuda para noestros hijos y padres gracias Que siga dando los servicios para que recivamos los todos los beneficios a la comumdad. Ninguno! Exelente servicio para comunidades de bajos recurso. Necesitamos centros como este, y la ayuda y la atencion de Family Resources para mu es excelente. NEW Van Nuys No This program learning a lot of family working it out. Kathy Jackson Solo lo q my esposo me habla del centro Family Resour Center N/A Gracias por la asesoria y la ayuda que me estan proporcionando. Julio Guzman It is a wonderful place. It is very helpful. I'd wish there would be computer classes at night everything else is good. Thank you Cypress Park FSC Tutors shouldn't have prefereble students Need New computers No No Everyone was very friendly & helpful thanks That from the first time that I walked threw these dorrs I have always been greeted with a smile and great service they make me and my family fill at home My reason of being here is to get assistance of getting visitation rights to see mt kids. They do good work all the time Its very helpful N/A xliv None all good Great Job N/A Family Source Center is an excellent place. Thanks Family Source Center. None I would like to have another service room. Cypres Park Family Source Center is a wonderful place with helpful people I would like to use the restroom services in the second floor where im attending class. It’s a good place to get your school work done. I would like to use the restroom services in the secon floor where Im attending classes. Sin comentarios Mas comunicacion con las personas que vienen y que se hagan entender bien en espanol que cuando preguntemos algo lo sepan contestar mas limpieza para que los ninos esten en un lugar limpio The classroom for the kids is very small. The havent space for play. No, Ninguno Ahora por lo pronton no tengo ninguna experiencia con los servicios que aqui ofieren pero en lo que especta al al servicio y atencion que estoy recibiendo ahora creo que es muy eficiente Thanking them for their help. Estos satisfecha Lo atienden muy bien Como mi experencia hasta hoy a si buena, espero que con la No Que es muy bueno pero yo en lo personal no he tenido la oportunidad de daber de todos los servicios que aqui hay, hasta este dia estoy sabiendo gracias No No Mucha ayuda, muy provechosa para toda comunidad Latina Ninguno No Este centro de recursos para la familia es fabuloso personal muy educado y atento. A mi en lo personal me ha ayudado mucho. Gracias muchas gracias por todo. No Esta muy bien que tengan estas programa gracias Es un centro apropiado para la familia y es satisfactorio los programas. No No Estoy satisfecha con toda la halluda que me an brindado para mi y mi familia Gracias a este tipo de sentro comunitarios nos ayudan a muchas personas como yo Muy buen servicio en nuestra comuninad Que siga operando el centro nuestra comunidad necesita todos los recursos que este nos brinda. Me e sentido muy feliz de haber conocido este centro porque tienen programas muy buenos y estoy feliz de estar aqui. Que esta con muchos servisios nesesarios y de mucha utilidad Que este sentro me a ayudado en muchos aspectos. Si pudieran tener mas ayuda para el transporte publico y cuidado de ninios mientras este los padres en clases. Que todas las actividades que han dado son de mucha ayuda para la familia Yo estoy muy contenta con el servicio que ofrece el nino este es un centro el cual es de mucha importante para esta comunidad. Que esta tan nesecita de conosimientos de superacion para tener mejor vidad educativa. Muchas gracias y porfavor sigan adilante con estos progros. El Nido FSC Love this place! xlv muy bueno gracias El lugae y el personal me parece excelente y me gustaria que siguiera el centro con la direcion de Aracely. :) que la clase enpiese en el horario que corresponde y que no aiga interferencias hasta que se termine por favor grasias Solamente que la clase de computadora no me gusto como me ensenaron yo queria mas ayuda en lo personal. en lo personal me hayudado mucho en toto Estoy contenta con la ayuda que he recibido en este centro y ojala que pudan seguir ayudando personas. n/a Que sigan promoviendo mas servicios. para mi elsa rojas veronica, cris trujillo me ayudado muchisimo a mi mi hija y mi esposo gracias por el programa Estoy muy satisfecha con el servicio requido y se que hay muchos servicios mas que me pueden ayudar a mi y a mi familia. me siento muy comoda con la atencion. Y me gusta venir a mis talleres y clases. Gracias por toda la ayuda que nos dan. Resivi el curso de caregiver sin costo, cuando en otros lados lo cobran caro. Hoy tengo un diploma para poder buscar trabajo en algo. si me gustaria que los talleres de computacion joyeria decoracion de pasteles talleres para adultos padres y adolesentes sigan Ha sido una experencia muy buena, los felicito, me gusto mucho la clase que recibi. Gracias todos estos programas estan muy bien gracias por todo su apollo que nos dan. Tengo una hija especial. Gracias por preocuparse por los latinos stoy contenta. Me siento contenta y agradecida con este centro. agradesco la oportunidad que me han brindado. El centro es muy bueno porque ayuda a personas solos como mi una madre soltera y con 2 hijos en su pais. Y una madre que mantener son 3 dependienies y el centro me ayudado mucho. NO el salon deveria estar mas grande las clases de mujeres poderosas las tomamos en la cosina estaria mejor si tuveramos un salon. Que bueno que existan centros de hayuda como este. Las personas fueron muy amables considero que es bueno Estoy buscaudo por clase de Ingles el Sabado a cual que hora me hubiera gustado que ustedes tuvieran este servico gracias por su ayuda necesitamos mas espacio para la clase, Mas programas para los jovenes en estos tiempos tan dificiles. me parece muy bien el centro Si obtener mas horas para aprender usar las comutadoras que me parece muy buena la ayuda que brinden y me gustaria mucho aprovecharla. Los servicios que aqui existen son basicos y notables para cada persona. Que los utiliza adecuadamente. Muy buena encuesta :) Si, se puede tener un local mucho mas grande como la clase de mujeres poderosas ha crecido mucho. el espacio es muy pequeno y el grupo es bien grande todos son muy buenas perzonas. Muy amables. Con mis hijos y yo. Pacoima FSC no nada They have always been courteous and very helpful whenever I have come for help. #31 wrote: unemployed. "1st page" #5 wrote 1 year ago yo cuando vine aqui estaba muy deprimida y el venir aqui me ha ayudado tanto, que esa depresion ya quedo en el pasado pero me gusta seguir biniendo porque es como un alimento que me hace falta cada semana. Needs more help. xlvi Keep up the good work, god bless you PCC. Very grateful to have opportunity to impropve one's computer skills through this center Great! Need more help No, I have nothing else to say about the center. My comment is that this place called Pacoima family source center is the best. no! N/A Elsa is the best parenting teacher I really love her. no I like the way the center is organized. I love the attention I receive at the center. The services are awesome. #32 Associate's Degree in progress Is not all the staff at the front but one person needs to improve the customer service attitud. It Rocks! NONE Thanks 4 everything! Que atiendens a una con cortesia y amanihidad NO Cuando llamaos para preguutar si calificamos para resevir descuento en el bil del agua no nos contestan nunca. NO NO Ha sido de gran ayuda para mi ya que quedo muy cerca del lugar en que vivo y los programas que ofrecen som muy completos gracias!! Me gusto porque tienen buen servisio y me atendieron muy bien. No Que tengan mas trabajadores para que anuden mas rapido. Muy bueno!!! Gracias por la oportunidad. "first page" #5 wrote primera vez Are very happy for help fpr school th adult and compotaction thanks for help. Que la agencia tiene mucha ayuda para la gente de bajo recursos. Es un programa muy bueno y estoy muy comtenta con ello. Me atendieron bien y espero que me puedan ayudar con el pago Muy bien. (NINGUNO) Gracias NA NO Nesecito ayuda Me gusta Canoga Park FSC Ninguno none no Need more centers like this worldwide Gracias Without the services available and the great staff me and my family would be in peril of disaster. This center saved my family and our well being. Todos nos tratan con respeto son buenos travajadores, el maestro de computacion es un buen maestro espero que le panguen un buen sueldo gracias Alica marroquin N/A Great center !!! Muy agradecido y muy sastifecho. Muchas muchas gracias None Amplio es sus servicios locals xlvii Un salon mas grande, la recepcion mas grande q' informen bien a las recepcionistas sobre todos los servicios q' tienen. Me gustaria que hubiera ayuda a los ninos con discapacidades especiales como es el autimo gracias Estoy muy contenta con este centro de educasion en nuestro nieghboorgd Yo asisto a las clases de padres 2 horas a la semana los temos me han ayudado mucho. Visite el centro para ayuda de papeleo con medical y la persona encargada due muy servicial. Centro como este tendria a haber en todo el coudado de los angeles para sus habitantes y su communidad y que tenga mucha publicidad esde gran ayuda gracias Gonzalo Gonzalez mas actividades para ninos de 5 a 7 anos. Que son muy amables todos y sirven mucho a la comunida Por favor tener un lugar mas grande para el grupo de mujeres poderosas. Todo esta muy bien y me gustaria que sigiera haci. Satisfecho con los servicios hasta hoy. Psicologa escepcional. Seguir dandp servicios y mejorando cada dia Q' los servicios sigan siendo gratuitos Bradley Milken FSC Estoy muy agradecida con el centro por segir apoyando nuestras clases de ingles. 1st page #5 wrote Never Great homework club, friendly staff, and nice family activities. Que me alludan en la clase de computadora los muchachos so muy eficientes y con mucha paciencia pero cada miercoloes vienen personas nuevas y yo en 3 miersoles no he podido avanzar nada. #31 (crossed out: y busco trabajo) wrote: pero quiero esperarme 3 meses, quiero tomar clases de computadora. Overall, I am very satisfied with the assistance I have gotten in my classes being taught here. N/A It has the potencial to open more classes like Spanish, Hebrew using volunteers like me KiKeKazKo@hotmail.com no Yo vine por ayudar a mi hijo esta en drogas y mal comportamiento y hast ahora no e resivido la ayuda adecuada alomejor mas adelante. Perp este centro sies bueno NO We could use a lot more activities here. Me gusta mucho la clase de consejeria para padres Improve in contacting applicants who really want help. Le doy las gracias por todo lo que me han ayudado estoy muy satisfecha con el servico y me gustaria seguir aqui Center is very good! All the people at the front desk are very nice & kind it makes coming here very nice. Las clases para padres son exelentes Nuevos intregantes, pero responsables y mad programas para las famillias That Im thankfull for all there help. Estoy contenta de aber venidoaeste programa Gracias a dona Elsa Rojas que me dijo de este programa es que vengo y me gusta N/A Nothing! Thanks Asido muy provechoso nadamas se nesesita mas personal de espanol. Que cuando quieres haces preguntas acerca de las clases no saben tenemos que esperar o venir a una reunion alli si que mejoren. Me gustaria que tuvieran mas incentivos para los ninos en cuanto a paseos y en cuanto a personal que les ayude con las tareas y los motive para sacar buenas notas en la escuela y personal bilingue que es muy importante xlviii porque la mayoria que asistimos al programas somos latinos y hablamos espanol. #32 wrote: Carrera Comercial I think this is a great center and is really needed and valued in this community. The services are truly helpful and useful. Para mi es muy probechoso me alludan mucho no Necesitamos mas personas que hablen espanol Un poco mas de seguridad para el centro del pueblo y un poco mas de limpiesa y aire acoudicionado en los lugares mas acsesibles Muy agradesido con todos los servicios pero sise puede que sigan adelante mejor. "1st page" #2: este mes esprimera vez Para mi ha sido muy eficas porque cuando los necesito me resonden muy bien. Seria bueno que nos dieran asesoria migratoria o legal Asesoria Migratoria Sin estos centros nosotros como familia no tendriamos medios para educarnos. Gracias. Asesoria migratoria y legal No todo esta muy bien. Creo que es efiente. asesoria legal, talleres de superacion para nuestra comunidad, orientaciones de como superarse. NO Asesoralia migratoria Muchas gracias por su servicios Asesoria legal Yo estoy muy satisfecha con el servico de este lugar me ayudan entodo lo que pueden gracias Asedoria de emigracion Programas para ninos que ocupan Horas comunitarias para las cortes porque no hayamos a veces donde conseguirlas. El Centro Del Pueblo No gustaria asesoria migratoria To have more programs Karate or some more Enjoy the class very much! Gracias por esistir lugares como este y me gusta que tuvieran asesoria legal Blackboard needs to be fix (coated). Wireing!!! Clean! Recepcionist not taking masseges. Que es muy efisiente para muchas familias asesoria migratoria Thank you for your services it is important for our children to have places like this one. Aseria Legal Asoseria migratoria Very helpful and understanding when it comes individual as well as group needs. Acesoria legal migratoria Muchas gracias por tener programas gratuitos en nuestra comunidad. Would like more programs for ages 3-5 yrs of age. no Seria bueno que nos dieran una asesoria migratoria o legal #32 wrote: trade school I had a great opportunity to work with the children here at the center, and I really enjoy it. I would like to go back to school to futher my education, so I can help and work with more children. Thanks to the center for the experience. Me siento agradecida por la ayuda que estamos recibiendo, es muy importante para mi y para mi familia. Yo soy nueva pero pienso que todos los programas estan exelentes xlix Toberman Neighborhood Center El personal es muy amable y siempre tienen la disponibilidady el apoyo a nuestra comunidad Very Helpful! N/A no Las prejuntas que puse que no es por que no e usado esos, ser,vicios por eso. Puse que no. gracias. Por tener estos. Cervicios. En, la. Comunidad. Martha. Perez. Sacramento. I think this center is a good place Everything is good. I got a lot of help. There nice people Si mas claridad para la ayuda de encontrar empleo y informacion de clases de computadoras. Heard great things, unhappy with availability of openings for childcare (afterschool). Thay are a great help to me and my kids and family Estamos satisfechos con los servicios que nos ofrecen y damos las gracias. Its very helpful Estoy sactefecho de este centro "1st page" #2: All my life; #5: All my life este centro es muy bueno para mi porque me alluda mucho para mi bida cotidiana y aprender el English para entenderme con la jente aqui en este pais The workers were very friendly & attentive although they seemed to be a lil short handed they all worked as a team & make us feel as if we were the only customers Que no tengan persona bolubles y que nos traen con amabilidad Que siempre seamos bien atendidas Promote GED classes and citzen ship classes in the center. En mi caso he sido excelentemente tratada no! Ninguno This center is truly a blessing, for my family + I. Thank you! Once again #31 wrote disabled Si que todo el personal son muy amables. A great place to be Barrio Action YFC none add classes on Saturday Personah. Espero encontrarn la ayuda que necesito ya que estoy desesperada. have some more free dance classes start at 5:30 because parent are working. Muchas gracias no Que todo lo que nos ofrecen esta muy bien para todas las nececidades. I like this place a lot. Darles las gracias por el apoyo que nos dan aqui y tambien a la maestra Jenifer de la clases de comutacion Employees here at Barrio make you feel like your at home, very secure. Albertossy Espinoza is a great dance instructor my children love him! No ninguno todo esta perfecto this is a good family center/ I wish there was more around Los Angeles No ninguno todo esta perfecto This center offers great services to the members of its community! :) "1st page" #5 wrote first time no Nesecitan poner personase n la recepcion que sean BILIGUES O TRILINGUES Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC yes that this center helps a lot of low income people and people in need. Thank you! :) l with the theraphy she is getting and Monica is such a phenomenal person. Estoy muy contenta de haber encontrado un lugar con tantas servicios para toda la familia y sin costo alguno…gracias Quw continue dando los servicios. This center is very help for my child education and behaveges. no, I love barrio action No, estoy muy satisfecha con el centro. Que haya clases para GED en espanol terminando las clases de ESL. Que estoy muy agradecida con el centro ya q' nos ayudan en diferentes aspectos. Este centro es de muy buena calidad muy buenos profesores muy profesionales gracias a dios Ninguno Este centro me ha ayudado acer mas pasivo con mi hijo. Este sentro muy bueno y de mucho probecha para aprendisaje. NA NO No Yo en lo personal he sido atendida por el personal de este edificio muy bien todos son muy amables. Muy bien en los programas que ofrecien, todo el personal es muy amable. agradeceral centro la oportunidad de aprender el idioma de este pais para tener mejores oportunidades. N/A NO Gracias a este centro puedo euidar estan en depresion y ayudo a mi hijo a que se supere dia a dia. NONE Megusta como tratan las persanas muy satifecha gracis no Nesecitamos muchos centros mas como este en todo el Pais gracias por tener un centro como este si pudieran habrin hotros centros en hotros lugares. No me gustaria mas clases para ninos y adultos Yo estoy muy agradecida con este centro porque me a ayudado con muchas programas con mis hijos no gracias y todo lo que han echo mis hijos an aprendido demaciado. me gust mucho por que dan buenos consejos y clases para los ninos clases baile estoy muy contenta si. Que el centro es un lugar en donde las personas como yo que necesitan ayuda. Pueden acudir. Porque es un lugar maravilloso Community Care at Home This facility is the best thing that I have without them I couldn't succeed in my education. cleo que tambien tienen que abrir clases en las tardes para adultos muchas gracias Ninguno Youth Policy Institute Oakwood FSC It is very helpful to everyone, staff is very polite and are always helpful The moms complain a lot about smal things no Yes, I use the bathroom and it is extremly clean and smelling nice, and the other my daughter is very satisty NO Very helpful li thanks for all you do for me Thank you for being in our community & having these services available for us. good job I am a disabled vet I love your service. god bless I enjoyed how fast the serivce was and it was very helpful. Y.P.I family Source seem like they are really into helping the clients and that makes me feel more comfortable and relaxed. "1st page" #2 wrote last week I been looking forward to get mi self enroll in computer science and or paralegal services. I just want to say thank you. For helping me and the community Im basicly satisfied with services There is people (case workers_ that are not in the right positions. Also they do not help to maxinum extent. You need to place mona with Spanish clients, she works better with her own have nice day This is by far the best facility that I have been apart of. thanks you :) estoy muy contenta es muy agradable The people at the family source center are very helpful ninguno Staff is very helpful + cares about their clients "1st page" #2 wrote 15 dias Please keep up the good in all that is offered here and I look forward to coming back :) mi commentario es que este centro lo loveo muy completo Best day I've been here! Estare agradecida con la ayuda que me puedan dar. Todo es excelente, el personal es muy amable gracias por existir. 1736 FCC nesecitamos mas lugares como este muchas gracias. you guys need to talk to us regarding attending school!! #31 wrote student WLCAC Keep it going please, the families need it I think that Ms. Angela and Ms. Jacky are very nice people and I like coming to my classes. Everyone is always willing to hear you out and is always very friendly. Especially Violeta Gonzalez, shes always there for me no matter what. A wonderful staff thise is a bevery helpful program & I hope that more people can benefit from thise program. :) No I don’t like it Well I'm really happy with these services plus the staff members never thought that I was going to be able to have real friends in these facility thank u. Specially Alberto Haros. Never returned phone calls even if I leave a message. n/a this center is very helpful and I would reccommended to people who really need the help :) Que sigan dando fondod para este programa y no lo sierre ayuda mucho boring!!! todo esta bien CMHP Me ayudado muchisimo en lo general he recibido mucho apoya para mi y mis hijos. It's very helpful to the community todo esta bien. lii abraham? From 1-10 he is 20!!! A a concerned through teacher NO! 1st Page #4 wrote nietos Las personas son muy amables. Llenan los requisitos, personal vastante competente. No hay queja You need more center on this sid of town. This center is very good to me, it helps me to improve my knowledge on computer. mas terapistas en espanol Estoy completa mente agradecida por el programas que brinda y muchas gracias. please help us to continue having this opportunity. Thank you Que es un plaser encontar personasque ayuden en todos los problemas gracias por todo N/A Ninguno todo esta bien no comment Muchas gracias por tener este centro y que sigan ayudando a todo la jente sobre todo a los latinos. my story is very satisfaction. Thank you for help helping me Les doy las gracias por todos estos programas y ayuda que nos dan y tambien garcias a todo el personal especialmente a la sra: Maria Garcias. "1st page" #3 wrote san pedro. #28 wrote ya la eh recomendado varias veces. here center is comparatively to "learning resources center" at santa monica college, except more hands on counselors. no The center is a very nice and helpful place that provides help to the well being of our neighborhood. n/a Todo esta muy bien y atienden muy bien gracias al centro comunitario I enjoy the diversity of classes available to adults, ie, information security, keyboard basics, photo shop, web design, thanks karen keep the good work. NO Tony Nicholas is a wonderful, caring and understanding person. NO Los servicios que yo quiero son buenos y estoy contento. a helpful place for kids que tenemos todo al alcanse para toda la familia gracias This center has done a out standing dob in the community, and needs to exspand as soon possible. nada que todo esta perfecta en la comunidad gracias por ayudarnos entodo lo que necesitamos. Que sigan adelante gracias This center is the best thing happen to me learning more at my age. yo estoy sastifecho con la ayuda que octuve y estoy agradecida con este centro muchas gracias Keep doing a good job Este centro es de lo mejor sus programas excelente al igual que todo el personal gracias This center has done wonders for me. It has opened up a whole new world. I consider myself part of the digital common now actually part of the main stream. sentro esclente para la comonidad gracias por estir the great quick with questions and help for customers Mas talleres y ayuda para el bus jovenes y adultos. Agradecer al personal del centro por su ayuda gracias Tom Bradley FSC Todo esta perfecto y muy bien lo unico que pasa cuando estan ayudando a los ninos con la tarea esque hay otros ninos jugando en la computadora o hablando mucho gracias por su ayuda Yes!!! This center is an absolute god sent blessing for this community. For this I am truly grateful now may I air my satisfaction about our computer teacher, Gracias por ayudarnos con nuestros hijos. liii like. Hay staff que no deberian tomar deciciones personales si no basalas en el compromiso que tienen con la comunidad Lo que yo deseo que cuando este asiendo tarea no usen los otros ninos las computadoras por que los distraea. Que cuando ayuden a los ninos a hacer su tarea que no les den las respoesias solo les expliquen para que ellos entiendan y que quiten la computadoras para no distraer a los ninos Yes I want to use gim services but its to expensive for me. I don’t know if there is any posibiilty to qualify for low. Or any other place. Or to do something with that service. no "1st Page" #2,3,4,5 wrote: N/A no 1st page #2, 5 wrote N/A todo esta bien NO me gustaria que las clases de ingles fueron posibles en la tarde Very good #32 wrote none Estoy muy sotifecho con el servisio de este sentro escolar por que tiene buenos servisios Si es una buena oportunidad para todas las personas que necesitan su pararse que tuvieran mas clases hasta tarde para que los que no pueden venir en la manana vengan en la tarde y asi todos poder aprender. que tubieran mas horarios y mas clases diferentes con cuidado de ninos en que benefician a los ange les la presente en cuesta y a la oblacion en general (in general is necessary more cuestaion) ojala que hubieran mas centros como este por que ayudan much a las personas gracias por preocu parse por ayuda todos necesitamos bendiciones. Todo es muy bueno, y agradesco esta ayuda agradeceria me ayudaran a buscar trabajo Es poco el tiempo que asisto al centro y no puedo responder mucho pero creo que todo esta vien gracias me gustaria mas tiempo en las classes de engles porque quisiera aprender engles como por ejemplo 1 1/2 de computadora y 1 1/2 de engles ninguno CCNP Lack of exposure to different sports. estoy muy contenta con nuestr teacher que nos da classes. #31 wrote estoy retirada No comments no NO quisiera me ayuden a detener empleo ex incapacitado sin ayuda monetaria (323) 984-0712 N/A que me siento muy satisfecha que en nuestra comunidad existan esta clase de porgramas para el bien de nuestras familias. Good (Resource) Resources N/A NO N/A really happy and sastified N/A no queremos mas tutoria open on weekends, including sundays. estan bien las clases de karate mi hija lamentablemente no estoy tan bien informada de los otros programas que tienen en el centro when I requested an service for my child don’t have a many for pay not rosolve my problem I desapoint my son is special kid and the staff don’t considaret I don’t liv n/a Que este sentro de alluda si es muy bueno porque los ninos aprende. NA solo gracias. no El Centro De Ayuda N/A Que sean portado muy bien con uno y lo tratan bien y lo atienden muy rapido They helped my with my problem. I am looking foreward not looking back. My pass is behined me No ninguno todo esta muy bien Megustaria que dieran clases de ingles para adultos NO Ninguno NO Gracias por este programa es muy bueno y mas que nada para nuestros hijos. Esperamos que siga brindando ayuda para todos los que nesesitamoa esta ayuda. Gracias. NO Need bigger lobby space. It gets to crowded in the afternoon. Estoy contenta con los servicios I am satisfied with all the services that the program has helped us with. Que las clases de compu duren mas tiempo. es de mucha ayuda para mi no thank you :) estoy contento con los servicios yo tene en ase un ano ayuda co cicologa y no termino my ayuda no se si pueda continuar gracias estoy muy satifecha y estoy agradecida del apollo muchas gracias Discriminacion abuso de atoridad. Poca etica profesional. ninguno N/A no N/A todo esta bien quesiga asi grasias NO NO NO NO El centro maa alludado mucho NO Ninguno todo estubo excelente muchas gracias gracias por su ayuda y tiempo que dios los bendiga Ningun comentario todo esta muy bien. Grasias. buenos servicios dan para la familia Me gusta la atencion que dan en la clase de computadoro pero me gustaria que la dieran en vez de 1 vez por semana la dieran 2 o 3. necitan aire en el salon de programas para padres. es un programa muy bueno. Community Build no momie NO I would recommened this center to anyone in need El centro es el mejor programa de Los Angeles. since your workshops + etc appears to be 99.9 percent black/african american. I know there are many qualfied counselers and people who can do the jobs that looks lv like you cater to mexican's. Black people can answer phones too. I would like to see more black sercurity and often personal. thank you NO N/A the only thing that concerns me. Is the promis of monthly pass it hasn’t come, but the staf is very proffessional, and courteous. They still provide me countless times with tokens and the ability to get to and from work. Thank you to whom it may concern for making the familysource center available to those who really need help. Your services provides hope to many including myself. How fast can you find a job for someone, and I would like to know more information on how your buisness works? Very well attended and treated with respect. Keep on the good job. #31 wrote disabled we all can make it work if we try. We all need to work together. Thank you for everything this center supplies Community Build is a blessing. "1st page" #5 wrote varies no gracias por su ayuda. Mi comentario es que estoy muy contenta con este centro de ayuda y su personal. None. # 31 wrote desabilitado NO Pues mas dias matematicas pro que lo nesesitan en lectura y en los numeros mas tiempo NO NO no todo esta muy bien…entento contoda la alluda este edificio. Gracias por la ayuda. lvi Appendix C – Youth Questionnaire 57 FamilySource Center Survey – Youth Participants On-site Questionnaire Administered by California State University, Northridge Spring, 2010 Fill out this questionnaire and tell us how satisfied you are with the services of this FamilySource Center and how it could be improved! Your answers will be kept strictly confidential and will be combined only with those of other FamilySource Center users. You will not be individually identified. 1. Is this your first visit to this FamilySource Center? Yes Skip to Q3 No 2. When, approximately, was the date you first started receiving services at this center? In the last month 2-3 months 4-6 months 7-12 months More than one year 3. How did you first learn about this FamilySource Center? (PLACE AN “X” IN ALL BOXES THAT APPLY) Friend Parent or Guardian School Teacher Probation Officer Police Officer Other (PLEASE SPECIFY): ____________________________ 4. Why did you come to this center today? (PLACE AN “X” IN ALL BOXES THAT APPLY) Academic classes/workshops Do better in school Recreation Access a computer Mentoring Get bus tokens College access activities Participate in youth organizations Counseling Other (PLEASE SPECIFY): ____________________________ 5. How often have you come to this FamilySource Center in the past month? One time Two times Three times Four times Between five and nine times Ten or more times 6. Are you enrolled in a class or program at this FamilySource Center? Yes Please describe ____________________________ No Don’t know CONTINUE INSIDE ON PAGE 2 58 Please rate how satisfied you are with each service. Use the scale of 1 to 10 by CIRCLING THE APPROPRIATE NUMBER ON THE SCALE. If you have no experience with a service, or do not have an opinion, just CIRCLE NA for Does Not Apply. SATISFACTION WITH FAMILYSOURCE CENTER STAFF 1 = Very Dissatisfied Please tell us how satisfied you are with: 10 = Very Satisfied NA = Don’t know or does not apply 7. The amount of paperwork required. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 8. Staff’s ability to answer your questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 9. Friendliness of the staff. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 10. Waiting time for services. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 11. The staff’s ability to speak your language. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA SATISFACTION WITH FAMILYSOURCE CENTER FACILITIES 1 = Very Dissatisfied Please tell us how satisfied you are with: 10 = Very Satisfied NA = Don’t know or does not apply 12. The cleanliness of this FamilySource Center. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 13. The visibility of signs that say “FamilySource Center”. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 14. Access to this center by public transportation. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 15. The quality of computers and other equipment. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 16. The quality of the youth room. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA SATISFACTION WITH FAMILYSOURCE CENTER SERVICES 1 = Very Dissatisfied Please tell us how satisfied you are with: 10 = Very Satisfied NA = Don’t know or does not apply 17. The overall effectiveness of programs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 18. Quality of program for my parents or guardians. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 19. Quality of service to improve my academic achievement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 20. Convenience of FamilySource Center hours. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 21. Chance to make friends with other youth. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA lix You are almost done. Just a few more questions… 22. Overall, how satisfied are you with the services you received at this FamilySource Center? 1 = Very Dissatisfied 1 2 10 = Very Satisfied 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 23. To what extent have services at this FamilySource Center met your expectations? 1 = Falls short of expectations 1 2 10 = Exceeds expectations 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 24. Now think about the ideal FamilySource Center for individuals like yourself. How well do you think the services you received compare with that ideal set of services? 1 = Not close 1 2 10 = Very close 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA 25. My visit today to this FamilySource Center today was valuable. 1 = Not close 1 2 10 = Very close 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 26. Would you recommend this center to someone like yourself? Yes No Not sure CONTINUE ON BACK lx 10 NA TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF 27. Gender Male Female 28. Age 13-14 15-17 29. Please check all that apply I am out of school I attend public schools I attend a private or religious school I am home schooled 30. Which best describes you? 31. Black White Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander Bi-racial/Multiracial Other:________________ Are there any other comments you would like to make about the center? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR TIME! lxi Appendix D – Youth Survey Response Data by Center lxii Table AA – Overall Satisfaction by Site Fall 2010 Youth Results Overall Mean Std. Deviation Mean 1736 FCC Std. Deviation Mean Barrio Action YFC Std. Deviation Bradley Milken FSC Mean Std. Deviation Mean CCNP Std. Deviation Childrens Collective Mean Std. Deviation Mean CMHP Std. Deviation Mean Community Build Std. Deviation Community Care at Mean Home Std. Deviation Mean Cypress Park FSC Std. Deviation El Centro De Ayuda Mean Std. Deviation Mean El Centro Del Pueblo Std. Deviation Overall Met satisfaction expectations 8.95 1.830 10.00 .000 9.35 1.424 8.51 1.865 8.91 2.158 9.20 1.859 8.00 . 9.09 1.578 8.58 2.430 7.86 3.338 9.31 1.316 8.71 2.662 8.72 1.652 9.50 .837 8.95 1.433 8.23 1.917 9.27 .767 8.93 1.438 7.50 .707 9.36 .809 8.36 1.989 8.86 1.676 8.67 1.497 8.88 2.071 lxiii Compared with ideal set of services My visit today today was valuable 8.58 1.840 9.00 2.000 9.17 1.383 8.41 1.956 8.95 1.117 8.47 2.386 7.00 1.414 8.67 2.270 8.14 2.550 8.71 1.604 8.00 1.758 8.91 1.535 8.85 1.905 8.83 2.858 8.89 2.258 8.06 2.147 9.45 .912 8.50 2.477 8.33 1.528 9.25 .965 8.39 2.231 8.57 2.992 8.91 1.221 9.00 2.022 Fall 2010 Youth Results Overall El Nido FSC Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC NEW Canoga Park NEW Van Nuys Oakwood FSC Pacoima FSC Toberman Neighborhood Center Tom Bradley FSC WLCAC Youth Policy Institute Overall Met satisfaction expectations Compared with ideal set of services My visit today today was valuable Mean Std. Deviation Mean Std. Deviation Mean Std. Deviation Mean Std. Deviation Mean Std. Deviation Mean Std. Deviation Mean Std. Deviation Mean Std. Deviation 8.95 1.830 9.17 1.681 9.73 .704 8.47 2.125 8.84 1.385 9.40 1.315 10.00 .000 8.83 1.267 8.72 1.652 8.59 1.844 9.31 .751 8.60 1.380 8.56 1.542 9.15 1.401 10.00 .000 7.91 1.868 8.58 1.840 8.61 1.686 9.31 1.032 8.33 1.626 8.63 1.668 8.75 1.808 10.00 .000 8.73 2.005 8.85 1.905 8.88 1.778 9.71 .726 8.74 1.949 8.44 1.977 9.45 1.595 9.67 .577 9.50 .798 Mean Std. Deviation Mean Std. Deviation Mean Std. Deviation 9.50 1.000 7.91 2.256 10.00 . 10.00 .000 6.60 1.838 10.00 . 8.33 2.082 6.91 2.468 10.00 . 9.50 1.000 7.82 2.316 10.00 . lxiv Table BB – Satisfaction with Staff The amount of paperwork required. Staff's ability to answer your questions. Friendliness of the staff. Waiting time for services. The staff's ability to speak your language. Mean 7.79 8.70 9.08 8.33 9.44 Std. Deviation 2.583 2.050 1.882 2.290 1.479 Mean 7.80 8.60 10.00 9.40 8.50 Std. Deviation 3.899 2.608 .000 .894 3.674 Mean 7.90 8.78 9.26 8.65 9.68 Std. Deviation 3.213 1.592 1.522 2.178 1.003 FSC Location OVERALL 1736 FCC Barrio Action YFC Bradley Milken FSC Mean 7.58 8.32 8.83 8.00 9.17 Std. Deviation 2.341 2.001 1.591 2.272 1.561 CCNP Mean 6.95 8.75 8.91 8.35 9.35 Std. Deviation 3.000 2.268 2.136 2.390 2.033 9.13 9.44 8.69 9.38 Childrens Collective Mean 7.50 Std. Deviation 2.929 1.356 1.548 1.778 1.204 CMHP Mean 8.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 . . . . . Mean 9.00 8.85 9.15 8.33 9.54 Std. Deviation Std. Deviation Community Build 1.949 1.772 1.819 1.670 1.198 Community Care at Home Mean 6.82 7.45 9.13 7.89 9.61 Std. Deviation 3.245 3.082 1.792 2.492 1.305 Cypress Park FSC Mean 7.67 9.20 6.75 8.60 9.00 Std. Deviation 2.082 1.789 4.031 1.949 1.225 Mean 7.90 8.85 8.54 8.38 9.31 Std. Deviation 2.470 1.625 1.941 1.895 1.251 El Centro De Ayuda El Centro Del Pueblo Mean 6.77 8.52 9.14 7.81 9.57 Std. Deviation 3.395 2.462 2.100 2.786 1.161 El Nido FSC Mean 7.97 8.53 9.21 7.95 9.58 Std. Deviation 2.671 2.195 1.809 2.588 1.130 lxv FSC Location Total Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC The amount of paperwork required. Staff's ability to answer your questions. Friendliness of the staff. Waiting time for services. The staff's ability to speak your language. Mean 7.79 8.70 9.08 8.33 9.44 Std. Deviation 2.583 2.050 1.882 2.290 1.479 Mean 8.17 9.23 9.38 9.00 9.85 Std. Deviation 2.443 1.363 1.660 2.490 .555 NEW Canoga Park Mean 8.13 9.30 9.50 8.31 9.69 Std. Deviation 2.213 1.343 1.358 2.363 .806 NEW Van Nuys Mean 8.64 8.35 8.72 8.88 9.00 Std. Deviation 1.859 2.644 2.675 1.708 2.612 Oakwood FSC Pacoima FSC Toberman Neighborhood Center Tom Bradley FSC WLCAC Youth Policy Institute Mean 8.07 8.96 9.36 8.35 9.72 Std. Deviation 2.251 1.928 1.870 2.485 .924 Mean 10.00 9.75 9.75 10.00 10.00 Std. Deviation .000 .500 .500 .000 .000 Mean 7.67 9.20 9.33 9.27 9.83 Std. Deviation 4.041 1.398 1.371 1.421 .577 Mean 9.67 9.00 7.50 9.67 10.00 Std. Deviation .577 1.155 3.109 .577 .000 Mean 6.00 7.78 7.42 7.36 7.33 Std. Deviation 2.191 Mean Std. Deviation 2.863 2.539 2.541 3.143 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 . . . . lxvi Table CC – Satisfaction with Facilities FSC Location OVERALL 1736 FCC Barrio Action YFC The cleanliness of this FamilySource Center. The visibility of "FSC" signs. Access to this center by public transportation. The quality of computers and other equipment. The quality of the youth room. Mean 9.14 8.79 8.69 8.97 8.94 Std. Deviation 1.707 1.998 2.271 1.930 1.924 Mean 8.50 10.00 9.00 9.17 9.83 Std. Deviation 3.674 .000 2.000 2.041 .408 Mean 9.37 9.26 8.88 9.11 8.81 Std. Deviation 1.257 1.522 1.900 1.676 1.905 Bradley Milken FSC Mean 8.73 8.00 7.83 7.96 8.56 Std. Deviation 1.748 2.497 2.709 2.289 2.229 CCNP Mean 9.18 8.68 8.85 9.09 9.00 Std. Deviation 2.015 2.533 2.183 1.925 2.116 8.30 9.71 9.69 Childrens Collective Mean 9.57 9.00 Std. Deviation 1.158 1.764 2.058 1.069 1.109 CMHP Mean 8.67 9.50 10.00 9.50 9.00 Std. Deviation 1.528 .707 .000 .707 . Mean 9.92 9.62 9.89 9.75 9.08 Community Build Community Care at Home Cypress Park FSC El Centro De Ayuda Std. Deviation .277 .650 .333 .622 1.929 Mean 9.24 8.33 9.10 8.96 9.21 Std. Deviation 1.165 2.008 2.022 2.051 1.250 Mean 9.20 8.80 8.50 8.40 9.00 Std. Deviation 1.789 1.789 2.345 2.302 1.732 Mean 9.00 9.42 8.46 9.42 8.83 Std. Deviation 1.414 .900 1.561 .900 1.267 El Centro Del Pueblo Mean 9.00 8.83 8.37 8.48 9.00 Std. Deviation 2.111 2.188 2.565 1.974 1.633 El Nido FSC Mean 9.34 8.93 9.03 9.16 8.74 Std. Deviation 1.797 1.903 2.049 1.191 1.959 Mean 9.77 7.50 9.80 9.58 9.38 Std. Deviation Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC .599 2.939 .632 1.165 1.193 NEW Canoga Park Mean 9.52 9.34 8.67 9.26 9.32 Std. Deviation 1.061 1.233 2.038 1.228 1.362 NEW Van Nuys Mean 9.16 8.89 8.06 8.63 8.33 Std. Deviation 2.218 2.307 3.280 2.872 2.590 Mean 9.04 9.18 9.31 9.41 8.92 Std. Deviation 1.724 1.398 1.670 1.737 2.232 Mean 10.00 10.00 9.75 10.00 10.00 Std. Deviation .000 .000 .500 .000 .000 Oakwood FSC Pacoima FSC lxvii The cleanliness of this FamilySource Center. FSC Location OVERALL Toberman Neighborhood Center Tom Bradley FSC WLCAC Youth Policy Institute The visibility of "FSC" signs. Access to this center by public transportation. The quality of computers and other equipment. The quality of the youth room. Mean 9.14 8.79 8.69 8.97 8.94 Std. Deviation 1.707 1.998 2.271 1.930 1.924 Mean 9.42 8.22 10.00 8.63 9.25 Std. Deviation .900 2.167 .000 2.264 1.357 Mean 10.00 10.00 10.00 9.75 9.75 Std. Deviation .000 .000 .000 .500 .500 Mean 7.50 7.00 4.38 5.57 7.60 Std. Deviation 2.876 2.523 2.722 3.867 2.875 Mean 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 . . . . . Std. Deviation lxviii Table DD – Satisfaction with Services The overall effectiveness of programs. Quality of program for my parents or guardians. Quality of service to improve my academic achievement. Convenience of FSC hours. Chance to make friends with other youth. Mean 8.82 8.69 8.98 8.93 9.04 Std. Deviation 1.931 1.954 1.741 1.760 1.757 Mean 8.83 9.50 8.83 9.50 9.17 Std. Deviation 2.858 1.225 2.858 1.225 2.041 Mean 8.94 8.57 9.35 8.83 9.67 Std. Deviation 1.731 2.277 1.115 2.149 .767 Mean 8.07 8.10 8.37 8.22 8.27 Std. Deviation 2.373 1.794 1.865 2.044 2.119 Mean 9.10 8.90 8.86 9.00 9.32 Std. Deviation 1.972 2.049 1.959 2.052 1.937 Mean 8.80 8.78 9.43 9.14 9.33 Std. Deviation 2.396 2.728 1.604 1.834 2.059 Mean 10.00 9.50 9.00 . .707 . 9.64 9.23 9.73 FSC Location Total 1736 FCC Barrio Action YFC Bradley Milken FSC CCNP Childrens Collective CMHP Std. Deviation Community Build Community Care at Home Cypress Park FSC El Centro De Ayuda El Centro Del Pueblo El Nido FSC Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC Mean 9.80 8.20 Std. Deviation .422 1.989 .674 1.166 .467 Mean 9.22 8.21 9.48 9.36 8.88 Std. Deviation 1.242 2.149 1.039 1.293 1.922 Mean 9.00 9.40 8.60 9.00 9.00 Std. Deviation 1.414 1.342 1.949 1.414 1.414 Mean 9.00 8.70 9.00 9.15 8.77 Std. Deviation 1.000 1.160 1.044 .987 1.481 Mean 8.57 8.55 8.64 8.96 8.48 Std. Deviation 2.158 2.139 2.128 1.988 2.874 Mean 9.03 9.00 8.74 8.81 9.24 Std. Deviation 1.715 1.749 2.177 1.647 1.261 Mean 9.69 9.45 9.83 8.91 9.42 Std. Deviation 1.109 1.293 .389 1.300 .996 lxix The overall effectiveness of programs. Quality of program for my parents or guardians. Quality of service to improve my academic achievement. Convenience of FSC hours. Chance to make friends with other youth. Mean 8.82 8.69 8.98 8.93 9.04 Std. Deviation 1.931 1.954 1.741 1.760 1.757 FSC Location Total NEW Canoga Park Mean 8.86 9.46 9.07 8.93 9.21 Std. Deviation 1.880 .833 1.517 1.676 1.398 NEW Van Nuys Mean 8.65 9.13 8.60 9.12 8.44 Std. Deviation 2.090 1.586 2.197 1.728 2.279 Mean 9.07 8.95 9.45 9.25 9.28 Std. Deviation 1.799 1.850 1.262 1.718 1.457 Mean 10.00 9.50 10.00 10.00 10.00 Std. Deviation .000 .707 .000 .000 .000 Oakwood FSC Pacoima FSC Toberman Neighborhood Center Mean 9.20 10.00 9.33 9.42 9.75 Std. Deviation 1.095 .000 1.155 .793 .622 Tom Bradley FSC Mean 8.50 9.50 7.67 8.33 10.00 Std. Deviation 1.291 .707 3.215 2.082 .000 Mean 6.70 5.55 6.91 7.33 8.00 WLCAC Youth Policy Institute Std. Deviation 2.312 3.012 2.548 2.500 2.261 Mean 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 . . . . . Std. Deviation lxx Table EE – Would you recommend this center to someone like yourself? FSC Location Would Recommend Center Yes No Not Sure 1736 FCC 6 0 0 Barrio Action YFC 16 0 2 Bradley Milken FSC 53 3 17 CCNP 21 1 0 Childrens Collective 12 2 1 CMHP 2 0 1 Community Build 12 1 0 Community Care at Home 21 1 4 Cypress Park FSC 5 0 1 El Centro De Ayuda 12 0 0 El Centro Del Pueblo 22 0 3 El Nido FSC 39 1 2 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 12 1 2 NEW Canoga Park 24 3 4 NEW Van Nuys 14 1 3 Oakwood FSC 74 2 3 Pacoima FSC 4 0 0 Toberman Neighborhood Center 10 0 2 Tom Bradley FSC 3 0 1 WLCAC 7 1 5 Youth Policy Institute 1 0 0 lxxi Table FF – How did you first learn about this FSC? FSC Location Friend Parent or Guardian School Teacher Probation Officer Police Officer 1736 FCC 1 2 0 0 1 1 Barrio Action YFC 9 3 4 1 2 1 Bradley Milken FSC 35 13 26 12 0 2 CCNP 14 5 4 0 0 0 Childrens Collective 1 3 5 3 0 0 CMHP 2 2 1 0 0 0 Community Build 4 2 4 2 1 0 Community Care at Home 8 13 8 1 0 0 Cypress Park FSC 2 4 2 2 0 0 El Centro De Ayuda 4 7 0 0 0 0 El Centro Del Pueblo 14 7 4 3 2 1 El Nido FSC 10 9 10 5 0 1 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 7 5 0 1 0 1 NEW Canoga Park 6 17 4 4 2 1 NEW Van Nuys 6 4 3 0 1 7 Oakwood FSC 38 15 16 7 0 1 Pacoima FSC 1 2 1 0 0 0 Toberman Neighborhood Center 3 10 1 0 0 0 Tom Bradley FSC 3 1 1 1 0 0 WLCAC 2 3 2 0 5 1 Youth Policy Institute 0 0 0 0 0 0 lxxii Table GG – Learned About FSC: Other Childrens Collective Bradley Milken FSC Social Worker Dance practice Satan drill team Terry Marciliny El Centro Del Pueblo NEW Van Nuys Pete&Kon Communities in schools refered by another agency friend of family Cypress Park FSC - Toberman Neighborhood Center El Nido FSC - Social Worker Case Maneger Pacoima FSC Case Maneger - Case Maneger school nurse Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC Rudy case manager PARK upward bound principal upward bound brother Case Maneger Barrio Action YFC social worker job counceler Sister I found it myself court NEW Canoga Park Social Worker Case Manager Oakwood FSC School brother WIC ymca By my cases maner ymca lxxiii UCLA Student brother CCNP brother - myself El Centro De Ayuda counselor moms friend nurse S.E.A social worker mom Community Care at Home Community Build neighbor brother god brother I don’t know website YPI don’t know - WLCAC court Mr Eye Mr Eye district attorney for I could keep my grades up. CMHP 1736 FCC the place around the corner Tom Bradley FSC Family myself lxxiv Table HH – Why do you come to this center? FSC Location Academic Classes/ Workshop Do Better in School Recreation Access a Computer Mentoring Get Bus Tokens College Access Activities Participate in Youth Organizations Counseling 1736 FCC 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 Barrio Action YFC 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 2 3 Bradley Milken FSC 19 23 5 4 1 4 2 11 2 CCNP 9 10 4 2 5 4 6 11 0 Childrens Collective 6 3 2 1 1 0 0 6 1 CMHP 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Community Build 1 4 2 7 0 0 2 1 0 Community Care at Home 5 19 4 4 3 0 5 6 2 Cypress Park FSC 3 4 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 El Centro De Ayuda 0 4 1 0 1 0 1 4 2 El Centro Del Pueblo 0 5 8 8 0 1 0 4 3 El Nido FSC 10 19 1 4 2 4 3 11 5 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 4 4 1 0 5 0 1 7 1 NEW Canoga Park 8 11 3 2 6 1 0 5 3 NEW Van Nuys 2 10 0 2 0 1 1 2 1 Oakwood FSC 26 47 13 14 16 3 4 18 2 Pacoima FSC 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Toberman Neighborhood Center 1 10 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Tom Bradley FSC 1 2 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 WLCAC 1 7 2 0 1 0 0 2 7 Youth Policy Institute 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lxxv Table II – Why do you come to this center: Other Childrens Collective School Walked to not be in a gang or do drugs NEW Van Nuys Bradley Milken FSC Youth Drill team Work Center school-p.e. Child Care Drill team practice Camp drill team basketball Cypress Park FSC play basketball Pick up mother drill team Hw drill team play basketball El Nido FSC play basketball Valley Independent study volunteer Lacoe Independent Studies came to visit Valley Independent study PERIOD 2 Valley Independent study phisical education Valley Independent study P.E. School play basketball Mom made me play basketball Summer Camp finish school to be someone when I grow up to help other people work valley I.S. have P.E. GRYD school (P.E.) son harocho was moved here to work NEW Canoga Park El Centro Del Pueblo My Mom told me to Boxing Substance abuse to wait for my mom lxxvi sports tutoring girlfriend tutoring Drill team My friends Drill team to do my homework Drill team community servis Drill team basketball Drill team community service help in h.w. play Toberman Neighborhood FSC Oakwood FSC get pencils gym play karate do homework talk to a staff member do homework play soccer come hereto hang out and do homework Pacoima FSC internship film class intership to inteship Voluntering activies Volunteering Because im bored have to come Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC just for fun GTWT homework girls today women tomorrow chat night GTWT Community Care at Home U.B. I don’t know pick up brother & sister Barrio Action YFC to do something tutoring teacher after school tutoring hangout tutoring kids lxxvii Youth Policy Institute Community Build girl talk club workshop computers computers WLCAC community service community service YPI to help clean - CMHP Utility assistance 1736 FCC probation IDK court mandates Tom Bradley FSC CCNP build a haunted house karate, totuting community hours yoga class digital connector gym El Centro De Ayuda leadership child care service workshop lxxviii Table JJ – How often have you come to this FSC in the past month? How Often Visited in a Month FSC Location One time Two times Three times Four times Between five and nine times Ten or more times 1736 FCC 0 1 2 2 1 0 Barrio Action YFC 2 0 4 2 6 7 Bradley Milken FSC 24 1 6 13 11 20 CCNP 1 3 1 4 5 8 Childrens Collective 3 3 1 1 0 8 CMHP 2 0 0 0 0 1 Community Build 1 3 0 2 3 5 Community Care at Home 3 1 1 3 2 16 Cypress Park FSC 0 0 0 2 1 5 El Centro De Ayuda 3 0 6 1 1 2 El Centro Del Pueblo 6 2 0 6 3 10 El Nido FSC 2 5 3 5 12 14 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 3 6 4 1 0 2 NEW Canoga Park 1 4 1 9 6 12 NEW Van Nuys 1 4 1 2 3 9 Oakwood FSC 1 4 6 1 13 53 Pacoima FSC 0 0 0 3 0 1 Toberman Neighborhood Center 1 0 1 3 3 4 Tom Bradley FSC 0 1 0 1 1 1 WLCAC 0 1 4 1 1 7 Youth Policy Institute 0 0 0 0 0 1 lxxix Table KK – Are you enrolled in a class or program at this FSC? Are You Enrolled? FSC Location Yes No Don't know 1736 FCC 3 3 0 Barrio Action YFC 4 12 5 Bradley Milken FSC 20 48 8 CCNP 13 5 1 Childrens Collective 10 3 3 CMHP 1 1 1 Community Build 6 4 3 Community Care at Home 11 6 9 Cypress Park FSC 1 3 4 El Centro De Ayuda 4 5 4 El Centro Del Pueblo 7 14 6 El Nido FSC 26 7 8 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 9 0 7 NEW Canoga Park 28 3 2 NEW Van Nuys 6 8 6 Oakwood FSC 52 17 9 Pacoima FSC 0 3 1 Toberman Neighborhood Center 8 2 2 Tom Bradley FSC 0 4 0 WLCAC 8 3 3 Youth Policy Institute 1 0 0 lxxx Table LL – Enrolled in a class or program: Other Childrens Collective NOY Magazine club MANH classes Magazine club GRYD Magazine club GRYD Magazine club druming Magazine club mural class, druming class Magazine club case manager Magazine club valley independent studies (lacce) Well my parents didn't want to fill out the form. valley independent studies (lacce) parenting school NEW Van Nuys GRYD Youth Services son harocho Maybe in home school GRYD NDY New Directions for Youth NEW Canoga Park DJ class Cypress Park FSC Girlscouts Arts and crafts Harold Care job preparation Gryd El Nido FSC Substance abuse Parenting, Cahsee, Volunteer Substance abuse Parenting, job training, teen makeover, school Cahsee prep GRYD Gryd LACOE Gryd LACOE Gryd Parenting classes Job training Valley independent studies case manager Job description School TFS Tutoring lxxxi Cosmetology Leadership Program School Drill Team Harold care Drill Team LACOE Independent studies Drill Team Harold care job prep Drill Team Job preparation Toberman Neighborhood Center Tutoring/youth group Youth Services Tutoring Youth Services Tutoring Youth Services New Direction Tutoring Youth Services Tutoring Youth Services Tutoring Youth Services Tutoring Youth Services Tutoring Pacoima Tutoria Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC Bradley Milken FSC GTWT Domestic Violence GTWT W.O.W am/dv/individual girls today women tomorrow Vida sana-arobects GTWT Drill team girls today women tomorrow Drill team GTWT,upward bound Drill team GTWT Drill team GTWT continuacion h.s. upward bound P.E. to come workout P.E. Barrio Action YFC School tutoring El Centro Del Pueblo community servis Boxeo basketball Drill Team lxxxii Oakwood FSC tutoring diaital connectors, PRYDE soccer youth leadership(PRYDE) covenant group digital connectors Bresee ucla youth program homework tutoring youth college prep program turing and homework club one source UCLA Program todoring convienet group UCLA one source touring and homework club UCLA one source MSP Homework Club & tutoring UCLA one source tutoring UCLA one source homework assistance UCLA tutoring program tutoring karate, digital connectors, PRYDE asistencia de tarea DC(Digital Conncedors) tutoria -> soccer westlake-pico-union digital connecton program karate, yoga Community Care at Home P.R.Y.D.E Digital connectors tutoring hosts BYFY Group homework assistance BYFY in activities passport to manhood covenant club tech W.I.A. smart girls covenant smart girls covenant musica goals for life paid internship goals for life Youth Policy Institute SAT Prep girl club soccer tutoring soccer Tutoring homework assistance lxxxiii WLCAC El Centro De Ayuda counseling tutoring counseling tutur anger management leadership tutoring don’t want to Community Build to the classes my case manager applies tutoring college programs CMHP tutoring tutoring college bound & senior program tutoring financial wkshop 1736 FCC its cool group YPI cultural/youth - Tom Bradley FSC CCNP karate UCLA youth program youth leadership UCLA one soure youth program ucla one source leadership, hip hop class toturing karate, tutoring gym UCLA youth program lxxxiv Table MM – Surveys Completed by Language Language FSC Location English Spanish 1736 FCC 6 0 Barrio Action YFC 21 0 Bradley Milken FSC 77 0 CCNP 21 1 Childrens Collective 16 0 CMHP 3 0 Community Build 14 0 Community Care at Home 25 1 Cypress Park FSC 9 0 El Centro De Ayuda 13 0 El Centro Del Pueblo 25 2 El Nido FSC 42 0 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 16 0 NEW Canoga Park 32 1 NEW Van Nuys 20 2 Oakwood FSC 75 4 Pacoima FSC 4 0 Toberman Neighborhood Center 12 0 Tom Bradley FSC 4 0 WLCAC 16 0 Youth Policy Institute 1 0 lxxxv Table NN – Surveys Completed by Gender Gender FSC Location Male Female 1736 FCC 4 2 Barrio Action YFC 10 10 Bradley Milken FSC 37 39 CCNP 5 16 Childrens Collective 9 7 CMHP 0 3 Community Build 7 7 Community Care at Home 17 9 Cypress Park FSC 2 7 El Centro De Ayuda 8 5 El Centro Del Pueblo 17 10 El Nido FSC 14 28 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 3 13 NEW Canoga Park 8 24 NEW Van Nuys 11 8 Oakwood FSC 42 37 Pacoima FSC 3 1 Toberman Neighborhood Center 7 5 Tom Bradley FSC 2 2 WLCAC 9 5 Youth Policy Institute 0 1 lxxxvi Table OO – Surveys Completed by Age Age FSC Location 13-14 15-17 1736 FCC 2 4 Barrio Action YFC 9 10 Bradley Milken FSC 17 48 CCNP 2 16 Childrens Collective 1 15 CMHP 0 3 Community Build 5 8 Community Care at Home 22 4 Cypress Park FSC 2 6 El Centro De Ayuda 5 7 El Centro Del Pueblo 10 17 El Nido FSC 16 26 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 5 11 NEW Canoga Park 16 16 NEW Van Nuys 11 6 Oakwood FSC 45 32 Pacoima FSC 1 3 Toberman Neighborhood Center 10 1 Tom Bradley FSC 1 3 WLCAC 9 6 Youth Policy Institute 1 0 lxxxvii Table PP – Current Educational Status FSC Location 1736 FCC I am out of school I attend public schools I attend a private or religious school I am home schooled 0 4 2 0 Barrio Action YFC 3 15 1 1 Bradley Milken FSC 18 48 5 5 CCNP 2 17 0 0 Childrens Collective 0 16 0 0 CMHP 1 2 0 0 Community Build 2 9 3 0 Community Care at Home 3 23 1 0 Cypress Park FSC 0 8 0 0 El Centro De Ayuda 0 12 0 1 El Centro Del Pueblo 1 23 1 2 El Nido FSC 3 29 1 6 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 1 13 1 0 NEW Canoga Park 2 25 1 3 NEW Van Nuys 3 15 1 0 Oakwood FSC 3 74 1 1 Pacoima FSC 0 3 0 1 Toberman Neighborhood Center 0 12 0 0 Tom Bradley FSC 0 2 1 0 WLCAC 3 12 0 1 Youth Policy Institute 0 1 0 0 lxxxviii Table QQ – Ethnicity FSC Location 1736 FCC Black White Hispanic Asian/ Pacific Islander Bi-racial/ Multiracial Other 0 1 3 0 2 0 Barrio Action YFC 1 0 14 4 1 0 Bradley Milken FSC 40 0 29 0 1 5 CCNP 1 0 18 1 1 0 Childrens Collective 3 1 11 0 0 1 CMHP 0 0 3 0 0 0 Community Build 4 0 9 0 1 0 Community Care at Home 3 0 22 0 0 1 Cypress Park FSC 0 0 7 0 1 0 El Centro De Ayuda 0 0 12 0 0 1 El Centro Del Pueblo 2 1 23 0 0 1 El Nido FSC 1 1 37 0 0 2 Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC 0 0 12 0 0 3 NEW Canoga Park 0 0 30 0 0 2 NEW Van Nuys 0 0 18 0 1 0 Oakwood FSC 6 1 62 4 2 4 Pacoima FSC 0 0 4 0 0 0 Toberman Neighborhood Center 0 1 10 0 1 0 Tom Bradley FSC 2 0 1 0 0 1 WLCAC 4 0 9 0 0 2 Youth Policy Institute 0 0 1 0 0 0 lxxxix Table RR – Comments It is a great place. It helps people make life easyer. I love this center Childrens Collective No :) oh and the staff and program Thank you for being open to the community :) I really enjoy this program El Nido FSC No I entg workriug on the mag. I appreciate all the help I get but one problem I don’t get bus tokens when I need them. It’s a really fun place to be after school. Its also a great place to make new friends. I really like the way Elsa treats us. She really cares about us. Nope! No I have never visited the center, but have attended the program they offer at my school. I like it This is the best center ive been to I love it! :) It satisfies me :) It's realy cool. I think the organization is amazing! I've learned new things and gain asort of confidence in myself as well as gaining an opportunity of meeting new people. I have enjoyed my time spent in NDY and would very like to contine attending the program. My grades have improved significally and I would like to maintain my GPA. I love this center I feel like im at home it satisficy me. this is nice. Is nice program. NEW Van Nuys no thanks No it is very helpful for youth and very attended with the youth services very excited for all the hard work they've done for us. None No Yes I (heart) being here nd coming here everyday well not all the day's but Mon, Tue, Thur, Frid, I (heart) coming here b-cause it had help me a lot nd also my family I thank el nido family center that I had change a lot I was really rebelde oh yea but I change alot. thank u el nido family center. #29 wrote: i go to skool i (heart) skool. Its very helpful. It is really good program for troubled teens Able makes me laugh a lot. None It is very help full to our community it helps a lot of kids my age stay out trouble, but one thing think the center should not do is fire a case manfer that help a lot of kids and that the kids were attached to, it affects the kids very much. Overall it is very good! :) No! No Thanks for your help!!! Great staff and the friendiness of everyone. Great classes and support. Cypress Park FSC I love the classes that Elsa gives. The parenting classes are the best. No! :) naw! Overall the comunty center has done a good job. Over the years in helping family & the comunities. xc NEW Canoga Park No! No Great Job :) No #28 wrote: 12 No #28 wrote: 10 No thanks N/A NO They help me to do something well when I don’t go to school. Its very fun here & I like to play basketball! Have basketball games and more sports. No!! no I like the way they treat you. I do't know no None I really really love this center the staff is like another family I think these is a real good center to come. no None No its just fine The Tutors are great and helpful!! no comments It is great. No other comment This center is really good The kids enjoy being here. I have never meet better tutors than the one's in New Directions. No, you're awesom! :) Not. AWESOME (: Love the gym, computer lad, and media room. #28 wrote: 18-24 The best youth program I have ever been at. I hope I come back for ever every tutor is the best! THE BEST! N/A Este centro es fabuloso It is very good come. N/A Bradley Milken FSC no N/A I Love it here. :) That this is a great center Id like to say that this is a very nice family source center. They show respect to the people. #28 wrote: N/A 19 N/A NONE nope NOOOO!!! #29 wrote: None No thank you #28 wrote: N/A, "1st page" #5 N/A no xci N/A It’s a very helpful center Lucille Beserra Roybal FSC N/A no Nope. n/a #28 wrtoe: 18 no Very helpful :) El Centro Del Pueblo No gracias Barrio Action YFC I think this center is preety cool because its pisful. I love this center!!!!! Come and Box NONE NO. It is well organized w/ friendly staff. The center is very clean and welcoming. Always very helpful when needed. Never have been dissappointed since I have been coming which started in 2008. the center gave us a lot of advantages for our future. no none I enjoy coming here & my favorito is sonya No its nice NO I like some staff NO well I think it's a very good program no :) Toberman Neighborhood Center Oakwood FSC NO Nope :) No not really we would like a better teen recreation programs and center <3 It would be nice to have more excercizing activities (active games). More teen programs. I love it, everything is great! It needs more funding no it’s a great place It is great, helpful, and the employees are nice. overall it's a great place with great resources for the whole family. I'm getting a lot of help in everything that I need to go to college. I have benefited greatly from the center. Good job. no! very satisfied no Pacoima FSC xcii no Es un centro bueno porque hayuda a toda persona que lo nesesita. we need more teen programs =D we need a teen area. Community Care at Home The center is filled with very hard-working, friendly people. no I'm good it is great. It is a good service to the community the program is very good for the students This place is really helpful helped me a lot through life. This center is the best and most helpful and funiest as fas as I think. This place can really help you in school. I really like coming to the center. I have fun when I come and actually do like coming and participate. It's all right!!! It's really good they help you a lot here. It's a great place to come for kids, if you want/need help or just to hang out. This place is good I like coming to the boys+girls club to do my hw. Bresee is good it helos you in school. NO It is realy fun, and comfortibal. I love it! no BRESEE changed my life, and I am grateful for what I've learned here. Need to get better food!!! well no because everythin is great. #28 wrote 12 They need better food yes, its really good and calm to be in. Its like being at a much careful house. no They are nice and give me good respect. no It is very fun. I like Bresee. I like Bresee. Youth Policy Institute I love Brezee!! NO what is blanca mean? the center rocks. WLCAC Bresee is the best! NO I think these center is good for homework club. I like it here No! But this is the best pragram. NO. "1st page" #3 wrote: no I ded not learn about family source center. #4 no I ded not come to this center. #5 no time This is a greap program, I loe the staff ect. Come Here Have Fun why do we got 2 do this fore the center It is awsome! Its fun cool and help me with mi anger go to the pool every weziday xciii NO El Centro De Ayuda NO no what is this survey about. Like for what N/A I believe this is a place were youth can talk to eachother, and have space to clear your head, and try to hold a psositive attitude NO no comment. no no CMHP nope #28 wrote 19 yrs Community Build 1736 FCC Im glade to be here n/a None I <3 this center #28 wrote 18 #29 wrote college I LIKE IT There just great This center helps me a lot. Tom Bradley none NO! n/a NO! CCNP the center is a great place for youth as well as family members. It benefits one academically and socially. its good none na NO!! This center is very fun and I learn a lot about this center. To have more available child care Provide childcare xciv