IEEE Structure and Governance – plus Technical Activities Celia Desmond IEEE Secretary IEEE Structure IEEE Members – IEEE Assembly IEEE Board of Directors –IEEE Major Boards –Standing Committees 2 4/13/2012 Major Boards IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board (MGAB) IEEE Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB) IEEE-Standards Association (IEEE-SA) IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) IEEE United States of America (IEEEUSA) 3 4/13/2012 Standing Committees Audit Committee Awards Board Employee Benefits and Compensation Committee Ethics and Member Conduct Committee Fellow Committee Finance Committee Governance Committee History Committee 4 4/13/2012 Insurance Committee Investment Committee New Initiatives Committee Nominations and Appointments Committee Public visibility Committee Strategic Planning Committee Tellers Committee IEEE Governance Committee Review governing documents, identify conflicts and assist with drafting appropriate language Make recommendations to the Board affecting IEEE governing documents with respect to need, appropriateness and effectiveness Conduct the Board’s annual Self-assessment Monitor and assess the IEEE’s organizational structure for effectiveness and efficiency in carrying out IEEE’s mission Oversee orientation of new Board members Provide input on content for Director Education Review Board member position descriptions 5 4/13/2012 Importance of Volunteers Make recommendations for volunteer positions via the Nominations and Appointments process /nominations_guidelines.html Learn about other ways to volunteer by visiting the Volunteer Resources web page 6 4/13/2012 Technical and Member & Geographic Entities What comprises Technical Activities? Group includes – – – – – – Societies Councils Technical Committees Technical Activities Board (TAB) TAB Committees Professional Partners TA Departments Society Exec Offices and Admin Offices Meetings and Conferences Departments * *shared expense with MGA Mission Based TA Purpose : To foster the development and facilitate the exchange of scientific and technological knowledge that benefits members, the profession and humanity IEEE Policy Section 2 – Technical Activities: …Technical Activities Board, embrace the work of the IEEE Societies as well as IEEE-wide technical programs. … IEEE's core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. Selected TA Aspirations (earlier SP session) • Be the forum for conversation, multiple points of view are welcome as is debate • Be there first • Be the place for thought leaders (where others want to participate) IEEE Bylaws: Societies: A Society provides a forum and community for the exchange of technical information… Societies and Councils A Technical Society is a group of IEEE members who work in the society’s technical areas. Societies have individual members who voluntarily pay to belong to that society. A Technical Council is a grouping of societies that all have work in a conjoined technical field. Councils do not have individual members. Societies and Technical Councils (1) IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems IEEE Antennas and Propagation IEEE Biometrics Council IEEE Broadcast Technology IEEE Circuits and Systems IEEE Communications IEEE Components, Packaging, & Manufacturing Technology IEEE Computational Intelligence IEEE Computer IEEE Consumer Electronics IEEE Control Systems IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation IEEE Education IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility IEEE Electron Devices IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing IEEE Industrial Electronics IEEE Industry Applications IEEE Information Theory IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Societies and Technical Councils (2) IEEE Magnetics IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques IEEE Nanotechnology Council IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences IEEE Oceanic Engineering IEEE Photonics IEEE Power Electronics IEEE Power & Energy IEEE Product Safety Engineering IEEE Professional Communication IEEE Reliability IEEE Robotics and Automation IEEE Sensors Council IEEE Signal Processing IEEE Social Implications of Technology IEEE Solid-State Circuits IEEE Council on Superconductivitiy IEEE Systems Council IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics IEEE Technology Management Council IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Activities Publications Conferences Distinguished Lectures Standards Awards Chapter Activities Other Technical Publications 110 Transactions, Journals and archival publications 36 Society/Council Magazines 22 Society/Council Newsletters As of 31 December 2010 Value of Chapters Source of new members to the IEEE and the Society Provide a local volunteer base for conferences Technical meetings and programs are a source of income to the Section Provide guidance to local student branches