Membership Development Strategy and Customization for China 2011-2012 Present by: Lan Wang IEEE China Office July 20, 2011 Slide 2 Outline IEEE China Membership Statistics & Trend IEEE MD Strategy & Customization for China Slide 3 Membership in China Membership grew 70 times in the past 25 years Given to large g technical professional base in China there is still China, large room to increase b hi iin membership China IEEE Membership in China 1984 - 2010 8331 6676 5528 3414 4312 4568 2006 2007 1743 117 391 1984 1988 1999 2005 Population (billion) 20% 2008 2009 2010 IEEE Members 2.0% 400,000 7 1.4 8,331 World China World China Slide 4 Membership Breakdown(Dec 31 2010) Section H LF F LS SM LM M AM GSM Stm Total Beijing Section Beijing Section 1 3 36 9 288 0 2543 244 1179 257 4560 Chengdu Section 0 0 1 1 23 0 203 17 103 44 392 Harbin Section Harbin Section 0 0 1 0 16 1 262 20 104 24 428 Nanjing Section 0 1 5 2 84 0 709 48 283 82 1214 Shanghai Section 0 1 2 2 96 0 522 54 110 46 833 Wuhan Section 0 0 0 0 16 0 204 17 93 21 351 Xian Section 0 1 5 0 40 1 321 24 114 47 553 Total (Note: H-Honorary member; LF-Life Fellow; F-Fellow; LSLife Senior; SM-Senior SM Senior Member; LM LM-Life Life Member; MM Member; AM-Associate Member; GSM-Graduate Student Member; Stm-Student Member) 8331 IEEE Membership Trend in China (2007 -2011) 2011) 5,000 4,500 , 4,000 2007 3 500 3,500 2008 2009 2010 2011* 2011 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 Beijing B iji Section Chengdu Ch d Section Harbin H bi Section * Data as of December 31, except 2011 (in June) Nanjing N ji Section Shanghai Sh h i Section Wuhan W h Section Xian Xi Section Slide 6 Member retention by China Total Renewal of China by : 2011 Membership Year-June 2011 HIGHER GRADE MEMBERS STUDENT MEMBERS (includes GSM) Opportunity # Renewal 47,629 36,102 75.8% 32,109 9,425 29.4% 79,738 45,527 Beijing 2785 1786 64.1% 1031 359 34.8% 3,816 2,145 56.2% Chengdu 218 162 74.3% 92 30 32.6% 310 192 61.9% Harbin 264 170 64.4% 79 33 41.8% 343 203 59.2% Nanjing 736 568 77 2% 77.2% 261 125 47 9% 47.9% 997 693 69 5% 69.5% Shanghai 597 470 78.7% 126 44 34.9% 723 514 71.1% Wuhan 202 138 68.3% 96 27 28.1% 298 165 55.4% Xian 380 267 70.3% 112 76 67.9% 492 343 69.7% Total 5182 3561 68.7% 1797 694 38.6% 6979 4255 61% Region 10 Total % Renewal Opportunity # Renewal % Renewal TOTAL MEMBERS Opportunity # Renewal % Renewal 57.1% The best place to grow membership is to satisfy and keep 2,724 have not renewed the member we have Slide 7 First Year Member Retention China First Year Renewal of China by : 2011 Membership Year-June 2011 HIGHER GRADE MEMBERS STUDENT MEMBERS (incl GSM) TOTAL MEMBERS Opportunity # Renewal % Renewal Opportunity # Renewal % Renewal Opportunity # Renewal % Renewal Region 10 Total Beijing 9,017 3,172 35.2% 25,272 5,279 20.9% 34,289 8,451 24.6% 1,046 326 31.2% 817 216 26.4% 1,863 542 29.1% Ch Chengdu d 51 26 51 0% 51.0% 73 19 26 0% 26.0% 124 45 36 3% 36.3% Harbin 90 35 38.9% 60 17 28.3% 150 52 34.7% Nanjing 168 95 56.5% 162 60 37.0% 330 155 47.0% Shanghai 109 62 56.9% 97 25 25.8% 206 87 42.2% Wuhan 75 30 40.0% 81 13 16.0% 156 43 27.6% Xian 104 51 49.0% 65 37 56.9% 169 88 52.1% Total 1643 625 38.0% 1355 387 28.6% 2998 1012 33.8% About 6-7 out of every 10 members who joined last year in China did not renew. A worldwide trend we must improve. Slide 8 Sections/Subsections in China Xu Chair of IEEE Harbin Section Dianguo •Harbin Ruan Qiuqi Chair of IEEE Beijing Section Dongfeng Yuan Chair of IEEE Shandong Subsection dfyuan@sdu edu cn •Beijing •Shandong •Xi’an •Hefei •Nanjing Bin Luo Chair of IEEE Hefei Subsection You Xiaohu Chair of IEEE Nanjing Section •Shanghai •Wuhan •Chengdu •Zhejiang Huang Jianguo Chair of IEEE Xi’an Section Zhang Chair of IEEE Shanghai Section Wenjun •Guangzhou Dehong Xun Wang Houjun Chair of IEEE Chengdu Section hjwang@uestc edu cn Zhou Chair of IEEE Wuhan Section Huaibei Jun Zhang Chair of IEEE Zhejiang Subsection Chair of IEEE Subsection Guangzhou Chapters(Beijing p ( j g Section)) Beijing Section Chapter Beijing Section(Guangzhou)Chapter Beijing Section(Shenzhen) Chapter Beijing Section(Baoding) Chapter j g ( g) p Beijing Section(Shijiazhuang) Chapter AES10, AP03, BT02,C16,CAS04,CE08,CIS011,COM19,CPMT21,CS 23,ED15,EMB18,EMC27,GRS29,IA34,MAG33,MTT1 , , , , , , , 7,NANO042,PE31,PEL35,SEC37,SMC28,SP01/IT12 CAS004,CIS11,CS23,ED015,SP01,SMC28 COM19,EMB18,SMC28 SMC28 SMC28 Beijing Section(Capital Region) Chapter SMC28 Beijing Section(Hangzhou) Chapter PHO36 B iji /H bi J i t Ch t Beijing/Harbin Joint Chapter IM09 Chapters (Other Sections) Chengdu Section Chapter CIS11, ED015,IT12,MTT017,PHO36,SMC28,VT06 CIS11, ED15,CIS11,CS23,E25 ED15, CIS11 ED15 CIS11 CS23 E25 ED15 EMC27/MTT17/AP03 Nanjing (Hefei) Section Chapter CIS11 AES10,C16,CAS004,CIS11,COM19,CS23,NANO042,SP01 Nanjing Section Chapter ,SMC28, AP03/MTT17/EMC27, IA34/PE31, ED15/SSC37 N ji /Sh h i/W h Nanjing/Shanghai/Wuhan IM09 Section JT. Chapter BT02, CAS04,CIS11, Sh h i S ti Ch t Shanghai Section Chapter COM19 ED15 EMC28 MTT17 OE22 SP01 SSC37 PHO36 COM19,ED15,EMC28,MTT17,OE22,SP01,SSC37,PHO36 Harbin Section Chapter Wuhan Section Chapter Xi’an Section Chapter Total BT02,C16,CIS11 CIS011,COM19,MTT17,SMC28,SP01,ED15 88 Student branches Beijing Tsinghua Univ‐Qing Hua Sb, Peking Univ, Graduate Univ of Chinese Academy of Sciences SB Beijing Univ Of Posts & Telecomm, Beihang University SB, Northern Jiaotong U i U i Univ, University of China Science and Technology i f Chi S i d h l Bejing(Guangzhou) South China University Of Technology SB, Sun Yat‐Sen University‐Guangzhou SB Beijing(Tianjin) Beijing(Baoding) Beijing(Shenzhen) Beijing(Jinan) Beijing(Chongqing) Shanghai Xian Tianjin University SB Hebei Univ Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School SB Shandong University SB Chongqing University Chongqing University Shanghai Jiao Tong University SB Xian Jiaotong Univ, Xidian Univeristy SB, Northwestern Polytechnic Univ Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin Inst Of Tech Shenzhen Graduate School gy Harbin Chengdu Wuhan Nanjing China Univ Of Electronic Science And Tech Huazhong University of Science & Technology S th t U i (Nanjing Inst Of Tech) Sb, Nanjing University of Science & Southeast Univ (N ji I t Of T h) Sb N ji U i it f S i & Technology SB Nanjing(Hangzhou) j g( g ) Zhejiang University SB j g y Total 25 Slide 12 Outline IEEE China Membership Statistics & Trend IEEE MD Strategy & Customization for China Non Non-renewing renewing members Survey in China 2000 email sent out to remind renewal of membership Adhoc Survey Results – What benefits are useful for you (Top 3)? IEEE Conference-registration discount IEEE Member Digital Library Spectrum/Society membership – Do you know E-membership? 80% know it – If you don’t renew, why? IEEE services and benefits are not worth the amount of dues Forget username and password wire transfer to American bank takes a long time. If I could pay to a china bank, that will be great T expensive Too i ffor student t d t member b IEEE hold too many low-level conferences in china. I can't find how to renew student membership, all the prices are for non-student membership Non Non-renewing renewing members Survey (Cont.) – What more benefits could IEEE provide for members? more conference discount & better conference discount more job opportunities download paper more communication opportunities, more free benefits More local language technical activities – Any Suggestions and comments to IEEE? Difficult to find web account username and password Renewal process is too complicated Improve conference quality China member benefits are much less than those for US members Life member renew automatically Prepay3-5 year membership fee China MD SWOT Examples Strengths IEEE international influence grows and pays more attention in emerging country Largest number of engineers in the world Staff coordinate with MD volunteers for critical functions—marketing, benefits, recruitment and retention Localization MD materials Opportunities 50% reduction in dues for those annual income less than $ 13,400 E-Membership IEEE new products/ benefits for members(Xplore/e-books/Webinar) IEEE Chinese website/e-newsletter Awareness of IEEE membership benefits Weaknesses Language barriers Low quality conference 1st – year retention, lack of a consistent and cohesive “first-year experience” for members S Some sections ti and d chapters h t are very new and immature. Threats IEEE is considered as US-centric organization by some Chinese people Competition from other organizations Volunteers instability Time available to volunteer is difficult Slide 16 Key Programs to Improve the Member Experience -Priorities for China Access to Publications Professional Networking Electronic Membership Awareness and Marketing Expansion of First Year Member Experience Student Competition Portfolio Management GOLD (Young Professional) Strategy Implementation Slide 17 Key Programs to Improve the Member Experience -Priorities for China(Cont.) Volunteer Leadership Training – Best practices – On time reporting – Succession planning – Up-dated section website on activities New GUs Formation Process Conference Quality Control Awareness of Membership p Development p Plans, Tools, and Resources Support Senior Member/Fellow Elevation Meetings g – Technical Focus example p Mid-Hudson Section. – Monthly meetings attracting 10-12 attendees. Novice Section Chair – SAMIEEE Search of member technical interests. – Large g % of Section members were members of the Computer Society. Next Meeting – Topic. Deep Blue: The IBM Chess Machine – Speaker: Dr. C. J. Tan, Senior Manager, Deep Blue Project Team, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center – Result: 120 attendees Future Computer Society Focused Meetings Know your Members to Engage your Members – The Future of Semiconductor Lithography – High-performance computing: Distributed, Cluster, and GPU Computing – Speech and Language Technologies at the IBM Research Center 18 Member Satisfaction – Ideas Action Improving membership communication tools/medias First Year Member Experience Distinguish Lectures Student branch webinar d b h b GOLD Activities Explanation News collections Post timely on website Enrich the content of newsletter Welcome email Local outreach Local technical lectures/seminar / Enhance Communication with student members, includes members, includes Competition introduction, Soft & technical skills training Organize technical lectures for young professions Organize STEP program Market Development – Ideas Action Arrears Recovery Explanation Outreach by emails and telephone Outreach locally Membership Booth at local Improve IEEE visibility and membership campaign Conferences MD brochures Update Chinese IEEE MD brochure Update Chinese IEEE MD brochure IEEE Xtreme Competition IEEE Xtreme Outreach universities and encourage more students to participate p p & Improve IEEE visibility in Universities Media Coordinate with IEEE marketing activities in China with IEEE marketing activities in China Volunteer Development – Ideas Action Explanation Enhance communication between staff Enhance communication between staff –volunteers volunteers China Leadership Training and volunteers‐volunteers Workshop Student Branch Training MD tools, and resources Student Leadership training Brainstorm of membership development and program planning Timely reporting via Vtools Update volunteer information on line Awareness of IEEE W b IEEE Webcast/survey/vote/ tools on Vtools / / / l V l Partner Development – Ideas Action IEEE‐MSRA joint program Explanation “IEEE‐MSRA joint program agreement” MSRA will sponsor 300 interns to be IEEE student members Develop TEP partners Develop partners to co‐organize technical English program Develop Industry Partners Develop partners to co‐organize technical lectures Thank Th k you!! Questions?