Working with Other Organizations 与其他组织合作 R10 Conference Organiser Workshop 22 October 2013 Xian, China 1 10/24/2013 Why is IEEE Sponsorship Desired? 为什么要IEEE赞助会议 Organizations want their conferences to be aligned with the preeminent collection of engineers and scientist in the world 每个组织都希望他们的会议能汇集全世界最优秀的工程师和科学家 The IEEE brand brings immediate credibility and establishes a quality expectation of a conference IEEE的品牌是高质量会议和 信誉的保证 – IEEE’s brand is valued at $1.0 billion – IEEE品牌价值为10亿美金 The conference will be promoted in IEEE conference search which dramatically increases the organization’s reach to potential attendees (increase revenue) 通过IEEE会议搜索来推广会议,能够大大增加会议潜在参会者(增加收入) Conference proceedings may be eligible for publishing in Xplore 会议论文集有可能进入Xplore数据库 2 10/24/2013 Why Partner with Organizations 为什么与其他组织合作办会 Benefits of Co-Sponsorship for IEEE Ous 与IEEE合作办会的优势 Networking with peers, sharing of technical knowledge与 同行交流,分享科技知识 To increase conference attendance and revenue surplus 增加参会代表和会议收入 Community building, stimulates convergence of thinking across disciplines 建立社区,刺激跨学科思考 To obtain additional resources to aid conference planning and execution 获得额外的资源,以帮助会议策划及执行 Learning from others, seeing how other organizations execute events and conferences 向其他组织学习如何执行会 议 Spreads the risk and total organizing efforts 分担风险、提 供组织力度 3 10/24/2013 When to Partner with Organizations 何时与组织合作 Sponsors should be engaged in the early stages of planning your conference. 主办方应在会议筹划阶段就参与工作 Your Organizational Unit should engage sponsors after you have determined: 在以下信息确认后即开展工作 – Conference scope 会议技术范围 – Event scale (global, regional, local) 会议规模(全球、地区、 本地) – Volunteers availability to participate and execute the conference 参与组织会议的志愿者 – Budget draft is constructed 初步预算 The budget draft will help you determine, what is the need for co-sponsors and/or conference supporters. 初步预算可以帮助你决定主办方和/或会议支持者需要什么 4 10/24/2013 How to Partner with Organizations 如何和组织合作 Are you aligning the IEEE brand with the appropriate technical or scholarly institutions or associations? 你是否选择了适合 IEEE品牌的技术单位和团体 – What is their reputation and brand? 他们的名誉和 品牌如何? Can someone from your OU verify the organizations suitability as a partner for IEEE? 是否有人可以验证该组织适合成为IEEE的合 作伙伴? Evaluate all sponsorship opportunities before agreeing to partner. 在同意合作之前评估所有合 作可能 5 – Confirm not-for-profit status, is legal documentation available? 确认非盈利,是否有法律 10/24/2013 文件 How to Evaluate Organizations 如何评判组织 Best Practices: Step 1 第一步 1) FIT 2) RESOURCES 3) TIMING Ensure the new opportunity is in your field of interest, ideally filling a topical niche 确认新的机会在你的技术范围 和兴趣内,最好能细化到具体专业 Your decision is always dependent on available OU resources to participate in the conference’s technical program development at minimum 你的决定通常取决于可 用的资源,至少能够促进技术程序的发展 The conference sponsorship lead time should be no less then 12 months in advance of the conference date and should not compete with any existing IEEE or other conferences that are in the same field of interest 会议主办方应在不少于会前12个月引领会议工作,并避免与同 领域任何其他已有IEEE会议竞争 6 10/24/2013 If these three conditions are not met, you should not sponsor the conference. If the fit, available resources and timing is right, continue your evaluation 如果以上 三条不能满足,则不适宜主办会议。如果资源和时间都合适, 则可以继续合作。 How to Evaluate Organizations 如何评判组织 Best Practices: Step 2 第二步 Review the organization’s website and previous conference history. 查看该组织的网站和以前办会历史 – Query the leadership team’s biographies, review previous conference locations, call for papers and key statistics: acceptance rates, papers/reviewer, reviews/paper 领导班子的履历查询,查看以前的会议地点, 论文征集通知和关键统计数据:录取率、论文/审稿者、审稿人/论文 Have the organization formally present to your OU’s conference committee. 该组织是否之前参与过你会议的委员会 Implement an application process to collect previous conference history data for evaluation. 收集之前的会议历史数据做评估 After the organizational assessment is complete you can now determine if this the right opportunity for your OU. 评估后你可以 确认对你的单位来讲,这是否是合适的机会 Utilize the - Organization Sponsorship Checklist 使用会议组织清单 7 10/24/2013 Conference Supporters Finding Sponsors 会议支持者 寻找主办方 8 10/24/2013 Conference Supporters 会议的支持者们 For-profit companies can not sponsor an IEEE conference 营利性公司不能成为IEEE会议的主办方之一 For-profit companies can be supporters of an IEEE conference 营利性公司可以成为IEEE会议的支持者 – Supporter, Patron, Partner or Contributor are acceptable designations. 支持者、赞助商、合作伙伴或贡献人都是可以接受的称谓 Supporters can contribute or donate goods and services to a conference 支持者可以为会议贡献或捐赠物品和服务 – Involvement Examples: 1) Support can be in the form of a grant for a specific activity like a dinner. 2) Providing conference attendees trinkets or small gifts. 3) A university may donate facilities to host a conference. – 举例:1)可以支持特定活动,如晚宴。 2)提供与会者纪念品或小礼品。 3)大学捐赠 设施,承办会议。 Supporters should be noted separately from sponsors on all conference marketing materials including the conference web site. They are distinguished from IEEE official sponsors 支持者应注意,在所有会议宣传材料、包括会议网站上将支持者和IEEE官方主办方区别开 9 10/24/2013 Fundamental Communication 基本沟通 Cross Endorsement Policy 相互背书政策 Societies should look to engage the local MGA Sections where their conference is being held 协会应该邀请本地分会参与该地区举办的会议 – Increase local attendance 增加本地参会者 – Potential additional available resources 潜在额外资源 – Membership building 会员发展 – Engage student branches 参与学生分会活动 MGA Sections (Chapters) should look to engage the appropriate Society in the field of interest for their conference 地区分会应邀请协会参与其专业领域的会议 – Expand knowledge base, topic expansion, find potential speakers 扩大知识面、拓展专业范围、找到潜在报告人 – Membership building 会员发展 – Increase attendance 增加参会者 10 10/24/2013 How to find IEEE sponsors to participate in your conference 如何找到IEEE主办/参与你的会议 You can find potential sponsors under the Societies home page and the Geographic Activities pages: 你可以在我们的网站上找到: – IEEE Societies, Councils and Technical Communities 专业分会 – IEEE Geographic Activities (Regions/Sections/Chapters) 地区分会 Any IEEE OU may sponsor a conference. First, you must identify and contact an IEEE Organization Unit (OU) that most fits your area of interest or location 任何IEEE组织都可以主办会议。首先,你必须选择 和联系与你的专业或者地点相关的组织 Sponsorship should be negotiated with the OU and agreed upon before starting the conference application 主办方式需要双方沟通并在 申请会议前打成一致 If you need assistance in selecting an IEEE sponsor, please contact MCE’s Customer Relations Management Team at 如果需要任何帮助 请联系: 11 10/24/2013 MGA Conference Sponsorship Approval Process 地区分会主办批准流程 12 10/24/2013 MGA Conference Sponsorship Approval Process 地区分会主办批准流程 Any MGA Organizational Unit that intends to partner with a non-IEEE entity on a conference must obtain approval 任何地区分会组织想要和非IEEE单位合作办会,必须得到批准 – Applies to all co-sponsored conferences 适用于所有IEEE会议 – financial and technical 财务支持和技术支持 Section Level approval is required when the following OUs partner with a non-IEEE entity 以下IEEE单位在和非IEEE单位合作办会时需要分会层面的批准 – IEEE Subsections 支分会 – Chapters 专业协会 – Affinity Groups 工作组 – Student Branches 学生分会 Region Level approval needed when Geographic Councils partner with a non-IEEE entity 地区联合会与非IEEE单位合作办会时需要大区层面的批准 13 10/24/2013