2013 IEEE China Conference Leadership Workshop Announcement 2013 IEEE 中国会议组织者培训 22 October 2013 Shaanxi Guest Hotel, XIAN, PRC 2013 年 10 月 22 日,中国 西安 陕西宾馆 Speaker 演讲人 Howard E. Michel IEEE 2014 President-Elect Candidate (Volunteer) Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth IEEE 2014 主席候选人 (志愿者) 马萨诸塞州达特茅斯大学 副教授 Dr. Howard E. Michel is a senior member of the IEEE and was the IEEE 2011-2012 Vice-President for Member and Geographic Activities. He was IEEE Region 1 (north-east United States) Director for 2008-2009 and 2010 Chair of the IEEE Public Visibility Committee. Dr. Michel is currently Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. He holds two patents and has published a textbook, 15 refereed journal papers and 70 conference papers, posters or abstracts. Dr. Michel retired from the U.S. Air Force in 1994, having served as a pilot, satellite launch director, engineer and engineering manager, including a tour in the People’s Republic of China where he served as a senior U.S. Government technical representative enforcing technology-transfer control plans and procedures during two satellite launch operations Howard E. Michel 博士是 IEEE 高级会员,是 IEEE 2011-2012 年度副主席,他曾 任 IEEE 第一区(美国东北)2008-2009 年度主席,IEEE 2010 年公共关系委员 会主席。Michel 博士现任马萨诸塞州达特茅斯大学电子与计算机工程副教授, 他拥有两项专利,并出版了一本教材,15 篇期刊论文和 70 余篇会议论文、海 报或摘要。Michel 博士于 1994 年从美国空军退役,曾任飞行员、卫星发射主 管、工程师和工程经理。曾作为美国政府高级技术代表,访问中国,在两颗 卫星发射操作期间执行技术转让控制计划和程序。 William (Bill) Moses is the Chairman of the IEEE Conferences Committee, and so is responsible for the >1400 conferences that IEEE sponsors annually. He is also a member of the 20-person IEEE Publications Services and Products Board, which is responsible for the all of the IEEE publications that IEEE produces (including ~100 peer-reviewed journals and all conference proceedings). He is employed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, where he leads a group that does research on nuclear medical imaging, homeland security, and environmental remediation. William Mose, Chairman of the IEEE Conferences Committee (Volunteer) Senior Staff Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley Lab IEEE 会议委员会主席 (志愿者) Lawrence Berkeley 实验室高级科学家 William 先生是 IEEE 会议委员会主席,每年负责超过 1400 个 IEEE 会议。他同 时是 IEEE 出版服务和产品董事会 20 人成员之一,该组织负责所有 IEEE 出品 的出版物,其中包含超过 100 本专业期刊和所有会议论文集。William 先生现 受雇于 Lawrence Berkeley 国家实验室,在那里他带领他的团队研究核医学成 像、国土安全、和环境整治。 Dr. Mengqi Zhou was Deputy Secretary General, Vice Chairman of the International Working Committee of Chinese Institute of Electronics-CIE. He is one of the leading inaugurators of IEEE Beijing Section in early 1980s and IEEE China Council in 2006. As an IEEE volunteer in China, he has been contributing to IEEE for many years. Currently, he is IEEE China Council Chair-IEEE and IEEE Beijing Section Vice Chair/Secretary Mengqi Zhou 周孟奇 IEEE China Council Chair (Volunteer) IEEE Beijing Section Vice Chair/Secretary IEEE 中国联合会主席(志愿者) IEEE 北京分会副主席/秘书 周孟奇先生曾任中国电子学会副秘书长、国际工作组副主席。他是 80 年代 IEEE 北京分会和 2006 年 IEEE 中国联合会的创始人之一。作为志愿者,为 IEEE 在 中国的发展做了多年贡献。现任 IEEE 中国联合会主席和 IEEE 北京分会副主席 /秘书。 Ning is the Director of IEEE Global Business Development, and Chief Representative of IEEE China Office. In his current role, Ning leads IEEE’s business development staff in China, Japan and Singapore exploring Asia-Pacific opportunities. In addition, Ning is responsible for planning, organizing and managing IEEE activities in China; developing and fostering direct and ongoing relationships and exchanges with government, industry, and academic organizations; identifying and developing new opportunities in emerging markets; providing productive and positive visibility of IEEE to Chinese enterprises and other organizations; and promoting IEEE products and services in China Ning Hua 华宁 Director of Global Business Development, IEEE IEEE国际业务发展总监 华宁是IEEE国际业务发展总监,中国代表处首席代表。目前, 他领导着IEEE在 中国、日本和新加坡的业务发展部门,在亚太地区拓展IEEE的相关业务。同时, 他负责IEEE在中国活动的策划,组织和管理的工作;负责发展同中国政府,企 业和学术界的交流与合作;负责在新兴市场国家,特别是在亚太地区,寻求 和发展IEEE新的机会和增长点;维护和发展IEEE在企业和学术界中的知名度和 形象;推广IEEE的产品和服务. Susan is Director of Conference Business Services and Strategic Programs at IEEE. Susan is a leader in IEEE’s Meetings, Conferences and Events (MCE) team and a self-described conference enthusiast. She is responsible for the systems and services that support IEEE Conference Organizers in running effective IEEE conferences. Susan is also responsible for developing approaches to ensure conference vitality for its global conferences and exploring and developing new conference approaches for IEEE. Susan Root Director, Conference Business Services and Strategic Programs, M&C IEEE 会议服务及战略总监 Susan 是在 IEEE 会议服务和战略总监。她是 IEEE 的会议及活动(MCE)团队 的领导者并自诩为会议发烧友。她负责支持 IEEE 会议组织者有效举办 IEEE 会 议的系统和服务。Susan 也负责开发方法,以确保全球会议的活力, ,并为 IEEE 探索和发展新的会议。 Kevin Hanft is Senior Manager, Conference Organizer Engagement and Education IEEE Meetings, Conference and Events. In addition, his team is responsible for creation and review of Memorandum of Understandings (MoU). Kevin Hanft 先生是 IEEE 会议与活动部门组织及教育高级经理。另外,他的团 队还负责创建和审阅谅解备忘录(MOU)。 Kevin Hanft Senior Manager, Conference Organizer Engagement and Education IEEE 会议组织及教育高级经理 Helen Ma joined IEEE in September 2012 as Meeting and Conference Manager in IEEE China office. She is the senior representative of IEEE Meetings and Conferences Department in their assigned region. She will act as a consultant to volunteers and IEEE employees, who shepherds processes and provides consulting services with regards to any meeting and conferences in China. Helen Ma, 马聪 Meeting and Conference Manager, IEEE China office IEEE 中国区会议经理 马聪(Helen)女士于 2012 年 9 月加入 IEEE 中国代表处。其职务为中国区会 议经理,她是 IEEE 会议团队在中国(及其管辖范围内)的高级代表, 为 IEEE 会员和雇员提供任何与中国会议内容相关的咨询和支持。