Dear Brother L~ the Lord Jesus Christ
Above-all I wish for you that you are in good hea1th and
that you are prospering spirituallj.
I feel that it is my
duty at this time to send you a letter in order to have the
benefit of your knowledge of my present resolve to go to
America, if the Lord wills, in the month of_October with more
families oftha community.
I feel impelled to place my trust
in God without seeing the end of the way. Like A.braham "the .
Lord will provide."
For I can no longer live here as a Christian,
and so I see myself strongly drawn by temporal and spiritual
interests to take a confident resolve before the Lord and
to say to my soul "God will sustain you. Cast your cares upon
the Lord. His faithful support will hold you evermore."
With this I have found assurance for my heart and confidence
before God that with your loving help work .\'1ill
be found and
that I can count on His assistance.
For He who trusts in Him
.is like Zion's mount which does not move, and like a tree
planted near the water, which sends out ita roots in a river,
and does not fall whenever the heat comest and its leaves stay green,
and in a drought has no concern, and does not keep from bearing
fruit, and all that it does will succeed, as the ~odl~ss do not.
Before I had thus resolved I felt restless qne found myself
agitated and driven, albeit convinced that it ~B fitting for the
Chr-Ls t i.an unconditionally
to follow God , to relinquish and
abandon 3.11 ID3.terialthings, subject my all to Hiill, Look to Him
for all good, and love Him "lith my who.Le: heart
and Hith
all cour-age and pat.Lenoe , \'liththis submission to God I feel
at peace in my heart •••'
.For some~days I went to the Lord in prayer, and while I
prayed· I thought
of wha t men must have spoken before Babel
in Revelations 17 and 10, that God'a people must go thence,
to havG no part of their SillS and vexations in that place
wh i.ch God dev aat a t ed ; and whd.c h he called
the dwelling p Lace
of th9 c.evil. At once I v-ms eaGer tcdetermine
l-lhether ~t13.t
was only a practice
of Rome~ or whether
wa~ ~orc to be
undor-s cood ,
s noke of the
Ny attention
1 cap.17)
vhe r e
ordeal of a cr ea t h;':'l'lot who ;:;atin many Ivutcr3.·
r; v erae 5 this harlot bo;e the name of Babylon, -t:1H~ mother
of Hhoredom.
Verse 15 tells us what t.hc •...•
aters ",cr!~ on which
the woman a i.t a , nameLy people J mul t Lt.udea , nat Lonc , and tono:;u~s.
Thus Babylon is not confined between the walls of ~{,jmc, but
people, multitudes? nations ~~d tonGues, a great part of tho
of ::::urope
.• ~nd thi.s includes
our borders ••
From that I wa,s fully convinced that I live in Eabel, \ofhich_
God \ViII devastate, and nake it a dv/elling place forfue
~ike old Babe~ of Isaiah 13, ~er~e 21, which callG to all
-God' G children "Leave from here, :':ly people, etc." 'I'hus I am
confident that God wishes all people who folloH Him to leave
Babel, it may be by means of a ship •••
.... _---------_._------_._-.--_
. f
•• _
I recall that I had said to you that it could well be that
would leave this year. I had then not yet come to a decision;
ihereforet I am w~iting this letter to you.
. ri-
I desire that God speak to your heart,
also to that of your_
wife, and to your father and mother, with the full assurance
and triumph of· the Gospels, so as to say with David "f1y heart
is ready, Oh God, ;nine is ready."
Thus everyone shall in his heart
be assured. ·I can now sing "Love the Lord conti.nually, whose
eisht is our support,
whos e nercy and gcodness endure forever.
'l'his says that
everyone ::::-eed by Him f'ro~ the bonds of'slavery is
freed from the hands of the prejudiced.
I feel my inner release
from bo~dage, and with the love in Pella, .rejoice in God who
Hi.ll carry me over the Atlanti.c Ocean.
Last Sunday I had looked for Father Hidde:1koop. One must
the de:f'anation of
-. ".-.
I hope we may again speak to each other. Many more
wish to go as a group, as you know it i.s beneficial..
So I
am locking for the first available ship and to f~nd the fare
for the ~ntendeq· t~e.
all.Jaysgo outside the vacant places to bear
Cordial greetir!§;'s to :'ou' and your '."'~I e and children and
father and. nother.
i-lay God tofatch over y.our soul md body and
grant liis heavenly f~vor and support you with His everlast~ng
ar~s. T~at is the wish of your friend and brother in the Lord.
fro~ m:T 1'"iife.
:.~. "!Jalluer