Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 DOI 10.1007/s00429-010-0249-x ORIGINAL ARTICLE Pattern of distribution of serotonergic fibers to the thalamus of the rat Robert P. Vertes • Stephanie B. Linley Walter B. Hoover • Received: 31 December 2009 / Accepted: 16 March 2010 / Published online: 13 April 2010 Ó Springer-Verlag 2010 Abstract It is well established that serotonergic (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) fibers, mainly originating from the dorsal and median raphe nuclei of the brainstem, distribute throughout the forebrain, most heavily to ‘limbic’ forebrain structures. Few reports have examined the distribution of 5-HT fibers to the thalamus and none to our knowledge using immunoprocedures for the detection of the serotonin transporter (SERT)—a very sensitive marker for 5-HT fibers. Using immunohistochemical methods for SERT, we examined the pattern of distribution of 5-HT fibers to the thalamus in the rat. We show that serotonergic fibers are heavily concentrated in midline, intralaminar and association nuclei of the thalamus, and with the exception of the lateral geniculate complex, weakly distributed to principal nuclei of thalamus. Specifically, we demonstrate that 5-HT fibers are densely concentrated in the anteroventral, anteromedial and interanteromedial nuclei of the anterior thalamus, the paraventricular, rhomboid and reuniens nuclei of the midline thalamus, the central medial and central lateral nuclei of the intralaminar thalamus, the intermediodorsal nucleus, the lateral dorsal nucleus, and the dorsal and ventral lateral geniculate nuclei and intergeniculate leaflet of the LGN complex. Less densely innervated sites include the mediodorsal, paracentral, parafascicular, lateral posterior and submedial nuclei of R. P. Vertes (&) W. B. Hoover Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA e-mail: S. B. Linley Department of Psychology, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA thalamus. Remaining regions of the thalamus, largely consisting of principal nuclei, contained few 5-HT fibers. This pattern of 5-HT innervation indicates that serotonin/ serotonergic fibers mainly affect thalamic nuclei with connections to ‘non-principal’ or limbic regions of the cortex (or forebrain). This suggests that serotonergic fibers to the thalamus may exert a significant influence on affective and cognitive functions, possibly complementing the actions of 5-HT fibers to other parts of the brain involved in emotional and cognitive behaviors. Keywords Midline thalamus Intralaminar thalamus Lateral geniculate complex Limbic forebrain Nucleus reuniens Paraventricular nucleus of thalamus Affective behavior Abbreviations 5-HT 5-Hydroxytryptamine, serotonin AD Anterodorsal nucleus of the thalamus AM Anteromedial nucleus of thalamus APN Anterior pretectal nucleus AV Anteroventral nucleus of thalamus CL Central lateral nucleus of the thalamus CM Central medial nucleus of thalamus COM Commissural nucleus, periaqueductal gray cpd Cerebral peduncle DR Dorsal raphe nucleus ec External capsule EC Entorhinal cortex fr Fasciculus retroflexus fx Fornix HD Head direction HF Hippocampus IAD Interanterodorsal nucleus of thalamus 123 2 IAM ic IGL IL IMD LD LGNd LGNv,m,l LH LHy LPl,m MB MDc,1,m MGN MH ml MPT MR MRF mt NOT NPC OP PAG pc PCN PF PFC PH PO PR PT PVa,p RE RH RSC RT SC SCN SERT sm SMT SPF st VAL VB VM ZI 123 Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 Interanteromedial nucleus of thalamus Internal capsule Intergeniculate leaflet Intralaminar thalamus Intermediodorsal nucleus of thalamus Lateral dorsal nucleus of thalamus Dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus Ventral lateral geniculate nucleus, medial and lateral divisions Lateral habenula Lateral hypothalamus Lateral posterior nucleus of thalamus, lateral and medial divisions Mammillary bodies Mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus, central, lateral, and medial divisions Medial geniculate nucleus Medial habenula Medial lemniscus Medial pretectal nucleus Median raphe nucleus Mesencephalic reticular formation Mammillothalamic tract Nucleus of optic tract Nucleus of posterior commissure Olivary pretectal nucleus Periaqueductal gray Posterior commissure Paracentral nucleus of thalamus Parafascicular nucleus of thalamus Prefrontal cortex Posterior hypothalamus Posterior nucleus of thalamus Peri-reuniens nucleus Paratenial nucleus of thalamus Paraventricular nucleus of thalamus, anterior and posterior divisions Nucleus reuniens of thalamus Rhomboid nucleus of thalamus Retrosplenial cortex Reticular nucleus of thalamus Superior colliculus Suprachiasmatic nucleus Serotonin transporter Stria medullaris Submedial nucleus of thalamus Subparafascicular nucleus Stria terminalis Ventroanterior lateral complex of thalamus Ventrobasal complex of the thalamus Ventral medial nucleus of thalamus Zona incerta Introduction It is well recognized that serotonin-containing (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) fibers are widely distributed throughout the neuroaxis. Although 5-HT fibers reach virtually all areas of the forebrain, they are concentrated in limbic regions of the forebrain (Steinbusch 1981; Jacobs and Azmitia 1992; Halliday et al. 2004; Vertes and Linley 2007, 2008; Lowry et al. 2008a). The majority of ascending 5-HT fibers originate from the dorsal (DR) and median raphe (MR) nuclei of the brainstem. Several reports have described patterns of distribution of DR/MR fibers to the forebrain. With respect to the thalamus, early studies indicated rather limited DR/MR projections to the thalamus (Azmitia and Segal 1978; Moore et al. 1978; Vertes and Martin 1988) but subsequent reports, using improved tracing techniques, showed relatively substantial DR and MR afferents to the thalamus. DR/MR fibers mainly target ‘non-specific’ (or limbic) nuclei of the thalamus as well as parts of the ‘visual thalamus’. This would primarily include the anterior nuclei, the mediodorsal nucleus, the midline and intralaminar nuclei, the habenula, the laterodorsal nucleus, and the lateral geniculate (LGN) complex. With a few exceptions, specific (principal) nuclei of the thalamus appear to lack input from DR/MR (Vertes 1991; Morin and Meyer-Bernstein 1999; Vertes et al. 1999). In addition to 5-HT cells, the DR and MR contain other types of ‘projection’ neurons including dopaminergic, GABAergic, glutamatergic and various peptide containing cells (Trulson et al. 1985; Melander et al. 1986; Austin et al. 1997; Charara and Parent 1998; Day et al. 2004; Waselus and Van Bockstaele 2007; Lowry et al. 2008a). Accordingly, the extent to which DR/MR projections to the thalamus originate specifically from 5-HT DR/MR cells remains to be determined. Although no report has examined the overall distribution of serotonergic DR/MR fibers to the thalamus, a few studies have described 5-HT DR/MR projections to some nuclei of the thalamus. Specifically, studies combining retrograde tracing with 5-HT immunostaining have demonstrated 5-HT DR or MR projections to the anterodorsal and anteroventral nuclei of the anterior thalamus (Gonzalo-Ruiz et al. 1995), to the lateral geniculate nucleus and intergeniculate leaflet (Villar et al. 1988; Meyer-Bernstein and Morin 1996; Harrington 1997; Morin and Blanchard 1999) and to the paraventricular nucleus (Otake and Ruggiero 1995; Hsu and Price 2009). The pattern of distribution of serotonergic dorsal and median raphe fibers to most nuclei of the thalamus remains largely unknown. Despite this, the finding of two early immunohistochemical analyses, one in rats (Cropper et al. 1984) and the other in monkeys (Lavoie and Parent 1991), Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 showed that 5-HT fibers spread widely throughout the thalamus. These early studies, however, used immunostaining procedures for the detection of serotonin in cells/ fibers (Steinbusch 1981), and while still a widely utilized technique, newer immunostaining procedures have been developed for the identification of the serotonin transporter protein (SERT) in 5-HT fibers (Sur et al. 1996; Zhou et al. 1996). Although both methods are useful and each has its unique advantages, Aznar and colleagues (Nielsen et al. 2006) recently reported that SERT was preferable to 5-HT as a marker for serotonergic fibers. In particular, they showed that serotonin only began to approach the quality of SERT for identifying 5-HT fibers when 5-HT immunohistochemistry was combined with pre-treatments, particularly the use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). For instance, they reported: (1) an approximately 200% increase in the detection of 5-HT immunolabeled fibers in rats pre-treated with MAOIs and (2) *90% correspondence in the co-expression of 5-HT? and SERT? fibers in MAOI-treated rats compared to only a 30% correspondence in non-treated rats. The latter difference (30% correspondence) was attributed to the loss (or inability to detect) of immunostained 5-HT fibers in untreated animals. Consistent with Nielsen et al. (2006), we found that 5-HT and SERT immunoreactive procedures labeled a comparable set of 5-HT fibers in the thalamus, and that SERT produced a stronger signal than did 5-HT. Accordingly, we used SERT immunohistochemical techniques to characterize the pattern of distribution of serotonergic fibers to the thalamus of the rat. In brief, we show that serotonergic fibers are densely concentrated in midline nuclei, rostral intralaminar nuclei, most of the anterior nuclei, the laterodorsal nucleus, and the LGN complex. Of the midline group, 5-HT labeling was most pronounced in the paraventricular, rhomboid and reuniens nuclei. Although no region of the thalamus was devoid of 5-HT fibers, labeling was very light in sensory and motor nuclei of the thalamus and in the medial geniculate nucleus. 3 7.4. The brains were removed and postfixed overnight in 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M PB. Brains were then placed in a 30% sucrose solution for another 48 h. Following this, 50 lm coronal sections were taken on a freezing microtome in a one in three series: one series of sections through the thalamus were prepared for SERT immunohistochemistry and a second series was stained with cresyl violet. The experiments were approved by the Florida Atlantic University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and conform to all federal regulations and National Institutes of Health guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals. Immunohistochemistry SERT Sections were initially treated with a 30-min sodium borohydride incubation (1% in 0.1 M PB) to remove excess aldehydes. Following a copious PB wash, sections were incubated for 1 h in 0.5% BSA in 0.1 M Tris buffered saline (TBS) (pH 7.6). Sections were rinsed in 0.1 M PB and then incubated in the primary antibody, rabbit antiSERT (Immunostar, Hudson, WI) at a concentration of 1:10,000 in a diluent of 0.1% bovine serum albumin (BSA) in TBS containing 0.25% Triton X-100 for 48 h. Following a 0.1 M PB wash, sections were placed in a secondary antibody solution of biotinylated goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin (Vector Labs) at a 1:500 concentration in diluent for 2 h. This was followed by another PB wash. Sections were then incubated for 2 h in a tertiary antibody solution of biotinylated horse anti-goat immunoglobulin (Vector Labs) at a 1:500 concentration in diluent. After washing the tissue in 0.1 M PB, sections were incubated for 60 min in a 1:200 dilution of a peroxidase–avidin complex using the Vector Elite kit. Following a final 0.1 M PB wash, SERT immunoreactive fibers were visualized by placing them for approximately 3–4 min in a solution containing 0.022% DAB (Aldrich, Milwaukee, WI) and 0.003% hydrogen peroxide in TBS. Sections were mounted onto chrome-alum gelatin-coated slides, dehydrated using graded methanols and coverslipped with permount. Materials and methods Photomicroscopy Ten (5 male, 5 female) naı̈ve Sprague-Dawley rats (Harlan, Indianapolis, IN) weighing 275–300 g were housed in pairs on a 12:12 light dark cycle for 7 days during which food and water were available ad libitum. Rats were then deeply anesthetized with an intraperitoneal injection of sodium pentobarbital (Nembutal, 75 mg/kg) and perfused transcardially with 30 ml of cold heparinized 0.1 M phosphate buffer saline (PBS), followed by 200–300 ml chilled 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (PB) at pH of For depiction of SERT and 5-HT fibers, lightfield photomicrographs at 100 times magnification were captured throughout the extent of the thalamus from representative cases using a Nikon DXM1200 camera mounted onto a Nikon Eclipse E600 microscope. The individual captures were then compiled using Image Pro-Plus 4.5 (Media Cybernetics, Silver Springs, MD) and imported into Adobe Photoshop (CS 2.0; Mountain View, CA) where they were 123 4 adjusted for brightness and contrast. Representative sections throughout the thalamus were captured and illustrated. Files were imported into Adobe Illustrator (CS 2.0) where borders were drawn around thalamic nuclei by comparing immunostained sections to an adjacent series of Nissl-stained sections and with the aid of the rat atlas of Swanson (2003). Particularly noteworthy patterns of labeling were illustrated with high magnification photomicrographs. Patterns of SERT labeling are described as light, moderate and dense, with ‘light’ referring to a few labeled fibers widely dispersed throughout a nucleus, ‘dense’ as a heavy concentration of labeled fibers generally occupying a significant portion (or most) of a nucleus, and ‘moderate’ lying between these two patterns. Results The pattern of distribution of SERT immunoreactive fibers in the thalamus of the rat is depicted with a series of 14 rostral to caudal transverse sections through the thalamus (plates 1–14). We first describe patterns of labeling at each rostral to caudal section and then compare patterns across anatomical/functional groups of the thalamus. A note on categories of thalamic nuclei An early categorization of thalamic nuclei essentially divided the thalamus into ‘relay’ nuclei and ‘non-specific’ nuclei (Dempsey and Morison 1942, 1943; Morison and Dempsey 1942). The relay nuclei generally referred to nuclei that transfer modality-specific information to discrete regions and layers of the cortex, while ‘non-specific’ nuclei referred to nuclei that received multimodal information and distribute to several regions of the cortex as well as to subcortical sites. This categorization has been revised in large part on the basis that ‘‘non-specific’’ nuclei target very specific regions of the cortex and exhibit unique functions (Bentivoglio et al. 1991; Groenewegen and Berendse 1994). Based on recent formulations (Price 1995; Groenewegen and Witter 2004), thalamic nuclei will be categorized as follows: (1) principal nuclei, consisting of the ventrobasal complex (ventral posteromedial and ventral posterolateral nuclei), the ventroanterior lateral complex, the ventromedial nucleus, the posterior nucleus, the dorsal and ventral lateral geniculate nuclei, the intergeniculate leaflet, and the medial geniculate nucleus; (2) association nuclei, consisting of the mediodorsal and intermediodorsal nuclei, the submedial nucleus, the anterior nuclei (anterodorsal, anteroventral, anteromedial and interanteromedial), the lateral dorsal nucleus and the lateral posterior nucleus; (3) midline and intralaminar nuclei, consisting of nucleus reuniens, 123 Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 rhomboid nucleus, paraventricular nucleus, paratenial nucleus, the central medial nucleus, paracentral nucleus, central lateral nucleus and the parafascicular nucleus; (4) the reticular nucleus; and (5) the epithalamus, consisting of the medial and lateral habenula. Plate 1 (Fig. 1a) At the very anterior thalamus, SERT? fibers spread widely throughout the thalamus. Prominent numbers of labeled fibers were present in the anterior paraventricular nucleus (PVa) and nucleus reuniens (RE) of the midline thalamus and in the anteroventral nucleus (AV) of the anterior thalamus whereas fewer, but still significant numbers, were visible in the anteromedial (AM), interanterodorsal (IAD), paratenial (PT) and reticular nuclei (RT) of thalamus. The anterodorsal nucleus of the anterior thalamus was lightly labeled. Plate 2 (Fig. 1b) As seen rostrally (Fig. 1a), PVa and RE were densely and uniformly labeled. Within the anterior nuclei of thalamus, AV was heavily labeled, AM, IAD and the interanteromedial nucleus (IAM) moderately labeled, and AD lightly labeled (Fig. 2). PT and RT contained modest numbers of SERT? fibers. Plate 3 (Fig. 3a) Labeled fibers continued to be heavily distributed throughout AV, PVa, and RE—and nearly as densely within the rostral pole of the lateral dorsal nucleus (LD). Figure 4 depicts the pattern of midline labeling, showing dense aggregates of SERT? fibers in PVa, central medial nucleus (CM), IAM and RE. The dorsal subnucleus of RE (arrow) (Risold et al. 1997) contained fewer fibers than other parts of RE (Figs. 3a, 4). Moderate numbers of SERT? fibers were present in AM, IAD, rostral aspects of the mediodorsal (MD) and the ventral anterior lateral complex (VAL) of thalamus. AD, PT and RT were lightly labeled. Plate 4 (Fig. 3b) Significant numbers of SERT? axons were visible in AV, PVa (strongest medially), RE and the rostral pole of LD. Other heavily labeled sites were CM and the rhomboid nucleus (RH) and to a lesser extent IAM. Whereas rostrally there was a clear difference in density of labeling between AV and the medially bordering AM and IAD, the gradients between them were less pronounced at this level, owing to stronger labeling of AM and IAD. Labeled fibers were moderately packed within ventral parts of the ventral Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 5 Fig. 1 Photomicrographs of rostrocaudally aligned transverse sections through the diencephalon showing the pattern of distribution of SERT immunopositive fibers at two levels of the anterior thalamus, plate 1 (a) and plate 2 (b). As depicted, the anterodorsal (AD) and paratenial (PT) nuclei were lightly labeled, the anteromedial (AM) nucleus was moderately labeled, and the anteroventral (AV), paraventricular (PV) and reuniens (RE) nuclei were heavily labeled. This illustrates the general range of labeling at these and more caudal levels (plates 3–14) of the thalamus. See list for abbreviations. Scale bar a, b 400 lm thalamus in the ventral medial nucleus (VM), but considerably less so in dorsal aspects of the ventral thalamus in VAL. AD, PT and RT contained few SERT? fibers. There was a marked decrease in RT labeling from that of rostral levels. Plate 5 (Fig. 5a) A distinctive pattern of labeling was observed at this level. SERT? fibers were heavily distributed along the midline within PVa, IMD, CM, IAM, rhomboid nucleus (RH) and RE, and two bilateral bands of labeled fibers stretched dorsolaterally from the midline to the dorsal surface of the brain appearing as a ‘Y’-shaped pattern of labeling. The arms of the ‘‘Y’’ contained prominent numbers of SERT? fibers in AM, AV and LD. On the whole, labeling was less pronounced in MD than in the anterior or midline groups. There was a progressive decrease in labeling from the dorsolateral to ventromedial MD, resulting in stronger labeling in the lateral (MDl) and central (MDc) subnuclei of MD than in the medial MD (MDm). In a similar manner, there is a gradual reduction in density of SERT? fibers in the ventral thalamus, extending outward from dorsal aspects of VAL (bordering LD/AV) to the lateral surface of the thalamus. Accordingly, inner regions of VAL (and VM) were moderately labeled, whereas outer parts of VAL and the ventrobasal complex (VB) were lightly labeled. As rostrally, RT contains few SERT? axons. Plate 6 (Fig. 5b) With the exception of IAM which was moderately labeled, SERT? fibers were densely concentrated dorsoventrally along the midline in PVa, CM, RH and RE. Labeling was about as pronounced in the paracentral (PC) and central lateral (CL) nuclei of the intralaminar complex and in LD. This pattern of labeling is depicted in Fig. 6 showing dense aggregates of labeled fibers in CL, 123 6 Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 Fig. 2 High magnification photomicrograph of a transverse section through the rostral diencephalon (from left side of plate 2, Fig. 1b) showing the fine detail of SERT immunopositive fibers in the anterior thalamus. Note dense fiber labeling in the anteroventral (AV) paraventricular (PV) and reuniens (RE) nuclei of the thalamus. See list for abbreviations. Scale bar 150 lm PC and LD—considerably more than present dorsomedially in MD or ventrolaterally in VAL. As observed rostrally, there was a gradual dorsal to ventral decline in labeling from deep (inner) to superficial aspects of the ventral thalamus (VAL to VB). VM and the medially adjacent submedial nucleus (SMT) were moderately and uniformly labeled. RT contained few SERT immunoreactive fibers. Plate 7 (Fig. 7) Three major clusters of SERT? fibers were visible at this level: (1) a midline group, with labeling heaviest in PVa, RH and RE and less pronounced in the intermediodorsal nucleus (IMD); (2) an intralaminar group, with labeling strongest in CM followed by CL and PC; and (3) the lateral dorsal nucleus. Moderate numbers of SERT immunoreactive fibers were also present in the medial (MH) and lateral habenula (LH) and in SMT, but relatively few were seen throughout the vast expanse of ventral thalamus (VM, VAL, VB) and in RT. MD was lightly to moderately labeled which contrasted with much stronger labeling of adjacent regions, medially (PVa, IMD, CM) and laterally 123 (CL, PC). As depicted in Fig. 8, there were subtle differences in density of labeling across subdivisions of MD such that the central nucleus (MDc) was more heavily labeled than the medial (MDm) or lateral MD (MDl). Plate 8 (Fig. 9) SERT? fibers heavily invaded the midline and LD, but were sparsely distributed over a large expanse of the ventral thalamus in VB, VAL and RT. Within midline nuclei, labeling was densest in PVp, RH and RE, but was also pronounced in CM. There was a gradual decline in labeling medially to laterally in the ventral thalamus, from VM to VAL to VB. SMT contained moderate numbers of SERT? fibers, intermediate between those of the laterally adjacent VM and medially bordering RH/RE. MD was moderately labeled, with slightly more labeled fibers in MDl and MDc than in MDm. Plate 9 (Fig. 10) There was a general reduction in labeling at caudal levels of the thalamus due to the fact that a greater part of the Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 7 Fig. 3 Photomicrographs of rostrocaudally aligned transverse sections through the diencephalon showing the pattern of distribution of SERT immunopositive fibers at two levels of the anterior thalamus, plate 3 (a) and plate 4 (b). See list for abbreviations. Scale bar a, b 400 lm caudal thalamus is occupied by principal as opposed to non-principal nuclei. Although labeling was still prominent along the midline in PVp, IMD, CM, RH and RE, it was less robust than seen rostrally within these nuclei and fairly confined to a narrow band along the midline. Figure 11 shows a dense collection of labeled fibers within RE and the dorsally adjacent RH at this level. Comparable to midline labeling, LD was densely labeled and CL, PC and MD (or lateral parts of MD) were moderately labeled. Relatively few SERT? fibers were present throughout the vast expanse of thalamus, mainly comprised of the ventral/ ventrolateral thalamus, i.e., within the posterior nucleus (PO), VAL, VB and VM. The habenula was lightly labeled (MH [ LH). Plate 10 (Fig. 12) Whereas rostrally in the thalamus labeling was described as forming a ‘Y’-shaped configuration (plate 5, Fig. 5a), it largely resembled a ‘T’-shaped pattern at this level. In effect, this consisted of a vertical column of midline labeling in MH, PVp, IMD, CM, RE, and lateral extensions from the midline across the dorsal surface of the brain within CL, the lateral posterior nucleus (LP), LD and the 123 8 Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 Fig. 4 High magnification photomicrograph of a transverse section through the rostral diencephalon (from plate 3, Fig. 3a) showing the fine detail of SERT immunopositive fibers in midline and adjacent nuclei at the level of the anterior thalamus. Note dense fiber labeling in the paraventricular (PV) and reuniens (RE) nuclei of the midline thalamus and the anteromedial (AM) and interanteromedial nuclei of the anterior thalamus. See list for abbreviations. Scale bar 300 lm dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNd). Of these sites, labeling was densest in PVp, RE, LD and LGNd. Additionally, moderate numbers of SERT? fibers were present in MD, PC, VM and SMT, but few were visible in most remaining regions of the thalamus including PO, VAL, VB and RT. Plate 11 (Fig. 13) As discussed, associated with the progressive switch from midline/intralaminar and association nuclei to principal nuclei (anterior to posterior thalamus), there was a corresponding gradual reduction in numbers of SERT? fibers. This is further exemplified at this level. Whereas the LGN complex (LGNd, LGNv), PVp and RE were densely labeled, relatively few SERT? fibers were present throughout most of the thalamus in MH, IMD, CL, LP, MD, CM (moderately labeled) as well in PO, VB, VM and RT (lightly labeled). PO labeling was slightly stronger at this level than rostrally—a trend that continued caudally in the thalamus. 123 Plate 12 (Fig. 14) Although labeling was still present along the midline within PVp, IMD and CM, it was less pronounced at this level than rostrally. The parafascicular nucleus (PF) lateral to IMD was relatively densely labeled which set it off from surrounding nuclei which were less heavily labeled. With the exception of the LGN complex (LGNd and LGNv) which was strongly labeled, SERT? fibers spread moderately (and homogeneously) throughout the dorsal thalamus to MH, LH, caudal CL, and LP. By contrast with the dorsal thalamus, the ventral thalamus (mainly composed of PO and VB) contained few SERT? fibers—more in PO than in VB. Plate 13 (Fig. 15) At the caudal pole of the thalamus (or juncture between the diencephalon and midbrain), thalamic nuclei are mainly located laterally/dorsolaterally, lateral to the emerging pretectal area. Within the dorsolateral thalamus, LGNd, Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 9 Fig. 5 Photomicrographs of rostrocaudally aligned transverse sections through the diencephalon showing the pattern of distribution of SERT immunopositive fibers at two levels of the mid thalamus, plate 5 (a) and plate 6 (b). See list for abbreviations. Scale bar a, b 400 lm LGNv and the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) were densely labeled, PO, LP and PF were moderately labeled and VB was lightly labeled. Figure 16 shows a dense collection of SERT? fibers throughout the LGN complex and particularly strong within IGL and the lateral division of the ventral LGN. Plate 14 (Fig. 17) The caudal extent of the thalamus consists of visual and auditory structures. Of these, labeling was pronounced in the LGNd, LGNv and IGL, moderate in LP and light in the medial geniculate nucleus (MGN). 123 10 Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 Fig. 6 High magnification photomicrograph of a transverse section through the diencephalon (from the right side of plate 5, Fig. 5a) showing the fine detail of SERT immunopositive fibers in the intralaminar and laterodorsal nuclei of the thalamus. Note the relatively dense fiber labeling in the paracentral (PC), central lateral (CL) and laterodorsal (LD) nuclei and comparatively lighter labeling in the mediodorsal (MD) and ventral anterior lateral (VAL) nuclei of thalamus. See list for abbreviations. Scale bar 300 lm Functional/anatomical groups of the thalamus are not considered part of the midline nuclei, per se, include the intermediodorsal (IMD), interanteromedial (IAM), and central medial (CM) nuclei. Whereas the entire dorsoventral extent of the midline thalamus (including IMD, IAM and CM) was densely labeled, labeling was heaviest within PV, RH and RE. In marked contrast to other midline groups, PT was lightly labeled. Although 5-HT fibers generally distributed homogeneously throughout the midline nuclei, there was some variation. Specifically, labeling was heavier in rostral than caudal regions of PT, PV and RE, and somewhat denser in medial than lateral aspects of PV and RE, particularly within the central core compared to the lateral wings of RE. Anterior nuclei The anterior nuclei consist of the anterodorsal (AD), anteroventral (AV), anteromedial (AM), interanterodorsal (IAD) and interanteromedial (IAM) nuclei. On the whole, the anterior group contained dense concentrations of 5-HT fibers. AV was the most heavily labeled nucleus of the anterior group and one of the most densely labeled sites of the thalamus. Labeling was almost as prominent in AM, IAD and IAM. By contrast, AD was lightly labeled. For the most part, 5-HT fibers were homogeneously distributed throughout the anterior thalamic nuclei. Mediodorsal (MD) and intermediodorsal (IMD) nuclei Midline nuclei The midline nuclei consist of the paraventricular (PV), paratenial (PT), rhomboid (RH) and reuniens (RE) nuclei. Other nuclei lying along the midline of the thalamus which 123 IMD lies on the midline and as a ‘midline-localized’ group contained a dense concentration of 5-HT fibers—considerably more than the laterally adjacent MD. On the whole, MD contained moderate numbers of 5-HT fibers; fewer Fig. 7 Photomicrograph of a transverse section through the diencephalon showing the pattern of distribution of SERT immunopositive fibers at the mid thalamus, plate 7. See list for abbreviations. Scale bar 400 lm Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 11 123 12 than in bordering nuclei, medially (PV, IMD), laterally (CL, PC), and perhaps dorsally (LH). There was a distinct dorsolateral to ventromedial gradient in density of labeling within the caudal two-thirds of MD resulting in denser labeling in MDl and MDc than in MDm. Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 homogenously distributed rostrocaudally throughout CL, but were more densely concentrated in lateral (adjacent to LD) than in medial aspects of CL. In an analogous but reverse manner, labeling was slightly denser medially in PC (on the border with CM) than laterally in PC. PF was moderately to heavily labeled—equivalent in density to that to CL. Intralaminar nuclei Reticular nucleus The intralaminar (IL) nuclei consist of the central lateral (CL), paracentral (PC) and central medial (CM) nuclei, rostrally, and the parafascicular nucleus (PF), caudally. On the whole, 5-HT fibers were quite densely distributed throughout the rostral intralaminar (IL) complex. As discussed with respect to IMD, and perhaps owing to its position on the midline, CM was the most heavily labeled nucleus of the rostral IL, followed in order by CL and PC. Labeled fibers were Fig. 8 High magnification photomicrograph of a transverse section through the diencephalon (from the right side of plate 7, Fig. 7) showing the fine detail of SERT immunopositive fibers in mediodorsal nucleus (MD) and surrounding regions of the thalamus. Note the 123 Somewhat surprisingly, with the exception of the rostral pole of RT which was moderately labeled, RT contained relatively few 5-HT fibers. In fact, labeling throughout approximately the caudal two-thirds of RT was roughly equivalent to that of the dorsally adjacent ventrobasal complex which was among the most sparsely labeled sites of the thalamus. slightly denser labeling in the central (MDc) than the medial (MDm) or lateral (MDl) divisions of MD. See list for abbreviations. Scale bar 300 lm Fig. 9 Photomicrograph of a transverse section through the diencephalon showing the pattern of distribution of SERT immunopositive fibers at the mid thalamus, plate 8. See list for abbreviations. Scale bar 400 lm Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 13 123 Fig. 10 Photomicrograph of a transverse section through the diencephalon showing the pattern of distribution of SERT immunopositive fibers at the level of the mid thalamus, plate 9. See list for abbreviations. Scale bar 400 lm 14 123 Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 15 Fig. 11 High magnification photomicrograph of a transverse section through the diencephalon (from plate 9, Fig. 10) showing the fine detail of SERT immunopositive fibers in the reuniens (RE) and rhomboid (RH) nuclei of the midline thalamus. Note the dense fiber labeling in the RE and RH compared to lighter labeling in the laterally adjacent submedial nucleus (SMT) of the thalamus. See list for abbreviations. Scale bar 300 lm Medial and lateral habenula (epithalamus) Submedial nucleus (or nucleus gelatinosus) The medial habenula was moderately and homogeneously labeled. A rather narrow dorsomedial region of the lateral habenula (LH), bordering MD, was moderately labeled while remaining aspects of LH were lightly labeled. On the whole, SMT contained moderate numbers of 5-HT fibers. There was, however, a distinct rostral–caudal gradient in SMT labeling: the rostral two-thirds of SMT was moderately labeled and the caudal one-third was lightly labeled. SMT labeling was considerably less pronounced than that of medially adjacent midline nuclei. Lateral dorsal and lateral posterior nuclei LD was one of the most heavily labeled nuclei of the thalamus. The entire rostrocaudal extent of LD was densely and quite homogeneously labeled. There was, however, a slight dorsal to ventral gradient in intensity of LD labeling, favoring the dorsal two-thirds of LD. Considerably, fewer 5-HT fibers were present in LP than in LD; LP was nonetheless moderately labeled. Ventral nuclei (VAL, VB, VM) and the posterior nucleus (PO) VAL is composed of the ventral anterior and ventral lateral nuclei and VB consists of the ventral posteromedial (VPM) and ventral posterolateral (VPL) nuclei. VB, VAL, PO, and VM are major principal nuclei of the 123 Fig. 12 Photomicrograph of a transverse section through the diencephalon showing the pattern of distribution of SERT immunopositive fibers at the caudal thalamus, plate 10. See list for abbreviations. Scale bar 400 lm 16 123 Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 Fig. 13 Photomicrograph of a transverse section through the diencephalon showing the pattern of distribution of SERT immunopositive fibers at the caudal thalamus, plate 11. See list for abbreviations. Scale bar 400 lm Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 17 123 Fig. 14 Photomicrograph of a transverse section through the diencephalon showing the pattern of distribution of SERT immunopositive fibers at the caudal thalamus, plate 12. See list for abbreviations. Scale bar 400 lm 18 123 Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 Fig. 15 Photomicrograph of a transverse section through the diencephalon showing the pattern of distribution of SERT immunopositive fibers at the caudal thalamus, plate 13. See list for abbreviations. Scale bar 400 lm Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 19 123 20 Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 Fig. 16 High magnification photomicrograph of a transverse section through the caudal diencephalon (from just rostral to the left side of plate 13, Fig. 15) showing the fine detail of SERT immunopositive fibers in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) complex. Note the strong fiber labeling in all three divisions of the LGN complex, the dorsal (LGNd) and ventral (LGNv) nuclei and the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) and particularly dense labeling in the lateral part of LGNv (LGNvl) and IGL. See list for abbreviations. Scale bar 250 lm thalamus. With the possible exception of parts of VM which were moderately labeled, the ventral thalamus and PO were lightly labeled. 5-HT fibers were heterogeneously distributed throughout VM, with a marked variation in density found rostrocaudally in VM. The rostral half of VM was moderately labeled; the caudal half was sparsely labeled. Additionally, labeling was heavier medially than laterally in VM. Overall, VAL was lightly labeled, with a stronger concentration of 5-HT fibers rostrally than caudally as well as dorsally than ventrally in VAL. VB was one of the most sparsely innervated sites of the thalamus, and unlike other regions of the ventral thalamus, showed little diversity (heterogeneity) in strength of labeling across the expanse of the nucleus. PO labeling was also generally light but more pronounced than that of VB. 123 Medial and lateral geniculate nuclei The LGN complex was among the most densely labeled sites of the thalamus. Significant numbers of 5-HT fibers were present in all nuclei of the LGN complex: the dorsal and ventral LGN and the intergeniculate leaflet. Labeling was, however, denser in IGL and the lateral division of LGNv than in LGNd. By contrast with the LGN complex, MGN was lightly and homogeneously labeled. Discussion The present report describes the pattern of distribution of serotonergic fibers to the thalamus in the rat using antisera for SERT. As demonstrated, there is significant variation in Fig. 17 Photomicrograph of a transverse section through the diencephalon showing the pattern of distribution of SERT immunopositive fibers at the caudal thalamus, plate 14. See list for abbreviations. Scale bar 400 lm Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 21 123 22 the density of 5-HT-labeled fibers across nuclei of the thalamus. On the whole, the thalamus could be partitioned into regions of high and low density 5-HT innervation corresponding on the one hand to midline/intralaminar and association nuclei, and on the other, to principal nuclei of the thalamus. Serotonergic fibers distribute: (1) densely to the anteroventral, anteromedial and interanteromedial nuclei of the anterior thalamus, the paraventricular, rhomboid and reuniens nuclei of the midline thalamus, the central medial and central lateral nuclei of the intralaminar thalamus, the intermediodorsal nucleus, the lateral dorsal nucleus, and the dorsal and ventral lateral geniculate nuclei and intergeniculate leaflet of the LGN complex; (2) moderately to the paratenial, mediodorsal, paracentral, parafascicular, lateral posterior and submedial nuclei; and (3) lightly to remaining regions of the thalamus, largely consisting of principal nuclei of the thalamus. The latter sites include the posterior nucleus, the ventral anterior lateral complex, the ventral medial nucleus, the ventral basal complex, the reticular nucleus, and the medial geniculate nucleus. This pattern of 5-HT innervation suggests that serotonin/serotonergic fibers primarily affect anterior, midline and intralaminar nuclei of thalamus—and consequently their limbic forebrain targets. Comparisons with previous examinations of 5-HT innervation of the thalamus Two previous reports, one in the rat (Cropper et al. 1984) and the other in the monkey (Lavoie and Parent 1991), described patterns of distribution of 5-HT fibers to the thalamus. As discussed, these studies used immunostaining procedures for serotonin which are reportedly less sensitive than those for SERT for the identification of 5-HT fibers (Nielsen et al. 2006). Cropper et al. (1984) described a similar pattern of 5-HT innervation of the thalamus as demonstrated here—with some notable exceptions. Consistent with present findings, they described relatively dense concentrations of 5-HT fibers in the anteroventral nucleus, the midline thalamus (PV, RH and RE), the lateral dorsal nucleus and the ventral part of LGN, but few in somatomotor (VAL and VB) and auditory (MGN) regions of the thalamus. Unlike our results, however, they indicated that labeling was light in several nuclei presently shown to be heavily labeled including MD, AM, CM, SMT (nucleus gelatinosus) and LGNd. For instance, they reported that MD and AM contained few immunoreactive fibers which contrast with our demonstration of pronounced labeling in these cell groups. Finally, several sites were omitted from their description of labeling such as IAM, IMD, the intergeniculate leaflet, and the medial habenula—all of which were moderately to 123 Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 densely labeled in the present study. These differences could, in part, involve the superior sensitivity of immunoprocedures for SERT compared to those for serotonin in the detection of 5-HT fibers (see ‘‘Introduction’’ and Nielsen et al. 2006). The pattern of distribution of 5-HT fibers to the thalamus in the monkey (Lavoie and Parent 1991) was in some respects very similar, but in others, quite different than presently shown for the rat. Specifically, in accord with us, Lavoie and Parent (1991) demonstrated that 5-HT fibers in monkeys strongly targeted the midline and intralaminar nuclei of thalamus. They stated: ‘‘The densest 5-HT innervation of the thalamus was observed in nuclei located directly on the midline’’ (Lavoie and Parent 1991). By comparison with the rat, midline nuclei of the squirrel monkey consist of three main groups: the paraventricular, central and reuniens nuclei. The central nucleus is located between PV and RE, and depending on rostrocaudal levels, this region would be comparable to IAM, IMD, or the rhomboid nucleus in the rat. The central medial nucleus (CM) in monkeys lies ventral to the central nucleus. All cell groups lying along the midline (PV, central, CM and RE) contained dense concentrations of 5-HT fibers in the monkey. Like here, Lavoie and Parent (1991) drew particular attention to marked differences in overall density of labeling between ‘non-specific’ and ‘relay’ nuclei of thalamus, noting that the ‘‘non-specific nuclei received the heaviest innervation’’ and ‘‘by comparison the more specific relay nuclei and associated nuclei were less densely labeled’’. By contrast with present findings, however, Lavoie and Parent (1991) reported that the reticular nucleus was one of the most densely labeled sites of the thalamus (with labeling comparable to that of midline and intralaminar nuclei) and that AV, LD, LGNd, and the habenular complex were weakly labeled. The medial and lateral habenula were described as the most poorly innervated sites of the thalamus. This contrasts with our demonstration that RT (or the caudal RT) was lightly labeled and AV, LD, MH and LGNd were heavily labeled. These discrepancies likely involve species differences. In a report primarily devoted to an examination of ascending MR and DR projections, Morin and MeyerBernstein (1999) also described patterns 5-HT innervation of the forebrain (including the thalamus) in hamsters. Consistent with present results, Morin and Meyer-Bernstein (1999) described a sharp decreasing gradient of labeling in the transition from non-principal to principal nuclei of the thalamus—or in their terms, a dense serotonergic ring of labeling surrounding ‘‘a sparsely innervated core consisting of the posterior and ventral nuclear complexes and the reticular nucleus’’. More specifically, Morin Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 and Meyer-Bernstein (1999) reported that labeling was prominent along the midline within PV, IMD, CM, RH, and RE, in MH, in parts of the intralaminar thalamus (CM and PF), and in the LGN complex. By contrast with them, we observed considerably denser labeling in the anterior nuclei, LD, LP and RH, but lighter labeling in PT. The foregoing indicates, then, that 5-HT fibers of various species (hamster, rat and monkey) strongly target midline/intralaminar and association nuclei of the thalamus, and excluding the LGN complex, distribute lightly to principal nuclei of the thalamus. Some species differences exist with respect to the innervation of the visual-associated lateral nuclei (LD and LP), the habenula and RT, but for the rat we found that LD was densely labeled, LP, MH and LH moderately labeled and RT lightly labeled. Correspondence between 5-HT innervation of the thalamus and DR/MR projections to the thalamus Generally consistent with present findings, previous examinations of DR and MR projections (Vertes 1991; Jacobs and Azmitia 1992; Morin and Meyer-Bernstein 1999; Vertes et al. 1999; Vertes and Linley 2007, 2008) demonstrated that DR/MR fibers: (1) predominantly target non-principal nuclei of the thalamus; (2) generally avoid the central core of the thalamus including VAL, PO, VB and VM; and (3) distribute lightly to RT. Despite this correspondence, several regions of the thalamus presently shown to contain relatively dense concentrations 5-HT fibers do not appear to receive significant projections from DR or MR. These primarily include the anterior nuclei, LP, LD, and parts of the LGN complex. It seems possible that the anterograde tracers of earlier reports were not optimally placed within subregions of DR/ MR giving rise to 5-HT projections to these thalamic sites. In this regard, DR projections to LGN and LP appear to almost entirely arise from the lateral wings of DR (Villar et al. 1988; Waterhouse et al. 1993), those to IGL from rostral aspects of DR (Meyer-Bernstein and Morin 1996) and those to the anterior thalamus (AD and AV) from ventromedial and ventrolateral regions of the rostral DR (Gonzalo-Ruiz et al. 1995). It could also be the case that the serotonergic innervation of thalamus may, at least in part, originate from 5-HT neurons lying outside of DR/MR within rostral raphe nuclei such as the supralemniscal nucleus (Vertes and Crane 1997) or caudal raphe nuclei (Peschanski and Besson 1984; Krout et al. 2002). Finally, for some thalamic groups such as CL and PF, DR/MR projections appear to exceed the 5-HT innervation. This suggests non-serotonergic DR/MR projections to these sites. 23 Serotonergic innervation of nuclei lying along the midline of the thalamus (PV, PT, IMD, IAM, CM, RH, RE) As described, the midline nuclei of the thalamus (PV, PT, RH, RE), as well as other groups lying along the midline but not classified as midline nuclei (IMD, IAM, CM), contained dense concentrations of 5-HT fibers. Of these nuclei, PV, CM and RE were the most heavily labeled; by comparison PT was lightly labeled. Unlike principal nuclei of the thalamus that target specific sensory/motor regions of the cortex, the midline nuclei distribute almost exclusively to limbic subcortical and cortical sites (Berendse and Groenewegen 1990, 1991; Su and Bentivoglio 1990; Wouterlood et al. 1990; Bentivoglio et al. 1991; Groenewegen and Berendse 1994; Van der Werf et al. 2002; Vertes 2006; Vertes et al. 2006; Li and Kirouac 2008; Vertes and Hoover 2008). Accordingly, the midline nuclei occupy a pivotal position within limbic forebrain circuitry; i.e., they receive a diverse array of afferent projections (Krout et al. 2002; Van der Werf et al. 2002; McKenna and Vertes 2004; Kirouac et al. 2005, 2006) and distribute to restricted sets of (limbic) forebrain structures which appear largely unique for each midline nucleus (for review, Vertes 2006). Among its functions, the midline thalamus is thought to exert an activating or arousing effect on the limbic forebrain (Van der Werf et al. 2002; Vertes 2006). Regarding the possible functional role of serotonergic afferents to the midline thalamus, 5-HT fibers may represent a source of excitatory drive to the midline thalamus in arousal/attention or alternatively may gate (enhance or impede) the flow of information through the midline thalamus to other parts of the limbic forebrain (Vertes 2006). With respect to activating influence on the forebrain, the dorsal raphe nucleus (and possibly MR) reportedly forms part of a widespread ‘waking system’ of the brain that also includes other monoaminergic nuclei, cholinergic cells of the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum, and orexinergic neurons of the lateral hypothalamus (Saper et al. 2005a, b; Datta and MacLean 2007). A primary, but not sole, forebrain target for DR effects on arousal/wakefulness appears to be the paraventricular nucleus of the midline thalamus. PV is reciprocally connected with the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) (Moga et al. 1995; Novak et al. 2000a; Peng and Bentivoglio 2004; Li and Kirouac 2008; Vertes and Hoover 2008) and distributes strongly to the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (Vertes and Hoover 2008)—a critical hub in sleep–wake control (Saper et al. 2005a, b). PV cells show elevated levels of c-fos expression during wakefulness (Peng et al. 1995; Novak et al. 2000b). 123 24 Anterior nuclei of the thalamus: anterodorsal, anteroventral, anteromedial and interanteromedial nuclei Serotonergic fibers were densely concentrated in the anterior nuclei of the thalamus. The anteroventral nucleus of thalamus was most heavily labeled, followed by AM and IAM and then AD. Comparatively, AD was lightly labeled. It is well documented that lesions of the anterior thalamus in rats produce deficits in spatial learning, or specifically in tasks utilizing allocentric cues—or allocentric spatial learning (Aggleton et al. 1996; Byatt and DalrympleAlford 1996; Warburton et al. 1997; van Groen et al. 2002a). By contrast, lesions of structures bordering the anterior thalamus including the mediodorsal or intralaminar nuclei fail to produce spatial deficits (Mitchell and Dalrymple-Alford 2005). The involvement of the anterior nuclei in spatial behavior has been attributed to its close connections with the hippocampus (Amaral and Witter 1995; Aggleton and Brown 1999). Aggleton and colleagues have, in fact, proposed that the anterior thalamus forms part of an extended network subserving hippocampal-dependent memory, notably episodic memory in humans (Aggleton and Brown 1999, 2006). Supporting this, alterations of the anterior thalamus in humans produce the same severe deficits in episodic memory (diencephalic amnesia) as found with hippocampal damage (von Cramon et al. 1985; GraffRadford et al. 1990; Van der Werf et al. 2000, 2003a, b). Two parallel but separate sub-circuits have been identified within interconnected nuclei that were originally described as forming Papez’s circuit (Papez 1937): a head direction (HD) circuit and a theta rhythm circuit (Vann and Aggleton 2004; Vertes et al. 2001, 2004; Vann 2009). Within the anterior thalamus, HD cells are present in AD, and ‘theta cells’ mainly in AV (Taube 1998, Vann and Aggleton 2004; Vertes et al. 2004). It has been suggested that theta bursting AV neurons may promote the transfer of head direction information from AD to the retrosplenial cortex thereby supporting spatial navigation/learning (Vertes et al. 2004). As described, AV contains a dense concentration of 5-HT fibers—among the heaviest in the thalamus. Serotonergic input to AV could amplify the effects of theta on HD circuitry. In this regard, theta rhythmically firing neurons have been identified in DR and MR, and may excite/drive ‘theta cells’ of AV (Kocsis and Vertes 1992, 1996; Kocsis et al. 2006; Vertes 2010). The rostral intralaminar nuclei (CL, PC and CM), and the intermediodorsal (IMD) and mediodorsal (MD) nuclei As a group, the rostral intralaminar nuclei contain dense concentrations of 5-HT fibers, but fewer than present in the 123 Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 midline nuclei or AV. The central medial nucleus was heavily labeled; PC and CL were moderately labeled. There was a mediolateral gradient in density of labeling in the intralaminar complex (CM [ PC/CL) as well as in IMD and MD (IMD [ MD). MD contained moderate numbers of 5-HT fibers. Consistent with dense labeling of midline nuclei, the midline ‘located’ CM and IMD contained strong concentrations of 5-HT fibers—denser than the laterally situated cell groups of these complexes. This could involve the fact that these medial nuclei (CM and IMD) mainly target limbic forebrain structures, whereas the lateral cell groups (PC/CL and central/lateral MD) primarily distribute to motor regions of the forebrain (Van der Werf et al. 2002; Groenewegen and Witter 2004; Vertes et al. 2006). The intralaminar (IL) and MD complexes differ from the anterior thalamus by their virtual lack of connections with the hippocampus and parahippocampal structures (Berendse and Groenewegen 1991; Van der Werf et al. 2002; Groenewegen and Witter 2004). As such, the IL thalamus (as well as MD/IMD) do not appear to participate in hippocampal-dependent functions, but rather are involved in prefrontal cortical-associated behaviors. Specifically, IL or MD lesions produce little or no alteration on tasks involving spatial memory (Hunt and Aggleton 1998a; Bailey and Mair 2005; Mitchell and Dalrymple-Alford 2005; Wolff et al. 2008), but severely disrupt performance on ‘prefrontally associated’ tasks, or those requiring shifts in strategy or behavioral flexibility (Beracochea et al. 1989; McAlonan et al. 1993; Hunt and Aggleton 1998b; Lacroix et al. 2002; Floresco et al. 2008; Ghods-Sharifi et al. 2008; Dolleman-van der Weel et al. 2009). The pronounced 5-HT input to IL and MD/IMD could serve to coordinate the activity of medial affective (CM and IMD) and lateral motor (PC, CL and lateral MD) components of these systems, thereby providing emotional drive for complex motor acts. Lateral dorsal nucleus (LD) and the lateral geniculate complex Serotonergic fibers were densely concentrated in the lateral dorsal nucleus and in the LGN complex: the dorsal and ventral lateral geniculate nuclei and the intergeniculate leaflet. Labeling was heaviest in IGL and LGNlv of the LGN complex. 5-HT fibers were more heavily distributed within the rostral than in the caudal LD. Rostral LD borders the anterior nuclei and has been anatomically and functionally linked with the anterior group (Groenewegen and Witter 2004; Jones 2007). Like the anterior nuclei, rostral LD is strongly reciprocally connected with the retrosplenial cortex and subiculum (of hippocampus) (van Groen and Wyss Brain Struct Funct (2010) 215:1–28 1992; Groenewegen and Witter 2004; Shibata and Naito 2007), contains head direction cells (Mizumori and Williams 1993), and participates in spatial learning/memory (Mizumori et al. 1994; Wilton et al. 2001; van Groen et al. 2002b). Unlike the anterior nuclei, however, LD receives fairly substantial input from subcortical visual structures (Thompson and Robertson 1987; Kolmac et al. 2000). The convergence of limbic and visual information in the lateral dorsal nucleus has led to the suggestion that LD participates in visually guided spatial navigation/learning (Mizumori et al. 1994; van Groen et al. 2002b; Bezdudnaya and Keller 2008). The prominent serotonergic input to LD, particularly to the rostral LD, may sharpen visuospatial processing during conditions requiring focused attention. The LGN complex in the rat consists of LGNd, LGNv and IGL. LGNd is the main relay nucleus of the LGN complex, conveying visual information from the retina to the visual cortex (Price 1995; Groenewegen and Witter 2004). By comparison, the LGNv and IGL receive retinal inputs (as well as afferents from several other nuclei of the visual system) and do not project to visual cortices, but rather to various visual and ‘non-visual’ structures of the forebrain and brainstem (Kolmac and Mitrofanis 2000; Moore et al. 2000; Vrang et al. 2003; Horowitz et al. 2004). Among its sites of distribution, the LGNv projects significantly to midline (PV, RH and RE) and lateral nuclei (LP and LD) of the thalamus (Kolmac et al. 2000; Moore et al. 2000). The visual information reaching these structures would appear to participate in visually guided spatial behavior (LP/LD) or visually elicited shifts in attention (PV/RH/RE). The LGNv consists of a lateral, magnocellular part and a medial parvicellular division. Based in part on differential sets of inputs and outputs (Kolmac and Mitrofanis 2000; Kolmac et al. 2000), the lateral and medial LGNv have been characterized, respectively, as visual (lateral) and nonvisual (medial) divisions of the LGNv complex (Kolmac et al. 2000). As described, we showed that 5-HT fibers were much more densely concentrated in the lateral than in the medial LGNv, suggesting a greater serotonergic influence on LGNv-mediated visual than non-visual functions. LGNd and LGNv receive afferent projections from the dorsal raphe nucleus (Villar et al. 1988; Kolmac and Mitrofanis 2000; Horowitz et al. 2004). The serotonergic input to LGNd may modulate the transfer of signals from the retina to the visual cortex, whereas that to LGNv (and hence to its targets in the midline and lateral thalamus) may amplify the effect of visual information on spatial and attentional processing. The IGL receives afferents from photosensitive melanopsin containing neurons of the retina and in turn projects to the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus (Moore et al. 1995, 2000; Vrang et al. 25 2003; Horowitz et al. 2004). This indirect route from the retina to SCN via IGL appears to fine-tune the effects of light on circadian rhythmicity (Moore et al. 2000). For instance, Morin and Pace (2002) demonstrated that neurotoxic lesions of IGL in hamsters significantly attenuated (by 50%) the lengthened circadian period produced by constant light. IGL receives significant 5-HT (and non-5-HT) projections from the dorsal raphe nucleus (Meyer-Bernstein and Morin 1996; Horowitz et al. 2004), and DR stimulation has been shown to produce circadian phase shifts, mediated by the IGL (Glass et al. 2000). Glass et al. (2000) proposed that based on its (DR) ‘‘functional linkages to the SCN and intergeniculate leaflet, the DR could serve to provide behavior/arousal state information to various sites comprising the brain circadian system’’. Summary and conclusions In summary, serotonergic fibers were found to be densely concentrated in the midline/intralaminar and association nuclei of the thalamus, and with the exception of the LGN complex, sparsely distributed within principal nuclei and the reticular nucleus of the thalamus. Specifically, substantial numbers of 5-HT fibers were present in the midline nuclei (PV, RH, RE), the anterior nuclei (AV, AM, IAM), the intralaminar nuclei (CM, PC, CL), mediodorsal nucleus, lateral nuclei (LD, LP) and the medial and lateral habenula. With a few exceptions, these structures might be appropriately classified as the ‘limbic thalamus’; i.e., a constellation of thalamic nuclei that predominantly target limbic forebrain structures that subserve affective/cognitive functions. Accordingly, through actions on the ‘limbic thalamus’, serotonin/serotonergic axons may exert a significant modulatory influence on emotional and cognitive aspects of behavior, complementing 5-HT effects on other forebrain structures involved in these functions (Cassel and Jeltsch 1995; Cools et al. 2008). This is consistent with the role of serotonin in a host of ‘limbic’ functions as well as its well recognized involvement in affective disorders (Jacobs and Azmitia 1992; Cools et al. 2008; Lowry et al. 2008b). 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