Comparison of Manure and/or Fertilizer Recommendations Based on Phosphorus Loss Category as Determined by the Phosphorus Site Index (PSI) and University of Maryland - Phosphorus Management Tool (UM-PMT) Farm & field ID PSI category Manure Application Recommended (tons or gallons per acre) Commercial Fertilizer Recommended (pounds phosphate or P2O5 per acre UM-PMT category Manure Application Recommended (tons or gallons per acre Commercial Fertilizer Recommended (pounds phosphate or P2O5 per acre The relative UM-PMT scores (low, medium or high) for the fields on your operation may be quite different than the PSI scores (low, medium, high and very high) for the same fields. This is due to a change in the formula used to calculate potential for phosphorus loss. The PSI formula averages the risk of the 3 phosphorus loss pathways (runoff, erosion or particulate and subsurface drainage). This practice masks a dominant loss pathway if/when the other 2 loss pathways pose little risk. The UM-PMT formula calculates the risk of phosphorus loss from each of the 3 pathways separately and then adds the risk factors together. The UM-PMT formula is believed to more accurately reflect actual P loss risk from a field.