I. Call to order

Call to order
Mr Baker called to order the regular meeting of the SDMC at 3:30 p.m. on January 13, 2016 at Helms
Elementary Library. II. Roll call
The following persons were present: Mr. John Baker, Ms. María Gabaldón, Ms. Carmen Sanchez, Mrs.
Sofia Rangel, Mr. Jose Tamez, Mrs. Sylvia Cummings, Ms. Lynn Hollingsworth, Ms. Nalley Perez, Mr.
Salvador Del Hierro, Mrs. Chyna Lao-Harris, Ms. Joyce Worthington, Ms. Susan Sessions, Mrs. Gloria
Buonora, Mrs. Cynthia Clark, Mrs. Andrea Smith, Ms. Lola Perejón, Mrs. Maria Guerra, Ms. Jenifer
Gonzalez, Mr. Calvin Easterday, and Ms. Amy Reyes.
Summary of the Meeting
International Baccalaureate (IB) Update: Mr. Baker shared with the committee that during the last
Faculty Meeting we spent time talking about the IB. Based on where we are now as a school that taking
a year to train people before actually beginning the candidacy would be advisable if we proceed to
candidacy. This way, teachers can be trained and ready to start the work.
Mr. Baker asked for thoughts and Ms. Susan Sessions shared that when Harvard became IB it was a
three year process, taking time is key. Mr. Baker shared that he is sending Ms. Marcelo to the training
because she can use it for her Culture class. Ms. Hollingsworth and Ms. Cummings shared with the
committee that they are already trained.
Field Day: Mr. Baker asked Mr. Calvin Easterday, PE teacher to share his new idea for this years. In the
past Field Day has been games outside, but we are running out of space. He would like to do a Fun Run
around the school with small prizes. Once the students are done we can have, a bounce-house,
icecream, and different stations, etc… for the students to go. For PK the format will be different. We will
need a lot more volunteers that in the past, people on street corners, and “first-aid”. We can even get
donations from businesses in the neighborhood. We will do all the students in one day.
Pk will not run, but they can do the stations. 5th graders can help with the stations. Mr. Baker asked for
thought from the members of the committee. Mr. Tamez said it would be a fun experience for the
students. Mrs. Clark asked if the crossing guards can help and Mr. Baker said we can paid them to come
and help. Mr. Baker asked Mr. Easterday how many volunteers we may need. Mr. Easterday said that a
lot but we can do a schedule and they can sign for different slots. Ms. Hollingsworth shared that we can
check with companies that may need volunteer hours.
Mr. Baker shared that if we are going to be using the street we will need a communication sent out to
the neighbors, so they are aware. Mr. Easterday said that it would not be that much time it would be 3
times and no more than 20 minutes. We will also need to check with the HISD Police department. Mrs.
Worthington shared that once we have the date and the times, she can send the information to the
Heights Association and see if we get more volunteers.
The committee agreed on a date Friday, May 6th. We will have a student contest to design a T-shirt.
Ms. Gabaldón, Ms. George-Rios and Ms. Clark will be the committee to select a new design. These shirts
will be sold during the month of April “Helms Fun-Run”.
Spring Behavior Incentives: Mr. Baker asked the committee for ideas about spring behavior incentives.
We may want to have a Friday afternoon with free/fun time. We will need to come up with a criteria to
participate. Mr. Tamez suggested doing a dance. Ms. Hollingsworth suggested bring electronics to
school. Mr. Baker shared that if we do that expectations had to be established. Mrs. Clark said that
electronics should not come to school.
Mr. Baker shared with the committee that each grade level will have to come with the criteria with
options for outdoor and indoor activities.
Safety: Mr. Baker shared with the committee that the threat against the district that was published was
similar to the ones in other cities. It was not credible. That day, extra cops were out, and nothing
happened. Due to our entrance, it is not easy to gain access to the school. Ms. Clark asked how that
affected our attendance Mr. Baker shared our attendance is on the 97% range and that day was
about85%, or a week’s worth of absences in a day.
No questions or comments. Next meeting will be on February 10.
Mr Baker adjourned the meeting at 4:33 pm.